Jay is the Alpha

By ozzalone65

Published on Nov 20, 2023


This is a fictional story about Jay or Jordan or whatever is hame is based of what social media site you are in. Hot, muscled tattooed God with long hair and a mule dick. His info suggested he is straight, but talks suggest he is open to more. This is a new (longer) story about this God. And as we have not met (yet), it is pure fiction. Hopes for that to change one day

Enjoy.. *****. *****. *****. *****. *****

Jay is the Alpha (Ruined for other Men (3)

... It took but a few days for me to get a reply from Jordan to the comments I had sent him on his page. Wishing to be the next lucky guy to receive his huge gift. And his reply made me have to jerk off. Pulling my dick to yet another orgasm in his name.

"Thanks for the message man" he said "I would love to feed you my big dick buddy" "And to replace those useless dildos" "I can make you feel great. So we should hang out man"

I was still yanking on my dick as I read his message, getting close to that oncoming orgasm.

"Always love a new fresh hole" he added Then he added a "Not too far"

And I knew what he meant by this. We were not far from one another distance wise. A couple hours drive and I could be there with the gorgeous stud. On my knees in worship of his mammoth cock, trying to swallow up his Goliath schlong.

"So true" I said back

Then I whacked off my dick to him again. Grabbing my dildo once more and fucking myself with it. I know I needed to have Jay. Or him have me, whatever the scenario. Either way it was something that I saw happening in my future now. Not just some crazy fantasy of him, but the real McCoy of cock and body. His message back suggested that if I wanted, he could come up and see me. His schedule was opened, and he sure could use a nice fresh hole to plow up.

"My dick would feel great in yer ass" he said "I know it would"

And the gauntlet had been thrown down. He was up for it, for the fuck of my life. Now I just had to say the okay. Declare my intent to let this stud if studs take my ass with his dick, to allow this God to have me. Or would I be too scared of him in real person and just say no. And then I wondered how many times that this stud might have come across guys wanting him until he declared his intentions to fuck them. Then they would cower and retreat to the safety of their rooms. I meant, I get it. He is a specimen of maleness unlike any other. And for some a fantasy of having him would be more than enough. I know I loved my fantasy. But to bend to him and actually go through with an ass slaughter by such a weapon. that was another thing. I took had much pause on the actuality of it. But at the moment lust was my driving force. And I would probably regret it. Heck I might still change my mind the day of. But at that moment. I wanted it. Every inch of his huge dick. So I agreed to the hook up.

"Great" he sent back "What about 3 weeks for this weekend?" "Gives me time to get trip ready and I would come up" "Sound good?"

Again I agreed. Looking at his body and dick again as I said yes. Knowing that I was in for a slaughter. But even that git me hard and horny again. Leading to another self fuck with my dildo in his name. Another blow out in his name. And then I surmised the event in itself. Imagining I had but 3 weeks to live. For once he got me he would fuck me to death with his huge ass shredder. It brought me excitement and fear. And I many times until then kindred about changing my mind. Backing down for this end event. But finding myself at the last second switching back to yes" as my desire continued to rule me out. And those three week flew by. Before I knew it I was getting a text from him on his upcoming arrival. I had given this stud my personal phone number to my cell. I had spoke to him twice before arrival. And once was the morning he was leaving. Saying he was getting in the road. His sexy voice wooing me as I was starting to again think of cancelling, considering telling him not to come. Then he sent me a text when he was here. Just outside the city limits.

"Will be there in 20 minutes" it said

Again fear and horniness mixing about in my skull he was here. I could not back out now. That would be just too shitty. Shortly after I sent back a 'great" he was knocking on my door. I took a deep breath and then I went to the door. Opening it to the gorgeous man standing outside my threshold. Tall, long hair. Awesome body in tight fitting clothes.

"Hi" I said to him nervously "Hello" he said back

I let him in and we stepped into my living room. He did look stunning. More so than images suggested. His shirt was tight on his awesome body. Muscles filling it up to overflow. The tattoos on him showing up his strong arms. The jeans hugged his muscular thighs and pulled closely to his big full crotch.

"Ohh my fucking God!" My head screamed at me...

****. *****. *****. *****. *****

To be continued

Next: Chapter 8: Ruined for Other Men 4

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