Jay is the Alpha

By ozzalone65

Published on Sep 18, 2021


This is a fictional story about this hot tattooed and very hung stud I met online just recently. The guy id muscular and has a what looks like a mule cock from his images and videos. And although some videos suggest he is straight. Talks suggest he is open to more.

As we have not hooked up in any way, this is only fiction. Praying for more.


Jay is the Alpha

... I have only had a handful of conversations with Jay. Just a few chats with the hot supposedly straight guy through his social media and 'other' pages. Only a few 'hey what's ups', or 'cool images' and such comments with him and already I was hornier than a jack rabbit in heat for the guy. Only a few views of some incredible body and bulge images he had on the public sites. That and a few cock images and just one cock strip video to know that this hung dude was most certainly what his site names suggested. That Jay was an all mans Alpha dog. Just one stroke video where he talked about what he would do to a pussy or ass with his huge dick. So few items before i was wanting to be this studs Bitch to fuck. And a royal fuck I did eventually get. After much talk and stalk of the hit hung man, over many many months of conversation the guys decided that he would give my gay ass what I wanted. His huge ass ripping cock. I would be the luckily recipient of his many gay ass rapes. It was something i hadn't expected him to finally give in in. He would keep saying to me that he was 'not gay' but he appreciated all the comments I had sent him over the months. That he would only do it ('if he did it') once. And to not expect anything else from him.

"Well okay' I said back. "What ever you willing to give me stud" "That body and suck should be worshiped." "By everyone"

So when I finally got the chance to get why I wanted. I wasted little time in reaching for it and having it. And I was to arrange it all. He would do nothing, except the sexing and wrecking of my ass. I was to get him down here to me and do everything he said to do.

And I did.

"Let me.know when you want to come down stud" I sent him in message. "And I will get everything booked" "Great" was all he said

He gave me dates he would be available, and I booked them. I booked a car and hotel for him as he would not stay with me. Again only here to fuck. I know, its kinda shitty of him to make all the demands and not let me do something I wanted (other than get him). But the fact was I didn't care. I wanted Jay, and that was all it was bout. My lust filled desire for this super stud. Well dates set up and his hotel and car set up and I was to wait here for his call for when he would show up. And after all this that I did and his arrival date arrived I wondered whether he would still love up his part of the bargain. To come Fuck my brains out. That was what this was all about after all. Me getting this hung dude and his dick. Getting the biggest dick I would ever have in my life. 0ver nine massive inches of stud cock. This hot tattooed guy and his dick of death.

"I hope he doesn't screw me" I said "This was not cheap"

Well the day of his arrival came. The clock on the wall ticked away as minutes and hours passed with me there waiting for this guys arrival at my door. So of course there was my assumption that he was indeed screwing me. He had told me bot to call or text him as that would kill the deal. So I feared that whatever I did I was screwed.

"Fuck" I huffed "Played" "Ass..."

My words were stopped when I got a call in my phone. It was about 6:30 when it rang. I answered and it was him. It was Jay.

"I am on my way fucker" he growled. "Now I want you naked and ready for fucking when I get there"

Jay continued to say that he was not here for conversation or getting to know one another as it was all Crap. He was here to fuck and fuck alone. And he was gonna do it and then leave. I huffed after the call. But it was the deal. I pay for his trip and he just comes and fucks me. A shitty deal at that, but I could not help it as he was so fucking hot and hung. And I was ruled by my lust. So I submitted to the studs will. Doing what ever he demanded. Just so i may get to worship that dick.

Yes sir" I found myself saying.

I was like a subservient pig. And he my new master. And was only there for his pleasure. Yup that was how I felt. Then he showed up. Not long after his call Jay showed up at my door. Several k of us and I was rushing to the door. I was named as he requested. And the hunk smiled at me edge saw me standing there as nude as a baby.

"That's a good boy" he said. "Now let's get to this."...

More to cum

Next: Chapter 2

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