Jay and Me

By Jeff Sanborn

Published on Jul 23, 2020


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I slept well that night. Jay and I had hiked a couple of mountain trails during the day, plus one the day before, and combined with having not slept well the previous night, I was tired. I woke up shortly after sunrise as it got too bright to sleep and the birds and chipmunks were a little too loud to ignore. Jay woke up a couple minutes later. Both of us were still naked from our evening activity, so we just pulled on some clothes and went outside where we could talk.

We were seated at the picnic table across from each other, just like we had been the night before while playing cards."Do you love me" Jay asked.

I took a moment to compose my thoughts, then said"I have a friend that I met online through his blog while he was in high school. He ran cross country and track and is gay, so we have a few things in common and we eventually met in person a few years ago after he graduated from college. One of his blog posts was titled `I Love My Team', which I've heard many of our own team members say over the years - you probably have, too. He went on to say that he wasn't romantically in love with his teammates, and that there are different kinds of love. The love we feel for our teammates is different than the love for our best friends, which is different than the love for our family, and even our boyfriends or girlfriends. So yes, I love you, but I don't know if I'm supposed to love you as a friend or if I'm supposed to love you as a boyfriend. Is what happened the last couple nights just a friend with benefits situation or is there a future for us? I don't even know yet if you're gay or bi"

Jay was silent for a few seconds, not making eye contact and looking down at the table. This was a very personal conversation and despite us having given each other a hand job two nights before and having had sex just a few hours ago, it's always tough to have this convo for somebody still partially or entirely in the closet. "I'm gay" he whispered. "Does anybody else know"

I could still sense his hesitancy, but I could also sense him gaining a little confidence now that he'd gotten the hard part out of the way. "No, you're it. I've never told anybody and never even touched another guy until I touched you" "So where does that leave us? Do you want a loving relationship or was this you experimenting knowing I'd probably be receptive, or a friend with benefits thing? Before you answer that, I need you to understand that there's no wrong answer. I'm going to love you no matter what, but I need to know if I should continue to love you as a friend or as a possible partner" "I want a relationship, but I'm scared of what everybody else will think of me" "Jay, you're just nervous. And I get that, being nervous about coming out is normal. You may remember I told you a long time ago that we all have our own coming out story and that we need to tell it in our own way. If you want help with that, you've got it, all you have to do is ask, but I don't think you have anything to worry about. Think back to that 6th grade post on your Facebook profile in which you shared a pic of Cookie Monster in black and white and another of him with the lgbt rainbow as a background. You didn't learn to be a lgbt ally at that age without already being taught that by your parents – they'll be ok with you being gay. I know all your local friends because they were on the team with you and they couldn't care less about me being gay, and they won't care about you. All they'll want to know is that you're the same Jay they've known since elementary school. The only tough one is probably going to be telling your girlfriend" "Actually, I broke up with her a couple weeks ago"

Ok, that was news to me. And a surprise. They'd been together for just over two years and I was already thinking that I wasn't envying him that conversation. I'd been on dates with a couple guys that had actually been married with kids before coming out and divorcing. That has to be a really tough convo to have with the wife and I don't envy any gay man that convo but have to give them kudos for choosing to be true to themselves. I guess Jay had avoided that conversation by already breaking up with her.

By this time, Jay had a few tears streaming down his cheeks. I think it was a combo of happy tears, relief to finally come out, and understanding that his family and friends would be ok with all of that. I stood up and walked around the table to give him a deserving hug.

Jay had to return to college a week later and between him being busy with classes and projects, and me with coaching cross country, we had only seen each other a few times during the fall season. I had driven to Boston a couple times and Jay had come for a visit at mid-semester when he had a three day weekend. As predicted, things had gone well with his family and they were fully supportive of him being gay. His friends at college were great too. Jay still hadn't told his friends at home, though we had concocted a plan for that.

We have a team vs. alumni ultimate frisbie game every Thanksgiving weekend and it's my favorite day of the year. There are usually 30-40 guys that show up, and there's usually an even split of team and alumni. Jay and I decided to put together a pasta dinner with just his former teammates at my place the evening of the game. I was close to that class when they were in high school and continued to have friendships with them now that they were in college, so I'd hosted them a couple times already and it wasn't uncommon to have them over. Jay took care of inviting everybody – something he'd done before for a previous dinner – and there were ten that showed up. The first group of guys to show up just assumed that Jay had gotten there first.

After we had eaten, everybody was hanging out chatting and catching up with each other. My living and dining rooms are one big room, so we were still all within sight of each other despite some guys still sitting at the table and others sitting on the couch or recliner. This was when Jay and I had decided to make our announcement.

Raising my voice a little, I said"Hey guys. Thanks for coming to the game this afternoon and to the dinner tonight. As you know, this is my favorite weekend of the year and I appreciate you guys showing up and continuing to be part of our cross country family. I didn't invite you over tonight just to hang out and catch up with each other. There is another reason and that's because Jay has something he wants to announce"

Jay took a big breath, then jumped right into his script."I'm not going to beat around the bush and am going to just keep it short. We've known each other a long time, and I'm thankful for all the great memories we have together. I wanted to tell you guys that I'm gay. It's something I wrestled with for a few years, but it wasn't until I got to know Coach and had a couple conversations with him that I began to come to terms with it. Coach and I went on a camping trip together in August and that's when I finally came to terms with who I am and was able to start coming out. We also discovered that there's a mutual attraction with each other, so Coach and I are now a couple"

We couldn't have asked for a better response. There was a stunned silence for a couple seconds, then everybody started talking at once. I heard"that's awesom" and"that's coo" and even"I didn't see that coming" After they got over their shock, they were all smiling, wishing us congratulations, shaking hands with us and giving us hugs - it was awesome. After everybody had settled back down, somebody even gave us a toast...it was bottled water and Gatorade instead of wine or champagne, but it was still a toast!

After everybody had left, I asked Jay how he was feeling.

"Relieved. You were right, they were great. In the back of my head I think I knew they would be ok but I was still so stressed about the `what if' that my shoulders and back are still tense. But otherwise, I'm good"

I had a fun fix for that...

I told Jay to get naked. He had a quizzical look on his face as I pulled the sofa cushions onto the floor and laid my yoga mat on top. I told him to lie down on his stomach with his chin just over the edge of the cushions so he wouldn't have to strain his neck while turning his head. "What are you doing" "Just relax" I replied."I'm giving you a massage" I didn't tell him that it was going to have a happy ending.

I started with his left foot and gradually moved up the leg. We're both runners and like most male runners, we didn't spend enough time stretching, so his calf muscles and his hamstrings were tight, so I spent some extra time on them before moving to his right foot and leg. When I was done, I moved on to his gluteal muscles before moving to his back. It was fun playing with his ass haha. He was right, I could feel some knots in his upper back, especially in his traps, so I spent some extra time there also.

When I was done with his back I told him to roll over and to move down a bit, with his head on the sofa cushion. I used the same pattern, starting with his left foot. This time, I added some partner stretches, lifting his leg up onto my shoulder and pulling the toe down a bit so I could stretch his hamstring and calf. I completed the stretches and resumed the massage on his quads. As I moved up his thigh I could see his dick getting a little hard and this is when the fun started.

As my hands got closer to Jay's dick I could see him getting a semi, so I gently grasped him and began to stroke him to full hardness. It didn't take long for him to get completely hard and there were a couple drops of precum leaking from the tip. I was stroking for a few minutes when I sensed his balls begin to pull up. And I stopped. I wanted to edge him while I was massaging him, so pinched his dick and moved it to the 3 o'clock position. Jay quickly called me a tease.

When Jay began to get a little flaccid I let go and did more partner stretches, this time for the IT band. By the time I was done with his left IT stretches he was completely flaccid, so I moved on to his right foot and repeated the same stretches on that side. The same thing happened as I moved up his thigh...he got a semi. And again, I palmed his cock and jerked him almost to completion. I stopped when I saw his balls begin to pull up, pinching him between my thumb and forefinger, but this time I pulled his rigid cock past the 3 o'clock position and stopped at 6 o'clock.

This time Jay said"Dude, you're killing me"

I went back to our partner stretches, getting the right IT band before resuming the massage.

This time, I straddled his legs. I was naked also, so our cocks were touching as I leaned forward to massage Jay's torso. I gently kneaded his abs, then moved up to his chest and each arm. I had learned a couple months back that his nipples were sensitive, so I teased him further by rubbing first his left nipple between my fingers, switching to his right nipple, then rubbing both simultaneously. I could feel his cock harden underneath my own as I did this, our precum mixing together making it easy to slide together as I leaned forward to reach his nips.

I leaned back a bit so I could have easy access to his dick. Jay was already hard and leaking big time, so all I did was gently trace his cock from base to tip with my fingertip, repeating it just a couple times before his balls started pulling up again. By this time, Jay was needing release. "Oh my god, you gotta let me cum...I can't take this any longer" But I still wasn't ready for that.

I again clamped his dick with my thumb and forefinger, and again went through the clock positions, moving his pendulum from 3 o'clock and holding it for a few seconds, then to 6 o'clock and holding for a few more seconds, then to 9 o'clock. This time I hold it for a little while longer before feeling his cock relax a bit.

The only thing left to massage was Jay's head. I didn't want Jay's cock getting completely soft and I'm not sure it could anyway, so I again leaned forward so that our cocks were rubbing against each other. This time our chests were almost touching, too. I took a little time to massage the stress points on the head, spending just a few seconds on his jaw and then on the corners of his forehead.

I leaned back and this time I grabbed both our cocks together in a frot position and started jerking us off together. It didn't take long for Jay to cum. His whole body went completely rigid just before cum exploded from him. The first shot reached his face, the second reached his chest. I lost count as the others pooled on his stomach. I was right behind him, leaving my own cum on his stomach.

After we'd calmed down for a few moments I leaned forward, putting my full weight on him. I could feel our cum getting our stomachs and chests all messy. We both needed a shower, but neither of us cared, and we made out for several minutes before getting up. When we did, Jay didn't even say anything, he just grabbed my cock and led me to the shower.

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