Jason's Story


Published on Sep 7, 1994



To: scottb@ouvaxa.cats.ohiou.edu

Jason's Story: First Time by Jason Arcade

This story takes place in late 1986 in the upper Midwest, in a city known for a liberal reputation but in fact much like the rest of the United States.

I was 22 at the time, a college senior living in the dorms (they were cheaper than apartments and had the major benefits such as no parents...). I had been using my computer for telecommunications for a year or so, but had never called the "dirty" boards in town. During this time I had a serious girlfriend for the first time; as the semester progressed we moved down the path of sexual discovery together. It would culminate in mid-1987 with her first inter- course (and what she thought was mine). Unknown to her, though, and something I never dared tell her, nor the woman who I dated six years later, was that I had technically lost my 'virginity' that past winter....

...with another man.

I had wrestled with the possibility that I was gay for several years, even before my first encounter with a man in a local adult bookshop. I used a glory hole without the faintest idea of what it was, ending up in a stall with him sucking and stroking me to come in his mouth. I left the encounter with an odd feeling that while it wasn't necessarily "right", it had struck a chord deep within me.

Well, finally, in 1986 I placed a call to the only adult bbs in town. I rapidly discovered that it had a Gay section, and although it was mostly a sense of adventure that drove me to it, I requested and gained access. Reading the messages, I noticed a man who basically was advertising for a lover. He owned his own home in a small town west of the city, and said that he "liked to have overnight guests." I responded to him, at first just to see what he'd say, but we eventually struck up a conversation and after a week or so, he flat-out asked me to spend the night with him. Sex was never discussed, although when I asked if I should bring anything, his answer was simply "a toothbrush."

I still don't know what gave me the courage to actually set a day with him; as of this writing it's been more than 4 years since I've been with a man - actually, he was my only male lover - and I still can't bring myself to go to a gay bar or answer the ads in the one local paper that accepts Men Seeking Men ads, although I read them every issue and occasionally call the number they have for people who want to place a voice ad too. All I know is that I love to be fucked, and want to be fucked again. I just donUt know where to look for someone to do the honors...

Anyway, we agreed on a date, without knowing even the other's real name. We arranged for him to pick me up on a street about two blocks away from the dorms. I knew what kind of car to look for; he knew what jacket I would wear.

Dusk was setting in as I waited on the corner. I was afraid; of what I might find out about myself, what if he was a mugger, what if he'd be attracted to me or not, AIDS, etc etc. AIDS was just entering the local consciousness at that point and I was very aware of the risks. (We had assured each other that we were HIV nega- tive, therefore the subject of condoms never directly came up. Retrospectively it was probably a dumb thing to do, but that's water under the bridge today.)

A small compact car fitting his description appeared right on time. It pulled over to the curb; I got a fleeting impression of a man in a cowboy hat behind the wheel. I opened the door and we exchanged our bbs names and I got in. He pulled out and proceeded with the business of driving to his house. There wasn't very much small talk for the first 15 minutes or so, as we got out of the city. Once we were in the country, we talked a little bit about what we were doing. He mentioned he had never done something like this before; although I realize now that it wasn't the truth I think he did it to put me at ease. I was stiff as a board for a while...

I said the obvious, that I'd never arranged a date without meeting the person first. He responded by saying nothing until we were alone on the road, and then reached over and touched my knee. It felt like an electric shock! His hand massaged its way upward, until it was at my crotch. He put his hand over my basket and rubbed it slightly. "Don't worry, we'll have a good time. Just relax and enjoy the drive."

When we got to his town (about 25 minutes outside the city) I found out that although he lived the "gay lifestyle", he was in the closet. He activated his garage door opener and drove inside, asking me to sit kind of low and stay in the car until the door was down. He had already disconnected the light on the opener, so the garage was dark. Once the door had closed, he got out and turned on a different light. I got out and we went inside.

We were in his home, a kind of loft-style house. The first floor held a big living room/dining room, the kitchen, a bathroom and a hot tub (!). There was a stairway to a bed-loft above the kitchen, which also had a second room with walls and a door and a bathroom between the room and loft/alcove. He took our coats and showed me around, then suggested we go upstairs and get undressed. He held out his arm, indicating I should go first.

As we turned the first landing on the stairway, I felt his hand on my ass, pressing firmly against it. I paused on the stairway as he rubbed me. Again the electric feeling shot through my body. He murmured for me to keep going, and up we went. He directed me into the room on the left (the only room with four walls in the house except for the bathrooms) and when I stopped just inside the door, he turned me around and kissed me on the lips. I hesitated just briefly and allowed my mouth to open. Immediately his did too, and his tongue briefly explored my mouth before he pulled away.

Without saying a word, he unbuttoned and removed my shirt. I did the same to him. He put the clothes on the bed and then unzipped my jeans, pulling them down. He sank to his knees and took off my shoes, then pulled my jeans down the rest of the way. I was so zoned at this point that I was actually surprised when he pulled off my underwear and put my cock in his mouth. I just stood there as he sucked on me and played with my balls. When I was completely hard, which didn't take long, he stood up again and took off the rest of mine and his clothes.

Then he suggested we go down to the hot tub. The hot tub was one of the main reasons I had gotten myself into this in the first place; I was intruiged by the thought of lying in a tub of hot bubbling water. That I would be doing it naked with another guy hadn't really entered into my thoughts. I don't know why he had one; but when I think about the entire layout of the house (he even had a satellite dish) it was basically a sex palace.

Anyway, we went downstairs and got in. It was rather cool at first, so he snuggled up to me and held me in his arms. We French kissed again, but kissing wasn't really a turn-on for him, so it didn't last long. Mostly we just talked, things like how it felt to be there, and his asking if I was "aggressive" or "affectionate" when having sex (I didn't realize it at the time, but he was using that to find out if I was a top or bottom man) and explored each others bodies. At a loss as to a good answer, I told him I was affectionate since that seemed a 'nicer' thing to say. He said he was usually affectionate but sometimes liked to be aggressive. I had never seen someone else's cock up close in the light, and I was fascinated by it. Although he didn't own a monster cock like I'd seen in the porn magazines, it was a good 8 1/2 inches long when hard. He was also uncut, and at one point in a later meeting showed me how to play hide-and-seek with the head.

After a while of this, out of the blue he said "I think it's time I felt my cock in your mouth. Don't you?" I said yes, and with some trepidation, prepared to give my very first blowjob. I slid down him in the water, and looked up close at my first cock. His cock was just lying there, pretty soft. I took it in my hands and rubbed it a bit until it perked up slightly, and then just bent my head down and took it into my mouth. I sucked up and down like I'd seen in the porn-booth movies, and touched his balls with one hand. Apparently I did something right, because he sighed and rolled his head back. His cock started to get hard in my mouth. I started licking up and down the sides, and sort of licked at his balls a bit, and then worked up and down the shaft again. I tired to "deep-throat" him, but it wouldn't slide down my throat like the books said it would. His hands took hold of my head as I sucked, until he pulled me away suddenly. I thought I'd done something wrong, but he just said that he had had to stop me or he would have come. He said he wanted to save it for later.

A couple of minutes after that, he asked if I was ready to go to bed. I said sure (at this point I was still pretty zoned and would probably have agreed to just about anything...) and we got out of the hot tub and toweled ourselves off. He produced two bathrobes and handed one to me. I felt kind of self-conscious when I discov- ered it had no belt and no way to fasten it, but he laughed and said it was just so he could look at me.

We went upstairs again, and he once again held my ass as we went up the stairs. This time we passed the door on the left and went along the balcony, which looked out over the living room. On the left it opened up to the front of the house, and there in the alcove stood the usual furniture and a king-sized waterbed with the sheet turned down. He told me to get into bed and I did, leaving the bathrobe on a chair. I slid into the bed and lay there while he slowly walked around the far side. He opened a drawer in the nightstand and pulled a tube of something out. It took a close look (he handed it to me) for me to realize it was a tube of KY jelly. It didn't really sink in that he was in effect asking me if I wanted to have anal sex with him, but I just took the tube, looked at it and lay there feeling kind of dumb as he watched me read the label. He told me to put it on the nightstand right by me, which I did. He then took off his own robe and got into bed next to me.

He rolled over next to me, on his side, and pulled me over to him. We kissed again, probably only for a couple of minutes, and then he rolled over on top of me. I opened my legs so it would be more comfortable (at this point I'll fill in the missing details; I am 6'0" 165#, at that time more like 180#, he was probably 6'3", 220#) and put my arms around him. He continued to kiss me, getting more forceful as we went and as I demonstrated (by inaction) that I was going to be the submissive partner in this story.

All through this I was dimly aware of our cocks rubbing together. I know I was hard, and he was partly hard. Our level of passion increased as he got more forceful. He slid down my body and started to gently bite my nipples. At first it hurt and I flinched, he stopped and explained that he did it because having it done to him was a real turn-on. (I got the message and did it to him regularly the other times we met..) He did it again, more gently, and I got a rush out of it. He tongued his way further down and sucked on me again. His technique was never that great; he tended to work rapidly up and down on the tip and ignored the rest. (To this day I dream of the perfect blowjob...) He finally stopped that and moved up again. He kissed me on the mouth and for the first time, I tasted my own cum. I'd tried to many times before, but always lost my nerve once I had my own jism in my hand. The taste wasn't all that strong, mostly just warm. We kissed briefly and then he asked me if I wanted to fuck him first. I just sort of lay there and looked at him and nodded, once again zoning out.

He told me to get him ready; when I hesitated he rolled off me and got the KY tube. He handed it to me and told me to grease my fingers, which I did, and use it on him. I put one finger up against his asshole (he was lying on his back with his legs wide) and rubbed against it. I slowly put my finger in him and pulled it out again and then rubbed some jelly on my cock. He watched this process with a mild smile on his face and then rolled over. He got on his hands and knees and told me to simply get up against him and do it.

I knelt behind him and fumbled with my right hand to put my cock in his ass. I missed on the first two tries; I was almost shaking with nervousness. I couldn't believe I was there and what I was doing! I rubbed my cock up his ass a couple of times until I was relaxed enough to try again. This time, I led my cock in with a fingertip pointing the way. I felt his asshole pucker around the tip of my cock and pushed a little bit; he sucked in a breath and told me to go slow. I s-l-o-w-l-y pushed my cock in, until it was about halfway inside him. He told me to hold on for a moment until he could get used to me; and then said to go the rest of the way.

I slid my cock into his ass as far as it would go, and enjoyed the soft, warm, tight feeling all around my cock. I'd never put my cock in anyone before and I wanted to savor the moment, but right about then he breathlessly told me to fuck him. I pulled back a little bit, afraid I'd fall out, then pushed back in. He squirmed just a little bit and said louder, "Fuck Me!" I started a halting rhythm and began to fuck my first ass. It felt so good to have his ass wrapped around my cock I got a little out of control and slipped out. He moaned slightly and told me to hurry up; I put my cock against his asshole and this time it went right in. We fucked this way for about ten minutes, when he asked if I'd come yet. I said no, and he said something about wanting me to come in his ass. I fucked him harder, and in a very short time felt my load getting ready to blow. I yelled out that I was going to come, and grabbed his body and pulled it into mine. We locked together, cock to ass, and I shot what felt like the load of a lifetime into his ass. When I was out of cum, I pulled out of him. He moved forward and rolled around to face me; I fell on top of him and we lay there sweating for a few minutes. Then he kissed me and said that it was great; my cock was just the right size for him, things like that. Then he got out of bed and went into the bathroom. He tossed out a towel and told me to wipe myself, which I did while he went back into the bathroom and sat on the john. At one point he asked if I'd shot a quart of cum into him...

Anyway, he soon came back out and got into bed. He kissed me again, and got on top of me. We lay there, with my legs spread and him in between them, kissing passionately for awhile. Then he moved up a bit, moved me down and slid higher on me until his cock was in my face. He put it against my lips, and when I opened my mouth, he drove his cock into my face. I lay there, letting him fuck my mouth for a few minutes. I didn't enjoy that very much, he was driving pretty hard into my mouth, but after all, here was a guy who'd just let me fuck his ass! I wasn't going to complain there and then....then he pulled back and lay down on me again.

He pulled up a bit and spread my legs wider with his hands. He told me to roll up my legs just a bit more, which I did. That maneuver ended with my feet essentially being across his shoulders. He moved up on me again, using one hand to grab the KY tube. I flinched just a little bit when I felt something poking at my ass, but it passed quickly and I relaxed. The finger withdrew, and then he was close to me and I felt his cock probing around my asshole.

He finally found the right spot and pushed in. I felt a sharp sensation, not really a pain, and then bang! he was inside my ass. He didn't take as long to enter me as I'd taken to enter him, but it didn't matter since it didn't hurt at all. Instead, I had this great feeling of a cock inside my ass, and damn if I wasn't enjoy- ing myself more than I had at any other time that night. He started to fuck me, but after only a minute or so the sensation dulled and then he pulled out. I looked down and saw a shrinking cock; he lay across me and said that for some reason, he had just "shut down". He said he just didn't feel comfortable fucking me. (I don't know why he did that or said that, since later on we became hot lovers, with me getting fucked a lot).

But anyway, he kissed me, asked if I wanted to stay the night (by now it was like 10:00 p.m.) and I said maybe not. I was confused, since I felt guilty for enjoying being fucked, even for such a short time. I didn't understand why I enjoyed it so much, since I knew that I still wanted to fuck my girlfriend someday when she was ready. So he said okay, and we got out of bed.

We went into the other room and started to put our clothes on; getting only partway when he got on his knees again and gave me a decent blowjob. I wanted to give him one, but he said that if I did, I'd never get home. I grinned and told him to take a raincheck. He said he sure would, and we went downstairs, got in the car and he drove me back home.

We didn't talk much in the car on the way back to town, but he felt me up a few times and said he wanted to see me again.

I told him I wanted to see him too, and our next date, when I finally got fucked for real, will be Chapter 2.



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Jason's Story Part Two: I Get Fucked

by Jason Arcade

When last we talked, I had just returned home to the dorms follow- ing my very first date gay/bi date. I felt good about what had happened; I had discovered a part of myself I hadn't known existed. To give a good blowjob is a wonderful thing; receiving one is equally delicious. I enjoyed fucking him, and for the short time it happened, I loved being fucked. I guess it was something I just needed. Even though I still was seeing my girlfriend, and we were then planning on getting married, I now knew I wanted and would always need a man's cock once in a while.

Well, the two of us made a date for the following weekend via the adult bbs. Once again he came by and picked me up to drive out to his house. This time the trip was a bit different...

We headed out of the city in his car; this time it wasn't so late and there was enough light to see each other. We chatted about this and that, like his cabin in the northern part of the state (he thought it would be fun to go up there with a couple of girls and have a sex weekend) until we got to a discount store near the edge of the city. He pulled into the lot and asked me to wait for a few minutes, which I did. When he returned, he was carrying a small bag. "This is for you," he said. I opened the bag and pulled out a brand new tube of KY. My cock started to get hard as I realized that tonight there would indeed be sex with him.

We headed out of the city, and once we were in the country he reached across the seat and put his hand over my crotch and rubbed it for a while, feeling my hard cock throb under his hand. He commented that I seemed to be ready. My answer was to reach over to him and do the same. Sure enough, there was a hard cock under the seatbelt. I asked him if he wanted me to give him a blowjob in the car, but he shook his head and said it was too easy for other drivers to see. We drove on for a while feeling each other's stiffening cocks until we reached his home, when I once again sort of sat low while we drove into the garage. He waited until the door was down to get out, and then we headed inside.

He took my coat and hung it up with his. He pointed over at his computer and asked if I'd like to see it; it was a new Macintosh and I'd never seen one before (Remember, this was 1986. I was using an Apple //c at the time). We sat down in front of it and he took it through its paces, including a brief tour of a gay ques- tion-and-answer area on a bbs somewhere. I was sitting on his lap and he was letting his free hand wander over my body and I was starting to squirm a bit with anticipation. He brought up some text he'd saved from the gay question-and-answer section talking about fucking; I read it while he got up and massaged my shoulders and neck. While I was reading, he asked me if I'd ever been fucked with a vibrator. I said no and he asked if I'd be interested. I said sure, and he replied that he had one somewhere in the house.

When I was done reading, he gently squeezed my shoulders and suggested that we go upstairs; it seemed like a good idea so I headed for the stairs. He was just a step behind, having stopped to turn on the hot tub. I waited for him on the corner landing, and then like the first time I was there, when he caught up to me on the stairs he put his hand under my ass and rubbed it while we walked up the stairway. There was this incredible warm, electric feeling when he did that. It made me want him more than ever.

We got upstairs and he directed me into the first room with a gentle push on my ass. I went inside and turned around; he put his arms around me and we opened our mouths and kissed. After tasting each other's tongue, he pulled off my shirt and kissed my nipples. I unbuttoned his shirt and pants, and got down on my knees. I took off his shoes and pulled his pants off, and then slowly pulled his underwear over his semi-hard cock and rolled them down off of him. I intended to give him a blowjob like he'd done the first time I was there, but he stopped me before I could even get my lips close and said that he wanted to wait a bit. I stood up and he walked over to the closet, opened the door and got out two bathrobes. I pulled off the rest of my clothes and put on the one he handed to me; sure enough, it was the one that couldn't be closed.

He then asked me if I'd like to take a shower with him. I said sure (I said that a lot around him!) and we went into the bathroom that connected the bedroom with the alcove where he slept. He turned on the shower and we got in, after taking off the bathrobes.

He slipped me under the water stream and got some soap. He then proceeded to soap up my body from top to bottom, paying special attention to all the sensitive areas. He used lots of lather when he got to my cock, and thoroughly soaped up my ass. He was reach- ing around me to do that, and our cocks started rubbing together, which made me even hotter. We then slipped around and it was my turn; I softly rubbed the soap over him. I lathered up his cock and balls, and pressed the spot right behind the balls that's so sensitive. His cock sprang up, and he stepped backwards and got under the water stream.

"You can suck me now," he said. I dropped to my knees and took him into my mouth, he was already pretty hard and his cock filled my mouth. I used the same in-and-out technique I had before, rubbing his balls with one hand while the other held his leg for balance. I let him fall out of my mouth, and ran my lips up and down the side of his hard shaft. He gripped my head and moaned; when I took him back into my mouth he pressed me against him and began a rhythmic fucking of my mouth.

Then he pulled away, saying that he was about to come but he wanted to save it for a while. That sounded fine to me, so I stood up again and put my arms around him. We kissed under the water; that was one of the most erotic things I'd ever done. He rinsed the soap off of me and shut off the water. "Now that that's done, do you want to get in the hot tub or go straight to bed?" he asked. "Let's go to bed," I replied. He smiled and handed me a towel. We dried ourselves off and went into the alcove; as before the sheet on the waterbed was turned down, all ready for us. He suggested that I get in while he looked for the vibrator; I did so and waited for him. He soon came back with a box; he opened it and took out a white vibrator that was about ten or eleven inches long and really fat. He got a couple of batteries out of another drawer and put them in, and then he climbed into bed with me.

He rolled over partly on top of me and kissed me, I opened my mouth and let him explore it with his tongue. We kissed for a while (after the first date, he knew how deep french kissing really turns me on) and after a bit, he let his right hand wander down my body.

He reached my cock, and stroked it a bit. My legs opened up right away, and his hand dropped down under my balls. I felt his fingers probing around my asshole, and then one of them poked right at it. He threw back the covers so he could maneuver, and got on top of me. His legs were between mine, so our cocks rubbed together as he kissed me harder and harder. When I was kind of breathless, he reached over to the nightstand and got the fresh tube of KY. He greased up his fingers, and once again I lay there and concentrated on the sensations of his fingers; one, then two, then three, pushing into my asshole, opening it for him. When he'd finger- fucked me with three fingers, he curled up and moved down my body. He took my cock into his mouth and started to suck on it, at the same time he reached for the vibrator and brought it to my ass.

Somehow he got it turned on with one hand, and pushed it around under my balls so I could feel the vibrations. Then he put the tip up against my open asshole; I relaxed as much as I could (by this time he was almost deep-throating my cock) and he pushed the vibrator into my asshole. It was kind of tight at first, but then I was able to relax and he fucked me with the vibrator, in, out, in, out. I lay there, totally caught up in being sucked and fucked at the same time. The throbbing of the vibrator almost blotted out the blowjob I was getting. I was in heaven.

After a few minutes of this, he straightened up just a bit and pulled the vibrator out of my ass. I barely noticed as he mounted me, rolling my hips so that my legs were high and out of the way. Suddenly there was a man on top of me between my legs; I put my arms around him and felt him guide his cock up to my asshole. By that time, of course, I was wide open and he had no trouble putting his hard cock into my ass. I felt no pain as he entered me; he pushed all the way in so that his balls slapped my ass.

He moaned and said he couldn't believe how tight I was, and then he started to fuck me. His cock was hard as a steel bar. I swooned as he fucked me harder and harder, his cock reaming my ass in and out. I tried to concentrate on the wonderful feeling of his fucking me, but I was drifting with pleasure and could only feel this huge cock inside my ass.

He fucked me hard and soft, slow and fast. After about ten minutes or so, he said he was going to come. I kissed him (I don't know where, just whatever was in reach) and told him I wanted him to come in my ass. He picked up the pace of his fucking, and was just blowing me away with his long, powerful strokes. He buried his cock in my ass and fired a huge load of cum into me, after he'd come he relaxed and lay on top of me until his cock was soft again. Then he pulled out and rolled partway off me, leaning over to kiss me deeply on the mouth.

I asked if he had enjoyed fucking me (at our first date he'd lost his hard-on right after entering me) and he said it had been wonderful. He said that his cock had gotten real hard while he was sucking me and fucking me with the vibrator, and that he'd suddenly been filled with a need to fuck me himself. He said coming in my ass had been the best feeling of all, but he commented that he was amazed at how easily I'd taken his cock. I guess you're supposed to hurt a bit when you get fucked for the first time, especially when you're being fucked with a big cock (he was, oh, 8 1/2 inches long and really fat), but I think that it has a lot to do with how much you want to be fucked. I wanted to be fucked, so it was easy and didn't hurt at all.

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He kissed me again and asked if I wanted to fuck him. I said I did, but that I also wanted to be fucked again that night if he could. He grinned and said he'd try to accommodate me, but he'd need to rest for a while first. He suggested we go sit in the hot tub for a while, so we climbed out of bed.

He headed downstairs in his robe; I stayed behind for a minute because there was cum dripping out of my ass. (The next morning when I went home to the dorms, his cum was still leaking out of my well-fucked ass.) I went into the bathroom and cleaned up a bit and then joined him downstairs (in my open robe). He was sitting on the couch and invited me to go ahead and get in the tub; he was playing with the satellite controls and the TV set, trying to find a sex channel. He finally got one of the XXX channels (back then, there were two or three) and then joined me in the tub.

We snuggled up together in each others arms and relaxed in the bubbling hot water. Mostly we made small talk, but a couple of times over the next hour I gave him short blowjobs to see if he was ready to fuck me again. I guess I was already addicted to it; I wanted it again and soon! Both times he stopped me after a few minutes, saying I was going to make him come in my mouth and he wanted to wait. I guess I was pretty good at sucking him off! He always got real hard when I sucked him; he especially enjoyed it when I'd run my lips up and down the sides of the shaft, taking the upper part in my mouth when I reached the tip and taking as much as I could down my throat before slipping off and sliding back down the side of the shaft. After an hour or so, he said he'd had enough hot tub for awhile and climbed out, toweling himself off. He put on his robe and went over to the couch, telling me to take my time if I wanted. I lay there for about ten more minutes and then joined him. He was half lying, half sitting, (watching a porn movie with lots of fucking and no plot to speak of), and I sat down in front of him and leaned back against his chest. He reached inside my robe and stroked my cock until it was hard (didn't take long at all). He was nuzzling my neck while he gave me the hand job, and when I was breathing hard he sat up and got off the couch.

He led me upstairs and we climbed into the bed, which was no longer so neatly made up. (We fucked pretty wildly, even for two really horny guys) He moved down my body and took my cock into his mouth; giving me a blowjob so I'd be hard when we were ready to fuck. (Like I needed any urging! ) He got on his hands & knees (I guess he liked to be fucked in that position, or maybe he thought it would be easier for me since I have a bad back) and presented his waiting ass to be fucked. I found the KY under the rumpled sheets and used it and a couple of fingers to loosen him, then I moved up against him and fucked his ass with my cock. At first he grimaced a bit and said it hurt a little, but I was careful to enter him slowly and after he'd gotten used to my cock, I started to fuck him. We ground together for a while, and then I came in bucketfuls into his ass. I pulled out of him when I was soft again, and he went into the bathroom to drain my cum out of his ass. I waited for him in the bed, and he soon joined me for a repeat session. He rolled over onto me and started to kiss me, and when I was breathing hard he pulled me down on the bed and moved up himself. I looked down and saw his cock pointing at my face, I opened my mouth and he put himself into it. He fucked my mouth for a few minutes until he was rock hard again, and then paused long enough to ask me if I wanted him to come in my mouth or my ass. I said I wanted him to come in my ass, so he spread my legs wide and fell in between them.

Even though it had been awhile, my asshole was still greasy with his cum and he guided his cock to my asshole. I shivered with anticipation when I felt the first contact of his hard cock poking my asshole. I relaxed and opened my asshole with hardly any pushing on his part, and once again he slid his hard cock into my ass. (Maybe I've been lucky, or maybe I just want to be fucked so much I can't feel pain, but it had been almost two hours and he just slid right into my ass.) He fucked me soft, then hard, then deep, and worked his cock in and out of my ass while I moaned with pleasure. If you haven't been fucked, you should be; if you have been, you probably know what I'm talking about when I tell you how I was filled with the sensation of his cock fucking my ass. This time it only took him a few minutes to come, and he refilled my thirsty ass with his hot cum. This time we both knew he'd done all he could for that night, so he rolled off of me and we fell asleep in each other's arms.

THE END Part Three: The Shower Fucking, coming soon (no pun intended!)

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