Jasons First Workout

By Coach Lucas Miles

Published on Sep 12, 2013


COACH Luke Miles (olcoach44@ gmail.com) Copyrighted 2013: This story is protected under US copyright law. No part of it may be reproduced in any way without the express written consent of the author. The author grants www.nifty.org and its mirror sites permission to post the story on their websites.

DISCLAIMER: The following story is FICTIONAL. It contains descriptions of homosexual activities. If you are not over 18 years of age, or if you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you are, then please DO NOT READ IT! If you choose to read it, then - I hope you enjoy it!

I've tried to add a new dimension by switching the point of view from just Coach Luke to all three men. You guys let me know what you think. Thanks for reading -- and remember to support Nifty.org monetarily so we can all continue to get our rocks off reading hot stories!!!

Jason's First Workout -- Part 4 (The JASON Saga: Part IV -- Sons and Lovers)


In the four and a half months since Jason Perry came into my life and my home, my world had totally changed. I still was conducting a long-distance, interstate relationship with my partner Brock Goodman who was based in Atlanta. I was still trying to parent two almost-grown teenage sons on alternating weekends. And now, a 22 year old recent college graduate was living over my garage (or in my guest room until the garage was finished). For the staid and steady academic who did not like change unless predicted, I'd really outdone myself this time. The complications of my life were now taking a toll on me that even I could not have foreseen.

Jason had come into our lives like a whirlwind, and I often wondered how much of it was premeditated and how much had been happenstance. After our initial meetings and couplings, things had settled down a bit. While the sex had been great, and the occasional three-way was hot in more ways than I can describe, Brock and I had finally decided that we wanted to remain committed to one another. Jason was a human being, not a child -- but not yet fully a man, and if we cared about him, we had to tread carefully. So, one Sunday afternoon, right before his college graduation, we'd sat him down and discussed our ongoing sex life with him. I'd like to say it was a pleasant conversation, but at times, it was not. Though mature for his age, Jason responded at times as a petulant boy to whom we'd just closed the candy store.

"Listen sport, it's not like we're saying you're not awesome, what we're saying is, that Luke and I are committed to each other above all else," Brock had tried to reason with him.

"So, you're just kicking me out on my ass," Jason had demanded.

"Certainly not," I countered. You're always welcome here. You've spent more time here in the past month than you have at the cabin. I know it's more convenient for you to be here with closer access to campus. But we need some boundaries, Jay."

"Boundaries..." he stammered.

"You can't just pop into bed with us in the middle of the night, Bud, flashing that hard-on and asking to play," Brock countered. "You're not our pet."

"So what the fuck am I?" Jason retorted, clearly hurt.

I responded, "That's what we're trying to figure out, Bud. The last thing either of us want is for you to get hurt. We've all had sex. We've all enjoyed it. But the fact is, we're a lot older than you and we're still trying to figure out what our relationship is. On top of that, I've got two impressionable kids who are here every other weekend and I haven't figured out how to be a "gay" dad to them yet. We don't want you to get hurt."

"Fucking funny way you have of showing it," Jason mumbled.

"Listen sport, you're going to find a lot of guys your age who are so totally into you. You need to get out there and date, find someone your own age. Luke and I will always be here for you as long as you want us to be. We just don't think we should be your fuck-buds, or fuck-Dads, or whatever this has turned into any more," Brock said.

Jason got up and headed for the door. "Jay, we're not finished discussing this," I raised my voice though I didn't mean to.

"You're not my Dad," he shot back, "As you both just reminded me!" and he slammed our bedroom door and went down the hall to the guest room.

"That certainly went about as well as I expected," Brock laughed.

"Fuck," was all I could think to say.

"Sounds like a good idea," Brock countered, pulling me into a part embrace, part headlock, and pressing me back on the bed. His tongue began to explore my mouth and his hand stroked my thigh. I pulled away.

"I can't do this right now, B" I gasped. "I need to think."

"Sometimes you over-think things, Luke. Maybe we just need to let it play out now."

"Listen," I countered, "we have to have a plan. I had hoped to sit my boys down and have this talk soon. They've weathered the divorce and hopefully they can weather having a dad out of the closet. I can't expect them to understand my having a partner and a fuck/brother who's only five or six years older than them. Even I can't get my head around that."

"Okay," Brock countered. "You've been wanting to fix up the bonus room over the garage as a guest house. It's roughed in. We can hire Jason. You said he's been fixing up his family cabin on the mountain and living there while he's been in school. You can hire him for the summer. I'll be here to help every other weekend for the big jobs -- then, when the room's finished, he can live there as your tenant. Come and go, but that's respectable, right?"

"I guess so," I said. "But I don't have time to be a contractor right now."

"And you don't have the skill-set, Buddy, let's face it."

"Fuck you, Brock, I can use a skill saw."

"I know, but finish carpentry, plumbing, and electrical take a bit more than knowledge than that."

He had me and he knew it. "Okay, you win. But we're going to have to have a better conversation with Jason to explain this. He may not even want to do this," I offered.

"I know he's a bit pissed because we've cut off his dick allowance, but I have a feeling he won't be lonely for long," Brock smiled.

"That's what I'm afraid of," I winced.

It was an ongoing deliberation and I can't say it went all as planned, but what family is perfect? Jason graduated summa cum laude. Brock was there and even wore a tie for the occasion. Jason clearly envied the way I stared at B in his suit and Brock teased me about my regalia. We'd had a few conversations with Jason's Mom, but meeting her in person was far less frightening than I thought it might be. She was a self-assured woman, well-turned out, attractive in a business-suited type way, and overwhelmingly proud of her son. We were introduced as Jason's landlords and advisor. She was grateful that we'd given him a part-time job for the summer as she worried about his 15 mile commute to the cabin each evening. Brock treated us all to dinner, and if she wondered about how her just out-of-the closet son was now working for two gay men, she was too polite to ask in front of us. We parted, Brock and I to head home, and Jason and his Mom to spend the remainder of the weekend at the family cabin.

Once the Maymester began, Jason moved into my guest room permanently and began work on the bonus room. He also decided to take a second job bartending at one of the only two gay bars in town. I voiced my negative opinion on this over dinner one Saturday night, but Brock did not back me up, and Jason reminded me once again that he was a `grown up."

"The boy needs some extra cash," Brock drawled. "With that chest, he'll make a fortune in tips."

"As long as the work on the bonus room doesn't suffer," I countered.

"Yessa, Massa," Jason retorted.

That night in our bedroom, Brock and I continued our disagreement. Though Jason's position in our home was now more settled, our relationship seemed less settled, and we continued to disagree about the boy's prospects and outcomes. "Why don't you just let him figure it out on his own, Luke," Brock began as I brushed my teeth.

"Perfect for you to say. You're only here every other weekend. I'm here every day, having to play the bad-cop' and you can roll into town every so often and say, sure, Bud, go fuck around, have fun."

"That's not what I'm saying, Luke. But he's not our kid. Right now he's our tenant. And I've got some experience with coming out in my 20s, you do not."

"Oh, here we go. I know this!" I was getting hot now. "He's a lot like my kids -- I love him too, just like the two others. And I know that the male frontal cortex is not fully formed until after age 25. Boys do stupid things -- even ones with muscles and college degrees."

"Luke, he's going to fuck around. He probably should fuck around. It's a gay bar. Where else is he going to meet gay guys?"

"I don't know. The internet?"

He howled. "And that's better?"

"It worked for me," I retorted.

"Checkmate," Brock said, his tone softening. "But you gotta give him some rope. If you really love him, tell him, and then tell him that's why you're worried. But don't try and lock him up. You've got enough on your hands with the other two."

"How did you get so damned smart?" I whispered, beginning to cool down, as I climbed into bed naked, next to this beautiful hairy man.

"I started fucking a hot man with a Ph.D." he murmured.

"Flattery will get my cock up your ass" I said, leaning in to kiss him.

"Just what I wanted," he said hoarsely, and then we were locked in embrace, mouth to mouth, cocks pressed tightly together.

The rest of that weekend went quietly and quickly. On Monday morning, Brock was out of the door before 5 AM after deciding to stay for one more night of lovemaking in our bed. I saw him off, and knowing sleep would not come, slipped into a jock and shorts and put on my running shoes. I stretched in the kitchen and was surprised when a sleep-deprived Jason stepped out of the guest room similarly attired and joined me.

"Brock get away okay," he yawned.

"Yes," I said quietly.

"Mind if I run with you today?"

"Not at all," I said heading out the back door, and then, "Just keep up." With that I was off.

If I was still angry at this boy, I felt justified. He'd come between Brock and me somehow, even if unintentionally, but I couldn't figure out just how much was my own damned fault and how much was just fate. We matched each other stride for stride. We'd occasionally run together in the spring, but it'd been weeks since he'd been up early enough to join me, though he occasionally still met me for lunchtime lifting sessions at the gym on campus. We were probably nearing mile three when he finally split the silence.

"Look Dad, I'm sorry about causing you and Brock to fight," he said, no more winded than if he had just walked to the mailbox.

"Jason, I know. It's complicated. And honestly Bud, I'm NOT your Dad." He looked a little sheepish, or maybe hurt. We continued up a steep incline, almost at the trailhead that would lead us onto campus.

"My boys have had a lot to adjust to recently, Jason. I'm their Dad. Imagine how they'd feel if they heard you calling me that. It's too complicated." I tried to breathe slowly, pacing with this much younger man even as my knees cried out. "I've been giving you a hard time because I have come to care about you. I worry about what will happen to you, just like with my own sons. I just came out and I'm almost 50. I don't pretend to know what you're going through. But I don't want you to be a fuckup like me."

We ran some more and he seemed to contemplate this. Light was breaking over the lake and campus clock tower as we strode onto the main campus trail. Once again, I was awed by the beauty of this place where I was so privileged to work and live. "So what do I call you?" He asked quietly.

"How about Luke," I responded. "Not Dad, not Coach. Just Luke. Friends call each other by their names, Jason."

"So we're friends now?"

"More than that, probably," I offered. "But always, at least that. That okay?"

"Sure," he said and added, "old man" and then he sprinted ahead, daring me to catch him with a sly grin thrown over his shoulder. Fuck, I thought. Now I'll have to catch him, and I ran on.


Having just graduated college, just come out to my mom, and just started and sort of ended a relationship with two older men, I had no idea what my life was going to become. But I did realize one thing as this summer began, I was probably happier than I had been at any other time of my life. If things were still a bit fucked up and awkward around Coach Luke's place, I could always hammer out my frustrations on the bonus room. Despite the intense early summer that had brought 90 degree days in late May, I had already done a pretty good job of initial framing and roughing in. If Brock came this weekend, I hoped we could complete the final `roughing in' of the plumbing fixtures in the bathroom, which right now consisted of stud walls and some pipes in the floor.

My job at Gilly's, (some sort of 80's movie reference that my Boss loved to talk about but I never got) was going great. How hard is it to pour beers and the occasional mixed drink and have mostly older men flirt with you all night long? Within the first two weeks, I was bringing home more in tips than I was making in salary, sometimes as much as $200 per night. Even if I only worked four nights per week, I was still putting away quite a nest egg for graduate school next year, if I didn't fuck it up.

I was still pretty pissed at Luke, but I was beginning to understand where he was coming from about pushing me out of the nest. If I'd fallen hard for a man for the first time in my life, I probably sure as Hell wouldn't want some kid to come in, trying to take away his attention from me (or the other way around, I guess). I just missed the hell out of them, not just the sex, but the easy way they were together, and how they were sometimes with me. And, if I had to admit it to myself, I guess I was just plain jealous. Luke's boys were here every other weekend and that was a bit awkward too, though we only occasionally ran in to each other. Chase and I'd played basketball a bit together in the driveway and I could see what a great high school player he probably was. With his blonde hair and lithe build, he didn't remind me of Coach at all until he touched a basketball, and then I could see his father in every athletic move. Sam was an exact replica of Luke at 16, I'm certain. But in his temperament, he was not. I could sense he still bore a great deal of anger toward his Dad, and he and I politely avoided one another. In fact, most of the time, if I did not have to complete an immediate task on the room, I tried to stay up at the cabin on "family weekends." But sometime the commute was too much after closing the bar at 4 AM on a Sunday morning and I had to crash in Coach's house.

Things continued to go well until the Friday night that Binde walked into the bar. We occasionally got a younger crowd late on the weekends and I'd even seen a couple of guys from campus that I knew since I started tending bar. If they were surprised to find out I was gay, the code certainly prevented them from making any reference. But it was clear from the moment that he walked in that Binde was different. He was at least 6' 4" tall and black as midnight. He was broad-shouldered but lithe, with ropy muscles that wrapped his arms and torso, all accentuated by his skin tight white t-shirt. He stared me down with the most amazing gray-green eyes I'd ever seen and when he ordered "whatever cheap beer you have on tap," in the most lilting, soft British accent, I felt my stomach turn over and my cock go stiff immediately. I still had four and a half hours to go on my shift when he came in (I got off at 2:30 AM) and I don't know where the time went. I apparently did my job- the Boss didn't come out and yell at me, even though we had a huge rush about midnight-but I guess I served and then talked to Bin.

He said he was a post-doc at the State College in Public Health. He'd been here already for over a year and had hoped for a grant position for one more year but wasn't sure if he'd get it. He was, as he said, in `limbo.' Originally from Kenya, his mother had been a missionary and his father a native. He'd spent most of his life in private schools in Kenya and the UK before coming to the US for graduate school. I supposed I took in all of this information, but mostly I just heard the rhythmic tones of his voice, watched his soft, blue-black lips move, and stared into his amazingly wide and lustrous eyes. As I said, before I knew it, I was clocked out of my shift, had my tips stuff into the pocket of my skin-tight Hugo's, and we were in an alley behind the bar, mouths locked together in a hungry embrace. After hours of just listening to him talk, it was amazing to feel him pressed against me, to taste his tongue on mine, and to feel his hard erection pressed against my own. He was as hard as a statue -- chest, arms, and torso were like iron- and his cock, if his cock was as large as its outline, tonight would definitely be a learning experience for me. There was laughter from across the parking lot and someone yelled out an expletive at us to get a room. I pulled my mouth off of his, rubbing his buzzed skull and looking into his eyes again. "Why don't you follow me to my place?" I hissed.

"I don't have a car," he moaned. "I came with some friends, though I haven't thought about where they've gone. I think they may have left me." His laugh was melodious and enchanting and I swear I almost came in my pants when I heard it. Grabbing his hand, I led him to my car.

"No problem," I stammered. "Get in."

It wasn't until we were on the way that I realized I would need to take him to Coach's house. Though his sons weren't there this weekend, the bonus room was also nowhere closed to finished, and if I wanted this man in my bed, it would have to be in Luke's guest room- just down the hall from Luke's room where by now, both Luke and Brock were hopefully asleep. OR I could take him to the cabin, but that would mean an extra 30 minutes on the road, 30 minutes I wasn't willing to wait until I could get this man naked. Shit. There was no choice. I steered up North Main toward campus.

We made small talk and I told him about my living arrangement and why we'd have to be sort of quiet going into my `landlord's' house but that the room was private. He seemed okay with the fact that I assumed we were going to bed and to fuck. I hadn't asked him and I began to worry about protocol, since technically, I'd never brought a boy home to sleep with and I wasn't sure how to do it.

I guess I began to lose my nerve a bit because I stammered, "Uh, you are okay with this? I mean, I didn't really give you a choice to say no back there."

"I'm happy to go home with you to your bed, Jason," he intoned. "I find you very attractive. But you must know, I only play safe."

Shit, I thought to myself. Did I have rubbers and lube in my room? Could I find them in the house without waking the Dads. Shit, shit. I was muddled, but then remembered, yes, there were supplies in my bedside table from Coach's prior visitors, I assume.

"Okay," I whispered back and then reached for Bin's hand as I drove into the driveway.

There was very little stumbling or fumbling as we quietly made our way through the back door, down the hall, and toward my bedroom. Luke had left the one kitchen light on as always and it cast a slight glow over the interior of this end of the house. I showed Binde the bathroom and he went in and relieved himself and then came right back into my room. I did the same, then quietly closed my bedroom door and sat next to him on the bed.

"I've got to admit something to you." I whispered quietly.

"What is it?" he asked, that lilting voice still causing my heart to leap with its exotic flavors.

"I've only been with a couple of other men. I'm not very experienced."

He laughed and at first I thought he was laughing at me and my anger must have flushed my face because he quickly added, "I'm not very experienced either. Though I am very attracted to white men, there are not many men here in the South who want to be with me. And, since I've been so focused on school, I haven't had much chance to go out to meet men. I've mostly just jerked off on camera with other men on the internet."

At this, even I had to laugh. "So..." I whispered, and leaned in to kiss him. He seemed more than happy for me to take the lead and I pressed him back onto my bed, using my tongue to swab his mouth while my hands pressed all over him, seeking to memorize him with my touch. I don't know how our clothes came off so quickly, but clearly he was as eager as I was to get down to naked flesh, and within moments we were raw chest to chest, our lips still pressed together. It was probably at this second, as my I felt his hand grab my throbbing cock that my left hand also met resistance and then I was the one to pull back in shock. I had to take a moment so that my eyes could visualize what my hand had found. The light of one dim street light cast a blue glow through my end-room window but it was enough for me to see the large, black-purple head crowning the biggest cock I had ever seen in my life. It cleared his scrotum and mid-section and seemed to rise triumphant like a conquering king, at least 9 or 10 inches erect.

"Holy Shit," I muttered.

"I hear that a lot from the men on the cameras," he laughed. "In my country, I think I'm pretty average, but again, I've not seen that many other black cocks. Of the men I've been with, none have been as big as me."

"I guess not," I retorted. "Um, I'm not sure how..."

"We do not have to fuck unless you want to. I told you -- safe sex. I'm happy with kissing and sucking unless you want to fuck me."

"Sorry," I stammered, "I didn't mean to be so stupid. It's just ...surprising is all."

Then I stared back into his broad, black face, the high, noble forehead, the Romanesque lines of his nose, and God, those eyes. I pressed my lips back into his and threw my entire weight on top of him, pressing my substantial but now sub-standard cock against his. I could feel every inch of his sinew and heat pressed back into me. He was so hard, and substantial, and so damned HOT. It was hard not to shower us both with cum right at that moment. We kissed for what seemed like hours until I felt the sweat start to run off of us and down between our hard cocks and legs. He desperately wanted to suck me and I let him, kneeling beside him as this dark vision licked and swathed my cock with his spit, and then hungrily gobbled it down. Desperate to show him I was up to the task, I moved between his legs and we began a hungry 69. His large, broad cock towered above my face. There was nothing to do but do my best, just as my Dads had taught me. You eat an elephant one bite at a time, and you suck a big dick the same way. Hungrily, I licked, swabbed, and gobbled his nob. Surprisingly, his cock was cut -- that was a question for later- so I didn't have to worry about additional foreskin since there was enough throbbing meat here to keep me busy for hours. I was able to engulf five or six inches of him at a time and still work the lower shaft with my right hand as I sucked him. He began to moan underneath me and hungrily suck my cock harder. I raised up so that I was over him on all fours, with his cock still in my mouth and I began to face-fuck him with my engorged shaft. I could taste a sweetness and I realized his pre-cum was now merging with my spit. I throttled him, twisting with my mouth and then he thrust up with his hips, nearly knocking my teeth out with the force of his thrust and suddenly, I was choking on hot, molten liquid -- his incredibly substantial load was shot straight down my gullet, barely hitting my throat as he explosively shot his wad. Gaining control, though my eyes watered, I tongued the remaining ropes of his jizz, so wanting to taste all of him, to claim his as mine. I raised up, his cum still on my tongue, and sought his mouth with mine. I popped my cock out and then rewarded him with his own jizz. He was panting, and hungrily sucked my mouth with his.

"My God," he exclaimed, "no one's ever sucked me like that before? Are you sure you have no experience?"

"I'm just learning on the fly here," I chuckled. He looked at me quizzically and I realized despite years in English-speaking schools, the idiom was lost on this handsome black man.

"Damn, I so want to fuck you right now."

"Go ahead," he said, "but slow. You will be my first."

Despite being a bit taken aback by being the one to tap this handsome man's cherry, I rolled him over, agog once again at the sight of his lithe, black muscle splayed against my white sheets. Nudging his legs apart with my knee, I buried my face into the crevasse between his hard, black mounds of ass. He smelled of man-sweat and some herb I did not recognize, but his hole was rapturous, and he raised his hips to my tongue as I begin to lick and swab his dark-ringed, but pink-tinged hole. My tongue was not up to the job for long, and I slowly began to stick one finger and then another into his tight sphincter, remembering my first time with Coach not that many months past, when I had been the virgin and he had gently opened me up, though he'd been so desperate to fuck me and I him. I reached into the bedside table and found the lube and began to slowly work lubed fingers in and out of his tight hole. Binde moaned under my ministrations and I could see the strong muscles in his glutes and quads stretch and contract as he sought to open himself to this new, unique sensation . I got up and lay prone upon his back, pressing my hard cock into the crack of his ass where I'd just been working. I pressed my lips to his ear and said, "I think you're ready. Are you ready?"

"Yes, please," he panted, "Fuck me now. I want it to be you, Jason."

I grabbed the condom and sheathed my aching cock and swabbed it and his hole once more with lube for good measure and then I placed my cockhead at the rim of his gorgeous glory hole. I pressed in and down and he moved, crying out for the size of my cock head. I got back up on his back again and lay next to his head and said, "Okay, it's going to hurt a bit at first, but you can do it. Just push back on my cockhead like you're about to fart."

He giggled like a boy. "Fart?" he questioned.

"Yeah, just like that."

And then I began to press him again and this time, he opened to my cockhead with barely a moan, and before I knew it, half of my shaft was buried within this exquisite black ass. I had to concentrate not to shoot my entire load right at that moment, but I wanted it to be good for him and so I pressed down and gritted my teeth and slowly began to open his man-chute to my emboldened cock. Quietly, I continued this direction.

"That's it, Bin. Open up for me. Yes, man. Yes. God, your hole is so tight."

And it was. It was exquisitely, embracingly tight and it was not long before my rhythms quickened and I soon found my balls slapping against his hot ass cheeks. Bin was now used to it and occasionally I must have been hitting his sweet spot because he began to moan softly and every now and then cry out, "Yes, yes, right there. Ah, fuck me, Jason." And so I did and before I knew it, I was filling the rubber buried deep in his ass full of my hot, soaking cum. Though I'd wanted to dump on him and not in him, I'd had no choice. He was too tight and too hot.

I pulled out and he rolled over, pulling me into him and kissing me hard and harder. I could feel his damn hard donkey cock pressing into me before I could even pull off the rubber.

"Empty it on me. I want to feel your cum," he demanded.

And so I did. I unsheathed the sagging balloon from over my cock and then squeezed the contents onto his big, hard cock and his pubes. Then I began to rub it into his skin and onto his cock.

"Mmmmhm," he moaned, "I want you all over me."

"That's not going to be a problem," I answered, lowering my mouth to his.


I had driven through the heart of Atlanta rush hour and not made it into Greenville until almost 9 PM. I was so pre-occupied though, I really didn't remember much of the drive, the starting and stopping, or the road construction along I-85. I'd been anticipating this night for weeks. Luke's boys were gone, Jason would be at work, and tonight I'd planned to finally pop the question. I supposed the drive should've cleared my head, filled with such love and anticipation as I was feeling, but I just kept running over and over the last few months events and how I'd come to be at this place.

I hadn't meant to fall for this guy. Shit, he was definitely not on my long-term radar, and I didn't have a long-term radar. After my experience with the younger, needier, meth addict who almost cost me everything, I had settled into a nice, easy routine. I had my city condo, I had my challenging but not too strenuous career, and every three months or so, I could take a nice trip with friends. After the first heart break, I'd learn to avoid the city's Man-hangouts, bars and clubs and mostly socialized with a handful of good, honest friends. If I got overly horny, there was always the internet for anonymous but safe hookups. When I'd hooked up with Luke, the `married guy in town on business', I'd expected at most a one-to-two hour fuck. I hadn't expected to spend the entire night in his hotel room. And then, I'd never expected to get my foot stuck in the door. It was just too fucking complicated. He was in the midst of a divorce. He had two teenaged sons. He'd never come out and was just figuring out who he was. ALL of this should have been warning and danger signs to me of the rocky shoals ahead. But somehow, we kept overcoming those road-blocks I tried to put up. In fourteen months, we'd come to this night and this place and I had driven toward him filled with anticipation, love, and longing.

Of course, he'd been waiting for me when I arrived late and a cold supper with him was better than any 5-star meal I could ever eat anywhere else on the planet. He had remarked that I seemed tired and pensive (damn, I love his vocabulary), and he was more startled than anything when I jumped up off the bar-stool at the counter, reached into my pocket and took out the box. When I got down on one knee, he seemed to stagger back a bit. Even now, hours later thinking back on it, I suppose I'll never forget the look on his face -- intense love, and then excitement, but finally fear seemed to all cross his face in a moment. I had looked into his lined and ruggedly handsome face, those brown eyes so open and guileless, and I'd said, "You are the love of my life. I don't care if this state and this world say we can't be legally married, I will be bound to you for the rest of my life, if you'll have me. Say you'll be my partner and my husband, Luke." And then as he seemed so startled, I'd humbled myself with "Please."

He raised me up so that he could look up into my eyes. I loved him so much at that moment, but now he was the one trying to throw up the road-blocks. "Brock, you know I love you. You know if I could do this, it would be with you, but we don't know what's ahead. This last year is the only one that I've ever spent truly on my own. I have two sons who are struggling with his new identity of mine. They are my entire life. Are you willing to take on all of that? Are you sure that you can deal with someone who hasn't spent his adult life as a gay man? How can you be so sure?"

"I will do whatever it takes, Luke. I will leave my practice. I can start over here. You know I have plenty of money saved, Hell I could probably retire if I wanted to," I started.

"You know this isn't about money and I don't want your money, that's not it." He interjected.

"Let me finish," I demanded. And then cooler, "Man, I will do whatever it takes to make the transition easier. I will love those boys like my own, if you'll let me. I will work for you, cook for you, give it all up for you, just say yes. I can't live without you, Luke."

It was as if I watched from out of my body. I'd planned this for so long, but I had finally become sure that month after Jason's graduation when we'd fought. That's when I knew. We'd both realized that Jason was a complication we'd have to endure but it wouldn't be in the bedroom. As hot as the sex had been, we had to end it, because neither one of us wanted to share the other with anyone. Not even this man-child we'd come to care for. I knew at that moment that Luke could disagree with me, and we'd probably fight a lot more -- both stubborn mules that we were -- but he wasn't going to leave over a simple disagreement. He was too damned honorable for that. Hell, he'd fought for his marriage for more than 20 years because he was so damned honorable. That night, I couldn't sleep for realizing how much I loved him and how lost I would be if I ever let him get away.

I was holding him so tight, our bodies pressed so closely, that I almost missed his whispered answer, "Yes, I'll marry you B. But I don't deserve you."

"Shhh" I hushed him and he pulled away, wiping the wetness off of his cheek and I realized it was my tears, rolling down my cheek and onto his.

"You deserve the world and I will give it to you if you'll let me. I love you, Stud." I said, looking into his honest, handsome face, and damn, I meant every syllable.

And then he pressed his lips into mine and the world spun and stopped, just as it did every time I kissed this handsome, hard, brilliant, wonderful man who'd somehow answered my online ad all those months ago. What a fool fortune was to send him to me.

"Take me to bed, and be mine forever," he murmured. And then,"I can't believe I just said that."

"Damn right," I said.

We were both naked and hard in seconds. I still couldn't believe the wonder of this man's body, so hot and so supple beneath my hands. He pressed himself on top of me, our mouths hungrily gnawing on one another, as our cocks rubbed and pressed one another in a sweaty frottage that drove me wild. He dove down to chew on my nipples and continued to press and rub his crotch into mine. My cock throbbed with the wanting of him, the heat of him pressed on top of me. I reveled in his hairy lust for me and in the love we'd both just declared. I devoured him with my hands, my mouth, my writhing hips, and my eyes. This beautiful man was mine.

I knew what he wanted and I so hungrily wanted to give it to him. He'd eagerly learned to take my cock up his own ass, even calling himself versatile' recently (an inside joke for both of us) but I knew in his heart, he was always gonna be a top man. And even though I had a few inches and pounds on him, I loved to be taken' by him. His mouth found my cockhead and I groaned, throwing my head back. Damn, what this man's mouth could do to me! He licked and surfed his way up and down my shaft, to my balls, to the base of my balls and I began to mouth instructions to him, just the way he liked it.

"Do you want this hot ass?"

"Mmmh" he assented, never taking his mouth from my pubes.

"You want to fuck that hot ass?"

"Only after I eat it out first," he grumbled, coming up for air.

I grabbed the headboard and flipped myself over, landing on my knees and sticking my hungry, hairy ass into the air. He dived into it, tongue first like a thirsty man to water. He lapped, sucked, and tongue-fucked me into oblivion, while I continuously gave him my dirty instructions.

"Fuck yeah. Eat your boy's ass." "That's right -- get it good and wet for that big cock. You want to breed this hole, breeder?" "Oh yeah, open me up."

By this time, I had him pretty worked up and as I looked over my shoulder I could see him coming up for air with his cockhead at attention, glistening with pre-cum. He dove for my lips, sucking at my tongue, then grabbed my hips, positioned his cockhead at my hole and shoved it in! Sweet Jesus! I must've seen stars for a minute. I thought I was ready but he drove that fucker all the way in, balls deep. He started a deep grind, pulling my hips back into his and then driving me hard and harder. I grasped the headboard with both arms braced to keep from banging my head on the wall. Shit! I should propose to this man more often `cause he was sure as hell giving me the fuck of my life. He fucked me and fucked me harder. I mouthed nasty encouragements and reached for my flopping hard dick and he batted my hand away.

"Not yet, Bud."

"Yes, sir, Fucker." I retorted.

He leaned in, grinding his cock deep against my prostate, rocking me into a bear hug that grasped my cock, and he moaned in my ear, "I love you, you fucking Stud. I could fuck your sweet ass like this forever. " "Seed me," I moaned back, turning my head to taste his mouth.

He drove three more hard thrusts, impaling me on his shaft and then he let out a loud howl -- something I'd never heard him do before in all of our fucks. I felt the pressure of his warm cum fill me and I flexed my ass, desperate to milk his cock of all of its man-juice. He pressed himself into my sweaty back and I felt his wet chest-hair mat against me. His still-hard dick stayed where it was. He lapped at the back of my neck and pulled me upright against him, running his hands up and down the length of my torso until both hands grasped my desperately aching hard-on.

"Get on your back," he demanded, and I complied.

I moaned with immense pleasure as he sucked in my sweaty cockhead and worked his head up and down my shaft a few times. Then he began to pump me with his hand as his mouth sought out my balls, sucking down my hairy nuts one at a time, grasping them between his fingers and pulling them away from my shaft. He licked the underside of my nuts, driving me wild sucking on what he knew was one of my sweet spots. Then he surprised me by raising one leg and instructing, "Pump it for me."

I moaned a questioning, "mmmhmm?" as his tongue sought out my ravaged anus and he demanded again, "Feed me my cum. Pump it. I want to eat you out."

"Oh fuck," I complied as his licked hungrily at my hole and worked my shaft with his large, capable hand. I pressed and could feel the leakage and hear him hungrily licking out his seed from my wet, gaping hole.

"Fuck that's good. Almost as good as seeding it the first time."

I couldn't hold back anymore -- the pleasure of him was intense and I shot my load all over my belly and his face, mixing my cum and his on his hot, hungry lips. He then worked his way up from my hole, eating my cum off my belly and feeding it to me from his tongue. He kept up this mouth exchange until my jizz was all gone, and he fell into my pit, lapping at my sweat and my bicep.

"You are one, hot fucker." I told him.

"Ditto," he replied. I lost track of how many times we fucked. The last time was the gentlest and he kept his cock in my ass as we both lay on our sides. I felt him go limp after he shot the last load in my ass and then his breath gently stirred on my shoulder, followed every now and then by a rumbling snore. I smiled to myself knowing he couldn't stay in this position long, he never could. His snoring eventually woke him up and he'd have to move to his side or his belly. But he so desperately wanted to fall asleep inside me after we made love. So every time, he tried but couldn't make it all night.

Now, it was just past sunrise. I'd been awake for hours, probably since I'd heard the kid come in sometime in the wee hours. Based on the murmured whispers and banging I'd heard coming from his room, he wasn't alone. I smiled at the thought of him fucking just down the hall. Luke still slept on his belly, his left arm thrown across me as if to insure I was still here, not leaving. Every now and then he led out a rumbling snore, snuffled, and then snuggled closer into me. I'd been watching him sleep for hours and was thinking I could spend the rest of my life watching him. All night, I'd thought about what we'd just done and the anxiety of it had finally kept me from sleep for good. I did not regret for one moment the choice I'd made, the actions that brought me to this night, or everything I'd done since I'd met him. I just been laying here praying I wouldn't fuck it up. Not with this man. Not ever.

And so, in one night, he'd done what no man in more than twenty years had done. He'd made me cry and then he'd made me pray. Son of a bitch! How could it be so? I vowed then to him, to whatever God he still believed in and the One I'd left behind, to myself and our family, I would not screw this up. I'd give him my heart, my cock, my ass, and my life -- if that's what it took.

When I couldn't stand it any longer, I slowly extricated myself from his arm and padded into the adjoining master bath. I pissed the piss of the damned, feeling the exquisite soreness in my ass as my prostate contracted to let me piss. Oh to have this feeling every day for the rest of my life. I tried to be as quiet as possible and left our room thinking I'd go ahead and put the coffee on. I was half-way down the hall to the kitchen when a tall, naked black man walked out of the hall bath and right into me. "Shit!" I exclaimed, catching my chest. In one instant he mumbled, "my apologies, Sir," in a soft British tone and disappeared into Jason's room. Not before I'd seen what had to be the longest dong I'd ever witnessed hanging between his legs.

Damn, I thought, little Jay decided he needed to fuck in the majors already. It was only then that I realized I too was naked, but I'd come this far. I walked softly into the kitchen, put on the coffee but then banged around a bit, not caring if the occupants of the guest room heard me.

When I walked back into our room, Luke was still on his belly but his head was buried under a pillow. "What was the yelling about, asshole? Some of us are trying to sleep."

"Yeah, sorry Babe. I couldn't sleep. I thought I'd get up and make the coffee. Then I ran into a tall Nubian prince in the hallway with a 10 inch dick."

This got him to roll over. "What? Were you dreaming again?"

"No Sherlock. A tall, muscled black man came out of the bathroom when I was walking down the hall and ran into me. That's why I shouted. He scared the holy shit out of me. Then he apologized and went back into Jason's room."

"Mmhm. Well, why'd you think he had a big dick?"

"Would you wake up? Did you not hear the part about him being nekkid?"

He was still-half asleep at this point, and somewhat befuddled. I loved the way the tufts of his thinning hair stood out on the sides of his temples after he'd been asleep and when he reached up to rub the sleep out of his eyes I was tempted to swaddle him and pull him into my lap.

"But weren't you also naked?" He reminded me.

"Yes, but so what?"

"Just saying." He replied, and snuggled back into my reclining shoulder. "Can we go back to sleep now?"

Soon, he was snoring again. I knew he hadn't registered half of this or else he'd be wide-awake. What I knew would happen and he'd hoped would not, our young protge becoming a fuck-hound, had just taken place. This was probably going to be a long, hot summer with randy Jason down the hall. The sooner we finished that bonus room apartment, the better off we'd all be. I reached for the jewelry box on the bedside table and took out the gold band I'd given him. Yellow gold -- even though I knew it was slightly out of fashion -- I considered it timeless and traditional, just like my man. Wide, to fit his wide, masculine hands -- a hefty size 13 ring finger. The only embellishment was a rope-like scroll work around both edges and inside the inscription read: For Luke, from Brock. Love always.

He's turned me into a fucking Sentimentalist. Damn right. I put the box back on the nightstand and snuggled in next to the handsome, hairy Stud who was the love of my life.

Next: Chapter 5

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