Jasons First Workout

By Coach Lucas Miles

Published on Oct 8, 2021


Jason's First Workout Ð Chapter XXIII: An Expanding Family

Dear Readers:

Thanks to all of you who continue to provide feedback and email me with suggestions/questions or thanks. If you like this story, check out my other two in the Nifty archives Ð "Lil' Joe Comes Home" and "The Adam Chronicles". Though only a few chapters each, they are stories I started some years back.

IF you enjoy this story and the site, remember to give what you can back to Nifty so that we can all continue to get off here! http://donate.nifty.org/

Finally, I still have fantasy pics of my original male characters so email me a request if you want them. I'll happily add you to our Jason's email list so you'll be updated when new chapters post to Nifty.

Also, Joe's extended new family (the Hendricks clan) is probably going to inhabit a spin-off story. It's too much to keep all of the plates spinning without turning this into a Michener epic novel. I'll ease them away in the next few chapters and keep you updated.

As always, thanks for hanging in there between chapters and for reading!

Best, Coach Luke. Olcoach44@gmail.com

New chapters (5 and up) updated to present day: Luke age 57, Brock 49, Jason 34, Joe 40, Chase 29, Sam 27. The Hendricks clan: William (Will) SR, (64) wife Barb (63)- William Jr (37), Mary Francis (35), Thomas (Tommy) (32) and Kate (29).

February 2021 Luke:

I could feel the vibrations of Brock's phone across the room and I was wondering why the hell he wouldn't get up an answer it. Fucking hospital! I hated his being on-call when I was trying to sleep. I punched his shoulder. He growled.

Buzz, buzz, buzz. I punched him again. Another growl and "Hit me again and lose your fucking hand."

"Would you get up and answer the damn hospital," I stage-whispered. "I'm trying to sleep."

"I'm not on call, Princess. It's your fucking phone," then as soon as he said it we both must have realized. We sat up immediately, looked at one another, and then I was grabbing for my phone and my glasses on the bedside table, knocking over my tumbler of water onto the hardwood floor in the process.

"Shit, shit," I mumbled, fumbling for the phone, then swiping and "Hello? Hello?"

"Well, Hello Grandpa!" Sam shouted through the phone. "Took you long enough to answer. You guys weren't going at it, were you?"

"Oh my God, Sammy. I swear you boys must think all Brock and I do isÉ wait, Grandpa?" I looked at Brock who was desperately trying to wipe sleep from his eyes. "Wait, is she here?"

"Finally!" Sammy said. "7 pounds and 2 ounces, 20 inches long, and looks just like me. Got our red-faced and screaming girl with soft auburn curls."

"Just like you!" I sighed. "Oh son, congratulations! Your life just got 100 times better and you don't even know it." I looked over at Brock. He mouthed, "I heard" but I still hit the button to put the phone on speaker.

"I'm sorry, Sammy. We finally crashed about midnight when we hadn't heard anything else. Us old guys aren't used to staying up past 10 you know."

He laughed through the phone. "Yeah, I'm sorry. It's just a little after 4 here so I guess I forgot about that hour ahead. At least you got almost 5 hours. I've had none since we left for the hospital yesterday morning about this time. And Janie was up most of that night too."

"How is she?" Dr. Goodman asked, always concerned about patient vitals.

"Hey Brock. She's okay, but she lost a lot of blood after. The baby's head was a bit big and they did some snips somewhere. She had to have a transfusion," I heard Sam say shakily.

"Okay. That's okay, Sam. It's not unusual with a protracted delivery with episiotomy," Brock said soothingly. "Houston Methodist has some of the best docs in the country and her team is well known. Listen, text your Dad a picture so he won't fret, and then you get back in there with your girls. We'll talk more after you both have had some rest. It will be hard on Jane not being able to have her Mom with her so it's all on you, Bud. You got this?"

"Yes, sir. I'm good. And thanks, Brock!" Sam said, reviving. "Love you Dad. I'll send pics."

"Congratulations, son!" I said again before he could hang up. Then saw the connection sever on the screen. "Wow, my baby has a baby," I whispered. "And you, man," I said scootching over and burrowing into his arms. "Why do I feel so damn safe when you go all Marcus Welby, MD on me?" I felt the grumble in his chest.

"You are one old, damned Grandpa. Who the fuck could dredge up Marcus Welby? At least pick one of those hot fuckers on a current show like McDonald's or whatever his name is," he laughed, snuggling into my head.

"You're almost 50, old man. And you can't remember shit. It's McDreamy and McSteamy Ð NOT McDonald's," I teased.

"Well, you knew who I meant. The sexy ones who are always taking their scrub tops off and walking around showing their pecs. For the record, that never happens in a real hospital. Believe me, I've tried it!" We both laughed.

"An auburn-haired girl," I sighed as my phone pinged. We both lunged for it but I grappled to open it with my facial recognition software and then, there she was. All 7 pounds, 2 ounces of red-faced screaming in the first pic, and then quieter, being washed by the nurse in the next, and finally, at her Mom's breast. Three pics in a row.

"She's gorgeous," I whispered.

"Damn right, she is," Brock said back, pulling me into him, "Congratulations, Papi. Another generation from my handsome love." I reached up to kiss him thanks, and then we just sat in the bed, looking at the same three pictures on my phone over and over again.

We must've eventually drifted off because it was just after 10 when we woke up, and I immediately searched through the sheets to find my phone and see if we had new photos. Sam had sent more just a few minutes before, probably what had woken us up. I smiled as these seemed more like hospital studio portraits including one with the small, stuffed bunny we had given her for Christmas.

I immediately went to work, crafting the group text with a photo to Jason, Joe, and my extended family though knowing Sam had probably already been in touch with his older brothers. I then crafted an email for my department, sharing a studio pic and announcing the good news. Papi was going to be one of `those' grandparents, over-sharing, I thought to myself. Too bad, folks! I'm a fucking grandpa!


"Right there, Stud," Jay groaned. "Uh, hold it a sec. Fuck!"

I marveled at the firelight as it danced across the marbled chest of my man, catching the fine golden hairs that fuzzed his pectorals and ringed his dark nipples. I bent down and touched his lips with mine.

"It's okay, Baby. It's been a while since you've taken me. Just breathe through it," I whispered, hovering above him, my cock-head and the first two or three inches of my bulging cock dripping pre-cum into his hot, tight chute. I held it there longer and leaned down to lick his right nipple. He was on his back in front of the fireplace Ð large, muscular legs wrapped around my back as I held my position above him.

We'd started with a romantic dinner by the cabin's fire and after a few glasses of wine, we'd shucked our bulky sweats and started making out and grinding on the shag rug. Now we were a hot, sweaty fuck-ball and I needed to fuck my man, hard. I shifted my hips forward and Jason let out a long moan, his head rolling back as his ass opened up to more of my throbbing, uncut nine inches.

"Yeah, right there, Baby," I growled, continuing to slip it in. "Take it all, you fucking Stud."

"Fuuuck," he moaned softly. "Goddamn- you're so big and so hot."

"Hmmm," I moaned into his ear as I bottomed out, my hairy and now sweaty balls pressed against his hole. I licked beneath his ear and blonde, fuzzy beard. "I need to fill you all the way up, Jay."

"FUCK!" he growled, holding me tight. "Fuck, give me one more second." He pulled me into him tighter with his anus gripping my cock. His muscled arms pulled me in tighter too, grasping across my sweaty traps.

"Damn baby, you're so fucking sweaty I can smell you," he snarled into my ear. "Fuck your boy, Stud." I didn't need to wait for another invitation. My abdominals contracted and my hips retracted half of my hot shaft before reversing course and sinking deep again. I began a slow, rhythmic fuck punctuated by my groans and dirty talk that I knew really got my guy going.

"You like that big man-cock filling up this pussy, baby?" I tongued into his ear, licking around it as I kept fucking. "You need this big fucking man-cock to fill you up?"

"Oh! Fucking yes," He groaned, throwing his head back again.

When did that roaring fire get so fucking hot? It was a furnace all of a sudden, and I could feel the sweat dripping from my forehead and torso, mingling with my man's precum swirling off his 7.5 inch cut cock pressed between us. Our body hair was matted together and we were one, hot sweaty ball of man-muscle, sweat, and precum bathed in firelight and heat. Yin and yang. One blonde-furred, blue-eyed and ripped, and the other (me), dark, swarthy, and insatiable. Jason's ass rocked forward trying to suck me in more. I responded by stretching out my hairy legs and glutes, raising into pushup position above him, and pounding the stretched, pink hole that was gripping my shaft.

"Fuck yeah, pound that ass, Joe," He demanded, and I complied.

"Take this big fucking cock," I shouted, pounding harder and harder. "Gonna breed my man's fucking cunt!" I shouted.

"Yeah baby, yeah, uh-uhm," I felt him reach for his cock between us just as it began to shoot - explosive molten cum coating my chest, my chin, his face. I leaned down and licked one shot off of his chin and into his mouth, just as I felt my balls tighten and the hot, pressurized lava of my load build up. The top of my head seemed to fly off as I felt a pain in the tip of my cock, buried deep in my lover, and then I was cumming, cussing and moaning as I tried to press my tool as deep into my lover's hot cavern as I could, sending three, four, and then five explosive shots into his colon. Pressing my hips hard against his ass, I fell against him chest to chest, and buried my tongue in his mouth, reveling in the stubble of his beard on my face and the smell of his sweat and our sex between us. He was panting and I was trying to bury all of myself into him, melting into my man totally to make us one hot, throbbing ball of man-flesh. He gasped and pushed me aside a bit.

"Fuck, I can't breathe," he said, turning his head to the side. "Damn, I swear when you fuck me sometimes it's like you're trying to burrow into my skin."

I moaned into the side of his sweaty neck, licking the salty sweat and reveling in all of this muscled man beneath me, my beautiful, golden stud and lover. "I just love you so fucking much," I growled into his neck. "As much as I love getting fucked by you, when I turn the tables and you take it, it's like I feel this need to be just one person Ð like we're physically and cosmically connected." I shied and turned my head away, still embarrassed by how much I loved and desired my man even though now I could say whatever I felt and he accepted it. I could feel the smile spread across his face as he turned my head back into his.

"Just when I think I can't be any more surprised by my sexy mountain man, you go and surprise me again,' he said, kissing me softly. "Do you think we'll ever get tired of this?"

Lowering his legs and withdrawing my throbbing, leaking tool, I moved to his side, cuddling him into my chest and resting on the throw pillow we'd pulled onto the floor with us.

"Tired of fucking you mean?" I asked.

"Tired of this intensity." He responded, rubbing his hand back along my thigh and up my sweaty ass. "It's not just a fuck or even making love with you, Joe. It'sÉ it's everything."

"For me, too, Jay. I'll never get tired of it," I whispered, pulling him tighter.


"Fuck baby, I'm cold. Damn, give me some blanket!" I groaned as my naked ass was now covered in goose-flesh and the room was chilled and filling with the cold first light of a winter morning. Jason was wrapped totally in the throw off the couch and still snuggled into my chest. A bare minimum, no pun intended, covered my exposed chest and my backside while my head and legs were uncovered and starting to shiver.

"Hmmm," he groaned, snuggling into me.

"Fuck this, come on," I commanded, letting him go and getting up. "We're getting into the fucking bed where it's warm." I started to pull him up but he protested.

"The sheets will be cold!"

"I'll warm you back up," I stated flatly and reach around and under him, I pulled him into a fireman's carry and hoisted him up and into our bedroom, where I pulled back the covers, and plopped him down. I had to admit, in eight months with me and our workouts, my boy had packed on some muscle. Lifting him up and throwing him around wasn't as easy as it once had been, but I enjoyed the fruits (literally) of our joint workouts these days. I jumped into the spot next to him, pulled the covers up over us, and burrowed into my boy.

"Brrr. Damn it was cold out there with nothing covering my ass," I teased.

"I can't help that you're so big it takes two man-size throws to cover you up," he teased back.

I nuzzled into his neck. "If you weren't such a cover hog we could have stayed in front of the fire although it probably died hours ago."

"Shhh," he whispered. "I don't want this to end. Just stay right here. This is the best part about Saturdays. Waking up with you and having nowhere else to go and nowhere else I'd rather be."

"Well, I hate to remind you, but there's snow on the upper ridges still and that makes this good tracking weather. I really need to get up there by midday today or else I'll have to go out tomorrow, and you know we can't miss Sunday lunch with Gran and O'Della," I said softly.

He groaned. "It's not even day yet. Just stay right here andÉ" He reached for my soft cock nestled between us. Now I groaned.

"Don't start something you're not willing to finish," I cooed. He nuzzled into me.

"Feels like my `finish' is still on your cock and in my asshole." Damn! I loved this man when he talked dirty. I pushed my mouth onto his and slipped in lots of tongue. He pulled back. "Damn Hoss, I've got morning breath." He scolded.

"Since when has that stopped us," I said. His hand was still stroking me. He released me and rolled onto his side, into the embrace of my left arm and side. Then he sighed.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Nothing, I'm justÉ I don't know. Happy? Fulfilled." He sighed again.

"I know how you mean. Me too." I whispered back.

"You sure?" He asked, turning to look up at me.

"Of course, I'm sure. Why would you think I'm not?" I countered, my ears perking up now.

"The baby thing. I just thought after our conversations this week, well, maybe if we can't make a family thatÉ" he paused and I placed a large finger across his lips.

"Jay, when did I ever say we couldn't be happy without a baby. I said, I love you so much I want a baby with you or a child. I mean, I do want us to have a family, but we are- us as a couple Ð and our parents and, I mean, we are a family already," I stumbled.

He leaned up to kiss me. "Okay. I'm sorry. That was probably my insecurities getting to me again. What Doc says about my not being able to enjoy my own happiness, or some shit," he mumbled. "I'm happy and I do love you."

"I know," I said, nuzzling his neck. "I'm sorry I've been taken over by baby fever. It's just Ð the Dads' sending those pics to us, and she's so perfectly beautiful. I guess I'm a bit envious. And I mean, Sam and Janie are so much younger than us. It's a lot of stuff. Not that I'm not happy with us."

He laughed and gently stroked my face. "Janie texted yesterday that on the first two days, she thought they were going to come to blows over holding her. Doc would say he was the only one who had experience holding an infant and Dad needed to watch. Then Dad would say he was the only trained medical professional in the family who'd done an Ob/GYN rotation and he was the most experienced in handling babies. It sounds comical if it wasn't so like them to both be trying to take over. I texted back that if she needed a referee to come out there and set them straight, I'd happily send you!" We both laughed.

"Seriously, you'd throw me under the bus?" I laughed.

"I get tired of getting between them sometimes. Why can't they just be regular grand-parents and ooh and ah over her. They get so overwhelming at times." He groused.

"I think it's sweet. I hope that if we are ever lucky enough to have a child, they'd both love her so much they'd fight over her," I said softly.

"Oh Joey," he said, stroking me and rolling into me. "How did you get so sensitive? I told you that you were the best man I know, and no one will make a better Dad."

"But I don't want you to do it just for me," I started. He kissed me.

"I want us to have a baby too. We'll figure it out," he said. "I promise. The agency rep said it is a crazy time right now. We don't know about changing travel restrictions with the international options, and they continue to interview the former surrogates they have on file. We've set the process in motion. It'll work out. We just have to trust the process," he soothed, kissing me and then stroking my face, my chest, and my torso. "And we should enjoy these quiet Saturdays while we can. I'm sure Sam and Janie won't be having this much sex for the next few years!" he teased.

I was stunned at this man who could take charge so easily, who was so sexy and smart, andÉ organized! That was it. This guy, when he wanted things to happen, took charge. I closed my eyes, feeling the love and trust I had for him swelling within me.

I pulled him to me and kissed him. He reached between us for my hardening cock and then I was lost once again in the heat and the pleasure of my man.

March 2021 Brock

"Damn Bud! It's really beginning to feel like spring out here. How's your project coming?" I asked, walking down the back lawn to see Luke handling the post-hole diggers with his garden gloves on. From the sheen of sweat on his brow and his soaked Tigers t-shirt, I'd guess he'd been at this for a while.

"Well, my plumbing pipe and fittings are all locked and measured, so I'm just finishing the post-holes for these base pipes. I'd like to pour the Quikrete in before it gets too late tonight. Then I can finish the rest of the run this weekend," he said, exhaling and taking the bottle of water I offered him.

"You really have embraced this outdoor cross-fit course, Stud. I thought that now you could get back into the gym, you'd be happy," I said.

"Well, it's not perfect and we have to work out masked. Our basement gym is just not enough for me, and I just need to get outside or I'll go nuts. Plus, I thought this would be a good outlet for both of us. Something else we could do together," he offered, patting me on my ass.

"You worried I still can't take you, Stud?" I teased. He spit out some of his bottled water across the front of my scrubs top.

"I think our play on the garage mats has shown I can hold my own, B. I just refuse to be one of those `old' grandpas who can't keep up with his kids and grandkids," he asserted.

"Jesus, Luke! You're the fittest stud I know for your age. Sometimes you just need to relax," I countered.

"This IS relaxing to me. I love having a project. The thought of coming out here on summer mornings and running this circuit with parallel bars, and high bars, and obstacles, it's just Ð it just gets me going," he said excitedly.

"Well, hell," I harrumphed. "I guess the sight of you getting going is enough to get me going," and I grabbed my crotch and shook it at him.

"You dirty ol' fart," he laughed. "We just fucked this morning before you left for the clinic. You ready to go again?"

"I gotta keep up with Grandpa Ninja Warrior somehow," I teased. "Any chance we're gonna have supper soon? I'm starving."

"The boys are picking up Bernardo's on their way," he said, looking at his watch. "Supposed to be here by 7. I'm going to set these posts, which will go quicker if you help me level them, then I can grab a quick shower and you can get a snack if you're too hungry to wait."

"Well, okay, just tell me what you want me to do and I'll do it," I said, humbly.

"Just the way I like you." He shot back. As usual, I was surprised when my scholarly, athletic husband took charge on a handy-man project and I'm not sure why. He definitely lacked my construction skills, but when he did his research, as he'd done on this obstacle course, he was a literal machine. In less than half an hour, we had the posts level, set, and drying in their concrete beds and the connections were waiting for the finish.

While he grabbed a quick shower, I pushed aside the apple slices he set out for me and found some palmetto cheese (my latest favorite) and pretzel chips and satisfied my cravings. I also helped myself to a beer. Luke had been on my case a bit since my old buddy Barry Rosenstein said my cholesterol was up. My waist was still a solid 34 inches and my belly was relatively flat. I was working my ass off at the clinic and the ER for more than 10 hours most days and I was lifting 3 to 4 days a week with and without Luke. As far as I was concerned, I was still in my prime, but some of these men in my life just liked to nag me. My man would shit himself if he knew I still sneaked the occasional cigar, but except for my giant son-in-law, Joe, no one else knew about that little habit.

"What the fuck?" Luke said, appearing in jeans, shirtless, toweling off his torso and shiny, chromed pate. "You couldn't just eat the apple?"

"I'm a grown fucking man, Luke," I growled. "I'm watching what I eat most days and I know how to lower my cholesterol without drugs. Don't start with me."

"The boys are bringing Bernardo's which is going to be lots of fatty Italian stuff anyway. You could've had something healthy to tide you over, but you're right. I'm officially off the case," he said, dramatically throwing up his hands. "I need my black t-shirt out of the dryer," he pushed past me.

"Baby, look," I began.

"Don't baby me! Just don't!" He cut me off. "It's not just your fucking health. Do you know how I'd feel if something happened to you? I'm just now getting past sleepless nights about Covid now that you're fully vaccinated and I will be too soon, but shit. Just don't."

I reached for him as he was pulling his shirt on. I pulled him to me as he tried to pull away. "I just wanted some of that damn pimento cheese that tastes like my Mama's. Is that such a crime?" I asked softly, nuzzling into his freshly-scrubbed neck and pulling him to me. I hugged him hard into me and pressed my crotch into his. Fuck, this stud still turned me on so much after all these years.

"You don't take care of yourself, so that means I have toÉ" he said, freezing me with one of those big-eyed looks he gave.

"I'm sorry, Boss. I don't mean to worry you. You know I just like doing things my own way Ð sorta like you and that jungle-gym out back," I said, kissing his trimmed facial hair. He slapped the side of my head.

"It's not a fucking jungle gym and your ass is going to be hauling it out there with me once it's done," he commanded.

"Yes, sir, Sergeant-Major, Sir," I answered in mock salute. "Nothing gets me harder than watching you in your tight running shirts working out." I kissed him again then, hard, and reminded him just how much this love between us meant to me. If it meant I had to start eating more fucking apple slices and less cheese, then dammit, I guess I would.

He stroked my head as our tongues wrestled in our mouths and as we ground our crotches together. We were wrapped tight, muscled arms around each other's backs and waists and I reveled in the tight, hard feel of my man in my embrace. He pulled his head away and took a breath.

"I need to find my glasses and finish getting ready," he said, softly. "The boys will be here in a bit."

"A bit's probably long enough for you to feed me a protein shake," I teased grabbing at his cock through his jeans. He grabbed my wrist and grinned.

"It's not. And besides, I plan on putting this load somewhere else later tonight," he said levelly.

Fuck! I liked it when my guy played sexy top.

"My ass will be waiting all night, Sir," I answered back. He strode off toward the bedroom and I whistled at the sight of his ass in those tight Levi's, that black t-shirt gripping his shoulders, and I was certain he was the sexiest fucking grandpa in America, next to me of course!


"Dinner's here! You guys decent?" I yelled following Jason in the back door of his Dad's house and smiling at the image of his ass framed in his tight Lucky Brand jeans.

"What do you mean, smart-ass?" Brock shot back, walking into the kitchen. "You think we'd both be running around naked?"

"Well, I wouldn't put it past you two," Jason shot back, pulling his Dad in for a hug. "But since you knew in advance, we hoped you had at least finished your most recent fuck, you randy old Grandpa!"

"It's your other Dad you need to worry about. That randy old goat has been non-stop lately," Brock countered, pulling me in for a squeeze after I'd deposited two large plastic bags and an aluminum pan of lasagna on the breakfast bar. "You dropping off some, Stud?" he asked, pushing me away but sizing me up, both hands on my upper delts.

"I've been cutting a bit, B." I answered truthfully. "I don't need to be the biggest guy in the gym anymore. And besides, there's only one muscle my guy cares about my keeping big." He burst into laughter.

"Jesus, you boys are as bad as he is. You can't stop thinking about your dicks for more than two seconds," Luke remanded us as he walked into the kitchen barefoot, tight black tee stretched over hard, hairy pecs and slimming jeans showing off his fine, 57-year-old physique.

"You're looking mighty fit, Coach," I said, walking over to give him a hug.

"You too, son." He said, giving me a squeeze and then reaching over to pull Jason into a three-way hug. "I've missed you boys."

"I'm glad we could get on the calendar," Jay teased him. "We were wondering if you guys might move to Texas now that baby Molly has arrived and stolen your hearts."

"She was something else," Luke responded. "And your brother and sister-in-law are amazing new parents. It was pretty sweet to watch and she's just sooo sweet to hold."

"She is," Brock retorted, "when I could get a turn!"

"Don't start that argument again, Gramps!" Luke pointed. "What are we drinking? I opened that nice Zinfandel Jay and I like, but what would you two like? Brock's already got the plates and our silverware on the table."

We all began to unpack the large take-out bags and trays.

"I'll take some water and a bit of that wine," I offered.

Brock reached into the fridge and popped a top on a cold one. "I'm having beer, although this low-carb shit your Dad is making me drink can barely qualify," He grumbled.

"Mich- Ultra Gold is organic and less than 3 carbs, Stud," Luke shot him a look, smiling. "Don't be a grump, Gramps."

"I'm starting to like that Grumpy Gramps title," Brock shot back, "Papi!"

Trying to ease the ongoing teasing, Jason started complimenting the food, saying how much he loved Belladino's and how long it had been since he'd had a cheat meal like this. I politely waited with my plate as all three of them jostled each other, dipping into boxes, bags, and trays to serve themselves. I always loved watching Jason and his Dads have this love/argument/physical interplay, and it made me envious of all the things I'd missed without a Dad or brothers in my life. I wondered if someday Will, William, Tommy and I would ever interact in such a familiar and easy way.

"Hey," Jason tapped me on the ear and handed me a breadstick. "Get over there and fix your plate. Where were you, dreamy?"

"I didn't know my plate was broken," I teased him, deflecting the question.

"Boom. Now you sound just like Doc correcting my colloquialisms," Jason shot back. "I can't catch a break in this family."

"No one can," Doc shot back. "That's the great thing about family!"

I smiled and helped myself to some lasagna. That definitely was the great thing about this family and these three men that I loved so much. The teasing continued as we sat down to eat at the dining room table.

"Guys, do you mind if we say grace?" Doc interrupted us as the three of us were already digging into the amazingly aromatic lasagna, veal parmesan, salad, and breadsticks. I put down my fork and the other guys did as well. "You know we aren't much on formal religion around here anymore but since you boys are here, let's pray." And then he began, "Gracious God, we thank you for this food and for those who prepared it. Thank you for our sons, these two who are with us and shared this wonderful meal with us, and our two who can't be with us. Thank you for the newest addition to our family and her sweet mother. Keep them safe and well, and continue to be with those who are sick, and those who are struggling with the loss of loved ones due to this illness. Thank you for the gift of your grace. Amen."

"Amen." We all echoed, and then got back to eating. At least three of us did.

"Since Doc is being grateful tonight, Joe and I would like to discuss something with you both while we're here," Jason began.

"Jesus H. Christ, I should've known this was more than just a free meal. Can we finish eating first?" Brock began, but Luke put a hand on his and quieted him.

"I think we're all capable of eating and talking at the same time. In fact, I think that's a special family talent around here. What's on your minds, boys?" Luke asked before taking a mouthful.

"Well," Jason began, and looked at me, so I went on.

"Coach, Brock," I said turning and looking at each one, "Jason and I have been talking about becoming parents. As you know, I'm not getting any youngerÉ" I started, and Brock interrupted, "And neither is your husband."

Coach Luke smacked him.

"Anyway," I continued. "Jason has, of course, done some research. We've contacted an agency that would line us up with some possible surrogate mothers. If we did that option, we each would have our sperm mixed with one another's and then fertilize a donor egg, or eggs, which a surrogate would carry to term. We've also looked at adoption Ð both domestic and international. We aren't partial to one or the other Ð it's not a requirement that we have our own biological child, because, well, you know adoption is important to me anyway for many reasons." I cleared my throat and Jason reached for my hand.

"We are exploring all avenues but the most important thing for us is how quickly we can adopt a child, not the venue," Jason began. "Luckily, my recent income has allowed us to fast-forward this process somewhat but the pandemic has placed some limitations on this."

"Son, I think this is a wonderful idea," Luke began, "and I know both of you will make fine Dads."

"Why do I sense a `but' coming in this statement," Jason countered.

"Because you've only been married for two and a half months!" Brock blurted out, "AND just living together for about six! Hell, have you even known each other what, eight months?"

If looks could kill, Jason shot his Dad one and Coach Luke grimaced. Brock continued, softening his tone, "Look boys. I know you're damn crazy about each other. I could see that the first time we saw you together, but raising a child Ð a child- is a wholly different matter? It's not just that you're also building a giant house from scratch, and still exploring your careers. It's that, well, you should enjoy this time together. Be together. Is that not enough?" Now Brock was leveling his gaze at me, as if this was all my idea.

"Jason is more than enough for me, Brock. That's not up for debate," I said strongly, finding my voice. "But I'm almost 41 years old and Jay will be 36 this summer. If we had a newborn now, he would finish college right when I'm getting ready for retirement. We want to be strong and vibrant Dads and why should we wait? I love him. He loves me. We want to start a family. I'm not sure why this bothers you so fucking much?" I felt Jason's hand on my shoulder and immediately my blood pressure lowered a notch.

"Boys," Luke began. "Men, I should say. It's hard for us not to worry about you both. When you become Dads, you'll immediately see danger around every curve, you'll wake up at night and go put your hand on his back just to see if he's still breathing. Half of the things you'll worry about will make no sense. Brock and I want you to be happy, and of course, we'll both support you whatever you do. We love you, isn't that right, B?"

"Of course it is!" Brock stated loudly. "I'm not saying I don't love you two, but it's just all of a sudden is alls I'm sayin'. There's no return on this like a TV or a hot tub or even a new house. Once you've got one, you've got one."

"Is that how you felt about me?" Jason asked, eyes sparkling as they fixed on his Dad. "Did you wish Luke hadn't brought me home?"

"Aah, Shit, son," Brock stuttered, red in the face now. "You know that was different and it wasn't like that. I'm the one who said our `arrangement' had to be different. I wanted you to be my boy more than anything in the whole world, you do know that don't you?" He said, eyeing Jason levely.

"Yeah, Dad," He began. "And I let you, even though I had a great father who was dead and buried. I let you both into my heart, and you let me into this family, along with Chase and Sam. How is this any different?"

"Ah, fuck," Brock bowed his head. "I knew I wasn't going to get to finish my damned lasagna!"

He smiled up at Jason. Jason smiled back. Luke smiled at them both. Me? Me, I was still a little pissed, but I loved all three of these men, so I began again.

"Some things have opened up in the search and Jason has made some plans. We may need your help. Specifically, yours Brock," I said.

"What things?" he asked, guardedly.

Then Jason laid out our plans that had been negotiated and assisted by his friend and attorney, Scottie, out in San Jose. We'd charter a jet that would take us out to San Jose. Pick up a new crew and Scottie. Then we'd fly to Singapore where we'd have to quarantine for ten days. From Singapore, we'd fly to Changsha, the capital of Hunan province in China. Scottie had a pre-pandemic contact in an orphanage in Changsha. Their brokerage of adoptions of mostly girls to the west had totally stopped with the pandemic, of course. Now, things were slowly opening up and with a well-placed donation to the orphanages' building fund as well as the usual fees plus government pay-offs, we had a chance to adopt an Asian orphan of three to nine months old if all went smoothly. First, though, we'd have to secure Covid vaccines and vaccination records that showed we were fully vaxxed and then quarantine for 10 days in Singapore before flying on to Changsha. The placement and adoption hearing would require another 10 days pre-hearing in China before we could ever come back home.

"So, you both will be abroad for more than three weeks, during a pandemic, in the country where the virus first started?" Luke asked, startled.

"Yes, Doc," Jason answered, "but China is now about the safest place. Their dictatorship put the country on lock-down and they've had fewer breakouts since last Fall. Though their vaccine isn't as effective, they've had fewer cases."

"That you know of, "Brock interrupted. "So how are you two going to get vaccinated. You're not in the latest age group of 55 and above? You know I couldn't get your Dad in until just a few weeks ago?"

"I know," Jason said. "But Joe has a Furman alumni friend who's in the general assembly now. When Joe talked to him this week, he thinks Governor McMaster will open this up to all adults in the next week or two. When he does, we need you to use your contacts at the hospital to get us appointments as soon as possible. Everything is ready to go. Our wire transfer to China, our chartered jet, everything."

"We've heard the same thing about the age group opening up. We may have mass-vaccination sites set up by next week, but it's going to be a free for all. It's one thing to get my husband into the clinic, my non-biological son and son-in-law may be a stretch," Brock said thoughtfully.

"How the fuck can you afford to charter a jet?" Luke asked.

"That's what you're worried about," Brock countered.

"It just seems so," Luke stumbled.

"What?" Brock asked.

"Rich? Extravagant?" Luke answered. "Like, we'll just go buy a baby?"

"Doc, it's not like that. Well, I mean, it sounds like that when you put it so harshly," Jason began, "But, it's just money. I made it. I have it from the sale of the company. We're building our dream house. Our dream is to start a family, so I don't care what it costs. And besides, it's cheaper in the long-term to charter the jet company because then we aren't dictated to by changing FDA regulations regarding Covid and flying into China."

"Wow, you've thought of everything," Luke said, chewing his veal thoughtfully.

"Look," I began, trying to take a different tact. "I'm not crazy about how much this is all costing. You know I'm all about paying my own way," I looked at Jason. "But Jason has assured me that our marriage is equal. What's mine is his and vice versa. More than a house, we want a child to make our family complete. It just so happens that we'd already begun construction when we decided to do this. We'll need a new house anyway since that two-bedroom cabin won't accommodate us plus a growing family for long."

"A growing family?" Brock challenged.

"Well, the Chinese adoption is the immediate option," I said, hesitantly. "We still are going to pursue the longer option of surrogacy for our next baby."

"Your NEXT baby?" Luke asked. "I need another glass of wine."

"I'm getting the Bourbon," Brock said, standing up from the table. "This piss-thin beer won't hold up to this conversation."

"Bring two glasses," Luke said slowly.

"Any more lasagna?" Jason asked sweetly, raising the aluminum pan toward his Dads. "I think this is going really well, don't you?" My guy said looking at me.

"Oh yeah, just great," I smiled back.

Guys Ð Thanks for reading. This is the end of Chapter 23. I'm running out of story line and time. I'm thinking that this story will end in a chapter or two. Hopefully, it won't take me another two or three months to get it done. I've outlined the ending but am not sure I can pull it off. As always, thanks for your emails and encouragement.

Remember to give to NIFTY.

Thanks, Coach Luke.

Next: Chapter 24

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