Jasons First Workout

By Coach Lucas Miles

Published on May 21, 2021


Jason's First Workout Ð Chapter XXI: December Men

Dear Readers:

Thanks to all of you who continue to provide feedback and email me with suggestions/questions or thanks. If you like this update to an old story, check out my other two in the Nifty archives Ð "Lil' Joe Comes Home" and "The Adam Chronicles". Though only a few chapters each, they are stories I started some years back.

Sorry this chapter has taken so long to write, but my life has been crazy! Special thanks to Grant Levy who proofread this draft!

IF you enjoy this story and the site, remember to give what you can back to Nifty so that we can all continue to get off here! http://donate.nifty.org/

Best, Coach Luke. Olcoach44@gmail.com

New chapters (5 and up) updated to present day: Luke age 56, Brock 48, Jason 34, Joe 40, Chase 28, Sam 26.

Mid-December 2020:


I stepped into the warmth of the backdoor and the laundry room and began to peel off my layers, shucking my dirty hospital clothes into the washer. I leaned into the kitchen and yelled through my mask:

"Hey! It's too damned cold for the outdoor shower. I'm going to make a run for it to ours. Wait and start this load of dirty clothes after you hear me turn off the shower, okay?"

Luke smiled at me. "Hey honey, you're home!" he yelled back sarcastically. And added "There's an extra $5 if you run through the kitchen naked."

I checked my mask was still in place, grabbed a towel off the shelves over the dryer after tossing my last dirty sock in the machine. I threw it over my shoulder and stepped out into the kitchen pass-through.

"This swinging enough for you, Stud?" I teased, walking slowly and adding some swish to my hips as I headed down the hall to our master bedroom and bath.

"Damn!" he called after me. "When am I gonna get a piece of that again?"

"Soon!" I yelled back, smiling.

I stepped into our bathroom and turned on the shower hot as I could get it. Though the house was warm, my skin had broken out with gooseflesh during my cool, naked romp. I sighed loudly as the steam rose around me and I stepped into the stream. Luke was definitely going to be surprised with my news and hopefully not too pissed I hadn't told him earlier. After 24 hours straight on duty, I wanted nothing more than to be clean and germ free, get some food, and then snuggle up next to my man and sleep. Sleep was what I wanted most. I almost dozed in the spray and shook my head forcefully and then grabbed the shower gel. I wasn't going to get clean by just standing here. I took my time, remembering our protocol even though most of us continued to shower and change at the hospital between shifts. Since the latest surge began just after Thanksgiving, I had enforced my quarantine/separation from Luke out of my fear for his safety. Though not high-risk, at 56, he still could have a hard time if he contracted this virus and what I had seen over the last few days had made me even more determined to protect him. Luckily today's events had hopefully changed all of that. I couldn't wait to tell him and hold him again.

I stepped out and grabbed my towel, worked it up, down and all around, and then wrapped it gingerly around my waist. Deciding not to put on anything else, I walked through our bedroom, back down the hall and into the kitchen. I'd left my mask on the bathroom counter.

"Hey Handsome," I said as I walked in.

"Hey," he said looking up from his cooking, and then realizing, "where's your mask?"

I smiled at him then and turned sexily in the towel and pointed to the band-aid on my upper left bicep.

"What?" he yelled. "Wait, what does this mean?"

I walked up to him and grabbed him. "Aw, come here, you handsome fucker!" and I pulled him into me.

"Are you sure?" he pulled back. "You were the one who insisted we should wait." He kept both of his hands on my chest and the feel of him on me after weeks apart made my cock immediately begin to rise beneath the towel.

"I know it's crazy and this dose won't even be at 90% effective for two weeks, but I couldn't wait. I'm praying with all the protocols we've followed, I'm not risking anything by finally holding you. I've missed you, man." I pulled him back into me, wrapping my still-damp arms around his back and beginning to kiss up the side of his neck. One hand went behind his shaved head and I pulled his mouth into mine, while the other hand reached for his ass, high and taut in his old grey sweat pants and I pressed him into my hardening cock. I could feel him sigh into my mouth.

"Oh fuck, I've missed this," he groaned into me.

"Ditto, stud." I kissed him back. "You want to turn off that stove so we can resume our marital relations as soon as possible?"

He broke away from me, adjusted some things on the stove and then quickly turned back. With one hand, he pulled his long-sleeve t-shirt off and with two hands stepped out of his sweats. He was free-balling and the sight of that hairy crotch framing that perfectly cut head almost made me swoon. I tore off the towel, dropped it in front of him, then knelt down on it, taking his chubbing cock into my mouth in one giant gulp.

He grabbed my shaved head and pressed me into his crotch.

"Holy shit, Bud. Suck my cock," he groaned.

I leaned back, gently stroking his almost hard member and looked up at him invitingly. "I plan to get very reacquainted with this buddy all night long," I said.

"You think you can stay awake that long?" he asked, stroking my face lovingly.

"Well, at least for a while," I smiled back and then started sucking him again. I edged him until he was panting then I led him by his pulsing member around to the other side of the bar. I grabbed some of the olive oil he'd been cooking with, massaged two dripping fingers up my ass and then wrapped the rest around his turgid tool. I guided him into my hungry hole and all but begged him to fuck me.

"Oh fuck, babe. That's tight! Are you sure?" He growled into my ear as he leaned over my back, slowly driving his cock into my throbbing entrance.

"Please God," I groaned. "I need to be fucked hard. Now!" I shouted. With one strong thrust, he was in me filling me completely. Then he began a slow, torturous withdrawal and I felt the walls of mychute contract, begging to keep him in. Then he slammed me again and I howled.

"Fuck!" I shouted. "Yes, fuck, give it to me again."

He was working up to a hard rhythm now, long-dicking me, and I could feel the sweat start to drip off of his naked chest onto my back. The heat had kicked on and that partnered with our intensity had us both hot and horned up full blast.

"Take this fucking cock, Stud. Remember who owns this hole," he growled, biting my ear. Oh, fuck. Yes! I loved it when my man talked dirty.

"Ride me stud. Breed your boy," I growled back. "He's missed his daddy seeding his tight pussy."

"Oh fuck, Brock," Luke moaned again, rising up off my back and grabbing me by the shoulders so he could gain better leverage. He began to pound me, pulling me back into his aching cock. I could feel the heat of it and the pressure of his cock-head expanding within me, burrowing in its home, seeking to breed.

"Oh Bud, you're gonna fuck the cum out of your boy," I moaned.

"Hold on, stud," he shouted, "almost there." Then he rammed into me hard, two or three more thrusts almost lifting my ass over the bar. I reached for my aching cock and before I could grab the shaft I was shooting all over the granite top and side of the cabinets. My contractions squeezed my hole and I felt Luke lose his nut.

"Fuck! Fuck! God-damn that feels good!" He shouted, still pounding his cock into me. He continued to rock my hole until I thought my legs would go weak, then my stud collapsed onto my back in a sweaty heap.

"Damn, Bud," He groaned into my ear. Then, "Here, let me get you over to the couch," as he gingerly extracted his weeping, softening member from my well-fucked hole. "Here, put an around my shoulder."

"I'm fucked, not dead stud," I laughed, holding on to the counter as I moved over to the settee in the keeping room. "Damn," I groaned as I collapsed back. He leaned over and gave me a long, slow, wet kiss, then got up and tossed me a dish towel.

"Clean up, you sex God, before you drip all over the floor. I'll clean up this mess (and my ass) and then finish your supper."

I took the towel and cleaned my foreskin back, and wiped my head. Most of my jizz was all over the kitchen cabinets. I smiled, leaning back on the sofa and pulled the afghan off the back over me. I smiled, feeling well-fucked, as sleep overtook me.


Once I'd cleaned up our quick fuck mess, I heard Brock snoring and realized I didn't need to hurry to complete supper. Although, come to think about it, I did need to feed him so I could get him to bed and let him have a real sleep. That hot fucker had to be exhausted, but damn! It felt good to finally fuck my man again. I started to chub in my sweat pants and realized I needed to get on with it. He'd have an extra 24 hours off because of his vaccination, but he'd probably end up sleeping for most of that. At most, we'd probably get some snuggling time in, but I wouldn't complain. He was slightly safer now. We'd had the first sex since our wrestling days and self-imposed quarantine, and it had been damned fine!

I plated the sauteed chicken and vegetables and got the homemade yeast rolls (his favorite) out of the oven. I poured us a glass of Riesling each and then lit the candles on the bar. Only then did I walk over to the settee to wake Brock.

"Hey, Sleeping Beauty," I gently nudged him. "Wake up and eat, and then you can go to bed for real."

He snorted, grabbing my hand, and then pulled me down onto the couch on top of him. He stuck his tongue in my ear, causing me to yell, and pressed his crotch into mine. "Why don't we go for round two?" he sighed. He moved his mouth to mine and we kissed softly, tenderly. It felt like coming home to me. I grasped his head and pulled away.

"Nothing would suit me better. But you're hungry and exhausted. Come eat, and then we can decide if you want more of Dr. Love before you hit the sack," I said, pulling him up off the sofa.

"Dr. Love?" he laughed. "You mistake yourself, Sir. We all know I'm the Doctor of Love in this house!" and he swatted my ass as he stumbled to the bar, wrapping the afghan around his naked ass.

"I'll concede the point for now, but only because you are totally naked, Dr. Goodman, and the sight of that fine, hairy ass, well-fucked and full of my jizz, has got me hard again!" I pointed to the bulge in my sweatpants.

He pulled out his stool, raised his wineglass and toasted me.

"To the finest husband and hottest fuck I know!" he sat down then and said, "Damn, I'm so hungry I could eat the ass out of an elephant."

I sat down next to him, laughing, and smiled as he dug into his plate ravenously.


I had put the homemade cinnamon rolls (made with the other half of my yeast dough from yesterday) in the freezer when I realized that breakfast and then brunch time would come and go and Brock would still be asleep. I knew he was probably exhausted from 2 double shifts this week, but still had no idea what additional side effects he might be having from his vaccine. Since only medical workers had received them so far, we hadn't heard much except sore arms and maybe some fever was to be expected. The homemade soup remained in the crock pot since it could cook slow and be served whenever the hungry man woke up.

At 2 PM, I could wait no longer deciding that 19 hours straight should be enough. I went into the bedroom, and observed Brock on his side facing the slanting light from the west side of the house. The almost winter sun no longer heated this room like it did in summer, but I smiled at the glow cast upon his grizzled face and equally grizzled head. He was wrapped cocoon-like in sheet and comforter and I went to place a hand on his forehead. He was warm, and perhaps a bit clammy. He stirred beneath my touch.

"Hey you," he groused, turning into me as I slid down along the outside of the covers next to him. "What day is it?"

I smiled. "Still Saturday, but you've missed most of it. Just after 2 PM. How do you feel?" I asked, wrapping an arm around his snuggled frame.

"Honestly, I kinda feel like shit. I think I've got some fever and that left shoulder there is sore as fuck," he growled.

"I'm going to get you some more water to go with that Tylenol on the bedside table," I said making to rise, but he reached out and held on to me.

"No wait," he said. "I think I took some Tylenol earlier, maybe around 10 when I woke up for a minute. But not sure. I can hold off a second. Just stay with me for a minute, okay?"

"Sure Bud," I said, snuggling back into his ear. "This is my happy place."

"Me too," he whispered. "Tell me what's up. I feel like I've been out in la-la land for weeks since the kids were here and the hospital has been blowing up. How are our boys and Janie?"

"Everybody's fine," I said, rubbing his head, and pulling him into me some more. "Janie's ultrasound on Thursday was good, but the baby is measuring about 2-3 weeks ahead. Could be extra fluid or just that she's a big baby."

He laughed, "Sounds like her daddy and grand-dad."

"Maybe." I smiled back. "But they seem okay. Sam is sad we won't see them at Christmas but glad they got to come for Thanksgiving before she was too far along to travel. Jason and Joe have finalized their plans and they are going to risk it to go to Connecticut to meet Joe's biological dad and family."

"Wait, what?" he started to rise, but I held him firmly. He settled back down and grumbled, "I thought I strongly advised them against it. With this new wave, they don't want to go up there and even some states aren't accepting visitors from South Carolina right now because of this surge."

"Well, technically, they are across the state line in NC right now, remember? And they've decided to drive. They aren't flying. They are just going to go for four or five days. Stay in a hotel and they all decided when they are together for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, they will also stay masked unless they are eating. All are being tested as well." I said, trying to defend the grown men for what was their own personal decision.

"Testing is only one point in time, you know." He answered flatly, breathing out a long sigh.

"Yes, you've told us, Dr. Goodman. But they are grown men. And Joe desperately wants to meet his dad in person, and his siblings, especially the younger one, Tommy, that he's been corresponding with and seems to have so much in common with. Apparently, Tommy wants him there when he also comes out to his parents," I said.

"Holy Shit!" he groused. "What a recipe for a Christmas disaster! Didn't you warn them about this?"

"Didn't you?" I said, tired of being the mediator. "Listen, you asked what was going on. Don't piss on the messenger. You've been too busy to offer much advice to Jason and I've given my thoughtful responses. Joe listens to me, but he's also a very smart guy. I trust he'll do what he can to protect himself and Jay. He doesn't want to interfere with their wedding plans."

"So, that's still on, is it?" He asked looking at me.

"Yes, of course. As long as Jason's divorce is finalized when expected on the 28th. We'll meet Joe's grandma Shirley, O'Della, Joe, and Jason at Pisgah Chapel at 9 PM on New Year's Eve. They'll have the short ceremony conducted by Joe's friend who is the Park Service Chaplain, and then we'll go back to Shirley's condo for drinks and some light refreshments for New Year's Eve. Then we'll all go home. The boys are considering their Christmas drive up to Connecticut as a pre-honeymoon."

"Well, sounds like they have everything all figured out." He moaned, rolling away from me and off of his left shoulder. I got up and grabbed the water bottle off the bedside table.

"Let me go fill this back up then you can take some more acetaminophen and we can snuggle some more," I said, moving around the bed.

"What smells so good?" He asked, shuffling up a bit more on the pillows.

"Mama's vegetable soup is in the crock pot. You feel like eating some?" I asked from the doorway.

"Yeah, I think I can," he said, shoving himself up a bit.

I went into the kitchen and made a tray, filling up the water bottle, placing some stew in the bowl, putting two of last night's leftover yeast rolls on the tray with some fresh butter, and then a padded back into the bedroom. He was scrolling through news channels on the T.V.

"Everything is about this surge that we all could have predicted. Nobody listened about avoiding large family gatherings for Thanksgiving. And we are only weeks away from vaccines. We're about to get the second approved any day now." He grumbled as I put the tray across his lap and set the water bottle on the table. I opened the pill bottle and handed him a couple.

"Don't watch the news. It'll just upset you. Take these and then have some soup. Mama's soup will always cure what ails you," I smiled.

"Damn right!" he agreed. I moved back onto the bed but tried not to bounce him too much as he ate some of his late lunch.

"I realized while you were sleeping that this will be the first Christmas that I won't have any of the three boys with me. Even after the separation and divorce, I got to see them part of the day. And Jason has always tried to fly home or we've flown out there to be with him. He loved the idea of having `adopted' brothers and I never had to ask him to be with us. This is going to be hard this year," I said, looking off through the back window toward the mountains in the distance."

He put down his spoon. "I'm sorry Bud," he said, reaching for my hand across the comforter. "I didn't realize how tough this was going to be on you, not being with the kids. You have so many traditions and activities you've always done with them. I know they are all going to miss you too. No chance that Chase may make a surprise return?"

I smiled back at him, releasing his hand. "No. He said he's scheduled to work through the entire holiday weekend and though he has the 29th off, he'll be back on full duty for New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. He can't even get back here to stand up for Jason. Jay wanted one of his brothers to be there but neither will be, obviously," I trailed off.

"Well Hell!" He said, "They were both there for that damned wedding to Butch, and look how that turned out!" We both laughed.

"Yes, Jay said he and Joe just want it to be small with immediate family. You and I will `stand for him' and Grandma Shirley for Joe. I think they are reading some poetry and saying some home-written vows and that'll be it. A nice candlelight service in that beautiful old chapel of hand-hewn beams, wood paneling, and stained glass. I just hope they can get to Connecticut and back without any traffic or weather issues," I said.

He pushed his tray aside and motioned for me to join him under his arm. "Come here, Bud." I moved judiciously and wrapped my arms around his sturdy frame. "I love you," He spoke into the top of my head and I sighed into his taut, warm chest.

"I love you, too," I said.

"I know it's going to be hard, but they are all happy and healthy, and we are too. Let's be grateful for that and try not to worry, okay? I know you worry way too much about me too," he said, squeezing me tight.

"I'm a big guy, I can handle it. At least I'll have you for Christmas, or part of it at least," I said, pulling back to look him in the eye. "Right?" I asked to confirm.

"Definitely," He smiled back and I resumed my spot in his arms. "Told Admin I could do Christmas Eve Day, or Christmas Day, but not both. No doubles, and that I had to be off for 12 hours on New Year's Eve for my son's wedding. They are so happy to have the help that they'll accommodate my schedule, and since I've been willing to double up to help those who've been out with Covid, they'll be okay."

"Thanks for that," I said. "It means a lot that you are looking out for us."

"You're always Number One, Bud. Don't ever forget it." He said, and then shifted. "And, between Mama's soup and that Tylenol, I'm feeling a bit more normal. You wanna get naked?"

I smiled, leaning up to kiss him. "Normal for you, meaning horny! You don't have to ask me twice!" And I sat up, kicking off my shoes and pulling my sweatshirt over my head. Time for Round 3 of post-vaccination sex!

December 23rd, somewhere in New England Jason:

"Just pull over at the next exit and we'll find a room. There's no way you can see in this shit and even if you can, I'm afraid one of these creeping trucks is going to slide and knock us off I-95!" I begged, punching the dashboard.

"It's a damned four-wheel drive Jeep, Jay. I didn't know you were such a chicken-shit about a little snow," Joe spit back at me.

"That last update on my phone said they are closing parts of the interstate overnight until the plows can catch up. There's no sense in trying to prove anything. We can get the rest of the way there tomorrow and still be in time to meet your Dad before the `family gathering' tomorrow night," I pleaded. He gripped the wheel tighter and I reached out a hand and placed it on his thigh.

"Look, I know you're stressed about this entire meeting," I began but he cut me off.

"I'm not fucking stressed. You're stressing me out about stopping. I had a plan to be there by late tonight," he yelled back.

"And the weather did not cooperate," I said smugly. "You can't control everything."

"That was a low blow," He growled.

"Well, you're being an ass. And after this morning's wake-up fuck in Northern Virginia, I thought you might be looking forward to turning the tables and giving me a nice, long, hotel room ride tonight, stud," I temptingly rubbed his thigh closer to his crotch and felt the big monster stir.

"Fuck, you don't fight fair. You keep that up and we will be lost in a snowbank," he said. He ducked his head and looked up into the storm and then the signs as they passed overhead, merely visible for a few seconds in the blowing storm.

"I'll try and see what's at this next exit," he said.

"Where are we?" I asked, searching for our location on a mobile app but grimacing at my phone's ability to find service.

"Somewhere North of Dover, Delaware and south of Camden, New Jersey, I think," He answered thoughtfully. I had hoped we could take that 95 bypass around Philadelphia and get past NYC tonight. Then we'd only have an hour or two up to Waterbury in the morning. The last thing I want to be is snowed in at a cheap motel in New Jersey."

"I think I could make that worth your while, Champ," I smiled over at him. Anything to get off this interstate and out of this storm would be worth it to me. "Don't forget, this is my honeymoon and I have plenty to prove."

He laughed, turning onto an off ramp that somehow seemed better lit than the interstate had been itself. After striking out at the first Holiday Inn Express we passed and then a Comfort Inn, we hit pay-dirt at a La Quinta that was tucked in just behind an old, outer-door version of a Best Western. Somehow, there was one room available and it was a king-only, non-smoking! Perfect!

After we'd both quickly showered (there wasn't room in the tub shower for both of us), we met naked and warmly damp under the covers. I dove into Joe's chest as he slid underneath the scratchy hotel sheets and comforter. I wrapped myself into him and ground my cock into his.

"Thank God," I sighed. "I thought I'd never get you off that damned interstate."

"Getting off is what got me off," He chuckled, pulling my chin up and covering my mouth with his lips. I sucked the moisture from his damp beard surrounding his mouth and then played more tongue hockey as we grappled and ground our growing cocks into one another.

"Fuck, it was worth it tramping through snow 3 times to get this bed," I huffed into his ear.

"Hey, sexy hitchhiker. I was driving. In a blizzard. Least you could do was run into the offices and ask about vacancies. Besides, I saved you from the storm and offered you this big cock to revive you," He growled, reaching between us and slapping his heavy cock against my hard abs.

I smiled at the role play and joined in.

"Thank you, Sir," I moaned into his mouth again. "I would've frozen to death if I'd been on that roadside one more minute. Thank goodness you and your big "truck" came along to my rescue," I groaned, reaching for his cock and then, sliding beneath the covers, took the still-covered head into my mouth. I tongued his foreskin back slowly, reveling in his piss-slit, and then reached to pull on his big, hairy nuts with my other hand. He groaned and rolled onto his back and I rolled with him. I lapped at his large, throbbing member, still only able to deep-throat about 2/3 of the full 9 inches of him. He was just so fucking huge. And hot. I slobbered all over it, up and down that mother-fucker, hungry for his pre-cum and desperate to have him. All of him.

Being first in and out of the shower meant I had had time to clean out and then lube up. I lapped my way around his nuts and perineum a few times, and then licked up the hairy crevasses of his muscular belly, slowing to chew on his hardened pecs and large man-titties as I made my way to his hair-stubbled neck and then through the forest of his thick, masculine beard and into the hot, waiting folds of his lips. He groaned, and I forced my tongue into his mouth as I crawled up his lap, reached behind me and placed that spit-covered, massive cock head at my hole's tight entrance. I took a deep breath, sat back, and with one strong arm guiding it, drew his cock into my hot, man-pussy. I'd learned over our months together that slow and steady was the way to take this monster, and mounting him was my second favorite position. When he was in about half-way, I sighed deeply and looked down into his eyes.

"Holy fuck, you feel so hot and tight, stud," he said, looking into my eyes, and then drew my head down into another tight kiss. I groaned and sat back, slowly inching more of that throbbing monster into my chute until I could feel his hairy nuts pressed up against my ass. I leaned back away from him and sighed, placing my full weight on my hips and his lap, and sliding my hands up my sides, teasing my own taut nipples as I did so.

"God-damn, boy! You are one hot fucker," He moaned, beginning to buck up, in and out of me. "Let me do that for you, Son" he said, twisting my nips as he started a slow fuck into me. "You're the damned sexiest stud I've ever picked up on the highway."

I smiled and started to ride him slowly, working my ass over his cock, in and out. "You like how I ride that big cock, Mister?" I teased back. "I've taken a longer one, but never one as thick as yours. And that trucker wasn't anywhere built as strong as you," I said in a twang, reaching down to grasp both muscular pecs on both hands. His lust was building now and he wasn't content to merely let me ride and slide. He grasped my hips with those large, hairy mitts of his, thrusting up into me and growling as he sought purchase deep.

"I'm going to fuck the memory of every other cock right out of you boy, you hear me?" He teased. "Tonight is your lucky fucking night," he moaned, and reaching up, he pulled my head down into him, covering my mouth with his. He tongued me deep and then hauled me up and over. Within seconds, I was on my back, legs pulled up, and he was covering me with his mass, jack-hammering my ass with that strong, hot dick.

"Oh, yes sir, right there, sir," I moaned into his ear. "Fuck me hard and make me your boy," I groaned. His cock was ramming into my upper reaches, tap, tap, tapping on my prostate and making my raging cock pour streams of pre-cum all over my shaved abs and his sweaty torso.

"Trucker Daddy's going to fuck the cum out of you, Boy! Ever cum hands-free with any of those toothless cocks you been bangin'?" He yelled. Pile-driving into me. The sweat was pouring off of his forehead and suddenly the room felt sweltering. I could feel my ass-lips surrendering, stretching and holding, at once taut and then loose as he drove that hard, sweaty tool deep within me and then pulled back, reloaded, and shoved it in again.

"Fuck me, Daddy," I moaned, and covered my mouth with his. I ground my hips up to meet his thrusts, feeling the pounding on my spot, my cock head sweating and grinding into his muscle and I knew I was close. "Fuck the cum out of your boy, Daddy," I pleaded.

"So. Fucking. Close." he growled, getting up on both arms in push up formation and pummeling my ass with his cock. I grasped the biceps, so large my hands couldn't fit around them, and I clamped my ass-muscles around his throbbing tool. I felt the ache in my loins and I willed myself to cum, feeling the urge from my lower balls build up until it felt like my cock-head was split wide open as I showered my molten cum up and out, all over his hairy chest and abs. "Fuuuuck!" I shouted to the universe. "Fuck me!" He continued to pound my ass, harder and harder. He was doubling me over, my knees were by my ears. I felt I would be compacted into one sweaty sinew of cum and hole, and then he thrust home one last time and let out a bellow, part growl and part shout, and I could feel the molten cum of his release flooding my insides and still he kept thrusting and groaning, ramming and shouting. Finally, spent, he lowered my legs, leaving his throbbing meat inside of me and collapsed on top of me. I maneuvered slightly so that I could still breath, and I held him as his breathing returned to normal.

"You're one hot fuck, fucker," he growled into my ear, nipping at my lower lobe with his teeth.

"Oh Daddy," I moaned in my put-on drawl, "you're the hottest cock I've ever had up my pussy. I wish I could be yours all the time."

"I think we can make that wish cum true, son," he smiled into my neck and then licked me from collarbone up to earlobe, making me shiver despite being covered in sweat and cum. "Just like you've made all of my dreams cum true."

"Don't break character," I sighed. "I was really into it." And then I couldn't help it. I started laughing, hugging him into me. He did too.

"I love you, you crazy fuck" he groaned. "Even if we could've driven another hour or so."

"Oh Jesus!" I shouted, pushing him off me, "you and the last fucking word!" He would not be budged.

"Don't treat your Daddy that way, Son. I thought I had the hottest cock you'd ever had up your pussy," he teased.

"I'm a consummate actor. It was a line well delivered," I smirked.

He pressed down into me, kissing my face, my neck, and my nipples.

"Oh okay," I shouted, "Shit Joe, stop! Okay, you crazy fuck. You win! I can't breathe!" I'd had enough and knew enough to surrender. He placed one hand loosely around my neck and reared back. In his biggest hick accent he shouted, "Who's my fuckin' boy?" grinning.

"I am," I shouted back.

"I am, what?" He squeezed.

"I am, Sir?" I said, moaning.

"Damn right," he smiled, releasing me. And then gingerly, bent down and kissed me. "Love you, Jay."

"Ditto," I said, running a hand through his loose black curls. "Fucking Ditto!"

Next: Chapter 22

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