Jasons First Workout

By Coach Lucas Miles

Published on Mar 16, 2021


Jason's First Workout Ð Chapter XVIII Ð Love is Hard Work

Dear Readers:

I'm sorry that breaks are still too long in between chapters. Life is full and busy. Hopefully, my faithful readers are still around and will enjoy this latest chapter.

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Best, Coach Luke. Olcoach44@gmail.com

New chapters (5 and up) updated to present day: Luke age 56, Brock 48, Jason 34, Joe 40, Chase 28, Sam 26.

A few weeks after our last chapterÉ


I sat in my office on Facetime with Will Hendricks.

"Thanks, Will. It was very nice meeting all of them," I said into my computer screen.

"Well, I admit, it had to be a bit overwhelming with ALL of them filling up your screen like that." Will answered back, face filling the screen.

"Yes sir. Well, Mrs. Hendricks seemed especially nice. I have to admit, I wasn't sure how that would go. I mean, it must be a shock to her." I added.

"Joe, you have to understand. As soon as Tommy brought me that magazine article and then I started googling, I talked with Barb and told her everything. She's an amazing woman and she can read me like a book. She would've known something was up anyway if I hadn't. After 37 years of marriage and four kids, 3 grand kids, she would've known. After I'd spilled my guts about what I suspected, her first response was `you have to find him and find out. He may need you.' That's the kind of woman I married, thank God!" He added, flushed.

"Well, sir. It was nice meeting all of them, even if it was virtually. And I did enjoy talking with Tommy more yesterday and getting the virtual tour of his gym. I was very surprised to hear from him so soon," I said, carefully.

"Tommy is a good lad." He laughed. "And, the fact that you two look so much alike despite being about 10 years apart seems to have stirred up something in him. These days, he and his older brother don't seem to have as much in common."

"Yes, I sensed that," I said carefully. "William seemed to have less to say on our chat, but with two kids running around, he also seemed a bit distracted."

"WilliamÉ" he harrumphed and went on. "Honestly Joe, my oldest has me perplexed these days. It's hard to say William. He was always Billy until he went off to Rutgers. Then he wanted to be grown up. No Junior. I was Will so he had to be William. And I then he met Connie and they fell in love and got married all rather quickly. Now, we love Connie and the children. But leaving the church, I mean his leaving the Catholic church, was hard on his mother. And now, this evangelicalism, and the Trump stuff. Honestly, It's been hard on all of us. I try to keep them off politics, and his sister Mary Frances and her husband Ted are notorious for just moving on when William or Connie bring it up. But it's clear, that's come between Billy and Tommy, I mean, between William and Tommy."

"Well, I'm glad it wasn't me that was the issue." I added smiling.

"Look," he said leaning into the camera and filling my screen. "I don't want you to be put off by William or anything. My kids love each other. Big families are hard. They fight, they disagree. I'm sorry that you've missed out on that," He said, smiling. "Maybe you aren't so muchÉ?"

I smiled back. Each time I talked to this kind man, I fell for him more and more. And how could I already confide the ripples that drew me to his family and the secrets I felt hidden there. My gaydar went off strongly when I had FaceTime'd with Tommy on Wednesday and met his "business partner" and former high school friend and lifting partner. Or maybe I was mis-reading and they were just lifelong buddies.

"They are all pretty interesting. For a guy with no siblings and just a grandmother for so long, it may take me awhile to come out of my shellÉ" I began. "Jason and his family have been great to help me in that way."

"Speaking of Jason," He began, "that is one handsome man! And smart. I was very impressed with him," He said.

"Thanks, Will. It was nice of you to ask to meet him. I'm glad you're cool with my being gay. I wasn't sure how you'd handle it, but you needed to know, if you want to know all of me. I mean, I've been out of the closet for a long time, so, I'm not ashamed of that part of my life. Luckily, my Gram was always super supportive of me." I said, hesitantly. "She's also looking forward to meeting you some day." The conversation with Gram over at her new townhouse had gone about as well as I could've hoped. She was more concerned for my welfare and making sure that I wasn't being `scammed!' Gram had watched one too many episodes of Dateline. But I had assured her and we had agreed the next time I was visiting her, we'd do a virtual chat with Will.

"Joe, I'm never going to judge you for who you are. I admit, I've overcome a lot of my prejudices that folks of my generation may have held over the last few years. In my case, most of it was ignorance. But I mentored a very fine engineer over the last decade or so in my company, who's now one of my junior partners. When he entrusted me with his story AND some of the discrimination he'd faced over the last few years, well, it definitely changed my world view. If anything, I hope I've taught my kids to treat all people respectfully regardless of who they are or where they come from." He said, getting serious.

"Yes sir," I added hesitantly, "butÉ" and I waved the envelope in front of the screen.

"But I'm rambling on and on, and you're ready to get on with this," He laughed.

"Yes sir, I think we should." I said, honestly.

"Okay," he raised his envelope to the screen, "But I need you to know Joe. No matter what this envelope says, it's been my privilege getting to know you these last few weeks. Nothing in this letter will change that. You're a fine young man," he said, and cleared his throat awkwardly.

I reached for the letter opener on my desk and slit open the seal. I heard paper crackling on my screen but didn't look up. I retrieved the letter, opened it, and read it. Not until I'd finished it, did I dare to look up at the screen. When I did so, I saw a broad smiling Will, tears in his eyes, looking straight at me.

"96% match!" He shouted. "Welcome to the family, son!"

I smiled back, unsure how to react. I was this man's son. I had never met him in person and now we were sharing the most important news of my life via computer. It all felt so weird somehow. I was hesitant.

"Oh, Joe. I'm so sorry. I didn't meanÉ" he trailed off. "You are happy, aren't you son?"

I smiled back. "Yes sir. I'm, I mean, I think I knew from that first phone call, but now it's real. And honestly, it's kind of weird not being able to meet you in person."

"I know, Joe. I can fly down there tomorrow! I don't care what the risks are. I want to meet my son in person and hug you. You are a hugger, aren't you Joe?" he asked, just rambling on, clearly so excited that it made me excited too. I must've laughed out loud though I didn't mean to.

"Yes sir. Well, with my boyfriend Jason and his Dad's, you kind of have to be a hugger. They are a touchy-feely family, but I'm getting used to it." I said, then "Look Will. This means a lot to me. I appreciate how hard you worked to find me and do this."

"Uh oh," He smiled back. "I hear a big BUT coming in after that statement."

"But," I began, "I am also a scientist. I'm not risking your health during a pandemic when it's taken me so long to finally find you. I can wait a few more months. Until a vaccine is available and it's safe for us to travel. When I meet you finally, I don't want to have to worry about masks, or risks, or any of that. And if you want to hug me, I'll be ready!" I laughed. "Though, I'm kind of a big guy," I shrugged sheepishly. I mean I worked on this muscle and was proud of it, but this guy, he was my Dad. I wasn't quite sure how'd he feel about it. Or me.

He started laughing and wiping away tears at the same time. "No worries, son. Your little brother Tommy isn't so small either, though I can see he's not as tall as you but maybe just as broad these days. He's almost 6'3 and you're what, 6'4"? And I'm used to feeding big boys. We'll put on a spread you won't forget the first time you and Jason come to visit! He's welcome too, and your Gran. I want to meet everyone!"

"Yes sir. Thanks again. Speaking of Jason, it's after hours here at the office and he's probably wondering what's become of me. I probably should log off and head out to the cabin," I said, ready to share this important news with my man, but also hesitant about cutting the call off.

"Go and tell Jason, Joe. You and I can talk tomorrow. Or later tonight, or whenever the hell you need to call me. I'm retired! I'm here 24-7. The other kids are sick of me texting so that should tell you, you may get sick of me checking in on you too. I'm just so proud to meet you and know the truth at last. And, again, I'm so sorry that I've missed these 40 years with you Joe. I don't want to waste a single minute of the rest of the years we have together." He choked up.

"Yes sir. Thank you. And I've already told you, you don't have to keep saying you're sorry. I'm just so grateful that you found me." I stuttered.

He smiled through the screen. "Me too, son. Me too. Go check on your guy. Call or text me later if you want." And then, "And Joe. I am so proud to be your Dad. Any man would be."

"Thanks." I stuttered back. "Thank you, sir. That means a lot. And I'm so glad," I laughed and then realized what I was thinking. I couldn't say, `I'm so glad you're not an asshole.' But instead, I just offered, "I'm so glad that you're such a kind and decent man. I'm very lucky."

"Good night, son" he said, smiling at me, those big brown eyes dancing.

"Bye," I said, and clicked off the screen.

By the time I'd shut down the office and loaded my stuff into the truck, it was almost 6 pm. I'd had a text from Jay that said "text when you're leaving." I started the truck and texted, "leaving now. Call went well. Home in 15." I couldn't wait to share the news with Jason although we'd suspected the results for weeks. I'd been pretty certain once I'd met Will's son Tom and seen his startling resemblance to me. We were the same size, coloring, and thanks to physical workouts, mostly the same musculature. He was a decade younger, but anyone on the street would've guessed we were brothers. After that video tour of his gym yesterday, it was clear that he was excited to welcome me to the family and maybe even dish a bit more about his older brother William. Despite Will's assertions, I don't think William Jr. was happy to welcome a bastard to the family and especially a gay one. Would he be surprised to learn he had two gay brothers in the family? Did he already suspect Tommy? And the girls seemed very nice, very pretty, especially the older one with her buttoned-up husband and pretty blond daughter. Both sisters had long, flowing dark hair, but the younger had blue eyes like her mother. Sisters? Shit, I had half-sisters! That was going to take some getting used to, I thought, smiling to myself.

These thoughts and more swirled through my head as I turned out onto 25, the main highway leading me down and across this ridgeline toward home. Home. Jason. I was smiling as I turned up the graveled drive and the cabin came into view. I was glad our construction phase was over. Since completion, we'd started working out early in our new home gym. The mornings were crisper now in mid-October and I was still not willing to risk going back to my gym even with masking and cautions. Besides, Jason now had time in the mornings and we could lift together this way. My crotch warmed and stretched thinking about how we'd fucked in the shower just 10-11 hours ago. I adjusted myself as I grabbed my briefcase off the backseat, locked the truck, and bounded up the new side door into the kitchen.

"Honey, I'm home," I shouted out, laughing. I ducked my head into each room, making my way toward our bedroom when I saw J was not sitting at his desk in the guest room. What I found took my breath away. My beautiful man was stretched out, fully naked, on the grey comforter covering our new, king sized bed. The golden hour light poured through the northwestern facing French doors just highlighting the riot of golden hairs sprinkled across this lower back, buttocks, and strong quadriceps. He slept, face buried in his hooked left arm, softly snoring. My shout had not awakened him. I picked up the discarded towel off the floor Ð the one he must've worn after a shower earlier, and placed it in our new hidden hamper, shucking off my jeans, work shirt, and camo briefs and adding them to the pile. Gently, my hardening cock glistening along my length of thigh, I lay down next to my boy, snuggling into his side and pulling him back into me.

I rolled him into my embrace, pressing his ass into my crotch and his back into my pecs. My left hand strayed down his hard torso toward my prize, while my right brought his head and neck to my lips. Gently, I nuzzled along his neckline, below his ear and he moaned audibly.

"Wake up, my handsome prince," I soothed. I felt his cock hardening in my hand as I pressed my now-leaking member into his crack. He turned his head to meet my mouth with his. We kissed, softly.

"Hey," he said groggily, "Am I dreaming or did a sexy muscleman just wake me up with his cock?"

"I'm the one who's dreaming," I smiled back, kissing some more. "Finding you like this takes my breath away," I said honestly.

He turned again, and pressed his hard-muscled ass against my straining, leaking cock.

"I didn't mean to fall asleep. But I'm glad I did, if I can wake up to this," and with that he reached back and grabbed my throbbing cock and placed my cock head right at his entrance. He pressed himself over me, and my flesh head peeled back as I broached his opening sphincter. Then, I realized He was pre-lubed for me and I smiled into his neck as I pressed my shaft home into the tight warmth of his manhole.

"Oh, Fuck baby. You were waiting for me?" I sighed. "Lubed and ready for this?"

"Oh fuck," he groaned in unison. "I'm always ready for your big cock, Stud." I pulled him into my arms, nuzzling his neck and hair as we began a leisurely rhythm on our sides. He pulled up his left leg and my left followed, allowing more of my shaft into his entrance, and I began to slowly make love to my man. I pressed his nipples with my right fingers while my left hand slowly stroked his leaking shaft, all the while I rode him from behind, fucking him with deep, long strokes and whispering x-rated sweet nothings into his ear that I knew made him fucking hot and crazy. He growled as I whispered, "Take my fucking cock up that wet pussy, boy," and "I'm going to breed my sexy man long and slow. You need some muscle cum up that tight man-hole?"

"Yes, please, fuck me baby," He moaned back. "God that cock is so big. I can feel you so fucking deep."

We fucked and stroked long and hard until the sweat was pouring off of each of us and the golden fall light had shifted to shadow across our naked, muscled bodies. I came first, without warning. I'd been picking up my strokes, long-dicking his hot, wet ass but backing off when I felt my orgasm building. In the same way, my hand was covered with his pre-cum, but each time he got close, he'd close his fist around mine and slow my jerking. When my seed shot out, it came almost without warning and the intensity of my orgasm almost hurt. Five or six long, slow eruptions filled Jason's ass until I could feel it coating my cock and his pussy, dripping out of his hairy hole. I reached back to rub this leaking cum across his beautiful ass and he then shouted out, his cock erupting against his tight belly and our new bedclothes.

"Holy fuck, that was good, Joe." He moaned when he caught his breath.

"I thought the top of my head was coming off," I groaned into his ear.

"Which one?" He chuckled.

"My head, not my cock head, although that one is kind of sore too." I laughed. Then I snuggled back down into the nape of his neck, reveling in the smell of him, the pheromones of the hot blonde who owned my heart. "Your so fucking beautiful, Jay. I want to love you forever."

He rolled back into me, his wet cock trailing a line of jizz across his hip as he faced me and pressed his mouth into mine. His long, wet, languorous kisses filled me and swept me up to additional heights of pleasure.

"I'm yours," he said. And that was enough.


It was after 9 PM when I heard the door from the garage open into the kitchen and some rattling around. The microwave door opened. The fridge door opened.

I put down my book and sat up in bed, glancing at the tidiness of the room I'd cleaned this morning before heading to the office. I'd had a fairly uneventful day other than dealing with one faculty complaint about a possible student cheating incident. I heard some more clattering in the kitchen and wondered what mess would await me in the morning after Brock had headed out to the hospital. I was trying to be supportive, but lately, I felt I was being taken for granted more and more. While I had appreciated his time home after retirement, he hadn't really spent that much time alone. Not long after last winter, we'd gone into quarantine, so it had almost been like we retired together although I maintained office hours from my home office. Now that Brock was back at the hospital, I was working, trying to keep the house in order, trying to keep up with our sons, and also trying to be moral, and physical, support for my husband. Frankly, I was tired and he didn't much seem to notice.

He stepped into the bedroom door, plate in one hand, fork raised in the other.

"Good salmon," he said with half a mouthful.

"I see you found your dinner in the microwave. It was even better two and a half hours ago when it was ready at 6:30," I said. He didn't seem to notice my tone.

"Yeah, sorry. I know I texted 6:30 but then something came up during intake and I had to assist John McArthur with an intubation. I didn't get away until 8:30 or so." He answered still eating off his plate, standing in the door frame.

"You are welcome to eat at the table. You don't have to stand up and eat in here on my account," I offered, tersely.

"Oh, on your account, is it?" He said now, obviously picking up on my tone. "Look, I said I'm sorry. I didn't expect to get pulled back in."

"I'm sure. But if you hadn't texted saying you'd actually get home at a reasonable hour and asking me to make dinner for you, I wouldn't have gone to the trouble," I answered, trying to speak levelly. "I did have a full day at the office too. I could've just eaten a prepackaged salad and had a glass of wine, if I'd known."

"Again, I said I'm sorry. If you want to make this about something else, why don't you tell me what it is about, instead of sitting there with that sticked crammed for far up your ass it's coming out of your mouth," he barked, slamming his plate down on his bedside table and coming to stand across from me.

"I'm tired," I said flatly. "It was a long day. I came home and cooked because you asked me and said you wanted us to have dinner. Then, you came home 2.5 hours later. If I'm supposed to greet you at the door like a love sick puppy or better yet, have my ass lubed and ready, you obviously don't know me very well."

"No, I obviously didn't expect you to have your ass lubed and ready, since as I mentioned, two by four jammed up there," he picked up his plate and stormed out of the bedroom. I threw back the covers and padded behind him down the hall and into the kitchen, feeling the argument coming on now and the heat building across my chest and down the back of my shaved head.

"Hey!" I shouted, spinning him around just as he went to place the plate in the sink, sending his fork flying off the plate and across the counter. "I was still trying to talk about this before you had to result to crude insults."

"Crude insults? What the fuck, Luke? You've been pissed at me all week and now, what, you're grabbing me?" He shouted back, the tired lines around his eyes replaced with heat and flashes of anger across his pupils. He bent his head into my face. "And what was that? You grabbing? You wanna take a swing at me? Was that it? Pissed so much you want to hit me?" He angrily pointed at his chin.

I blanched and must've turned white before I turned away and grabbed for one of the barstools at the counter. He deflated immediately and reached for me.

"I'm so sorry. Shit, Luke. I forgot. I really did forget," He grabbed me and brought my head into his shoulder, rubbing my shuddering back. "Shit, Bud. I'm sorry. I love you man. I was just so fucking tired and mad. I didn't realize what I was saying," He kept rubbing my back.

"It's okay," I pushed him back. "It's my fault. I provoked you. I am pissed at you. I just didn't expect you to fight dirtyÉ"

"Whoa! I said I was sorry dammit! You know, I'd never say that on purpose," He grabbed me, looking into my face. "You know that, right?"

I blinked into the concerned eyes of my lover. I knew this, in my heart, but I was still smarting. Brock knew those words were a painful trigger for me, they echoed the taunts my drunken father used to use when he would knock me or my mother around. "You want to hit me, pussy boy? You think you're man enough to fight your old man, you little shit?" Until 7th grade, when I reached the same height as him and began to fight back. Until my 9th grade year when I towered over him, now a high school athlete who was stronger than him, and could bully and threaten him into submission. Twenty years of therapy had lessened most of that pain, but in the heat of an argument with the one I loved most in the world, it could all come back. Only Brock knew those words and the effect they had on me, not even my ex-wife or my sons. Only him. And he'd just said it in the heat of the moment.

"You okay?" He kept on rubbing me, patting me, feeling me up and down.

"Yes," I finally answered, pushing his hands off me, "but fuck, I'm still pissed. Why'd you do that? I'm working just as hard as you, you know? I'm tired. Don't ask me to do something special for you and then just come in like, `hey baby, the salmon sure is good.' I mean, what the fuck?"

"You make me sound like much more of an asshole than I am, you know," He said flatly. "I'm sorry. I didn't know you'd be this upset. You know it's been crazy. We're starting to see increasing numbers. A lot of the junior staff is afraid. Three more diagnosed positive this week, one with symptoms. If I can help out, I stay after shifts because, for some reason, they think the old guy is kind of soothing, I don't know," he laughed to himself, but I wasn't laughing. He eyed me warily, one prize fighter to another. He knew he wasn't talking himself out of this one that easily.

"Fuck. Okay," he let out in one breath. "I wanted us to have a good dinner and talk through what was bothering you. I miss you. And I needed some quality time with my man. I guess I should've handled it differently. Maybe brought home takeout instead of asking you to cook?" he looked on with one eyebrow raised.

"Or maybe actually showing up when you said you would?" I questioned.

"Yeah, that probably would have been good," He grinned back. I stared levelly. I could not be mollified that easily. Finally, he groaned, "Fuck. Okay. What is it? I've been too laser-focused on the hospital? When I'm here, I'm not here? I'm not paying you enough attention? What?"

"You know," I began, "don't make it sound like I'm such a needy pussy just because I want to be with you when you're not falling asleep on my shoulder, or just waking up with a hard-on that needs some attention before you run out the door to give your best to someone else! I don't appreciate that."

"I didn't think you liked to throw that pussy word around in serious conversations. Isn't that another trigger?" He smirked.

"You really want this to blow up into something you can never take back?" I lowered my voice. We were definitely on shaky ground now. He knew all of my weaknesses and if he was going to play psychological games with my heart after all these years, I wasn't going to sit around and take it. I held his gaze and dared him to look away. He broke first.

"God dammit!" he cussed. "Why are you such a damned hard ass on me when you know I'm doing the best that I can? When you know how hard this work is and how hard it is on everyone? Not just me?"

"Nope," I said, shaking my head. "Not my fault Ð not my problem! You CHOSE this path, Bud. Got down on the bed and held my hands and said, I know it's going to be tough but you'll always be my number on priority.' You remember that little conversation ah, just seven or eight weeks ago? Don't tell Jason and the boys yet. Just let me figure this out but I need to do this. But I promise, I won't let it come between us.' You remember that fucking conversation?" I yelled, "Because I fucking remember every word of it!"

"Yes, I do," He said softly. "I do. And I'm sorry. It's much harder than I thought it would be."

"You're damned right it is," I said, still with raised voice, smelling blood in the water now. "And I told you. I will do whatever I can to support you. I'll pick up the slack at home. I'll keep up with the boys. I'll take care of you. But, what did I say next, B? What did I say?"

He looked at me through his raised eyebrows, and spoke softly. "That if it ever started to come between us, like when I was in practice at Steadman/Hawkins, and if I was keeping it locked in and shutting you out, you'd call me on it. Or something like that."

"Consider yourself called out, mother fucker," I said levelly.

"You know," he smiled. "There's really no need for such course language. Especially from such a refined gentleman like yourself." The side of my mouth twitched before I could suck it back in.

"You're not funny, shithead." I said cooly.

"You know you love this shithead," he said, still smiling. Knowing he had me now.

"Do I?" I pondered theatrically, one finger across my lips and looking away?

"Dammit," he said, pulling my gaze back. "You know you love me?" He intoned, begging.

"If I didn't love you so damned much, it wouldn't hurt so much when you treat me this way," I pouted, turning away.

"Aw fuck," he groaned, turning me back and pulling me into his chest. "I've been a shit, baby. I'm so sorry."

"Baby, baby, baby, baby," I mocked Reese Witherspoon in Walk the Line. "That's all you think it takes to get back into my pants. I ain't your baby, or any man's." I said in my best hillbilly accent.

"You know," he said, pushing me away, "I've got an idea!" He grabbed his keys off the wall and stepped back out into the garage.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I shouted after him as he backed the Beamer out and then stepped back in and hit the auto-close. Then he reached up over the rafter and started pulling down two of my old wrestling mats that I'd stored years ago after the boys had graduated high school. Dust mites flew as he threw them on the garage floor.

"Think you can find that massage oil that Sean and Mick gave us last Christmas? You know that big bottle? I think it's under the bathroom vanity?" he smiled up at me devilishly.

"Maybe?" I said, hesitantly, then "But still, what the fuck?"

"Go find it, and lose your pajamas on the way back?" He started shucking off his clothes in the garage. "I think we can settle this like two grown men. Right here, on the wrestling mats."

I smiled to myself and ran back into the house. The bottle of Heated Massage Oil for "discriminating couples" was right where he said it was. I dropped trou and left my clothes on the bathroom floor, walking back down the hall naked and feeling the breeze on my cock and balls. If this SOB thought wrestling me was going to be fun and games, he forgot who he was dealing with. While he had been memorizing the parts of the anatomy and chemical formulas, I'd been coaching under-sized high school boys to shoot a ball through a hoop, or wrestle guys stronger and faster than them into submission. I entered the garage and pulled up short at the sight of my man, stark naked, legs spread and fists on hips, straddling the mats like Paul Bunyan the Ozarks. I poured some oil down my chest and into one palm and tossed him the bottle. He fumbled it and almost lost it, then grasped it, righted it, and started pouring.

"Sneaky," he grumbled. "You got oil on the bottle." I just smiled at him, sizing him up. When we were both adequately oiled head to foot, he looked at me questioningly. "Now what?" he asked.

"I thought this was your show, shit head?" I barked.

"Well, you were the wrestler," he answered honestly. I smiled. Damn right I was.

"Okay," I said easily. "We'll start in some basic formations since neither of us is adequately warmed up."

"Warm up, shwarm up!" he shouted gleefully. Oh, this was going to make me feel so good.

"Okay," I said, "Bend you knees like this, and hold your hands out like this, directly across from me. Good," I said, observing his stance. "Now at first, we'll just circle each other and try an initial grappling move."

"Be careful, Stud. You know I'm a bigger weight class than you," he said, smirking and starting to circle. Exactly the smug over-confidence I needed, I thought. He reached out one left paw and tried to snag my arm. I swatted it away and moved to his right calf, jerking it right and out, pulling his leg out from under him and letting gravity do the rest as he fell backward on his ass.

"Fuck!" he shouted, springing back up. "That wasn't fair."

"That's grappling," I said evenly. "Let's try again." He was more wary this time and did manage to grab my right arm and pull me toward him for a short second but the oil and my quickness allowed me to pull away before he could grab me with both hands. We circled some more before I feinted left, grabbed his right knee again, and flipped him.

"Fuck you!" He shouted, getting up slower this time as I resumed my crouch across from him.

"You ready to give up, Big Boy?" I taunted.

"No way," he grimaced.

"Okay," I said. "I'll make it easier on you. We'll start from a set hold." I got down on all fours and lean back into my haunches. "Now you, down here behind me, this hand here," I positioned his right hand around my belly, "and this hand here," I positioned his left on my extended left arm.

"When I say go," I told him, "You're gonna try and pin me."

"Oh this is gonna be so fucking easy," he growled into my left ear. I could feel his heat radiating off of him and his hardening cock pressing against my left thigh. He hadn't thought about the oil lessening his ability to keep a grip, or that I knew what I was doing.

"Okay, 1, 2, 3, Go!" I shouted. He jerked to squeeze me around the middle and use his brute strength to try and over power me and then flip me but he'd forgotten about the oil. I went limp, waiting on him to lose purchase. He struggled to lift me but his hands were sliding along my taut abs where I'd poured most of my oil on purpose. Sensing his scramble, I grabbed his left hand with my left, lifting it up and out. In two seconds, I'd spun out and around and had his left arm pinned behind him. He struggled to stand and break away, and I power kicked his legs out from under him, slamming his chest and his face into the mat. Then I covered his powerful, hairy body with my sweat and oil-streaked one and aimed my hard cock for his asshole. Before he could shot, "Ow, what the fuck?" from my pinning him, he was shouting, "Fuck! Jesus, I'm not ready."

"You are now, Shithead," I whispered into his ear as I drove my shaft home into his hot, tight hole. "Bigger and not stronger, makes you my pussy-boy now, Son." I growled, starting to rock back and piston my cock in and out. He sought purchase on the mat, tried to raise himself to all fours, but the combination of oil and sweat on the mat and my leverage kept him pinned beneath my old-man muscle and my strong, cut cock.

"Oh Fuck," I groaned. "That is one hot hole, baby." He moaned in answer.

"Oh, yeah, Fuck me Daddy. Fuck your, boy. Use me!" And I did, gladly. I was finding a hard and fast rhythm now and I was still pissed and partly fucking in anger.

"You gonna disrespect me again, Fucker? Huh? You wanna miss out on this cock again, Shithead?" I yelled.

"No sir!" He responded, pushing that big muscle ass back onto my shaft. "I'm sorry, Sir! It won't happen again, Sir."

"Oh fuck," I moaned. "I'm getting close, Stud. You think you deserve this big load up your ass, boy? You deserve to get my load?"

"No sir. I mean, yes sir. Wherever you want to seed me, Luke. Give it to me. In me or on me, feed me. Please!" he moaned, reaching under himself and tugging on his leaking, uncut dong.

I rabbit-fucked the last dozen stokes into his ass, sweat and god-awful stinking oil flying off me as I yelled and shot hard and fast into my lover's sweaty asshole. It felt so damn good to own this ass for a change that I continued to pound it long after my jizz had stopped. I just kept on pounding that lubed, submissive ass until I felt him quaking underneath me and heard him announce his blast with a satisfied, "Ugh. Cumming." I let him shoot for one second than, used my left hand to knock his from underneath him and he collapsed onto the mat again, and I re-pinned him, forcing both arms out with mine, my still-hard cock buried in his ass.

We both were panting by this time and we laid there, still, as our heart-rates quieted. I panted into his ear like the dog-in-heat I was until he finally turned his head to the left to face me.

"I forgot what an SOB you could be when you're mad," He said softly, kissing me and then biting my bottom lip hard. I pulled his head into a headlock with my right arm and said, "Don't be stupid enough to taunt me after I just beat your sorry ass into submission."

"That was the best damn fuck we've had in a long time," He groaned.

"Don't you forget it," I growled, tightening the headlock.

"I forget what a natural athlete you were," I tightened some more and he tried to breath, "I mean are!" I loosened my hold.

"Almost a decade on you and fifty pounds lighter and I still took your ass," I smiled down at him and kissed him hard.

"I fucking LOVED it," he smiled. "Maybe I let you take meÉ"

"Your damn arms were shaking so bad, you were using every ounce of strength you had," I answered smugly.

"I know it, Dammit," he smiled back. "You're too good, even after all these years."

"A smaller guy can always take a bigger guy, if that bigger guy is over confident and there is an x factor involved," I said smoothly.

"X-factor?" he asked.

"Well, in this case, it was the massage oil. You didn't account for how it would lessen your ability to make and keep a hold. But you also just thought your size, strength, and anger would bring you out on top, especially when I gave you that set hold to start with." I said.

"You set me up?" He asked. "But wait, you were just as pissed as I was."

"Was I?" I answered smiling. "Or did I just make you think that because you'd think I was being reckless. 90% of beating an opponent in wrestling is psychology. Only 10% is brute strength. It's how I coached undersized and underdeveloped boys to state titles, Bud."

"Damn. I'm so glad you use your knowledge for good. I'd hate to be the guy who really pisses you off." He smiled.

"Oh, I was pretty pissed," I smiled back heaving myself off of him and giving him my hand. He grabbed it tentatively and I jerked his sorry ass up off the mat. "But I still love you more than life itself," I answered pulling him in for a long and hot kiss.

"Fuck!" He groaned, pulling back. "We should leave these mats here and do this every week."

"Okay," I said, pushing him away. "But loser always mops the mats. Can't leave that oil, sweat, and jizz all over them. Plus God knows what besides dust and mouse droppings fell off them when you pulled them down."

"Wait, what the fuck?" He looked at me thinking I was kidding. I shook my head.

"I'm hitting the showers. Mop and bucket are in the laundry room. You do a good job here and then stand the mats up to dry. If you work quickly, I may still be in the shower for a round 2 when you're done. Do sorry work, and I'll be in bed and asleep." I said, turning to go.

"Damn, when did I fall for such a hard ass?" He groused.

I turned over my shoulder. "Don't you take it for granted again, Stud." And walked into the house.


I rubbed the back of my recently buzzed head and gazed admiringly at the length of leggy blonde stretched out beside me, her head resting on my chest under my left pit. Those nipples were still standing straight up and I used my right hand to graze and play with her left one. Surely to God these had to be artificially enhanced. These were the most beautiful breasts I'd seen on a woman in a while, and I'd seen plenty. Her trimmed pussy was slightly darker than the blond waves down her back and I thought she must die her hair, but then, didn't most women? She'd said she was 42 when she'd picked me up at the Overlook, the new bar in Aspen. I'd been there just a couple of times since coming to work here last month. My roommate George said it was a great place to pick up generous, divorced women looking to hook up with younger, local guys. The redhead I'd fucked last week had been fun but I was pretty pissed when I got home and found the $300 she'd shoved in my front jeans pocket. When she had brought me into her town house and then asked "how much?" I'd been pretty pissed. I told her I liked women and I didn't do it for money. She'd just smiled and dropped her top and bra at my feet.

Connie, this woman tonight, had been very different. She'd sat down next to me and asked "What are you drinking?" Within five minutes, her left hand was stroking my cock through my jeans and she was whispering in my ear, "let's take this back to my place." And what a place it was.

I'd followed her Range Rover through the gate where the gatekeeper just waved and smiled at me, up a long ridge past multi-million dollar homes. I'd followed her through a soaring two-story foyer up floating stairs into a massive room with a massive bed that faced a massive window. Now, I watched the reflection of the moonlight on the snow below across her taut, smooth belly and thighs where just a hint of my last load seeped from that amazingly hot, trimmed pussy.

She sucked me better than I'd had in a while and then steered my 8-inch cut cock directly into her wet pussy as she rode me cowboy style for a good 10-15 minutes. I started to chub at the thought of those perfectly perky breasts dancing above me as I leaned up to chew on one and then the other. I'd flipped her and fucked her doggie style for a while, watching our faint reflections in that picture window, until we'd flipped again. In missionary, she'd wrapped those strong, yoga-toned legs around my ass and pulled me into her hard, screaming and moaning through a couple of orgasms before I'd finally shot my load while nursing on that right tit. I'd been hesitant about going glove-free but she'd assured me she was STD free and on the pill. My cock was starting to chub but my watch said it was just past 2 and I knew if I didn't get dressed and creep out of here soon, I'd want another go and my shift tomorrow started at 9:30. Colorado Ski Co didn't take kindly to sleeping on the job and it was 15 minutes across Aspen back to my apartment.

I started to rise when I heard something downstairs. It sure as fuck sounded like someone opening that massive wooden door. I jumped up and reached for my jockeys. She rolled over, moaning, "Where you going, Handsome?"

I whispered loudly, struggling to find my dropped jeans in the dark room. "I think there's someone downstairs!"

She smiled, "Oh, it's okay. My husband probably just goy home a little early from his business trip. He said he might." She stretched and yawned mightily, her perfectly straight, pearly whites opening and closing and I had a memory of that beautiful mouth sucking my cock.

"What the fuck? Your Husband?" I was really scrambling now as I heard feet on the stairs and desperately trying to jerk my jeans over my chiseled quads. Fucking skinny jeans, I thought.

"It's okay." She murmured. "Johnny likes it when I bring boys home." About that moment, the bedroom door burst open and a well-coiffed and Italian-suited man of at least 6'2" or more strode into the room.

"Bring who home?" I heard a baritone voice ask with a hint of New York accent. I gasped and pulled my sweatshirt to my naked chest. Then the man began to laugh.

"Oh my, Connie. Did you bring a pretty boy home to play with you?" He teased, leaning over the bed and kissing his wife while looking at me squarely.

"Oh baby," she gasped. "He fucked me so good. You should've been here." I stood staring, spellbound. I prayed this man did not have a fucking gun on him. I struggled to find my voice to say something, to get the fuck out of there, but I was paralyzed.

"It's okay, Stud." The man stood, checking me out. "You don't have to be in a hurry. In fact, I like playing with Connie's boys, if they are open minded." He pulled off his suit jacket and tossed it on a chair and then slid off his tie, unbuttoning the top of his shirt.

"Tell me, Boy. Is that your load dripping out of my wife's perfect pussy?"

I struggled to find my voice but all I could do was nod, sheepishly. With that, the big, burly man dove onto the large bed, burying his face in his wife's crotch and began to lick and suck her pussy, chewing on her clit, and licking her wet pussy lips, sucking my load out of her. She arched on her back, spreading her legs wide and reaching down to press his large head into her.

"Oh, yeah, Johnny. Eat me out. Isn't that a good load? Oh fuck, baby. This is Chase. He fucked me so good tonight. I tasted his precum when I sucked him off. I bet his cum tastes even better," she sighed loudly as her man smacked on her snatch.

He raised up and looked at me, clean-shaved, cleft chin dripping. "That's a fine load boy. Stay around and I'll suck your cock while I fuck my load into her."

"Um," I had found my voice now. "Um, I'm pretty straight," I said hesitantly. "I've never done a 3 way with another guy before."

"No judgments here, boy." He smiled. "I swing both ways. I'm not asking to fuck you. In fact, you can fuck my wife again while she sucks me and I watch. OR, I'll suck you, then you could fuck me while I fuck her. That's our favorite."

I hesitated. I mean, part of that sounded hot, but I still wasn't sure. I mean, I had a gay Dad and gay step-brother, but I'd never crushed on their half-naked bodies and I'd seen them sweating and working out plenty of times. I'd never even thought about it. But as this big older man pulled off his designer dress shirt, revealing a muscled torso covered in thick dark hair, I felt my cock chubbing again. If he wanted to suck me and get off watching me fuck his wife, who was I to judge? I joined him, pulling my jeans back down and tossing the sweatshirt aside. I pulled down my briefs and heard the man make a cat-call whistle.

"Holy Fuck. A natural, dirty blonde stud with a cut cock. Where do you find them, Baby doll?"

"I'm just lucky, I guess, Johnny Baby," she said fingering her own clit watching the both of us get naked. The man, Johnny, had black fur-covered tree trunks for legs and it was clear he was fit. Probably had his own personal trainer. Then his uncut cock swung into view and I immediately thought of my Dad's husband, which was weird, but his was the only other uncut cock I'd ever seen and that had just been by accident.

I was shaking my head to clear it when I felt the presence of the large man in front of me. I opened my eyes to see the guy who had an inch or two in height and who knows how many in length, reach down and take my cock in his hands. Then he was on his knees and sucking me down his throat. I sighed at the pleasure of a professional cocksucker going down on my cock. I moaned, watching his gorgeous wife as she put half of her right hand up her pussy and a thumb on her clit, smiling and watching her husband go down on my hard member.

He spit it out and said, "tastes just like my wife's sweet pussy. That's a fine damn cock, boy." And then he went back to licking my shaft and bathing my hairy balls with his tongue.

"You hard and ready to fuck my wife again, Boy?" he asked me after he'd sucked me for another few minutes.

"Uh, yes sir, if you don't mind," I said. And He laughed.

"Damn! A southern gentleman with manners! That's hot as fuck, Connie." He grabbed me by the shoulder and pushed me onto the bed where Connie grabbed me and pulled me into her, wrapping her legs around me again as my cock entered her dripping hole.

"Ooh baby, right there," she said pulling me in tight. I looked up to see the big man positioning himself at her head, watching my cock pistoning in and out of her and then placing his huge, uncut cock at her lips. She turned her head and sucked it in, shocking me with her skill. That cock had to be 9.5 or 10 inches. Holy Fuck!

I was getting off on the whole scene and tried to slow my thrusts a bit, but I'd already cum twice that night so I should be okay.

"That's it, ride her hard, Stallion. That pussy can take it, believe me." I leaned in and sucked in one of those perfect nipples while I continued to fuck her hard and hear her suckling that thick dick right above me. The next thing I knew there was something sharp and wet hitting on my backdoor. I raised up sharply. There was no way this guy was going to try to fuck me, but then I heard him say, "Just relax, boy, it's my tongue, not my cock," He pressed a firming hand along my lower back. NO one had ever eaten out my hole before and combined with the pleasant sensations on my cock in her dripping pussy, I must say, I was enjoying it. Then the hungry guy was between our legs, licking my balls and sucking on the base of my shaft where it entered her dripping cunt. He licked, sucked, and moaned all over the joint between us until I felt I was close to cumming. Then he raised up and pulled me back.

"Let me get in there, Stud," he said, and I pulled my cock out. I mean, it was his wife so how could I argue. I must've gasped when I saw that huge dick bury itself in that pretty, pink pussy.

Connie moaned and rubbed one nipple and I knew what I needed to do. I buried my head in her chest and began chewing and sucking on one nipple and then the other. She held my head to her while her husband plowed her snatch with his monster cock. She started moaning and screaming obscenities while Johnny was saying, "Nurse our boy, mother. Give him your milk while I milk your pussy." It was some sick shit, but I was dripping and jerking my cock while I licked her titties and she was clearly cumming over and over again.

The man, Johnny, pulled me off and said "Get back there and give me that cock, boy." I came up with a wet titty grin on my face but must've looked confused. Just get behind me and I'll tell you what to do.

I knee-walked behind the broad back of the man, watching as he continued to fuck his hot wife missionary-style and looked down at the trail of hair running down his lower back and into his hairy ass crack. I jerked my cock and it was still hard. The next thing I know, the man had reached his right arm behind himself and grabbed my cock, pulling me forward. He pulled me into him and pressed my cock into his crack where he pushed it against his tight, hairy hole. In a matter of seconds, he had shifted and I felt my cockhead break through something hot and tight.

"Fuck," I heard him moan. "Your boy feels good in my hole, baby," He said leaning forward to kiss his wife. Then, "Push it in balls deep, boy. I can take it," He commanded. And so I did.

It was like the hottest, tightest pussy I had ever fucked, and except for the broad, hairy back in front of me ruining my view, it felt damned good. Then the man started to fuck himself on my cock while he pumped into his wife's wet pussy. I leaned over his chest and kept my eyes focused on Connie's face and where she was rubbing hey tits and her nipples over and over again. He picked up the pace, back on my cock, forward into her pussy, over and over until I couldn't stand it anymore.

"Gotta cum!" I yelled out. He reached a big paw and grabbed my ass.

"Shoot in my hole boy and stay right there, I'm close." He growled. I moaned and unloaded my third load of the night into a man's hot, hairy ass! Then I felt that asshole clench down on my cock and the man moaned and I realized he must've been unloading into his wife's snatch right at that moment. I wondered to myself, is this what it feels like when Dad fucks Brock? Or when Jason's new boyfriend fucks him? Maybe this `fucking assholes' idea might not be too bad. Then I opened my eyes and saw the broad, sweaty back underneath me and I pulled my shriveling cock out, leaving a trail of cum in this guy's ass. It was hot, but I wouldn't make a habit of this.

Damn, Aspen was turning out to be a pretty swinging town!

Next: Chapter 19

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