Jasons First Workout

By Coach Lucas Miles

Published on Feb 17, 2021


Jason's First Workout Ð Chapter XVII Ð Endings and New Beginnings

Dear Readers:

I'm sorry that it has been more than two months in between chapters. The holidays were busy and stressful. In addition, I've had to deal with some tendinitis in my hand that made typing difficult and sometimes painful. Hopefully, my faithful readers are still around and will enjoy this latest chapter.

IF you enjoy this story and the site, remember to give what you can back to Nifty so that we can all continue to get off here! http://donate.nifty.org/

Best, Coach Luke. Olcoach44@gmail.com

New chapters (5 and up) updated to present day: Luke age 56, Brock 48, Jason 34, Joe 40, Chase 28, Sam 26.



I raised my head from Brock's shoulder and looked at my bedside table. Sure enough, my screen was lighting up with incoming texts. I checked my iWatch. Just past 11 PM. I moved to get up.

"What the fuck?" Brock grumbled.

"Go back to sleep," I whispered in his ear. "It's probably Chase in Aspen. He forgets about the time difference half the time."

"Those damn boys need to understand old men go to bed early," he groused into his pillow.

"Shh," I whispered, stroking his shaved pate. "I'll take it in the living room. Go back to sleep." Unplugging my iphone, I crept out of the room and down the hall. The texts were not from Chase as I suspected but from Joe, Jason's new, live-in boyfriend and then another from Jason.

Joe: -Hi Doc, Sorry to text so late but it's a personal question. Can we zoom you?

Jason: -Doc, Joe is going to text. We need to Facetime. He needs to see your face while he talks to do. Are you up?


-Jesus, are you guys asleep already? How fucking old are you two? -Doc, are y'all fucking? Just respond to my text, okay?

I responded: -Jesus, let me get my phone, okay. Yes, your Dad was asleep and I was almost there.

-We're not that old, so Fuck you. Do you want to talk or not?

-what's this about?

My phone rang with an incoming Facetime and soon the crowded screen showed both men pressed together, Jason's cabin's kitchen in the background.

"Doc, Joe really needs to talk with you," Jason said breathlessly.

"I get that from the urgent and profane texts you just sent," I challenged, smiling back. "What's so urgent it couldn't wait until tomorrow?"

"Joe's real dad, ugh!" He was cut off and thrown out of the frame.

"Sorry about that Doc Smith," Joe took over as the image of Jason was replaced by that of the darkly handsome, bearded man. "Somebody has been pushing my buttons tonight."

"Okay, Joe. Your Dad? I thought you didn't know who that was?" I questioned.

"Thanks, you're right. Sorry. This is what I need to ask you about," Joe began. He reiterated the story of his colleague's call before supper and how he and Jason had been talking for more than 3 hours about his next steps, as well as Jason's company, filling me in on that scenario as Jason interrupted two or three times.

"So, between us, Doc. We really need some help here. I don't know what to do," he finally stammered. I took a deep breath, sat in my heavy armchair and looked out over the dark expanse of the front lawn. Then I remembered this was a Facetime call and held the screen back up in front of me!

"Okay, Bud. Let's tackle this one step at a time. First, let me say, and Jason, are you listening?" I asked.

"Yes, Dad," I heard in the background.

"Okay, firstly," I intoned. "I'm not giving Jason any advice on his company, or selling, or business. He's a grown man with a lot of business acumen. I'm just an academic. I don't know anything about that, but he'll come to the right decision. I know it." I took a deep breath and looked into the eyes of Joe. I remembered the hungry, fatherless eyes of a skinny, teenage boy on my basketball team all those years ago, so desperate for paternal affection, and for any male influence. My heart ached for that boy and now for this kind man who had fallen in love with my son.

"Now, you, Joe. I know what you've come to mean to my son. And you know how fond I've been of you since I coached you in high school. You've come to mean a great deal to this family in just a short time," I began.

"Thanks Doc, that's why I knew you could help," He interrupted. I held up a hand.

"I know this is a great risk for you. There is a hole in your heart you've carried around for years, yes?" He nodded in the small screen. "However, I think there is no harm in responding to this gentleman discreetly. You can return his call from the office so he doesn't have your personal cell phone. You can allow him to tell his story. Don't provide any information but just ask open-ended questions, like, why do you think you might be my father?' or even less specifically, what in my story in the magazine made you reach out to me?' Just general things," I went on. "Make a list. If you think his answers are credible, you could move forward with a virtual meeting on Facetime or Zoom, but you have to decide the parameters up front and know how far you are willing to go. Looking on, it seems to me that no one could've just pieced this together unless they had some additional insight into who you are. But I may be overlooking some piece of the puzzle. So, if you're asking what do I think? I think, what do you have to lose?"

I gazed into his eyes and could see that they were full, brimming. Jason's hands appeared from behind him, grasping his massive shoulders.

"I'm just afraid," he began, faltered, then cleared his throat. "I'm just afraid of getting my hopes up again, Sir."

I smiled, and looked into his handsome, chiseled face. "Son, you have no reason to be afraid. You are a fine man. Any man would be proud to call you son. This man and his story can't hurt you unless you let it. You had no control about how you came into this world, but you have made every moment of your life something to be proud of ever since. So, don't ever tell me again that this is what you fear, you understand?" I asked softly. He wiped tears away with a large hand, nodding.

"Yes, sir. Thank you," he answered softly.

"If you want Jason or me to be there with you when you call, you know all you have to do is ask. We can be in the room and supporting you without this other person knowing it, if you feel you need that moral support," I offered.

"Would you?" he queried, looking up.

"Of course," I said as Jason leaned into the picture and kissed the side of his face.

"See," I answered. "Nothing that a list of pros/cons and a few tears couldn't resolve. Now if you boys don't' mind, Daddy is going back to bed. I left a warm and hairy sex God asleep on my pillow."

"Thanks, Doc." Joe answered. "We'll call tomorrow if we set something up?"

"Any time, Champ. I can be there in half an hour," I answered, and "Good night, Jay. I love you."

"Night Dad, love you too," he answered, smiling. I toggled the call off and crept back down the hall to my bed.

I tried to be silent as I slipped in next to the sleeping behemoth. I wrapped an arm around his broad chest, nuzzling into his neck, inhaling the aromas of this man I knew so well. I sighed, letting the thoughts of the boys and their troubles go, and drifted off in the pleasures, and warmth, of my lover next to me.

I awoke to a hard cock pressing into my tight hole and a bristling chin nuzzling the back of my neck. I groaned.

"What the fuck, B?" I yelped.

"Shush, Babe. Just open up and let me get the head in, my foreskin will do the restÉ really need to shoot a load," Brock whispered huskily.

"What time is it? Don't you have to be at the hospital?" I groaned as I felt his head push and penetrate my anus as I tried to push back and open for him. I'd gotten better at bottoming but fuck, it was, what time was it? 6:12 in the fucking morning?

"Oh fuck," he groaned as he penetrated slightly. "Your ass is so tight and hot, Luke." He literally growled as he started stroking part-way into me. Both arms were around me and he was hugging me tightly in a bear hug spoon. I reached for my hardening cock, wiping the precum up on a finger and reaching behind me to place it on Brock's lips.

"Oh fuck!" He groaned again, sucking them in. I began to stroke as he leisurely fucked me part-way. "God, I miss you, Bud," he whispered into my neck. "My fucking strong stud with such a hard, hairy body. Oh fuck!" he groaned again and I could feel his seed emptying into me and slipping out of my ass-lips. He really had been close. I unwrapped his arms and spun in them, facing him and placing my lips on his for a slow, good morning kiss.

"Better?" I asked him.

"Oh! fuck yeah, Stud. I love you so much," he breathed into my face.

"I'll be your wakeup fuck call anytime, Dr. Goodman." I answered.

"Damn," he nuzzled back into me, "I forget how early these on-calls can be."

"Regrets?" I asked.

"Only the time away from you, Babe. But I'm doing what I need to do," he responded without hesitation. "Are you regretting letting me?"

"I didn't let you do anything," I grumbled defensively. "I supported you when you came to me. You're a grown man and an equal partner. If you thought going back to emergency medicine during a pandemic was your calling, then I support that. I love you."

"I know. But I'm still worried I should quarantine away from you. What if I bring it home despite our precautions?" He groused.

I took his chin in my hand and looked him in the eye. "We talked about this. We're going to take our precautions and hope for the best. Hopefully, you'll get a vaccine when they come out soon. I'll be okay. We're already away from each other on these long shifts. I can't lose this small window of time we have together," I answered seriously.

"I know," he replied, "and I can still love you for it." He kissed me, softly.

"Is today another rough shift?" I asked.

"They all are, but it's worse because I'm being treated like Isaac Intern when I did an ER rotation 25 years ago and started out in emergency orthopedics. It's not like I'm totally unprepared. But at least once these rotation hours are done, I can sign off on protocols. Some of the pulmonary stuff has been a learning curve, but I'm good. Our intake numbers are holding steady but I'm worried that with the holidays ahead and cold weather, we're going to bear the brunt of being in a red-state where mask wearing has become some sort of libertarian symbol." He said. "We don't have the staff or the ICU beds if this thing takes off like it did in Italy or NYC last spring."

"Wow, that was a lot," I snuggled in. "But I know you can handle it. And we'll face it together. You sure you still don't want me to tell the boys, Jay in particular?"

"I think so. I don't want him to worry, and he's deep in his renovations and so in love with Joe right now. He might freak out. Was that them on the phone last night or Chase?" He asked. I decided now was not the time to mention his company issues too.

"Yes, interestingly, Joe's biological dad may have re-appeared. A stranger called the service office in regard to his bio in the Nature article. They wanted my input on how to handle it," I said.

"Of course, they called their Daddy who knows all," he smiled, kissing me hard and long. Then, "I'm sure you gave them great advice and offered to help?"

"Maybe. I may have said I'd go this afternoon and listen in with Jay as Joe made a first phone call to get more info. If the guy isn't legit, some well-placed questions will ferret him out. And what does Joe have to lose?" I answered. "They are so used to me wearing my mask when we're together indoors they won't question it now."

"What does Joe have to lose?" Brock asked.

"Heartbreak," I said. "He was a mess. Doesn't want to get his hopes up. You know what kind of Daddy issues the man has, and to see a mountain of muscle tear up like that on the FaceTime call, it broke my heart for him. It was like I was seeing that tall, skinny boy on the basketball sidelines all over again. But we made a list, and he decided to call."

"You and your damned lists!" he laughed. "It's why I love you, man. And I think that boy loves you as much as he loves Jason. He has some Daddy-issues, but it's over his high-school coach crush!" He pushed me away, and stood naked out of the bed.

"Now, you're about to make me late and I've got some doctorin' to do!" he yelled dramatically, limp uncut cock trailing a stream of cooling cum across his muscled thigh.

"Me?" I shouted back at his strong, hairy back heading to our shower. "You're the fucker who woke me up with his dick! No, no. Don't worry! I didn't want to sleep in." I stood and pulled on my discarded MHS sweatpants that had seen better days 25 years ago. "Guess I'll just make the coffee like the good house-husband," I mumbled to myself. "God knows I won't be going back to sleep this morning."


I picked up the digital phone in my office and began dialing, looking up at the smiling face of my lover, Jason, and his adopted Dad and my former high school coach, Luke Smith. I could do this. I could do this because these two strong men were in my life and they supported me. I could do this.

I heard the receiver click and I pushed the speaker phone button. There was a hesitant, "hello?"

"Mr. Hendricks?" I spoke into the speaker. "Mr. William Hendricks?" I said deeply, trying to keep my voice calm, flat.

"Yes, who is it?"

"Mr. Hendricks. My name is Dr. Joseph Daniel Green. I received a message here in my office yesterday that you might want to speak to me about my recent article in Nature magazine." There was a pause so I went on. "Are you a wildlife biologist? My secretary was confused and thought you said it was personal but didn't get all of the information." I stopped and let the silence build.

"Uh, yes. I mean no," the man's voice seemed strong, but hesitant. "I'm sorry to have bothered you, Dr. Green. Yes, I called, but it is personal. Um, can we talk privately?"

"We are talking privately, Mr. Hendricks. Why don't you tell me who you are and where you're calling from and why exactly this might be private?" I tried keeping my voice flat, steely. He initiated this call. He could damned well talk without my total prompting. I looked up.

Jason was smiling at me and nodding at me. Doc sat stoically, chin on steepled fingertips over his masked face, staring a hole into my speaker phone. I winked at them both as the man on the line began to speak.

"I'm truly sorry to bother you, but my son actually saw the article in the magazine and brought it to my attention. My younger son, Tom. And this, is, well, it's awkward to say, but he brought it to me because you and he look an awful lot alike, almost like twins as it were. And so, he thought I should see it and then I was astounded, because yes, you look an awful lot alike," he said.

"Okay," I said, with a `go-on' intonation. "But you realize that it was a glossy photo in one magazine. I'm sure there are a lot of tall, dark-haired men with beards in America. Was there some other reason?"

"Well," he cleared his throat, a dry cough that sounded like nervousness more than anything else. "Well," he started again. "I wondered if you could tell me something of your parentage? You see, I knew someone named Green when I was just finishing school in South Carolina years ago, and wellÉ" He trailed off. I looked up at Jason and Doc searchingly and gestured a `what to do' shrug. Doc shook his head at me.

"Mr. Hendricks, not to be rude, but why don't we just cut to the chase here," I answered abruptly. "I have research to work on and a growing backlog of panther sightings to document. I appreciate that you think I look like your son but,"

"I think you are my son!" he interrupted me loudly. Then there was silence. I looked at Jay and Doc, blankly. Doc signaled a roller motion.

"Wow," I answered. "Why don't you tell me how you have come to this wild conclusion. Where'd you say you're located, sir?"

"Oh yes, sorry. I'm in Connecticut. Retired electrical engineer. Just last year. Retired that is." He was rambling now.

"Mr. Hendricks," I answered calmly. "Could you please just start at the beginning?"

"Oh sure, I'm sorry. Thank you for hearing me out," He began.

"You see, last week my son, Thomas, my second son, he brought me this magazine. I didn't even know he subscribed to Nature, but he was a Biology major in college before he got into physiotherapy and right now he's actually a physical therapist and a part-time personal trainer. That's why he not only looks like you but he's also very well-built. Very muscular. Like you, I mean," I rolled my eyes at the guys. How could I keep this nervous man on point?

"Anyway," he continued. "Tommy brings this to me and says, Dad, look at this. There's a cool article about this panther in NC but this biologist is the researcher and the guys at the gym says his picture looks just like me and kinda like you.' I laugh and say, no way' but then I see the picture and I'm just dumbfounded. Of course, I don't say anything to Tommy then, but I take the magazine and I start reading it. Your biography in the magazine is very impressive, congratulations by the way, you're a very smart man I think, but it really doesn't tell me enough about why my stomach just went flop when I saw your picture. It really did, Dr. Green. It just turned over in my belly! But anyway, I'm retired with a lot of time on my hands and so I googled you. And that's when I just started to break out in a cold sweat. I mean, I'm not a crazy man, Dr. Green, honestly, I'm not some nut job. It's just too many coincidences to discount." He was sounding breathless now.

"It's okay, Mr. Hendricks," I said. "Let's just try and keep calm, okay. Just tell me what coincidences you mean, and, please, call me Joe."

"Okay, Joe. Thank you. Joe. Well, I graduated from Clemson in May 1979 you see. That's the SC connection. Was from New Jersey but a lot of guys from my area were recruited, not for football but track and field. I was an all-around decathlete but also a specialist in Javelin. Clemson was the only D1 school that really paid me much attention. We were just a small cow-college back then, but I loved the hills and the folks. Anyway, I stayed after graduation in EE, that's electrical engineering, to work with Duke Energy as they were finishing their hydro-electric system in the mountains. There were some local co-ops too that we worked with where the lines came together. It was a great summer job and I had hoped it would lead to full time work with Duke in Charlotte so I could stay in the South, but that didn't pan out. Anyway, it was a bunch of us engineers, mostly us nerdy guys. I was the only one who'd been an athlete, but we were bunked up in some old logging camp north of Pickens with not much to do to blow off steam. It was too far into Greenville or other places and we started going to these little honky tonks and bars around there on the weekends. That's where I met her one Saturday night. Cheryl Green."

I must've gasped because I looked up, winded, and Jason walked over to me and put his hand on my back.

"You still there, Joe?" he asked through the line.

"Um, yes sir. I'm here."

"Does that name sound familiar?" he asked.

"Why don't you finish your story, Mr. Hendricks," I said flatly, feeling Jason's strong hands grip my shoulders and leaning my head back into his hard torso for support.

"Well, we sort of got together a few times. I mean, we weren't dating. We just met up at this dance hall a couple of times. She was the prettiest girl there, I can tell you that, with long dark hair and sexy eyes. Just stunning. My goonies, that's what we called ourselves, they all were hopeless, but me, I had a way with the ladies." He laughed to himself but then he must have realized what this might sound like, clearing his throat again, "um what I mean was, the girls liked me. But, don't think badly of me, Joe. I mean, I didn't have a habit of sleeping around, honestly, and I had only had a few steady girls in college. I was focused on athletics, and back then they made us keep our grades up. But I was free now, and out of school and this gorgeous girl told me she was a 19-year-old studying to be a nurse. And the night I took her out to a friend's car, she told me she was on birth control. So," He hesitated before going on. "I mean. I think I realized after that, that maybe I was getting a thing for this girl. I went back the next Saturday night and it happened again, but after we came back in one of the local boys who always seemed to have his eye on her pulled me aside and said, `You know that girl is only 17?' I didn't, of course, but it scared the shit out of me. I'm ashamed to say this, young man, but I left that bar and never went back there again. I finished out my last month scared to death, and then headed home. I got a job that fall with Edison in Connecticut and then spent my whole career here. I've built a life here. And I'm ashamed to say, I never really thought about that girl very much again, except in an occasional school-boy fantasy. I met a local woman here, the love of my life, been married for more than 35 years with 4 wonderful kids. But I saw your picture and it justÉ"He trailed off, seeming to gasp for the next words. " I read about you in Google. If the search was right, your mother was Cheryl Green? Is that right, Joe?"

"Mr. Hendricks, I really don't think I'm prepared to answer any of your questions right now," I stumbled.

"Okay, okay. Call me Will, Joe. Okay? So, this is what I found out. None of your documents online list your father's name. But I remember talking with Cheryl, when weren't dancing or kissing or that stuff. She knew I was an electrical engineer. She told me her Daddy was named Daniel and he worked for the power company too. Your middle name is Daniel. Is that also a coincidence? I just need to know I'm not being crazy here Joe?" he sounded more sure of himself now, like a man who was used to being in charge of things.

And, the man was sounding more and more desperate to prove himself to me.

"I'm not sure what I'm supposed to say to this, Mr. Hendricks. I mean, Will." I breathed in deeply. "Yes, my mother was Cheryl Green from Pickens, SC. Rocky Bottom area, really. I never knew who my biological father was. She never did tell my grandmother, the person who raised me. I haven't seen or heard from my mother since I was a small boy. She had issues with men and with drugs." I said in a rush. Then to my astonishment, I could here Will Hendricks on the phone break into sobs. I looked up at Doc who also came to stand beside me.

"Will, are you there? Are you okay, sir?" I asked hesitantly.

"Yes, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I never knew. She never told me. How could she?" And he broke off again.

"Mr. Hendricks? Will?" I said quietly. "You really have nothing to be sorry for."

"But I abandoned you!" He wailed. "I left my own child to grow up a bastard all because I couldn't control myself as a grown man. That is not the kind of man I am. I want you to know that, Dr. Green. I am a good man!"

"It's okay, Will. Let's just calm down here. Before we all get upset." I tried to stay calm but it was easy with my men holding onto me. Doc pointed at the pad on my desk. Question 15.

"Mr. Hendricks, before you upset yourself further, maybe we should just make sure. My mother wasn't a responsible person, as I've said. Would you be willing to submit to a DNA test? That could put both of us at ease." I hesitated, then went on, "but you need to know, if you are my biological father, I would not expect anything of you. And I," I broke off. I wouldn't do what he wanted? Seriously? This man sounded so upset that he didn't know me. And kind. He sounded like a kind man.

He rushed, `Yes, yes. I was going to ask that. Yes! I'll do it. But, can we meet? Can I meet you?"

"Mr. Hendricks, this has all been a lot to take in. If you will give me your email address, I can give you the name of a Biological Group that can provide you with an at-home DNA test with quick response. I've already submitted my sample for the comparison," I said.

"Yes, of course, Joe. Yes, I'm so sorry for," he hesitated, "for losing my composure. That's not like me."

"Well Will, it took a lot of courage to call me, and like you, I'm a bit upset by all of this, too," I said honestly.

"Oh, Joe. I didn't mean to upset you. I was hoping this would be a happy thing. I don't want anything from you either. I just need to know. And I need you to know I was unaware. I'm so terribly, terribly sorry, son," He said. And I broke down then, into Jason's arms around me. Because finally the one man who called me son might actually be the one who truly had the right to.

"Joe? Joe? You still there?" he asked, afraid now.

I cleared my throat. "Yes sir, sorry. Here's my email address. If you'd send your reply here, then I'll give you the other information. If you don't mind, we can email more about this, but I think I can't talk anymore right now," I said and then I read him my email address.

"Thank you for this, Joe. I know it's a lot. And I know I keep saying it, but I'm so sorry," he said.

"Yes, sir, I know," I said.

And he answered, "But Joe. I'm sorry for then, but not for now. I'm so glad I found you, even though I didn't know. And I am praying that someday soon, I will meet you. Very much."

"Um, thank you, Will," I said, and hit the hook button, breaking the call.


I opened the door, placing our few shopping bags on the kitchen table, and then walked into the great room where my massive man stood, hands on his hips, staring out through the glass doors into the forest and mountain above. I came up behind him and reached up to place my hands on his massive shoulders.

"You okay, Bud?" I asked quietly. He turned then and swept me into his arms, lifting me into his massive chest and kissing me hard and passionately. I returned the heat, our tongues thrashing in each other's mouths for dominance, our crotches grinding together since he'd raised me up the four inches that enabled us to make out on an even plane. Even now, after all these months, I was amazed at how effortlessly he could lift my 6 feet, 185 pound frame to do his will. I melted into the heat of his kisses, gasping for breath through my nose, unwilling to unlock our lips from their heated, wet, confluence of flesh, beard, lips and tongue. I held onto him across his massive shoulders with my left arm while my right hand played with his recently trimmed black curls, now showing just a few strands of silver above his large, rugged ears. I grabbed one and tugged on it, and he dropped me back to my feet.

"Ow! Dammit!" he growled, "they're not indestructible, you know."

"I'm sorry, I just get caught up with your ruggedness when you're kissing me like that," I sighed into his chest and let my right hand drop to caress the swollen heat of his cock in his khakis.

"You're just soÉ soÉ" I searched for words.

"What?" he smiled, lifting my chin to stare into my face."Gorgeous? Sexy?"

I gasped, smiling back. "Not that your ego, or that cock, needs additional inflating." I laughed. He kissed me again, hard, pressing the back of my head into his face then breaking away.

"I need to ravish my hot blond stud right now," He growled. "Preferably roughly and quickly, some place public."

I laughed. "Well, it looks like the construction crew has gone home for the day, thank goodness. You want to drive to the corner store and fuck me by the gas pumps?"

"My dream is to fuck you to the ends of the earth," He retorted and lifted me in a quick firemen's carry, like a solid sack of concrete, and toted me into the almost finished master bedroom where he gently laid me onto the recently installed hardwood floor.

"What's say we break in our new master bedroom, my handsome fuck-slave?" He yelled, ripping at my pants and tossing my shoes aside.

"Fuck-slave?" I laughed and then yelped just as his hot mouth engulfed my cock, newly sprung from my electric blue jockeys. "Oh babe, suck my cock," I moaned. "No one can suck me like you." His large head swathed in black curls and black beard, engulfed my throbbing meat, swabbing it with spit, working up and down, causing me to thrash on the hard, dusty floor.

He came up for air gasping, "there better not be anyone else sucking this cock unless they want me to cut them into small pieces!" I pressed his head back into my crotch.

"No one ever but you, Stud. No one," and I gasped again as he ripped my jeans from my ankles and my underwear from beneath me, pressing my back to the floor and raising my legs, burying his hairy, handsome face in my ass crack and beginning to swath me, stem to stern, with his strong, passionate tongue, making love to my hole with his mouth. "Oh God!" I sighed breathlessly and reaching to stroke my now leaking cut cock. "I don't know what is better Ð your tongue or that big cock of yours!"

He had hurriedly tried to pull down his pants as he ate me out, growling, spitting, and eating me voraciously. I grasped my button down and ripped it off myself, buttons flying, desperate to feel him on top of me soon. But then he stopped, and raised up, smiling. He lowered my legs and ran his large right paw up my hairy thigh.

"You are so damned, fucking beautiful," he said, looking into my face and smiling like the biggest damned fool ever.

"Yeah?" I gasped. "I thought I was the fuck-slave?" I teased. "You can call me an ugly cunt and I wouldn't care so long as you keep eating my ass out like that, or sucking me so hard."

He pulled his shirt over his head and fell over me, pressing me to the floor with his massive, hairy frame and once again I felt the crush of a man who outweighed me by at least 60 pounds, but who was also hopelessly in love (or lust) with me. God it felt so good to feel every pound of that burning flesh covering me, swallowing me, holding me, as he kissed me again, long and slow.

He pulled back, grinding his large, leaking cock into mine and whispered, "I love you so damned much, Jay."

"Love you too, Stud." I brushed his curls back from his massive forehead. "But if you don't fuck me soon, I may shoot just from feeling your cock pressed against me."

"Damn, wait!" He pulled back. "Hold on." And he got up to run to the other room, kicking off his dangling khakis off one leg and his tight, black briefs right after. I laughed to myself. Those briefs had looked just as good on that broad, muscled ass as I imagined they would when I had bought them in the store in Hendersonville, and now there they were, tossed aside in the heat of passion.

He hopped back into my view, one hand pressing a finger into his ass, and the other carrying our large bottle of lube. He dropped to his knees beside me and carefully lubed my cock. I gasped at the cold. "What's this?" I cried out, wincing.

He straddled me and then lined up my cut 7.5 incher to his hairy hole.

"I need you in me, Jay. I just want to feel you filling me up tonight." He gasped as my head broached the muscled sphincter and moved to fill its new home. "Ah, God, I need you in me."

"Oh fuck," I growled. "I never will turn down this hot muscle ass." He leaned forward kissing me as I filled him and he bottomed out, ass to my pubes.

"I just realized today," he began panting, "how much, how muchÉ oh baby." He began to ride my dick, broad hands pressing down on my pecs, head thrown back, his large cock streaming pre-cum from his uncut foreskin all over my abdominals.

I met him, thrust for thrust, knowing that after all the buildup, I couldn't last long. He leaned back over me, staring into my eyes as his ass rode me, worked me, his face taunting me to fill him up and in what seemed like seconds, I complied, throwing my head back into the hard floor and pressing my pelvis as hard as I could into the hard muscle, plowing his tunnel desperately and releasing my hot, pulsing seed into his hole.

"FUCK!" I cried out into his chest as his pulled me into him. I licked one sweaty, hairy nipple, panting with my release, as he easily rested me back onto the floor. He kissed me again, softly, sweetly.

"Thank you." He whispered into my cheek.

"Thank you," I sighed, still panting. "I didn't realize the fuck slaves got to cum first in your fantasies."

He lay still on top of me, breathing quietly, my softening cock still broaching his man-hole.

"That was thank you for today. I realized on that call, when I looked up, I had all I ever wanted just standing in that room with me. No matter what had happened with Mr. HendricksÉ WillÉ I could handle it. Because I had you. You're my family, Jason. I love you, man."

I chuckled underneath him, my cock leaking away from him, as he raised up. "What?" he asked.

"I love you so much, too, Stud," I answered, reaching out to stroke his broad, bearded face. "I just thought about what Doc told me as we were leaving your office." He looked at me questioningly.

"He just said, `he's either going to have to talk some more and cry it out when you get home, or he's going to want a long, hard fuck. Either way, you better be ready to support your man because I guarantee that boy loves you a lot.'" I answered.

"Damn!" Joe laughed. "Doc definitely knows me pretty well, I guess. He's the other reason, maybe. You're both, all three of you. You're all my family now. With Gran. No matter what happens, I've got you."

"You've always got me, Stud," I said, grasping him by the scruff of his strong, hairy neck. "But if you don't get me off of this hard, wooden floor and take me into that other bedroom on the bed and fuck me good, I'm going to be one pissed off fuck-slave."

"You're never going to let me forget that line, are you?" He chuckled, lifting me gingerly as if I was made of glass. He kissed me lightly and swept me into our makeshift bedroom and laid me down, covering my torso and chest with kisses.

"I think you can fuck me until I forget all about it?" I moaned.

"I think I'll make love to you until all you can remember is my name and my dick," he groaned, pressing his cockhead into my puckered, waiting hole still wet with his spit. "Until there's nothing but you, and me, and this," he whispered, shoving the hard, massive cock deep inside me and I groaned in hot, breathless bliss.

Next: Chapter 18

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