Jasons First Workout

By Coach Lucas Miles

Published on Nov 20, 2020


Jason's First Workout Đ Chapter XV Đ Moving in and on

Dear Readers:

Thanks for all of the emails and the encouragement to keep this story going. Dozens of you have asked for my inspiration pics of the characters, and I'm happy to keep sharing. Just email and ask.

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Best, Coach Luke. Olcoach44@gmail.com

(New chapters (5 and up) updated to present day: Luke age 56, Brock 48, Jason 34, Joe 40, Chase 28, Sam 26).


It was after 11 PM when I slid into the front door of the cabin. The light was on over the stove casting a dim light into the main room. I'd debating just staying at home after I'd had supper with Gran and O'Della and gone back to the house to check on stuff and pack a few more things. But the thought of Jason, here alone, and my talk with Mr. Frank had stirred something in me. Was this more than my cock dragging me back here into the mountains late at night? My cock was definitely chubbed and wanting, but so was some other part of me. Damn!

I crept into the guest room and put down my extra bag. I toed off my shoes and then stepped out and around and peered into Jason's open bedroom door. Damn! He was asleep face down, spread eagle across the bed. The sheet and part of the comforter barely covered his lower legs and bottom of his ass. The rest, the full moon and shining back and shoulders lay naked, reflecting the moonlight through the window. He slept on one arm crooked beneath his head and the other held a pillow tight. I felt my breath catch in my throat at the sight of him and I was overwhelmed with such a sense of longing that I grabbed onto the door frame to steady myself. This is just lust, you idiot, I thought. But despite the bulge in my shorts, I felt my stomach turnover. Damn, he was so beautiful!

Quietly, I pulled my tee over my head, dropped my shorts and boxers and pulled off my socks. Slowly, I approached his bed still reveling in the sight of his naked glory. I knew as soon as I knelt on the bed, my weight would shift the mattress and I'd probably wake him. My cock was now at half-mast and growing and I longed just to reach out and touch him, and of course, fill his ass with my cock! I couldn't stand it anymore. Gently, I knelt down next to him on the bed and then slowly covered him with my nakedness, nuzzling into the nape of his neck, inhaling his essence and feeling the heat of his hard back and glutes beneath me. He stirred at my touch and then breathed into my face.

"Hey," he whispered. "I wasn't sure you'd be back tonight. Guess I fell asleep."

"Fell asleep naked?" I groaned into his ear. "Maybe I was being hopeful?" he sighed back.

"Lucky for me," I growled and licked the side of his face while I slowly ground my hard shaft across his ass, feeling my foreskin slide up and back and my precum begin to leak into his trench.

"How was your Gran?" He asked.

"Fine. Can we talk about it in the morning? I'm kind of in the middle of something right now," I teased.

"Oh yeah. Middle of what?" He waked more, pressing the cleft of his ass against my grinding member.

"I need you, Jay," I whispered into his ear, turning his face and pressing my mouth onto his. "I missed you so much this afternoon." I couldn't believe I'd confessed that, but I was overtaken with lust and desire. The heat coming off both our bodies had me totally cranked. I could smell his sweat and man-scent, and he was pressing that hard ass back into me, begging for me to fuck him. "I'm not sure I can wait, Stud." I confessed again.

"Lube's on the nightstand. Fuck me already," he commanded. I didn't need to be told twice. I reached for the pump and took a cold handful and swiped at his ass.

"Shit, it's still cold," he exclaimed. I took another pump and coated my aching cock, not noticing the coolness of the gel. I took some more and inserted a thick finger into his ass. He groaned beneath me and I pressed my mouth back onto his. I could taste his night's toothpaste and sleep on his lips. I wanted to suck out the essence of him and fill him with mine. I'd never felt such an overwhelming sense of heat and desire filling me from my toes, through my cock, into my core. I couldn't hold back and pressed the head of my hot cock into his shoot causing him to gasp with shock and pain.

"Fuck. You're so fucking big," he cried out. Then, "Just go slow babe. I'm still not quite awake and ready." My heart hurt suddenly at the thought of causing him pain. I was such a hungry fucker. What was I doing? I pulled out, getting up on all fours and then reaching beneath me to flip him onto his back. He gasped but let me manhandle him. I kissed him again. Deeply, passionately, forcing my tongue like a cock into his wet mouth again and again. Then I kissed and sucked down the side of his neck, letting the masculine scrape of his still-new beard tickle my lips and nose, again smelling the essence of this sexy man. I tongued both gaps of his collarbone on each side and then spent joyous moments suckling each nipple, rubbing one while I sucked the other, caressing this downy blonde man fur that cascaded across his hard pecs. This man was incredibly beautiful. And handsome. And mine. I reveled in that last thought. Could I make him mine? I realized now, I wanted to. More than anything in the world. I was no longer content with just the foreplay and I quickly plunged myself on his cock, deepthroating his dripping member in one large gulp, nosing his trimmed dark-blonde pubes and luxuriating in his night scents of sweat and man-crotch. I suckled and licked back up his shaft to his perfectly cut glans, tonguing and delighting in his hardness and the thick shaft of his cock. Could I suck this cock every day for the rest of my life, I thought? If I'm lucky enough. I answered myself, reaching a hand to jack his shaft as I continued to swirl and lick the head. His precum coated my tongue and I groaned at the taste of him as he groaned beneath my ministrations. He lifted his cock, pressing it into my mouth and I deep throated him again, and pressed my still lubed finger into his now exposed asshole. His taint beckoned me like a home fire beacon and I licked down his shaft then bathed his balls in my spit while I worked a second finger home.

"God yes," he cried out. "Just fuck me, Joe!" I didn't need another invitation and I climbed back on all fours above him, lifted his legs with my arms and guided my rock hard cock with my abs and core. I line up his hole with my head and pressed in. This time, I found little resistance and I stared into his eyes, those dark blue orbs set in that broad handsome face, as I slowly rammed all 9 inches home. As I felt my pubes meet his, I pressed my lips into his.

"Holy Fuck, that feels good," I groaned into his mouth.

"Oh, oh, fuck me, Joe. Fuck me hard," He demanded.

"No," I said, grinding my hips slowly, pulling half-way out, then pressing all the way back in, bouncing my head off his prostate and making him cry out. "Tonight is a long, slow, love-making fuck. I think I love you, Jason," I said. And then I pressed my cock into him harder as my tongue sought his, kissing him with a passion I'd only rediscovered in these last few weeks in his bed. In his arms.

He pulled me into him tighter, lifting his hips to pull my hard shaft tighter into his manhole, wrapping his strong legs around my back and grabbing at my ass. He wanted all of me inside him and I was going to give it all to him. As much as I could. Forever even. If that's what he wanted. He deserved nothing less. I was nothing but sensation Đ mouth and tongue, wet with his taste, the scratch of our beards colliding and now dripping with our spit and sweat; my cockhead, buried inside the heat and vise-like grip of his hole, the shaft exposing and re-entering with every thrust, warming, heating, gaining lube and less friction with our heat and my precum; my arms holding the heat of him, the heft and weight of his muscles in my arms, muscle to muscle, hairy pec to pec, his quads grappling around my ass and back. I was all skin and sensation, grinding my love and pleasure into him.

He moaned and ground his wet cock against my abs.

"GOD!" he exclaimed, "my cock on your abs and your cock in my ass. I can't last much longer," he panted.

"Try, Baby," I growled into his cheek. "Let's make it last all night." I twisted my hips and turned my cock within him, hitting him at a different angle and his moans became high-pitched and tortured. I felt the wetness of his precum soaking my belly, dripping down into my pubes and his hungry hole. The heat began in my chest and despite my promises to hold back and make love to him all night, I felt my spirit leave my body. I was outside myself, a part of some cosmic coupling that I'd never felt before. I saw our entwined bodies beneath me, smelled the essence of sweat and cum and man sex across the night. A thousand pinpoints of sensation spread across my skin and my toes curled and muscles clenched in the delight of this exquisite euphoria that swept over me. He cried out, and I felt his cum shoot between us, stoking my beard and dripping off me and onto his chest. His man chute clamped onto my head and I felt the pressure of my release and I came likeÉ

"Hey! Hey, Joey," I felt a finger prodding my side and I shook my head, trying to awaken my consciousness. "Hey Bud, you're crushing me again," he gasped.

I shifted, my limp cock still impaling his ass and I breathed into the side of his neck. "Holy Fuck," I gasped. "I think I passed out for a second."

"It's okay," he whispered, and began stroking my hair back from my sweaty scalp. I groaned at his touch. "This is perfect. It's just your deadweight on my core like that presses the breath out of me. I swear you don't know how massive you are."

"I'm sorry," I whispered. "I just got caught up. I don't think I've ever cum like that in my life before."

"Really?" he kept rubbing my hair and I swear, I felt like I was about to cry! What the fuck was wrong with me? "I mean. I know how massive your cock is and that was damned impressive. But," he hesitated, "no one has made love to me like that in a long time," he whispered back.

I didn't want him to stop rubbing my hair. It was the most intimate gesture I'd felt in so long, but I needed to look at him. To see his face. I pressed up, my biceps and triceps stretching and turned my face to his. "I love you," I said simply, knowing I didn't need to think about it. "I know you probably think it's too soon or it's just lust talking. But I'm sure. And you don't have to say it back. But I wanted you to know it. I'm not running scared anymore. I guess I have you to thank for that."

"Wow," he said, rubbing my hair out of my face and kissing me softly. "You really didn't have to say it. I knew as soon as you flipped me over and licked me all over like an ice cream cone!" He laughed. "It was like you wanted to eat me up. I've never felt so desired in my life."

"I don't just desire you," I growled, nuzzling back into his neck luxuriating in the feel of his strong hand in my hair. "You're like an aching need in my soul. I don't know that I've ever felt this. I couldn't get back here soon enough tonight, and then the sight of you here, naked on your bed, made me weak. I had all of these overwhelming feelings Đ desire and lust and love and also protection. I wanted to cover you, and protect you, and feel you. I, justÉ" He pressed a hand over my mouth.

"it's okay," he whispered. "No man has ever felt as loved as I do this minute. Thank you, Joe." He gently leaned up and kissed my lips. "Now, go to sleep. We can talk more in the morning. You've had a big day." He gently slipped out of one position beneath me, my cock slipping from his ass but then nestling between his legs, and he spooned back into me, wrapping himself in my arms. I was overwhelmed by a sense of warmth and peace, and lost consciousness to sleep, realizing I was, finally, home.


So, that happened. I woke early, as was my habit, and decided not to shower and wake up Joe, especially since I'd just get soaked with sweat on my run. But my leaky ass did need a clean, so after a reasonable spit bath in the sink, I'd strapped on my cross-country trainers and heading up the mountain trail. The Creekside path had a few obstacles that required my attention due to the storm, but I made those part of my regiment and by the time I returned to the cabin nearly an hour later, I found the Mountain Man showered and clad only in a tight pair of boxers, standing at the stove making breakfast. I decided not to be too uptight about the night's lovemaking and revelations, and letting myself in the back door, I swatted him on the ass playfully.

"Just the way I like my men Đ barefoot, half-naked, and serving me in the kitchen," I said as he turned to give me a half-smooch.

"Go shower," he commanded. "Breakfast is almost ready and you stink too much to sit across the table from me."

"I thought you liked my sweat and man-funk," I argued.

"Truly, I do," he smiled. "Especially when I'm about to eat and fuck that sweet ass of yours. But not over eggs and bacon. Now git!"

"What about your protein shake? You sure you can eat crap like me," I argued.

"Will you go get a damn shower so we can eat and talk?" He yelled.

"Sir, yes sir!" I mocked saluted. Then I dramatically dropped my running shorts, revealing just my sweaty, jock-clad ass and sashayed into the bathroom, leaving the door open as I pulled off my wet socks (I'd left my mud-clad running shoes by the back door), turned on the spray, and climbed into the hot shower.

Eat and talk, he had said. Wonder what the hell that meant, I thought as I soaped up and carefully took a washcloth to my tender, still well-fucked asshole. What if he'd decided to resend his declaration? Who could blame him? We'd technically known each other about one month. Could someone fall in love so quickly? I know Doc and Dad said it was electricity at first hookup but that was those two. Love didn't work like that for most people. Or did it? I stood under the spray, rinsing, trying to remember those first early days with Butch. What had set him apart from all the other guys I had fucked that year before college graduation and then after. How had he been different than Brock and Luke for me? He was so damned cute on his crutches and that hairy ass of his had been an instant turn on. Which of us had first said the L word out loud? Was it a sign of my impending divorce that I couldn't even remember? Fuck.

"You going to take all damn morning or should I just start eating?" I heard yelled from the kitchen. Damn!

"Hold on, you big Gorilla!" I yelled back. "I'm trying to get sweet for my man." My man. Had I really just said that? Jesus! I hit the wall spout and cut the spray. Pulling back the curtain, I reached for a clean bath sheet hanging next to a wet one, clearly Joe's from earlier. I dried off, wrapped myself in the towel like Pharoah and returned to the kitchen.

"Better?" I asked, standing in my glory by the kitchen table. He set a full plate down at the second place then wrapped me in his arms, lifting me off the floor like I weighed nothing, and nuzzled my neck, licking up my jaw to my lips.

"Delicious!" he observed. "Now, let's eat." He released me and pulled out my chair. I sat. He sat. "Dig in before it gets cold," He ordered and I did. Surprisingly, his eggs were soft and buttery, maybe the best I'd eaten since I moved out of Doc and Dad's.

"Damn, you cook too?" I said, surprised. "This is delicious."

"I can do breakfast and heat up most leftovers. But I'm not totally useless in the kitchen," He said in that delightful baritone. "And besides, I knew after last night, we both needed additional protein. That's three eggs each, plus bacon and fruit."

"I don't always eat much breakfast, mostly coffee," I began.

"Eat up. You need some more meat on your bones," He said, smiling the smug smile of the well-fucked at me.

"Hey, I'm not arguing," I agreed. "So, what do we need to talk about?" I smiled back between my last bites of egg and bacon.

He swiped the last bit of egg with a toast point, then pushed his plate away. He took a swig of what I had thought was coffee but now realized was some sort of green concoction in one of my coffee travel mugs. He looked up at me and began, "Last night, I found out that my Gran wants to move out of our shared house and move into a retirement complex with her best friend, Miss O'Della. They've already been to Swannanoa and signed the papers at the complex. That's what Frank, O'Della's son, wanted to talk with me about last night."

"Wow," I said, looking at him. "I thought you and your Gran were sort of settled. Did you know this was coming?"

"Nope. Caught both of us flat-footed. She also wants to sell our house. I mean, she thinks she needs to, to pay for the apartment and it is in both of our names, but I've been making the payments and paying the bills. I've made her bank her social security, so technically she could pay outright for the new place, at least a portion, butÉ" he trailed off.

"But what?" I prodded.

"Frank thinks she's trying to force me out of the nest. Says I can't move on because I've been using my care of her as an excuse not to get on with my life. Says Gran is worried I can't take care of myself," he blurted all at once.

"Well," I sighed. "That explains some of this."

"No," he grumbled, shaking a fork at me. "That has nothing to do with what I said last night. We'll get to that in a damned minute. This is different."

"Such a bossy tone this morning," I teased, "for someone who's just a gentleman house guest and may now be homeless."

"Oh brother," he groaned. "Just, Gran and I talked and I'm happy for her to have an adjoining apartment with O'Della if that's what she wants. I'm man enough to take care of myself and I told her so last night."

"Well, I'm sure that was quite a conversation," I rolled my eyes. "Very diplomatic of you."

"Well, I said it better than that." He groused. "I just. It took me off guard but talking with Mr. Frank helped some. I was in a good frame by the time I talked through with Gran. Anyway, today, I need to go and get some things settled. Try and find a storage place for some of my stuff and then look at some apartments that Frank has listed. He thinks he might be able to sell our house without officially putting it on the market."

"Wait," I held up my hands. "You're definitely going to sell the house."

"Gran says it was `our' place, and now I need to find a place of my own. Said she wouldn't take but 10% of the equity but we're going to split it 50-50. I made damned sure she agreed to that." He said gruffly. "Anyway, I've got a piece of property up near the parkway I bought with Frank's help a few years ago. I'd planned to build on it someday if anything ever happened to Gran. So, this apartment would just be a stop-gap. It does pay to have a family friend who's in construction and real-estate."

"Okay, but do you really want to move to an apartment? Why can't you just stay here until you get things sorted out? Store what you need to and then we'll just see how things work out." I offered.

"Jason, that's a kind offer," He began, "but I think it's too soon for us to even consider moving in together. First of all, you're barely legally separated. Second," he started holding up fingers, "I'm a big guy. We're already barely able to fit both of us into this cabin while we're working together for just a few days. Third, I have serious feelings for you, as I confessed last night. We haven't even been on a date yet! Don't you think we should do some more getting to know each other stuff before we go right into playing house?"

"Sounds like you've been thinking this through already like a lawyer," I said solemnly.

"Well, while I drove here last night and then when I woke up this morning," he said, echoing my solemn tone. "I told you that you didn't need to say it back. I'm putting my feelings out there, Bud. I haven't felt this way about someone in a really long time, or maybe ever. I really don't want to fuck up the possibility of you and me eventually being together. AND, I've got my work to finish." He took a deep breath, "Technically, I just have a small leave to complete my writing on this project, but then I'm supposed to be back on Forest Service rotation. My panther research was funding part of my position but not all of it. I have ongoing issues with bear migration and habitat patterning, and there's some stream pollution data and fisheries info I should be gathering. I mean, work is work too." He rubbed one large paw across that broad, handsome forehead and shoved back a handful of his glossy, brown curls, nearly black in the morning shadows.

I reached across the table and took his other hand. "Why don't we just take it one day at a time," I advised, channeling Dad to Doc in my best imitation of my older, mature dads. "We don't have to decide it all today. You got hit with a bit of a whammy, but it's okay. You have choices, that's for sure. You go do what you can do today, as far as the house and a storage space is concerned. I've got my doctor's appointment this morning and then some meetings online with Cali folks starting at 1 PM. Dad and Doc will be here at 6 tonight to start the grill and our supper. They are excited to meet you. Let's get through today and then tomorrow, Saturday, we can catch our breath and maybe start a list?"

He exhaled, gripping my hand back and smiling down into my face. "Yeah, that sounds like a good plan. I forgot your dads were coming tonight." He looked off into the distance.

"He doesn't bite, you know," I smiled. "He has very fond memories of you still," knowing he was nervous about meeting Luke again after all these years.

"25 years is a long time to carry a school-boy crush," he said. "So why am I nervous?"

"Probably because they know you've been fucking the hell out of their beloved son for more than three weeks now," I began, laughing. "They may want to beat the shit out of you for using me like that."

"Seriously?" He looked stricken.

"You can't be that gullible?" I laughed. "Of course not. They already know you're a slut."

"What?" He barked.

"Jesus," I moaned, standing and walking around to him. I hugged him from behind. "Quit being such a big, handsome baby," I said, snuggling into his ear. "You've met Brock. They are cool. They are excited to meet you and they are bringing red meat to grill. You don't know what a concession that must be on Doc's part. He almost never lets Dad eat steak anymore."

I let one hand roam down across the broad expanse of his muscled chest and reveled in the feel of him. He turned his head and his mouth met mine in a lingering kiss. Pulling away, I said, "I don't want to fuck this up either, okay? Let's just take it one day at a time. Your being here is really nice," I kissed him again, pulling up and letting one hand rest in his beard, caressing his face. He was one incredibly handsome man.

"So, Mountain Man," I said in my all business tone, "I've got to get dressed before my online session. You've got to head into town. Let's try and get back here together by 5 PM to circle the wagons before the Dads invade."

"Why don't we say 4 PM just in case I need some `physical reinforcement' before that invasion?" he smiled up at me.

"You're incorrigible," I stroked his beard. "And I like the way that devious mind works." I kissed him again before making my way to the bedroom to get dressed. "4 pm, lubed and waiting on the bed when you get back," I threw over my shoulder and laughed when he groaned aloud!


"He's fucking adorable," I said, looking at my son's smiling face, and handing him the last plate to dry as I began rinsing out the detritus in the sink. "I can't believe I'm saying that about a man that big, but, damn."

"He was so fucking nervous to meet you again," Jason responded, placing the last dish on the shelf in the cabinet. He wiped his hands on the towel in his hands. "Thanks for being so sweet to him."

"It's just uncanny," I said. "I mean, that yearbook photo reminded me, but even then, if you look, we're about the same height. Which means in the next three years of high school, he probably grew another 3 to 4 inches in height."

"And, he said he was pretty skinny right through graduate school. He didn't really start bulking in the gym until the end of his program at Clemson. Then with his breakup and move to Gainesville, it was sort of his therapy while he did his PhD program," Jason continued.

"Well, I can appreciate that. It shows a lot of determination and resolve. Post-graduate work is very difficult, even for the brightest of students," I surmised.

"What do you think they are talking about out there?" Jason asked me, peaking around through the window to the back deck? "Cock size?"

I laughed. "I'm sure your Dad has already acquired that information first thing," I joked. "Honestly, at the end of dessert, I thought Brock said something about working construction before medical school and Joe said working a summer on a crew. Maybe they are going to build you a new weight bench," I teased.

"Well, he did bring all of my stuff up out of the basement and working out there with a partner has been fun, if hot as hell. Not to mention totally exposed to the elements," He agreed.

"You liked it during your college years, as I recall," I prodded, pulling him into a hug. I held him lightly, running a hand through his trimmed, high and tight hair cut like I used to when he was in college.

"God, you always smell so good," He breathed into my chest. I held him away from me.

"You still pissed at me?" I asked.

"I wasn't ever really pissed," He said. "I don't know what it was."

"Seems you've had a real issue with me lately, more so than your Dad," I began.

"You know, you're both my Dads," he argued, pulling away, getting his back up. I sighed. This wasn't going the way I'd hoped.

"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry," I began.

"Why are you sorry?" he raised his voice.

"You were right," I began. "About my not treating you like an adult. About my getting on my high horse and giving advice, but not listening. All of that. You were hurting and came to us, and I just started to dispense wisdom without listening to you. You are a grown man and I should treat you that way."

"Ah, Dad," he said, retreating back into my arms. "It's not your fault. You don't have anything to be sorry for, excepting loving me and trying to protect me."

"No," I argued back. "Brock and I talked about this a lot this week and yesterday after the storm. I had sort of a break through, Jay. I realized, I've spent most of my life living in fear and I really need to stop it."

"You are the least-scared person I know," he insisted.

"No, I'm not," I said, pushing him away. "Here, let's sit down," we each pulled out a chair at the kitchen table and sat facing each other. "I realize that talking with Dr. Patterson, Maggie, years ago, I may have touched on this, but Brock and I really hadn't dealt with it. I've never shared most of it with you. But you need to understand that who you think I am is all a faade, son. Underneath, I'm just a coward."

"Doc, that is utter bullshit," He began to argue, but I held up a hand.

"I was afraid," I said. "Afraid to hurt my parents if I told them who I really was. Afraid of hurting Melody and losing the boys if they knew I was gay. I was afraid of losing Brock since essentially the moment we became a `couple.' And lately, that fear has been compounded." Jason continued to stare at me before reaching out for my hand.

"Being afraid of some really difficult stuff doesn't make you a coward," he smiled up at me. "It just makes you human."

"When did you grow up and get so smart?" I smiled back.

"I had a really good teacher," He said, "who loved me enough to let me make mistakes but also called me on it when I needed it. Everything I know about being a gay man I learned from you and Brock. You taught me how to be myself. How could you ever say you were a coward?"

I felt my eyes well up but I swallowed them down and went on. "I loved you like a son, but I was so afraid of losing my biological sons, that I told you that you couldn't call me Dad. And now, every time I hear you call Brock Dad and me Doc, it makes my guts hurt and reminds me I was afraid. Afraid of losing Chase and Sam, and afraid of letting you into our family. I was afraid of losing Brock and you, afraid of getting older and losing Brock, afraid of losing my position at university and my `persona' as the one who always has his shit together. I'm sorry, Jay. I feel like I've let you down most of all."

"Dad," he began, choking up, "you never have to apologize to me for being who you are. You sure as hell weren't afraid out there on that deck when a scared college boy seduced you and all but begged you to fuck him, were you?"

"And a better man would've probably walked away. Told you that he couldn't give you that and also maintain their professional responsibilities," I began.

"Ah, shit," Jason argued. "That changed my life and you know it. Damn it, Doc!" he raised his voice at me. "This is why I get so pissed off at you. Do you not see how hard it is?"

"What, Jason? Why are you so pissed at me? I'm trying to say I'm sorry, and you're still fucking mad at me," I said quietly.

"Doc," he pulled my face toward his at the table, "Daddy. Look at me." I eyed him seriously and he smiled. "It is so damned hard to live up to your example. I get pissed because I fucking fail every day."

I smiled at him. "Now I call bullshit!" I exclaimed.

"I love you, Doc. I called you that in my fantasies for six months when I could barely get up the courage to talk to you in the gym. Then when you took me in, and introduced me to Brock and into responsible man-sex. That was a dream come true. But that was just sex. It's all of the other stuff Đ watching you and Brock navigate love and life and being who you are. I call you Doc because every time I say that, I remember that boy I was, and how great it was to call you that, respectfully of course, and that you let me. And how much you've meant to me. Being away all that time with Butch, all I wanted was to make a life like you and Brock were making here and have someone love me the way you love each other, and just hoping you both would be proud of me," he faltered.

"Oh, son, I'm always so proud of you," I whispered.

"I know," He said. "But it's hard trying on your mentor's shoes and realizing they're never gonna fit, always seeing yourself as falling short. I guess I've been so pissy with you lately, and Maggie and I did talk about this in a session this week, becauseÉ because, I've sort of put you on this pedestal, since day one. And I'm never going to measure up to that."

"Jesus, Jason," I retorted. "After I just confessed about how I've been afraid of everything this whole time. How can you still think that?"

"Doc," he countered. "There's a 40-year-old man outside that still almost pissed his pants when he saw you walk up the drive-way. As I told you last week, there's a whole damn Facebook group of alumni players of yours who quote your sayings about life, about everything really, not just basketball, as if you're a mix of Knute Rockne and Mahatma Ghandi. I mean, just this week, Brock heard a story from a family friend of his about a young, black point guard on your team who confessed he was gay and that the prior coach had benched him. In your first year, right out of college, you made him a starting point guard on the team!"

"DeMarcus Brown," I uttered. "Best damn ball-handler I ever coached. He was like watching a symphony play out on the court. Can't describe it any better than that. And, it wasn't that big of a deal. We wouldn't have won any games without him, and the name of the game is winning. Folks forget the culture stuff as long as you win."

"Shit, Doc," Jason argued. "You know that's not true. That took balls. Joe was going to share that in that Facebook group but I told him it was Marc's story to tell. We hope to meet he and his partner sometime soon. What I'm trying to say is, you don't know the impact that you've had on people's lives Đ not just me, and Joe, and Chase and Sam, of course. You may have been scared for a while to let everyone know you were gay, but I can damn sure say that everyone already knew what kind of an ethical, upstanding, loving man you were! You showed them in how you treated your players and your students and everyone. And it's a hard example for a son to live up to sometimes. Especially one who's life has fallen apart and then had to come home with his tail between his legs."

"Ah, shit Bud," I said, reaching out and stroking his arm. "Your coming home was the right thing to do. You fought for your marriage and what Butch did was not your fault. It takes two people. How you handled it, and are still handling it, that's what makes me proud. How many fucking times do I need to say it so you get it through that thick skull of yours? Huh?"

"I don't know," he sniffled. "A few more?"

"I'm so proud of you. I love you. No man could ever be as lucky as I feel to have you in my life. And your brothers too. You have NOTHING to live up to." I stated emphatically.

"Then why are you scared, Doc?" his eyes met mine. Damn. He was so much like me it was scary. Not a drop of my blood or strand of my DNA, but he could pin me to the mat when he gave back just what I had always given to other people. I was so fucking proud of this man!

"I'm not. Not anymore." I said, taking his strong hand and holding it to my lips. "That's why I said I was sorry. I'm not going to be afraid anymore. Anyway, why should I be when I've got all of you strong, strapping men to look after me."

"Would you ever let us look after you?" he scoffed, "instead of always being the one looking out for us?"

"I'm trying, son," I countered. "The Dad/Coach/teacher gene is hard to repress. What does the Bard say, `To you, your father should be as a God/ one that composed your beauties, yea, and one/ To whom you are but as a form in wax/ By him imprinted and within his power/ To leave the figure or disfigure it.'"

"Midsummer Night's Dream, yes?" he responded.

"Well done," I said.

"I had a great teacher," he replied. "When a father gives to his son, both laugh; when a son gives to his father, both cry," he quoted.

"Ah, and the mentee becomes the mentor," I answered, wiping my eyes. "Are we okay, boy?"

"Yeah, Doc." He responded, standing. "We better get on the deck or Dad may have already asked Joe to marry me for me."

"Wait, what?" I said standing up. "You're joking, right?"

Jason walked over to hug me. "I love you, Old Man. And yes, I was joking." I followed him out onto the deck where Brock and Joe were in animated conversation.


I woke to Jason's breath on my shoulder. The feel of him in my arms, the mounds of flesh and muscle beneath my touch caused my cock to stir. Yesterday, I'd gotten home early enough to enjoy a nice fuck before his Dad's brought dinner. Then last night, after the high of meeting my high school coach again and also partly falling in love with his partner, Brock, I'd let Jason fuck me twice before we fell asleep sweaty and exhausted. My hole was aching this morning, but all I felt was love. If I thought I had fallen for this guy before, meeting his Dads and seeing how they all treated each other Đ joking, and laughing, and sharing such intimacy but clearly, those two men revered my man. He was like this trophy they shared between them. I was so envious of that at first and then, I can't really describe it. It was just so safe and warm to be with them. I don't know what Jason and his Dad talked about, but Brock and I had the best time after supper. I couldn't believe he just walked out to his SUV and got out a tool box and we just started measuring right there on the deck. That man loves a project, obviously! By after-dinner drinks, we'd plotted a way to extend the pitched roof line over the current deck to expand Jason's bedroom. We can use the same pitch and then add a new, covered deck for the exercise equipment. That will provide more covered space, and with the pitch of the lot, beneath the new deck, we can have expanded storage. Brock really knows his stuff for a surgeon. I mean, he seems more like a working-class kind of guy. He'd calculated lumber and initial building materials before they left for Greenville and has plans to have most stuff delivered next Friday. He and I will start to tear out and framenext Saturday! Holy Shit! What have I signed myself up for? And then, this man?

I stroke the back of Jason's neck down the ridges of his spine. His breath on my chest sends little shivers through me. Damn. If I have to build a house to keep this guy, I'd do it.

Build a house. Maybe that's it. Maybe the cabin expansion can just be a stop-gap? Today, I'll take Jason up to the acreage on the mountain. Let him see it for himself. Ask if he'd want to live there with me. Am I ready for that? Does that imply forever? I am so fucking over myself with this guy, but I never want this feeling to end. This feeling where I am exhausted and exhilarated at the same time. If you had told me two months ago that not only would I be fucking a hot, California entrepreneur but I'd also be giving up my hole to him often, I would have laughed in your face. If you'd told me I'd fall head over heels for him, I'd have probably punched you. But ever since I've met this guy, my world has turned upside down for the better. Today, I will take Jay to see the mountain top property. Tomorrow, I'll take him to meet Gran and we'll have a last Sunday lunch in our house together before we move her to Swannanoa Village next week.

But now. Now. I'm just going to lie here and watch my man sleep beside me and wonder what he's dreaming about? Wonder if he's dreaming about me? Wonder if he could possibly love me as much as I love him? Damn, I smile to myself.

Next: Chapter 16

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