Jasons First Workout

By Coach Lucas Miles

Published on Oct 5, 2020


Jason's First Workout: Chapter 10 Ð Recovery

Dear Readers:

Thanks for all of the emails and the encouragement to keep this story going. Dozens of you have asked for my inspiration pics of the characters, and I'm happy to keep sharing. Just email and ask.

Please keep reading, and if you enjoy this story, and the site, remember to give what you can back to Nifty so that we can all continue to get off here!

Best, Coach Luke. Olcoach44@gmail.com


(New chapters (5 and up) updated to present day: Luke age 56, Brock 48, Jason 34, Butch 32, Joe 40, Chase 28, Sam 26).


I looked out over the foothills toward the mountains, enjoying the early evening breeze that foretold an expected end to summer. The smoke from the grill brought me back to the present and I opened the lid to turn the chicken breasts I was slowly grilling for our supper. My iPhone vibrated in my shorts and I reached in to identify the caller. As I expected, our boy was calling from the mountains and I swiped to accept the call.

"Hey Bud, you calling from the store?"

"Hey Dad. Yeah, just checking in while I have a signal," Jason said evenly.

"You okay? Let me go get Luke so we can talk on speaker."

"No Dad, I won't be that long. Don't bother him," he said.

"You sure?" I countered. "You know he's worried about you, Bud."

"I'm okay, Dad. I promise. I'm sorry about the breakdown this morning. I'm sitting here eating a Sword's hot dog (don't ask me how long it'd been on that roller grill thing) and drinking a REAL Coca-cola, icy cold from the cooler. It's like I'm a little kid again. I've got free wi-fi too. Who needs a fancy California coffee bar?" He joked, trying to sound cheerier than he was.

"That sounds great, Bud. You know Luke and I don't eat processed meats like that anymore," I joked back. "Did you get the trailer unpacked all by yourself?"

"Yeah, all unloaded. All good. I just need to put some things away tonight and tomorrow morning, but I'm going to drive to Hendersonville and return it tomorrow. Speaking of that, Dad, why don't you and Doc come tomorrow night for supper? While I was power washing, (when was that, Wednesday?) I saw that during your renovations outside you added the propane line at the end of deck. I'm thinking I'll buy a new gas grill tomorrow and put it there on the deck. We can grill out?" he said. "I'm also going to get my old weights out of the crawl space and put it on the back deck again."

"That's a lot of work for one day, but sounds like a great plan, Champ. We'd love to see you and what you've done with the cabin in 24 hours. What can we bring?" I asked.

"Well, could you go back into the apartment and get the two boxes off of the bar with the rest of my cookware and my mixer and stuff. And, if you have space, could you grab that large plastic container in the bottom of the closet AND the hang up things I'd already hung in the closet?" He asked hesitantly.

"Sure Bud, we'll have room if we bring the truck. It sounds like you want me to bring ALL of the stuff you'd already unpacked in the apartment. Does that mean you're not moving back or staying here at all?" I said, trying not to sound judgmental. If he wanted to move to the cabin full-time, I'd talk Luke down and we'd have to let him figure things out.

"Yeah, Dad. I think if I get the internet/phone issue resolved on Monday then I can start zooming with Dennis and get back to work mostly full-time. I asked for at least a week off, but I know he's frustrated running the show all by himself. Oh Thanks so much. I appreciate it," He said to someone else.

"What was that, son?" I asked.

"Sorry Dad. I had to print out a form here with an affidavit and now the cashier is going to witness my signature so I can return it to Joe. I witnessed the panther so I have to provide an eye witness statement for his research. Sword's Mountain grocery. Anything you need Ð bait, rat traps, hot dogs, internet, fax and a printer!" he joked.

"Wait a minute," I interrupted. "You lost me at panther! And is Joe the park service guy?"

"Sorry Dad, yeah he is. I thought I told you, or maybe I meant to before the Butch video surprise. Anyway, I gotta go and take care of this. And I think I want another hot dog. We'll talk about ALL of it when you guys get here tomorrow night." He said, putting me off.

"Okay Champ. Thanks for calling and letting me know you're okay." I said. "I'll load up the truck and we'll shoot to be there by 6 tomorrow night. Is that good?"

"Perfect Dad. I love you! Tell Luke not to worry." he said.

"Love you too, Champ," I countered, "and you know if he's breathing, he's worrying about his boys. See you soon," I said and disconnected.

The smoke brought me back and I realized my chicken breasts were almost burning. I grabbed my utensils, plated the chicken, and turned off the grill, leaving the lid up to cool. I opened the French doors, reached back for the plate, and went into the kitchen/keeping room.

"Hey Handsome! Soups on! And you owe me $5." I yelled to the back of the house. Luke walked out of the hallway, pulling a fresh t-shirt over his still hot and hairy chest. He was barefoot in just a pair of loose-fitting gym shorts that he loved to wear around the house.

"Thanks, I needed that shower. You wore me out this afternoon, Bud," He said rubbing my ass as I stood by the kitchen counter. "Why do I owe you?" he asked. "I thought you volunteered to grill the chicken."

"Not cooking. I love to cook for you, Stud," I said, nuzzling his neck and growling low. "Jason called while I was out there, as I told you he would."

"What? Why didn't you call me?" He said.

"I thought you were still showering," I fibbed, "and he was only on the phone for a second anyway. He's invited us to supper at the cabin tomorrow night. He was at the Mountain Grocery re-living his childhood moments."

"What? He sounded good?" He questioned.

"Yeah. He was eating a hotdog and drinking, as he said, `ice cold Coca-cola'. He also asked me to bring some stuff he left in the apartment."

"Wait? Is he not coming back to the apartment?" Luke asked, his face clouding.

"No, it doesn't sound like it," I said flatly and added, "and we're going to support that decision, aren't we, Stud?" I turned him to face me, holding his shoulders and looking straight into his eyes.

"I guess so. You know, it was a whole lot easier when I was the experienced parent and you were just the boy-toy," he sighed, teasing me.

"I learned from the real Dad, remember." I said, pulling him to me. "We said we'd support his decision on whatever he needed. And he never said he'd stay here permanently. That `love bubble' comment from Chase made it sound like he never wanted to stay here long-term anyway. AND you yourself said something about kicking them back out of the nest."

"I knowÉ but that was before he had to deal with his husband being seen cheating on the internet and his own emotional fragility!" He whined into my ear. I put my hands on his face and looked at him hard.

"If he needs us, we can get to him. He's invited us to supper tomorrow night and we'll go and be supportive. He is a grown man, Luke." I lectured. "And the boy knows we love him. Unconditionally. He will never get so low that he won't reach out to us if he needs us."

"You're right, as always, Bud." He said back, kissing me slowly on the lips. "I just want him to be okay."

"I know and he knows. He doesn't want you to worry. AND, as I suspected, something is up with that park ranger," I said, turning to pull the sides off the stove and then reaching into the fridge to pull the rest of our dinner together.

"Ranger?" He queried. "I thought he was a Wildlife Biologist? And what about him?"

"He is a wildlife biologist, I think. With the park service. But get this, Jason saw the panther. He was at Sword's just now printing out some kind of affidavit and then signing it so he could email it back to the guy, who he called Joe. Very informal don't you think for someone he just met?" I teased. "Come on, grab the plates and let's eat."

"Wait, there was a panther at the cabin?" he stood looking shocked.

"The panther is what you're hung up on? I thought you knew that's what the guy was tracking. I thought for sure you'd focus on Jay calling him by his first name. Very intimate, don't you think?" I asked.

We sat down, grabbed hands and Luke said, "For these and all thy gifts that we are about to receive, make us truly thankful. Amen."

"Amen" I echoed.

"There was a panther?" he said again, knifing into his chicken.

"Yes. But that's all I got. We're supposed to get details tomorrow night. AND I'm sure there is something about the biologist he has yet to tell us," I said.

"I think you're reading stuff into it, again." Luke countered. "He just met the guy yesterday."

"Well, Dads just have a gut feeling about these things," I said. "And I think our boy is figuring out things on his own."

"This is really good, Bud," Luke said, chewing and looking out the windows toward the mountains. "A real panther. At the cabin. I'll be damned."

Saturday evening, Jason:

"How was your steak, Doc? Did you get enough?" I asked Luke as we sat out on the back deck drinking beer and listening to the creek down the hill.

"It was perfect, Bud. That's a great new grill you've got there," Luke answered, pointing to his left. "I can't believe how settled in you are in just a few days. You've gotten everything put away and it looks really nice."

"I'm glad you liked it. You good too, Dad?" I asked Brock.

"Perfect," he said, holding up his bottle of Pale Ale and saluting with it. "I didn't know the Mountain Grocery carried fancy beer."

"Well, I did drive into Hendersonville today, Dad," I teased back. "But just FYI, even Sword's now carries Sierra Nevada since they've opened their own big brewery here in town. I've moved back from Cali and my beer company has too! Who knew?"

"That yellow poplar looks really scraped up," Dad countered. "You ready to tell us the whole story now, Champ?"

"Oh yeah." I said. "I got so caught up in the Butch updates and TMZ crap, I forgot to tell you all of this when I was at home on Friday. And don't forget, I want to show you the new fire pit I build today too."

"Wait," Doc interrupted. "You mean to tell me you unpacked, bought a new grill and supplies, and built a firepit all in one day? Son, are you sure you're not over-doing it?"

I knew both of my Dads could read me like an open laptop and I'd purposely tried to put off as much conversation around this as possible. I also knew I couldn't hold off Doc forever. He'd quietly question me until his curiosity was satisfied.

"Doc. It was a kit and it was on sale. When I was down at the creek this morning, I realized we had that level, natural clearing there on the cabin side, just down from our little path. And then when I was grill-shopping at Lowe's, they had a little sample set up. For less than $200, I bought the kit with sand, gravel, the stones, and everything. It took me as long to unload the jeep and carry the materials down there to the creek as it did to level it and set it up. It'll be ready for the first weekend when it cools off. And besides, I bought the grill that was already put together. That would've taken me more time. And I bought four Adirondack chairs to go out there too," I added. "Having the truck would've been easier, but I got it all in the jeep."

"Wow, Bud," Brock answered. "Keeping busy can be good for you, but you don't have to do it all in one day."

"I know, Dad. But I'm hoping we can get the tech stuff done on Monday and then I'll start working on Tuesday," I said. "I wanted to get some of my key projects done so I would feel at home. And the fire pit was more of a diversion, you're right. It felt good to sweat on a project that I could see have an immediate outcome. Sometimes that doesn't happen with my online projects now at Innova."

"I want to know about this damned panther," Luke interrupted. "And who is this Biologist?"

We all started laughing. Doc's Irish impulsiveness didn't always come out, but he came from a long line of storytellers and preachers, as he liked to say. He didn't'like anyone interrupting a story once it had started. And I'd heard him tell enough in our few years together, that I realized I was going to have to tell this one, and tell it well. I cleared my throat and set my beer on the deck next to me.

"Well, it all started when I got here on Wednesday and the gate was still locked with a green forest service truck in the drive way. I couldn't unlock and drive in, so I grabbed some bags and a tool box and hoofed it up the front. When I let myself in, I thought I saw movement on the back deck. So, I put my stuff down by the door and that's when I saw this massive guy in a forest service shirt and loose jeans, bushy beard and wild, curly dark hair on the back deck. At about that moment, I realized his jeans looked loose because he had his cock out and he was jerking off the back deck (and let me say, the guy was packing some enormous meat to match his giant frame.) He's gotta be at least 6'4" tall," I began. Dad and Doc were both on the edges of their camp chairs as I began to weave my tale.

I told them of my catching him and playing it off as peeing, of Joe and his research and background, and then of our sex together. I tried to leave out the salacious details but Dad wanted every juicy bit including cock size and shape. I told them of my strenuous work cleaning after Joe left, leaving out my breakdowns and sobbing moments, and focusing on the work. Then I explained about Joe bringing dinner later that evening (with less information about our sex and how often) and finally told the moonlit tale of the Carolina Panther. For once, Luke did not interrupt and just listened rapt. Dad just sat there smiling at me. I guess I told it pretty well because when I was finished, they had very few questions, even for them.

"Wow, a real Carolina Panther in these mountains again. Holy Shit!" Luke said.

"So, let me get this straight," Dad qualified. "He fucked you how many times, before you then flipped and you topped him?"

"Jesus, Dad!" I swore in mock exasperation. "Is that all you got out of this?"

"Well, Champ. You did just leave your husband and you're an emotional wreck, or were when you left the house. I'm not judging you, since you did find the guy on your property with his dick in his hand," he countered. "Shit, I wish I'd found him like that when I met him last spring up here!"

Doc slapped his head. "Seriously?" he asked. "You would've fucked this monster guy that you all but told me intimidated you into letting you use this place?"

"Well I was just shocked at the size of him, coming up on him up like that," Dad countered in their back and forth, gay Abbott and Costello routine. "You know I wouldn't have fucked him without asking you first, or inviting you to join us."

"Don't embarrass yourself in front of the children, Stud," Luke countered, then turned and looked at me. "Did you practice safe sex? Were there still condoms here?"

"Um, yeah," I said, taken aback. "Well the first time he fucked me that morning, yeah, I made him wear a condom."

"And then that night when he came back when most of the fucking happened?" Doc pressured.

"Umm, actually no, Doc. Although I think at some point, he did talk about being on Prep and being tested regularly. He hasn't been in a relationship for a really long time and lives with his Grandmother. Sounds like he has an occasional Grindr hookup with a guy who can host but he really seems to be too caught up in his work. I don't think he's an actual slut or anything, Dad." I said back but I know it came off as childish and defensive. Honestly, I hadn't thought much about the safety of our coupling or how sexually active Joe was. There's a conversation to have on a 3rd date (if we ever had a 3rd date).

"Seriously Jason Perry! How fucking old are you? You just got out of a relationship with a man who cheated on you. Were you tested when you found that out three weeks ago? That should have been your first move. Are you clean enough to be having unprotected sex with a stranger?" Luke began chewing me a new one. "Have the two of us taught you nothing?"

"Fuck, Doc, I'm sorry." I tried not to get emotional. Why was I getting emotional? I'm not a child and this was my damn house and my story. "No, Luke," I emphasized his name and did not call him Doc. "I am NOT a fucking child to be lectured. If I want to risk unprotected sex with a stranger, then fuck it, I can. Alright? I am so damn sick of you treating me like a child when I'm supposed to be an adult! You know, you can express your care and worry about me without making me feel stupid?" I shouted back.

Dad was standing with both hands raised, "hey you two. Hey, hey," he groused. "This is not how my men talk to each other."

Luke's face was red as his stare bore into me, but then his face fell and I thought he might cry, but instead he got it together and said, "I'm sorry, Champ. You're right. Your Dad is always telling me you're grown, but it's hard for me to think about you as anything but that man-child who first came to me for advice. Hell, the first time for us was right there on that deck," he said pointing. "Who the hell am I to question your choices?" I took a deep breath and looked at Dad as he sat back down, smiling. I looked back at Doc and realized he was waiting. "It's okay, Doc." I back-handed my eyes. "You're right. I should've followed up. I was tested in San Jose, negative, right after I found out. And Scotty's partner Jake said I should find a doc when I got back to SC, get on Prep, and use precautions until I was tested again in a month. I just forgot that. I mean, I didn't expect to be fucking a guy in the woods in my first week back. Especially after I'd spent half the day crying while I was hosing off my house." I realized I'd let too much slip then.

Doc reached over and put a large hand on my shoulder.

"Crying?" he asked softly. "This cleaning, building, working on the house has been a ploy to keep you mind off of California, hasn't it?"

They both looked at me so sweetly and with such pity that I hated myself for telling them. For letting it slip.

"I've seen the videos and read the articles. I called the office when I was in town today and called Denny on his cell. Denny said he's put a temp admin on the phone and email account just to answer the queries about my breakup. It's affected the company and I haven't even been there. That's why I need to get online and back to work this week! And then, you guys have been so supportive. I just need to get my shit together and get my life back," I argued. "Is that too much to ask?"

"No, son, it isn't," Dad said. "But your heart isn't going to listen to your head on this one. It's hurting. And your cock provided you some nice distraction there, but you're going to have to deal with the fallout, and no asshole or not, you're not over Butch yet."

"Brock's right, son. You can't fuck the memories of ten years away. Trust me, I know. Ending a relationship doesn't mean ending your feelings," Luke offered squeezing my shoulder `til it hurt. "And you need to be careful. You're not thinking like yourself."

"Thanks Dad. I know y'all are right. But I need to deal, or not deal with this on my own. Okay?"

"You're the grown up, Stud," Dad quipped. "We're just the strong, handsome, capable shoulders you cry on when the shit hits the fan." Doc laughed, smiling at his husband.

"Leave it to my Prince Charming to compliment himself when he's being consoling and supportive," Luke chided. "I'm getting more beer." And he left the deck and went into the house.

"Your Dad loves you," Dad growled at me with a stare. "And even if he's being controlling and condescending, you'd best not raise your voice like that to him again."

I was taken aback that Brock was now lecturing me too! I stuttered to offer a reply, but he gestured with his hand to cut me off, saying, "We both love you. You are upset, and you should be, but you did fuck this up. You may think Luke's all those things and more, but he is my husband. And let me tell you, if I hadn't sent him to work yesterday morning, he could have killed Butch Daley. And you need to know that. He may quote Shakespeare and hold you and cry with you, but when the world ends and the Zombies take over, he's going to be the one cutting off heads and shooting the fucking looters to protect his young. I may set bones and offer some sex advice (which I'm very good at by the way) but you'd best remember that when the shit hits the fan, that goddamned handsome Irishman in there will be all that stands between this family and chaos!"

I was shocked and stammered, "I'm sorry, Dad. I get it, okay?"

"You better, Champ. We both love you, but nothing and no one comes between the two of us," he said levelly.

"I didn't mean toÉ" I started. What? Why the fuck was Brock now on my ass? I was just trying to get them to treat me like a grown man, for once. Yes, I did come home with my tail between my legs, but I was in control of the situation. I didn't need to be in California away from my family. I can help my company from here since I'd done it from home for six months. I AM a grown up. My mind caught up with my heart and I stood up, just as Luke walked back onto the deck with three new beers.

"You know what?" I started, looking at Brock with a serious tone, but Luke handed me a beer.

"What?" Luke said, levelly and handed Dad his beer. "Did your Dad slap your ass while I was in the kitchen?"

"Both of you can go fuck yourselves!" I shouted, moving to go back into the house, but Luke caught me with one arm and spun me around. How the fuck was this old man still so strong? He grabbed me and pulled me into a sidearm hug. Physical contact with these two was just their way of not dealing with shit and showing affection at the same time. It pissed me off!

And then I put my nose into Doc's neck and smelled him. Wasn't this why I came home with my damned tail between my legs? Because I was hurting and I knew my Daddies would take care of me? Protect me? What the fuck did I expect? I swallowed back a sob and Doc squeezed me hard.

"Hey. Hey!" he growled at me. "Look at me." I stared up at him and then shot a pissed look at Dad who was still sitting in his chair grinning at the two of us and drinking his beer. "We are not the preacher's version of `family' and we're not perfect. We love each other, imperfectly, and we love you more than you can ever know. This is hard for us too, you know? We only had you with us for a short while and then you went away. And for 8-9 years, we've seen you three or four times per year on holidays and trips. We email and we call. It's easy to be a happy family remotely and occasionally. We didn't see you at your worst anymore with your cock hanging out or your hair uncombed." I tried to pull away, ready to argue, but he wouldn't let me.

"Just listen, Son," he softened his voice but his grip was still like steel. "You've put on a show for us these last few years. Yes, you called your Dad and said some stuff, but this is now reality. Your marriage is over. It's on the internet for the world to see. You've come back and your fantasy Gay dads are real men, a hell of a lot older than when you knew us well, and we aren't a fantasy version of ourselves. We've got to get to know the grown-up son, Jason. You've got to reacquaint yourself with this older version of us that, frankly, we're having to adjust to as well."

Brock got up and joined us putting a hand on my back. I looked back and forth between the two of them and realized he was right. How well did I know these two men anymore? Were they the same or had I invented as much of that to try and convince Butch about it. About us being happy? Shit.

"Shit," I breathed, exasperated.

"Exactly," Dad said smugly. I pushed him.

"Fuck you," I said. Luke popped me on the cheek.

"Don't back talk your Daddy. Only I can tell him to fuck himself," he teased. We all laughed and it broke some tension. They both squeezed me until I couldn't stand it.

"Okay, okay. I got it," I moaned, loving it. "You love me. We'll figure it out. Can we cut the bullshit and drink our beer now?"

"Only if you act like the grown up you keep saying you are and don't try and stomp off," Dad said.

"Sit down, Bud," Luke kissed me on the cheek and then guided me to my chair.

We were silent for a while, just drinking our beers while watching the twilight seep across the ridge. It brought up the songs of the crickets and cicadas that all but drowned out every thought.

"I love you guys," I said softly, and Luke reached over and tousled my hair like he used to in bed with me. Dad got up moving his chair to the left of me and bent over and kissed my forehead.

"Oh Shit!" I said, remembering.

"What, Champ?" Dad asked.

"I forgot the best part of the panther night," I said.

"There was more fucking?" Luke asked.

"No, Doc." I said looking at him. "There was pillow talk and it ended up being about you!"

"About Luke?" Doc laughed. "No way. Please tell me you didn't mention losing your cherry on this deck while you were on a first fuck with this guy?"

Luke laughed at us both. "You haven't dated in a while, son. Hook ups are going to be awkward, but yes, I wouldn't lead with `the man I seduced and who took my cherry is now one of my adopted Dads' as a pick up line." They both guffawed. Okay, this couple was getting old.

"No," I said exasperated. "if you two would quit with the shtick, and let me finish. The guy in my bed was Joseph Daniel Green. Ring a bell?"

"The park service Biologist? The one I met last spring on this very property," Brock answered. "what's to know?"

I looked at Doc. "Ring any bells?" I asked.

"No," he shook his head. "Should it?"

"So here's the story," I began. "The sex was great. Okay, I know I said that, but the conversation. Well, let's just say this guy clearly doesn't talk much. I mean, dictionary definition of strong, silent type. But we'd had this passionate, sweaty sex and I knew there was more there."

"Still waters run deep you mean?" Luke interrupted me again. "If we're continuing down this story of clichŽs and common tropes."

"Fuck you, again," I said, "this is why no one can tell you anythingÉ"

"Just tell me with interesting details and phrasing and don't rely on clichŽ, Son," he parried. "You're much smarter and more erudite than that."

"Erudite. Touche'," I said. "Anyway. I was a bit pissy, sorry. I was feeling somewhat priggish and said I'd been in a relationship for a decade with a man who was so caught up in his own head that he couldn't have a conversation after he shot his load, or something like that. I guess now it sounds pretty harsh, but I started to get out of the bed. And then he pulled me back and asked `what do you want to know?' so I said, tell me your life story, about growing up and stuff. Anyway, we can talk about his family later. He doesn't have a father or even know who his father is by the way."

"Another gay boy with an absent father," Dad interrupted this time. "Didn't anyone besides me have a normal, loving childhood with two parents?"

"Dad," I countered, "it's not about you this time. Anyway, absent dad. But I got him talking about where he grew up and stuff. PICKENS County, Luke, Pickens."

"Oh, cool," Luke answered, smiling. "So he went to Mountain High?"

"Yes, exactly," I said smugly.

"Okay, but what's the big deal?" Dad asked.

"He's 40," I said brightly. Thinking, surely they'd figure it out. They just sat there smiling at me.

"God," I said exasperatedly. "He played basketball. For Luke! I started asking him about growing up and crushes. At some point he says, `I know it's clichŽ' but I had the biggest crush on my high school basketball coach.' I started trying to do the math but then he came right out and said Luke Smyth, plain as day. I almost spit my beer all over the bed."

Luke was looking off into the trees and Dad was just smiling.

"Little Joey Green? Is that who you are talking about?" Luke asked.

"Bingo!" I said excitedly.

"Oh my God," Doc said. "I haven't thought about him in years." He seemed to search his mind thoughtfully, accessed the retrieved file and added, "I really only coached him one year. He didn't make the team his freshman year and I felt so sorry for him. The kid had heart but no team experience. I had to teach him drills the first time. And those big hands and feet. Hell, he could hardly run down the court. But yeah, he worked hard and came out and made it his sophomore year. I didn't start him, though he was taller than most. He was a good back up on the wing mostly that season. I'll be damned. I probably have his picture in one of my old yearbooks somewhere. I'll show you when you come home."

"Doc," I growled. "you could just take a pic of it with your phone and send it to me. But that's it? You don't remember any more about him. I mean, this guy talked about you, reverently. It's like you were his jerk-off idol into college. And he told me that you had to drive him home after practice one time. I think Sam and Chase were in the backseat. I mean he described you perfectly. It was so sweet. And kind of hot, I'm not lying."

"Well," Luke began. "Yeah. I guess I do remember that. I think that was during tryouts his freshmen year when he didn't make the team that I took him home. Yeah, that's right. He was so poor. Just a really tiny house up near Rocky Bottom or Table Rock, I think. Neat as a pin, mind you, but he was mortified I was going to see it. Kept saying I could drop him off at the turn off but it was already past dark and I wouldn't. Then it all clicked. Of course, many of my kids from that area were really poor. It was just the town kids who were mostly well off. Sweet kid, really. Oh and incredibly gifted academically as I remember it. Top of his class back then. But kind of socially awkward. Didn't pick up on the gay thing, but he was only 14-15 I guess. Explains a lot." He mused still, staring off in the distance.

"I'm not seeing how this kid grows into that mountain man I met," Dad countered. "He's huge. And why would anyone call him Little, even in high school?"

Doc and I laughed. He must've remembered.

"Well, Dad, Joe says it wasn't bad enough he was already 6'3" or 6'4" land ess than 160 pounds with big hands and feet, he also had that cock by age 13 or 14. AND he was a shower, not a grower, and uncut. His Grandma was the midwife who delivered him in their cabin when his Mom was 18. No hospital circumcision for their family. So, big, goofy, uncut. Locker room joke was calling him "little." I said.

"Seems like the jokes on all those fuckers, now, huh?" Dad asked. "He revered your Doc huh? What'd he say when you told him one of your dads was none other than his old crush?"

"Oh, I didn't tell him," I answered. "I just said small world."

"What?" Luke asked. "Why not?"

"Well, I was hoping I could surprise him and maybe have you guys up here to meet him sometime. That would be a nice evening," I said thoughtfully.

"Really bad idea," Dad said bluntly.

"I agree with your Dad," Luke said.

"Wait! Why?" I asked defensively.

"You've got to get this hang of new relationships and dating, son," Brock began. "First of all, you sort of coerced this post-coital confession from the guy. Then he tells you about his biggest, first gay crush. Instead of telling him right then you know the guy (actually know in the biblical sense), you just smile and laugh it off. Then, you think you'll surprise him with his actual crush, who will then know that you told him of the guy's jerk off fantasies. Bad idea."

"I think what your Father so ineloquently is attempting to say is that it would be awkward, Champ," Luke countered. "You can tell him, if there is a second or third, um `date', that you know me well, and you were just so surprised that you didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable. I'll leave it up to you to reveal as much or as little of our past and current relationship as you feel comfortable with, but honesty is now my best policy. You know that. Then, if Joe does want to meet your Dad and me, we're happy to. I would advise you to lie and say you did not tell me about my appearance in his fantasies, however. That would just be crude."

"Doc, it wasn't all like that," I said, trying to gather my thoughts. "In fact. Well I did say sweet, didn't I? He told me about your taking him home, but also about the practices and tryouts and why he hadn't been able to play on a team before. You were right. His family poverty was part of that. But also, he talked about how KIND you were to him and taught him stuff before and after practice and gave advice. I was so PROUD of you hearing all that, and it was just like the Luke I know and love. When you drove him home, he said he closed his eyes and imagined you were his real Dad driving him home after practice with his two younger brothers in the back seat eating cheerios. I swear, Dads, the guy got to me and I felt so sorry for him. This big, muscle man talking about being this shy, awkward teen who just wanted to play basketball because his deadbeat birth mom may, or may not have slept with the entire basketball team in high school and gotten pregnant with him. The whole game for him was about trying to be like a non-existent Dad. And then he met you, as his coach." I finally finished the story breathlessly, glad I got it all out. Then added, "What a lucky kid he was, to have met you."

"Damn right," Dad echoed. "You know, before your Dad got off of Facebook, there were tons of men in their 30s and 40s sending him messages and telling stories about how great he was. He only coached, what, Luke? Seven years there, but he left an impact."

"It was a great job for a while," Luke offered, reminiscently. "But it was hard on a growing family. I hated being away from my boys and then it got worse when I became an administrator. I'm glad I wasn't too hard on Joe. I remembered he cried like a baby when I had to cut him. I hated doing that. I think my guilt is why I gave him extra time to practice in the gym in mornings before school. And I made sure if we had any donated clothes or equipment, he got first choice. Although usually most stuff wouldn't fit him." He laughed. "He did get the largest, school issued jockstraps we had! I remember that much."

"Yeah, that parts pretty memorable," I said. "So, that was the biggest part of the panther story. You are his hero. And he told me Thursday night was the most unforgettable night of his life. I'd like to think it was being in my bed, but I'm pretty sure it was seeing more than a decade of his life's work come to fruition." Dad and Doc shot each other a look but I was way past trying to interpret their married hints and mannerisms. "I'd say it's been a fairly eventful week," and we all started laughing again.

"Brock, text Barry Rosenstein and get Jay an appointment for Tuesday morning." Luke sat up, saying.

"What the fuck?" Dad argued. "It's Saturday night. And he doesn't make his own appointments, he's got a receptionist for that. Jason can call next week."

"No, he won't remember Jay and the connection. You do it. He still has a crush on you from medical school," Luke argued. Then I remembered. Barry Rosenstein was Dad and Luke's general practitioner. He and Dad had been roommates briefly in medical school and Barry had had a crush. Long-lasting apparently.

"Guys," I said. "I promise I will call Dr. Rosenstein's office on Monday whenever I get cell or internet service. I have a conference call with Dr. Patterson already for Tuesday morning for my first therapy session. As soon I can this week, I'll get tested again and get on this new drug. In the meantime, if I do have sex, and I don't expect to, it'll be safe only."

"What do you mean, you don't expect to?" Dad asked, ever wanting to know all the details of my sex life.

"Joe said when he left that he had to enter lots of data and then analyze and interpret it. Then let his sponsors or grant people know something. It sounds like he's going to be covered up in work. And besides, I didn't have any text from him when I was in town except his asking me to sign the affidavit and another line saying he had a good time." I offered.

"Well, he said it was the greatest night of his life," Dad argued.

"Guys, it was hot sex," I smiled. "And I needed it. Just like last week with you two. I'm not going to lie and say I wouldn't want to fuck him again. But I'm a mess. You both just said as much. I need to figure out my house and then get back to work."

"I need to piss and then we need to decide if we're going or staying," Luke said, standing up. "What do you say, Stud man?"

"Spend the night?" Brock answered.

"The guest bed has clean sheets on it," I answered. "You're welcome to drink more and stay the night so you don't drive home drunk. You think you guys can fuck in a smaller queen size bed? Think you can do it quietly so you don't disturb you're already emotionally disturbed son?"

"Disturbed is right!" Dad teased and then grabbed me out of my chair and tried to throw me over the deck railing. I beat his shaved head with the top of my fist but his grip was taught. He laughed and put me back on my feet. "Doc is so stupid going inside to piss. You and I both know what to do," he smiled.

And then we both walked to the far end of the deck, pulled out our limp dicks from our shorts and shot two hot, full streams of piss out into the night air.

(Sorry there was so much narrative/back story in this part and not as much sex. More to cum in Chapter 11.)

Next: Chapter 11

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