Jared the Paramedic

By Snowblind94

Published on May 14, 2023


Jared the Paramedic III Chapter 46

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·Canada Suicide Prevention Service (CSPS), French or English: toll-free 1-833-456-4566 Available 24/7

·Crisis Text Line (Powered by Kids Help Phone) Canada Wide free, 24/7 texting service is accessible immediately to youth anywhere in Canada by texting TALK to 686868 to reach an English speaking Crisis Responder and TEXTO to 686868 to reach a French-speaking Crisis Responder on any text/SMS enabled cell phone.

·Kids Help Phone Ages 20 Years and Under in Canada 1-800-668-6868

·First Nations and Inuit Hope for Wellness 24/7 Help Line 1-855-242-3310

·Canadian Indian Residential Schools Crisis Line 1-866-925-4419

· Trans LifeLine – All Ages 1-877-330-6366


United States:

·LGBT National Hotline 1-888-843-4564

·National Hope Helpline at 1-800-784-2433

·National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255

·The TREVOR Project for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth 1-866-488-7386

US Veterans – First, after dialing the National Suicide Prevention Line at 1-800-273-8255 then pressing "1" will get one directly to people trained to help Veterans.  Veterans (or those helping them) can also send a text message to 838255.

Here's a link to the Veterans' Suicide Prevention page – it also has a link for chatting on line.


Jared the Paramedic III ~ Redemption

Copyright © 2018-2019 Snowblind. All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 46: Preparations


Three days later, the committee met again.  Zane was sitting at the head of the table for the meeting; he called it to order.  "First of all, I would like to introduce a new member to the committee who has volunteered to help us out.  First off, this is Grandfather Mathew Bear.  He's the spiritual leader of many of the indigenous people in the area and my grandfather."

"It is my pleasure to be here to help in this cause," Mathew said very humbly.

"Patrick couldn't be here for the meeting today but he's working hard in the background as the organizer of the Youth LGBTQ2 group here."

Todd started off with, "What do we do about what Phil is saying about us?"

"The members of the Pride committee led by Phil have gone on the offensive in the media the day after the committee split," Zane replied.  "They called a special media event to announce the banning of all police, military, and uniforms from the parade so all of the LGBTQ2 people of colour, youth, and trans community members felt safe, and not the target of oppression.  On behalf of the new Pride Committee, Phil explained to the media there had been a significant difference of opinion over the police, uniforms and organized religion being involved in the parade within the entire Gay community.  He made it clear the people who had quit the committee were unwilling to compromise, and live by the Pride belief in tolerance, respect and acceptance of differences.  He stated that he "had found it disturbing that someone raises the words of tolerance, respect and acceptance as the ultimate goal, but fails to see that they themselves are doing what they accuse us of."  The media has been trying to get an interview with myself or the committee members but have been unsuccessful.  I've seen the media information and some of the social media posts as well.  As usual in any social media campaign, many of the accounts posting attacks are bots.  We just don't know who they are working for.  In fact, a known extreme right-wing social media group has been buying up all the domain names except the ones we already own around Canaan Breck."

Todd looked confused, "Why's that?"

"They can post, send messages, redirect visitors to their website.  We own the email and domain name of @canaanbreckcentre.ca but they own the .us, .com, and even the @canaanbreackcentre.ca.com.  They can flood social media appearing to be us, and destroy our credibility in the process."

Lois was shaking her head, "That's really dirty."

Zane agreed by nodding his head, "But, that's how one major extreme-right political party in Canada is doing it.  They both have third parties doing it for deniability and getting under the political donation disclosure requirements.  I don't know how the Russian Troll Farms fit into the equation; maybe someday we will.  The Canadian group doing it was linked to attempted hacking, spam messages and social media attacks against the French President during their election in support of the extreme right-wing candidate.  Now they work for a political party on the right side which is chasing the evangelical and strict religious groups for support.  It's getting too complicated.  We haven't been giving statements, nor are we chatting on Facebook or Twitter about the situation.  That didn't stop the Social Justice Warriors from spreading theories, rumours and misinformation.  Phil used it to his advantage and fed the rumour mill when he could.  What he wanted to do was make sure none of the funding for the event was redirected.  He never considered the new committee wasn't trying to compete against them, nor were we interested in obtaining the Pride event's funding."

"Do you think Phil is involved in trying to split us?" asked Jim.

"No.  But I think someone is using him to drive the wedge deeper into the LGBTQ2 community.  Like a lot of people, I think he takes what he reads on the web, or see in the media, as fact without first checking where it originated or even if it was exaggerated.  It was truly unfortunate the people who are supporting Phil have failed to see the big picture."

Rev. Barb was concerned, "What can we do to battle the misinformation."

Zane thought for a moment, "We're not going to argue with them in social media for one thing.  Take a lesson from you-never-wrestle-a-pig-in-the-mud.  You get covered in mud and shit, plus the pig loves it.  Social media is no different."

The group chuckled at the story of the pig.

"May I make an observation?" asked Terry.

"Absolutely," replied Todd.

"I've noticed the social warriors on the social media really are pushing the anti-police and uniform platform.  Anyone who disagrees with them is swarmed.  The press has been really going on about it as well making it seem like Phil and the new Pride Committee are right."

"We all know it's not about being right, it's about truth, discussion and what's best for the LGBTQ2 community." Jared thought for a moment before continuing, "I personally believe we need to remain very controlled in our public comments and avoid wrestling in the mud as Zane suggested." The rest of the group nodded in agreement.

'Swarmings are easy on Twitter," Rev. Barb began to explain.  "Twitter allows you to make groups of people, a group chat.  It's only people you select to be in the group, and only they see the messages sent in that group chat.  I belong to a couple of group chats, and when someone in the public eye says something about the LGBTQ2 community, we link it to the rest of the group so they know.  What some use it for is that everyone attacks the person.  I've seen an anti-GSA group do that, swarm anyone who challenges one of their members." The group all chatted for a moment, digesting the information.

Redirecting the group from the current issue, Zane asked, "So, what have we got going on? I've managed to secure funding to back our operations from a couple of anonymous sources."  The committee broke into applause.

"The Pride Parade starts at 1:00 p.m.  What I propose is that the ball tournament starts at 9:00 am, and the rest starts at noon. The bigger events should start after the parade finishes at 2:00 pm.  Our social media advertising will be simple, 'Come on over after the parade; or even before.  Open to LGBTQ2, supporters, friends or people who want to just come for a visit.'"

The group liked the proposal.

Zane continued, "First of all, we have obtained the use of the sports ground on the edge of town for the event.  I've contacted local softball teams and they've agreed to set up a tournament for the day.  It will involve both LGBT and non-LGBT teams.  We've got a team from the drop-in centre staff, the youth group, the paramedics, as do the police and regional police.  The Conservation Officers and military are getting teams together, too.  The ambulance service will provide at least one unit to be on stand by all day for anyone who is ill or injured."

The committee members were quite happy at the idea.

Rev. Lois reported next.  "We've got the stage at the sports ground where we will have a couple of local bands play during the day for the crowds.  I'm just waiting for confirmation from a group of high school students who have a band, and the LGBTQ2 Adult group have a group that play together for fun but have done performances at bars and local dances.  They've already confirmed their attendance.  I've also approached a couple of speakers to take to the stage to talk about Gay Rights."

"Fantastic Lois, "said Zane as he made notes.

"I've asked for the two-spirited people of the First Nations to organize a couple of activities," Grandfather explained.  "First there will be a demonstration round dance followed by a drum circle.  Both groups are willing to help anyone interested in learning to dance or to play the drum.  We'll also use one of the food booths at the sports ground to sell buffalo burgers, fries, bannock and some other delicacies for people to try.  There will also be some various Asian food and cultural booths as well.  We'll coordinate with Lois so they don't overlap with the bands or speeches."

"Thank you, Grandfather," said Zane.

Rev. Jim looked at Zane and Mathew, "If it's not too personal, are you his grandfather or is it Grandfather as used traditionally by the First Nations."

Zane was going answer but Mathew moved his left hand slightly, giving him a signal.  The small hand gesture made by the old man and the response from Zane did not go unnoticed by the people at the table, signifying very clearly who was in command here.  "I am the natural grandfather to Jared, and grandfather to many others he calls brothers.  I've adopted them all as my grandchildren, and given them the protection of the bear." He turned to Zane, "What are we up to now? A dozen grandsons?"

"And one granddaughter Mel, don't forget about her," Zane replied with a smirk.

Grandfather's eyes were bright with mischievousness as he replied, "I could never forget my granddaughter, Zane.  If I did, she would have no problem reminding me, and reminding me, and reminding me."  That got snickers from the people around the table who knew her.

Zane was using his fingers to count out loud, "Jared, Liam, Jesse, Me, Tyler, Troy, Nikita, Trevor, Adam, Patrick, Conner, Mark and our two brothers who are in the next world, Darren and Josh.  Fourteen, plus now we have 30 or 40 people we call family, too."

"Mathew, you adopted all of those young people?" asked Jim incredulously.

"Yes. Every one of them has a story which would break your heart if you heard it.  I understand Nikita shared his story the other day," Grandfather said.  "I raised my own grandson after he had been abandoned by his mother and father.  Every one of the young men who I've adopted had no one and were lost.  I should say that Adam's grandfather has been a very good friend of mine for many years, but he was more than happy to share his grandson after Adam found this group of young men to help change his life for the positive.  They are all gay, exactly as the Great Spirit and Creator made them at birth.  They all have a right to health, hope, happiness and love which their families withdrew from them when their sexualities were discovered. They are all productive members of society, contributing to the benefit of the community.  That is what the Pride celebrations should be about." He turned to Zane, "My apologies, Grandson, for the speech."

The committee members began to applaud his words.

"Grandfather Mathew, would you be a speaker at the event?" asked Lois.

Mathew didn't have any expression on his face as he thought for a moment.  "May I smudge on the question tonight, Lois? I need to find out if it's my path, or someone else's to give the speech."

Lois looked confused, "Path?"

Before Mathew could answer, Zane did.  "The Creator has a pathway for everyone to walk in life; the one he thinks is best.  There are also many cross pathways which may cause a person to leave the route they should be on, not walking the way they should.  There are also other people on their pathways to fulfill their lives.  Christianity says that God has a plan for everyone, and only he knows it, that's similar to what we believe.  Grandfather will meditate to ask The Great Spirit or the Creator if it is his pathway or someone else's to give a speech."

"I really need to learn more about your faith," Lois replied honestly.

"I am also a spiritual leader, and I know all of us would be more than happy to teach anyone who wishes to learn," Zane replied.  "What we are organizing for the day's events is to spread the word of humanity, regardless of gender or gender identification, ancestry, ethnicity, colour, height or weight... we are all the children of the Creator who live on mother earth."

Rev. Judy was very interested, "Zane, was this split part of the path we were to walk?"

Zane looked at Grandfather who gave him a slight shoulder shrug.  Zane chuckled as he said, "Grandfather and I agree; the French say 'comme ci, comme ça' and the Cree say 'ekosi.'"

Mathew smiled as he added, "People also say 'it is what it is'.  But I believe Liam has said it best."  Mathew paused a moment for effect, "Like, whatever."  That caused the people at the table to start laughing.

Terry was sitting and watching everything.  "Grandfather Mathew, may I ask a question?"

"Of course, my son."

"Would it be proper to have suicide prevention and crisis line people there to talk or be approached as well?"

Mathew turned to Zane and Jared, "What would your response to that be, my children?"

"It's a great idea," Zane replied with enthusiasm.

The meeting was winding up when Grandfather asked if he could have a couple of moments.  Of course, they gave them to him.  "There is a lot of emotion around the issue which is splitting the community.  The community has the power to make its own decisions, and that must never be eroded.  But now, a committee who represents small segments of the community and other special interest groups are directing the community as a whole.  The community must find a way to come together, speak as well as listen with respect, and make a decision which is representative of the entire community.  Not just the loudest ones.  As an outsider to the community, I cannot speak on their behalf.  I pray the emotion and the stirring the pot which is being done by agitators ends, allowing people to sit together to make an informed decision about this issue."

Rev. Barb had tears in her eyes as she asked, "Grandfather, would you lead us in that prayer?"

Mathew stood, nodded he head to her and asked for everyone to stand and hold hands in a circle.

The entire room was silent as Mathew began to speak, "Nimanitôm, Great Spirit, the Creator of all, we stand together today in the most sacred circle holding hands.  We are one in our thoughts, desires and dreams.  You taught us through the gift of knowledge that all people born to this planet are your children.  You taught us that all your children are born the way you intended to be including their sexuality, gender, and colour of skin.  Creator, you also gave us the gift to make choices in our lives. I know it was with your love and desire for us to make good choices, but many make bad choices.  The gay community has been the target of evil people for many years, and now it appears the evil are among the members of the community dressed as sheep but are really wolves doing the work of others. We ask for your guidance and love to help the community make the best decisions for the people, and in the manner you intended.  May the community remember the ancient knowledge to solve problems through talk, listening, sharing, love and respect, not by war, hate or violence.  As it was in the beginning, as it is today."  Many of the clergy are the table quietly added "Amen" at the end. 

Two days later, the committee met again.  Zane looked at Todd, "Anything to report?"

"Yes, with the two-spirits running one food booth, I've also got the hospital auxiliary to run one, the food bank will run one selling popcorn, candy floss, and drinks. The fire department will run the beer tent with the money going to the Children's Burn Unit at the hospital.  What I'm trying to do is get charitable groups to run the food booths to make some money.  It's part of the 'it takes an entire community to raise a child' thinking. Get everyone involved because we are all one people.  Plus, we'll have a bingo game going, a few games, and a beer tent up.  That night we hope to have dance as well."

Jared came into the meeting, sitting down next to his grandfather.  He turned to Mathew, closed his eyes and nodded his head slightly towards his grandfather, then finished sitting at the table.  Again, many people noticed the very slight gesture given to Mathew and would have to ask about it after the meeting.

Zane turned to Jared, nodded, then asked, "Are you ready to fill us in on what you've been organizing?"

"Absolutely," replied Jared.  "The sports ground has a ring and track for horses to compete.  We're going to have some of the LGBT cowboys do some demonstrations of chuckwagon and chariot races.  There will also be some barrel racing done as well."

Todd was ecstatic, "Nothing better than cowboys in tight jeans."  The group started laughing as Todd blushed.  Finally, he said, "I thought that was my inside voice."  That received more laughter.

"I agree with you Todd," Jim said through laughter.

"The cowgirls too," said Rev. Lois.

A couple of moments later Jared continued.  "I got the fire department to bring their equipment down to the grounds for demonstrations.  The police will bring a few of their vehicles too.  The ambulance will be on standby, but we'll bring a unit along with the bus for tours.  Pending it being called away, we'll land the helicopter there as well."

The committee was impressed.

"The best news is the firefighters have challenged the police, medics, and the youth LGBT group to each form a team to have a water fight."

"A water fight?" Mathew said with interest.

"Using the fire hoses of course, and in uniform." That caught everyone's attention, and the meeting became quick sidebar conversations for a couple of moments.

"Patrick wanted me to tell you that he has made arrangements for a dunk tank, and is lining up suitable people for inclusion in it.  The first two people will keep it quite busy as it's Liam and Melanie."  It's not often Mathew is caught off guard, but he was this time.  That was followed by him laughing to the point he almost fell out of his chair.

"There will also be some face painting available, and a few other activities by the youth group," Jared finished.

"I was just thinking, what about flags and decorations?" asked Zane.

"Got you covered there," replied Todd.  "Lots of flags, banners, little personal flags, temporary tattoos, along with lots of knick knacks."

"We can get T-shirts made as well," added Lois.

"They could have a booth to sell t-shirts at the event.  They could set up their heat transfer machine and make shirts," suggested Bev.

The meeting continued on for another half hour. 

The next day, an ad had been placed in the newspaper and online as well.

Canaan Breck Centre Celebrates LGBTQ2 Diversity.

After the parade, everyone is invited to a full day of activities to celebrate the diversity found in the LGBTQ2 community.

  • Softball tournament

  • Chuckwagon racing

  • Barrel racing

  • Live music from local bands

  • Indigenous dancing and drumming

  • Speakers on the history of Pride, and LGBTQ2 Rights

  • Food booths, face painting, bingo, lots of activities for all ages

  • Beer tent

  • Fire Dept, Police, Ambulance equipment for tours

  • Lifeflight helicopter

  • Water fight between the firefighters and everyone else

  • Dance at night

  • Fireworks

  • Come out and celebrate LGBTQ2 Pride with us.

The social media grasped the ad quickly, spreading it far and wide within hours of its release.  The negative social media army attacked as well, but it wasn't very effective.  The committee met again one week before the event to continue coordinating the activities.  They met again 48 hours before the big day as well.

The day before, five different pole tents were going up on the sports grounds.  Two were to house some booths from the Human Rights Commission, OHS Department, Mental Health Association, Canaan Breach Out Reach, Police, Ambulance, fire dept, and other organizations. The largest tent was for the beer garden during the day, then the dance later that night.  Another tent was for games including Bingo, Crown & Anchor, ring toss, along with some other fun activities.  The fourth tent was full of children's games.  The fifth tent was open for youth to visit, ages 12 to 21.  Patrick and the Youth Group were setting that one up where they could hang out to meet other youth, straight or LGBTQ2.

Part of the field at the back of the sports grounds was where the cowboys were setting up their camper trailers and portable stables for the horses for the next day.  That area soon filled up with more than had been anticipated.  Once the word got out, it spread like wildfire through the LGBTQ horse riding associations and those who support them.

The media finally caught Zane at the sport's grounds on a riding lawn mower getting the area ready for everyone.  Stepping down off the lawn mower with no shirt on, Zane gave the reporter a brief interview.

"Zane, why is this activity being set up separately from Pride?" the reporter Gayle asked point blank.

"The Pride Committee decided to ban the police and all police floats in the parades.  They also banned all military, uniforms and religious groups as well."

"So why is this a separate event?"

"We decided to have our own.  It started with the LGBT police, Conservation Officers, Correctional Officers, who had been turned away by their own community.  The were quickly supported by the Canaan Breck Outreach Centre, the fire department, ambulance and other essential services.  The Pride group could take a lesson from the emergency services, they are all brothers and sisters who support each other."

"Are you turning your back on Pride?"

"No. They turned their backs on us... they banned us, so we made our own celebration.  There are no hard feelings from our group towards them, we wish them a great parade."

"Why did they ban you?"

"There are many factors but we were told it was because the people of colour, the young trans, the young LGBT didn't feel safe marching in the parade with the people wearing uniforms."

"So you're not going to watch the parade?"

"Why would gay members who have been banned from marching show up to watch a parade celebrating pride, diversity, inclusion and tolerance from the sidelines after being banned by their occupation or faith.  That's the very antithesis of diversity and inclusion.  But, we're not here to talk about the parade.  Let's talk about how we are going to celebrate and remember the beginning of gay rights."

"What was the first gay rights movement?"

"The first celebration after the riots was the Christopher Street march, promoting 'Gay is good, gay is proud'.  A very simple message which we want to promote.  This is a day of fun and celebration for the LGBTQ2 community to come and attend without fear."

"What do you mean fear?"

"LGBT people are still not treated as equal in society, for a variety of reasons.  LGBT people are still being harassed, beaten, and killed not only in Canada but around the world.  It is unthinkable democracies such as the United States allows parents to send their gay children to conversion camps.  The kids have the same torture techniques used on them as are used by the military at Gitmo.  All that to change them from what is seen as abominations back into acceptable humans."

"I didn't realize..."

"Then come by tomorrow and listen to some of the speeches, mix with the people.  Let them become more than just some story you work on, then walk away from after you file it."  The cameraman snickered quietly.

Gayle gave him a dirty look, then asked, "Do you want to come down here with me tomorrow to do a story?"

"I'm going to be here anyways Gayle.  I'm gay and proud of it."

She was surprised, "You're gay?"

"What?  Do I need to have it written across my forehead?  Have to wear a gay team shirt?  I could tell you stories about my head being stuck in toilets full of piss and shit at school because I was gay.  I was lucky, others I know were beaten up.  My family still doesn't talk to me."

Gayle stared at her cameraman for a moment, thinking.  Finally, she asked, "Caleb, do you remember the interview with Phil we did earlier?"

"Yes, I have it on the computer in the truck."

"All he talked about was the floats, the people and the corporate sponsorships. I've learned more in five minutes than I did following him around for an hour."

"Gayle, we're not here to upstage Phil or the Pride Parade," said Zane.  "You are more than welcome to come down tomorrow and spend the day here learning and having fun."

"Why don't you come with my boyfriend and me tomorrow, Gayle?" asked Caleb.

"I still can't believe I didn't realize you were gay.  If I won't be a burden, I'd love to spend the day with you and your boyfriend."

Zane smiled, "I think you may learn a lot tomorrow.  There are a lot of stereotypes to overcome, and thinking Caleb didn't look or act gay is one of them."

Gayle was about to say something when she stopped, thought and then said, "You're right.  I apologize, Caleb."

"Thank you, Gayle.  I appreciate that, and we'll have fun tomorrow.  Now I can talk to you about the same asses you like in tight jeans."

Gayle started laughing, "Package check, too."

"Damn straight," said Caleb.

"We'll see you tomorrow, meanwhile I have to get the rest of the area cut," said Zane as he climbed back onto the lawn mower.

As Zane drove away, Caleb turned to Gayle, "He's gorgeous, isn't he?"

"You know it.  That chest... and jeans filled out... he's hot," said Gayle using her pad to fan her face.

"What an ass, too."

"Caleb, did you see those pecs and nipples? The sweat was rolling down between them.."

"I wanted to taste it."

Gayle looked at Caleb, then said, "I just realized we'll be after the same guys."

"It's on, bitch," he said, laughing.

Zane looked over his shoulder and saw Caleb laughing with Gayle.  He thought to himself, "Betcha they just realized they will be chasing the same guys."

End of Chapter Forty-Six

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Next: Chapter 98: Jared the Paramedic III 47

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