Jared the Paramedic

By Snowblind94

Published on May 9, 2023


Jared the Paramedic III Chapter 45

Nifty is an incredible place to view free stories but needs money to keep up its good work.  Please donate when you can to keep this service alive and well.


Apologies for the delay in posting. I've been a bit under the weather for a while, and it came to a crisis. I would like to take this time to encourage anyone who needs help for depression, anxiety or in my case PTSD to seek help before its too late. Everyone is loved!


·         Canada Suicide Prevention Service (CSPS), French or English: toll-free 1-833-456-4566 Available 24/7

·         Crisis Text Line (Powered by Kids Help Phone) Canada Wide free, 24/7 texting service is accessible immediately to youth anywhere in Canada by texting TALK to 686868 to reach an English speaking Crisis Responder and TEXTO to 686868 to reach a French-speaking Crisis Responder on any text/SMS enabled cell phone.

·         Kids Help Phone Ages 20 Years and Under in Canada 1-800-668-6868

·         First Nations and Inuit Hope for Wellness 24/7 Help Line 1-855-242-3310

·         Canadian Indian Residential Schools Crisis Line 1-866-925-4419

·         Trans LifeLine – All Ages 1-877-330-6366


United States:

·         LGBT National Hotline 1-888-843-4564

·         National Hope Helpline at 1-800-784-2433

·         National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255

·         The TREVOR Project for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth 1-866-488-7386

Jared the Paramedic III ~ Redemption

Copyright © 2018-2019 Snowblind. All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 45: Committees


Zane was one of the committee members meeting at the LGBTQ2 conference room to plan the Pride celebrations coming up.  The meeting was not going well, again.  A couple of the newer community leaders were causing problems on the committee.  Every year, the committee has some changes in the members representing the various organizations but this year, approximately half of the committee had changed.  Normally it's not a problem and actually encouraged to bring fresh blood and ideas to the table.  The new committee members usually followed the experienced committee members and learned how to organize the event.  Phil was a recent hire by the Social Services Department, having moved to town from a much larger city down east.  What he brought to the table was that his views were not community-based like the local members were.  With him was Ted, who was not only his assistant but his partner.

Todd, the chairperson was becoming frustrated with Phil. "Look, there is no reason to create divisions within our community.  That's not what we are trying to accomplish here.  This is a celebration of what we've accomplished, and what we need to do in the future."

Phil stared at the chairman, "You need to get with the program and catch up with the bigger centres.  You guys aren't isolated anymore.  Things have changed, you need to get up to speed."

Zane spoke up, "Get up to speed on what? Our community here is functioning and moving forward.  Do we need to have problems to be like everyone else? Are we supposed to make up problems, to play the victim? We're not in the sticks, although I'm sure you guys down there in Toronto think anyone outside of your city is a hick."  There were a few murmurs of agreement.

"Zane, I do not appreciate your sarcasm," said Phil.

"That was a personal observation and statement of fact, not sarcasm," snapped Zane.  "That's why many of us in the west believe Canada ends on the eastern side of Manitoba."

Todd cut it off, "Ok, we need to figure this out civilly."

"Look, it's simple," said Phil.  "I'm just trying to pass on the wisdom from the more active part of the country."  Todd kicked Zane under the table before he said anything.  "In Toronto, the police are the uniformed oppressors of the black and gay community.  They are also seen as the oppressors of other minorities by continually stopping them for identification or carding them, using excessive force and even shooting them indiscriminately.  They can't even get the police convicted in the US cities if they do get charged with murder."

"Phil, that's the US, not here."

"A couple of the groups will not support the Pride activities in Toronto if any police are allowed to walk in the parade wearing their uniform or if marked cars or floats are there," explained Phil.  "Don't forget, there was the serial killer over many years killing older gay men who were also people of colour.  The police ignored it."

Lois raised a finger and asked, "Did they ignore it, or didn't it go the way all murders are solved on TV?  In 45 minutes.  The community can throw as much shit against the wall as they want, but the police can't respond without compromising investigative techniques, procedures or evidence.  Hindsight is 20/20."

Zane jumped in after Lois finished with, "That seems like a really poor summary and a lot of broad generalizations to make a major decision affecting our community.  Is there proof about how they are telling us it's affecting our community or it just social media warriors doing their thing and stirring shit."

"It's all based in fact.  The young gay and trans people of colour don't feel comfortable with the police uniforms being present in a parade which is supposed to be a safe place for the community," Phil replied with a sneer.

"But on the other hand, as you've drawn the big thick line which means the others who are not people of colour feel safer with the police present." Jim had heard of issues in the media, especially in social media.  "Is this a 'he said/she said' thing or is there really documented problems that need to be addressed by this committee on behalf of the entire community? Is there a real problem not based in other cities or countries  - here and now? This committee is organizing a special event for everyone to participate not only all of the LGBTQ2 community but the supporters and anyone else who wants to come."

"Isn't this getting complicated?" asked Rev. Lois.  "This pride event is about our entire LGBTQ2 community celebrating.  Do we have a special interest group forming within our community? I mean an LGBTQ2 People of Colour and Trans group?  I thought we solved problems together as a community.  Why is the problem with police coming up today?  I'm open to information and facts but I'm tired of Twitter users and social justice warriors dictating how I should be living my life."

"This is important.  The community has spoken in regards to it's not wanting the police in the parade.  They don't support the gay community, and their treatment of the people of colour cannot be ignored," Phil continued.  "The LGBTQ2 people of colour will not feel comfortable with the police in uniform in the parade."

Lois asked, "What about the LGBT members of the police, and those who support the community? We've come a long way with them so do we now undo decades of progress and slam the door on them?"

"They chose their occupation, so they have betrayed the community," Phil stated loudly.  "We'll meet with them in the future to see what they'll do to make things better for us."

"So it's all upon them to kiss the communities ass?  We're saying it's their fault, and that's the end of it, guilty?" asked Todd.

Phil's face was emotionless, "They made their bed and now they can lie in it."

"So who took the vote of the gay community to determine the police weren't wanted anymore?  Who got to vote?  How does that help whatever problem there is?" asked Lois.

"Well, the Pride committee accepted it in Toronto," Phil snapped.

Zane looked at Phil and locked eyes, "Let me review what you are speaking about.  In 2016, the Pride Parade was actually blockaded with protesters from a group who claimed to be a strong ally of the LGBTQ2 community.  After the Prime Minister of Canada, the Premier of Ontario and the Toronto Mayor had already passed by in the parade, the protesters from this group blocked the Pride parade for 30 minutes until the Pride Chairman signed an agreement accepting their nine demands.  They would not move until the demands were accepted."

Zane continued. "Keep in mind this group claimed to be an ally of Pride, yet instead of public discussions, they held their ally hostage with demands.  They were giving orders to Pride, not as a partner or supporter but as a controller.  All of these items were suitable for discussion at Pride meetings, and they should be raised at meetings for good input and discussion.  Instead, they chose to interfere with the parade."

Phil wasn't happy at Zane's information.  "You make it sound like we were victimized."

"To me, what happened is no different from a hostage situation in a bank... then everyone having Stockholm Syndrome and being friends," Jim said coldly.  "Their demands were worth looking into, but the only reasons it was done was for international exposure.  The LGBTQ2 have been and are a victimized group of people, now one of our allies did it again by doing it that way.  It's like a hostile takeover of a business."

"It is big business now, it's not about us," Zane stated.  "Pride there brings in millions of dollars for the businesses which is why the Pride Parade received major funding in 2017 from the city to the tune of $160,500, the province for $270,000 and the federal government for $140,200 of taxpayer's money.  Plus there are numerous large corporate sponsors paying to have their name associated with the event.  None of them have to prove they are living the Pride Brand or even respecting it, just that their cheque is good for the money."  Zane continued to stare at Phil, "Are we going to demand our LGBTQ2 police and supporters do not have their cars, cannot wear their uniforms, or cannot have a float in the parade?  Many of the police in this city are Black, Asian, Native, East Indian, Metis, French, and Caucasian of course.  We have never had a problem which couldn't be solved here, just look around the table. Technically, you and Ted along with the two lesbian ministers, are the only white people at this table.  The other nine of us are all what you would call minorities."

"That's racist to call us white!" said Ted excitedly.

"You're white, that's just common language.  But, what would you call me?" asked Zane with anger in his eyes.

"You're a person of colour."

"Ladies, please excuse me," Zane said quietly.  He then raised his voice, "Fuck that, I am Indigenous First Nation and proud of it, not a person of colour.  That label is just a vague description of anyone not white like you.  Why are you applying yet another label to my people?  But, there is a more descriptive term my people use for you, Ted."

"What would that be?" Ted replied with an icy stare.

"Monias colonizer and settler.  If you want to start a war Ted, you've picked the right area of the country after what your people have done to mine."  Zane's eyes turned black with anger.  "You settlers took our land, introduced smallpox blankets to us, stole our youth from their homes and forced them into government schools where many were beaten, sexually abused, or even killed.  The government has tried genocide of my people in many ways since 1867."  Ted felt shivers run up his spine as Zane spoke those last words.

"I could go on, but what's important is that we are learning to walk the road into the future together, as partners.  We are cooperating to reconcile, to work together, to accept each other, and to grow. Finally, I will not have someone who is not of my nation call me a person of colour, is that clear?  I am First Nation, as in the First Nation of this Continent, Turtle Island.  I am gay and First Nations, exactly the way the Great Spirit made me."  The table was silent as Zane locked eyes with Ted, who finally looked away towards Phil.

Phil didn't acknowledge anything Zane said.  "Well, in Toronto, if the cops are allowed to march in uniform in the parade, other organizations will not support or march with us in protest."  Some of the committee members were shaking their heads in disgust while other committee members seemed interested in what Phil was saying.

"So they don't walk.  Life sucks, that is their choice and is vastly different from this committee dictating that members of their own community cannot walk in the parade based on occupations," Zane injected quickly.

It was Lois who spoke this time, "Just last weekend in Edmonton, a group of Caucasian millennials who were recruited on Facebook by a professional Caucasian protester blockaded the Edmonton Pride parade.  The parade was stopped for more than thirty minutes when demonstrators blocked it from lawfully proceeding.  They were upset that police officers were allowed to march in the event.  The protesters demanded police, RCMP and military members be banned from marching in future parades.  The Edmonton Pride Festival Society agreed to the four demands.  They have committed that neither police nor military members will march in the parade until all community members feel safe with their presence.  I am absolutely horrified that Edmonton Pride has now agreed that they believe Pride is only a demonstration against police."

Rev. Barb followed, "The same thing happened in London, Ontario, Regina, and now Saskatoon. This is like burning the broom which swept the floor.  Someone in control ordered the broom to act the way it did.  The police acted absolutely inappropriately during raids, that is an issue, but how do you deal with it 40 years later.  Who ordered the actions?  On the other hand, playing devil's advocate, did anyone charge or recover the costs of the damages, burning vehicles and loss of business revenue from the LGBTQ2 protesters rioting?"

Jim stared at Phil, "So it's about what those organizations want, not the determination of facts and a plan of action, or what the LGBTQ2 community needs."

"Well Phil, our parade is in two weeks," Zane clearly stated.  "Toronto banned its cops from participating in the Toronto Pride festival so all their gay police members went to New York City where they were welcomed with open arms.  It's divisive to our LGBTQ2 community," said Zane.

"Well, police have marginalized the gay community, and enforced unfair laws. They have a history of brutalizing LGBT community members.," said Ted.  "Canada is accepting LGBT people from around the world as refugees, even paying for some of them to get here.  Once they get here, the police are targeting them because of their skin colour."

Zane was getting upset, something he rarely did.  "Please prove to us that gay refugees are being targeted because of their skin colour, or is this more of the anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, right-wing rhetoric being imported from the US and spread in Canada? In the '60s and '70s, the police enforced the laws in place, which were unjust but were changed through social reform.  I don't want to discuss generalities, I want you to lay out right now injustices against the LGBTQ2 community in the past 10 years, not just from before you were born."

"Whatever," said Phil as he crossed his arms.  "What about all the arrests in the past year in the Toronto park which seemed to be all gay men."

Zane was getting more upset, "You mean where they were all in the bushes fucking like little bunnies?  First of all, I'm sorry but if they didn't agree with the charges, take them to court; we help people fight in court all the time here.  I would like to point out a straight couple made love on the beach in Florida last year. They were arrested, charged and convicted of lewd behaviour for which they got a five-year prison term.  Secondly, the men in Toronto should start choosing their places to have cheap sex better.  The government doesn't belong in the bedrooms of the nation, but the sex from the bedroom shouldn't be in the public, either."

"We don't have those problems here so don't dump your luggage on our table," exclaimed Terry, one of the older members of the committee.

"I agree with Terry," said Zane.  "We have excellent relations with all the emergency services here."

"What about visible minorities?" asked Phil.

"You're not listening to anyone but yourself.  I'm indigenous.  The group which stopped the Pride Parade in Toronto also claimed to represent Indigenous people or anyone who is considered to be a person of colour.  The actual people who stopped the parade were not LGBTQ2 members, just protesters for their own group.  In fact, our LGBT community members in this area include lawyers, cooks, cops, firemen, paramedics, teachers, salespeople, highways workers, carpenters, students, business owners, and so on.  Every person is a member of our city's LGBTQ2 community, although you may feel more comfortable to slide them into a dozen labelled visible minority categories."

Todd got everyone's attention, "Is this an item for the agenda or something we can table to start discussing after this year's Pride?"

Phil continued, "We need to limit who attends the parade to groups who have a direct impact and assist us in our Pride vision.  There is also no need for religious leaders or organizations to be involved and we need to end the presence of the police forces, etc."

Terry was about to become unglued.  "You don't want Police, Military, uniforms, and now you don't want any group of faith?  Will there be anyone but you and Teddy there in the parade?"

Zane stared coldly at Phil, "So will you be returning all the corporate sponsorships and government funds because as I said previously, they are not vetted for supporting the Pride Brand.  Just if their money is good."

Pastor Jim leaned onto the table, "Phil, you're serious about eliminating the various faiths from the pride activities?"

"Deadly serious.  Religion has no place in society, it harms everyone," said Phil's assistant Ted.

Pastor Jim's jaw dropped.  "What do you mean?"

"Organized religion is something which has killed and continues to kill gay people. Your Leviticus 20:13 is the prime example of how all the religions hate the LGBT community, and how many times we are labelled abominations which should be stoned to death," replied Ted.

Phil backed him up, "Organized religion is a detriment to mankind."

As a Jamaican, Terry was getting upset.  "You have leaders from the religious community here supporting you and you want to toss them out?"

Opening his notebook he pulled out a page and waived it around as he said, "We need to be coming together more than ever before, not tearing ourselves apart.  I have news for you, your opposition groups are getting organized and gaining momentum as they blend with extreme right-wing politicians.  In Canada, the pro-life Campaign Life Coalition gets funds from well known extremist right-wing Christian Political Think Tank out of Calgary directly associated a right-wing federal political party.  The best thing is that they get funding out of the United States from a pair of brothers who fund the Republicans.  I have here a statement from them:

"Founded by the pro-life Campaign Life Coalition, LifeSite believes that abortion, euthanasia, cloning, homosexuality and all other moral, life and family issues are all interconnected in an international conflict, with that conflict created by secularists attempting to eliminate Christian morality and natural law principles which are seen as the primary obstacles to implementing their new world order."

"See?!" Phil almost yelled at Terry while pointing his finger.  "That's organized religion attacking us."

Rev. Barb responded with, "We're organized religion too and we support you.  In all communities, you're going to have those who attack you as you say.  You would turn your back on them for a vocal minority?"

"Phil," Terry continued, "You need to pick your battles.  These groups are going to try to break us up, make us weaker and take back what we've won over the years and you're helping them by trying to break us up from the inside."

Pastor Jim turned to Zane, Todd and the other committee members.  "Every rainbow crosswalk in Saskatchewan has been vandalized within 24 hrs of painting it.  The latest was in Regina, but the Gay-Straight Alliance from the school fixed the damage.  Saskatchewan is lower key than Alberta, but just as red neck and the southern part of the province is evangelistic or strict Christians."

"Keep in mind one of the reorganized right-wing political parties in Alberta has stated their platform as against LGBTQ2 rights already in place," Phil said loudly.  "In response to their strict evangelical voters, they also want mandatory contact of any child's parents who joins a GSA to get permission.  The evangelists and right-wing Christians have linked with that political party and are pushing it hard to make the province strict right-wing Christian again.  Even the Catholic Bishop for the province is speaking out with his support against LGBTQ2 people, even contrary to the Pope's position."

Rev. Lois finally asked the big question, "Is this what this committee and the community wants?  You want us to separate ourselves?"

"It would be best," said Phil with a smile.

Rev. Jim looked at the Reverends Judy and Terry, "We're not wanted here anymore.  Shall we leave and meet at my office to discuss this further?"

Rev. Judy stood quickly, "You're right, Jim.  It's obvious the LGBTQ2 community doesn't want the gay members who are police, in uniform, or religious as part of their group.  I will also make sure my lesbian sisters know about this.  It's time for us to leave.  Jim, all those years I suffered pain and injustice for being gay in my profession was well worth it now, wasn't it?  Now, I have to fight my own community for rights that we helped them achieve."

Lois stood with her, "I'm ashamed of what this group has become.  We've spent our lives trying to come out with dignity, now we're being thrown aside like an empty Tim Horton's cup.  We had our purpose, now we're useless and trash."

Terry stood as well.  "I'm a retired police officer from a policing family.  I worked hard to be accepted by my family when I came out, then worked hard to prove to my fellow police members just being gay didn't mean that I wasn't fit to be a police officer.  Now my own community just booted me in the balls.  Fuck this, I'm out of here."

Todd stood, "Please Rev. Judy, Terry, Jim, let's discuss this."

Zane looked at Phil, "Look what you've done.  You've split what we've worked so hard here to build."  He stood as he continued to speak, "You are in my outreach centre, offending my friends and allies, and I will not tolerate it.  Something you missed was two of these clergies are gay, and all of them have done a tremendous amount to help our community members.  I am also a spiritual leader within the Indigenous community."  He then looked at Todd, "This is your committee, grow some balls and control it."

Rev. Judy smiled, "Come on Zane, you know it doesn't take balls to control a meeting."  She smiled at Zane, who after a moment smiled back.  She continued "I know I speak for my church, and I think I may be speaking for the others present, plus I know I speak for the Inter-faith Council when I say that when we leave tonight, all our funding commitments leave with us as well."

"Please everyone, sit down and let's discuss this," begged Todd.  Slowly, everyone sat down.

Zane spoke up, "This is something which we need to resolve today by promising to examine it after this parade.  I personally know how much the clergy have worked with us, often against some of their own parishioners and other clergies.  They stood by us without hesitation and we have worked together to build tolerance. Todd, you know how closely the LGBTQ2 community is linked with the police and essential services here.  In fact, I have brothers and friends who are police officers, paramedics and fire department personnel."  Turning to Phil, he said, "You have no idea how this community works, it is not Toronto, London, or Vancouver."

"The police across this country raided the parks, public washrooms, and bathhouses and arrested people for being gay.  Those people went to jail," said Phil.  "They used their power to try and crush the LGBTQ2 movement.  There are complaints of police across the country racially profiling people."

One of the other committee members spoke up, "I've read about that in university.  It was terrible."

Another committee member spoke up, "The police also card visible minorities too much.  It's harassment."

Phil cleared his throat, "Too many minorities are killed when confronting police, or targeted for carding, police stops and arrests.  The minorities and youth do not feel safe when they are in the presence of a police uniform, especially gay minorities and trans people of colour."

Jim, one of the clergy was getting upset, "Again, what does any of that have to do with this community here?  And who the hell appointed you to speak for all the visible minorities?  Phil, the police don't do anything at a municipal level without being told by the Mayor, but this is way off topic."

Another committee member spoke up, "This is all beyond our control, we are here to organize the Pride event."

"No, the police and military must be made to pay for their treatment of the gay community and the visible minorities," the university student said.  "The young people of colour and trans people do not feel safe in the parade with the police being present."

Zane looked at her, "I have to ask, how do you know that's true.  I work with youth every day and it's never come up a single time."

"I read it on blogs, Twitter and Facebook" she replied.  "I've also read doctoral papers which explain the harassment and the killing of people of colour is similar to what the police community has done to the gay community.  It's all related."

Zane couldn't control the rolling of his eyes.  "You do realize that doctoral papers are just opinions, and the information on blogs, Twitter and Facebook is often not even suitable to be printed in the National Gabber tabloid."

"Whatever.  They are Ph.D. so that gives them a lot of credibilities."

 "You do realize that Joseph Mengele, Joseph Goebbels were both Ph.D.  Philip Lenard, Johannes Stark and Knut Hamsun were all Nobel Prize winners but that doesn't make any of them right."

The student looked confused for a moment before she finally said, "I've never heard of those people, what do they have to do with this discussion?"

Zane smiled, "You don't even realize how you just proved my point about thinking University education is always right."


Rev. Judy asked point blank, "Phil, if we don't agree to your demands, does that mean a social warrior group like in Toronto or Edmonton will stop our parade, holding it hostage to their demands?"

"It's a possibility, but I would have no control over something like that," he replied with a gleam in his eyes.  "I would have no control over that if it did happen."

Zane was shaking his head as he stared at the notes in front of him.  The meeting now consisted of people having sidebar discussions and arguments.  Finally, he looked at Todd and simply nodded his head as he closed his notepad.  Todd was upset by the meeting and was ready to leave the room as well.  He took a breath, releasing it in a sigh as he looked at Zane and shrugged his shoulders.  Zane looked at the clergy across from him and nodded to them as well.  They closed their notepads as he had.

Zane got everyone's attention, "Well Phil, this is the way it's going to go now.  You may move forward with your planning for the event without the participation from some of the long-term committee members from this community."

There were a few people who drew their breath in, others mumbled words which were incoherent.

"I'm with my friends in the clergy, and I will not be participating in the planning or participating in the Pride Celebrations from this point on.  Just as you wanted," continued Zane.  That caused a reaction from the committee members.

Zane held his hand up to silence everyone, "And when I speak to my tribe, brothers, and friends in the emergency services network of this city, it would be reasonable to suggest that they not be participating in the event either.  Just as you wanted, Phil."

Some of the people around the table were getting upset, but Phil seemed happy.

Zane did not look very happy as he continued, "It is with a heavy heart that the Canaan Breck LGBTQ2 Centre will no longer support or be part of the Pride organization until these issues are resolved.  Phil, you are new to our ways here.  But as opposed to learning how much peace and harmony we had here you chose to poison it with your ways.  Please, organize the event the way you wish but you will find out how tight we really are out here in this community and the west.  Before you even get back to your office, I will have sent a message out through our network so they understand what has happened."

"You mean your side of the story," sneered Phil.

Zane stared at the two men who were instigating the problems.  "Respect and credibility are earned and I have worked very hard to earn it from everyone in this city.  You are new, and have not made a good impression even on the majority of people at this table."

Phil rolled his eyes, and mumbled, "Whatever."

Zane's temper snapped, and he stood quickly slamming his hands down on the table.  The oak table split in two lengthwise and collapsed.  The room was in absolute silence as Zane said very loudly and forcefully, "The committee is split, like the table at your feet.  Like the table at your feet, it may be repaired to continue or thrown out.  But, I will make the choice for you, Phil.  Get out of this building, and organize your Pride events the way you want.  Although we disagree, we will abide by your decision to exclude LGBTQ2 people from the parade based upon occupation and faith backed up by the perceived threat if we don't, your friends will hold the parade hostage."

The door to the conference room flew open as Jared, Liam, Nikita, Trevor and Conner burst into the room quickly.  They saw the table and felt the tension in the air.  Jesse came in a moment later, embracing his boyfriend.  Jared placed his hand on Zane's shoulder for a moment, the information pouring into his mind from Zane's thoughts.  Jared shared it with Jesse, Conner and Liam through their physical link of touching his arms.

Jared stepped forward and stared at Phil and Ted.  "I understand what has happened here..."

"How would you know?" said Phil with a very condescending tone.

Jared spoke clearly, "You do not understand very much, but you still speak a lot.  I am called The Most Sacred Medicine Man, Healer and Shaman of the tribes in this area and husband of Liam.  I am what you call clergy representing the Great Spirit and Creator to the tribes, and I am known throughout the west.  I am a First Nations person, Indigenous and not a person of colour.  I speak on behalf of the company who owns 50% of this building, and you have not only insulted my brother but questioned his integrity."

Liam stood next Jared, grasping his husband's hand, "I am Liam, keeper of the ancient knowledge of the twelve tribes, Sacred Medicine Man and Healer for the Creator, and husband of Jared.  You have insulted my family, our tribe, and this organization."

Jesse turned to the group while holding his boyfriend. "I am Jesse, Zane's boyfriend, and I own the other 50% of this building.  I understand what has happened, and I invite the clergy and our supporters to join me in my office to discuss our options.  Now, let me be perfectly clear on my next statement, the rest of you can leave my building.  Don't let the door hit you in the ass, either."

Zane looked at Trevor and Nikita, "Would you two escort the committee members who have chosen to leave to the door please."

The two young men stood up straight and crossed their arms over their chest.  "Yes Zane, my pleasure," replied Nikita with a heavy Russian accent.  The young man locked eyes with Phil, giving him an icy stare.  Phil tried to outstare the young man, but between the icy look and the Russian accent, he was feeling uncertain of being in control over this young man.  Jesse escorted approximately half of the committee to his office boardroom to continue the discussion.  As they were getting settled, administrative assistants came in with fresh coffee and a variety of pastries for the people seated around the table in the law office.

The group sat down to begin discussing what had happened. Shortly after starting the discussion, Nikita and Trevor joined them at the table.  They sat down next to Zane and stared at one of the pastry plates.  As Zane was speaking, he gently reached over to slide the plate close to the young men.  He smiled and nodded at them to start eating.  The plate was empty a few moments later, and everyone sitting around the table smiled at the young men.

Jim spoke up, "I wish I was your age Nikita, or at least had your metabolism to burn calories."  That got a chuckle from everyone else around the table.

The young man smiled back at the minister, even his eyes were now happy.  "I never seem to get enough food.  They starve me when they won't even let me have lunch breaks," as he faked a pout.

Zane reached under the table and smacked Nikita's thigh.  The sound of the slap was unmistakable to everyone as was the young man when he jumped in his seat.

Nikita spoke in almost flawless English with very little accent, "That hurt Zane, son of a ..." Trevor cut him off.

"Nikki, no.  Don't you say that."

Nikita looked at his boyfriend, and then around the table, and said, "I apologize."

Rev. Judy laughed, "Nikita, you are such a brat.  You can turn on or turn off that beautiful Russian accent any time you want, can't you?"

Nikita blushed at her comment.  "I've been practicing to sound more Canadian, but sometimes I lose my thought and the accent comes out."

"Nikita, why do you want to sound Canadian?" asked Rev. Lois.  "I'm sorry if that's a personal question but I love your accent."

Trevor reached to grasp Nikita's hand in his.  "Go ahead, Nikita.  Tell them, you'll always be my little Russian."

Nikita smiled at his boyfriend before addressing the group.  This time, he didn't worry about sounding Canadian which meant his Russian accent was very clear. "My name is Nikita, and I'm gay.  Never before until I met these men and they brought me to this place could I say that out loud without fear of being beaten into unconsciousness.  In my lifetime, I was bounced from relative to relative's home or staying where ever I could.  My uncle was the last relative I lived with, and he forced me to provide sexual services to his friends for cash.  I had very poor clothing to wear, slept on the floor and although I did work at a Chinese restaurant at one time, he took all my pay.  That was where I met Jesse and Zane when they saved me from yet another beating by my uncle after work.  I'm trying to sound Canadian so I fit in.  Being gay is hard enough, with an accent or being a foreigner is even harder.  It's even harder with all the distrust and animosity being created on both sides of the border towards immigrants, too.  Now, imagine being Russian with a Russian accent right now considering the tension about another cold war.  I just want to fit in."

Trevor spoke immediately after Nikita finished, "This place made it safe for me live.  I wasn't welcome at home and had nowhere to go. We need Pride to say that we are humans, we need love and belonging.  Period." Trevor lifted Nikita's hand, kissing the back of it.  "I love my Russian."

Nikita smiled at Trevor, "I love my little Canadian, too."

Trevor continued to speak, "There are many gay members in the essential services and armed forces who have not only put their lives on the line for the country, but they were also subjected to accusations, investigations, demotions, firing, even jail just for being gay while serving in uniform.  They lost their careers for being gay."  Trevor looked around at the table, "I have gay friends finishing their training for the police, ambulance, fire and army.  Today, I am ashamed to be a member of the gay community when we start attacking our own."

"This is why we need the Pride event, for the youth like Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum here.  Not only for them but all the other people who have had problems coming out or problems as a member of an LGBTQ2 community," said Jesse.

Nikita and Trevor were pointing at each other and mouthing, "You are Tweedle-dum, not me." 

Jared never missed a beat as he began talking, and reached around Nikita to pinch Trevor's butt through the back of the chair.  "Jesse, we have never turned our back on anyone who either came to us for help or we found they needed.  We have no restrictions on who we will help.  We don't ask about ancestry, colour, faith, gender, financial status, or anything else. If you need help, everyone is a child of the Creator which makes them brothers and sisters, or at least family."

Rev. Lois spoke up, "This is what we're used to hearing about at a committee meeting.  Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Pride about inclusion?  I mean inclusion and acceptance of anyone?"

Nikita and Trevor were having a discussion quietly between themselves.  They were so involved in the discussion they hadn't noticed everyone else had stopped speaking and were listening to the two young men.  When they realized it, both turned red with embarrassment and looked down at the table.

Rev. Lois spoke, "I'm sorry for listening into your discussion guys. But, you have asked a question which we should all be talking about here and now.  What is Pride really about?"

Nikita looked up, "I apologize to everyone for being rude."

Zane leaned back in his chair and put his hand on Nikita's shoulder.  "Little guy, you did us a favour.  We need to get back to the roots of why we celebrate Pride."

"Do you guys know the history of the Pride movement?" asked Jesse.  "It came to a boiling point the night of June 28, 1969, at the Stonewall Inn in Manhattan, New York.  The Stonewall Inn was a well known gay night club, it was raided fairly regularly by the police for alleged violations of the law at the time.  That night, the patrons of the club had enough of the police and politicians and fought back.  The discontent spread causing a protest, marching and clashes with police during the night, continuing for the next week. That was the beginning of the Gay Rights Movement."

Jesse looked around the room, making eye contact with each person sitting around the table.  The adults were all very interested in the history Jesse was talking about, Nikita and Trevor were actually leaning forward on their chairs in anticipation of him resuming his story.  "The very first commemoration of the Stonewall riots was held in June of 1970; it was called the Christopher Street Liberation Day March.  It wasn't a parade or a festival; it was and still is a march to commemorate.  On that day in 1970, people came together from all over the city to march up 6th Ave from Greenwich Village to Central Park where they heard speeches, sang songs and celebrated being together in public. A man by the name of Fred Sargeant was actually there that day and wrote about it for the Village Voice in 2010, writing that there were no floats, no music, no boys in briefs.  Instead, they held signs and banners and chanted: 'Say it clear, say it loud.  Gay is good, gay is proud.'  This was long before anyone had heard of a Gay Pride March.  Back then, it took a new sense of audacity and courage to take that giant step into the streets of Midtown Manhattan."

Rev. Barb smiled at Jesse and the two young men who were actively listening to his every word.  "If I may make a suggestion?"

Pastor Jim looked at her, "By all means, Barb."

"Let's go back to the basics," started Barb.  "First, even as a member of the gay club myself, I've never been comfortable with all the young people in skimpy outfits using Pride as an excuse to dance provocatively in public.  I did feel it was important for us to celebrate what we've gained over the years, but let's go back to the beginning.  It's time to teach our LGBTQ2 community about the beginning, how far we've come, and where we need to go."

Liam leaned his elbows on the table.  "We have a youth group here who would benefit from something like this.  Instead of a parade, how about a festival?"

Todd was getting very interested in this discussion now. "How about a community history class, media campaign, and festival?"

"Now we're talking," a very happy Zane said.

Jesse stood in front of the table with his hands on his hips. "It was once said 'There will always be that 16- or 17-year-old kid who doesn't necessarily realize they are part of something much bigger than they ever anticipated.'  It's time we not only remembered why Stonewall happened but to make sure every person understands what they are a part of.  We must work towards the day where they have no fear when they stand up and identify as LGBTQ2."

Rev. Lois opened her notebook and said, "We have two weeks to get this organized.  Let's get our shit together."

End of Chapter Forty-Five

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Next: Chapter 97: Jared the Paramedic III 46

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