Jared the Paramedic

By Snowblind94

Published on Aug 27, 2015


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Disclaimer: The following contains explicit scenes of male sex and a variety of consensual activities. This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit permission from the author.

All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed. The characters are entirely fictitious and are not based on anyone who has or is still living.

The author is not a professional fiction writer and is just enjoying a new hobby. If there are some grammatical errors, I apologise. I have a new editor and Scott T is doing his best to correct the grammar of this unschooled and uneducated northern Canadian bush hick. He has made many valuable comments and suggestions, and he has been trying to do what my 6th grade teacher couldn't do - teach me punctuation. Thank you Scott for the fantastic job you are doing. I am indebted to you my new friend.

Comments may be addressed to snowblind94@yahoo.ca

Recap from Chapter 7 Return to work.

Jared stepped into the tub and snuggled up to Liam. Tyler and Darren admitted they were stiff, and for once they didn't mean their cocks. The hot tub felt good to everyone. It was getting dark by the time they got out and dried off. They split up with Darren and Josh going to light the fire, Tyler and Troy getting the drinks with Jared and Liam looking for marshmallows and snacks.

The guys sat around the fire telling jokes, swapping stories and listened to Josh play the guitar. They were now roasting marshmallows and drinking some beer, wine or tea. Life is good, for all of them.

Chapter 8 -

Jared was roasting another marshmallow when he felt something tickling his scrotum. He looked down and saw Liam's hand underneath of the chair and a finger poking through the webbing. Jared turned to him and smiled. He held his hand to Liam and brought him into the chair sideways, sitting on his lap.

"You're a little frisky Liam" said Jared.

"Only with you, my soul mate" said Liam as he leaned in and kissed Jared. Liam could feel Jared's big cock under his ass begin to get more solid. He also realized he was getting harder too. Liam reached and started to play with Jared's nipples, circling them with a finger playfully and they began to respond. Liam leaned down and blew over a nipple. Jared moaned aloud and threw his head backwards. Liam could feel Jared's big cock getting real solid under his ass now. Liam slid off Jared's lap, and the cock he had been sitting flipped up and was now sticking straight up. Jared had brought his head back up and was looking at Liam. Liam crawled up Jared's body to kiss him. Liam's flat muscular stomach was pressing onto Jared's cock as he was being kissed. Liam also brought a hand up and began to play with Jared's nipple again especially since he knew it worked Jared up so much. He broke the kiss and started to kiss around Jared's neck and down to his chest.

"Liam, you are getting real good at this real fast" groaned Jared.

Liam looked up and smiled at Jared, then dove back down on his nipples alternating between them. While doing this, Liam had brought his hand up under Jared's balls and began to play with them. Rolling and massaging them in his hand. He then moved under Jared a little further, tickling the perineum. Jared gasped and rolled his eyes. Liam was working his way down Jared's chest, kissing and giving little nips at the skin. Liam's hand under Jared began to tickle and move around the rose bud. Jared's cock was so hard now it was dripping pre-cum like a fountain. Lim noticed when a wave of ecstasy rolled through Jared, his cock bounced.

"Liam, you have become my best student ever!" cried Jared.

Liam used both hands to reposition Jared's legs so they were spread and the knees over the arms of the chairs. Jared rock hard cock, hanging balls and asshole were on full display now. Liam moved in and using one hand, he steadied Jared's cock, beginning to lick from the ball sack to the now exposed and oozing head. Time after time Liam did this much to Jared's delight.

Liam let go of Jared's cock, and then went lower. He took Jared's balls into his mouth and used his tongue to play with them while one hand was using the precum as a lube to slowly jack up and down on Jared's dick. Jared was holding onto the arms of the chair in a vice like grip even a pry bar couldn't break. Liam let the balls fall out of his mouth, and then reached his objective, Jared's exposed rose bud. He began to lick it and play with it using his tongue.

Jared was moaning loudly and slid down on the chair a little further to give Liam easier access to his asshole.

"Please Liam, keep doing that, and get a finger into me" he pleaded.

Liam tongued Jared's asshole with vigor, beginning to penetrate it. Liam slid a finger up and spit on it. The finger slid into Jared easily. He began to move it in and out slowly, then he went in deep. He wiggled his finger tip deep inside Jared and he could feel the prostrate love button. He massaged it gently causing Jared to squirm and gasp out loud.

"Liam, I am relaxed. Put your dick into me and share your essence with me" said Jared.

Liam got up onto his knees and produced a tube of lube and started to coat his dick as well as Jared's asshole.

"Someone planned this" said Jared.

"Maybe" replied Liam as he made the facial expression of total innocence to Jared.

"Innocent my ass" laughed Jared.

Liam grabbed his dick and put it up against Jared's asshole. He pushed gently, but felt himself slip inside easily. Both Jared and Liam groaned as the dick penetrated deeper into Jared's ass. Slowly, Liam moved in deeper and deeper until he was buried as deep as could go. Liam lifted his head and kissed Jared.

"I love you Jared" said Liam.

"I love you more Liam. Especially when that big hard long dick of yours is buried in my ass" replied Jared.

"Jared, you are so tight and warm inside, I could stay here forever" said Liam, looking into Jared's eyes.

"Liam, to have you buried in me is the most fantastic feeling. I would let you stay in there forever" said Jared looking back into Liam's eyes.

Liam started to move in and out of Jared, slowly at first. Jared reached around and grabbed Liam's ass cheeks.

Liam started to move faster and deeper into Jared. Liam's dick was rubbing Jared's prostrate with each movement, causing Jared to moan louder. Jared loved the feel of the hard little muscle deep within Jared as it came in contact with his dick.

"Do it harder Liam. Harder" moaned Jared. "Slam that cock into me."

Jared asshole was so tight and slippery, giving Liam an incredible feeling as he moved in and out it. Jared's internal passage was so warm, and the feeling of the slippery tissue on Liam's cock as it gave to allow passage was the best thing ever had ever felt in his life.

Liam was moving faster and harder with his thrusts into Jared by now. Jared was moaning continually and Liam could sense his body getting more rigid. Jared's arms reached up above his head and grabbed the back of his chair. Liam looked at the muscles in Jared arms, fully tensed while grabbing the chair. They were so hot.

Jared called out to Liam "I am going to shoot Liam. You are driving the cum out of me!"

"I am going to cum too Jared. I want you to cum first." replied Liam

Jared pushed his ass onto Liam as he thrust in and arched his back up. Jared's cock started to spew cum out in great squirts, the first landing on his chest and the second landing on his face. The rest of the spurts left a trail down Jared's chest and stomach, ending at his dick.

Liam felt his point of no return as well. He thrust deep and let loose a loud moan. He felt his dick throbbing to deliver its load deep into Jared. He didn't think it would ever end, contraction after contraction. Liam was on top of the world. He crashed onto Jared's chest. Jared leaned down, grabbed Liam's head gently with his hands, and kissed the top of it.

After a couple minutes, Liam stood up after pulling out of Jared.

"Liam, I feel so empty with your cock gone" exclaimed Jared.

Liam climbed onto Jared in the chair, curling like a child sideways. Jared reached his arms around Liam and held him. They had totally forgotten about the other men at the campfire and only remember when they looked around the fire.

What they saw was Darren bent over the log and Josh plowing into him hard. It was the same log Darren had made love to Josh the night before.

Troy was sitting on a log with his legs spread and Tyler was sitting on his lap bouncing up and down on Troy's massive hard cock.

Liam and Jared heard Josh say he was cumming and then froze his movements, impaling Darren deep. Troy was jacking Tyler as he bounced on his dick, and they both started cumming at the same time. When they looked back at Darren and Josh, Darren was laying on his back, his hard dick straight up in the air. Josh was sucking the head while jacking him hard. Darren suddenly sat up and pulled Josh's head into his groin. He straightened his legs and pulled his toes upwards laying his head backwards. It was obvious he was cumming in Josh's mouth and Josh was swallowing as fast as he could to keep up. Josh then stood up and leaned into Darren and kissed him.

Darren suddenly realized everyone was sitting and watching them and said "What? Is there nothing on TV you couldn't be watching?"

They all started to laugh as the couples snuggled together and watched the fire.

"Liam, do you remember you worried about being naked in front of everyone and being embarrassed if you had a hard-on when you first got here?" asked Jared.

"Hmmmm. No, I don't remember that" Liam said, and he laughed. "You brought me out of my shell Jared, which makes me only love you more."

Jared made a movement to signal Liam to stand up. They both stood up. "Guys, I have a new gift from the Creator I found out about this afternoon and I would like to try something with us as a group. The Creator would not object to us a family doing this. I am still learning the skill and I need feedback from you guys after it is done" said Jared.

"What is it" asked Josh.

"I think I am able to project emotions from person to person. What I would like to do, is have everyone think of each other and what we enjoyed the most about this weekend, beside the sex Darren" said Jared.

"Dam" said Darren.

"Let's move towards the fire ring and I want everyone to hold hands" said Jared. When they had done this, Jared took his hands from Liam and Josh for a moment. He looked up to the sky and held his arms up and palms upwards.

"Creator, I stand here with my family of brothers and my soul mate before you. I am asking for your permission to use the gift to share what we have for each other."

Jared's eyes flashed a bright white, contrasted by the night surrounding them. Liam lowered his hands and took Josh's and Liam's hand back into his.

At first, the feeling started slowly as if a low voltage electrical charge was running through everyone. The electrical feeling transformed into a feeling of warmth centered in their chest. The warmth spread from their chest areas and progressed through their bodies until every square inch of them felt erotically sensitive and warm. The sensations they were experiencing gave each man a very strong feeling of security.

Jared sensed the emotional warmth and love of each member of his family, but especially from his soulmate Liam. Suddenly, they all began to have visions of the volleyball game, the wood gathering, the hot tub, and the meals where they were chatting between themselves. They saw the group swimming and water skiing as if they were watching television. The group also saw people running by Darren and slapping his ass, the tickling of Troy and the sweat lodge ceremony they had endured together.

The final vision they saw was not from their memories, but it was of a bear with an eagle on its shoulder with two wolves on each side sitting in a line and facing them. The single vision in their minds was now very clear; they worked and loved each other as a family, a real family. They needed each other's strengths to balance the weaknesses, but it made them whole. They sensed how each of them didn't have a family in their lives and they had been given the gift of each other to become the family they didn't have. The love and the strong feeling of protection for each other brought a very warm feeling to their bodies. The vision began to change. From one side, a large black raven flew in and landed in front of the bear. A fox and another wolf walked in carefully and sat next to the raven. All the animals let loose their cry into the air loudly and then vanished.

Their bodies began to feel tingly again, like a low electric charge was running through them once again. It wasn't uncomfortable and was pleasurable as they felt a charge throughout their entire bodies. The feeling receded from everyone, and they dropped their hands.

Nobody said a word for a moment until Darren said "Holy fuck, and I thought the sweat lodge was the best thing I had ever done." The group laughed.

Jared asked them to describe what they saw and felt during the new ceremony. They had seen each other's favorite moments over the weekend, like a news program summary of past events for a headline story. They all described the same thing, and they had experienced the feeling of love from everyone else in the circle. The men also described how they had felt the commitment to each other as family.

Liam spoke up "Jared, I have loved others. This is the first time I have ever actually experienced feeling someone's love for me. I mean, I actually felt it. Of course, the strongest feeling was from you Jared."

Troy spoke up "Our spirit guides are all wolves and wolves are very loyal to their pack as well as protective of all the members as well."

"We all love each other as brothers, actually deeper than that. We are family. Something we all never had in our lives for one reason or another. We've accepted you as a member because of the way you love Jared and the aura you project while doing it" said Tyler.

Darren then spoke softly, and had tears on his cheeks. "I agree with everyone. I have yet to tell you guys about myself other than you accepted me as Josh's boyfriend. There were no games or hidden agendas from any of you. You just accepted me for who I am, unconditionally. I have never felt anything like that before in my life and I didn't know anyone could love me. I didn't know anyone like Josh could be so good to me. I lost my brother while he was in the army, and he was the last to ever love me until Josh and you guys..." Darren broke down into tears.

The rest of the guys moved in quickly to hold him tight while he cried. A couple of minutes later, he was back in control.

He sniffed and spoke "You guys are the first I have ever cried in front of. I was taught that men never cry. The way you rushed into help me, I'm going to lose it again." Darren grabbed Josh into a tight hug, and Josh returned it to Darren.

Jared then spoke "I would say that experiment went well. We are now aware of and have actually experienced each other's love. I wish this was something mankind could experience, true love for each other. We are brothers."

Liam spoke up. "I saw in the final vision we are about to grow in family members. We have another wolf brother coming as well as fox and raven brothers. I didn't see any indication when, but it felt like it would be soon to me. Jared?"

"I agree, I felt it to be soon as well. We must all keep our eyes open for the people who may need to join our family's path in life" said Jared.

The men all murmured their agreement.

Jared looked to the sky and said "Creator, thank you for allowing us to do this. Although I was learning the skill, I learnt much more about love and commitment. We offer our thanks to you for allowing us to share."

Everyone was still looking up when suddenly a shooting star or debris from space entered their field of vision, streaking across the sky. It exploded into a beautiful burst of light and flaming trails. Then it was gone as suddenly as it appeared.

Tyler asked to no one in particular "A sign saying you're welcome?"

"I don't know about you guys, but I think it is bed time for Liam and I" said Jared. He then leaned over smacked Darren's ass a good one.

Darren yelped.

"You were a bad boy today. You should be put to bed." said Jared.

Then Josh added "after a good spanking."

Darren laughed and gave us the finger.

"Please make sure the fire is out before you leave, guys. Good night" said Jared.

They all hugged before Jared and Liam left for the cabin, arm in arm. After relieving themselves in the bushes, they went up to bed. They climbed into bed facing each other and holding hands between them. After a kiss, they stared into each other's eyes until they fell asleep.

The group had left the cabin by mid-afternoon to return to work the next day. The morning had been filled with waterskiing after breakfast followed by volleyball and sun tanning after lunch until they packed up and left for the city about mid-afternoon. Everyone had hugged before leaving and they would be texting each other to find the next window of opportunity for everyone to come back. Liam had followed Jared back to the apartment in his vehicle and spent the night.

Work had been fast paced today so the time went quickly and their shift ended before they knew it. Liam had gone to his apartment to go through his mail and catch up on various day-to- day things he had been ignoring for the past week. He would be back at Jared's apartment about 9 pm and bring a few more clothes and personal items with him. Jared and Liam had been discussing his moving into the apartment and Liam would do it after giving notice to his landlord.

Jared was at his apartment alone and had just finished smudging. He was sitting on the couch, drinking a cup of herbal tea, watching Peter Griffin and his antics on television. Everyone had weaknesses of varying degrees and one of Jared's was watching this show.

Liam came into the apartment around 930 pm and found Jared sleeping on the couch. He gently stroked Jared's face for a moment, helped him up and led him to the bedroom. Liam thought to himself "Jared is really tired tonight" and helped him get ready for bed. When Liam crawled into bed, Jared snuggled up to him and placed his head on Liam's chest, arm across his abdomen and fell asleep.

They awoke at 0500 when the alarm went off. Both had slept well through the night. After a quick run, shared shower and an even faster breakfast, they headed off to work.

As soon as they got to the base, both of them could sense something was up. They headed into the shift room for the briefing. Rob was sitting there and had a worried look on his face.

"What's up Rob?" asked Liam

"Staffing problems." replied Rob.

"What problems?" Jared asked with interest.

"Tim left a message for this morning he won't be in for the next 2 dayshifts. There were 3 other calls from other medics saying the same thing. They all have some sort of gastrointestinal problem." said Rob.

"We can switch and stay on days for you Rob if that helps." offered Liam.

"Actually it does and I appreciate your offering. I was going to ask but it was too short of time under the Labour Act for me to change your schedule." said Rob.

"Rob, it's never a problem for us to help out. We've told you that before." said Jared.

"I think this illness of Tim and his gang has something to do with his wanting to form that association and I have to walk carefully around here. I've always followed the rules and our employer has always been real good to everyone. I still don't understand why he's trying to do this." said Rob.

"Rob, Tim is a borderline medic with his skills. He also has terrible self-confidence and an image problem. Combined with arrogance, poor people skills and poor personal hygiene he is trying to get himself a position of power. Who do you think would be running the association?" said Jared.

"You are probably right, Jared. But, don't hold back anything and really tell me what you think of Timmy." Rob said barely containing his laughter.

Liam gave Rob a smirk and said "That was sugar coated; you don't want to hear what he really thinks, Rob."

All three of the men chuckled together. "The only problem with you guys working days will be I need to split you up and put part-time medics with you. That gives me two strong units as opposed to 1 strong and 1 weak unit. I know you guys work together well and you are my best team, I hate to split you up." said Rob.

"Rob if that's what you need, we'll help you out and babysit the part-timers." said Liam.

"So Rob, how are you going to deal with Timmy and Crew? I would suspect they are all in this together for the association. Honestly, the vast majority of the medics I have spoken with either aren't interested or don't care." said Jared. He continued "Come to think of it, that's the way medics deal with everything. They either don't care or aren't interested in change."

"You're right Jared." said Rob. He started to say something, but stopped. "I need to ask you something, in confidence." asked Rob.

"Anytime Robbie, you know that. Anything you say to me can be said in front of Liam as well. Both of us understand what confidentiality means." replied Jared.

"I agree with Jared." said Liam.

"Guys, I'm out of my element in dealing with Tim and his crew. Jared, I'm a Critical Care Paramedic, instructor and operational administrator. I'm not human resources trained and although I have been learning slowly, I don't know what to do." said Rob. "You two have never been a problem and always been the big teamwork motivators, and helping me into my role more than anyone else. I thank you for everything you've done, but I'm out of my element here and I need some help."

Rob continued, "The thefts, the damages, the Health Department, staffing problems and shortages, Timmy, and now the association are all taking a toll on me. My wife is worried sick about me because of long hours and I'm not sleeping very well when I do get home. I haven't been spending any time with the kids either and they are sensing problems from me. My wife and I have been talking about me finding another job, back in the field somewhere."

Rob had dropped his look of being the supervisor, and now looked pretty beaten up. He had a blank look on his face best summarized by "burnt out." He had been acting as the boss when they came in, but now he had dropped the facade and was being honest to us thought Jared.

Jared was very concerned with what he saw in Rob. He reached out and placed his hand on Rob's hand while at the same time grabbing Liam's hand under the table. Jared concentrated and suddenly both Liam and he were flooded with Rob's thoughts, emotions, and inner conflicts all focused at the point he left the field to become an administrator. Jared removed his hand and let go of Liam. He glanced at Liam and asked "We have to help Rob any way we can now that we know everything, right partner?"

Liam nodded his head and said "What we need to do is picture clear to me, Jared."

Jared turned to Rob and asked "How is staffing today?"

"It's good. You guys are the floaters today for backup or messy situations." replied Rob.

"Liam, grab us a couple of radios so we can monitor the channel while we're talking with Rob." said Jared.

As Liam was leaving to the room, Jared asked, "You told me once before the guy you report to is named John. Have you talked to him about this?"

"I've played telephone tag with him a few times over the last couple of days but we just haven't spoken." he replied.

"Let's get him on the speaker phone right now and bring him up to speed. We can all put our heads together to deal with this." suggested Jared.

Liam returned to the room with the radios, closed the door and sat down again.

"Ok, I'll try Jared." Rob exhaled loudly showing his frustration as pulled the phone to him. He picked a line, hit speaker and dialed the number. It rang and was answered after the third ring.

"Bear Investment Group, how may I direct your call?" asked a young voice.

"I need to speak with John please." said Rob.

"I am sorry, he's not available right now or for most of the day, may I give you his voice mail?" she asked. Rob gave Jared and Liam the "I told you so!" look on his face.

Jared spoke up "May we speak with Marlene, please?"

"Of course you may, Sir. I'll put you right through to Ms. Bear." she replied. The transfer was made and everyone heard the phone ring.

The phone was answered "Marlene Bear, how may I help you today?"

Rob had a puzzled look on his face and was mouthing words to Jared, "Who is Marlene Bear?"

Jared held his finger up in the universal gesture of just give me a minute.

"Marlene, the harmony and serenity of your voice is only surpassed by the beauty of your face." said Jared.

Laughter over the speaker was heard by the three men. Rob gave a real puzzled look to Jared. Marlene said "Jared! It has been so long since we spoke, but usually when you start a conversation with lines like that, the shit is about to hit the fan." she said with laughter in her voice. Marlene then added, "What's up, cuz?"

"I'm here with Liam and Rob at the Ambulance Base. We need help from John so we need to speak with him."

"He's in one of his usual meetings, Jared, not that I can't pull him out, but what's up?" she asked.

"Marlene, please pull him" said Jared with a very flat voice. "I want both of you to hear this so put it on speaker phone when he gets there. Plus, you two might want to get a coffee too. This may take a while. We'll get ready on this end, so give us five minutes please."

"Sure thing, Boss." she said and put him on hold.

Rob's jaw hit the table and he asked, "Cuz and Boss? What is this all that about?"

Liam cut in, "Is this one of those investments?" he asked to Jared.

"Yes Liam, this one and a few others." replied Jared. "Rob, this will be brief but I can explain more at a later time. Before we get back on the phone with John, the Bear Investment Group has a fairly diversified investment portfolio, and they own a few ambulance services as part of a business group within the corporate structure. Marlene is my real cousin and she's classified as the CEOPS (Chief Executive Operations) and John's executive assistant. That makes her third in command of the Corporation." explained Jared. "John is Chief Financial Officer and second in command but has the role of Acting CEO."

Rob was listening attentively. "I'm almost afraid to ask, but here I go, Jared. How do you know so much about the Bear Investment Group?"

"Well, to start with, my name is Jared Bear. I chose Bear as the name for my company as the Bear is the healer in the spiritual world of the first nations people. I am the President and actual CEO of the Bear Investment group, Rob."

Rob was stunned and didn't know what to say. Jared looked at him and said, "Rob, you're drooling. Close your mouth."

Rob shook his head and said, "We need to talk more after this call is finished, Jared." Rob thought for a moment and then said, "I guess I better rephrase that. Jared, may I have a few minutes of your time for a discussion after you have finished the phone call?"

"Rob, I'm still Jared and just a paramedic who works for this company and for all intents and purposes, you are my boss. I have taken this action because...." He was cut off by the phone line opening.

"Jared, what's up? This must be serious for you tell us to get coffee." said John.

"John, I'm here with Rob at the ambulance service and we need your's and Marlene's help. I have dropped my persona and Rob is aware of who I am after Marlene called me boss."

"Oh shit! I'm sorry, Jared." she said.

"Marlene, I am going to charter a helicopter with a cargo net and dump a load of horse shit on your front lawn for giving me up to Rob." said Jared with a straight face.

"Oh not again, Jared." she replied.

They could hear John say, "Marlene, last time it was cow shit, not horse shit."

Rob was sitting there looking at the phone and Jared in total shock.

"John, now we get serious. Rob is crashing and burning here. He's been trying to get you on the phone with no success. What's the problem?" asked Jared.

"My apologies Rob; we've been having problems with the voice mail but you should've been put right through to me no matter where I was." said John.

"He wasn't, John." stated Jared. "I see a couple of problems and I need Marlene to fix this for me. There's a new voice at the front desk who obviously doesn't know who Rob is and the priority his calls get. She was very polite and followed procedure but it appears to me something was overlooked. Marlene, can you deal with that please?"

Marlene answered quickly "I'll deal with it after this call, Jared."

"Thanks, cuz. Rob is burning out because of the size of the staff and being operations manager. I want a Human Resources person hired and in place ASAP and that person will report to Rob. Marlene, once they're in place, I would like you to come down here and spend some time with them. You are the best I know in that field."

Marlene answered quickly again, "I will start looking for someone today, Jared. I won't be able to drive down there though. My car will be buried in the laneway with horse shit."

"Cancel the air drop." laughed Jared. "I need you here more, cuz."

"Will I get to meet Liam when I come down? Grandfather called and told us about seeing you two." she laughed.

John spoke up as well, "Yes, when do we get to meet him, Jared. Grandfather told us your whole tribe was in the sweat lodge when he visited you for a chat. He said you guys were cute together and made a good couple."

"I want to know if he is really hung well and if I could turn him to light side." Marlene said.

"Marlene, you may get 2 loads of shit now, as well as John, too. You just outed us both to Rob. At this very moment, Rob is sitting across from me holding his head in his hands and staring at the desk." said Jared laughing.

Jared looked at Rob across the desk from him just sitting and staring at him. He turned to look at Liam and he was blushing, starring at the ceiling and pretending to whistle as if he didn't hear a thing.

Rob spoke up "Jared, I'm going to have to keep a list of things we need to speak of after the call."

They all heard "Shit" come out of the speakerphone a few times. Jared then asked, "Anything else you two want to let Rob know about?"

John and Marlene were laughing. John replied, "No sir, we can leave the goats for another day."

Rob exclaimed, "Goats? God help me, what've you two sent me as a paramedic?" and started to loosen and laugh.

Liam jumped in, "Goats? Are you a Daaaaaaddddddy, Jared?" The other end of the phone was lost in laughter and even Rob started as well.

Jared spoke, "I'm keeping my own list here, four loads of shit to be delivered, and a spanking for Liam. Rob, if you don't stop helping them to gang up on me I'll add loads of shit for your house too."

Rob was obviously beginning to relax somewhat and asked, "My wife has been wanting me to get some for the garden. Could you dump it in the backyard?"

Jared looked at him and gave him the finger. "Screw you all. Let's get back on topic here. Next is I want some of the guys from the Bear Security Group with cameras on the move this morning. Rob will give you the addresses, four of them, and I want those people followed and videotaped. They're possibly trying to form an association here at the base. I don't have a problem with unions or associations and you know we have some at a few of the other ambulance bases. My problem is who and how they're doing it. If the staff had been serious, I could've even suggested a couple of contacts at the other bases to help them organize properly and above board. The main people have called in sick for the next two shifts with a GI problem. I want a written report summarizing their activities emailed to me and Rob at the end of each surveillance shift; 24 hour coverage for this job, John."

"Understood, Jared." replied John.

"Now that Liam is known to you guys, John, he needs help with investments for a settlement he had banked away. Can you come down and talk to him in the next couple of days. You can also scope out what is going on here." said Jared.

"I can be there the day after tomorrow. There are a couple of things I need to deal with tomorrow, Jared and unfortunately they can't be delayed. As soon as I'm finished, I'll drive down. Is the spare bedroom still open?" asked John.

"You're more than welcome to stay with us, John. You don't even need to ask." replied Jared.

"Will you wear some fucking clothes when I'm there or have you got Liam doing the nudist thing already?" asked John with a hint of humour in his voice.

Rob looked at him and opened his mouth to speak. "Rob, you say one word and there will be 3 loads dumped at your house." said Jared with a big smile on his face.

"John, he's corrupted me already. He won't let me wear clothing and I have to call him Master." said Liam with a fake pout on his face. The two on the phone were laughing again.

Marlene spoke up, "I think I'm going to like you, Liam."

Jared looked at Liam, "One more word from you and you get the spanking here!"

"We're having thefts of drugs and willful damage done to equipment in our units. I want cameras to record everything in the back of every unit as well as upgrading them around the base. There are some blind spots inside and outside I want covered. Preferably this should be done in the next 2 days while the troublemakers are off sick and I'm thinking they are involved in these problems." directed Jared.

"Yes, sir" John said in voice which indicated deep thought.

"Rob, I want you to direct each of the people who call in sick to get certificates from a doctor to confirm it. We are not required to pay for sick day absenteeism so while they're off, no pay. They are not allowed to return to work until the note is in our possession and our Doctor has confirmed the note with their doctor."

"Yes, sir" Rob said.

"Rob needs a pay raise. Marlene, increase it 40% and add a paid 5 day cruise into his contract yearly, effective today." Jared looked at Rob and said "I need you here, Rob. Understood?"

Both Marlene and Rob said, "Yes, sir."

"Lastly, Liam is to be terminated." Jared then changed his voice in a high pitched one with a terrible lisp, "He has been such a bitch and I can't stand it anymore!"

They could hear John and Marlene loose it on the other end of the phone. Rob was laughing so hard he couldn't catch his breath. Liam was standing there with his hands on hips.

Liam, using the same type of voice Jared had said, "You bitch! If you think you are going anywhere near the bed or me tonight, you're wrong! It's the couch for you, mister, until you change your tune. He wanted me to wear a French maid outfit to clean the house, imagine all of this in that costume! It would be big in the wrong places!"

John and Marlene now could not speak because they were laughing so hard. Rob was on the floor having fallen out his chair. Finally, Liam and Jared lost it too.

After some time, Marlene was heard on the phone, "Liam, I think we're going to get along fine!"

Jared spoke up, "You're both just bitches!" Everything finally settled down where people could talk again.

"Marlene, I have been thinking..." started Jared.

"Oh shit, I hate it when he starts that way." blurted out Marlene.

"As I was saying before being interrupted by my lovely cousin who is almost unemployed, I want you down here tomorrow to help Rob sort out the personnel problems here until you hire a HR person. You can stay at a hotel and troll the bars for potential husbands at night. Although there aren't many young, good looking, rich, low IQ'd and blind....."

Marlene cut him off, "Asshole." Jared started laughing again as did John.

"Ok people, do we have questions? Is Everyone clear on what must be done and in what timeframe?" asked Jared.

Marlene chirped up on the other end of the phone "So what are you doing to help us, Maskwa?"

Jared smiled and looked at Rob, "Who, me? I'm just an ambulance driver. I don't know anything; just ask Liam, he'll back me up. By the way, John and Marlene, did Grandfather tell you Liam is now Mikisow?"

"No, he didn't. Way cool. No wonder you two do so well together with those sprit guides. I can hardly wait to meet him." said Marlene.

Liam spoke up, "You know, Jared; she doesn't sound anywhere near as old and as much of a bitch as you painstakingly described her."

Just as Marlene shrieked from the other end of the phone, Liam shrieked at this end due to Jared grabbing his nipple and twisting it hard.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for the meeting. Marlene, send me a copy of the minutes by email ASAP please. Let's get to it people. I have an ambulance to drive." said Jared.

Everyone said good bye and Rob hung up the phone. Rob stood and stuck out his hand for Jared to shake. When they grasped each other, Jared reached into his mind and saw he was actually happy to see things being fixed and action taken. Rob was thinking to himself his wife was going to be very happy about the cruise. A sudden fear came into Rob's mind about the kids and babysitters.

Rob shook his head and they both sat down. "So where does this leave us Jared? You are my boss." asked Rob.

"By the way, I just had a thought; I am going to change the cruise to a family vacation with all expenses covered. There will be no need for babysitters."

Rob looked at him in deep thought. "I was just thinking that. Thank you Jared."

"I was the one who promoted you if truth be known, Rob. I've been the boss or owner of this place since I was young and it's a long story. But, it can best be summarized as I received a large estate when my parents were killed. John and my grandfather built it up to what it is today, and taught me everything they know. With what they taught me, I diversified the investments and expanded what they had into emergency medical services and security fields. We will never be the world's largest company, but we keep a lot of people employed, and make a little money from it."

Rob just stared and said, "Wow."

"No one except the three of us need to know about this, Rob. Do you have a problem with continuing as we were? After all, Rob, I kept it from you for years. This is your show. I'll step in if I must to protect my employees, the service users, or my investment, but it's your show. I will not interfere with your job and it will be the same as before. You keep talking with John, and now Marlene, as if I don't exist except as your employee. But if you need something, let me know." said Jared.

"I can do that, Jared, and thank you for your help. I have always thought of you as one of the best medics I have ever seen and now I know you are damn good boss, too. Thank you for the raise and benefits. I'll call my wife and let her know what is going on." said Rob.

"Make sure your door is closed please, Rob, and do not use my name, just the boss. I know how women gossip." said Jared.

"No problem." replied Rob.

"Something I really need you to know, Rob, I am not interested in running a business at this point in my life. I know how to do it and enjoy the role I play in the big picture but I truly love my work as a paramedic and healer. That work is my path through life. You have no clue how much I give to various organizations to help them provide services to the people. I have people running the business for me, people like you, Rob. How many people do you know who are the owners of multi-million dollar business and they change disposable diapers for adult patients who have soiled themselves or get puked on by some drunk. My calling and my life is being a paramedic, working shifts like everyone, and trying to heal those who need help." said Jared.

"When you put it that way, Jared, it makes sense. I have to admit I really don't understand why you would still be working on-car and shiftwork when you have other options. But if you enjoy it, go for it." said Rob.

"Rob, it's more than doing it because I like it. It's my calling and purpose on this planet from the Creator." said Jared.

Liam spoke up, "Rob, it's complicated, but I know Jared and I would like you to come up to the cabin for a sweat ceremony. It would help you to understand what Jared means by his path through life. I follow the same path Rob. We were predestined before we were born to help others."

"I have no clue what you guys are talking about but I would love to try it." said Rob.

"Last request of you Rob. Do you have a problem with Liam and I being gay, and a couple?" asked Jared.

"No. I have good friends who are gay. I had no clue about either of you, not that it mattered in the least. I don't have straight written across my forehead, either, so all I knew was you guys were good paramedics and good people." replied Rob.

"We don't deny it but you know how medics talk and gossip." said Jared.

"Like I said, Boss, I have no problem with it." said Rob.

The alarm on their radios warbled so Jared and Liam ran for their unit.

Next: Chapter 9

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