Jared the Paramedic

By Snowblind94

Published on Dec 29, 2022


Jared the Paramedic III Chapter 8

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Jared the Paramedic III ~ Redemption

Copyright © 2018 Snowblind. All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 8: The Gift


The brand new red Agusta Westland AW139 helicopter flew leisurely over the city as the pilots were getting familiar with the equipment and the area.

"We have about 15 minutes to find the ambulance base before the ceremony is supposed to start," the pilot said over the headset to his copilot.

"Tell me you two boneheads aren't lost your first day," squawked Melanie from the back on the headsets.

The pilot and co-pilot laughed and looked towards the back. "I forgot we had the Major on board hitchhiking a ride," said the co-pilot.

The pilot looked over at his co-pilot, "God damn it. You got the fucking map upside down again."

"Does that mean we have to fly upside down?" he replied.

Melanie cut them off, "Don't even think about it or you two will be the first casualties transported in this fling wing. Get your asses to the base."

They both replied, "Yes sir."

The co-pilot went live on the air and said, "This is Life Flight Med Evac Charlie Charlie X-ray Tango in the vicinity of the north side of Harris at 350'.  Heading into ambulance base for a landing, all conflicting traffic please notify." He repeated it three more times.

"Clear to final," said the co-pilot.

"Clear to final acknowledged," replied the pilot. "Hang on Mel, haven't landed this one before."

The both chuckled when her reply was "assholes."

They flew over the base to look over any potential problems.  The pad was operational, and a large group of people were standing a safe distance back.

"This is Life Flight Med Evac Charlie Charlie X-ray Tango in the vicinity of the north side of town on final for the ambulance base, all conflicting traffic advise," the co-pilot broadcast.  On the last circle around the base, the pilot activated the siren underneath the fuselage.  It was the warning he was coming in.

The TV and newspaper crews were filming the beautiful helicopter as it circled and then landed.  One TV reporter commented it was the gentlest landing she had ever seen done by a helicopter.

"This is Life Flight Med Evac Charlie Charlie X-ray Tango at the ambulance base and on the ground," the co-pilot broadcast. It only took a few moments for the helicopter to cool off and shut down.  As the pilots got out, they were met by Jesse, Jack and Jared who gave them warm embraces.  The co-pilot ran around to the back and opened the swing doors, and Melanie hopped out.

Jesse said under breath, "I thought they were going to leave her somewhere?"

"I heard that legal beagle boy," said Melanie as she hugged him.

"I guess I never warned you about her hearing," said Jared chuckling. 

The speeches were done, and the tours were finished. The group was having a catered light lunch when the radios warbled the new signal.

Jared, Liam and the two pilots immediately headed to the helicopter.  Jared closed the back doors after they got in and strapped in next to Liam.

The two pilots jumped in the front and started winding the motor up.

"Dispatch, this is life flight.  We are winding up," said the pilot.

"Life flight, this is dispatch.  We have a single vehicle rollover of a pick-up truck, passenger was ejected from the vehicle.  Highway 323 near 45 junction.  EMS on scene asking for assistance for transport to tertiary care facility."

The pilot was looking at the maps as the copilot acknowledged dispatch.  He then got on the radio and said, "This is Life Flight Med Evac Charlie Charlie X-ray Tango in Harris at the ambulance base, we are a medical emergency helicopter. Lifting off and heading northeast at 1,500' to highway 323/45 in response to an emergency.  All conflicting traffic advise immediately." He called it out two more times. Two light fixed-wings replied and gave their altitudes, location and direction of travel.  No conflicting was heard.  The engines were revved, and the pilot lifted off.  The ambulance company had officially been in possession of the helicopter for 3 hours, and it was on its way to its first call.

The police heard the distinct sound of the AW139 helicopter as it approached from the south-east. It was a dual engine machine with four overhead rotors which give a very unique sound similar to tearing paper. As the helicopter approached, it sounded the yelp siren attached to the underside to call attention to those who hadn't noticed them yet.  They circled the scene high, looking for obstructions and then came in lower when none were observed.  Except for the EMS crew giving care to the patient in the ditch, everyone stopped and looked up at the brand-new red helicopter circling them.  On both sides of the fuselage was a large bear paw print with a four-colour medicine wheel and eagle feathers on it.  Below, the symbol was written Life Flight Air Ambulance CCXT A. They landed on a controlled section of highway between two police cars.

Jared and Liam came out of the back as the engine wound down to an idle.  They had already preloaded the stretcher with equipment and pulled it out of the back. A police officer ran up to meet them when they cleared the rotor areas.

"What you guys got?" yelled Jared at the officer who he didn't recognize.

"The driver is done, no vitals at all.  The 100-gallon slip tank of diesel in the box came through the back of the cab and crushed him.  The passenger was ejected from the vehicle.  Best we can tell at this point without full accident reconstruction is they were doing maybe 140 km per hr and drifted over the centre line and off the left side of the highway.  There's almost no shoulder here, and they went into the ditch.  Unfortunately, there was a field approach there, so they vaulted over it.  They went in nose first over there.  It was a steep vault and they almost went up at 75 degrees."

They had been walking towards the wreck and had arrived at the accident scene as the police officer finished explaining.

Liam looked over at the young officer, "That was one of the best verbal reports I've ever heard Constable.  Thank you."  The young man beamed.

The ambulance crew on scene looked up, the lead medic spoke, "Jared, it's been years since I've seen you and I'm even happier to see you with the new toy."

Jared leaned over the medic shoulder to look at the patient, "Roger, it's been too long.  What you got?"

"Young man aged 21 years old, we have him tubed already, three IV's with 14-gauge needles but after a 500ml bolus, we have 2 at TKO and one at 125 ml per hour.  He has not been conscious, raccoon and battle signs starting to show along with sporadic decerebrate posturing." The medic giving the report flinched as he had said decerebrate posturing.

He continued, "GCS of 8, with extremely sluggish pupils. Back part of head is soft, but intact – not mush and bleeding from the ears.  The rest of him is actually unremarkable except for broken collarbones and wrists."

Jared looked at the medic, "GCS of 8 with what I see?"

"Only because of his pupil reactions Jared.  I know a rock has a GCS of 6, but there is something about this kid – I sense strength in him, he has one last fight in him. A fight to benefit others.  He had an organ donor card in his wallet.  That's why I really called, Jared." Roger's face went slack and his eyes stared into nothing for a few seconds when he had said organ donor card.

Jared felt the words hit him hard as well as Roger said them.  Jared nodded to the medic and began an assessment of him and Jared could now feel something special about this young man as well.  As he did his assessment, Liam was readying the stretcher to strap him in.  The ambulance crew had already collared, boarded and tubed the young man so he basically ready to go.  Jared was listening to the young man breathing and marvelled at how both lungs were clear and the abdomen was soft with no rigidity.  They moved the patient up to the stretcher, and as they were doing up the straps, Liam hooked up the intubation tube to the automated breather. The other paramedic helped to get the one IV hooked into the infusion pump, and set it for a delivery rate of 125 ml per hr.  The other two hung free as if they were needed, they would just be opened wide up for maximum flow as a massive fluid replacement.  They quickly reassessed the patient after the move and found everything as it should have been.  They moved him into the helicopter and secured the stretcher.

Just before they closed the back doors, Roger poked his head in.  "Jared, may you all travel safely."

Jared looked at Roger, "Thanks, cousin.  I beg the same for you and your partner.  Great job you guys did."

"Coming from you, that means a lot cousin."

Roger ran clear of the unit and signalled the firefighter giving directions to the pilots.  The helicopter's motors increased in power and the unit lifted smoothly.  Jared and Liam were working in the back and were only conscious of the pilots speaking into the radio as they did their assessment.

Jared nodded to Liam and placed both his hands on the young man's bare chest.  "Creator, guide my hands to do their best and your work."

Suddenly, he and Liam were standing in the next world with Grandfather.  "Jared, this young man already walks the next world with his ancestors.  Only his physical body remains, and it will benefit so many people with all the parts needed.  What you felt was energy being given to the physical body until it can be taken in for surgery, and the harvest."

Liam's face was pained, and Jared put his arm around his shoulder for comfort.  Finally, Liam said, "Harvest sounds so evil."

"I agree, Grandfather.  It sounds so clinical."

The old man looked at them both with compassion.  "But it is a harvest.  The harvest of a crop of organs and tissues needed by other people. This is no different than the harvest of wheat to make bread and feed the people.  The people need it to continue their lives and to walk their path which they were meant to be on."

"I know Grandfather, it's just hard when the man is so young," said Liam.

The old man smiled, "Yes, it is.  But, he is very happy in the next world with his family and ancestors."

"Thank you for telling us, Grandfather.  We'll radio ahead and advise the hospital," said Jared to his grandfather.

"My grandsons, it was best to tell you this way and explain."

"We are honoured you took the time, Grandfather," said Jared.

Liam added, "And it is truly appreciated."

The old man raised his hand and said, "Peace be with you, Grandsons."

They both replied, "And with you."

They were both back in the helicopter.  Jared immediately got on the cell phone and contacted the hospital.  They would still be treating the young man according to protocols until it had been confirmed brain death had occurred.  Then, the hospital would begin working with the family to make the best decisions.

The helicopter flew quickly and landed at the new pad built at the hospital.  The patient was transferred over to the ER Teams awaiting him, and the paramedics restocked the helicopter supplies.

The pilots were both out helping to clean and restock the unit.  They all talked about the call and the various potential outcomes.  Although sad, it did have the outcome to help many people.  The helicopter lifted off to reposition itself back at the base and top off the tanks. The reception had ended earlier, but Rob and Melanie were waiting for them to return.  They immediately ran out to speak with everyone and helped to push the chopper into the shed. 

The next morning, the young man's parents Emile and Anna came to see the ambulance base.  Jared, Liam and Melanie gave them a tour of the base and the helicopter. The young man's mother reached out and put her hand on the stretcher in the back of the helicopter.  A tear rolled down her cheek as she stared at the empty equipment.  Her husband took her other hand and gently raised it to his mouth to kiss it.

"It's ok, Anna.  We'll get through this," Emile said softly with love.  He turned to the paramedics,

"We wanted to meet the people who brought Brandon home to us."

Melanie took Anna's hands into hers, "We do the best we can.  Brandon was well cared for at the scene, and by Jared and Liam as well.  We just do what we can."

"Please, don't misunderstand me," Anna replied. "We appreciate everything you did for Brandon.  I've heard so many good things about this ambulance service and I know you never hear the compliments directly."

Emile continued, "Our son has one last job to perform; to donate his organs.  There are so many people who will benefit and even live longer lives because of..." Emile's eyes began to water, but he finished with "Brandon giving them what they needed."

Anna put her arm around Emile's waist, "He was our only child.  I couldn't have any more after his birth.  He was a gift from God; we were fortunate to have him for 21 years."

"I wish it could've been a lot longer, but I'm thankful for the time he was with us," added Emile.  "The doctors are keeping his body alive until we have a final visit with Brandon in the hospital today.  They have been absolutely wonderful.  After we leave here, we will go see Brandon for the last time, and say goodbye."

Anna continued, "We just wanted to follow the path of the last trip our son took.  Thank you for letting us see the helicopter and for taking the time to speak with us."

Liam spoke up, "You are both welcome to visit here any time you wish.  We are at your disposal if you need help or just want a cup of coffee."

Anna replied, "Thank you, all of you."

"We know our son is considered to be brain dead, but the surgeons commented how his body was in remarkable shape in spite of the accident," Emile explained.  "Today, they will be harvesting his skin, corneas, lungs, liver, kidneys, heart and various other items to give to people who are dying.  We were told our son would help save up to 50 people with his organs."

"Emile, our boy will continue to live in 50 people."

Both Anna and Emile were very controlled in their conversation, in spite of the tears rolling down their cheeks.

The paramedics took the parents into the lounge and got the coffee pot brewing.  Melanie brought brunch in for everyone as they sat and talked about their son, his life, and their future without him.  At one point, the young man's father became concerned that they were taking up too much time of people at the base.  Jared smiled at the couple, and explained they were working and it was two patients this time.  Two patients who were suffering from grief, and it was their duty to try and help as much as they could.  That brought tears and hugs from both of the parents.

End of Chapter Eight

Questions or comments welcomed. Please send them to Snowblind.

Snowblind's stories can be found at nifty.org and storylover.us.

Next: Chapter 60: Jared the Paramedic III 9

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