Jared the Paramedic

By Snowblind94

Published on Dec 27, 2022


Jared the Paramedic III Chapter 7

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Jared the Paramedic III ~ Redemption

Copyright © 2018 Snowblind. All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 7: Jett


The young man was sitting at the mall food court, watching people like he always did on a Saturday.  Jett was 18 years old, almost 19 and had just finished high school because he started kindergarten late.  Another contributing factor was due to his being left behind a year in grade 6.  The young man wasn't stupid, his priorities were just different.  Jett was more of a fine arts person; specifically music. He also did very well at football in school as well as hockey.  His father was constantly pushing him to do better in sports while discouraging him from music.  His mother supported her son's appreciation for music.  They spent hours together playing the piano, guitar, drums and the flute.  Jett had the ability to hear a tune once, and then not only play it but enhance it.  This was a rare skill often called playing-by-ear.  It was something his mother had, and obviously had passed it onto Jett. His father discouraged him from playing music during football and hockey season but didn't care about the rest of the time.  If it wasn't sports, it wasn't important to him.

His dad had been a Juvenile A player and was headed for the NHL until an accident on the farm ended that while working during the summer. He was transferring some grain from the bin to semi-truck when the auger quit working.  He had complained to his father about the auger numerous times but was ignored or told to "get it done" or "make it work." The auger had jammed again so his dad had ducked under the bin to take a look.  He was sure it was the bushings again and tried whacking the exposed auger with the shovel to get it going.  Usually, this worked, but this time it didn't.  He had run to the truck and grabbed the tire mallet to try that as well.  He just couldn't get enough swing, so he thought if he could use the heal of his boot it would shift enough to start moving again.

The guards and safety screens of the auger had been long removed and lost because his dad (Jett's grandfather) had thought they slowed down the grain transfer.  So he moved in closer, and using the heel of his cowboy boots, kicked the auger screw hard. The second time was unsuccessful as well.  The third time it started up, and the auger immediately began rotating. He had loaded the back trailer and was now working on the front trailer when the auger jammed again.  The problems loading had put him behind schedule and he knew he was going to get shit from his dad for being slow.  He crawled under and gave the auger the hardest kick he could, and it started again.  But this time it trapped his left coverall pantleg and sucked his foot into the screw.  It only took a moment, and his foot past the ankle was missing.  He screamed and pulled back, ripping the coverall leg off.  That allowed him to move free of the screw.

His hockey career ended that day, but he tried to relive it through his son.  Jett's dad still ran the farm, and although the left prosthetic didn't slow him down in life – it prevented him from making the NHL.  He had a second or third cousin in the paramedic program right now and although his dad discouraged communication with his mother's side, they chatted via text or skype regularly.  His cousin had told Jett about Jared and Liam being at the course teaching occasionally too.

Jett had 2 younger brothers and 2 older sisters. The two sisters were away at university and his younger brothers were at home still in school.  All the boys were in hockey, with the greatest hope on Jett to make the NHL.

Jett never went to parties, unless his teammates came and pulled him out to one.  He socialized but stayed on the edges of everything using hockey or football as an excuse to leave early or for being busy.  In many ways, it was the perfect circumstances to avoid social interaction.

Jett had been in the class at the high school when Marci, Jared and Liam had done their career day presentation.  Being a paramedic had interested him as a career choice, but it wasn't even discussed with his dad because of the emphasis on hockey.  He had brought it up at the dinner table one night, and his dad had shut him down quick.  His mother tried to keep the discussion going but her husband shut her down quick too and changed the subject.

Jett was 5'10', 185 lbs and solid.  He worked out but didn't pack muscles.  He had brown eyes and dark brown hair.  He kept it bleached blonde on the ends, short on the sides and bushy/long on the top.  He constantly wore a beaded necklace and a leather lace around his neck, given to him by his maternal grandfather when he was young.  When his shirt was off, he had no hair on his chest, but a distinct treasure trail leading down from his umbilicus.  He had very little facial hair, but his white teeth usually freely shown in a smile.

Jett was sitting at the coffee table, sipping his coffee, just watching people walk by.  He had the business card Liam had given him after the career day session after he had apologized to Marci for being an idiot.  Many Saturdays, Jett had sat at the food court with the business card, trying to build up the nerve to phone Liam and speak with him.  Liam had seemed to know and even understand he was confused about many things in his life, with no one to discuss them with. Once again, he had the card out and was staring at it.  The voice behind him startled Jett.

"You know it's easier to phone than trying to send a message telepathically."

Jett jumped and turned quickly to see Liam standing there in uniform, with a cup of coffee.

"I come here often for their Guatemalan, Costa Rican or Panamanian fresh roasted coffee.  How are you, Jett?"

"Liam," the young man stammered.

"May I join you?"

"Yes sir, please do."

Liam sat quickly, leaned over and whispered, "You call me sir again I will slap the back of your head so hard and fast you will see your eyeballs bounce across the room."

"Yes si...Liam.  What are you doing here?" he asked nervously.  "I mean, you can..."

"Jett, take it easy.  I'm here to pick up a few things to terrorize my cousin at work with. She's away this week, and I picked her office door so I can set up practical jokes."

The younger man chuckled.

"I've seen you play hockey a few times at the rink while were on standby there.  You're definitely a good player."

Jett looked at his cup, "Yeah, I am or, so I'm told."

"It was a coincidence I was here today and spotted you, but then I saw the card you were holding.  Almost like we were meant to meet today, but you don't believe in that do you?"

"I don't know what to believe."  Jett hesitated for a moment, "I wanted to call but I felt like such an asshole after that day..."

"I have no clue what you're talking about, and If I did know, it would be water under the bridge and forgotten."

"Liam, how can you do that so easily?  I mean, forgive me?  I was a total asshole that day."

"Jett, in the scheme of life, being an asshole for one moment, in one day, in one lifetime is insignificant.  Especially when you never do it again because you learned not to be an asshole.  It was a bad decision, and easy to forgive and forget."

"When you put it that way..."

Liam smiled at the young man, "Of course I'm right. I'm always right."

"Are you here alone?  I mean, are you here with anyone else?"

"I'm old enough to go to the mall on my own now, Jett."

Jett chuckled, "I didn't mean it that way."

"Look, I'm a smart ass all the time.  I'm sorry to give you a rough time."

Jett smiled at the man sitting across from him.  "It's alright, I appreciated that from you the first day we met.  That, and your honesty."

"I sensed that day you needed someone to talk with, and I have been waiting for your phone call.  Look, what are you doing this evening?"

"It's Friday and no hockey or football anymore. So, nothing."

Liam stood up, "Come on.  Come for dinner with my husband and me."

"You two are married now?"


"Cool, but I have my bike with me."

"We can throw it in the back of the SUV.  We have to go get Jared at the ambulance base and I need to change anyway."

The two men left the mall and headed to the ambulance base. Jett was sheepish when he saw Jared with Marci but was overwhelmed when they were as forgiving as Liam.  Soon enough, he was asking Marci all kinds of questions about her job while Liam and Jared changed out of their uniform.

Jett had never been to Pierre's restaurant before and felt slightly out of place.  Pierre put him at ease as the three men ordered their food.  Liam wanted 'Death by Chocolate' but Jared ignored


Jett, Jared and Liam were all small talking and getting to know each other.  The dinner didn't take very long to arrive for the three hungry men.

"Jett, watch the food on your plate or Liam will swipe the good stuff," Jared warned.

Liam put his hands on both hips and began to fake indignation. "Well, I never!" When he turned back to his meal Liam was surprised to see his steak missing.  He looked up at Jett who had it impaled on his fork and hanging over his own plate. 

"Jared, I have two younger brothers and two older sisters.  There are eight of us fighting for food at the farm kitchen table.  He's got nothing on me for sneaking food off of a plate."

The look of shock on Liam's face was real as he realized he'd been had.  "Son of...  I didn't even see you move to get it."

"Years of practice at a farm table, especially when the cousins are all there for a dinner."

Jared started to laugh, "Give it back to him or he'll pout all evening."

Liam grabbed the steak off Jett's fork and put it back on his plate, "I will not pout."

Jett and Jared looked at each other and started to sing, "Meow meow meow meow meow meow" of the Friskies Meow Mix Song.

Liam watched them as he chewed on a piece of steak, "You're both bastards."  He promptly stuck his tongue out at both Jett and Jared.

They finished their meal with idle chat, joking and funny comments when Jett finally looked at Liam and said, "So I'm thinking I'm about ready to say why I was thinking about calling you."

Liam looked at him, "Anytime is a good time, Jett. We're both here to help if we can."

"I know that, really I do, Liam."  The young man took a deep breath and simply said, "I'm maybe more bisexual, I don't know."

Liam smiled, "Ok, have you've been with both?"

"Yes, a couple of times."

Liam had a mischievous look on his face for a second before asking, "There is something I have to ask you because I've never been with a woman nor do I plan on doing it in the future."  Liam appeared to be building up the courage to ask the question, and finally asked, "Do they really have teeth in their vagina?"

Jett's face went blank in shock.  Jared tried to stifle his laughter but couldn't.

Jared finally said, "I've always wanted to know that too. I mean, if they have teeth, aren't you afraid... to have sex?  Won't they bite your dick off if they sneeze."

Jett finally lost it in laughter as well.  A few moments later, Liam spoke.  "Jett, thank you for telling us about you.  What can we do to help you?"

"It was easier than I thought it would be."

Jared smiled, "It is as you were created, and you're just confirming what you knew inside of you.  We both appreciate how hard it is to accept something like that, especially with the social stigma you will face."

"So if I decide I'm actually gay, it's no big deal to change from bisexual?"

Liam spoke this time, "Jett, just like Jared said, it is as you were created so at this point don't worry about labels.  In many ways, you are fortunate to be alive in this time and in this part of the world; regardless of the conservative wacko's and the new President in the US.  There are problems, and there may be a rocky path to follow in your life but it is much better today because of all the LGBTQ2 people who have blazed the trail for you."

Jared took over, "My husband is right.  In many places it is still not a right to be married to the same sex, but it has come a long way.  You are what you are, don't worry about a label.  But, there is something else on your mind, isn't there?"

Jett looked at the two men, "I don't want to be in the NHL."

"May I ask why you don't want to be in the NHL?" Jared inquired.

Jett hesitated but finally stated the obvious "There are no open LGBTQ2 players in the league, and although they say they are ready, the entire sport is strongly homophobic.  Even the junior team members are always telling jokes, accusing each other of being gay, and using it as a put-down.  Just the other day one of the guys I grew up with made the comment that gays shouldn't be allowed to play sports."

Jared and Liam looked at the young man for a moment. Finally, Liam asked, "There is more to this than you've said so far, isn't there?"

"Well, my father will accept my sexuality at some point after a lot of anger.  But, I don't want to play in the NHL and that will destroy him.  He will blame my sexuality on destroying my chance in hockey, and he is really living his dream through me."  Jett took a deep breath before continuing, "He will hate me for not playing hockey." Jett looked mischievously at the two men across from him before speaking in a squeaky high voice, "But, Father, I don't really want any of that."

Liam looked up and smirked as he spoke in a low deep voice, "Listen, lad, I built this kingdom up from nothing.  All I had when I started was a swamp... other kings said I was daft to build a castle on a swamp, but I built it all the same... just to show 'em.  It sank into the swamp.  So I built another one... that sank into the swamp.  I built another one... That fell over and THEN sank into the swamp... So I built another... and that one stayed up... And that's what you're gonna get, lad: the most powerful kingdom in this island."

"Save me, they're both Monty Python Holy Grail fans," Jared lamented.

Jett continued, "But I don't want any of that, I'd rather..."

"Rather what?" said Liam with a terrible English accent.

"I'd rather... just... sing..." as Jett extended his arm upward.  He opened his mouth, but Jared cut him off.

"You sing at this table I will put both of you over my knee for a lickin'."

Jett and Liam looked at each and then said at the same time, "You promise?"

"God help me, Liam has found a twin," mumbled Jared as he held his head with both hands.

"Liam, what do you call two Mexicans playing basketball?" asked Jett.  "Juan on Juan."

"Ok Jett, I accept the challenge.  What do you call a fake noodle?" Liam retorted. "An impasta."

"Oh yeah Liam, what do you call a fish with no eye?" Jett sat and stared at Liam waiting for an answer.

"I give up."

"That's easy, it's a fsh."

Jared had his elbows on the table, holding his head in his hands.  Pierre, the owner of the restaurant approached the table; Jared looked up and smiled as he saw the man approaching.  "Thank god, save me from these two."

Pierre asked, "Ok Liam, what do you call cheese that's not yours? Nacho cheese."

Jared rested his forehead on the table.

"Ok Pierre, what happens if life gives you melons? You're dyslexic," Liam replied.

Pierre leaned on the table, "You think you're so smart.  Why did the man lose his job at the orange juice factory?  He couldn't concentrate."

Jared sat up straight, "Ok, Ok, Ok, you win Liam. I give in to you." He turned to Pierre.  "Quick, an order of death by chocolate."

Liam sat back and gave a thumbs up to Jett, "Told you we could wear him down to get the chocolate dessert."  Jett and Liam touched fists.

The three men ate their meals.  Jett laughed, told jokes and his real inner personality shone through for Liam and Jared to see.  It didn't take long for them to realize Jett was a very intelligent, quick-witted but acutely sensitive young man.  His self-concept was very fragile, and the direct result of an overbearing father who was living his lost dreams through his son's skills, and potential career. Jared also believed Jett did want to play in the NHL, but it was the understanding of his sexuality which was causing the problem for him.  Before they dropped Jett and his bike at home, the young man was invited to get to know their little brothers.  Jett was quite happy to be able to meet some other people who were gay and his age.  They invited him out to the cabin in the future to spend the weekend with the family.  Jett was very, very happy he had finally been able to speak with Liam and Jared.  He also realized he should've called sooner. 

Melanie and Dawn had worked together to fill two pie plates with whip cream from the aerosol can.  They had gone into the dispatcher's area and set it up with a very helpful Maria who would start the events rolling shortly.

Jared was behind the desk in his office working on the computer.  His husband was sitting in one of the office chairs auditing the patient care reports from the other shifts.  Both of their radios warbled the call for advanced life support.  As usual, Liam was the first out the door.  He liked to drive the ambulance.  This time, he came out of the office, turned to walk down the hallway when he was hit in the face with a creampie.  He stopped in shock, but not enough shock to miss the sound of a phone taking pictures.  Jared came quickly around the corner only to focus on Liam standing still with tin pie plate containing whip cream stuck to his face.  He was so focused on Liam he missed Dawn behind him, which was the opportunity she needed.  Jared got the second pie in the face.  Both men stood there in shock, especially when the dispatcher cut in on their radios to cancel the call.  The warble had been hit by accident she explained.  Neither man believed Marie as she was laughing the entire time she explained it.

Neither Jared or Liam had washed their faces yet as the photos were sent out far and wide by Melanie.  The comments began to be posted on Twitter and Snapchat almost as fast.  As Jared washed his husband's face, he stared into Liam's eyes.  They may have been a beautiful blue, but it was obvious they were deep both in thought and plans for revenge.  The evil smile on Liam's face confirmed Jared's assessment of his husband. The only comment spoken by the two was Liam who said, "My turn."

End of Chapter Seven

Questions or comments welcomed.  Please send them to Snowblind.

Snowblind's stories can be found at nifty.org and storylover.us.

Next: Chapter 59: Jared the Paramedic III 8

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