Jared the Paramedic

By Snowblind94

Published on Dec 23, 2022


Jared III Chapter 6

Jared the Paramedic III ~ Redemption

Copyright © 2018 Snowblind. All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 6: Doubt

Liam had painstakingly set Melanie's office with a trap. From under the chair, he had inserted a balloon and filled it up with a special gas. He had also put a couple of the balloons on the back of the drawers in the filing cabinet and the desk. Liam had obtained a cylinder of gasses used for testing gas monitors in the oil patch or confined space entry into hazardous conditions. The gas contained exact amounts of different gasses for testing the sensors and their accuracy. The gas which Liam was after was the H2S or ethyl mercaptan used to create what was called stench gas. It took very little of the ethyl mercaptan to add a strong odour to 10,000 gallons of propane or natural gas. It's the ethyl mercaptan you smell when raw propane or natural gas escapes.

Melanie sat down on her chair and immediately felt something break under her butt. She was confused and trying to sort out what had happened when the smell hit her.

She exclaimed "Oh my god," through the hand over her mouth as she ran into the hallway gagging. Rob and Dawn came running when they heard her.

Robb smelled the odour, "Mel, what the hell did you eat last night?" he said as gagged.

"It wasn't me, I sat down in the chair and something popped under the leather."

Dawn was chuckling, "Whoever smelt it, dealt it."

"Oh piss off. This has to be Liam," stated Mel.

"For what, it smells like a fart – like you were out all night drinking beer, eating pickled eggs with baked beans," said Rob as he began laughing. "As an ex-military type, you would be quite capable of that."

"The little bastard is way more devious than I thought."

Dawn added, "He's really keeping you on your toes, isn't he."

"He's going to pay for this, big time."

"That reminds me, Mel, can I have the file with the radio use contract. I need to check on a couple of provisions," asked Dawn.

"Top drawer of the cabinet, alphabetical," replied Melanie.

Dawn went to the filing cabinet and pulled the top drawer open. It was strange, but there was some resistance at first and then she thought she heard a 'pop'. It only took a second before the smell of rotten eggs hit her.

"Oh god, Mel..."

"The little bastard rigged the filing cabinet too," exclaimed Mel. Then with a sly smile added, "He really is good, isn't he?"

Robb was laughing as he began to walk away, but not before saying "You two are on your own here."

The two women said at the same time, "Pussy."

Melanie sat behind her desk and slowly opened the top right drawer. Nothing happened, but when she closed it, an audible but soft pop was heard.

"Son of a bitch," exclaimed Melanie. "I think today is a field day and not an office day."

"Leave the window open too," suggested Dawn.

Patrick, Nikita and Trevor were out for a run. Patrick had been lonely with Adam away so much and everyone else back at school or work. He had begun to develop a friendship with Nikita and Trevor as they lived fairly close to him in town. They had begun to work out together, run together and watch movies some nights at their apartment. They always met at the self-defence classes as well, and both Trevor and Nikita had begun to display much more confidence in themselves as time progressed. They both were progressing quite well in the classes and were moving up through the belts.

Patrick sensed how close his two new friends had become, he could see it in their auras. The three young men had latched onto each other and found they had a natural chemistry between them. Patrick had not realized how lonely his two new friends were until they had talked one night. Neither of the two had anyone except the other, and they were very happy to have some friends. In fact, Nikita and Trevor fit right in with everyone in the tribe. Although the two young men knew everyone socially, they were not aware of how special their friends really were.

The trail system along the river had a series of challenges. At each challenge site, there was an area to complete a specific task such as push-ups, pull-ups, side to side hurdle jumps, or squat-thrust-stands. With the three young men beginning to bulk up, there was beginning to be a fair amount of good-natured competitiveness at the stations. The pull-up station was one of the harder stations, the way they completed it. The technique they established was to use the standard grip, full extension down, chin had to be at the bar level when up and must maintain good form. This is a very difficult exercise for anyone, but each of them had built up to completing 10 proper pull-ups.

Trevor was grunting loudly as he completed his 10th pull-up and dropped to stand on the ground. He began to shake out the pain in his arms. "Damn that burns."

Nikita smiled at his new boyfriend, "You've got much better at them, Trevor."

"I'm outgrowing my clothes," Trevor answered as he was rubbing his growing upper arms.

Patrick was doing sit-ups as he answered, "But it's outgrowing your clothes in a good way."

Trevor smiled at Patrick, and then Nikita, "I like what it's doing to me as well, and you too Nicky. My beautiful little Russian."

Nikita moved to him for a big hug, and kiss. "Here is my heart, and it is full of love for you."

Patrick jumped up after completing 25 sit-ups, "Let's get moving to the next stage."

"How far we going tonight?" asked Trevor as he and Nikita began to run down the trail.

"Let's do two more stations and call it a night. I actually have a final exam to review for," replied Patrick.

Nikita put one hand on Patrick's shoulder, "You study enough and get good marks all the time. I wish I had the smarts you have Patrick."

Patrick chuckled at Nikita as he looked around and realized this part of the trail ran through a residential area and along the main road. Something he had noticed that his friend could speak with a very pleasant, almost erotic Russian accent, or he could turn it on to sound like a Russian who just learned English. Before he could answer back to Nikita, he heard a vehicle skidding on the pavement nearby followed almost simultaneously by a thump and a scream.

The three young men turned to look at what had caused the noise and observed a car stopped on the front lawn of a house across the street. Sticking out from under the passenger side of the car was a set of legs belonging to someone. The three young men began to run to the accident site as Trevor called 911 on his cell phone.

The driver was still sitting behind the wheel and trying to start the engine. The driver didn't realize it was in vain as the impact had been with enough force to shut off the fuel pump emergency switch. He had hit a brick pillar at the end of the laneway before skidding over the person standing nearby. The momentum of the vehicle continued onto the lawn, dragging the person pinned beneath it.

They arrived at the vehicle as the driver was trying to get out, but he hadn't undone his seatbelt. When Nikita and Trevor got to the driver's door they could both smell alcohol.

"Patrick, he's drunk and trying to get out. What do we do?" asked Nikita quickly.

"See if you can keep him in the vehicle, stall him for the police to arrive. I'm going to try and see what I can do for the person under the car," answered Patrick. He moved to the passenger side and down to his knees. The legs probably belonged to a woman but he wasn't positive. He tried to get under the vehicle to see what was going on but couldn't fit. Patrick was beginning to panic, he didn't know what to do. It was at this time some neighbours showed up to help. Two older neighbours took over for Nikita and Trevor who ran to Patrick. There were sirens in the distance approaching quickly. Patrick could only think of one thing, to get the car off the person so the paramedics could help her.

Patrick moved to the side of the car and squatted, placed his hands under the car frame and took a deep breath. "Nicky, Trev; when I lift, pull the person by the feet clear of the car."

"That will never work Patrick," replied Nikita in a panic. "It's too heavy for us."

Trevor added, "We can wait for more people to come and help."

Patrick faced his two friends and replied very calmly, "You need to believe in yourself, and try the hardest you can at whatever you do."

Nikita looked at Patrick and said, "I'll help you and Trev can pull them."

Patrick nodded and moved so they were squatted on each side of the victim. The two men heard the police and ambulance skid to a stop.

Patrick closed his eyes, and said, "Creator, I beg of you to guide my hands and body to do your work." He immediately felt something similar to a caffeine rush through his body. Patrick called out "I-2-3-lift."

Nikita had closed his eyes while and lifted as much as he could. When he felt the car lifting, he opened his eyes to look at the movement.

"It's lifting Patrick," he yelled through his clenched teeth.

Patrick replied "I... feel... itttttttttt..." He took another deep breath and lifted more. The one side of the vehicle lifted to the point where is legs were straight, and it was enough to pull the victim out. The lawn was damp from a recent watering which made it easier to pull her out.

Nikita had opened his eyes for a moment to check on Patrick, and just for a split second, he could have sworn Patrick's eyes were glowing. But Patrick had closed them again as he made the last part of the lift.

A moment later, Patrick heard Trevor yell, "She's clear Patty, drop it."

Patrick yelled out, "Nikita, 1-2-3-drop." The two young men dropped the vehicle and stepped back. They looked at each other and immediately grasped each other in a tight hug. They felt Trevor join them. A moment later they stood back to look at what had happened.

Two police officers were dealing with the driver who was claiming he hadn't been drinking nor was he actually the driver. He said the driver had run across the street and down the river bank. He wasn't believed as the police cuffed him.

Troy and Marci were working on the victim which appeared to be a woman approximately 30 years old. They had intubated her and were giving her breathing support with a bag valve. Two more paramedics ran from another unit parked on the street to help Tyler.

The three young men moved to the sidewalk and away from the accident scene.

Nikita and Trevor were bouncing from what they had done to help. Patrick stood and watched, massaging his upper arms carefully. He stood there wishing he could do more to help Tyler.

Nikita said Patrick three times, each louder than the previous one to get his attention. Patrick turned his head to look at his friends.

"Are you ok Patrick?" his Russian friend asked.

"Yes, sorry, I'm fine. I was just in deep thought. Are you two ok?"

"Yes, we're fine. I can't believe we lifted the vehicle," Nikita said again loudly.

The neighbours who had arrived to help came over to shake the hands of the three young men.

The one neighbour said, "I don't know what the hell you guys eat for food but I cannot believe you lifted the car like that."

Nikita replied with an excited voice, heavy in accent, "We have been working out lots for the past few months. That's what did it."

"It was impressive," the neighbour said. "The newspaper guy had arrived and got pictures of you guys. He said it was impressive and would probably be in the paper in the morning."

Patrick looked at the man and shrugged his shoulders. "We just did what we could to help." The young man knew he needed to speak with Jared about Nikita and Trevor; he needed some guidance.

Jared was sitting in his office at the ambulance base, sorting through training records of employees. He really didn't like paperwork, and he was frustrated at the amount of paperwork in the Trainer position. Jared had even been thinking of resigning his position to just work full time on the ambulance again. A knock at his office door startled him.

Jared looked up to see Patrick standing in the doorway. "I'm sorry to bother you, Jared; I can come back later if you're busy?"

Jared realized the frustration of the paperwork must be showing on his face and smiled. He got up quickly and embraced the young man. "Patrick, you are never a bother to me. In fact, you are saving me from this paperwork."

The young man looked into Jared's eyes and asked, "Are you sure? You didn't look very happy."

Jared cut him off, "I'm frustrated with the amount of paper I have to deal with, not you Patrick. Please, come in."

"Thanks, Jared."

Jared's office had two couches and an armchair just inside the door, and he moved to the chair. Patrick sat down on the couch, and after Jared closed the door, sat in the armchair nearest to Patrick.

"So what's up, little brother?"

Patrick quickly began to explain the accident verbally for a couple of minutes before he abruptly stopped. The young man raised his hand up, palm facing Jared and his fingers spread apart. Jared smiled, then brought his hand up, palm to palm. The connection and Patrick's memories were shared instantly. Both Patrick and Jared were standing in the middle world.

"You had a busy afternoon, little brother."

"Jared, I did what I had to do. But, I don't know if Nick saw me as I used my gift to lift the car."

"Did he say anything to you? Ask any questions?"

"None at all, Jared. I really enjoy being with the two of them, they're becoming very good friends to me. I'm scared I'll do something in front of them to help someone and scare them away."

"Patrick, you're really afraid of breaching our trust with using your gifts in front of them."

"Yes, Jared."

"Little brother, I have complete trust in you to do the right thing."

"But, if I make a mistake..."

"Patrick, we were given our gifts because of our pure spirit. The pure spirit is made up of many things, but not one of them is being perfect in our lives. No one is ever expected to be perfect in everything they do. We all make poor choices or mistakes at times. It's how we deal with the poor choice or mistake afterwards which truly proves if a person is pure spirit or not."

"Do you think I made a mistake?"

Jared reached out and grasped Patrick by the upper arm, "You did what you needed to do, little brother."

"Thank you, Jared. It's a big responsibility that was given to me."

"You are never given anything more than you can handle, Patrick. We have faith in you to do the best you can. Maybe we should invite Nikita and Trevor out for a sweat with us. What do you think about that idea?"

"I would like that. We have a lot of fun together."

"Yes, I still remember the night all of you got together for some fun. Whose idea was that to go drinking that night?"

Patrick looked at his feet for a moment before looking up and saying with a smile, "I plead the fifth?"

Jared started to laugh, "Patty, you little brat. Your secret is safe with me. You forgot that we are mind-linked..."

"DOH!" the young man replied. The two men were back in Jared's office as their hands separated. "I still have a lot to learn about mind links."

Jared laughed. "Yes, when we are linked, the moment we think it is shared. But, no worries Patrick. That night is just a memory for you to be terrorized by us for the rest of your life."

Patrick turned red, "It was fun."

Jared laughed, "I know. I've been known to have done similar in my past as well."

"You mean your younger days, Jared? Like before electricity?"

"You little shit," replied Jared as he quickly moved to tickle Patrick's ribs. After tussling on the couch for a moment, Jared pinned Patrick. He then gave the young man a noogie before letting him go free. Patrick was so focused on Jared he didn't hear Troy sneak in behind him. The young man screamed as he was given a wedgie.

Marci came running around the corner when she heard the scream. "Oh, it's not what I thought, just Patrick."

Troy was still holding Patrick up by the gitch on his tippy toes, "Nothing to see here, move along please."

"Help me!" Patrick managed to squeak out.

Marci acted as if nothing unusual was happening and asked "Troy, are we going out for lunch?"

Patrick was heard to say, "Aacckkkk."

Jared asked, "Can I come too?"

"Help! Balls... almost... in... stomach."

"Sure," replied Marci. "Are you buying?"

"Never... having... children."

"Marci, you've been hanging around Troy and Tyler too much," Jared replied laughing.

"Gonna... fart," was all Patrick had to say finally before Troy finally let him down. Without hesitation, he pulled his jeans down to his knees to adjust his boxer briefs.

Marci laughed, "OMG Patrick, you're wasting that on me."

In a high-pitched voice, he replied, "Better buy me lunch, too."

Troy put his hand on Patrick's shoulder, "Don't worry. When you hit puberty your voice will drop."

"You mean a second time?" asked Patrick. "At least this time it's just waiting for my balls to drop."

"My virgin ears!" cried Marci.

Patrick pulled his pants back up, buckled his belt and stood with his hands on his hips. "Where we going for lunch?"

Jared laughed, "That was a fast recovery. Ok, Chinese, Vietnamese, Ukrainian, American, or road kill?"

Patrick and Troy both answered, "Cabbage rolls."

Marci rolled her eyes. "Oh god Troy; you're going to be fun to work with this afternoon after that lunch."

Jared stood and moved to the door, "Ok, we'll go to Baba's House for Ukrainian smorg. You two head over and I'll bring the little guy with me."

"I'm the same height now, Jared."

"That's not what I was talking about Patrick."

Marci made a fist and touched knuckles with Jared as she said "Burn! From what I saw, I'll back you up, Jared."

Patrick stuck his tongue out at them all before asking, "Can I drive?"

Jared smiled, "I may be old, but not stupid. Not a damn chance."

Patrick stuck his lower lip out in an exaggerated pout.

Jared used his finger to point at the end of Patrick's nose "You pout, you go in the corner and miss lunch."

Patrick grabbed Jared tightly, looked into his face with big puppy dog eyes, "I love you, Dad."

Jared gave him a hug in response, before smacking his ass, "Get in the SUV."

Patrick yipped all the way down the hall. He was sitting in the passenger side front seat of the SUV when Jared, Melanie and Rob came out. The young man saw them, put his seat belt on, locked the door and wedged himself into the seat. Rob chuckled and mentioned he had this to look forward when his kids turned into teenagers. Melanie got in behind Patrick, and immediately began to pull at his hair, poke the back of his head, reach around to jab his ribs and finally a wet willy.

The five of them sat back in their chairs after finishing the meal. Patrick was rubbing his stomach; Troy was holding his as if he was in pain. The other four almost heaved when Patrick asked about dessert.

Melanie looked across the table at the young man, "You had a bowl of borscht..."

"With sour cream," Patrick added.

"Perogies and cabbage rolls..." Melanie continued.

Patrick smirked as he added, "With mushroom sauce."

"A plate of Nalysynky, Beef filled Pyrizhky."

"And a couple of cabbage filled as well."

"Dill potatoes, stuffed potato pancakes..."

"With onions. Don't forget the sausage and kielbasa."

"Along with beef stew, salmon and pickled herring."

The young man smiled as he locked eyes with Melanie. "That about summarizes it."

"You're still hungry?" she asked incredulously.

"Maybe not. But, if you had a mint which was wafer thin..."

Melanie's face became stern, "Oh no you don't. Don't you dare start quoting Monty Python and Mr. Creosote. No way."

Jared snickered at his cousin's comment.

"I don't understand that English humour or why you guys think it's funny."

Troy nudged Patrick as he began to quietly sing, "Sit on my face and tell me that you love me."

Marci and Patrick joined him as they continued:

I'll sit on your face and tell you I love you, too.

I love to hear you moralize,

When I'm between your thighs;

You blow me away!

Sit on my face and let my lips embrace you.

I'll sit on your face and let my love be truly.

Life can be fine if we both sixty-nine,

And we'll sit on our faces in all sorts of places and play,

'Till we're blown away!

Melanie held up her hand while shaking her head. "Check please."

Rob changed the subject, "Patrick, how do you stay so skinny?"

Troy raised his hand like a school kid, "Alex, I'll take chasing squirrels for 500."

Marci asked, "Do you guys have a large hamster wheel at the village to keep him busy running?"

Jared looked pensive, "Not a bad idea."

Marci added, "Maybe a gravity food and water feeder too."

"I'll eat out of any food dispenser that has food like this," Patrick chimed in.

The radios on the table warbled the dispatch tone for Marci and Troy. They grabbed their radios, and the last thing the remaining people at the table heard was Marci say "I'm driving" followed by Troy's answer "We don't have the booster seat for you to see over the dash so I'm driving" as the restaurant door closed. A moment later, the ambulance left the parking lot with its lights and siren activated for traffic on its way to an unconscious person in the park downtown, with Marci driving. Troy was rubbing the back of his head in the passenger seat. Jared paid the bill, drove the rest back to the base.

Jared sat down at his desk and stared at the paperwork. Just before he started back, he thought to himself, "Why did I end up in this position? I just want to work in the field. Maybe it is time to walk away from it and live quietly at the cabin. Why is my path in life becoming clouded to me?" He stared at the paper, sighed as he thought, "If I could just give my gifts to someone..." Jared stared at the mound of paper on his desk for a long time before he returned to working on it.

End of Chapter Six

Comments Appreciated at Snowblind

Next: Chapter 58: Jared the Paramedic III 7

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