Jared the Paramedic

By Snowblind94

Published on Dec 10, 2018


Jared the Paramedic III Chapter 3

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Disclaimer: All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. The following contains scenes of explicit scenes involving male sex and in a variety of consensual activities. But if you're looking for non-stop sex then this isn't the story for you. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed any further. The characters are entirely fictitious and are not based on anyone who has or is still living.

This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit written permission from the author.

Jared the Paramedic III: RedemptionBy: Snowblind
Editor: Aquenon

Chapter 3: Family Dinner

Kat and Shawn were escorted into the small banquet room at the Chinese restaurant. They found Jesse, Jack, and the restaurant owner all rapidly conversing in Mandarin. Molly came running over.

"Kat, it's so good to see you again."

"Molly, it's always a pleasure to see you again. It was wonderful when Jesse called and said you guys were coming to town tonight and that dinner was on him."

Shawn mumbled, "Dinner on anyone is good by me."

"I agree with Shawn," said Molly laughing. "So how have my boys been? Are they treating you well?"

"I hear Liam has Melanie on the run with practical jokes," Kat replied. "The rest have been very busy and not much time to raise hell."

"Don't forget Kat," said Shawn. "Jared has been by a couple times with donuts for the staff, and then fruit trays too."

"Yes, he seems to be piling up goodwill," Kat replied in deep thought.

"Hmm, very suspicious Kat. I agree," said Molly.

Jack wandered over and extended his hand to Shawn. "Good to see you again Shawn, you too Kat. Now, no planning evil things against the boys tonight."

Both Kat and Molly said, "Damn."

Jesse came over to join them. "How ya doing, guys?"

Kat looked at Jesse in his jeans, sandals, and Saskatchewan Roughrider football jersey. "We dressed up tonight did we?"

"In a way," replied Jesse. "I was wearing a Toronto Blue Jays shirt earlier today."

"Do you even own a suit any more, Jesse?" said a frustrated Molly.

"Three of them. I have a white three-piece suit for disco dancing like John Travolta; a blue and white leisure suit Herb Tarlek at WKRP would be proud of and the third suit is a velvet Nehru jacket I got from India."

Molly stood there with her mouth open, "I am really not sure if you're joking or not." Jack was smiling.

Zane came in exactly at that time with a grocery bag. "Here Jesse, you wanted this."

"You got the suit?"

"Yes, it was easy."

Molly was trying to get a look at the bag, "What type of suit would you have in a grocery bag?"

Zane was proud of acquisition. "A fairly new one... only used once. But now we have two of the exact same ones so we can dress the same."

Molly looked at Jesse, "USED?"

"Zane has taught me the importance of the dollar and of being frugal," Jesse replied.

Jack laughed, "Jesse, you were just cheap before. What does that make you now?"

"Responsible," replied Zane with a smirk.

"Let me see the used suit you got which has only been used once," demanded Molly.

Zane looked at Jesse, "Almost missed this one Jesse. I was a few minutes late."

"It's not singed is it Zane?" Jesse asked with concern.

Both Molly and Kat were staring at the two men. Finally, Kat said, "I have to ask, where the hell do you get a used only once suit that could get singed."

Zane stood proudly, "On Wednesdays, the crematorium has a sale on them."

Kat, Shawn, and Molly stood there with mouths open, eyes wide and fixed on the two young men.

"It's great. They let us know when the right sizes will be available. They're ready for tailoring as the suits are just pinned for sizes for the viewing without real tailoring," explained Zane.

Molly and Kat were still staring at the two young men, unable to speak. Zane opened the grocery bag, reached in and pulled out a bouquet of short stemmed carnations for Molly.

Jack and Shawn were both laughing.

Molly looked at Zane, "You're not too old to get a lickin' yet." She took a step towards Jesse, who quickly yelled 'help.'

Molly looked at Jack, "He wasn't like that until he met this mob, especially Liam."

"Did someone call my name?" asked Liam as he walked into the room. Liam, Jared, Melanie, and Ryan along with Conner were all in ambulance uniforms.

A moment later, Mathew and Tom entered the room.

From the doorway, they heard Franks voice "You know, two ambulances and a police car are typical outside a coffee shop but people will wonder with them all outside a Chinese restaurant."

"Where's the guys?" asked Conner.

Frank replied, "Should be here any minute. Mark was driving them in his car."

Conner smirked, "Did you guys wind it up and get some duct tape to hold it together?"

From the doorway, "Nothing wrong with my car squirt," said Mark as he came in. Conner ran over to kiss him. Following Mark were Adam and Patrick.

Adam saw Jesse and called out in Cree, "Is it true you're buying tonight?"

Jesse answered in Cree with, "Yes, and you're just like fart gas. Free meals and you hang around forever."

Kat was watching, "Jesse, how many languages do you speak?"

He smiled, "A few, but it depends who is around."

Melanie called out in French, "Be honest with her Jesse."

He replied in French, "I can't give out all my secrets." He turned to Kat and said in English "I can't remember, 6 or 7 or 8 languages. Just not important."

Kat shook her head, "You play the buffoon so well Jesse. No wonder you fit in with this gang."

Liam appeared at her side, "Some of us don't play the buffoon, we are one." He thought for a few seconds, then said, "That didn't come out right. Disregard my last transmission."

Shawn was dying of laughter, "No Liam, that was perfect."

Liam stuck his tongue out at Shawn.

The food started to arrive by the cart full. Once again, Jesse had done an incredible job of ordering many different dishes he thought people might enjoy.

The meal started with a prayer led by Zane.

"We give thanks for the plants and animals who have given themselves so that we can enjoy this meal together. We also give thanks for our friends and family who have traveled here today.

May this meal bring us strength and health."

After the prayer had finished and the food was being passed around, Conner asked which dish was the cream of Yak brains. That got him a slap on the back of the head from Kat.

Mathew was sitting next to Jack. "This was a sudden visit, problems?"

"Internal problems with personnel," replied Jack. "Looks like we hired someone who doesn't fit in with our corporate culture."

"Truly unfortunate, my friend. Everyone does have a place to fit in but sometimes it takes a while to find it."

"I could agree with that, look at our Jesse. It took a while but he's found his spot."

"He's almost there Jack, but he still has some options to choose from."

"On the road again?"

"No, just options."

Jack turned his head slightly, "Thank you for the heads-up Mathew."

"You will be even more proud."

"Mathew, I can't be any prouder of him than I am now."

Jack's eye tracked a single pea flying throw the air and hitting Molly between the eyes.

"Mathew, I stand corrected."

A pea flew back through the air from Molly, hitting Jared on the side of the nose. "Oops, sorry."

Mel laughed, "No you're not Molly."

"You're right, I'm not."

Three peas were in the air, hitting Molly, Melanie, and Kat.

Tyler and Troy came in through the door. "Hey guys, any food left?" said Tyler. He was hit by a dozen peas as soon as the door was closed. Troy dove off to the side and hid behind Melanie.

"Save me, my favorite cousin on the entire planet," Troy said ducking behind her.

Mel turned her head, "Piss off you wanker."

"What's the last ten minutes got to go with it?" he replied with a smile.

Mel dropped her fork, "Ewwwww. Like TMI."

He whispered into her ear as he grabbed her upper arms, "I haven't washed my hands yet either."

"You little bastard!" said Mel as she tried to keep a straight face.

Molly asked Mel, "What did he say? I missed that."

"You're fortunate," Mel replied.

"That good eh?" Replied Molly.

"I called Troy a wanker, and he replied what did the last ten minutes have to do with it?"

Patrick raised his hand, "Twenty minutes for me."

Tyler raised his hand, "Waiting for a private moment to lose a load."

Zane stated, "Two hours ago."

Jesse gave him a distressed look. "Where the hell were you? I was two hours ago too?"

Jack had his head in hands, laughing. Kat and Molly were sitting there with stunned looks on their face.

Shawn called out, "One hour ago."

Kat turned to him "What?"

"Don't you remember. You told me not to touch you as you didn't want to mess your hair." Kat blushed deeply.

Frank was choking on his food as Mark said,"Conner and I together last night."

Liam put one hand up while keeping the other under the table, "Right now?" as he started to bang the underside of the table.

Molly leaned her head on Jack's shoulder, "God help us."

Jared slapped the back of Liam's head. Liam turned to his husband, "Do that some more and harder, I'm almost there."

Mel hit Liam in the head with a deep-fried won ton.

Jesse passed a plate of deep fried items, "Here you go, Shawn. I ordered prairie oysters just for you."

Shawn thought for a moment, "Kat, I'm from Ontario. You guys are big into these oysters in the west, eh?"

Kat was rolling her eyes.

Melanie pointed at Jesse with her fork. "You are nasty."

"Shawn, they are a delicacy and many people I know love them fresh fried or deep fried in batter," explained Kat.

"Fresh fried?" asked Zane.

Mel put her fork down. "I've done this many times. Male calves are turned into steer for better weights on the beef. They either do this by using a device which places a small elastic band around the calf's testicle or surgical. The elastic is very small and tight so it cuts off the circulation to testicles. They die, shrivel up and fall off."  All of the young men were unconsciously holding their groins in their hands.

Kat continued, "My dad and I did this all the time too. The surgical is done by slicing up the side of the scrotum, using your fingers to grab the testicle and then cutting the spermatic cord. The testicles are tossed into a bucket or into a frying pan. That is a fresh prairie oyster."

"That's better than the one way I saw it done," said Jared. "There is a thing called Burdizzo clamps used. They are like an oversized set of plyers which crush the blood vessels to the testicles. That kills the testicle after the blood is cut off."

Shawn was sitting and staring at his plate. "I'm happy that I wasn't a cattle rancher."

Conner had both hands holding his balls tightly. "That makes two of us."

"Meanwhile Jesse, no I won't eat prairie oysters if you ordered them," said Shawn.

Jesse smiled, "Good. Because those are just shrimp."

It was after dessert the older brothers decided to play "Name the little brother." Jared explained to everyone at the table what the little brothers had all done one night, and what the older brothers had done to them as well.

The first one up was Jared, who stood next to his husband and said, "Liam, Liam, Liam, Liam, Liam, Liam, Liam."

Liam replied "What?"

Jared leaned over to look into Liam's eyes "I forget."

It took a moment, but Kat got Mark right on that one.

Next was Frank and Tyler. Tyler laid down on the floor and said, "I'm so dead if Dad finds me like this."

Frank crawled over to him, "We won't tell him or Jared what happened." He then made barfing sounds.

Molly got Mark and Conner right.

Troy went and knelt on the floor, then called for someone with a bad Russian accent. Then he dragged his ass around on the floor like it had been on fire.

Melanie guessed Nikita.

Finally, Liam pulled a chair out and sat there with his head hanging down. Jared stumbled up to him and said, "You better hide in the back of the ambulance before Jared finds you." Liam stood up, said "Oh shit, its Jared." Stumbled around and then walked into a wall.

Tom guessed Adam. 

Molly and Jack had finally got to the guest house in the village and were in bed together.

"Jack, I'm still amazed at our Jesse's recovery."

"You mean his going back to high school age antics?"

"If that makes him happy, yes."

"You're right though Molly. I haven't seen him this happy since before his parents in the plane crash."

"I was thinking the same thing."

"Do you see the way they all interact? It was as if they were really as close as real brothers."

"Molly, they really are committed to each other as brothers. Their bond is phenomenal for a group of strangers drawn together."

"I've been scared ever since the funeral for Darren and Josh. I was terrified Jesse would crash and burn this time at yet another loss in his life."

"If anything, it brought them closer together as a family."

"It just feels like he doesn't need me anymore," said Molly pensively.

Jack turned to face her on the bed. "Molly, he is here today because of your abilities as a mother. He will need you to the end of time. He went through a time period where you even had to shower him and feed him. But you built him up, and he took his first steps again. You see him as he is today because of your success. He and Zane both need you now, you haven't lost a son. You've gained a second one and they both love you."

After a moment, Molly replied, "You're right. Do you think they will get married?"

"I don't know, but if they make the decision, I guarantee you'll be the first to know."


"Wait for them to get married first."

"Ok." Molly kissed Jack, snuggled into him and said, "Good night."

Jared and Liam were sitting together on the couch at their home in the village. They had a nice fire burning the fireplace to take the chill off the house.  Both were watching the flames dance and jive as they consumed the dry tamarack wood. The two men were snuggled in the corner of the couch, Jared was holding Liam gently as he played with his husband's hair.  Neither had said anything for a few moments, deep in their own thoughts but content with their current location.

"It was good to see Jack and Molly last night even if it was because he had to deal with a problem in his office," commented Jared.

"I agree. I can't think of a better occasion than to get everyone together for supper with those two. They left after lunch so the problem at the office must've been resolved."

Jared said, "Hopefully."  A moment later he asked, "Liam, may I ask you a question?"

The blond man turned slightly to look at his husband with the corner of his eye.  "Of course you can."

Jared hesitated for a moment before continuing. "My soulmate, I have been sensing something which appears to be painful for you for a while now."  This was what counselors or interrogating police would call a neutral, open-ended, non-judgmental observational statement which allowed the receiver to respond with as much information as they chose.

Liam quickly closed his eyes.  He knew Jared would never use his gift on him to find the answer, but he actively blocked any attempt anyways.  Just in case.

"I'm just tired, Jared.  It's nothing."

Jared knew Liam was not lying, but neither was he totally forthcoming.  He had suddenly sensed his husband's energy increase when he asked the question and immediately knew what Liam had done.  Jared thought about probing Liam's memories but decided it was for personal gain and he could not do it.

"Are you sure.  I'm your husband and best friend who is absolutely dedicated to you, Liam."  Jared moved Liam so they could see each other directly and kissed him tenderly.  "You and I are one blended spirit, united to stand together against anything."

Jared could clearly see something was bothering Liam, and just for a second, it showed in Liam's beautiful blue eyes before disappearing again.

"I'm tired, Jared... and just not feeling like I'm on top of my game right now."

"What may I do to help you through this?"

"It's nothing major, I just need some time to rest.  Would you be offended with me if I went to the cabin alone to meditate, I mean without anyone?"

"Never could I be offended or mad at something like that.  I can't say it enough.  You are my soulmate, we are blended as one, my husband and my love.  If you are in pain, I am in pain too."

"I'm ok, Jared.  I think I need some time to meditate, and commune deep in the forest."

"It has been a while since I first noticed something within you causing pain," Jared gently nudged him with his statement.

"It's nothing to worry yourself about.  I just need some time to think it through and some meditation."

"You will let me know when you need to talk, or if you need me to help?"

Liam looked into Jared's big, soft, brown eyes, "Of course I will, my love."

Jared smiled at his husband as he stared into Liam's beautiful blue eyes.  There was a cloud in his normally crystal-clear blue eyes, and it was then Jared knew he had not been told the truth about something.

End of Chapter Three

Questions or comments welcomed. Please send them to Snowblind.

Snowblind's stories can be found at nifty.org and storylover.us.

Next: Chapter 55: Jared the Paramedic III 4

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