Jared the Paramedic

By Snowblind94

Published on Nov 30, 2018


Jared the Paramedic III Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. The following contains scenes of explicit scenes involving male sex and in a variety of consensual activities. But if you're looking for non-stop sex then this isn't the story for you. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed any further. The characters are entirely fictitious and are not based on anyone who has or is still living.

This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit written permission from the author.

Jared the Paramedic III: RedemptionBy: Snowblind
Editor: Aquenon

Chapter 2: Youth Group

Over the winter, Patrick had approached Zane with the idea to establish a youth club at the LGBTQ2 Centre. The group had started meeting once a week to provide fellowship, mutual support, and a place for some fun in a safe environment. Patrick wanted to meet the needs of gay youth but didn't want to isolate them from friendly straight supporters. After a few discussions with Zane, Patrick decided to keep the membership informal, similar to the Gay-Straight Alliance in schools but more general in purpose. The youth group quickly had become a success.

Today, Gus had dropped off Kyle and Alex to attend the meeting, but not before making a few pizzas for the group as a snack. The three had carried a half-dozen pizzas, napkins, and little plates into the meeting area. While there, Gus talked and kidded around with a few members of the of the group as he spread the food, plates, and napkins out on a table at the side of the room. They laughed and answered the questions from Gus about who they were and where they went to school. It was small talk between them. Many of the young people were very appreciative of his leaving the pizzas, but a couple were quite nasty after he left.

One young man said, "God, can't we go anywhere without the old guys trying to get in with us?"

One of the young ladies was surprised and asked, "I don't understand; what do you mean?"

"The old queens or fags hanging around who want to get with a young one," he replied rather dramatically.

Kyle was quite upset about the comment, "What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Whoa, hostility!" the young man had replied in a shrill voice with his right hand extended as if he was saying stop.

"Hostility or just replying to an asshole with a shitty attitude," Alex said as he moved next to his boyfriend. "Now, cut the drama queen shit and answer Kyle's question."

"This is supposed to be a safe place for the young, to be away from people like the old fags. They are just - just - just old and icky."

Kyle didn't have a temper, but he was very loyal to his friends. Especially Gus and John who had taken them into their home to live after being thrown out of their homes by their parents. He was about to boil over.

The young man continued, "They are just pains and want to hang around with us because we're cute and young; we get that a lot. Older guys like that are always looking for young guys to give their asses away to them. "

Patrick and Zane had come into the room at the other end as Kyle moved to stand right in the face of the young man. The speaker's name was Trey, and he was 16 years old. If he wasn't being idolized or the centre of attention where ever he was, it was a disaster of world-class proportions in his mind. His parents were very well off, he got just about anything he asked for. Although he was living at home with his parents who had accepted his coming out, he considered himself to be having it rough.

"Look here super twink. Let's start with your comments about giving your ass away. The only person who can give your ass away is you," Kyle said with the sound of authority.

Alex was getting upset as well. "Those low riding skinny jeans you're wearing advertise what you're giving away for free Trey. Try some class other than just 'come fuck me, I'm a slut'."

"I can wear what I want; it's not my fault I look good in these," he said with arrogance.

"You're right, you can wear whatever you want. It's your right to dress like a cheap twink whore," Alex countered with.

Kyle jumped in to change the topic, "Your comments about Gus are unacceptable. That man and his husband are the nicest people you would ever meet anywhere. He came by and gave us free pizza's because he supports this centre, something he didn't have when he was growing up. They are good people. He and his husband took my boyfriend Alex and I into their home after they found us searching through garbage cans to find food so we could eat. We were living in my car and trying to go to school. You do not disrespect that man."

Alex was very upset as well. "I like that Kyle, super twink. Gus and John have helped us and they are giving us room and board until we graduate. They have treated us like we were their own children and have never asked for anything in return."

In a loud and flamboyant voice, Trey said "That will change. Two cute young guys living in their house; they'll want your tight little asses some time."

"The spoiled rich twink is the expert; the one who's never broken a nail doing any work in his life. I appreciate what Gus did for us by bringing the pizzas. He made those pizzas with his own hands and drove them over to us and all you do is insult him."  Alex leaned forward so he was nose to nose with Trey. "Well, I'm out of here. Anywhere Gus is not welcome as a friend, I won't stay.  Later, you fucking little faggot."

"Trey's right. The old guys are always hitting on us," another young person said.

Zane moved into the group, "Whoa guys, what's going on here."

"Sorry Zane, Alex and I are out of here. We want to go home so we can make sure Gus knows how much we love him as our father figure and that we don't share the opinion of super twink there."

Trey crossed his arms, "Don't you mean your daddy or even your sugar daddy."

Kyle's face and neck were dark red with anger; the veins in his neck were prominent and pulsed with each beat of his heart. Finally, Kyle blinked and mumbled, "Fucking slut."

"I'll grab the pizzas," said Alex. "If Gus isn't good enough for super twink and his friends, he sure isn't going to touch Gus's food."

A young lady stepped forward towards Trey, "Oh bullshit, you two drama queens. The man was being nice and donated some food. You guys need both help and frigging brains to have seen anything else."

Patrick had sat down on one of the chairs in the room and just listened to the exchanges. Zane raised his hand, "Everyone, stop!" but the verbal fighting combined with insult tossing continued.

Patrick finally stood up, and quietly walked into the middle of the group. He looked at Trey, "Your outspoken insults of another person is against our rules. Something you have been warned about before. It is now time for you to leave or follow the rules of the group. Your choice."

"I have never been told to leave anywhere" was Trey's reply. He put his hands on his hips and asked, "Do you know who my father is?" as he tossed his blond hair back off his face.

"Someone who must be constantly getting you out of shit? No, and it doesn't affect me in the least," Patrick snapped back at him. "You were given a choice, follow the rules or leave."

A couple of others started to speak up but the look on Patrick's face was enough for them to reconsider.

"Who the hell do you think you are, Patrick. Just because you're a senior at school doesn't mean you're in charge everywhere," whined Trey.

Patrick smiled, "You really don't get it Trey, so let me explain it to you simply. This group was formed by me with the support of Zane and the centre. I grew up with a single mom who worked two jobs. I was harassed at school because I didn't fit in and finally because I'm gay. I had the support of my two friends who I thought of as my fathers or at least big brothers who helped me to grow up. Not everyone has that option available to them so I thought a group like this would be a good thing. Those who don't have peers to hang with can find some here. It's a peer support group but with guidance from a few adults as needed. It's our group, the adults are here to support and guide us. It's a safe place for us to gather and get help if we need it."

"So? Whatever" responded Trey.

"You're no different here than you are at school Trey," said Patrick. "Total drama queen, flaming attention seeker, and you speak without thought of anyone but yourself."

"My dad's a lawyer and he'll sue this place," responded Trey.

"Everyone stop, please" pleaded Zane. "No more threats, or insults."

Kyle and Alex had closed up the pizza boxes and were stacking them up.

Patrick moved over to Alex and Kyle, "I would like you two to stay with us here." He then turned to Trey. "You've worn out your welcome here Trey. Time to leave. You're not only not wanted here but you're not welcome here anymore."

"You'll be hearing from my father. Thank goodness he works in this building," the young man said as he threw his head up, walked out while wiggling his ass in his tight jeans. One other group member left with him, but no one else.

A couple of the younger group members approach Kyle and Alex. One of them asked, "So, if he's gone and you're staying, can we eat the pizza?"

Alex smiled as he lifted one off the stack in Kyle's arms. "Here's one, eat away."

"Thanks." He turned to his friend, "Here Logan, something to eat."

The young man accepted the pizza and replied, "Thanks, Lucas. This looks so good."

Patrick approached them and extended his hand, "Hi, I'm Patrick. You guys are new and I'm sorry you saw that display."

"Hi, I'm Lucas and this is my boyfriend Logan. We met Nikita earlier today at the food bank and he told us about this group."

"That's great," Patrick replied. "You guys are very welcome here." The young people shared the pizza while talking about school, their dreams and current events around town. Patrick spoke with the group to reinforce their rules. "This group is a safe place, but when speaking of others the conversation needs to be reasonably factual, honest, and respectful. Different opinions are welcome as is debate or discussion, but it was never to be directed personally at someone or insulting."

"I would like to agree with Patrick" stated Zane. "We must learn to discuss and resolve matters without anger or fear. There is a story told by my forefathers about a young man who was walking along the edge of a lake one day when he spotted some high bush cranberries lying in the shallow water. He stuck his hand into the water to grab the berries but couldn't do it. He tried numerous times but he couldn't get them. After thinking for a moment, the young man decided not to use his hand anymore so he tried his mouth as if he was bobbing for apples. Many times the young man dunked his head into the water but he still couldn't get the cranberries. After being unsuccessful with this technique, he dove into the water. The water was so shallow that the rocks and sand on the bottom scratched his face when he dove. The young man jumped out of the water frustrated, angry and feeling the pain from the injury to his face. He threw himself onto his back on the shoreline while closing his eyes and holding his face. Eventually, the young man opened his eyes to look skyward. The first thing he saw was the highbush cranberries hanging above him. What he had seen was the reflection of the hanging berries in still water of the lake. The young man was so angry that he stripped the berries off the bushes, scattering them far and wide by throwing them into the forest. Next, his anger was directed at the bushes themselves as he pulled many of them from the ground, throwing them into the forest as well. Finally, after he had finished throwing the berries and pulling the bushes, he walked away towards home without ever eating a single cranberry."

Zane paused for a moment to let the story sink in with the young people before asking, "What do you think the story means?"

The group thought about it for a moment before one young man cautiously answered, "Don't let your temper and anger get the best of you?"

Zane smiled at the answer, "That's a good interpretation." The young man beamed at the praise. "Anyone else have some thoughts?"

One of the girls raised her hand as if in school, "He didn't see the big picture. He was too focused on the berries."

"That's another great answer," Zane replied to the group. "Anyone else?"

Kyle elbowed Alex, nudging him to answer. "I like both of the answers, but let's roll it into one. The young man saw the berries and wanted them; he didn't need them, he wanted them. He was so focused on his goal that he didn't sit back and think while looking at the big picture. He didn't think things through. When he did actually find the berries, he destroyed them due to his temper being uncontrolled. He lost time, energy, berries, and the plants which would produce berries into the future. Not all is lost, he threw the berries far and wide potentially spreading the seed contained within them for future generations." The group of youth were all nodding their heads in agreement with what had been said.

"That's really good, Alex. Is there anyone with another idea of what it means?"

It was Lucas who timidly spoke up, "Not everything you see is the way it appears. The angrier and more frustrated you get, the more your vision and thinking becomes limited and obstructed. When the anger took control of the young man it prevented any logical cognition, he destroyed the berries which he had sought."

"You all have some excellent thoughts on this story," Zane replied. "Hopefully at each meeting, we can discuss a story from our forefathers, learning something if we're lucky. Combine this story with the rules of this group. What we get is that you are welcome to discuss topics, to have differing viewpoints but anger has no place in a respectful discussion. Anger causes you to lose sight of the objective and often destroys any chance of ever achieving that objective. "

Patrick jumped in after Zane finished speaking, "I know we've said it before but we must all clearly understand you must never wrestle with a pig. The pig loves it and you both end up covered in shit." The group giggled at the statement. "When we are faced with people like Trey, we must dislike their actions or behaviour but not go personal.  It's very difficult to do, and I hope to get better at it myself."

"So don't sink to their level," said Kyle.

"Misery enjoys company," added Lucas.

One of the young ladies said, "Avoir le cul bordé de nouilles." Both Kyle and Alex burst out laughing at it, causing the rest of the group to look at them strangely.

It was Zane who translated, "It translates poorly, but means you're a very lucky person because you have an ass full of noodles."

One of the young men who hadn't spoken yet laughed as he replied, "Probably wouldn't hurt as much as an ass full of horseshoes." That got the group chuckling.

Patrick finally held up his hands, "Well, this has become 'All talk and no trousers.' So let's move onto some new activities. How about finishing the pizza and desert Gus brought us?"

Zane was watching the two new young people. The hunger the two had displayed for the pizza captured Patrick's curiosity as well as his attention; it was more than just a couple of normal teenagers. Through a series of questions, they finally revealed they were homeless and were couch surfing whenever they could or sleeping in an open shed or garage if they found one. After they had eaten, Zane quietly led Lucas and Logan out of the room, over to the shelter to get them registered as guests. After giving them a room, linen for the bed, and towels, he gave them a tour of the building. The two young men were full, now they wanted a shower and a good night sleep. Just before Zane left them alone in the room, the two young men began to cry. They both ran to Zane and embraced him tightly. All Zane could think about is that this is why he was doing the work he was. To make a difference.

While Zane was with Logan and Lucas, Patrick had led the rest of the group to the gym where they played an informal game of volleyball followed by murderball.

The next day Zane got a message from a Mr. Zenith, Trey's father, who was requesting a meeting. They set it up for 1:00 pm in Zane's office. Very promptly, Mr. Zenith arrived with Trey. After introductions between Zane and Mr. Zenith, they sat down around the table in Zane's office.

"I'm here to review why Trey was asked to leave the youth meeting last night," Mr. Zenith stated without any further small talk.

"Trey had threatened last night you were a lawyer and would be in touch," Zane replied with a soft voice. He sat back in the chair and watched for the reaction from Mr. Zenith. The comments were totally ignored.

"From what he has told me, he was unfairly targeted and slandered by you and someone named Patrick."

"This sounds like a totally different incident than what I am aware of which happened last night. But, why don't we wait for the Centre's lawyer to arrive. He should be here any minute."

"It is not a good indication of his abilities if he's not able to be here on time."

There was a knock on the door followed by it being opened right away. Jesse came in, closing it behind him. Unlike Mr. Zenith who was dressed in a tailor-made suit, Jesse was wearing jeans, running shoes, and a Blue Jays shirt.

"Sorry I'm late. We got a load of donated food in at the food bank down there and were short of staff to unload it."

Mr. Zenith expression was of confusion at what Jesse had just explained. Jesse came across the room, extended his hand to Mr. Zenith to introduce himself. He looked at his hand, realized it had some dirt on it so he wiped it on his jeans extending it back out again after. "I'm Jesse and I take it that you are the dad who is the lawyer who works in this building?"

"Yes, I'm Mr. Zenith, Trey's father."

"That's nice that you could take the time off from the law firm to come down here on your personal business." Jesse sat down beside Zane, "I'm the lawyer for the Canaan Breck Centre here."

Mr. Zenith looked at the young man who hadn't shaved, was dressed in jeans and smelled slightly of onions as well as cabbage. He chuckled, "Where did you get your law degree?  Haiti?"

Jesse leaned forward on the table, supported by his elbows. "Ok, that's the first strike. Let's get to the issue. Please, tell us why you're here."

"My son was unfairly humiliated last night after being slandered in the youth meeting, followed by his being ejected from the group."

Jesse looked at Mr. Zenith, "Please elaborate. Better yet, why not have the young man here explain in his own words what happened."

Mr. Zenith ignored what Jesse had said, "We expect a public apology and public retraction."

Jesse hadn't moved from his position on the table, "That's strike two. You didn't listen to what I had requested."

"You expect me to take you seriously the way you're dressed and act?"

"That's strike three, Mr. Zenith.  It's my turn now. Let me make this very clear to you; you are not in control here, I am.  This is now my game after you've struck out."

"In control in what way?" Mr. Zenith laughed.

"How long have you been with McCoy and Associates?"

"Four months. I left my previous firm to join here." Mr. Zenith said rather arrogantly, "And who would you be with?"

"Actually, McCoy and Associates."

"I truly find that hard to believe."

Jesse smiled an evil smile, sat up straight, turned to Zane, "Did he say what I think he said?"

"Yes Jesse, I'm afraid he did."

"I've had enough of this, what are you going to do about the treatment of my son."

Zane smiled at Jesse who nodded his reply, "We are going to do nothing about it. Trey was asked to leave after yet again violating the rules of the club."

Mr. Zenith's face was turning red as he replied, "And what rules would those be?"

"The first one is to treat others with respect. Something he can't seem to do." Zane mumbled the next, "I know who taught him that one." Jesse poked Zane in the thigh with his index finger.

"That's a pretty broad-based rule subject to a lot of weighted interpretation," Mr. Zenith replied.

Jesse raised a hand with his index finger raised. "He who seeks truth shall find beauty. He who seeks beauty shall find vanity. He who seeks order shall find gratification. He who seeks gratification shall be disappointed. He who considers himself the servant of his fellow beings shall find the joy of self-expression. He who seeks self-expression shall fall into the pit of arrogance. -Moshe Safdie."

Mr. Zenith wasn't impressed. "Do you two wear orange robes and use tambourines to?"

Jesse pulled the phone on the table towards him, placed it on the intercom and quickly dialled a number. "McCoy and Associates, CEO's direct line, how may I help you?"

Mr. Zenith's eyes opened wide, Jesse continued. "Hi Wendy, how's life?"

"Jesse, it's so good to hear from you and thank you for asking. Life is great here, how is it with you out there? How's Zane? I hear all about him and would love to meet him sometime."

"Well Wendy, I'll try to make that happen. You'd really like him. But I need to speak with Jack PDQ."

"Yes, sir. I'm signalling him now. By the way, thank you for those flowers for my birthday. They were stunning."

"You're very welcome Wendy. I'm pleased they arrived on time for you."

"Jesse, Jack has just signalled he's ready. I'll transfer your call, sir." The line went on hold for just a moment before Jack came on the line.

"Hello Jesse, I take it this is not a social call."

"I'm sitting here with Zane..."

He was cut off by Jack saying, "Hey Zane, how are you doing son?"

Mr. Zenith went rigid and sat back in his chair. Trey was going to say something but he turned to his son and told him to shut up.

"I'm doing well Jack, how's momma Molly?" asked Zane.

"Wonderful as usual. She's looking forward to coming down to visit with you and Jesse in two weeks."

"We're looking forward to it as well Jack."

"So, what's the problem there you two?"

"I have a Mr. Zenith from McCoy and Associates sitting here with us. He's come to the Centre and demanded a formal apology from Zane and Patrick for kicking his son out of the youth group last night. To start with, I want to know who is paying for his time away from the office."

"I will follow up with that, Jesse."

"Secondly, he asked me if I got my law degree from Haiti. Along with a few other unprofessional comments, he doesn't even believe I'm with McCoy and Associates."

There was silence at the other end. "Mr. Zenith, do you know who I am?"

"Yes, I do. You were the lead interviewer during my hiring process. You are the COO for this law firm."

"Good, you do have some intelligence then."

"Excuse me?" he replied with indignation in his voice.

Jesse cut in. "Jack, I was hoping a quick phone call would set this straight but obviously I need to act." He turned to Mr. Zenith as he continued speaking, "Jack, I'll go up to my corner office on the fourth floor to resolve this. Would you get Julie to take notes while I do the meeting? I'll need Robert as a witness. I would rather be unloading cabbages for the food bank than deal with someone like this."

"Jesse, you stay there with Zane." Jack paused for a moment, "Mr. Zenith, do I have your undivided attention?"

"Yes, sir."

"Yes, I am actually the COO but the man you have insulted is the President and owner of McCoy and Associates law firm. His name is Jesse McCoy, or technically Jesse McCoy-McAdam." That caused Mr. Zenith to gasp. Trey was totally uninterested in the discussion and had plugged earpieces in so he could listen to music. "Jesse chooses to work as the lawyer representing the LGBTQ2 Centre and the people at the centre who need legal advice. He also pitches in and helps with whatever needs it at the centre. Are you getting all this?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good. The director of the centre is Zane, and a member of a very special family who is above reproach for their values and ethics and is also Jesse's boyfriend."

Mr. Zenith's face was now getting flushed as he listened to Jack.

"I don't know what happened with your son, but I do know we did discuss your problems at the previous law firm due to your willful blindness of your son's actions at the time. I can guarantee both you and your son that neither Jesse nor I got our law degrees in Haiti."

"But they humiliated him at the youth meeting."

Zane spoke up, "Jack, Trey is sitting here at this very moment with his earpieces in listening to music and playing a game on his phone. He's lost interest because he's not the centre of attention. As I said last night after warning him at previous meetings, he has no ability to think of anyone but himself. Last night he accused Gus of flirting with the youth group members because he 'wanted their cute little asses' as he phrased it."

Immediately Jack asked, "You mean Gus, like in Gus who is John's husband?"

"Yes, Jack. The two young people Gus and John took in to live with them have joined the group to meet more LGBT people in their age range. He brought them down for the meeting and dropped off a half-dozen pizzas for the kids to eat as a snack. Kyle and Alex along with everyone else except Trey's friend were very upset at the comments Trey made after Gus had left. He has been warned at the previous three meetings about his mouth and attitude, last night I told him to leave. Today, I am now telling his dad that Trey is no longer welcome in this building. If he returns, I will call the police."

"Trey is not like that," his father argued.

Zane continued, "I now have a better understanding of why he is the way he is when he has the ultimate rescue dad who picks up the pieces along the way preventing his son from ever having accountability for his actions."

"That's slander," Mr. Zenith yelled.

Jack reacted quickly, "That almost sounds like the exact comments from your previous law firm's Senior Partner just as you got into trouble with them and you promised me it wouldn't be a problem with a fresh start."

Mr. Zenith didn't say a word, but he did look at his son as he contentedly played his game while listening to music.

"Jesse, at this point, this is an internal matter. I will be coming down this evening to deal with it first thing in the morning."

Jesse simply replied, "Thanks Jack," as he stared at Mr. Zenith.

"Jack," Zane cut in. "Bring Molly and I'll get the visitor's house ready at the village."

"Deal," replied Jack.

"The village?" asked Mr. Zenith.

Jesse spoke directly to Mr. Zenith in a very cold, forceful, and intimidating tone "That is none of your business, Mr. Zenith." The expression on Jesse's face as he spoke to him was the first time Mr. Zenith realized he had bitten off more than he could chew this time by challenging the young lawyer.

With the same tone Jesse continued, "Jack, my office will be available for you, as usual, to deal with this gentleman. I will support you 100% in whatever decision you make for the final disposition of Mr. Zenith with the firm. His son has insulted my boyfriend's integrity and he has insulted mine; would you please serve him on behalf of Trey with notices banning both from this facility under the Petty Trespass Act."

"Understood Jesse," Jack replied.

"Jack, have his office secured and I will send him home for the rest of the day. Depending upon your disposition, you can grant him access to his office. I will take his ID card, keys, and corporate cell phone right now as well, again pending your final disposition tomorrow morning."

Mr. Zenith remained still.

Jesse's voice became loud and even colder, "I will take those now."

That got the lawyer's attention, and he threw them onto the table in front of Jesse.

"Jack, he just threw them onto the table in front of me."


"Mr. Zenith," Jesse said very coldly, "You are to be at the reception desk of McCoy and Associates at 9:00 am to meet with Jack. If you are one minute late, I am right now telling Jack it is my decision to terminate you regardless of whatever he decides. Unfortunately for you, we lawyers from Haiti can't stand wasting time."

Mr. Zenith flinched when Jesse said Haiti.

Jesse's face softened considerably as he continued speaking with an obviously fake smile, "So until tomorrow, have a pleasant afternoon and evening." After a few seconds, Jesse yelled, "That means to get the hell out of here with your son."

The man reached for his son, who resisted while pulling out his earbuds. "Am I back in now? Did you show these assholes who the boss was?"

"Shut up Trey," his father said sharply as he dragged him out of the office.

Jesse followed the two people to the front door to ensure they left. Upon his return to the office, Zane was speaking with Jack.

"So we'll pick you up at the airport, go for Chinese food and out to the village?"

"Would you let Mathew and Frank know I'm coming? Maybe they can have dinner with us too."

"Will do Jack. Looking forward to you and Molly dropping in," Zane replied.

"Zane, I have a serious question for you now."

"Go ahead, Jack."

 "I'm not sure how to ask this."

"Just ask, I won't lie to you."

"I know." Jack paused. "Molly commented that the pictures you guys Snapchatted her& were really good. We're both so happy to see the healthy glow from both you and Jesse. But she was concerned that you both had gained weight. Have you guys been safe during sex? You're not pregnant, are you?"

Jesse had just closed the door when he heard Jack ask the question. Zane burst into laughter. Jesse called out to the speakerphone, "You two are going to be grandparents," in between fits of laughter.

Jack was laughing as well.

"Please email what I asked Zane, and I'll see both of you tonight."

Both young men replied, "See you tonight Dad," and disconnected the phone.

Jesse looked at Zane with the 'out with it. What did Jack want' look.

"He wants both of us to send a summary of the meeting like a statement, and one from last night as well."

"Sort of figured that would be coming."

"I sure understand Trey a lot more after meeting his dad today," exclaimed Zane.

Jesse replied with, "I do too."

End of Chapter Two

Questions or comments welcomed. Please send them to Snowblind.

Snowblind's stories can be found at nifty.org and storylover.us.

Next: Chapter 54: Jared the Paramedic III 3

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