Jared the Paramedic

By Snowblind94

Published on Mar 17, 2017


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Disclaimer: All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. The following contains scenes of explicit scenes involving male sex and in a variety of consensual activities. But, if you're looking for non-stop sex then this isn't the story for you. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed any further. The characters are entirely fictitious and are not based on anyone who has or is still living.

This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit written permission from the author.

If you have any questions or comments, please send them to me at snowblind94@yahoo.ca

Jared the Paramedic - Volume II Chapter 35 - Epilogue (The Wedding)

A few weeks later...

Tyler, Troy, Adam and Patrick pulled into the cabin, parking next to the Quonset open garage door. Jared and Liam were inside and just finishing their servicing of eight quads parked there. Tyler, Troy and Patrick unloaded the SUV. Adam stepped over to great Jesse and Liam.

"How's Patrick doing?" asked Liam.

Adam smiled, "Quite well considering what has happened to him in the past few weeks. He's beginning to adapt but he needs to learn how to turn it on and off before the other gifts begin to show themselves."

"That's why we have him out here, Adam. Meanwhile, how are you and Patrick doing?" asked Jared.

Adam looked at the ground and nervously kicked at the ground before looking up to answer.

"I'm being careful Jared, and we're going slowly. You've known for a while I was crushing on him, what I didn't know was he was doing the same with me but was terrified to show it. He's so afraid to do something wrong and lose us all as friends."

Jared started to speak, "He's still afraid..."

"Jared, you're my mentor, my savior and my idol. I'm terrified to do something which would cause you to push me away." Adam held his hand up cutting Jared off before he started to speak. He pointed at his forehead and said, "In here, I know what loyalty is and none of you would ever abandon me." Adam moved his hand and held it over his heart, "But in here, we both think it."

The medicine man took Adam into a gentle, but firm full body hug. "Little brother, you are part of this family and we love you unconditionally. We would never turn our back on you."

Adam hugged him back and sniffled a bit, "I know Masqua, but both of us have been hurt so bad we feel it at times. I love you and all my brothers very, very much. I'm alive today because of you."

"Adam, you're alive because you're a good person, and you're needed... not because of me. I am just a messenger, and not the power." Jared leaned down and pinched Adams tight ass hard causing the young man to yelp and jump.

"Ouch, that hurt," he whined rubbing his butt.

Jared smiled at him, "Adam, I pinched your ass... the Creator saved you from taking your own life. Can you tell the difference now?"

Adam smiled, "Yes dad, I can tell."

Out of nowhere Patrick did a flying tackle on Jared. "Don't you pick on my Adam" he said.

Jared was laughing as Patrick wrestled with him, trying to pin him. The rest of the men gathered around and were encouraging Patrick and throwing suggestions for him to beat Jared in the wrestling match. Finally, Jared pinned the young man, and then promptly pinched his ass as he rolled away and bounced to his feet.

Patrick yelped and grabbed his ass.

"There, now you'll both have marks," said Jared with a smirk.

Adam went over and helped Patrick to his feet, putting his arm around him when he was standing. His hand then slid down and massaged Patrick's ass gently. The young man turned his head towards Adam and smiled, "Thanks Ads."

Adam smiled back, and then gently kissed him. "Anytime Paddy."

The two young smiled awkwardly at each other, and then at the other men.

Tyler moved in between them and put his arms around their shoulders. "Come on guys, it's time to teach Patrick how to drive a quad around."

Patrick smiled, "Really, drive an ATV? That's gonna be so cool."

"Come on, well get you into some coveralls, boots and a helmet. Then we'll get you going on driving it," said Tyler as he guided them to the Quonset.

The three men disappeared inside. Troy ran in after them to help. Shortly after, they all came out wearing yellow coveralls with CSA wide reflective stripes on the back and chest. Tyler explained to Patrick the coveralls were yellow and reflective striped to be seen in forest when riding or when in a search and rescue activity. They were fire rated and used by the forest firefighters in the area as well. For the next 15 minutes, they explained the Honda 450 quad to Patrick and how to check it properly before using it. This was all new to Patrick having been raised in the city but he seemed to have a natural ability to grasp the mechanics. The last thing they showed Patrick was how to put the helmet on and use the headset inside of it.

Soon enough, Tyler and Troy were leading Adam and Patrick down a trail slowly. There were some sand beach and dunes areas not far away which were perfect to teach Patrick control of the machine and they headed over that direction.

Jared, Liam, Jesse and Zane dressed the same way and grabbed four more of the quads. Soon enough, they were tearing down trails and playing in the mud. Jared led them to a swamp full of muskeg, reeds, bull rushes and mud. The four men had just parked in a group when Jared leaned over and pushed Zane off the bike and into the mud while yelling, "You're it!"

"Son of a bitch..." mumbled Zane as he got up. Jesse was looking at him with a big smile. "Jesse, we play tag on these things."

"Oh shit," he said as burned out and slung mud at Zane.

Zane used his hand to clear the shield of mud on his helmet. "Son of another bitch, he's gonna pay for that later." He jumped on his machine and took off after Jesse. Within 30 minutes, the average person would be unable to guess the colour of the coveralls the men were wearing due to the amount of mud on them. Jesse had wondered what the snorkel was for on the machines and learned quickly he could sink the quad in water and mud without it flooding with water through the intake.

When they finished playing in the mud, Jared led them up a few trails to the backside of the granite escarpment which extended around the eastern part of the lake. They parked their quads, and Jared grabbed the cargo carrier off his bike.

Lifting the lid, he pulled some water bottles out and passed them around.

"Jared, why do you ever leave this area. This is fantastic out here," said Jesse as he took a pull from the water bottle.

"It's a difficult decision at times Jesse, but I go where I need to be."

Liam jumped into the conversation, "I've made my opinion known on this very topic, Jesse. If I had a choice, it would be here at the cabin full time."

Jared smiled and pulled his fiancé over to him. He wiped some mud off the face of his fiancé and kissed him. "I know Liam, but we both know we have things to do in this life time."

Zane put his arm around Jesse. "I understand what they are talking about, Jesse. At times I feel a pull to come home to the forest, and other times a pull to go back to work so I can try to make a difference. Its just keeping them both in balance so a person remains healthy."

Jared indicated for the men to follow him up a trail and he led them into an area which stunned them. The entire base of the valley was layered sheets of rock, worn first by the glaciers and then centuries of water. At the far end was a beautiful waterfall which cascaded over boulders until finally settling in a large slow moving lagoon and river across the sheets of granite.

"The sheets of rock along here keep the area shallow, no more than 4-5' feet deep. The heat of the sun beats on the rock which stores the heat, and transmits it to the water," explained Jared.

Jesse leaned down to the water and was surprised how warm it was when he put his hand into it. "This is the temperature of a warm bath."

Jared began to strip, throwing his clothing into the slow moving water. Naked, he stepped into the water and rinsed the muddy clothing, spreading it on rocks nearby for drying. The other three men soon joined him, naked in the stream and laying out their rinsed clothing. Liam had grabbed a container of soap root with wild rose petals in it for them to wash from the cargo carrier. The men were scrubbing their partners under the sun, in the warm water and smelling the scent of roses. Liam had Jared sit down and moved in to straddle behind him. He started washing Jared's hair from behind.

Jared leaned back into Liam with a smile on his face. "Being here with you is all I need in my life, Liam. I have never been as happy since I have become one with you."

Liam leaned down and kissed Jared. "My devotion to you is absolute."

Sounds of gagging were heard and the two men looked over at Jesse and Zane. Both were behaving the same way they had seen Melanie by sticking their fingers into their mouths. Jared and Liam gave them both the finger.

After washing up, the four naked men lay on the rocks and soaked up the sun for a half hour until Jared said it was time to move on. They donned their dry coveralls and headed back to the quads. Jared took the lead again and the group moved up some fairly steep trails until they reached the peak of a hill along the top of the escarpment.

They parked their quads on the peak of the hill. It was a wide clearing on the top, and the view was astounding in all directions for miles. The ground in this area is granite rock with a sand cap which allows only a sparse covering of grass. They walked towards the area which gave the best view of the lake.

The four men stood on the edge of the escarpment looking over the lake. Jared pointed out to Liam the outcropping across the lake where they had visited before.

Jesse and Zane had their arms around each other, their hips together. "This is incredible up here, Jared," Jesse observed. "I think of all the places I've visited, I have never done anything to appreciate the simplicity of life, and what's around us. I have my boyfriend, my friends, and all this beautiful country around me. It was there all the time and I never saw it."

"Jesse, just sharing this with you today is wonderful for me," said Zane as they each leaned their heads onto each other.

"I was never spoiled as I grew up, but we just didn't know camping and all this outdoor stuff was so rewarding," replied Jesse. "Zane, Jared and Liam, thank you for not only coming into my life, but for exposing me to this beauty."

Jared put one arm around Jesse's waist and the other around Liam's. "You're welcome, Jesse. All the Creator's children are welcome here, but especially our brothers. It was nice to bring Zane back to the land as well, he works too much."

"We need to find a chef, and a maid to help out, Jared," suggested Liam.

Jesse turned his head towards Liam. "Hey, Liam... SQUIRREL!"

Liam's head snapped upwards and he started to look around before he said, "Dammit."

The other three men were laughing.

"So Jesse, we brought you up here for something special today," explained Jared.

Jesse looked at Jared, and then Zane. His boyfriend had a wide smile on his face as he looked back at him. "Ok, so what do you have planned?"

Jared guided Jesse to in a particular spot, and he then helped Zane get into his position facing Jesse. Liam and Jared took up their positions so all four men were now in a circle, facing inwards.

"Jesse, you are standing in an ancient medicine wheel. You are facing south, and Zane is facing north. I am facing east and Liam is facing west. The four directions are very, very important in the lives of every person and the spiritual world," started Jared.

"Would you guys hold each other's hands like Jared and I am," directed Liam. The men quickly did as they were asked. "Jesse, relax."

"What do you mean?" asked Jesse. When Jesse turned to look at Jared, he saw his friend's eye's glowing white. "Liam, what's going on...?" said Jesse as he turned the other direction to Liam. What he saw was Liam's and Zane's eyes glowing as well.

Jesse felt Zane's hands hold his tighter. "Trust them, Jesse. You are in the presence of two of the most powerful medicine men and spirit walker's mother earth has seen for generations. Today, we are going to help you understand our family even more."

Jesse settled down. "I just wish you guys would warn me when you're going to do things like this."

"I'll try and remember that the next time I look for squirrels," replied Liam with a smile.

Jesse laughed, "You should have been a lawyer, Liam."

"You are going to love this, Jesse. Close your eyes, and breathe deeply. Just let yourself go," replied Liam.

Jesse closed his eyes the same time he gripped his boyfriend's hands tighter. He felt Jared and Liam's hands grab his and Zane's. There was warmth deep inside his chest and it quickly expanded to encompass his entire body. It reminded him of the warmth of soaking in a hot tub and swallowing peppermint schnapps at the same time.

Jesse felt light, and he no longer had the sensation of his feet touching the ground anymore. When he opened his eyes, he was looking down at the ground through bits of white puffy clouds. Jesse wanted to say 'What the hell' but all he heard come out of his beak was a long screech. Jesse backed up in his thoughts, "Beak?"

Jesse heard Jared in his mind. "Jesse, just think what you want to say. We're all linked right now."

"Jesse," started Liam, "you're safe with us up here. The Bald Eagle is my primary spirit guide and the secondary for Jared and Zane. I have willed you into the form of the Bald Eagle to be with us."

"This is nuts, it can't be real," thought Jesse.

"It is real, Jesse," replied Zane. The young man flew closer to Jesse so his boyfriend could see the eagle shape he had taken. "Stretch your wings way out Jesse, lift your fingers up and lean to the right. We will all gently fly in a circular motion until we see the land better."

Jesse did as was suggested, and when he looked down, he could see three other eagles below him doing the same. One eagle was huge while the other two would just be considered large. They were beautiful the way they all gently drifted in a circular pattern.

Jesse heard Zane suggest they land at the top of the large spruce tree next to the river. Jared and Liam landed on one limb while Zane and Jesse landed on another.

All Jesse could think was, "Incredible. The feeling of the wind, the silence which enveloped me up there, the crispness of the colours is mind blowing. How is this possible?"

"Jesse, this is the spirituality of our tribe," said Zane.

"Even up here, the sounds I can hear are so clear. My eyesight as an eagle is incredible and the distinction between colours is phenomenal," exclaimed Jesse.

"Jesse, you will find when we do this more your eyesight will develop to the point where it almost is like a low tech FLIR, by showing you heat sources of potential prey," explained Liam. "Or just other living warm blooded animals as opposed to prey."

Jesse laughed, "I was just thinking about a mouse stir fry..."

"Yuuuuuuch," Zane quipped.

"Lets go to the ground, over there by the sandy beach," said Jared.

The four eagles landed and returned to human form.

Jared stepped forward, "Zane, its time to show him."

"Show me what..." started Jesse. His sentence was cut off by Zane's eyes glowing white. The glow rapidly spread throughout his body and the human form was soon hidden. As the light dimmed, a very large cougar was sitting where his boyfriend had been. He was a beautiful animal standing at least 38" at the shoulders, huge paws, and 8' from his nose to the tip of his tail. Jared estimated the weight of this spirit guide to around the 200 to 210 lb mark. Zane moved forward and rubbed against Jesse, beginning to purr. He quickly turned around and did it again, except this time Zane pushed hard and almost knocked Jesse of his feet.

"Hey, watch it pussy cat," said Jesse with a big smile as he reached down to scratch behind the animals ears. "Can I do this?"

Jared nodded his head to Liam, who moved forward and grasped both of Jesse's shoulders with his hands. His eyes flashed as he said, "Remember." Jesse's eyes flashed for a moment as he morphed into a cougar the same way and almost identical to Zane in size and shape.

Jesse sat, and looked around and then at his friends. He released a roar which caused the birds in the nearby tree to take flight in fear. Zane released one as well, and soon enough they were competing to see who could be the loudest. After a few tries, Jesse gave up when Zane began to lick the side of his face.

Jesse and Liam had also assumed the shape of cougars and were sitting on the beach near their friends. Jared looked at Liam and began to laugh. This caused Zane and Jesse to stop nuzzling each other and look over at their friends. They immediately began to laugh as well.

Liam was sitting and grooming himself, but he had bent down and was licking his own penis. When he heard the laughter, he stopped and looked up at his friends.

"What? Haven't you guys ever been envious of cats or a dog the way they could lick their own cocks? I wanted to see if it felt as good as I hoped."

This caused his friends to laugh even harder.

Liam stood, flipped his nose up in the air, raised his tail and flicked the end of it while saying, "Whatever, you wanted to try it too... I was just the first to do it." He began to strut away in the way only a cat with attitude could do, when he was pounced on by Jared. Zane and Jesse pounced on their two friends quickly thereafter.

The four cougars played, and chased each other all over the area. Jesse was amazed at his ability to climb trees, and leap between objects with perfect agility. He sensed the smells in the wind, the sounds of the area, the temperature and texture under his feet as well as his vision. The vision he had was astounding to Jesse in its crispness and distance. They chased each other and they found that in the short distance sprints they could get running up to 30-40 mph comfortably and even faster for a short burst.

They had played and explored for a couple of hours before returning to human form. The four naked men were now laying on the warm rocks on the riverbank and enjoying the sun.

"Jesse, you now have the ability to assume your cougar spirit guide as you need it, or you can call him to come to your side. There is so much more for you to learn, and today was just the beginning," said Jared.

"Incredible," said Jesse as he stroked the hair of Zane's head gently. "Is it my imagination or are my human senses different?"

Jared smiled and asked, "What do you mean?"

"I seem to have a new level of senses, not as high as the cougar but much more than what I had as a human."

"Yes, you're correct Jesse. I didn't know what the blending of your spirit guide would do but it is not unusual for what you are experiencing."

Liam continued the lesson. "Jesse, you have been under the protection of the cougar for a while now. The skills he brings to you and Zane are to use your leadership wisely and without involving your ego. Loyalty, courage, foresight, internal and external strength, action without hesitation, agility, cunning are all the qualities he brings to you."

"I now understand why it took time with us," said Zane. "In my memories, the cougar brings the power of self-confidence and freedom from guilt. We needed to regain our self confidence in both of our personal lives. We could hide in our business lives, or even hitchhike across the country to hide but we both needed to face it."

Jared smiled, "You are correct. With the self confidence and growth, your guilt disappears."

Jesse sat up and gently turned Zane's face towards him. "Zane, I have you. You and I have found my love, my spirit, and my purpose in life. I love you all, but Zane most of all." He gently kissed his boyfriend.

Zane had a tear roll down his cheek. "Together, we are one couple, one spirit, and one life. I am nothing without you Jesse and until I met you I had no clue what I was missing in my life." He gently kissed his boyfriend.

"Now I know why Melanie is always gagging when I get mushy with you," mumbled Liam. A smack to his ass was heard which resulted in Liam yipping.

Jesse and Zane started laughing.

Liam got up and ran off the end of the rocks, changing into an eagle. He quickly climbed up and into the sky. Jared and the rest caught up with him in the sky as he circled above.

Suddenly, Jared's voice entered everyone's head, "Stay here. Liam, if you would join me."

"I hear it too, Jared," stated Liam.

The two eagles took to the sky and rose up high before suddenly diving down towards a house boat which was moored to the shore of the river. Jesse watched as young teenagers were on the shore throwing rocks at a muskrat who was trying to hide from them. Their parents were sitting on the houseboat, absolutely disinterested, or ignoring what their children were doing.

Jared landed on the shore not far from the children, and screeched at them. They were about to throw a rock at him when he transformed into a person before their eyes. It was not lost on them he was dressed in mukluks, breech cloth and feather on a headband.

"Mother earth is here for all to enjoy, but to kill for no reason is unacceptable," said Jared.

The three kids stood and looked at Jared with their mouths wide open. The tallest one who would be about fifteen said, "Who are you?"

"Spirit protector of this land and the life on it," replied Jared.

One of the girls screamed for her parents. The two sets of parents scrambled off the boat and onto the beach, standing between Jared and kids.

"What the fuck do you want?" demanded one of the men.

"The children were throwing rocks at brother muskrat for no reason, trying to kill it. Anything taken from the earth must be used and not wasted," explained Jared.

The adults laughed, "The Indian is here to protect nature, I thought it was Smoky the Bear who was supposed do that," said one of the women.

"Where did you come from? There are no cabins anywhere near here," demanded one of the men.

"I came from the sky, the kids saw me land," he replied.

The adults laughed, but the kids were looking at each other. Before the adults could say anything, a very large eagle landed on the ground near Jared. The shape changed into a man crouched over, and then Liam stood up next to Jared and dressed the same way.

"Holy shit, what was in that dope you guys brought," asked one of the men.

"It's not the dope, what you saw happened here and now. We ask you to treat Mother Nature with respect, and she will be here forever for you to use. You need to understand everything on earth is alive, has purpose, is connected and needs to be embraced," said Liam.

The two ladies had moved up behind the children and protectively pulled them backwards and into their arms.

"What were you guys doing?" asked one of them.

The girl explained quickly what her brother and the other boy had been doing. The mothers both gave the boys a disgusted look.

The one woman looked at the two Indians standing before them. "Is it enough to say we will deal with it?" she asked.

Jared smiled back at her, "Of course it is, cousin. Please, remember to embrace everything, mother nature, each other and especially your children."

"You called me cousin?" the woman said.

Liam answered this time, "We are all related from the origins and the term cousin is used with respect. We are all one family sharing the planet with all other life."

One of the men came forward and asked again, "Where did you guys come from?"

Liam smirked at Jared and said, "The same place we are going back to now."

Both of the men morphed back into large bald eagles standing on the ground. At the same time, the two lifted their wings in flight, doing a slow circle over everyone on the ground. Not one of the people had moved, and every one of them had their mouths hanging open. Jesse and Zane joined them in the circular flight pattern, screeching at each other. After the fifth or sixth lap, the four eagles took off down river.

"Its nice to educate people from doing harm," said Jesse.

Liam chuckled, "Loved the comment about what was in the dope they were doing."

The four eagles flew along the length of the river, riding the various currents of air. Most of the time the eagles just flew and rode the wind, enjoying the serenity of the day. Occasionally, they would stop to have a drink of water from the river and talk about what each had seen. The four of them even managed to play a 3D game of tag which Liam lost. Zane had made the comment about it was the first time he had ever seen an eagle sulk. Liam promptly leaned over and nipped Zane's butt with his beak before flying away and laughing.

The four men stood in couples near their quads staring out over the beauty of the countryside in silence. They were all thinking about the day they had spent together, and reflecting upon the lessons learned.

Through their connection, Jared suddenly asked, "What do you think about 30 days from today?"

Liam immediately understood the question and quickly answered, "I am ready anytime you are."

Jared turned and looked into Liam's eyes and said out loud, "As it is, 30 days from now." He kissed him gently.

Jesse looked at Zane, "Guess we missed something now that the link is broken with them."

Jared chuckled, "Sorry guys. We just decided the wedding will be in 30 days."

"Well, we better get making arrangements," replied Jesse as he moved to get on his quad. "No time to waste."

Troy and Tyler had taught Patrick how to operate the quad safely. In their opinion he would be able to operate on most of the trails they ran in the area as long as he had a more experienced person or two with him for the first while. Their biggest fear was the young man getting lost or seriously hurt before anyone could get to him. They pulled back into the yard and parked near the kitchen.

Patrick followed Adam on the quad as the two of them proceeded around the bay and to a secluded sandy beach. Adam parked his quad, and Patrick parked next to him.

"How do you like it so far, Paddy?"

"This is incredible, Ads."

Adam got off his bike, took his helmet off and put it onto the seat. He reached over to Patrick and pulled his helmet off too, placing it on the rack behind Patrick. He took his hand and led him down to the beach.

"Last one in the water is a rotten egg," said Adam as he began unlacing his boots.

Patrick was trying to get his coveralls off but realized he had forgotten his boots. He tumbled backwards in a heap. Adam started to laugh at the predicament.

"You bastard," exclaimed Patrick as he tried to get a knot out his boot lace.

"Do you need some help there?" asked Adam as he was standing just in his loin cloth.

Patrick looked up, "Bastard."

Adam leaned over and helped him out his boots. Patrick dropped his coveralls and started to run towards the water. Adam grabbed him, and both fell to the beach, rolling to the edge of the water. Patrick was under Adam as they looked into each other's eyes. The young man looked down at his friend, and leaned down to give him a gentle kiss.

Patrick returned the kiss with enthusiasm while bringing his arms up to hug Adam to his body closely.

When he finished the kiss, Adam smiled and quietly said, "Patrick, I'm in love with you."

Patrick smiled up at Adam, "Ads, I'm in love with you too. For the first time in my life I'm with someone who I feel comfortable enough to tell them the truth. The truth is that I'm in love with you, Adam." Patrick's eyes began to water.

Adam gently reached with one hand and wiped the tears of joy away. Then he gently leaned down and used his tongue to lick up the remaining trail of water. Adam licked his way down to Patrick's ear and gently nibbled at the lobe.

Patrick groaned as the sensations he felt near his ear were going directly to his already hard cock.

Adam whispered into Patrick's ear, "I want to give you a gift, to do something for you."

Patrick just moaned in response. Adam continued to lick and nibble down Patrick's neck and over his hairless chest. He took one of the erect nipples into his mouth and using his tongue, toyed with it. Adam gently played with the other nipple between his fingers. Patrick reached his hands up and grasped each side of Adam's head.

"God Ads, what are you doing?"

"Something I've dreamed about for a long time." Adam gently grasped the erect nipple in his teeth and stretched it up, suddenly letting it snap back.

"Mmmmm. I've dreamed about this too."

He continued to kiss his way down to the umbilicus and licked around it. This caused goose bumps to quickly rise on Patrick's skin.

There were sparse light brown hairs in a thin line from the belly button leading and disappearing under the amply filled loin cloth. As Adam kissed his way down towards the cloth, Patrick was squealing with delight. No one had even done this to him before, and it was what he had dreamed of, like a cheap romantic movie, on a sandy beach.

Adam gently hooked his fingers on the top of the Patrick's loin cloth. He hesitated his movement just to give Patrick a chance to say no; but it was difficult not to just rip the material off his boyfriend's waist. Under his right hand, he could feel the throbbing piece of solid man flesh which was still hidden under the soft leather.

Patrick felt as if his body was had waves of electrical charges traveling in all directions over his skin. He brought his right hand up gently bit on the knuckle of his index finger as he felt the loin cloth being pulled down from its position. The skin being exposed tingled as the leather shifted.

Adam gently pulled on both sides of the loin cloth, pulling it down slowly. The sparse brown treasure trail led to a defined beginning of light brown bush pubic bush. As the loin cloth continued its downward journey, Patrick could begin to feel the heat of Adam's breath on his ever-increasing exposed skin. Suddenly, his 7" inch hard uncircumcised cock popped up and out of its restraints. Adam was breathless as he saw the hard cock, and was surprised in the thickness of the appendage. They had been naked a couple of times at the tribe's activities, but this was the closest he had ever been to it. The foreskin had retracted enough to allow half of the big purple head to poke out. The pressure of the foreskin squeezed a big dollop of clear precum to leak and drip from the hole.

Adam gently reached out and touched the erect cock in front of him causing to Patrick to gasp loudly, and begin to chew on two knuckles. He gently slid the skin down and exposed the big purple head. Adam smiled as he leaned forward with his tongue outstretched to lick the flesh like an ice cream cone.

Patrick's muscles went rigid for a moment as he felt Adam's soft, warm tongue being dragged over and around the head of his cock. He gasped sharply as he grabbed both sides of Adam's head.

Adam knew Patrick would not last very long and gently grabbed the base of hard cock in his hand. He gently applied pressure to it, and temporarily decreased the sensations Patrick was feeling. This would allow more time before Patrick came as the result of his first ever blowjob.

Adam used one hand to gently slid the foreskin up and over the purple head while he changed position and began to suck on Patrick's hairless egg sized balls. Patrick was in absolute sensory overload. He had dreamed or imagined while jerking off, and he had even used a carrot up his ass. Nothing compared to what he was feeling as Adam began to take his whole cock into his mouth to suck on it.

"Oh god Adam, I love you," he screamed as he writhed in ecstasy.

After deep throating Patrick for a few minutes, Adam began to concentrate on the dick head with his mouth and tongue. At the same time, he used one hand to begin jacking Patrick off. It only took a moment before Patrick was groaning so loud it would be considered a scream. The hot life essence spewed from Patrick's cock and into Adam's mouth in such volume and force it escaped from each side of his lips. The warm sweet nectar seemed to fill his mouth again, and again and again before it finally began to slow down. Adam had never had such a big load given to him before, and it was very sweet too.

When he opened his eyes, Patrick was laying flat on his back, arms out at 45 degrees and his body was totally limp. Adam moved up and began to grind his own hard cock into Patrick's groin while leaning down and kissing him. It didn't take long before Adam shot his load between their abdomens, and he collapsed on top of his boyfriend. Patrick reached up and hugged Adam tightly, holding his boyfriend securely to his body.

"I love you, Ads."

"I love you too, Paddy."

"I didn't know that would be better than I ever imagined."

"I wanted your first time to be special."

Patrick lifted his head, "Have you seen my brains? When I blew that load I think they went with it."

Adam chuckled, "Do you always cum like that?"

"I guess I'm a heavy cummer."

"No shit Sherlock, I don't need supper now. You do that up my ass and it will be like an enema."

The two young men snoozed on the beach before heading back to the cabin.

The day had arrived, and both of the young men were very nervous. The ceremony was being done at the cabin on the flat area where they play volleyball. The backdrop of the altar is the beach, gentle waves on a blue lake contrasting with the green trees. The blue sky was absolutely clear of clouds as well giving the whole scene the look of a painted background in a studio.

The members of the tribe and the friends of the family were all invited, as well as some of the staff from the hospital and ambulance service. A few of the bloodline cousins from the reserve were present as well; approximately 40 people present in all. Grandfather Tom, and his daughter with her husband were present as well, all of them very proud of the way Adam was progressing. Adam's mother and some of her friends had measured and worked with the men to make some traditional leggings, mukluk style moccasins, and beautiful pullover shirts with decorative tassels and beadwork on them. The women had enjoyed working with the young men on the clothing, and not only teaching them to sew and bead but teaching them some of the language. The women were amazed at how over the past month of working on the new clothing a couple times a week, the men were learning the language and although they were not fluent, they could carry on some basic conversations. They had no clue the men of this tribe or family had some special abilities, and the assimilation of a language was newly developing as one of them. Jared and Liam were also working on some clothing similar to their brothers.

There was a teepee set up on each side of the 'stage area' to be used in the ceremony. An altar was at the front and in the middle, covered in smoked deer hide with the scared objects set out for use. In addition to the sacred objects, a rolled fur bundle had been placed on a piece of wood at each of the tables. Melanie had placed a few bundles of reeds, flowers and cedar boughs for some aesthetics to a male decorated area as she had put it.

Adam, Patrick, Conner and Mark were acting as the ushers for the event, and all of them handsome in their new clothes. The wedding dress code was casual, and the guests were quite comfortable in jeans, shorts and other various typical summer wear. Melanie had brought Ryan and his son Jeb, short for Jebidiah. Melanie and Ryan spent a lot of their time together off duty or when Mel was in town. Rob and his wife had driven out with Kat, Shawn, Amanda, Marci and her girlfriend Angie. They were happy to see Jack, Molly, and John and his wife. Lyle and his wife as well as Dawn and her husband were there as well. The Chief Superintendent John and Gus were there along with Kyle and Alex as well. There were a few more police officers, paramedics, nurses and even a couple of the construction tradespeople who Grandfather had befriended while they worked on the housing compound. The two of them were best friends and with Grandfather's support, they had not only faced their sexuality but they had found each was in love with the other and were keeping it hidden, much as Eric and Chad had. The Bear clan had sent a couple of the Reserve tribal counselors over for the ceremony as well. Everyone at the wedding was there because they were friends, family or close associates of Jared, Liam or Grandfather.

The couple had made it clear to everyone no wedding gifts for them were required or expected, but instead they could bring or donate directly non-perishable food items as a donation to the LGBT Community Food Bank. The area where the food could be left was piled high with cases of non- perishable canned goods and pastas.

Everyone was seated and the crowd quietened down as Jesse, Zane, Tyler and Troy walked up the center aisle to the front. They split at the front with two on each side, facing the crowd.

Tyler stepped forward and said loudly, "Please rise for the officiant, the Most Scared Medicine Man, Elder and Shaman of the People and our much loved and respected grandfather."

The crowd turned to see Grandfather at the back holding a 7' staff with eagle feathers, and tails of fur hanging from it. The old man smiled at Tyler when he heard the young man's comments. Grandfather entered Tyler's mind and said, "Thank you for your compliment grandson, who makes me very, very proud to be his grandfather."

Tyler looked surprised for a moment, and then looked at his feet. When he brought his head back up, he had a big smile on his face with a tear rolling down one cheek. The old man smiled back at him.

As he moved forward, the people saw he had his bison head dress with horns and buffalo cape on. He was an impressive man on his own, but the additional furs, necklaces and belts heightened the effect. He reached the front of the crowd and turned to face them.

"Thank you ladies and gentlemen, please be seated." The crowd sat down. The old man stood and looked at the people in the crowd. "I personally would like to thank every one of you for coming today to celebrate the union of my grandson with his soulmate. We are honoured so many of you came to share the festivities with my family. After the bonding ceremony, we invite you to stay for a supper or what we would call a feast which is being prepared and set out in the large garage behind the cabin. After that, we will be informally gathering throughout the yard around the fire pit to tell stories or renew friendships. My grandsons have allowed a small bar to be set up in the garage as well, for you who wish to have a drink or two."

As he finished his last words, a loud screech was heard over head. Everyone looked for the origin of the sound until they observed a very large bald eagle coming to rest on the top of a tree near the cabin deck. The big bird screeched after landing. It looked around and gave a few chirps. The crowd turned to look at Grandfather who seemed to answer the bird in its own language.

"As it is," said Grandfather, recognizing Liam's ancestral great-great-grandfather. "Jared, Liam; he has arrived to witness the event." He turned and walked to the altar and then positioned himself to face the crowd. Mathew stood with his staff at what would be called 'parade rest' in the military.

"For those not familiar with traditional bonding, this ceremony is one given to the original 12 tribes of the creator before they had been placed around the world. The old knowledge is what we call it, and it is the words of the creator which have been implanted in chosen people to pass on since the beginning of time. You may notice this ceremony may have some similarities to other 'faiths or religions.' As one of the keepers of sacred knowledge, they were brought forward from the original words of the Creator and into their own beliefs."

Grandfather's staff swung up so he held it in both hands, above his head. The guests heard him say something in a language they didn't understand. The eagle at the top of the tree screeched as if he was answering.

Grandfather released the lower part of the staff. He rammed the bottom of the staff onto the ground three times. The ground seemed to vibrate under all the feet of the guests. When the last of the vibrations faded away, Liam and Jared both exited the Teepees and walked towards each other, meeting in front of the old man. They reached out their hands and gently grasped each other. The two young men were looking deeply into each other's eyes with love, both hands hold their soulmates tenderly.

Grandfather stood straight, "My grandchildren, I am required by law to ask you if you are both here of your own free will?"

Liam and Jared both answered in squeaky voices, "Yes." Both coughed to clear their throats.

"Is it your intent to be freely married to each other in the eyes of these friends, our family, our spirit guides and the Creator?"

Again both of the young men managed to squeak out yes as an answer.

"Is there any reason why you cannot be married today. If there is any reason, you must speak it now."

The crowd was silent for a moment in anticipation of anyone daring to speak. Finally the old man smiled, he reached up to the sky with both hands holding his staff over his head. Liam, Jared, Jesse, Zane, Tyler and Troy all looked skyward as they held their hands out at forty five degree angles and palms up. Mathew then spoke strongly, "Creator, is there any reason why we may not proceed in the bonding of these two soulmates?"

Not a sound was heard by anyone as even the crickets and grass hoppers paused in their music; it was if the entire world paused for a moment to provide an absolute silence for an answer.

"As it is," said Grandfather as he placed his staff onto the table.

He turned and signaled Jared and Liam. The two young men also turned to face the crowd, shoulder to shoulder and holding hands.

Grandfather spoke loudly, "Begin the journey."

The two young men took a pace forward, and Liam spoke, "Let us take the first step to provide for our household a nourishing and pure diet, avoiding those foods injurious to healthy living."

They took another step and Jared spoke, "Let us take the second step to develop physical, mental and spiritual powers."

While they took another step forward, the crowd watched them stare deeply into the other's eyes and they could feel the love radiating off both of them. Liam spoke again, "Let us take the third step to increase our wealth by righteous means and proper use."

After taking another pace, Jared spoke again, "Let us take the fourth step to acquire knowledge, happiness and harmony by mutual love and trust."

"Let us take the fifth step, so that we be blessed with strong, virtuous and heroic children," said Liam.

"Let us take the sixth step for self-restraint and longevity," replied Jared.

Liam and Jared's eyes were both watering heavily. Neither one of the young men had ever felt their hearts racing like this before, and both thought they were going to pass out. A voice was heard in their head suggesting, "Take a few deep breaths, and all will be good." The two young men did so and felt better. Liam's voice was weak starting but gained strength as he spoke. "Finally, let us take the seventh step and be true companions and remain lifelong partners by this wedlock."

They both took the step and spoke together, "We have taken the Seven Steps. You have become mine forever. Yes, we have become partners. I have become yours. We are one soul, one person, one devoted to the Creator. Let us share the joys of life together."

From out of their pockets, Jared placed a beautiful gold ring on Liam's finger, and Liam placed a matching ring on Jared's.

The two young men slowly leaned into each other for a gentle kiss. It took just a moment before they pulled each other in for a tight hug, tears of joy running down their faces as they kissed and held each other. The crowd was applauding and cheering them. Finally, they broke apart and waked back down the aisle to Grandfather who was still standing in front of the altar with a big smile on his face.

Grandfather reached down for a bundle and lifted it up. It was a bison head with horns and a fur cape, but not as ornate as the one he was wearing. He placed it on Jared's head and said, "Most Sacred Eagle Eyed Bear, this is my gift for you which is suitable for someone of the title you have been given." Jared stood, a tear escaping his right eye. He glanced at his grandfather and could see the old man glowing with pride.

He reached for the second bundle, and it was similar but distinct as well. The fur was a lighter colour and the horns were shorter, and curved slightly inwards. "This is what was called a European woodland Bison, and it is the brother to the buffalo of the prairies. These were common when the Celtic tribe was seeded, Liam." He placed it onto the head of the young man, and saw Liam's eyes were both watering. "Most Sacred Soaring Eagle, this is my gift to you and fitting of someone of your position in the tribe."

He stood back, and from under his clock, he removed two large eagle feather wings attached to an eagle leg with talons and handed one to each of the men. "A scared object for smudging and special ceremonies, my grandchildren. These are my gifts to you both on the day of your bonding."

Suddenly, people were aware of a man suddenly standing at the back behind the group. He stood straight with a height of 6'6", dressed in beautiful white-coloured deer hide clothing. He had a 7' staff which was lined with eagle feathers. On his head was the fur and skin of a white bison, complete with the face and horns and from each horn hung amulets as well as eagle feathers. His jacket was white, with long frill along the bottom of the long sleeves and down each side of the chest to the waist. The leggings were white as well, again with long tassels down each side. The beadwork on the jacket represented the spirit guide animals of the earth. On his back along the shoulder blades was a beautiful presentation of the sun rising on one side of a mountain and the moon setting on the other side. His face was hidden by a hood pulled up and out the same way many of the youth do with hoodies to look cool.

"Running Elk, the Most Scared Elder, Most Sacred Medicine Man, most knowledgeable Shaman of the people to have lived on mother earth, loyal and devoted messenger of the Creator, may I witness you in your joyful deed?"

Grandfather fell to one knee and bowed his head. Jared, Liam, Tyler and Troy suddenly realized who was standing at the wedding and moved behind Grandfather, assuming the same positions. Jesse, Zane, Mark, Conner, and Adam suddenly realized what was happening, and followed their lead. They had moved behind their brothers and formed a perfect V shape, with Grandfather at the apex.

"Running Elk, the Most Scared Elder, Most Sacred Medicine Man, most knowledgeable Shaman of the people to have lived on mother earth, loyal and devoted messenger of the Creator, please continue your ceremony as I am here only to witness two of my children being bound together. Please carry on."

From their knelling position, Grandfather said, "Nimanitôm, would you consider to assist me in tying the bonding thongs?"

"Please stand my children. I will assist you in your task." The men all stood as the tall man approached them. He stopped in front of Jared and Liam, "My children, Most Sacred Soaring Eagle and Most Sacred Eagle Eyed Bear, I am so very proud of you and your tribe as well as all your friends. If all the children of the earth all had the dedication, integrity and unconditional love that everyone at this sacred ceremony has within them, this world would be at peace the way I intended to be. I bring you a gift to celebrate your wedding today if the Most Scared Elder, Most Sacred Medicine Man, most knowledgeable Shaman of the people to have lived on mother earth, loyal and devoted messenger of the Creator would allow it."

Grandfather nodded his head slightly.

The man handed his staff to Zane, and from under his cloak he brought out a beaded band approximately 24" in length, and 1" in width and coloured in the four colours of the medicine wheel. He reached out and took a hand from each of the men, and indicated they should hold them. He took the beaded band and tied it around Liam's and Jared's hands. He placed his hands to sandwich their hands between his.

His booming voice was heard, "Let the world know these two loving people are committed and bonded in the eyes of the tribe, their friends, the law and the Creator." He released his hands and turned to Grandfather.

"I apologise for arriving unannounced, my children. Now that I have given my gift, I will take my leave."

Nimanitôm turned and looked around at everyone.

"I feel so much love radiating from every person here today. There is love between couples, friends, and family members. Love was the greatest gift given to mankind, and this was the way I meant it to be used.

Nimanitôm, stopped, turned and walked quickly up to Grandfather and the ancient man pulled him for a tight hug.

"Mathew, you have always been the most loyal of the loyal, and if anyone is a friend to me it would be you. You do realize many days ago when Jared said 'Grandfather is Grandfather. He's known the Creator since the day after mother earth was created', he didn't really know how close he was, or we really are."

"It is not my place to say or explain to him, Nimanitôm."

"Peace be with you Mathew, to your family, to Jared's tribe, all his guests and all my children." The ancient one turned and quickly strode to the back of the group, and kept going up the lawn. The man kept walking to the treeline and seemed to disappear before their eyes. The crowd gasped in shock.

Jared and Liam held hands, and smiled at the crowd. The rest were sitting with puzzled looks on their faces.

"Ladies, gentlemen, friends and family, now that I am permitted, it is my extreme honour to introduce you to the spirit we call Nimanitôm. Let us finish the ceremony."

"With my blessing, and the blessing of Nimanitôm and with the authority of the government, you two are one, and together as married soulmates in the eyes of the government, and Nimanitôm the Creator himself."

The bald eagle in the trees screeched loudly, and then took to the air and disappeared from sight. The crowd stood and applauded the announcement. Jared and Liam kissed passionately, and remained together in a hug, both with tears streaming from their eyes.

The two young men were quickly encircled by their brothers, who began to hug them as well. All had tears in their eyes. A few moments later, they broke apart, and the newly married couple walked down the isle between all the well wishers. Jared and Liam took time to meet and speak with as many people as they could until Mel and the photographer pulled them away. The photographer was just about done when Liam asked for a couple of special pictures. They went to the end of the dock, and while they held hands, the two of them kissed with the setting sun in the background. The other picture was of the two of them standing at the end of the dock, side by side and holding hands. Liam's head was on Jared's shoulder, and Jared's head was leaned against Liam. The photographer asked them if he could enter these pictures in a national wide competition and was told to speak with them when he had the prints. Jared asked for a picture of both of them with Grandfather against the sunset.

Jared and Liam were sitting on a log together, holding hands.

"How long before dinner?" asked Liam.

"Tyler will come get us. Soulmate, this has been the most wonderful day of my life. I love you more every day we are together."

Liam turned his head to face his partner. Jared reached up and gently used his finger to wipe a tear away from Liam's eye. "I thought we both were done with the tears today."

"Jared, I have never been this happy before. I love you, my soulmate."

The two of them kissed and held each other tightly.

"Jared, I feel so complete when I am with you and in your arms."

"I also feel complete in your arms, Liam."

"I don't want to share you with anyone. I want to stay here, in your arms and never move."

"We are two of the luckiest people on the planet."

They heard someone walk up and stop. "Are you guys decent?"

Liam and Jared let go of each other and turned to see Conner standing there.

"What's up, Conner?"

"It's almost supper time and Mel sent me to tell you that you have to be on time," the young man said.

Liam and Jared both rolled their eyes. "We'll be there, Conner," replied Liam.

Conner stood there for a moment longer.

Jared looked up at him and asked "What's up, Conner?"

The young man stood there and was acting awkwardly. "Can I ask you guys a question?"

Liam looked over at the young man and said "Conner, what's going on?"

"You won't get mad at me?"

"Conner, when have we got mad for you asking about anything?"

"You're right. Now that you two are married, does that mean you won't have time for me or the guys anymore?"

Jared and Liam moved apart on the log, and slapped the log where they wanted the young man to sit between them.

"Why would you think that?" asked Liam as he put his arm over the young man's shoulders.

"We were talking..."

Jared turned his head and called out over his shoulder, "Ok guys, get over here."

Adam, Mark and Patrick slowly came forward.

"Sit," barked Jared. The young men slowly sat down on the log.

"What's this all about?" asked Liam.

"We're scared now that you're married we'll never see you guys any more. I know since that day we met in the hospital, you saved me, I look forward to us talking or doing things together," said Conner.

"Me too," said Mark quickly. "You guys have become so important in my life; I don't know what I would do without being able to spend time with you."

"I know we're over reacting," said Adam quietly. "But our worlds were in shambles until we met you two."

Liam stretched his arms around the shoulders of Adam and Mark while Jared did the same with Conner and Patrick.

"Which one of you stooges figured we are going to disappear?" asked Liam with a smile.

All of the young men looked at the ground. Liam watched all of them for cues from their body language. Finally, Conner's left eye had a tear form. Liam nodded his head to Conner so Jared could see the tear. Liam locked eyes with Jared, and they shared a thought.

Jared and Liam stood, as did the young men.

Jared grabbed Mark, Patrick and Adam by the scruff of the necks, "Let's go boys, you showed up at the right time to help me haul wood for the fire pit. We can talk at the same time."

Conner started to follow them when Liam gently tugged at his shirt, and nodded to the dock. The two walked over, and sat on the bench looking out over the water.

"You figured it out, didn't you?"

"Conner, I love you like a little brother and would never abandon you or the other three of the stooges." Liam put his arm around the young man's shoulder and pulled him close. "So what brought this on, little guy?"

Conner sat for a moment, "I've been thrown away and abandoned before. I just thought..."

A short distance away, Kat, Molly and Amanda were sitting on some lawn chairs in the sun enjoying a Long Island Iced Tea. The ladies had seen the four young men keeping to themselves and doing a lot of talking away from everyone else. The young men weren't mad, but it looked like they were unsettled or scared.

"Those young guys are trying to figure out what going to change now that Liam and Jared are married," said Amanda.

Molly agreed. "I've been watching them too. Until you said it, I wasn't sure what was going on."

"I will never forget the day Jared, Liam and his band of outlaws came to the hospital to look after Conner and then Mark," said Kat. Kat then told them the story about the wheel chair, and how quickly Conner had come out his shell.

"I saw it too," said Amanda. "Those boys were like lost ships until Jared and Liam. I think they are afraid their support system is going to disappear."

"I think Jared and Liam are at work again. Three have gone with Jared and appear to be talking while piling wood and it looks like Conner is with Liam," said Molly.

"It was Liam who first made the connection and breakthrough with Conner so it doesn't surprise me to see them together," added Kat.

The three ladies sat and watched for a few minutes as they sipped their drinks.

Liam suddenly stood up and said something to Jared in language they didn't understand. Jared stood up and shrugged his shoulders in reply to whatever had been said to him. Liam grabbed Conner, and threw him up and onto his shoulder. The young man was calling for help as Liam carried him to the end of the dock and threw him off, into the water. Mark and Adam ran onto the dock and continued right off the end of the dock, with Liam in their clutches. The sound of yelling and laughter brought Jesse, Zane, Tyler and Troy running to see what was going on. They saw the others in the water, and quickly grabbed Jeb and Patrick, actually physically dragging Patrick and Jeb down to the dock where they threw them both in. The rest jumped in after. Jared was the only person not in the water, and he walked onto the dock to gloat.

Grandfather was dressed in his usual blue jeans and flannel shirt now, and he came up beside the three women watching the scene.

"I see my grandson is the only one not in the water," the old man said.

"Mathew," started Kat, "If I knew I wouldn't get dragged into the water with him, I'd go shove him in."

Grandfather smiled at Kat. "Would it bring you three ladies pleasure to see Jared end up in the lake?"

All three answered a resounding, "Yes."

"For a group of such beautiful women, it is my pleasure to make your wish happen," Mathew said with a smile.

Grandfather stood straight, feet shoulder-width apart and brought his hand up to his waist, palm facing outwards. Quickly, he pushed his hand straight out as if he was pushing a door open.

Jared had been laughing at them when he was thrown off the dock and into the water. He immediately sensed what had happened, and his grandfather was behind it.

Grandfather started to clap his hands as if he was brushing dirt off his hands when he said, "I think my work here is done."

The three ladies were laughing at what had happened to Jared.

"Mathew, Jared says that line all the time. He really is a chip off the old block," said Kat.

"I take that as a compliment, Kat," he replied.

"It was meant as one, and remind me to never to get on your bad side," she replied with laughter.

Jared's head broke the surface of the water, and he immediately heard Liam, "I think you were grandfathered into the water."

"Soulmate, I know I was," he replied laughing.

Tyler swam over, "Jared, one of these days we are going to have to get Grandfather."

"Many have tried," said Jared. "Many have been wedgied for the attempt."

The men spent a few minutes climbing out of the water and jumping back in, dunking each other and generally horsing around. It came to a sudden end when they heard a screech from the dock.

Melanie was standing there with her hands on her hips. "What the hell do you think you guys are doing? This is a wedding, not a swimming party!" She never finished her speech when she was suddenly flung into the water.

Molly, Kat and Amanda turned their heads slowly to look at Grandfather. He smiled back at them.

"That was too big of an opportunity not to take advantage of, and I enjoyed it way too much," said Mathew slowly.

Melanie's voice could be heard clearly accusing Jared of getting her wet, who was claiming innocence.

Kat was laughing as she said, "I said it before Mathew, you are as big of a shit disturber as Jared."

"My work here is definitely done now, I think I'll go check on the caterers," he replied with a smile.

The boys were all walking out of the water and onto the beach with Melanie following them. Melanie followed them out and stood there looking at them.

"Bastards," she muttered as she rung out her shirt.

"Mel, we had nothing to do with this," pleaded Jared.

"I know, and I will never know who is worse, you or our grandfather," she said with a smirk.

"Grandfather, definitely Grandfather," suggested Jared.

"At one time I may have agreed, but I don't know any more especially since you and Liam are able to stack your powers," she said.

Liam leaned over and kissed her on the cheek, "I would never do that to my beautiful cousin Melanie."

"Ok, now hear this, minions. All of you, up to the cabin and find some dry clothing... AND NO LOIN CLOTHS OR GOING NAKED. Jared, make sure it happens in under 15 minutes and then everyone into the garage for supper. AM I CLEAR?"

Everyone said, "Yes ma'am!" and saluted.

Melanie pointed at Patrick and Jeb, "You two, go with them and get dry clothes. There is enough in the cabin to clothe an army. But, do not listen to anything these guys tell you... they lie and they are evil."

"I'm not evil, I'm a lawyer," said Jesse.

"They are worse, Jeb. A lawyer will pick pocket you and never lose their smile!"

Jesse laughed, "Not all of us, not all of the time." Jesse stepped away, "Liam, you are right about her... she is beautiful until she spits fire and stomps on villages."

"Both of you MOVE it before I give you a bare-assed lickin here!" She turned on time to smack Jesse good, and he screamed. She pivoted again and nailed Tyler on the ass followed by Jared. The group started to run.

"Where are you going to be, Mom?" asked Jeb.

The group froze in mid stride, turned and looked at Melanie. She had a beautiful, loving look on her face as she looked at Jebidiah. She stepped over to him, and put her arm around his shoulders gently.

"I'm coming too, Jeb," she replied. "I have clothing in a suitcase in the room I'll be using with your dad. Did you put your extra clothes in there too?"

"Yes, I did," he replied.

With one hand, she mussed up his hair.

Jeb smiled and then looked down at his feet, mumbling. "Is it alright I said that? I was thinking it and then it just slipped out." He looked up at her, "You've been more of a mom to me since I met you than my mother was for years. Your cousin and his friends are pretty cool too."

Melanie gave him a hug, and realized everyone was standing in a circle around her with their mouths hanging open. She looked at them, and smiled. Then it was over.

"Who the fuck told you to stand around here? I told you to move your asses and get dressed. MOVE IT NOW," she bellowed.

The group started to walk away when Liam began to sing, "Melanie and Ryan sitting in the tree"

The rest of the group joined in, "K-i-s-s-i-n-g. First comes love, then comes marriage..."

"The one who says the next line gets his nuts twisted until they fall off," she yelled at them.

No one said a word as they ran to the house.

The meal was a huge smorgasbord cooked by a company from a mobile kitchen in a trailer. The entire evening was very informal and relaxed. Frank enjoyed chatting with Mathew, Shawn and Jack and made the observation it had been not only the first gay wedding he had attended but one where the guests weren't all falling down drunk as well. Shawn and Jack agreed about the heavy drinking which usually occurs at weddings and further commented they had enjoyed the day here more than any other wedding.

There was no head table at this wedding. The men had split themselves up and sat with the guests where ever empty seats were. Jared and Liam sat with Grandfather, Frank, Shawn, Kate, Mel, Ryan and Jeb. It was the family table, not a head table.

It was also obvious Melanie and Ryan were falling deeply in love, and it did not go unnoticed by anyone else either. It was also obvious the two of them had hidden their feelings for each other previously. Although there were no formal speeches at this wedding, Jared and Liam did both stand and thank everyone for coming. All the brothers stood together, looked straight at Melanie and stuck their fingers down their throats while imitating throwing up. For once, Melanie was speechless. Ryan was laughing so hard, he fell out his chair, especially after Melanie gave him a healthy shove.

Grandfather asked Jared to round up the members of his tribe, and meet him at the fire pit. A few moments later, the men were all standing and waiting for an explanation from Grandfather. The old man finally walked into the light of the fire.

He stood and looked at the flames dancing in the fire for a moment, and then asked, "Is everyone here?"

Jared looked at the group as they stood around the fire. Patrick, Adam, Conner, Mark, Liam, Jared, Jesse, Zane, Tyler and Troy were all standing and awaiting the words of Grandfather.

The old man looked into the face of every single man standing in the circle. "My children, I am humbled to stand before you as the man you call your grandfather. Every one of you, I am so very proud to call you my grandchildren and I have as much love for all you as I could for a grandchild by blood."

Mathew looked at the fire again, and then said, "In celebration of tonight, I am going to lead a fire ceremony for everyone. I am also going to invite our close friends who have remained here still tonight to join us." With that, he waved to unseen people in the dark.

Rob and his wife, Jack and Molly, Kat and Shawn, Frank, Gus and John, Ryan and Melanie with Jeb, Dawn and her husband, Amanda and Marci all came into the light of fire.

Grandfather lifted his voice and called out, "My old friend, where are you?"

"I'm coming," Tom called out. "Damn prostate at my age." A ripple of laughter was heard. Grandfather Tom came into the light and walked to a spot in front of Mathew. He bowed, and moved to a position on Mathew's right.

"My children, we are gathered here tonight in respect and love for another. Jared, from the time I first held you in my arms after you were given to me, I could have never foreseen the life you would have and all of these people you have brought together. My grandson, I am so very, very proud of you."

Jared left his position in the circle and rushed to his grandfather and hugged him tightly. With tears streaming down his cheeks, he said, "I am who I am today because of you Grandfather and I love you more than I can describe."

The old man hugged him back tightly, and replied, "I love you too, grandson." After a moment, he looked up and said, "And Melanie too. I love her dearly as well." He released Jared who returned to his place in the circle. Liam took his husband's hand and kissed it gently.

"Who would have ever guessed we would be here tonight with over 30 of your brothers and friends. Tonight, I have invited all of you to participate in a Fire Ceremony." The old man hesitated for a moment before continuing. He looked at Tyler, "No Tyler, we are not going to watch Melanie stomp on villages and spit fire." That caused some laughter while Melanie mumbled.

"Traditionally, the Fire Ceremony is the time of change for the better. People may bring objects to throw into the fire they wish help with to give up or leave behind them. Something which has a more modern approach to this is to get a piece of paper and pencil from Tom, and write out what it is you wish to change for the better or give up to improve yourself." He took a deep breath and continued, "Write down on the paper what you would like to change in yourself, give up, stop doing or get rid of to change your life for the better. When you're done, fold the paper up and don't share it with anyone. Then on a second piece of paper, write what you would like to do to improve yourself... a new behavior, a new way, and objective or something positive. When everyone is done, I will explain more."

Patrick had been quiet this evening, but couldn't resist saying something. "Tyler, is Liam going to put cheesecake on his paper before his..." A slap to the back of his head prevented him from finishing.

"Thank you Troy," said Liam.

"You're welcome Liam, but he needs to know it's too late to say before your ass gets big," said Troy with a smile.

"Bitch," said Liam smiling, and then added, "Both of you." The rest of the group laughed as well.

The group spent the next few minutes getting paper and a pencil and then thinking about what to write down. After approximately 10 minutes, everyone was back in the circle again. Grandfather explained the significance and strength of the circle which Jared had explained to his brothers while they were on the canoe trip.

"This is a totally voluntary thing, but if you take the first paper and throw it into the fire it will burn into ashes and float away from you. You may say it out loud or keep it to your self... both are fine."

The group began to throw their paper into the fire, and some also whispered what they had written out loud. Grandfather watched everyone complete the first task. He looked to the ground, and concentrated on the fire. The flames in the centre of the fire suddenly shot up and into the sky causing the people to stand back and murmur, "Oooo." When the fire settled down, Grandfather had them do the same with the second paper.

This time, Grandfather stood near the fire and as he spread his arms wide open, lifting his eyes toward the stars and chanted loudly. The crowd was focused on Grandfather and missed Adam, Liam and Jared assuming the stance equal distance around the fire until they joined Grandfather in his chanting. The crowd stood back to watch. The fire began to churn and move as if it were molten lava until a ball of bright white light was spit from the centre and into the sky. The ball of light shot straight up silently but leaving a trail of sparkling embers below it. The ball exploded brightly and loudly in the night sky causing everyone to jump. The explosion created thousands of trailing white stars which burned out quickly. A second ball of light shot straight up from the fire, followed by a series of other balls of light. When these ones exploded, a pattern of red, yellow, green and blue repeated itself several times until a black ash began to float to the ground. The four men chanting yelled one final word as the final ball of light shot to the sky and exploded. This time it released gold shimmering stars, followed by a blast of wind which hit everyone. The four medicine men stopped chanting, bringing their arms down to their sides.

After a couple moments of silence, Jared explained the importance of the colours in the medicine wheel, and briefly explained the powers of each colour. He also explained the four medicine men standing at each direction brought a strong blessing on each person, and their wishes to change had been sent up to the Creator, and he has allowed the requests of each person which was signified by the ash of paper falling to the earth after it had been read.

Jared stood and spoke to the group, "Something to help you is to think of this ceremony from the old knowledge of the original 12 tribes. We were given the knowledge that if we wish to be loved, we must give love. If we wish to be respected, we must respect all persons, even those we dislike. If we wish to be forgiven, we must also forgive. If we wish others to speak kindly of us, we must speak kindly of them and avoid gossip. If we want happy marriages, we must be faithful, forgiving and kind to our spouses. If we wish to be fulfilled in our lives, we must share generously with others. This is some of the knowledge given to us by the Creator, and I share with you freely.

Grandfather stepped forward and spoke, "Shawn, before you say anything to me you are correct that you may find something similar in Mathew 7 of the Bible." Mathew smiled as he looked towards Shawn, "But what Jared just told you is thousands of years older and as I've said before, many of the lessons were given to us centuries before the more modern faiths used them and actually wrote some of it down."

Liam stepped forward, "Shawn, it doesn't matter how the people learn the lessons and the information, as long as they do and try to follow it to the best of their abilities in their everyday life."

The group milled around and chatted while drinking some tea. Many began to leave and head off to the cabin to their beds after a full day of celebrations. Tyler had asked John and Gus to stay behind to speak with them after everyone else had left. Soon enough, it was just the family left behind.

Jared walked over to John and Gus, and brought them out to stand closer to the fire.

Jared turned and growled like a bear. There was a sudden flurry of activity as Liam moved to his side, Jesse and Zane on one side, with Tyler and Troy on the other side to make the positioning like a "V." At the open end of the V stood Adam, with Conner and Mark behind him. Patrick was behind them standing exactly where he had been told by Conner.

The entire group stood with their arms crossed, and feet spread and under different circumstances the people standing at the fire would have been terrified if not intimidated.

John had no clue what was happening and his training was kicking in, but he sensed no danger.

"We are gathered here as a group of friends, family and our tribe," said Jared. "These two men have been together for 20 years as a loving couple entirely devoted to each other. In their 20 years together, the two of them have been helping people to get back on a positive path in life and never asking for anything themselves."

Tyler stepped around Jared and Liam and towards John. He reached out and took both of their hands and put them together. "You two have been helping lost people and giving them a chance to live the lives they were intended to live. The people who all came to celebrate your wedding anniversary filled that community hall with love and respect, but were not in a position to give you the gift we have for you."

"You guys don't have to give us a gift," said John.

Tyler shook his head, "John, we follow instructions like you do."

Troy stepped around Liam and Jared, "The gift was given to us to present to you."

"I don't understand," said Gus rapidly.

John turned to him, "Gus, take a deep breath and don't go Greek on me."

"What does he mean?" said Gus.

"Gus, we have always known there was more to these guys than what they wanted us to know. I think we are about to find out," said John looking at Jared.

Troy handed a small leather pouch to Tyler, and kept a second one for him. The two men opened the small bags and took out a beautiful gold ring with a turquoise band inlayed around its circumference. The two men reached out and slipped the rings on Gus and John's middle finger on their right hand.

Gus was about to say it was too big when it began to get warm and glow. He quickly looked at John's hand and the same thing was happening. When the two rings fit perfectly, the glow disappeared.

John and Gus looked into each other's eyes deeply. Confusion showed on both their faces, and then it disappeared as quickly as the confusion came.

"John, I never knew... I mean I knew but now I can feel it," stammered Gus.

Jared laughed, "Just seeing you stutter like that Gus, was worth it. The gift is not only the rings, but to feel the love and devotion of your soul partner."

"I don't understand?" replied Gus. "How could this be?"

"Gus, your devotion to each other and to the people you helped has not been unknown by Nimanitôm or the one called the Creator. This is his gift to you with his appreciation for your lives of devotion," said Jared. "He left them with us after his participation in the wedding this afternoon."

Both John and Gus's head snapped to look at Jared. Jared reached out and touched their hands, and explained in seconds through a mental connection faster and more efficiently than speech. The two men stared at Jared as he connected, and provided them with the information. He paused long enough to ask Liam to join them. As soon as Liam connected, he understood why. When they separated, Liam stepped directly in front of Gus, and placed his hand over the man's heart.

"How long have you been having the fainting episodes, Gus?" asked Liam.

"How do you... never mind. A few years Liam, but they are getting worse slowly."

John got upset quickly, "Gus, you told me you were ok with the doctor."

Gus looked at his husband and said, "I'm sorry John. I didn't want you to worry. It's what killed my father too."

John closed his eyes, "Gus, I can feel your fear, regret and love."

Gus closed his eyes, "As I can feel your forgiveness and love and fear for me."

The two men opened their eyes and looked at Liam. What they saw surprised them as Liam's eyes were glowing white. Gus could feel warmth growing in his chest, around his heart. John just stared at his husband as he felt the emotions growing and overflowing from Gus and into him. Liam's eyes returned to normal.

"John, your stubborn old Greek will be around for many years to come, or at least his heart defect will not be the cause of his death," said Liam.

John reached and took Gus into his arms tightly, and both had tears flowing down their cheeks. "You stubborn old man," said John.

"I didn't want to worry you John," replied Gus. They held each other for a moment and then turned to group of young men.

"Thank you," they both said.

"I knew you guys were special, but I never knew how special," said John.

"We have one more thing to do tonight," said Jared. "Patrick, please step forward."

The young man came from the back of the group and slowly moved forward to stand in front of Jared. Troy stepped forward and in front of Patrick. He whispered into the young man's ear he was going to remove his shirt for a moment but not to be scared.

Patrick nodded and Troy slid the shirt off of him.

"Patrick, you have been with us for a while and you have become a little brother to everyone here. You were granted the protection of the Tribe by my grandfather, now we are giving you the protection of the clan as a brother. If you need us, you yell in your mind and we will come."

Jared placed the palm of his hand on Patrick's pectoral muscle above the location the heart is located and held it there. When he removed his hand, a small bear paw-print tattoo was on his skin.

"I don't know what to say, Jared," Patrick said quietly. "I know you will come like the last time I needed your help."

"Welcome to our tribe," said Jared. Patrick looked up at Jared, and grabbed him a big hug. The rest of the group joined the hug.

Gus and John had moved back, and watched the group surround the young man. "Gus, I never realized how special these men were until tonight. There's another one they rescued."

"John, we have two here with us probably worried about us being out so late at night, and we took those two in to help them."

"I know... I just had never seen it done from the outside before."

Jared and Liam slipped away from the group, and went back to their bedroom in the cabin.

In the bathroom next to the deep soaking tub was bottle of ginger ale on ice, two roses, and candles ready to be lit. There were also rose pedals in the bath tub and on the bed as well. It was a beautiful gesture on someone's part. There was what appeared to be a pastry box on the dresser, and Liam opened it carefully. Inside there were small, bite sized pieces of chocolate cheese cake. There was a note inside and Liam read it. He gave it to Jared and they smiled at each other. The note was from Patrick, and he had Tyler and Troy's help to buy this gift, the flowers and the soda to do this for them on this special night. The note went on and explained he could never repay anyone for what they have done for him, but he hoped they understood that he loved them both and wanted to do something special. The final thing the note said was for Jared to make sure Liam worked off all the cheesecake tonight. They both started laughing.


Editor's note: It's been a great ride with the family this second series. We had some new additions, and also the departure of Darren and Josh... but we learned something from all of them. Losing Josh and Darren was difficult, but it was balanced by meeting the new brothers, Jesse, Zane, and Patrick... but also meeting the recurring characters such as Jack, Molly, Ryan, Jeb, John, Gus, Alex, Kyle, Chad, Eric and Nikita, or characters from the brothers' past, such as Cliff. There is always a danger of having a large cast of characters in a story... it sometimes loses cohesion. But that didn't happen here. I think you'll all agree with me that Snowblind has handled his large cast extremely well. The extended cast only come in when needed, and the focus stays on the brothers. It's kind of like these guys are dictating their story.

Actually, Snowblind has mentioned to me many times before that that's the way it seems to happen, as if he's a channel for the story. I love the guys, and my participation in this journey was a surprise. But what was even more of a surprise was the friendship that has developed with the author. It's been extremely rewarding working on this story with all these wonderful characters, as well as my friendship. I will miss the story (at least if and until Jared and Liam start dictating again), but my friendship carries on.

Authors note: When I finished Jared 1, I had no clue there was going to be a Jared 2. Jared 2 started one day and over 450 pages later (6 months), it ended with a wedding. I just seem to be a channel for the story, and it's as if I'm watching the characters in my mind performing the story so I can write it. Will there be a Jared 3? I don't know.

What I do find amazing is the emails from readers who have conveyed how this story has connected with them. I have been literally shocked at how many personal stories which have been sent, and I appreciate each one of them. This story and a couple of other short stories was the first time I had ever written fiction, let alone gay erotic fiction. One morning, I thought I would try writing gay erotic fiction. I wrote a couple of stories, and then this one started. Would it be reasonable to believe no one wakes up in the morning with the thought "I'm going to write a story with gay characters, strong morals, heavy spirituality, life lessons, tolerance, philosophical questions, equality, challenge the status quo, human rights - all rolled together into a positive, loving, living family of lost people coming together who try and save others as they need it." Think about it, but that's what the story became. Health, hope, happiness, and love. I love getting the emails, and I answer every one of them.

I found a friend Scott to edit, and although we live a couple of 1,000 miles apart, it's as if he is with me in the room when we are texting and messaging. The friendship we have is not ending with this story.

I have had Storylover.us and the Radio Rancher give me moral support throughout, and even slap me up the side of the head when I didn't believe in myself. The stories will continue to be posted here on Nifty (Thanks Nifty) and now on storylover.us (thanks Bill).

May all the readers be blessed with peace, love, health, hope and happiness in your lives and that of your family and friends.

Bruce aka snowblind

Next: Chapter 51: Jared the Paramedic III Prologue

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