Jared the Paramedic

By Snowblind94

Published on May 22, 2015


Disclaimer: The following contains explicit scenes of male sex and a variety of consensual activities. This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit permission from the author.

All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed. The characters are entirely fictitious and are not based on anyone who has or is still living.

The author is not a professional fiction writer and is just enjoying a new hobby. If there are some grammatical errors, I apologise. The thing I find most frustrating as a severe dyslexic is the reversal of words when I write, and when I speak.

Special thanks to Dave S. for reviewing, editing and giving me some constructive opinions.

Comments may be addressed to snowblind94@yahoo.ca

Recap from Chapter 4

"That should help that big nasty thing from being hard for a bit" said Jared. "You really were on hair trigger this time. You must have needed a release."

Liam looked at him and said "I love you. Thank you." He leaned in a kissed Jared gently.

They were standing there looking into each other's eyes when a voice brought them back you reality. "If you two are finished up there, we're ready for a volleyball game" yelled Josh. Liam and Jared smiled and then laughed, then went to join them in the game.

Chapter 5 The family grows tighter together.

Later that evening, the guys were all sitting around on the deck relaxing after a big meal. It was about 9:00pm in the evening now and the sun was setting. It was a breathtaking watching from the porch as the sun set, turning the sky to a blending of yellow, orange, red waves of colour.

Jared went into the cabin and came back with enough towels for everyone. He went over to the hot tub and lifted the lid, flipping it off. After turning on the jets he turned to Liam with his hand extended out. Liam reached out and clasped his lover's hand, following him to the tub. They both got gently in and settled in a corner, Jared's arm around Liam's shoulders. Jared's other hand was under the water line and manipulating his lover's appendage.

Josh and Darren joined them in the hot tub sitting in another corner together. They were followed immediately by Troy and Tyler. The six of them were chatting away about a variety of topics, telling jokes or poking fun at each other.

Liam was trying hard not get a hard-on in the hot tub with these five studs around him, and Jared's hand wasn't helping the problem either. Soon he was as hard as a rock, and turning red from embarrassment. Jared started to kiss his neck and his lips. It was then Liam noticed everyone else was doing the same thing with their boyfriends. Liam began to kiss Jared back, relaxing. Liam reached under the water and grabbed Jared's hard dick. It was like steel and Liam knew where he wanted it.

Liam stood up and then shifted over top of Jared and started to sit down. He felt Jared's dick at his asshole and sat down more. He could feel it enter him as he groaned. He finished sitting down on Jared's dick. All 9" of it was now embedded deep inside of him. It felt so good, and it felt so right. Liam started to shift his weight up and down on Jared's dick and it was an incredible feeling. Liam suddenly remembered the others in the hot tub and looked over at them.

Josh was on Darren's lap and obviously doing the same thing he was. Troy and Tyler had just got into position and Tyler was sitting down on Troy's dick. The water in the hot tub was now splashing over the edges in waves from the six muscular men having sex. Liam became focused on Jared's big dick deep inside of him and tuned the others out.

Jared then placed both hands on Liam's shoulders and said "Its time Liam. I want you to seed me with your essence. "

Liam looked at him and replied "Jared, I've wanted to do this with you but was afraid to ask. I was also enjoying bottoming so much I didn't mind."

They separated and stood in the tub. Jared then turned and kneeled on the tub seat, hanging over the edge of the tub presenting his tight, muscled ass to Liam. Liam stood there and hesitated. This is so new to me he thought to himself. He felt hands on each shoulder and he turned to see Josh and Tyler standing beside him. Josh quietly suggested he grab Jared's ass cheeks to pull them apart and then use his tongue to lick at the little exposed rose bud. Liam did this and the resulting moans from Jared told him he was doing it right.

While he was sticking his tongue into Jared, Tyler quietly suggested to Liam he use a finger to slowly enter Jared's asshole. Tyler poured some silicone based lube on Liam's finger. Liam slowly pushed his finger into Jared and kept asking him if it was hurting him at all.

Jared replied "Do as you're doing lover. I'll let you know if it hurts."

Josh made a gesture with his finger suggesting he move it in and out. Liam did this. When he looked at Josh again, he was making a fingertip wiggling motion in the air. He leaned in and whispered to Liam "rub the prostrate with your finger tip like this. You know what it is medic boy, but when you massage it like this, it will send shocks through Jared's body. Liam did this and he felt Jared's muscles tighten and his head come up. "You got it Liam, do that" Jared yelled.

Tyler let him continue for a bit and then made a gesture of putting in two fingers. Liam did so. Jared seemed to be really enjoying what Liam was doing and was moaning wildly. Liam looked at his friends and smiled; they were all sitting on the edge of the hot tub watching, and playing with themselves or each other. Darren stepped forward and gently grabbed Liam's hard cock. He looked down at it and then Darren looked at Liam and indicated three fingers into Jared now. While Liam was pushing a third finger into Jared, Darren let Liam's dick go and returned to his seat. He promptly reached over and grabbed Josh's hard dick. Darren loved to play with the big head on Josh's dick by sliding the foreskin back and forth over it.

Troy stepped forward to Liam and got his attention. He motioned for Liam to stand close to the hot tub seat, and Liam did so. Troy squirted some lube into Jared's stretched asshole, enjoyed himself while he use his fingers to make sure it was getting into him. Then he took some lube and grabbed Liam's dick, smearing it up and down the length of the hard shaft.

Troy leaned over and whispered in Liam's ear "Put it in slowly. First let the head pop in and then pause for a moment. Then push in more gently until you have impaled him totally. Then you know what to do eh?"

Liam was having some trouble balancing and trying to get his hard cock into Jared. Troy came up and gently grabbed Liam's dick and aimed it for its target. Liam mouthed "thanks" as he pushed forward into Jared. He waited a moment like he had been told, and then started to push more in slowly. Jared caught him off guard by pushing his ass back, impaling Liam deep inside of him.

Jared turned his head and said "Fuck me Liam. Do it like you imagined in your jerk off sessions."

Liam smiled and started pounding Jared's ass at a slow pace, increasing in speed. A few moments later, Liam knew he wouldn't last long as the feeling was the best thing next to being fucked. His cock was deep in Jared's tight warm, moist hole and it felt incredible.

"Jared, I'm sorry. I can't last much longer" said Liam.

Jared turned his head and said "I'm ready for your seed. Give me your essence Liam. Give it to me as hard and deep as you can. Squirt that seed Liam" he commanded.

It only took a few more thrusts as he came deep in Jared's ass. As he came, Liam felt contractions in Jared's asshole and realized Jared was cumming too. The feeling Liam had at this moment was incredible. He felt like an eagle flying over the trees and lake. He was looking down at the cabin and everyone in the tub and he even saw himself making love to Jared. He felt a second set of orgasmic waves coarse through his body like he had never felt before, seeming to last forever.

What Liam didn't realize was as he closed his eyes and delivered his essence deep into Jared, they had both began to glow white. The white light had started deep within Liam's pelvic region and soon expanded throughout his body. As his essence was ejaculated, Jared's lower abdominal began to glow, and it spread quickly throughout his body. The two of them were now entirely white and as Liam was cumming a second time inside Jared, the white glows combined into one white orb. Jared was cumming as well, his seed being expelled through air and onto the leaves of bushes nearby. When their waves of pleasure ended, the glow receded from them the way it started, disappearing entirely.

The vision was gone now. The tub was in absolute silence. Liam backed off and popped out of Jared ass. Jared stood up and bent over so Liam could see his cum, his seed dribbling out of Jared's ass. Jared stood up and then grabbed Liam tightly kissing him.

Liam looked around the hot tub and realized the other four guys had masturbated each other watching him and Jared make love. They each had trails of sperm on their chests and stomachs. Liam stood there.

"That was incredible" mumbled Darren.

"I agree" said Liam, out of breath.

"You don't understand Liam. We saw the two of you glowing as you made love" explained Josh.

Jared smiled at the group, knowing they wanted an explanation. "I told you making love was a not just a sexual release, it is the blending of two spirit's essence who become one spirit, bound together."

"That's what we saw? The spirit's blending?" asked Tyler.

"Yes. I see it every time you guys make love with your boyfriends, as everyone here will see it when someone makes true love" said Jared. "It is a beautiful thing, isn't it?"

Troy spoke up "You never cease to amaze me Jared. Watching the two spirits blend gave me such a feeling of love and warmth throughout my body I will not soon forget."

"The blending of love is a beautiful thing, but there are some spirits you don't want to see during sex. I have seen people with dark shadows coming out of them to take control of the other person's spirit. That's something very common in an abusive relationship" said Jared.

"So there's not only physical fighting and damage, but fighting and damage on a spiritual level as well" said Josh.

Jared smiled at him "Yes Josh, you hit the nail on the head. You guys will see it now as well. If you want to see spirits of all varieties, go to a bathhouse or gay bar sometime. It's fascinating to watch what's going on above the people in the bar."

Liam asked "Changing the topic here but Jared did you see the vision? I was an eagle flying over the group and watching everybody in the hot tub and us making love."

"No, I didn't see that one but it's a very powerful vision Liam, and it reveals you will have the ability to leave your body and travel as one of your gifts" said Jared.

"That's a scary thought Jared" said Liam. With a twinkle in his eye he asked "Can I touch people and they would be aware I am touching them?"

Jared read Liam's mind through his contact with their hands. "Yes, I'll teach you how to do it, and even how to pinch Darren's ass."

"Hey, what about my ass?" asked Darren. "That's not fair guys, spirits pinching my ass."

The guys all laughed as Darren put both of his hands over his ass.

"Jared, Is what we felt above the sex I mean, is that what true love feels like" asked Liam.

Jared smiled and kissed Liam's hand. "It gets better Liam, it gets much better."

Everyone got up and had a tight group hug in the center of the tub. Liam was elated. He felt part of something for once in his life and he had friends. They split apart and then started congratulating Liam for losing his virginity as well as his blending of spirits.

They others were telling him how hot he was making love to Jared, calling him a stud. Liam turned to Jared and kissed him "I love you so much Jared. They were so good to me, helping, guiding and they weren't insulting or making fun of me. They wanted me to succeed."

Liam turned to everyone and said "Thank you."

They all group hugged again when Josh spoke up and said "you are our brother. This is what we do. Love each other and help each other to succeed in whatever you do."

Jared got up out of the tub and asked who wanted another drink. Everyone put up their hands. A few moments later, Jared returned with a tray holding five bottles of beer, a tea pot and a mug. They had all moved out of the tub and into the deck chairs when he returned. Jared handed out the beer placing the empties on the tray. He poured himself a cup of tea and sat down. Liam came over to him and sat on Jared's lap positioning himself so his head was on Jared's chest. Jared hugged Liam and kissed the top of his head gently.

They all chatted and generally bullshitted amongst themselves for a few minutes when Darren spoke up and asked "Are we going to move this down to the fire pit? It would be nice to sit around a fire tonight."

"There's lots of wood ready for tonight. I figured you guys would want to do the fire pit thing. Tomorrow night, we're going to have a sweat in the lodge" said Jared. "This will be Liam's first time in a sweat lodge. You guys know the rules, you may drink tonight, but nothing after noon tomorrow. You must be sober for the sweat. "

Troy spoke up "We know. Liam, you will love it. It's really something awesome to experience. We'll be with you the entire time, all six of us as family and friends."

"I'll talk to you Liam before the sweat and explain things. It'll be a good sweat with the people who are here. They are all of true heart, soul and love" said Jared. "Let's move our asses to the fire pit. Troy and Tyler, can you fill the cooler with some ice and a few beers to take down? Darren, I know you are trained and try to put out fires, but can you start one?" asked Jared.

Darren game him the finger then started patting where he would have pockets but being nude, there was nothing. "Have you got some matches, I can't seem to find any?"

Jared said "Kitchen."

Darren walked by towards the kitchen when Jared smacked him in the ass. "You're right Josh, it is perfect for a spanking." Darren turned and gave him the finger and did the same to Josh. They both laughed.

"Liam, would you grab the stuff in the bag on the cupboards and bring it to the fire pit" asked Jared.

Josh had a big smile on his face and asked "s'more making stuff Jared?"

"Of course. It wouldn't be the same to sit around the fire without them. I know how much you love them" replied Jared. "Don't drip any hot marshmallow on your dick this year please Josh."

"I will try, but it is so big and gets in the way now and then" he replied.

The guys all set out to their tasks and got to the beach. Darren had the fire roaring and they settled down. There was lots of telling funny stories, jokes and even a few serious discussions. They made s'mores and roasted marshmallows. The guys were all sitting with their boyfriends, snuggling as the fire died down.

Jared stood and said "I'm calling it a night. Liam?"

Liam stood and wrapped his arm around Jared and said "Me too."

Jared asked the guys to make sure the fire was out when they called it a night and to be sure the food was all brought back to the cabin. "Remember, there are bears around here. Four legged types not the two legged ones you find in gay bars" added Jared.

The guys all agreed and said good night. Liam and Jared were walking back to the cabin, arm in arm when Jared stopped and pulled Liam into him. He kissed him and then said "I have been truly blessed to find you my love."

"Jared, it was I who was blessed to find you. I've never wanted anything in my life other than to be loved by someone as much as I love them. You're the first person to ever truly love me. I also truly love you Jared" said Liam.

"Liam, have you ever slept under the stars?" asked Jared.

"Never, can we do it?" pleaded Liam.

"Of course. Let's go up to the cabin and get a couple blankets and something else we may need. I know a spot just down the beach a bit. It's a grassy area which looks over the lake."

They went to the cabin and found some blankets, lube and a flashlight. Jared went to his office and opened a wall cabinet. Inside the wall cabinet was a selection of firearms. He selected a Mini 14 Tactical weapon and slid a clip into it. Liam looked concerned.

"It's for physical bears or other animals which may bother us" said Jared and smiled. "The spiritual bears are here to help, but the physical ones can cause a lot of pain and injuries to someone as tasty as you Liam." Jared slid the strap over his head and let it hang on his back.

"Your pretty tasty too Jared and that's quite a collection you have in there. You expecting Russian paratroopers to drop in or something?" asked Liam.

"No. It's just a hobby of mine and Grandfathers."

The two of them walked back down the path towards the fire pit. There was still a low fire burning and in the light they both could see the two pairs of boyfriends making love. Josh was bent over one of the big log benches and Darren was thrusting into him. On the other side of the fire, Troy was on his back knees spread and Tyler was on top of him, busily thrusting in and out. There were a lot of grunts and groans heard coming from the fire pit area, all of enjoyment. Jared and Liam stood for a moment watching the 4 sexy men making love in the firelight. The tight muscular butts moving up and down were so beautiful to watch.

Jared pulled Liam into him and kissed him, their hard cocks rubbing each other and pinned between their bodies as they kissed. "Let's go, it's not far" said Jared.

They walked for a few minutes and Jared stopped. He spread one blanket on the ground and then rolled another up as a pillow. He placed a third blanket on the opposite end. Jared then took the Mini 14 off and placed it on the other side of the makeshift pillow. Jared pulled Liam down to the blankets and kissed him. They made slow passionate love under the stars. Afterwards, they snuggled together and fell asleep, looking up at the stars and feeling safe in each other's arms.

They awoke a few hours later as the sun was rising. It was about 5 in the morning and getting warm already. They got up to take a piss, gathered their possessions, the gun and headed back to the cabin arm in arm. As they went by the fire pit, they saw the guys still there. Someone had gone up to the cabin to get a couple of blankets and all four of them were spooned behind each other sleeping peacefully.

"Let's not disturb them" Jared said quietly and led Liam past and onto the cabin. "I don't know about you, but I need a shower" he added. Liam agreed if he could join him for one as well.

They entered the shower and were soon soaping each other up and playing with each other's hard on. They jacked each other to mutual satisfaction, spraying their loads on each other. The two of them washed off, got out and dried off then went to the kitchen.

Jared and Liam started the coffee and getting things out for breakfast. Soon the air was filled with the smell of bacon, coffee and pancakes. "I wonder when they will wake up" asked Liam. No sooner were the words out of his mouth when the patio door opened and the four guys came in carrying the cooler and other food.

Jared looked over the kitchen island and laughed "Long night boys? Josh, are you walking funny?" Josh gave him the finger.

"Breakfast is ready boys. Dig in" said Liam.

The guys attacked the food in such a way Jared stood back while he had visions of wolves attacking a wounded deer. The guys all piled food high on their plates and sat down on the stools at the counter. Food was disappearing fast off their plates and into their mouths.

"Ok assholes, we slaved over a hot stove all morning and you guys haven't said a word - just packing your faces" said Jared, smiling.

All Jared and Liam heard were sounds coming out of full mouths of food which were possibly English but Jared was unsure. He laughed and filled a plate of food for Liam. Jared filled his own plate and the two of them started to eat with the rest of the wolf pack.

They all pitched in and cleaned up the kitchen. The guys all talked about what to do for the day. Liam did know there was a boathouse, but didn't realize it contained a boat for water skiing and one for fishing.

Jared said "I have to take the other boat and go to the river to collect some special rocks for the sweat tonight."

Liam offered to help but Tyler cut in and said "he communes out there and it may take a while. Take it from me; he doesn't say a thing while he is doing it and we learned to just let him do it his way."

Liam looked hurt and Jared pulled him into his arms and kissed him. "It's the part of me of me you still need to learn about Liam. It's part of my spirituality."

"I understand Jared. I just like to be with you, whether we speak or not" said Liam.

"I have thought about it and you can come with me Liam"

Liam smiled and took Jared's hand and kissed it. "Thanks Jared" he said.

"Ok, we will take off on our search. Don't forget to start the fire guys. We need a good base of coals to put the rocks onto" said Jared.

"Liam, would you go grab our loin cloths and some water for the trip please. I'll get the boat ready" asked Jared

"Sure, I will meet you on the dock" replied Liam as he headed back to the cabin

Jared went down to the boathouse and entered. He opened the overhead door and lowered the fishing boat into the water. The fishing boat, as he called it, was actually a 26' jet boat. The jet boat, having a very shallow draft in the water and using an impeller to power the water out the back of the boat allowed him to use it not only on the lake but to go up the river as well. He started the boat and backed it out. Once he was out of the boat house, he nosed over to the dock where Liam was waiting for him wearing his loin cloth and with a cooler. When Jared was close enough, Liam jumped in, put the cooler on the deck and then joined Jared behind the windshield. He handed Jared his loin cloth and belt, which he put it on expertly.

"Are you ready?" asked Jared.

"Always" he replied.

Tyler and Darren were on the dock now dumping the waterski equipment on it to sort out.

Jared looked at the two of them and turned to Liam and said "watch this."

He turned the boat around until it lined up with the two unsuspecting victims. Jared smirked and threw the throttle forward all the way. The 454 engine kicked in and the impeller drew in a tremendous amount of water. This water was expelled out the back just as fast causing the boat to move forward. Jared had timed it perfectly. The water column expelled from this boat is about 60' long until the boat is up and planning on the surface. The rooster tail, as it is commonly called, hit both of the guys on the dock, knocking them off the dock and into the water.

When Jared looked back a moment later, Tyler and Darren were back on the dock and using both sets of hands in a single gesture with the middle finger. Liam was laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes.

This boat was not built for speed; it was built for running rivers. The boat hit the maximum speed of approximately 40 mph and steadily moved forward. After about 15 minutes, the mouth of the river was in sight and he headed towards it.

Liam looked out from the boat and observed a moose standing in the shallows eating something. He tapped on Jared's shoulder and pointed. Jared looked and smiled.

"Keep your eyes open, you can see all kinds of wildlife here" said Jared.

They had entered the river and were now heading upstream. Along the shore, Jared pointed at a mother black bear and two cubs digging at rotten logs for food. Liam was amazed. After about another 15 minutes, Jared cut back on the throttle and nosed towards shore. He drove up to the shore and placed the bow onto the sand of the beach, turning the motor off. He went to the bow and jumped off with a rope, securing it to beached log.

"This area is prime picking for good rocks to be used in the sweat tonight. They are solid rocks given to us by Mother Earth for this purpose."

"Why these rocks?" asked Liam.

"The rocks you pick should be of limestone or granite, without significant cracks. We want rocks a little larger than a softball, or the size of a cantaloupe. We never use sandstone or other porous, water-absorbing-type stones. Wet sandstone can explode when heated in the fire. When we are searching for the rocks, you must not talk and focus on listening. They will call to you" said Jared.

"Liam, the Creator has told me something about you and this is the best place for us to discuss it" said Jared.

Liam looked concerned and asked "the Creator spoke to you of me? What did he say?"

Jared looked at him and invited him to sit with him on a beached log up the beach. "He spoke to me through visions and he told me you have a place for me in your life, and that I have a place in my life for you. We were meant to be together, to walk the path of life together. It was not clear to me if he meant as work partners or life partners. But, he said it was time for you to learn the ways. He has chosen you for a great honour during the sweat tonight, which will only be revealed in his way and on his time tonight."

Liam looked shocked and replied "I haven't asked for anything from him, why would he offer me an honour? I don't think myself as someone worthy of any honour."

"The final choice will be his, and I have no choice or influence on it. During the sweat tonight, keep an open mind during the ceremony and we will find out what path is offered to you, to me or to us" said Jared. I would like to give you a small gift on behalf of the creator. This will only be temporary until the sweat tonight when he determines our course in life."

"What do you mean Jared?" asked Liam.

Jared stood and looked at him. "Stay still and watch me. Please do not say anything or move. It won't hurt in any way."

Liam nodded and looked at Jared deeply through his crystal clear blue eyes. Jared stepped back, closed his eyes and placed both of his hands on his heart and started to chant a prayer. Jared opened his eyes and they were a pure glowing light, the intensity Liam had never seen before. Jared looked up and reached up towards the sky with his palms facing the heavens while continuing to chant. Then, he stopped and brought his head down to look at Liam. He placed his hands on both side of Liam's head and began to chant again. It just lasted a few seconds, but Liam felt warmth from Jared's hands which spread through his entire body like a tidal wave. The feeling was of love, peace and tranquillity. He felt so good whatever Jared was doing to him. Jared then released him and stepped back.

"How do you feel?" asked Jared.

"I feel incredible, like I'm high but I'm not. I see you differently now Jared; you have colours around your body. I hear the world around me like I have never heard before, it's so noisy yet so clear. What happened to me?" asked Liam.

"You have this within you. It's been allowed to come to the surface so you are experiencing the gift of sight and hearing. Liam, you have old knowledge within you, but you must be trained how to use it one step at a time. You will see people's auras which reflect their inner truth, mood and attitude. It becomes part of you and you can control it by willing it on and off. The hearing you have been granted is the hearing of the spiritual world. You will hear the voices of the spirits around us. These are both gifts you had been given at birth, but hadn't found within yourself as of yet" said Jared. "It will take some getting used to, but I'm here to guide you. Using your skills, let's go find some rocks." Jared added.

Liam stood up and exclaimed "the rocks and everything here has auras. I hear something speaking to me" said Liam. He walked up the beach towards the shore bank and stopped. He leaned over and picked up a perfect rock for the fire tonight.

Jared smiled at him and said "You need to thank Mother Earth for the rock and then we will make a pile on shore next to the boat."

They went on in silence except for their spoken thanks, and about an hour later they had 25 rocks piled up and in the bow of the boat. They were all good choices and all the perfect size for use.

They each grabbed a bottle of water and sat on the beached log again. Both sat in silence as they finished their water.

Jared suddenly sat upright and looked towards the direction from they had come. Liam thought Jared had spaced out for a moment when he stood up with urgency and said "Liam, we have to go. Josh has been injured."

Next: Chapter 6

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