Jared the Paramedic

By Snowblind94

Published on Mar 12, 2017


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Disclaimer: All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. The following contains scenes of explicit scenes involving male sex and in a variety of consensual activities. But, if you're looking for non-stop sex then this isn't the story for you. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed any further. The characters are entirely fictitious and are not based on anyone who has or is still living.

This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit written permission from the author.

If you have any questions or comments, please send them to me at snowblind94@yahoo.ca

Jared the Paramedic - Volume II Chapter 34 - Healing

The bodies were dressed in the finest buckskins and ceremonial beadwork and laid on the raised alter. In accordance with traditions, the person had been given a spear, along with a bow and quiver of arrows. They would be used in the next world for hunting. Under the raised alter, branches were piled and ready to be lit on fire. Both of the men were covered by a special pelt, a beautiful wolf hide complete with head which was laid on each of their chests, eyes looking at their human counterparts.

Darren didn't have any family, and Josh's family didn't care. The funeral was being held on sacred ground deep in the tribal lands where funerals had been held for generations. Jared didn't think many people would attend but the church service had been packed as well as standing room only for a block in all directions. The fire fighters and police had sent representatives from around the area but as these deaths were not in the line of duty the attendance wasn't on a national level.

Grandfather, Jared, Liam, Troy, Patrick, Tyler, Jesse, Zane, Conner, Marc and Adam all attended the funeral as the only family the two men had. Except for Patrick who was in a new suit Jared had bought him, they were dressed in their buckskin leggings and shirts. Liam, Jared and Grandfather were dressed in their sacred clothing and when the family entered dressed this way, there was some quiet discussion. While the family sat, Grandfather had gone to the front of the church with the minister, and using his smudging bundle cleansed the holy man. He then cleansed the area around the caskets and placed the still burning sacred bundle on the alter in its special bowl. The minister and Grandfather bowed to each other, and the old man sat next to his grandsons.

The minister explained the adoption of Darren and Josh into the family as members of the tribe and this seemed to settle the question of the native clothing.

The service was beautiful, and at the end, many wanted to come to the graveside. Jared stood and explained what would be happening and requested family and invited close friends only.

There was one small bus of friends and family which had arrived at Grandfather's house. They were all comfortably dressed and ready for the walk to the sacred place. Grandfather led the group up into the hills and valleys, walking for approximately 20 minutes before they arrived at the sacred place. Grandfather made sure Patrick was by his side during the van ride and now the walk to the sacred place.

Jared and Liam, Jesse and Zane, Tyler and Troy, Marc, Adam and Conner were all sitting cross legged in a circle around the elevated bodies chanting and pounding on drums. The group approached and stayed together on the one side with Grandfather. The men quit drumming, and stood. Each had a long spear which they held in their right hands and screamed as they shook it at the two dead brothers. Like a well choreographed dance number, the seven men took their spears and broke them over their right knees at the same time. Each man threw one piece of their spear into each pile under their brothers.

Liam stood up and moved towards the two funeral pyres. He looked up and yelled to the sky and taunted it with his staff. No one understood what was being said, but they knew he was angry. Liam dropped to his knees, lowered his head, and raised his staff up with both hands as if he were offering it to someone. Jared ran to him, and yelled something, and then fell to the ground next to his fiancé.

Grandfather turned to face the crowd. "So you may understand, the drumming and chanting was to call the Creator here to claim the spirits of the two men and take them to the next world. The breaking of the spears is the affirmation of violence not being the answer, choosing peace instead."

"What happened just a moment ago was a surprise but Liam offered his life and soul in exchange for the resurrection of the two men's physical bodies. Jared ran to him and offered his life and soul as the two friends were more worthy of life than he was." Grandfather was trying to remain stoic but had tears escaping from his eyes.

A tremendous clap of thunder erupted from above the site, shaking the ground and the crowd gasped.

Grandfather looked up and then at the group. "They just got their answer from the Creator. He said no." Jared and Liam stood up, and moved back to the other brothers, looking down at the ground the entire time.

Grandfather moved forward and embraced the group. He then moved to where the two young men were laid out and chanted. As he was chanting, Grandfather stretched out his arms and held his hands, palms down over the two men's heads. A pure white orb came out of the chest of Darren and Josh and moved to each of Grandfather's outstretched hands. The elder turned his hands over so the palms faced upwards and the two orbs landed gently on his hands. Grandfather brought his hands in closer to his body, turned and walked to the group of brothers.

The men all had tears rolling down their cheeks and were focused on the two pulsating orbs when a chorus of wolf calls were heard in the distance. The crowd looked up and immediately saw a few wolves sitting at the top of the hill and howling. The wolves paused for a moment, and then sang their song again, all together.

Grandfather looked to his grandsons and simply said, "Answer them, my children. They are crying for the loss of your brothers, but they are here to take them to the next world as one of them. They know your brothers were one of you, and one of them. Answer them."

The crowd stood back as Tyler and Troy let their voices join the chorus. The yipping of a coyote and a fox from Mark and Conner joined them as well with the trumpeting of the moose from Adam. The group joined the animals on the ridge and sang the song of death, and everlasting life. The animals sing this song every time a member of their pack is killed or dies. Jared joined in with the sound of a large bear with Liam screaming the perfect sound of an eagle which chorused with Jesse and Zane's cougar screams.

The people of the crowd stood back in awe as they listened to the chorus of animal sounds. Suddenly, another animal came into view and stood in the middle of the wolves. Jared, Liam and Grandfather bowed their head in reverence as the white buffalo came into view. The rest of the crowd did the same after seeing what Grandfather had done.

Everyone stood straight again as Grandfather used his hands to mould the two orbs into one. The young men all had one hand over their heart and the other stretched out as if they were offering to shake someone's hand except the palms were facing up.

"They were always of one heart, one mind and one soul in life and now they truly are one in the afterlife." The orb went shooting straight up into the sky and disappeared from sight. The crowd watched for a moment, and then refocused on the animals on the ridge. Two very large wolves came from the other side of the hill, and sat on each side of the buffalo who acknowledged each with a grunt.

The two new wolves howled a long song, followed by a series of yelps. Tyler and Troy joined them in their song, followed by the rest of the family. When the song finished, there was silence until the Buffalo grunted and coughed. It turned, coughed towards Jared, Liam and Grandfather and started to walk out of sight. The two new wolves looked at the family of young men and yipped. Everyone was sure they heard the exact same thing contained within the yips; good bye. The two wolves led the rest out of sight.

While everyone was watching the display, no one had noticed the fires had started under each of the men.

Jared and Liam moved into the crowd and stood near Melanie and Ryan. Conner, Marc and Adam moved near to Frank and Grandfather Tom. Frank was wearing his dress uniform, something he hadn't worn for years. Patrick was being held by Tyler and Troy while Jesse and Zane were near Jack and Molly. Both of them were very concerned about Jesse and the deaths, but they had been amazed at how well he was doing with his new friends. Shawn, Kat and the rest of the crowd moved close to all of the men. Ryan was holding Melanie tightly, and she was not only allowing it but was holding him tightly as well. Rob and his wife had their arms around each other and were standing near Shawn and Kat. Amanda and her niece Marci were holding hands on the other side of Shawn and Kat.

No one said a word as the fires grew quickly and consumed the two bodies. Something no one missed was a green glow which developed within the two fires. The green glow suddenly shot up and burst overhead of the group like fireworks. Trails of green fell out of the sky and over the group, but no one was burnt. Everyone stopped crying and suddenly smiled. The last physical thing Darren and Josh had done was to share their love for everyone in the group. Every person present felt the warmth and security of the love these two men had for each other, and all of their friends.

Grandfather faced the crowd and thanked them for their friendship, love and support. He invited them to a lunch laid out by caterers at the cabin. The young men ate and visited with the grievers. It was Tom and Mathew who noticed that the young men mixed freely, but were constantly scanning the crowd to make sure each other was always in sight.

The visitors were all leaving when Grandfather spoke with the young men. "Tonight, you go to Jared's cabin, and be together without others to tell you how to feel. When the time is right, I will be there."

The young men all looked at Grandfather.

"No worries, little ones. If you need me, just call out loud for me and I will be there for you. That is protected land and you are safe there from evil spirits or shadows. Jared, there is a bundle of tea to be brewed and served tonight sitting on your seat in the SUV where I placed it. Everyone must have some, and I guarantee a night free of regret, anger or sadness. I have spoken, children."

Jared hadn't heard his grandfather say 'I have spoken' for many years. The discussion had ended and the most senior man of the tribe had said what will be done.

Jared looked at his brothers. "The Most Sacred Medicine Man of the People, the Spiritual Leader of all the Tribes and my grandfather has spoken, and it is law. We must do as he asks." Jared turned and kneeled in front of his grandfather. "We do as you ask."

Grandfather motioned for him to stand, and then gave him a full body hug. He did this for each of the other young men, and before they headed to the SUV's to drive to Jared's cabin, the old man had one more thing to tell them all.

"Young ones, I am very, very proud of you as members of this group, as friends, this tribe, and as my grandsons. I am very happy and proud to call all of you my family. You have all blessed me with your unconditional love and respect, and I can never repay you for all you have given to me freely."

The young men surrounded the old man in a group hug, all showing emotion freely.

The visitors watched this as they were standing near the bus, and not a dry eye was present. Kat made an observation that she now understood why Jared was so good at what he did with people, because he was blessed to have an angel for a grandfather. Nobody disagreed, and they all felt good leaving the young men there to finish their grieving in private. Molly and Jack had no fears for Jesse anymore and they knew he would be fine with this group.

As the young men drove away in the two vehicles, Grandfather explained the significance of what they had seen to the people who had stayed behind. It was a difficult concept for the friends to understand how the two new wolves were Darren and Josh in spirit, and they had been personally escorted to the other side by the Creator himself. Amanda had been in complete awe of the experience, but understood everything which had taken place and worked with Melanie to support Grandfather's explanation. The remaining visitors moved to the campfire to continue talking, eating and drinking tea.

The men got to the cabin, but hesitated before they went in. Finally, they entered and flopped on the furniture in the living room.

After a few moments of absolute silence, Liam finally made a comment, "Well, this is fun; not..."

"Grandfather told us to go and wash off in the lake," Conner said quietly.

Jesse looked at the young man and smiled. "You're right little brother, we were told that."

"Conner," started Jared, "Thank you for reminding and refocusing our group. Good job."

Conner's face lit up with appreciation as well as a huge smile. Tyler reached over and messed his hair.

"Well, lets get to it," suggested Zane as he stood.

The men stripped down, folding their clothes and setting them along the walls. As a group, they walked quietly to the lake for a swim, and to cleanse with the soap root Grandfather had left them. The water rinses the body and spirit, and the soap root breaks the physical bonds of anything not just rinsed away to make sure the person is clean. The soap root is a powerful gift from Mother Earth to not only clean, but free her children of evil or shadow influences.

Today was different. Everyone must be scrubbed from head to toe, front and back. The men immediately started to wash and scrub each other. Patrick, Jesse and Zane were somewhat hesitant at first to have others helping to wash their bodies, but they soon accepted it was just part of the process. Patrick and Jesse had definitely come a long way in trust and acceptance; something which did not go unnoticed by Jared. The leader of the tribe had his own pain, but he was watching his brothers very closely for problems. He felt someone come up behind him and wrap their loving arms around him.

"You may be watching the brothers for problems, but I'm watching you, my fiancé and soulmate."

Jared reached up and gently grasped Liam's arms, pulling them into his body. "I am thankful for that, my fiancé and my soulmate. It takes the two of us to be one."

"Jared, its has been a very difficult few days for all of us, but I have never felt more love for you than I do now."

Jared pivoted in Liam's arms so they were facing each other. "I love you Liam, and I would have never been so strong these past few days without you standing with me."

"We will face everything together, as one." Liam kissed him gently. The two stood there for a moment, holding each other when the rest of the group joined them. They all held each other in silence; united in their commitment to each other.

They had dried off and each was dressed in leggings, mukluks and a buckskin shirt. The men had started a fire in the fire pit near the lake and sat on the benches to watch as the fire danced merrily consuming the wood. Using an old pot with a lid, Jared was heating the water which he had placed into the edge of the flames. The pot was one he remembered his grandfather using to boil water for drinks many times while he was growing up. The men were silent as they waited for the water in the pot to heat, and then slow boil. Jared lifted the pot out with a stick, and poured the special tea mixture he had been left by grandfather into it and then stirred it. He put the pot back onto the side of the fire for five more minutes as he had been instructed by his grandfather. Liam had placed a very old clay ceremonial drinking bowl onto the table, and Jared filled it with the contents from the pot when it was ready.

Liam took the pot into his hands and raised it skyward. "As it was in the beginning, as it is today, we give our thanks for love, friendship and life. We make friends, we lose friends but they never leave us." Liam took a deep drink of the tea and then held the pot up high again. "To the Creator of all, to Josh and Darren our eternal brothers, to life and physical death. As it was in the beginning, as it is today."

Liam handed the bowl to Tyler and after he had taken a drink he had continued to pass it around the circle. It continued until Troy handed the bowl to Jared who was standing next to Liam.

Jared took the bowl, raised it to Liam and bowed. He then raised the bowl skyward after taking a drink. "As it was in the beginning, as it is today, we are in the circle and equal in our love, feelings of loss, and our commitment to the way of the Creator."

The tea mixture was acting very quickly on the men and they were becoming observably relaxed. It didn't take very long but everyone started to exchange or tell stories of the things Josh and Darren had done in their lives. The men had begun laughing and releasing their emotional pain away. The sun was sinking lower and lower and night was settling as they continued to tell stories and laugh loudly.

A man in a buckskin jacket, shirt and pants stepped into the light of the fire. He stood straight at a height of 6'6", dressed in beautiful coloured deer hide clothing. His jacket had long frill along the bottom of the long sleeves and down each side of the chest to the waist. The leggings were also adorned with long tassels down each side. The beadwork on the jacket represented the spirit guide animals of the earth. On his back along the shoulder blades was a beautiful presentation of the sun rising on one side of a mountain and the moon setting on the other side. His face was hidden by a hood pulled up and out until he pushed the hood back and exposed his face. The man appeared to be 35 years of age with olive coloured skin and beautiful brown eyes full of life. On each side of his head hung long braids of black hair stretching to his waist. The man was stunningly handsome.

"My children, may I step closer to the fire and warm myself?" he asked.

Jared stood, and fell to one knee, his head bowed. "Nimanitôm."

The shock on the rest of the faces around the fire was obvious as they stumbled to kneel. The man raised his hands, palms out towards the young men, his brown eyes now glowing white. "My children, please stand or sit as you were before as I am here as a member of the family to listen to the stories and maybe share a few of my own."

Patrick was watching Adam, and taking his cues from his friend's actions. He was unsure what to do as he was still trying to make sense about the words which had been said.

"My children, you have done so well and I am very proud of you. I wish to share tea, and some food I brought for a feast with all of you as the sun finishes setting and the moon rises. I also brought three other people with me to share the feast and stories." At that moment, Grandfather walked into the light cast by the fire, and two more shapes materialized behind him; it was Josh and Darren. The two men were instantly mobbed by their brothers. Voices and crying was heard from the group but who was speaking was indistinguishable to anyone.

"My children," started Nimanitôm, "I am giving you a gift tonight for your loyalty and sacrifice. Darren and Josh are here so everyone may say a final good bye after sharing a feast together. When the moon begins to disappear, we must return to the next world and I must take my new messengers with me. Until then, please drink tea, eat the feast and share stories."

Grandfather led the group up to the cabin where mounds of food were spread out on the tables along with a variety of beverages. Everyone sat down, including Nimanitôm, and after a short prayer the feasting began. Darren and Josh explained what had happened to them the day they died and how touched they were by the tribal funeral service which had been held. They weren't allowed to talk about the next world or what they were doing other than Nimanitôm was planning on sending them out on special assignments to help people who needed it.

Finally, it was Patrick who asked the question, "So, who are you exactly?"

Adam spit his mouthful of food out in shock, which caused even more laughter.

Grandfather stood and raised his hands to get everyone's attention. "Patrick, you asked a very good question and for the benefit of you and Mark, Conner, Jesse, and Zane... I would like to introduce you to the powerful spirit we call Nimanitôm."

Nimanitôm raised his hand and said, "But you may all call me Running Squirrel, or even just Chad."

Grandfather turned his head and looked at Nimanitôm, "Chad? In all the time we have known each other, all the time we have spent together and all the places we have visited together throughout history you have chosen the English name Chad?"

Nimanitôm laughed at Grandfather, "Well, all the good ones were taken like Mathew, Jared, Liam, Jesse... I've always liked the name Jesse..."

Grandfather cut him off "Chad?"

Nimanitôm smiled as he picked at some chicken on his plate, "What is it they say now? Chill out or chill- ax, old man."

Grandfather stared at the man, and then started to laugh harder than anyone had ever heard from him before.

"While you are swapping stories, I would like to go sit by the fire pit with Mathew, Patrick, Jesse, Mark and Conner. You have many questions and I would like to answer some of them for you while these men swap stories. I also have a few things to say to you, especially Patrick. You are a very special young man and tonight you will find out why."

The young men sat and listened to Nimanitôm tell them stories about the great turtle and how the continents formed, why the moon and sun are opposite in the sky, the creation of the 12 tribes, the power of the medicine wheel and the power of the four seasons. Grandfather was proud of the young men as they sat attentively and asked appropriate questions to Nimanitôm as he spoke. After at least three hours, Nimanitôm finished the stories and asked the men if they had questions for him.

It took a moment, but Conner asked timidly, "So you are God?"

"I have been called many things throughout history by good people, by not so good people and by many evil people. I do not like all the labels my children have called me and I prefer to be called Nimanitôm, Running Squirrel or Chad. I have formal names for ceremonies but they are not important at this time, Conner."

"Chad!" Grandfather blurted while shaking his head.

Nimanitôm laughed, "I really do like that name, Mathew, my old friend." He looked towards Conner again. "You have been taught by your church only the clergy or special people may speak to God and it is a sin or a sign of mental illness if you claim to do it."

Mark took Conner's hand for reassurance as the young man answered, "Yes."

"Let me say this to you; man has created many different religions and the extensive rules associated with each of them. It wasn't required of man to do that but a few chose to do it and many followed suit for many reasons. Unfortunately, many of them are very self-serving. My children, the only thing which has ever been expected of you is to live your lives to the best you can, love other people openly and honestly, and be kind to everyone. Mother Earth provides every person with what they need, but use what you take and treat her with respect. There are chosen people but they are not listening any more. But, there are many people who have the knowledge of the old ways and it is time to bring it forward directly through them. These descendants of the original tribes have the knowledge within them and we are waking it up in as many as we can."

Conner smiled, "Wow."

"Let me tell you about the basic rules I expected all my children to live by: -Treat the Earth and all that dwell thereon with respect. -Remain close to the Great Spirit, in all that you do. -Show great respect for your fellow beings. -Work together for the benefit of all Mankind. -Give assistance and kindness wherever needed. -Do what you know to be right (Do not to fall into self-righteousness). -Look after the well-being of mind and body. -Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good. -Be truthful and honest at all times (especially be truthful and honest with yourself). -Take full responsibility for your actions.

Those are the rules I gave the 12 tribes, my children, and I expect all of you to learn them and live by them."

Nimanitôm smiled at the group of young men. "You are all descendants of the original tribes and carry some of the knowledge within your genetic makeup. If you choose to continue your training, you will come to know the ways of the beginning. Science is a wonderful discipline, but never think of it as something alone. It is only one path to gain knowledge and it must be used with other knowledge to unlock the true paths. Unfortunately, some people have begun to believe scientists more than their own heart, or the history of the people, instead of them blended together."

"Nimanitôm, so to believe in science is alright?" asked Mark.

"Of course it is, Mark my son. Science makes people think and grow in knowledge and everything in the physical world has an explanation. But they should stick to the physical world and leave the spiritual world to us."

Nimanitôm reached to the ground and took a handful of dirt into his hand. He closed his hand into a tight fist for a moment, and then opened it again. The dirt was gone and a variety of seeds were in the palm of his hand. He closed his hand again into a fist, and when he opened it, the seeds had become a piece of bannock bread.

"All my children have been given mother earth to use for their seeds to grow food to create things such as this bread to feed them. There are also plentiful animals to feed many, many people and if treated with respect they will continue to maintain their numbers through birth."

Once again he closed his hand and this time when he opened it there was a rock. "Conner, you would be familiar with the Book of Mathew 7, 24-27?"

Conner thought for a moment and then said, "It's about a man who built his house upon a rock."

Nimanitôm smiled, "Nearly all the religions created on this earth have the same story within their books but I like the way it was written in the book of Mathew. 'Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.'"

Nimanitôm closed his hand again and when he opened it, the rock had been replaced by a handful of sand. "And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it."

"The story is not complicated, difficult or theoretical. It is a simple lesson for everyone to understand as it relates to their life. Everyone needs to live with solid values, beliefs and the love which was intended and given to mankind. If you live your life to the best of your ability, to do your best to do good everywhere you are, and do your very best to live by the simple rules I gave mankind... you are building your life on a solid base or a rock. Your life will be able to withstand challenges which come your way. Like the strong house built on a solid rock, when the hurricane came, it stood up to it."

The men were all nodding their head at the words.

Nimanitôm continued, "Everyone of you have had challenges in your lives, serious challenges. I cannot rank which challenges each of you had in severity because each one of them affected you personally, and in different ways. But I will say, if you did not have inner strength, strong values, solid beliefs, and the ability to love unconditionally you would not have been sitting here with me tonight. Your life would have been like the strong house built on the sand, and destroyed in the storm."

He looked directly at Jesse and then spoke, "You thought your life was over, but you never gave up."

Jesse looked at the ground, "But I did. I wallowed for months."

"No Jesse, you were healing like a bear hibernating. Then one day you were ready to come back out of the den and search for what you needed to feed your spirit. Just like a bear after the winter who needed food, you went looking for life."

Nimanitôm looked at the entire group, "Everyone here was challenged by living, but every one of you won. You were strong before to have come this far in your lives, but together you have strength no one may destroy. Together, you have built a fortified house on a rebar strengthened rock and nothing, including the death of two members of your group will ever destroy that house. You have committed to each to always do your best, love each other unconditionally, and life by rules given to my children."

Nimanitôm raised his hand up again and closed it around the sand. When he opened it there were four beautiful, delicate and sweet smelling flowers. He handed one to each of the young men. "These are not only beautiful, but when eaten they provide many of the vitamins a person needs to live. Everything has more than one purpose my children." The Creator smirked before saying, "I would love to see the scientists explain what you guys just saw me do with the dirt." The group chuckled at the comment.

Nimanitôm smiled at Jesse. "There are so many people in the next world who dearly love you Jesse, and they understand they will waiting for a very long time for you to join them."

Jesse smiled and said, "Thank you Nimanitôm. If it is not too much for me to ask, would you pass all my love back to them as well?"

"It would be my pleasure, Jesse. Please continue as you are doing in defending what is right regardless of faith, ancestry, gender, orientation or social class. Your ancestors, Jesse, did some incredible work for me including writing the Code of Hammurabi." The ancient man's eyes flashed white, as did Jesse's.

"I remember now, Nimanitôm," replied Jesse with deep thought reflected on his face.

"The ancestors wrote the first laws ever recorded in history regarding the execution of contracts and the accountability for builders who make a substandard product. As one of the first lawyers or judges, they also wrote the original laws on divorce, wages, paternity and family relationships. The expression of an 'eye for an eye' came from that ancestor in 1754 BC, but unfortunately it has been used badly since."

Jesse had a very happy smile on his face.

He turned to look at Mark. "You are a special man Mark, and if you haven't figured it out by now, you and Conner are even more special together. You two have many decisions to make together in the future but never forget I am, or one of my messengers are not far from you if you need us."

The two young men looked at each as the grasped hands.

Nimanitôm smiled, "The love you two have for each other is so pure, unconditional and beautiful it is an example of the way love was intended to be. Love was meant to be shared between people and although there is a need for procreation to perpetuate the species, love was allowed to exist wherever it was found within the people regardless of their gender."

Conner blushed as Grandfather added "They are cute together, aren't they?"

"Very cute," added Nimanitôm.

The rest of the family gathered around the fire with their little brothers. Nimanitôm turned to Patrick and motioned for him to step forward. The young man slowly and hesitantly stepped forward.

Nimanitôm took Patrick's hands into his and recited a few words no one but Grandfather understood before speaking in English.

"Your ancestors originally come from the mountains in the area now called Pakistan or India and they kept moving west until settling in what would be known as Germany. The dark blonde hair with blue or green eyed people were called Germanic or Aryan, but the tribe were not all possessing those shallow characteristics. You are the keeper of the ancient knowledge from yet another tribe of my children."

"Very respectfully, I'm afraid to say that I know nothing of what you speak, Nimanitôm," said Patrick as he began to shake in nervousness.

Nimanitôm released Patrick's hands and pulled the young man in for a full body hug. Patrick was a fairly tall and well-built young man but he was dwarfed by the size of ancient one as he almost disappeared within Nimanitôm's arms.

Patrick immediately stopped shaking as he began to feel safe within the ancient one's arms. The young man felt the warmth of the ancient one's body and it seemed to be having an effect on him. Deep inside, Patrick felt different and he thought of it as a strange feeling he couldn't describe. He could feel something growing inside of him similar to the euphoria someone would feel when going home after being away at school, seeing the family pet or seeing someone they had dearly missed. It was a feeling of contentment, happiness and relief which overwhelmed him. Patrick felt like he was floating in a hot tub of warm jelly, safe and happy to be there. At that moment, everything Patrick had been fighting down came bursting out of him as he began to cry uncontrollably. Nimanitôm held him tighter for reassurance.

Inside Patrick's head was Nimanitôm's voice quietly saying to him "Patrick, you are what you are born and choosing is not a possibility. Whatever you are born, show respect and pride for yourself. Love yourself, accept yourself, and begin to move down the path of life my son. The gift of true love is unconditional and everyone here is your friend. They all love you unconditionally Patrick, the way it was meant to be."

Patrick looked up, and for the first time ever he thought, "Nimanitôm, I'm gay."

Nimanitôm smiled, and gently kissed the top of Patrick's head as the voice in the young man's head was heard to say, "You are as you were created. The one rule I will never change on this planet is 'I do not make mistakes.' You were made correctly, some gay, others were made straight, two spirits, bisexual or transgender because there is a purpose for every one of my children."

Patrick felt joy and acceptance build inside his chest until it enveloped him entirely. The young man was riding the endorphin tidal wave after having the weight lifted off his shoulders and revealing the secret he had hidden from everyone. Well, he still had others to tell and one person in particular.

Nimanitôm thought for a moment before asking, "Did you really say Liam's ass was getting too big from cheesecake?"

Patrick started laughing in his mind, and he heard Nimanitôm doing the same.

Nimanitôm released the young man, and it was not unnoticed by the others that Patrick had a new air of confidence and stood straight with his shoulders back. The ancient one placed his hand on Patrick's shoulder and said, "Remember."

Information and memories flooded Patrick's brain instantly. He had visions of the tribal life and the migration to Europe. Many died from battles or disease but they made the long trek. His ancestors were a long line of medicine men for the original tribe and even the chieftain in some generations. The history of his ancestors ended when the traveling group arrived in Europe before the Bronze Age. He knew there was more but a voice in his head said, "It is enough at this time, my son, but there is more."

Patrick looked at Nimanitôm and said, "Wow."

The ancient one laughed loudly.

"May I hug you?" asked Patrick.

Nimanitôm extended his arms and grasped the young one tightly as tears rans down his face. "Thank you."

"You are welcome, my son Patrick."

When they separated, everyone else was now standing around the fire as well. Patrick ran over to Tyler and Troy and almost knocked them over as he grabbed them into a hug. He whispered something into each of their ears, and then all three hugged tightly. When they released, Patrick slowly walked over to Adam and stood in front of him, and looked into his eyes.

Adam smiled, "I sense you have old knowledge."

"Yes Adam, I do. I also have something else now too."

Adam immediately had a quizzical look on his face.

Patrick finally blurted, "Adam, could we go on a date sometime? I mean, if you want..."

Adam grabbed Patrick tightly into a hug, "I would go on a date with you anytime, Patrick."

The rest of the men grouped around Patrick and Adam congratulating them with enthusiasm.

After a few moments, the group settled down.

Patrick stepped forward and went down on one knee in front of Nimanitôm. "May I ask you a question?"

The ancient one reached and grasped the young man's shoulder gently and lifted him to his feet. "Of course you may ask me any question, Patrick."

The young man looked up at Nimanitôm and projected an air of confidence no one had ever felt from him before. "Earlier, I asked you a question which I believe you only partially gave us the answer. So, who are you exactly?"

Nimanitôm smiled at the young man, and then looked at Jesse. "Jesse my son, this young man has a very strong path to help you in the work you do. Do you accept him as an apprentice when the time is right?"

Jesse smiled and replied "Without reservation, Chad Running Squirrel Nimanitôm."

"I will now answer the question Patrick asked," said Nimanitôm. "To answer the question clearly as Patrick wishes. For the benefit of Mark, Conner, Jesse and Patrick to clearly understand me... I am known as Nimanitôm or some call me the Great White Buffalo or even Manitou. As I said before, I have been given many names but in English, I am the spirit you call the Creator."

The men froze with their mouths hanging open.

Nimanitôm stared at them for a moment, and then he looked at Grandfather who was trying hard not to laugh.

"Maybe you should have a driver's licence with Chad Running Squirrel on it for them to see?" exclaimed Grandfather in fits of laughter.

"Mathew, I expected that attitude from Liam, but not you."

A voice from the back of the group was heard, "Leave me out of this. It's between you two and I'm not involved."

Nimanitôm smirked for a second before saying, "I didn't quite hear who that was. Was that Big-Chief- Snot-Face or He-Who-Eats-Too-Much-Cheesecake speaking?"

There was all kinds of sputtering but no words could come out of Liam's mouth in reply.

Nimanitôm reached his hand out towards Mathew and wiggled his fingers.

Grandfather said, "Damn it," as he reached into his pocket and took out a $20 bill. He put it on the outstretched hand which closed around it quickly.

"Liam, you are grounded from cheesecake for a month because you cost me $20," said Grandfather.

"What have I done?" pleaded Liam.

"With the smart mouth you have, I bet Chad Running Squirrel he could not say anything to make you speechless. He won." The group broke into laughter as Liam pretended to sulk with his arms crossed and head pulled down low and jaw stuck out.

Nimanitôm leaned forward and put the cash into Patrick's hand and nodded at him to keep it. He quietly whispered to the young man, "Here you go, I don't need it and I'm sure it will buy a cheesecake to eat in front of Liam."

Patrick looked confused for a moment as he thought about the words which had been said to him. Then it dawned on him and he looked up to the ancient one with one of the biggest smiles he could have ever made.

"My children, people go to a church or place to worship or speak to God. The difference between going to a place of worship and the ceremonies you participate in is very simple. Religion; people talk about God. In our ceremonies, the people and I speak with each other, the way it was meant to be. We need to leave now, and may all of you find peace and love in your lives, my children."

The final tears were shed as the visitors left the campfire and walked into the forest. Although Darren and Josh would be missed, the men knew they were safe and waiting for everyone else to join them in the next world. They could also visit them at times as well.

The group of men were silent for a moment, and then walked out onto the dock to watch the sun rise. Liam and Jared were together, holding hands and their heads leaning gently against each other. The rest of the couples were in the same basic position except for Adam and Patrick. They were standing next to each other trying to figure out if they should hold hands or not; finally they did.

Nimanitôm's voice was heard in their heads speaking. "I am so proud of you my children. Go in peace and have a good sleep."

**************************************** Thank you Scott for being my editor and my friend. You can be replaced for neither.

Next: Chapter 50: Jared the Paramedic II 35

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