Jared the Paramedic

By Snowblind94

Published on Feb 11, 2017


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Disclaimer: All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. The following contains scenes of explicit scenes involving male sex and in a variety of consensual activities. But, if you're looking for non-stop sex then this isn't the story for you. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed any further. The characters are entirely fictitious and are not based on anyone who has or is still living.

This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit written permission from the author.

If you have any questions or comments, please send them to me at snowblind94@yahoo.ca

Jared the Paramedic - Volume II Chapter 29 - What Evil Lies Within

The man was 38 years old, married and the father of one perfect child. His son is now 18 years old, and had just finished high school. Wednesday afternoon, Ryan was sitting in a motor inn room on the edge of town; sitting on the floor with his back against the bed. He is trying to get drunk enough to do what he knows is the right thing. The bottle of Jack Daniels hit the floor with a thud and echo of it being empty. The empty bottle rolled near empty prescription bottles of Seroquel and Effexor that he had swallowed after refilling the prescriptions earlier. He was sluggish in his movements to reach for the gun lying on the floor near him.

Ryan leaned over to grab the gun, but ended up falling over into his side, hitting his head on the concrete floor under the stained and threadbare shag carpet.

Ryan was so drunk he couldn't even form the words 'goddamn it' or 'fuck that hurt' after his head had hit the floor. He was laying on the floor now, eyes open and trying to get a fix on the gun, which was hidden behind the empty pill and liquor bottle.

His eyes were becoming even more blurry as they began to once again fill with tears. Ryan was sure he didn't have any more water left in his body as he had been crying steadily for the past 3 hours after getting into the motel room.

His wife was a beautiful woman, his high school sweetheart who had gotten pregnant right after their graduation. The parents and his then girlfriend arranged for a quick wedding as having an abortion was out of the question. He had been pushed into the marriage as it was the right thing to do by everyone concerned, except him. No one had ever asked Ryan what he wanted to do.

Ryan had joined the military at 19 years old, something he had always wanted to do and it was an escape from the married life he had found himself in. After training, he had volunteered for additional training for anything which would keep him on the base most of the time, but still allow him to visit his son, and to a much lesser degree his wife.

Ryan was never going to be rich, but he worked hard in the army. His wife spent every penny he made, and more. Over time, the relationship between his wife and him had become very challenging if not outright toxic. She was hoping he would have had more rank in the army, or become a doctor instead of his just being a common medic. She didn't care he had a chest full of medals from his deployments and service overseas, he was just a Sergeant.

His wife had become more verbally and psychologically abusive over time as well. She had joined a new church, and that event marked a drastic increase in the toxicity of his wife, and their relationship. The only reason Ryan enjoyed getting back to the home base was to visit with his son. He and his son talked a lot on Skype, but it was the time they could actually spend together which was treasured by both.

He had come home this week to find his son was away at a church sponsored camp. Ryan thought this was really unusual as college should have started. His wife was vague about the camp but kept saying they would all have a meeting in a couple of days. Ryan asked who the meeting would be with; he had been told both sets of parents, school principal, the minister and a lawyer. Ryan really wasn't sure what was going on but he would be available. That meeting had taken place today, and it was not what she had told him.

It was his wife, a lawyer and the minister in a small meeting room inside the main doors of the church she was now attending. The minister told him his son had been identified as being ill and needed to be cured as soon as possible. Ryan had become quite upset he hadn't been told about the illness and everything had seemed fine when they had spoken the other day on Skype.

The minister then told Ryan his wife had come home and found their son naked with another man. Ryan was sitting at the table stunned at the revelation his son could be gay, but it didn't matter to him. The reaction he got from the Minister and his wife when he wasn't appalled about his son set the tone for the rest of the meeting. His wife, the boy's mother had contacted the minister and the two of them had the young man committed to a church education and behavioral management program under the Mental Health Act. The lawyer served copies of the Mental Health Act committal warrant to Ryan, and he was stunned that they considered being gay as an illness. Ryan became real upset when he was served with divorce papers as well, citing lack of emotional attachment, lack of love, psychological hardship and lack of physical relations. Ryan wasn't so upset about the divorce as what she had done to their son. The minister refused to disclose the location of the camp. The minister then suggested the homosexual behavior was often from someone close to them who had molested and taught them how to be gay.

The minister told Ryan research has proven people being gay were recruited into the lifestyle as part of the agenda to spread gayness. He started to speak about the gay agenda and how his son had chosen to become gay when Ryan snapped and demanded to know what he meant about his son being molested.

Ryan began to argue about their information when the minister ended it by saying everything had been done, and it was time to leave. They would be in contact over the divorce, he would be expected to pay alimony as well as for the treatment of his son, and the lawyer bills. Again, they would not tell him where the camp was and the lawyer added if he tried to contact his wife without him being present, they would not only charge him but seek restraining orders.

Just as the three people were about to leave, Ryan finally snapped. He told the minister another option they could consider was his wife had driven their son to homosexuality. He heard the minister explaining to his wife he had been right about her husband, and the claim of bisexual is the first step of the gay agenda.

Two larger men who called each other Deacons came into the room and assisted Ryan out the front door of the church, and he rolled down the steps. When he went to sit in his pickup truck, he found the back had been filled with cardboard boxes and a note on his steering wheel suggested he never go to the house again.

Ryan was lost, and had no clue what to do. His life had just changed, and he had no control over what was going on. He drove back to the base, and put the boxes into the room he was staying in. Ryan sat on the end of his bed for 30 minutes and stared at his feet. His mind was traveling in circles, not thinking about anything for more than a few seconds, and then lost as his mind spun to the next topic.

It was then Ryan decided to refill his prescription bottles, buy some Jack Daniels, find a cheap motel and then use his .45 to blow his fucking head off. He had nothing left in his life now. He did have one quick thought before he began gathering everything he needed. He had one big regret in his life besides not saying one last time that he loved his son. He had met the perfect woman years ago, and had not stayed with her because of the ring on his finger. He wouldn't divorce her until his son, Chris, was 18 years old. His regret was not making the choice to be with Melanie Bear.

Before he had lost total control, Ryan had neatly piled all the papers he had been served under his wallet on the desk where it would be found easily. In his wallet, he had taken the picture of his son out and placed it on his leg to stare at it. He had written a note, a last will leaving everything to his son. He also wrote Melanie Bear's name with a heart below it.

Ryan was lying on his side, barely conscious. He reached for the gun and dragged it towards him, lifting it slowly. He was weeping as he lifted the gun to the side of his head and pulled the trigger.

The shot-fired call came to Tyler's police car and as backup they dispatched Josh. They were also advised a paramedic unit was on the way in case it was needed. Sgt. Frank Ayers was on his way to assume control at the scene as well.

Marci and her partner had been dispatched to attend. Liam looked at Jared and noted his eyes were looking skyward. Liam called in on the radio to advise dispatch they would be backing Marci up. Jared turned as Liam hit the siren, heading into traffic.

"I got the message first this time, Jared... I mean if you call it a message. I have something deep inside me saying we are needed at the call," said Liam.

"That's sometimes the way it comes, Liam," replied Jared very calmly.

"We're lucky, we are close already," said Liam.

"Head's up, police coming behind us," said Jared as he watched the side view mirrors. The Supervisor vehicle went by them, followed by Tyler.

When their ambulance pulled into the motel parking lot, Jared noticed Tyler, Josh and Frank talking with the Motel clerk. Marci's unit was behind the police cars and she waved to Jared with a big smile on her face. Jared waved back of course.

Frank motioned Jared and Liam over to them. "We've tried phoning the room with no success. The clerk says it was one man, mid-to-late 30's, military type and very distracted. He listened at the door after knocking and no one answered. I have no clue if he is alive or dead or what happened."

"What do you need us to do, Frank?" asked Liam. "Just so you know, we were both drawn here before the call was dispatched to Marci's unit."

"I sense urgency," Jared said suddenly. "There is no threat to anyone but him, Frank."

Quickly, Frank looked at Josh and Tyler and said, "Break the door, Tyler you kick, Josh to the left and I will go right or straight in. Let's move, Jared has never been wrong about stuff like this."

Jared and Liam grabbed their jump kits and signaled to Marci to wait where she was. The five men moved to the door. Tyler gave a quick growl like a wolf which Josh returned. Frank just looked at the two of them.

"There is only one in there, Frank," said Liam.

Frank counted 1-2-3-go and the door flew off the frame shattered as Tyler went through it. Josh moved in and swung left as Frank went straight in. Tyler followed him in. Jared heard three clears called out and the two of them entered.

Liam and Jared went directly to the man on the floor and started to work on him. Frank grabbed the gun carefully, took the clip out and laid it on the desk. He saw the legal documents, the wallet and the name Melanie Bear with a heart under it. Frank motioned for Josh to take a look. His eyes were wider than Frank had ever seen before.

"Sgt, I'll get Marci in here to help Liam and then we'll show Jared if that's ok with you?" asked Josh.

Frank nodded his agreement, and started to look at the legal documents on the desk. He opened the wallet up and took the driver's licence out and copied the information down on a note pad.

Marci came in with her partner, and Jared looked up at Frank with a puzzled expression. Frank motioned him to come over with his hand. When Jared arrived, he showed him the note with Melanie's name on it. Jared looked up at him with a puzzled look on his face, and picked up the wallet. He opened, quickly reading all the cards and ID contained within it. He looked at Frank and made the I- have-to-make-a-call gesture and grabbed the information Frank had given him.

In the time before Marci and her partner had arrived, Liam had quickly been working on the man. It was a definite overdose, and with no bullet wound, he must have missed his head. He or Jared would need to spend time with the man as Liam was sensing so much going on inside of him. Liam had corrected some of the blood chemistry as well as aspirated gastric contents. Marci started to intubate him as Liam commenced cardiac monitoring and IV therapies.

"Hey cuz, how's life?" asked Melanie as she answered the phone.

There was no exchange of pleasantries this time. "Melanie, I have a man here, according to his ID he is in the service and we are treating him for an overdose suicide attempt. He fired a gun, so he was really trying to check out but he missed totally. Anti-depressants, Bi-polar stabilizer and alcohol all mixed together."

"That's terrible, Jared, what can I do to help?"

"Your name with a heart under it was written on paper with his wallet where we would find it."

"Oh fuck, Jared, who is it?"

"Ryan Ritzler."

"Jared, that would be Sgt. Ryan Ritzler, Medical Corps and a friend of mine. Is he going to make it?"

"Come on down, Melanie, and maybe bring Grandfather to help you drive. We'll look after him for you, but it's going to be a rough ride for him, and he will need a friend."

"Thanks cuz, and Grandfather just walked in with his travel bag as if he knew something was up. I'll be on my way shortly."

"Mel, I will get a message to you if anything changes."

"Thanks Jared, I love you cuz, even if we don't say it enough to each other."

"Love you too, cuz. Drive carefully."

Jared hung up and immediately reflected upon Melanie saying she loved him like that. They always shared their expression of love for each other, but she had made a point of stressing it this time. This guy must be something special to her, and she tried to say it without tipping her hand.

Liam, Marci and her partner were pushing the man out of the room on the stretcher when Jared turned around.

"I'm going with them, Jared. Can you pick me up at the ER?"

"No problem, but I need to have a chat with Frank before."

They got the man loaded into the back of the ambulance and it screamed out of the parking lot. Jared walked over to Frank, Tyler and Josh.

"He's a medic Sgt, and a friend of Melanie. She didn't say it, but I think a close friend and someone she not only likes but respects," said Jared.

Frank handed the legal papers to Jared. "Looks like he is having a real number done on him by his wife and her lawyer. This one document is a Mental Health Committal Warrant on who I would believe is his son. The committal is to a church re-educational camp. Jared, I've read about those places..." said Frank carefully.

Josh got quite upset, "Jared, we need to track this."

"Frank, what can you do to help?" asked Jared.

"I'll do everything I can, but I'm only a Sgt. You know I will do my best for you guys," said Frank.

"Could you use some help from the higher ups like the Chief Super?" asked Jared.

"It wouldn't hurt, Jared," replied Frank. Jared looked at Tyler, and nodded. Tyler pulled out his phone and dialed it.

Frank looked surprised. "Tyler knows the Chief Super?"

Josh nodded to Frank. "We all do, and we have an agreement to contact him about certain things if he can help. That's not for general knowledge Sgt, but you know the way we work. He supports us in our work. Besides that Frank, we would never circumvent you. You are our boss, and we love you too." Josh turned his head at an angle, started to flutter his eyelashes and hold his hands over his heart.

Frank laughed as he rolled his eyes and mumbled, "Little fucker. Jared, how do you manage with these guys?"

"When we need to get something done, Frank, they are a crack team who would lay their lives on the line if it was needed. When we don't need to get something done, I can deal with it," explained Jared. Out of nowhere Frank heard a hand hit the back of Josh's head with a sharp smack. He never saw Jared's hand move.

Josh was rubbing his head, "Dammit, you're getting faster all the time. I'll be good, dad."

Frank was laughing now. Tyler came back to the group, "John... SHIT, the Chief Super will meet us at the hospital as soon as he can get there, and he is more than happy to help."

"You guys are incredible when you get rolling," said Frank. "By the way, I've been meaning to talk to you guys about Conner and Mark. I love them to death, and they have grown so much with your help, but I really need to know who is teaching them the sarcasm..."

Before Frank could finish his sentence, all three of the men said at the exact same time, "It's Liam, Sgt." All three of them were holding up their right hand, with their left hand over their heart like they were swearing on a bible in court.

Frank put one hand on Jared's shoulder and another hand on Tyler's. "Boys, your verbal answer was better than the body language on that last answer. But I'm thinking there are more than Liam with the ability to teach sarcasm and theatrics to my child and his boyfriend."

All three of them tried the innocent 'who me?' routine. Frank laughed. "Jared, you and Tyler need to get to the hospital. Take the wallet and legal papers with you too. The smurf and I will stay here to finish."

"SMURF?" sputtered Josh.

"Shut up and get to work before I paint you blue," replied Frank.

Liam was at the ER with Ryan and the trauma team. Their patient was fighting for his life, and Liam hadn't been able to intervene any further with him due to the amount of people working on him. Nothing had happened to Ryan's body which couldn't be reversed yet. Liam suddenly had an inspiration come to him, and he knew it would work. He closed his eyes for a moment, and sent a message out to two people. "Jared, I need you." He also sent a message, "Amanda, I need your help." Before he could open his eyes again, he heard Grandfathers voice, "I am here as well if you need me."

The trauma staff had been taking over the patient care, and he now had a chance to step outside the room to begin putting his plan into action. He was the last of the medics to have been released from the room as Marci and her partner had already gone back to their unit to cleanup and restock.

Liam headed down the hallway and was met by Amanda, who gave him a big, crushing hug. "What do you need, Liam?"

"Amanda, Jared is coming and I need you to help as well. I think a quiet room would be best for what I am going to do."

"I now have a smudging and prayer room, would that be better?"

"Absolutely perfect, Amanda."

"Liam, I'm here," said Jared as he came down the hallway.

"This way, gentlemen," said Amanda while indicating with her arm outstretched. They went down the corner quickly, and around the corner. Amanda opened a door and entered, followed by Jared and Liam. The room was designed for sitting on cushions in a circle surrounding a raised area for burning incense or sweet grass. On the walls were various sizes of drums, blankets of different tribes, and some artifacts which had been given to her.

They entered the room and stood for a moment while their eyes adjusted and the two men looked around the room and were impressed.

"I am honoured I could be of assistance to you two. What do you need me to do?" asked Amanda.

"If Jared would chant while burning the smudging stick, and you would drum for him, that would be good," said Liam.

Amanda turned and stared at a couple of drums in deep thought, and then reached for one. When she turned, she gasped at the site before her. Both Jared and Liam were now dressed in full leathers and furs of the positions they held as Shaman. They were both incredibly handsome in their traditional clothing.

"This may be totally inappropriate, but could I snap a couple of photos of you two for hanging on the walls in this room?" asked Amanda.

Liam looked at Jared who thought for a moment, and then shrugged his shoulders. Amanda quickly grabbed her phone and snapped a few photos of the two men. She turned it off and then sat with her drum. Jared had lit the smudging bundle and first cleansed the room before sitting down.

They began to chant as Amanda drummed the beat. The drumming and chanting had been going for a few minutes when the atmosphere in the room changed. The room become cooler, but there was no breeze. Even the forced air vents in the ceiling seemed to have stopped blowing, and the gentle wind- chimes Amanda had hung appeared to be frozen in unusual positions. The smoke above the smudging stick did not rise, nor did it dissipate. It remained locked in a single position. Liam stood, out of his physical form locked in time and extended his hands to Jared and Amanda. They both grasped his hands, stepping up and out of their physical bodies.

"Incredible," said Amanda. "I have done some out of body travel before, but not like this."

"You have strong abilities Amanda, and an incredible inner strength," Jared replied. "My soulmate has also grown so much since you have seen him last."

"You and Liam have a single aura now when you are together. You are one, with many common areas and few distinct ones," she replied.

"Jared, I need your help to heal Ryan. He is further than my abilities, but I have brought you both into the outer world so it could be done. When I was in contact with him earlier, there was a shadow in his mind trying to hide. If you can work on his physical needs, I will watch for the shadow and eliminate it if possible. Amanda, please use your senses for any dark forces moving towards us. Also, may we borrow some of your inner strength if we need it?"

"Anything you ask, Liam," she replied. "The hospital has many forces within it, and they are continually shifting. I will watch for forces which may interfere with us."

They moved down the hall quickly, moving around the people in the hallway who were frozen in the position they had been when the three people entered the outer world.

As they were walking, Jared explained to Amanda, "Think of it as watching the clock on a wall. The second hand makes a distinct movement each second. The hand moves, stops, moves and stops - forever. Right now, we are in the time between one second and another, the outer world. This is the world people aspire to reach through meditation."

Coming around the last corner to enter the emergency department, they came face to face with Tyler frozen as he was moving quickly to catch up with his brothers.

Liam and Amanda moved around him while Jared gripped his shoulder tightly, pulling him into the outer world.

"Tyler, we need your heightened senses to work with Amanda to watch for other spirits," said Jared to his surprised friend. "But no pissing on anyone."

Tyler recovered and smiled, "Too bad, there's a really butch nurse here..."

"No, Tyler," said Jared with a smile. The two of them quickly caught up with Liam and Amanda.

"I see the wolf spirit is here as well," observed Amanda. "You don't mean Nurse Ratchet do you? Her real name is Tami, but behind her back we all call her Nurse Ratchet.

"Is that the one who can crush a man or woman's skull in one of her hands?" asked Tyler.

"You got it, Tyler. She is a competitive weightlifter as well. How can the wolf spirit helps us today?" asked Amanda.

"When I was at the door before we kicked it in, I smelled not only Ryan's scent. Something else as well and it smelled like stale air in an old house, or stagnant water."

They entered the treatment room. The monitors all showed Ryan was in crisis, and the readouts would indicate he was dying in spite of everything they did.

"I smell it again in here," said Tyler.

Amanda quickly added, "I sense something strong and dark in nature." Amanda held both her hands up, palms out towards the patient. "Definitely him; it's a chameleon and it knows we are here."

Jared moved forward and between two people and placed his hands on Ryan's exposed chest. His eyes glowed white as he began to either neutralize or repair the damages. As Liam and Amanda were looking away, Tyler caught site of a shadow jumping off Ryan and onto a nurse.

"It's on the move guys," said Tyler as he moved to a better position to watch.

The nurse's head twisted towards Amanda. "You're gonna lose this one."

Liam moved forward quickly and placed his hands on each side of the nurse's head and chanted. The woman began to scream. The shadow jumped again and ended up in the Lab Tech who was taking some blood from Ryan. After the shadow had jumped, Liam held on for an extra moment. The nurse glowed for a second, and then he released her. He moved her over to the corner and sat her down.

"It can't go back into this one, I've given her a treatment," said Liam.

"Maybe that will improve her disposition," snarled Tyler.

"The lab tech" said Amanda.

Liam was near the lab tech and threw a white orb at him. The shadow jumped out again except this time Liam caught it mid-air with an orb, trapping it. "Who are you?"

The shadow was inside the orb, bouncing hard trying to escape. Finally it answered, "servant."

"Servant to who?"

"Never, shaman!"

Liam closed his hand into a tight fist, and the orb tightened around the shadow. There was a scream as the orb imploded, disappearing.

"I'm still sensing something in the one on the table," said Amanda.

Jared spoke, "I would agree with you. Something has tried to undo some of the work I've been doing but isn't powerful enough."

"Keep working Jared, I'm going to get that one in one shot." Liam went to the feet of Ryan and stood, planting his feet shoulder width apart. "Tyler, your hand on my shoulder, and you too please, Amanda." They moved behind him and stood, and then each grabbed his shoulder.

Liam brought his hands up and out, palms out. "Creator, guide my hands to do your work." His eyes glowed followed quickly by his entire body. Liam reached and grab both of Ryan's legs at his ankles as his body immediately glowed, becoming toxic for any evil within it.

A large shadow rose from Ryan. The glow began to spread from Ryan and into the shadow, causing it pain as it was consumed. "You have no clue what is coming, shaman. You're nothing compared to him and he will defeat you and your friends."

Liam concentrated harder, and the glow quickly intensified as if the voltage feeding a lightbulb had doubled. The shadow was consumed by the white glow, screaming as it disappeared.

Liam leaned forward onto the table to rest. Amanda and Tyler stood back, releasing their grip on him.

"It's done," said Liam.

Jared spoke as he continued healing Ryan, "I even felt that last wave of energy, Liam. The healing is almost done on him."

Liam turned to Tyler and Amanda, "You guys ok?"

Tyler nodded yes.

"Wow. I have dealt with some evil in the past but you guys bring it to a whole new level. That tired me out a bit," Amanda said.

Jared had just stood up after finishing his work and used one hand against the wall to support himself. Tyler immediately moved to him and placed Jared's open hand over his heart. "Go ahead brother, I still have energy to spare for you."

Jared's eyes flashed, and he stood straighter. He reached out to Tyler and bear hugged him tightly. "Thank you Tyler. I hope you know how much I love you, brother."

Tyler replied quietly, "Not as much as our family loves you, brother."

They separated and stood back. "I have removed the chemicals from his blood and his stomach. There was damage to the stomach, liver, spleen and kidneys as well as the beginnings of hypoxia from circulatory collapse in his brain. I have never repaired so much at once before, and that was on top of the repairs you made at the scene, Liam."

"Isn't it nice to have the ultimate paramedic watching over your shoulder to help while working, Liam?" said Tyler.

"You got that right, Tyler," answered Liam.

"I think I located the organic problems behind his depression as well and it was the first time I had ever seen it. Amanda, some of the neurons appeared to be stunted or thinner in their growth compared to the others. This means they were not producing enough neurotransmitters, nor receiving enough to keep everything balanced. I didn't understand everything the Creator said to me as I was working, but he fixed them. He said something about having to look into it as he hadn't seen anything like it for thousands of years, since Carman of the Celts had been living," explained Jared.

"Interesting," said Liam in deep thought. "Carmon was considered the greatest evil witch of all time for the ancestors. We're going to have a deep meditation and see if anything more comes to us on this."

"It is going to be interesting to see how they explain the extreme change in status of their patient in one second, and to such a degree," said Amanda.

"Yes, I know, but I'm so tired right now, I don't know how to deal with it," said Jared.

"I have an idea." She explained what she thought, and they set it up.

A few moments later, they were sitting in the smudging room. Amanda and Tyler had also stopped to grab both bottled water and cups of hot water for tea. The four of them sat sipping their lemon tea, relaxing and chatting.

"I needed your energy like a battery booster to kill that one, thank you for being here with us, Amanda," said Liam.

"I wouldn't have missed it for the world. I understand why my niece talks about you two so much," replied Amanda. "She just doesn't know about your shaman status and powers, but she loves you guys to death."

There was a panicked knock at the door of the smudging room, and Amanda called out for them to come in.

A young nurse stuck her head in the room and immediately apologised when she saw the other people with Amanda. "Dr. Smith asked me to get you quickly. They need you in the ER and if someone has seen Jared or Liam, them too."

From out of the darkness, Jared answered, "We are here as well Jen, and we'll come with Amanda."

The four of them walked down to the ER, and the door to the room was closed with a security guard standing outside of it. He saw Amanda and the men with her and opened the door, and said something. He opened it further for them to enter.

The doctors, nurses and lab techs were all standing in a circle around a sleeping Ryan. On his chest was an eagle feather with a partially burnt smudge bundle laying on his chest. The smell of smudge was strong in the room.

"You asked for us?" asked Amanda.

The older doctor stepped forward. "I see you are all here and thank you for coming. A few minutes ago, we were losing this patient you brought in, Liam. We couldn't do anything for him and he was circling the drain in spite of best efforts. We were all working on him when suddenly there was a bright light in the room, and it was the patient glowing. When the glow dissipated, these objects were on his chest and he is completely stable, possibly cured, no longer suffering the effects of the overdose."

Amanda, Jared and Liam looked at the room full of professionals staring at him. Jared stepped forward, "You're asking if we know what happened here?"

"Yes," replied the doctor.

"Would you believe me if I said it was a miracle by the Creator. This man is a friend of my cousin, and I know she was praying for him," said Jared.

"Doctor, you and these people do miracles every day. Maybe just say a prayer of thanks for whatever happened to yourself or aloud. After all, it's not a bullshit story... you are looking at it. Not everything can be explained Doctor," explained Amanda.

"But, what do we..." the Doctor started.

"Write what you actually saw, and your follow up that you have more testing to do. He's not going to cause you any problems," sad Amanda. "The relics though, as Jared and Liam are medicine men, they should deal with them properly. I'll keep them in my room upstairs."

Jared stepped forward and lifted the feather and bundle, gently holding them in his hands. "Doctor, a miracle happened because this man had not finished his path in life. We will work with him to help him back on his path, the very path you as a team worked to keep him on. You all did the fantastic job you as professionals are known for, and we are proud to be a small part of your team." Jared and Liam both bowed their heads respectively for a moment.

Their radios warbled at this time, causing everyone to jump except Liam and Jared. "Duty calls," said Liam.

The doctor stepped forward to shake their hands, "Get going guys and do what you do out there to get the patients into us. We are very proud of you and your team of medics as well. Together, we make a difference."

Just as Liam and Jared were leaving the room, they both heard a female voice mumble, "Faggots."

Liam turned to Jared, "I guess it didn't help Tyler's favorite nurse's disposition after all."

The dispatch was as back up to a motor vehicle accident, but they were cancelled while en route as the first unit on the scene was sufficient. Liam was driving to the base while Jared spoke to Melanie on the phone, bringing her up to date on Ryan's condition. Mel figured she would be at the hospital at approximately 7-7:30 p.m., and Jared would meet her there. Jared fanned the information among the rest of the family as well as Amanda of their arrival. Amanda had commented Ryan was in a private room, resting comfortably but not conscious yet.

Marci was walking down the hallway as Jared and Liam came out of the Education office.

"Marci, a moment of your time, please" asked Jared. He turned to his partner and Liam just smiled and nodded.

"Sure, what's up Jared?" she asked. Jared led her into his office with Liam and closed the door behind them.

Marci was getting concerned as he closed the door. "You never mentioned you had such a wonderful woman as Amanda for your aunt," said Liam.

"I thought I was in trouble when you closed the door. What a relief. Yes, how do you know she's my aunt?" asked Marci as she sat in one of the chairs.

"We've done some work with her at the hospital and we were talking earlier," said Jared.

"Yes, my aunt is the social worker and she is also something she calls a sensitive or channeling of powers. I don't understand it all, but I accept whatever she says."

"She is very good at channeling and speaking with spirits," said Liam. "We enjoy working with her and having her as a friend."

"Wow, I never mentioned her because I didn't think you guys would know her," explained Marci.

"Well Marci, we would like you to come to the hospital tonight with us to visit with Ryan, and our family. Liam, it may be time for a token lesbian or two in our family," said Jared.

Marci was speechless for a moment, "Your family? You mean your group of guys? A token?"

"We are a family, bonded together and we would like you to meet them all while we visit Ryan tonight. Amanda will be there as well so she can meet them all too," said Jared.

"Marci, tonight is special. Our Grandfather, the Most Sacred Medicine Man of the People is coming to visit with Melanie, the most evil, ugliest, torturing witch of the west," said Liam. He ducked just in time so Jared missed slapping the back of his head.

"Hey, I've met Melanie and I like her," Said Marci.

"Oh God, another minion converted by her evil ways," said Liam as the back of head finally got slapped.

"If I wouldn't be in the way, I would love to come tonight," replied Marci. "Jared, if Liam insults Melanie again, can I slap his head too?"

"Of course you can," replied Jared quickly.

"You're both bitches," replied Liam as he ducked again.

The hospital room was a larger single bed room, Amanda had seen to that and after they realized who he was associated with, they acted quickly to get him in the big room. As Jared, Liam, Marci, Troy, Tyler, Josh and Darren walked down the hallway; they saw a nurse step into the hallway with her hands on her hips.

"Mr. Jared, I see you brought back up with you this time," said the nurse. "You are going to need it if you think for one minute..."

Troy snuck to the front of the group. He approached her bent over, acting timid of her as he placed the box of donuts and travel box of Tim Horton's coffee at her feet, he remained bent over but looking up at her.

"We swears, to serve the master of the Precious. We will swear on... on the Precious!" Troy then scampered to the back of the group to hide.

"Mr. Jared, these gifts please us." She bent over and picked up the items, "Jared, I can't believe you have ruined Troy too."

"Precious knows his place" said Jared with a smile. "Kat, my Grandfather and cousin are coming as well and should be here any time. Melanie is a friend of Ryan's and Grandfather is a medicine man. I would like you to meet both of them when they are here."

"No wonder Amanda had Ryan moved to the big room. I look forward to meeting them Jared, and thanks for the food," she said with a smile. The group moved on and into the room where Amanda was sitting quietly reading a book.

"You got by Kat, did you?" Amanda observed. "You must have brought her a toll."

"It was a shrubbery for the Knights of Ni," said Josh in the back. Amanda rolled her eyes.

"I also see you have now dragged my niece into your mob," stated Amanda.

"I think we can salvage her," replied Jared. Amanda rolled her eyes again.

"Whatever," said Marci and Amanda at the same time.

There was a knock at the door, and Tyler reached over to open it. Doctor Smith from ER stood there with Melanie and Grandfather. "Jared, I had no clue you were related to Melanie and she was the cousin you mentioned. She and I served together overseas," said the doctor. "I was shocked when she walked in and asked for Ryan. I also served with Ryan overseas but it hadn't dawned on me at the time who he was because I was so wrapped up in the treatment."

"Hello cousin," said Melanie with a smirk.

Jared moved through the group and took both of Grandfather's hands into his. "Grandfather, we are honoured you made the trip to visit here. We are impressed you made it safely," said Jared.

"Of course I made it safely, Grandson. Do you think I am too old to have leave of my senses to let my granddaughter drive? Get a grip, Jared." He replied laughing.

Jared saw Kat behind them and invited her into the room. "For those who have not met my grandfather, this is Grandfather Mathew Bear, the Most Sacred Medicine Man and Shaman of the People, the Most Elder of the People, the most respected Elder in the tribal counsel of the entire western region and the primary messenger of the Sacred White Buffalo."

The Doctor and Kat's mouths hung open in shock.

The old man stepped to Amanda and took her hands into his. "I am very happy to finally meet you, Amanda. The Creator has told me much about your work, and he called you 'Flying Swan'."

"Thank you Most Sacred..." Amanda started.

"Please, call me Matt or Mathew," he said to her as he cut off her using his title. "Flying Swan, you have such a beautiful heart and commitment to helping other people. Your work is instrumental in preventing evil from diverting people from their pathway in life."

He let her hands go and reached for Marci's hands. "Your niece Amanda, Jared says she is a first class paramedic, and person of good soul. I sense that in her very strongly. She is a young lady of high integrity and honour... not to mention cute too." said Grandfather. "Pleasure to meet you, Marci."

"Thank you, Grandfather," she replied, lost for words in front of this special man.

He reached for Kat's hands. Grandfather started to laugh, "My grandson has kept you both amused and frustrated at times, Kat. He has been like that his entire life and I see he hasn't changed, in spite of what he tells me."

Grandfather didn't even look over his shoulder at Jared, "And don't try the innocent act, Grandson." Kat started to laugh. "He said you have a pure heart, dedication to your job, and love for people and he wasn't kidding. I sense it all in you Kat, and the purity of your spirit too. You are a good person who will have a long life full of happiness."

Grandfather released her hands and reached for the Doctor's. "You are man of integrity, spirit and have a history of defending the rights of the average person. Your heart and dedication is like your wife's, very pure."

Everyone on the room looked surprised but Amanda. "Was that a secret?" asked Grandfather.

"It's just easier for us, Mathew," said the Doctor.

"Then it remains that way and if anyone speaks of it outside this room, their hair will instantly fall out in clumps," said Grandfather with a smile.

"I doubt that will happen but I would appreciate no one repeating it," said Dr. Smith.

"Doctor, I said it as a joke, but it is something I can do," he said with a serious face.

Dr. Smith looked deeply into Grandfather's eyes for a moment, and then said, "I don't know why, but I believe it. I ask you not to do it though, and please call me Shawn."

Grandfather nodded his head and said, "As you ask."

Grandfather turned to Ryan on the bed. "Please pull back the covers, but leave the gown on him."

Kat moved forward to do it with Amanda's help.

"Shawn, what is your assessment of his current status and the diagnosis or suspicions of why has he not woken up yet?" asked Grandfather.

Shawn explained the blood alcohol level, the drugs and the interactions they had found. Mathew asked about a couple of the drugs interactions and effects on specific cell types and organs. The old man asked several questions of the doctor, and the questions were of such depth he had to think about the answers. He quickly realized this old man was more than what he had initially thought, and he had not only an appreciation but in-depth knowledge of cell chemistry, composition and operations. By some of the questions, Shawn realized this man actually had a comparable knowledge of Histology as himself.

Grandfather dug into his medicine pouch for a set of eagle feathers attached to an eagle leg with the talons. He took it out and slowly waved it over the man's body as he explained, "Mother Earth gives us many things to live our lives. Not only does she provide food, but she provides us with all of the minerals, plants and things you call chemicals to make compounds which heal. Every patient is made up of the physical being, and the spiritual. Modern medicine does not treat or believe in the spiritual being. Never forget Dr. Smith, we the Medicine Men have been practicing medicine for the entire body since the beginning of the 12 tribes. We have also been doing it with information given to us directly by the Creator and passed through the generations."

The old man looked directly at the doctor and asked, "Does that satisfy some of your curiosity of how I know so much about medicine and the human body?"

"It has definitely caught my interest, Mathew. I would have never guessed at the depth of your knowledge," said Dr. Smith.

"Amanda, Melanie, this man is going to need a lot of help to find his way after we wake him. His spirit is wandering, confused and angry. The physical damage which was fixed was easy to repair, the damage on the spirit is easy to hide, but hard to repair. This has been going on for a long time. Two spirits, he is of two entities and has been trying to suppress one. Not sexual or gender based two-spirits although he would not be considered 100% heterosexual." Grandfather closed his eyes and concentrated for a moment. "The second spirit he has infesting him is the result of... his wife..." he paused as if thinking, "It's clouded and under serious evil shadow influences, and she has been trying to influence him for a long time. Please expose his chest."

Grandfather looked at the man's muscular chest and then placed his hand on the skin over the heart. "He is of strong heart, passionate heart but a hurt and broken heart as well." Mathew thought for a moment and then looked directly at Melanie. "It is good you are here, Grand-daughter, you will be of great assistance in his healing his heart, and he may help you too."

This last comment caught the members of the tribe off guard, but Melanie or Shawn didn't seem to be surprised. Jared and Liam glanced at each other, passing a knowing look.

The old man placed the eagle feather on the table next to the bed and retrieved a bowl, smudging bundle and red berries. He smashed the red berries in the bowl, dipped his finger and made a circle over Ryan's heart on the exposed skin. He did the same on the forehead. Next he took some leaves and ground them up between his fingers and then placed them inside of Ryan's left cheek. Finally, he took a small vial of water out of his medicine pouch.

"Troy, Darren, Josh and Tyler - each grab an arm or leg of Ryan and hold it tight when I say so. Liam, hold his head. Melanie, come to my side. Jared and Amanda, keep an eye for spirits which shouldn't be there."

He lit a smudge bundle and started to fan it around the room, and then finally on Ryan. Grandfather was chanting as he finished the smudging. "Melanie, call his name. Shawn, it may help if there was two of you calling him at the same time."

The doctor moved next to Melanie and started to call his name and tell Ryan they needed him back here to help them. Grandfather looked skyward and continued chanting as he now opened the water vial, and pour it onto Ryan's chest. The fluid immediately sizzled and steamed as it changed colour to a dark red consistent with the colour of blood.

Once again the doctor witnessed Ryan's body begin glowing white, and getting brighter as Grandfather chanted faster and faster. A dark shadow jumped out Ryan's mouth, but was immediately trapped in an orb by Jared before it could disappear. Jared crushed it causing the shadow to scream as it died.

Grandfather gave one final set of chants which seemed to shake the room. Ryan was now squirming under the grip of the men holding him down. A dark shadow moving as if it were a poisonous gas escaping came out of his right ear. The gas seemed to lift up slowly and then look each way for an escape route. Jared used his hands to create another orb which trapped it. The black cloud cried loudly and bounced on the insides of the orb.

Suddenly, Ryan stopped squirming on the bed. Grandfather signaled everyone to silence as he said, "Ryan, the Creator commands your spirit to return to its body. You have a long path to walk before your end, and we need you here. You are amongst your new family; return NOW!" The word 'now' echoed and reverberated as if it had been yelled in a concrete car park. Even the ceiling tiles in the roof lifted causing dust to fall.

Ryan's eyes snapped open and his head moved so he could see what was going on. He couldn't move as everyone was holding him still. Melanie and Shaw moved into his line of sight.

"Rye, calm down. You're safe," said Melanie as she stroked the side of his face gently.

Shawn leaned over the man, "Ryan, your OK man, you're amongst friends."

Ryan looked around at all the faces, but he only recognized two of them. He saw it was Melanie talking to him and Shawn the doctor.

"Mel? Shawn?" he looked around, and he suddenly realized what he had done to get him here. He started to cry.

Melanie snapped, "Let him go," and they all instantly complied. Melanie, Shawn and Ryan all sat on the bed and held each other tightly as the man cried.

Everyone moved to the other side of the room leaving the three people embraced on the bed.

Kat was shaking her head, "I've heard of this, but never thought I would see it."

Marci said the same thing and then asked, "Is this what you do, Auntie?"

Amanda smiled, "I don't have this type of power, but I do help people."

"Don't let her understate her abilities," said Grandfather. "She is a powerful person who does a lot of good work."

Kat looked at the orb and asked, "So what were those things that came out of him."

Grandfather nodded to Jared to answer. "Kat, Marci... those are what we call shadows. These shadows are dangerous, and it's a generic term we use."

"Generic term?" asked Marci.

"You don't mean evil spirits, do you?" asked Kat.

"Very often they are evil, but not always spirits. Shadows can be anything which manifests or is invited to manifest inside someone. It could be hatred, jealousy and greed - the usual. What happens the most is that every person has some of the basic sins as they may be called within us, but we control them. The evil little shadow who is living in someone else close by and sees this and plants another little shadow into them to grow and lure the person into evil. The object of the shadow is to obtain the spirit voluntarily from a person as present to the evil one."

"This sounds like something from a comic book," said Marci.

Jared moved the orb closer to the women to look at. The smoke manifested itself into something which snarled and growled at the two women. Everyone could see two eyes looking out of the centre of the black mass, and moving back and forth between the two women. It suddenly fixated and lunged at Marci. Marci stepped back.

"What the hell..." she stammered.

"It sees a weakness within you Marci, and was moving to enter you and take advantage of it," said Jared. Jared's eyes flashed and he crushed the orb. The shadow screamed as it was crushed to death.

"Kat, Ryan will need Amanda, Melanie and help we don't know about yet. Tyler, you guys take Marci downstairs to the food services area and get something to eat and drink. I will meet you there shortly. Liam and Jared, you two go as well."

"Yes Grandfather," they all said.

"Grandfather, I didn't have time to mention an old friend of yours, Harold and Ernestine, were in the ambulance the not all that long ago. I don't know if they are still here or not, but since you are in town they would probably enjoy a visit with you," said Jared.

"Jared, those are my old friends who I have not visited with for too long, and that is a good idea. Maybe Kat or Shawn could help me find out if they are here or where they live for me to visit," said Grandfather.

Kat looked at Mathew, "You are friends with Dr. and Dr. Brooks? Why am I even surprised Mathew to find that out."

"We did a lot of work together many, many years ago," said Grandfather.

As the young people were going out the door, they could hear Tyler say, "Grandfather put me in charge." Darren replied, "No way man." They also heard Liam, "I'm always in charge." The sound of a head being slapped was heard.

Kat was chuckling, "They are always like that, aren't they Mathew?"

The old man smiled at the nurse, "Yes, and whoever they befriend or work with ends up just like them."

"Mathew, I've seen it happen a few times and each time I consider it a miracle, and how the people they were taking under their wing were very fortunate to have met Jared Bear. I think of them as angels, although they can test the patience of the saints," said Kat. "Oh my God, I can't believe I just thought of this. You were introduced to us as Mathew Bear, should that have been Mathew Alphonse Bear?"

Grandfather's face went blank as he answered, "Depends, you a cop?"

"Oh I am beginning to see where Jared gets his sarcasm and quick wit from."

"Unfortunately Kat, it is a long story about Jared's life but I will tell you as I raised him, the apples didn't fall from this tree."

"So you are the Mathew Alphonse Bear?"

"I am him, Kat."

"This entire wing of the hospital is named after you, sir."

"Now that I have some building named after me, I'm sir? Kat, I would give it all up and you could have your name on the front of the dam building if you continued to call me Mathew or Matt. Sir is for important people, which I am just an average man."

"You and Jared are so much alike Mathew, very humble. I had no clue who he was or you."

"I'm just a new friend of a very pretty lady and respected professional, Kat. Amanda knew who I was, but she also knew it wasn't important to me. I would appreciate it if you do not say it outside of this room."

Kat looked at Amanda for guidance, but all she did was smile and shrug her shoulders.

"Whatever you like, Grandfather" she replied.

They went over to see Melanie, Shawn and Ryan. The three of them were talking about the military and the problems he had when he came home.

"May I leave you here, Melanie," asked Grandfather.

"Yes, please. Thank you, Grandfather," she said as she stood and hugged the man.

"Paid in full after that hug, Granddaughter," he replied. He looked at her with a look of deep concentration and confusion.

"What's wrong, Grandfather?" asked Melanie with concern in her voice.

"I'm confused and don't understand something, Granddaughter. Tyler asked me if you needed a wide load permit for your ass when you drive to the city. What does that mean?"

Ryan and Shawn's face went blank, and then they both started to laugh.

"I'm going to remove that little tube of flesh he calls a dick with no anesthetic," she said.

As Grandfather was leaving, Kat leaned over to him and whispered, "The apples really fell close, didn't they Mathew. You're as much a shit disturber as Jared is."

Grandfather gave her the most innocent looks he could as he said, "Maybe."

"Oh shit, he says that too."

The old man smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "My work here is done. I'm going downstairs to get some tea."

"Oh god, he says that too," cried Kat.

Mathew smiled a beautiful and warm smile to the nurse, saluted and left. Kat held her head in both hands as the old man left, not wanting anyone else to see how hard she was laughing.

Amanda left the room and rescued Marci from the guys, taking her home. She would be talking with her niece about the importance of trust and silence about what she saw.

Ryan fell asleep, and Melanie answered many questions from Shawn and Kat about what they had seen. Both promised to remain silent, but they also knew they could contact Melanie or the guys anytime for help. Melanie invited them to the ambulance base for a tour, and if they dared meeting Jared's entire family all at once, they could come for dinner on Friday night at the cabin.

Kat looked at her with interest. Melanie explained Jared had asked her about setting up a special supper for friends and family. Shortly after, Grandfather had asked her to do the same thing and to make the dinner happen, it was a new moon and he sensed something would happen special that night.

Thank you to Scott for editing the story. I know your busy at school and in life, thank you my friend.

Special thanks to The Story Lover (http://storylover.us/) for his support.

Next: Chapter 45: Jared the Paramedic II 30

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