Jared the Paramedic

By Snowblind94

Published on Feb 9, 2017


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Disclaimer: All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. The following contains scenes of explicit scenes involving male sex and in a variety of consensual activities. But, if you're looking for non-stop sex then this isn't the story for you. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed any further. The characters are entirely fictitious and are not based on anyone who has or is still living.

This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit written permission from the author.

Jared the Paramedic - Volume II Chapter 28 - The Oblivious Partners

Eric and Chad had worked a night shift on Monday, but made arrangements to meet with Jared and Liam for a run Tuesday. Jared and Liam were already stretching when their friends arrived. After shaking hands, they joined in the stretches.

"How'd your night go?" asked Liam.

Chad replied as he rolled his eyes, "It was like a crypt until around 2, and then the usual crazies came out."

"Domestics, drunken fights, auto thefts... you know, the usual shit," added Eric.

"What did you guys do on the weekend? Something about camping I heard?" asked Chad.

"We all headed out to Grandfathers for the weekend. We did some fishing, ate mounds of food, laid in the sun and had a good sweat in the lodge," replied Jared.

"I talked with Frank a bit this morning," said Eric. "He was so relaxed and happy."

Liam moved closer to Eric, "So, are you ready to run off all those donuts?"

"Depends," he replied. "You going to run off that cheesecake?" Eric then surprised everyone by slapping Liam in the ass.

Jared couldn't catch his breath from laughing and rolled to the ground. Chad collapsed onto the picnic table he had been leaning on in laughter as well. Liam was bouncing on his tippy toes mumbling that Eric's parents weren't married when he was born.

Eric was laughing, "I couldn't resist, Liam. It was just begging to be slapped."

Liam turned and it was his turn to surprise Eric. He ran towards Eric and dove by him in a front roll. As soon as he was on his feet, he pulled Eric's running shorts to the ground... leaving him standing there in his jock strap. He then took off running down the trail. Chad slapped Eric's exposed ass as he ran by, and then Jared got him when his attention was focused on Chad and trying to pull his shorts up. He finally lost balance, and tumbled face first onto the grass.

When Eric caught up the first words out his mouth was, "You are all assholes."

Liam turned and with a straight face replied, "So?"

Chad laughed because Eric had no comeback to hurl at Liam. "You've met your match, Eric."

Liam set the pace for them and Jared kept up easily. It was even getting easier to keep up for the other two as well. The next night they joined in with the self-defence classes again as well. The third night, Wednesday, the four had finished another run and were sharing some tea at Liam's and Jared's apartment kitchen.

"So how are things, Chad?" asked Liam.

"Going well, I'm looking for an apartment now."

"I've said I had room at my place for you," quipped Eric.

"I know Eric, but it would be... awkward to... work together and roommates too."

"No, it wouldn't," replied Eric. He paused for a moment and then said, "Maybe you're right, Chad. It wouldn't work out."

Liam held his cup of tea in both hands and shook his head.

"Guys, lets talk about this... openly," said Jared.

Both Chad and Eric fidgeted a bit. Chad spoke quietly, "What do you mean?"

Jared started quietly, "A few days ago, you asked us about being gay." Both Eric and Chad fidgeted more. "I started to speak of love as opposed to being gay. It's a good time to finish that conversation."

"Good idea," suggested Liam.

"Guys, love between two people is a gift. It's two spirits who have been searching and found the other they wish to be with. Love is such a strong emotional, spiritual, and physical connection between two people it's hard to control, but some try."

"Jared's right," said Liam. "Love is a gift and it's between two people. Man and woman, woman and woman, or man and man. The love between them is a gift, and meant to be freely shared."

"Why do people hate gays so much?" asked Chad.

"Ignorance mostly," said Jared. "But fueled at one time by the requirement for the various groups to procreate to increase the population so they made it a rule. There are lots of other reasons but how can anyone hate pure love between two people?"

Liam looked at the two men directly, first Eric and then Chad. "Love is love, no labels. Jared and I love each other, and its just as simple as that. The two of us can handle anything together."

"Chad, you said it was too risky the other day. What's too risky?" asked Jared pointedly.

Chad was really getting nervous and fidgety, and was now giving some of the classic signs someone who is trying to think of how to say something.

"Both of you, I want you to remember what I said the other day. Love is a gift we humans have been given. There are many types of love, and all of them are gifts to make our lives better in some way. These are gifts given to us freely for us to use but they have been subjugated by man made rules. Rules of who can marry, where they can get married, or how they get married and even who does it. That's not what the Creator intended was how I finished that discussion," explained Jared again.

Chad looked at the table for a long moment, and then at Eric who was doing the same thing.

Finally, Jared said something, "You both need to sort out your thoughts, and who you believe you are interested in. Chad and Eric, if the personal cost is too much for you to make the move, you need to fold your poker hand and move on. The inner turmoil you two are having is not worth it."

Liam picked up the thought and continued, "Jared is right. If you become obsessed in weighing the risk, the focus becomes the decision and not the person you wish to approach. He's right, though. Give it some serious thought and make a decision."

Jared smirked and then added, "Or you could just tell each how you really feel."

"That would be the easiest choice rather than all this dancing around," added Liam.

It took about 10 seconds before what had been said sank in for Chad and Eric. Both of their heads snapped up, looked at Jared and exclaimed, "What?"

"Its obvious to us guys because we are unusually perceptive to things," said Liam.

"You have no clue..." started Eric.

Jared held his hand up with his index finger up to say 'give me a minute.' "Liam, lights please." His boyfriend got up and shut off the lights in the kitchen. It was dark, but they could still see each other.

"Have you guys ever heard of auras?" asked Jared.

Eric nodded, "Yeah, my sister said she saw colours around people or those aura things."

Liam looked at the man, "But you don't?"

Eric looked a little panicky, and then finally said, "Sometimes I do, but I've never told anyone before."

"Chad, you understand what we are talking about?" asked Liam.

"Yeah, somewhat. I've heard about it but what the..." he replied.

Jared was looking at the table when a glow began around all four of the men's bodies. The glow developed into a beautiful set of auras around each man. The aura around Jared and Liam alternated with many colours but when it settled to a stable pattern, the colours of gold and pure surrounded them.

"Just stay seated and we'll explain what you're seeing," said Liam. "Now, watch this." Liam reached out placed his hand onto Jared's. The aura's of the two men wrapped around each other and then combined into one. The beauty of the gold, with bright green and the huge white coloured areas was breath taking.

"When two people are highly spiritual, healers and in love with each other... the colours blend like this," explained Liam. "The colours all have different meanings and ours are unusual. What we wanted you to see was the compatibility and the blending of the spirits of two people deeply in love."

"Incredible," exclaimed Chad. "I though this was all bullshit."

"I've never seen anything like this before," said Eric.

"Now, you two look at each other's aura and sense what it is showing you," said Liam.

Both of the men had a chocolate brown colour area around them along with some other colours but the light blue and red were the clearest in both. The auras were very strong around both, but neither were centered around the human they were radiating off. The two auras were only what could be described as leaning towards each other. There was no contact, but they were definitely leaning to each other as if they wanted contact.

The colours shocked the two men.

"Now, look into each other's eyes," said Liam.

It took a moment, but the two men looked at each other.

"Look deeply into the eyes of the other person. Look directly into the eyes as if you want to see deep inside of them," said Liam. He gave it a moment before saying, "Now look at your auras."

It startled them both as their auras were active and moving similar to fluid, they were moving towards each other and then stopping. They would move up together, and then down. The two auras, in their own way were dancing with the other.

"What do you think of the auras, guys," asked Jared.

"What are they doing?" asked Chad.

"I guess its time to just say it to both of you. They are acting just like the physical beings they are part of," Jared explained.

The two men looked confused.

Jared turned to Liam, "Not even you were this dense, Liam."

"I love you dearly, Jared, even when you act like a bitch," said Liam laughing.

Jared cleared his throat and spit it out finally, "You two are interested in each other... maybe bromance, maybe more. But both of you are too dumb and too scared to say anything to the other."

"Macho testosterone-reeking cops," mumbled Liam, who ducked Jared's hand. While he was sticking his tongue out at Jared for missing, he didn't see his soulmate's hand move lower and pinch the closest ass cheek.

"Son of a bitch," blurted Liam.

Chad and Eric were still staring into each other's eyes deeply. Finally, with a shaking hand, Eric reached up and touched the side of Chad's face. Chad didn't move, and he reached up and did the same to Eric.

It was a moment later that Chad said, "They're right, Eric. We have no clue what this is but now that it is out on the table, can we spend some time and try to make sense of it together?"

Eric had a tear roll down his cheek, "I would really like that, Chad. I mean really, really like that to happen."

"So it wasn't just me thinking of you," asked Chad.

"I had always hoped it wasn't just me thinking of you... and it would never be a reality."

They both dropped their hands slowly, and turned to look at Jared. Liam flipped the lights on at that moment and blinded everyone. After making some more tea, and Liam getting a cheesecake out, they all sat down again.

"Where do we go from here?" asked Chad.

Jared smiled and took Liam's hand into his.

"We worked together, became friends and love came easy between us." Jared gave Liam's hand a loving squeeze for acknowledgement.

"We have never had to force love, it came naturally, honestly and developed the way it should," added Liam.

Jared smiled at his boyfriend as he spoke. "Love is one of the greatest gifts given to people to share, and the most wonderful thing to experience in its full force. We have said all this before to both of you. You are already friends, now get to know each other as Chad and Eric... not partners in a police car."

Liam continued the thought, "We dated, but you don't need to call it that. It's two buds doing things together and getting to know each other as they do it. If it was meant to be, it will happen."

Chad was looking troubled, and asked, "Does that mean I'm gay if I'm in... if I was to fall in love with Eric?"

"It means you fell in love with someone, the way love should be... without labels." Jared continued, "Others will call you gay just as some call me a fucking Indian faggot. Sticks and stones may break my bones... but the love from my soulmate Liam will heal them." He turned to Liam who had a tear escaping from his eye and took him into his arms for a hug, and a kiss.

When they released their hug, both were startled to find Eric and Chad were standing in a tight full body hug. Looking at the two men, Jared observed the body language to indicate the tension in the hug was relaxing. They were still holding each other tightly as both of their heads relaxed upon the shoulder of the other. They separated to sit down, and it was obvious in their skimpy running shorts both of the men had partial erections to deal with.

"Did it feel ok to hug each other for both of you?" asked Jared.

"Yea, it did," said Chad.

"This hug was different. We've hugged many times before, but this one was different. It felt right with Chad," said Eric.

"He's right, this hug felt right as well as special." Chad turned to Jared and asked, "Where do we go from here?"

Jared answered, "Like we said, get to know each other as people, grow and learn about the other and being together. I want you to understand something clearly, both of you. Many dates in the dating community are nothing but hook ups for sex. They are only satisfying the biological need and not the emotional. No pressure, just get to know each other and let your relationship start slowly."

"You two may have some big decisions to make in your life depending upon what choices you make for your future," said Liam. "Move one step at a time."

"By the way, how did you do the magic trick with the auras? I've never seen anything like that before?" said Chad.

Liam looked at Jared, and then said, "Ancient Chinese secret?"

Jared chuckled, "Some day we may show you how we do that. Until then, its just one of the things we do as medicine men. We try and help people to go down the right path in their life, like the two of you."

Eric poked Chad in the upper arm with his finger. "Chad, you want to put some jeans on and go for some coffee, and maybe a walk along the river?"

Chad's head snapped up and he turned his head to look at Eric. Then he smirked, "I think I would like that Eric. That was quick."

"Is there a reason to delay it?"

"No, there isn't," Chad said as he got up. "Shall we go?"

Thank you to Scott for editing the story. I know your busy at school and in life, thank you. There's not much left of the story to leach at your time. Special thanks to The Story Lover (http://storylover.us/) for his support.

Next: Chapter 44: Jared the Paramedic II 29

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