Jared the Paramedic

By Snowblind94

Published on Feb 1, 2017


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Disclaimer: All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. The following contains scenes of explicit scenes involving male sex and in a variety of consensual activities. But, if you're looking for non-stop sex then this isn't the story for you. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed any further. The characters are entirely fictitious and are not based on anyone who has or is still living.

This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit written permission from the author.

If you have any questions or comments, please send them to me at snowblind94@yahoo.ca

Jared the Paramedic - Volume II Chapter 27 - The Four Directions and the Awakening

Breakfast was fried potatoes, baked beans, eggs, and deer sausage with pancakes. Grandfather had been up early and started the large wood cooking stove outside to get things ready to feed his family. The old man was very happy not only having company, but seeing his grandson with so many friends. Frank joined him and helped to get the potatoes ready for frying. The old style coffee pot looked like it came off the fire of a John Wayne western movie. It was the biggest coffee pot Frank had ever seen in his life, and was amazed at how good the coffee tasted outdoors. The two of them were enjoying their morning chat and coffee together when they heard a disturbance in the teepee. Disturbance, well more like a tremendous amount shrieking, laughing, and screaming would describe it better. By the sounds of it, the teepee was now filled with bedlam as the guys woke each other up.

The men watched as all the campers came out of the teepee naked, and ran to the river. One by one the dove into the water and screamed, "It's cold... you lied, Jared," but they stayed in anyways. Grandfather had left them some chlorogalum root which he had previously dried and then reconstituted in a bucket. The plant is commonly called soap root by people who know of it, and he had taken some and soaked it in water with rose hips and lilac. What they got was a natural cleanser which smelled like flowers and without the use of chemicals.

Frank watched the men washing and having carefree fun in the stream. When they were done, they used towels to dry off and hung them on a clothesline near the teepee. Frank marveled at how casual they all were with their nudity, and also how much his son had grown into a man. After dressing, the group came up to the cabin area for food. It was no surprise to Frank that Mark and Conner led the pack in speed up the hill, until Tyler and Darren overtook them and pushed them over into the grass to pass them and be first in line.

The men all had filled their plates of food and were eating quickly.

"Young ones," said Grandfather, "do not forget to either breathe or chew while you are packing your faces."

Frank laughed at the comment. "I would hate to think if someone's hand got between the plate and their mouth right now."

"That body part would be missing," replied Grandfather. "But if you waited for a time period, some of it would come out again."

Jesse laughed, "Grandfather, did you just make a poo joke?"

"No poo, shit joke," he replied. Frank rolled his eyes. "Frank, nothing is off limits for jokes here," said Grandfather.

"But speak loudly or Grandfather won't hear you," said Zane.

"Yes, he's right but please make sure you are always generous when talking of Zane's smarts, height and especially penis size," said Grandfather with a smirk.

"BURN!" said Jesse.

The group was beginning to laugh at the comments.

"Jesse is new to this, so has a lot of catching up to suffer through." said Jared. "A lawyer is standing in a long line at the box office. Suddenly, he feels a pair of hands kneading his shoulders, back, and neck. The lawyer turns around. 'What the hell do you think you're doing?' 'I'm a chiropractor, and I'm just keeping in practice while I'm waiting in line.' 'Well, I'm a lawyer, but you don't see me screwing the guy in front of me, do you?'"

The group was beginning to laugh loudly now.

Troy started this story, "Darren came home early one day and finds his boyfriend relaxing in bed. All looks well till he notices a cigar in the ash tray. He becomes furious and yells, 'Where did that cigar come from?' A voice from under the bed says, 'Havana!'"

Not to be outdone, Darren told the next joke. "Jared, Liam and Troy rescued a man who was quite badly injured in a car accident. The entire left half of his body was torn off but they took him to the hospital for examination and treatment anyways. The doctors said he was all right and the nurse said there wasn't much left."

The guys rolled their eyes at that one, but Frank was beginning to laugh heartily now.

Grandfather started this one with, "Serious story. Deep within a forest, a little turtle named Adam began to climb a tree. After hours of effort, he reached the top, jumped into the air waving his front legs and crashed to the ground. After recovering, he slowly climbed the tree again, jumped, and fell to the ground. The turtle tried again and again, while a couple of birds named Conner and Mark were sitting on a branch watching his sad efforts. Finally, Mark turned to Conner and asked 'Dear,' he chirped, 'I think it's time to tell him he's adopted.'"

The men all had tears in their eyes from laughing so hard.

Josh had the next joke. "Zane walked into a bar one night and sat down for a drink. The bartender came over and looked at Zane, noting there was a little man sitting on his shoulder. Zane ordered a scotch and water, and the bartender got it and put it on the bar in front him. The little man jumped down, ran over and kicked the drink over and then immediately got back onto Zane's shoulder. Zane got another drink and the same thing happened. When he ordered the third drink, the bartender asked what the hell was going on. Zane explained he had been walking on the beach one day and found a lamp. When he rubbed it a genie came out and granted him one wish. Zane quickly asked for 12 inch prick. The bartender looked at him confused. Zane pointed at the man on his shoulder and said and there is the 12 inch prick I got."

The entire table groaned at that one.

Jared had the last joke. "Four Basic food groups for Frank the cop... 1.Glazed, 2.Jelly, 3.Powdered, and 4.Chocolate Frosted."

Frank held his hands up in surrender.

Grandfather finally said, "Young ones, you guys are on clean up and 'coffee fetcher'."

"Coffee fetcher?" asked Conner innocently as Jared was shaking his head and bringing his hands up to his face.

Grandfather lifted his empty coffee mug up, "Fetch the coffee, Conner, Frank's and my cups are empty."

"DOH!" mumbled Conner.

The river was wide, approximately 5' in depth with the odd deeper spots while having numerous gravel and sand shoals in it.

The men were all wearing "normal" clothing during this visit, mostly for Frank's benefit. Everyone was in shorts, running shoes and some wearing t-shirts while others had pulled them off.

Jesse, Zane, and Frank were standing in the shallow of the stream and fly fishing into a deep spot. Jared had shown them, with Zane's help how to do the fly fishing and they actually picked it up fairly quickly. Jared didn't think they would ever catch anything but they had nice technique. He was shocked when Frank caught a trout and from the men's reactions one would have thought the lottery had been won. To have filmed the four of them trying to get the fish out of the water and then off the hook would have taken first place on Funniest Videos, especially when Zane tried to give it mouth to mouth and CPR.

Downstream another group consisting of Adam, Conner, Mark, Josh and Darren were all chasing fish around in a shallow sandy bottomed area with spears. Adam had used some charcoal to put war stripes on the guy's faces to add some realism. As Jared and Liam went by, Josh and Darren were using their spears to start a sword fight with Conner and Mark. Adam was now lying on the bank, flat on his back, and his spear was being held up in his armpit. From a distance, it looked like he had already been speared by someone.

Tyler and Troy had driven into the city early, picked up Patrick and were back. Before they left, the two of them started the fire and added the rocks for the sweat later that night. Darren and Josh had taken over maintaining the fire while they were gone and they had gathered additional wood for burning.

Jared and Liam checked the fire before continuing their journey together upriver. They were heading to a powerful location which Jared wished to show Liam. Jared led him to a sand stone outcropping where he had spent many hours throughout his youth in meditation. The stones were flat granite, positioned as if someone had done it intentionally to provide a spectacular view of the valley. This location also provided an unobstructed view of the sun rising in the east, its travel across the sky, and its setting in the west. The two of them sat crossed legged - facing the direction of the sun. Both could feel the warmth of the sunlight on their skin, and the feeling of renewing strength the sun freely gave them with it's light. Humans need exposure to the sun for their body to produce some life necessary elements; something too many forget. Jared explained to Liam the importance of the location both as a beautiful place to meditate, and to renew the strength for the physical body. The two of them sat upright, closed their eyes and held hands while beginning a deep meditation together.

Their minds came together as one thought came to the front of their meditation. They both were thinking the words of a great War Chief Tecumseh. "When you rise in the morning, give thanks for the light in your life, for your strength. Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason to give thanks, the fault lies in yourself." The two men open their eyes and looked deeply into each other's beautiful eyes. Once again they thought as one, "I give thanks for your love and I need nothing else to achieve the joy of living my life." The two men leaned forward and kissed before sitting back to continue with their mediation. As they were beginning their other world travel, they both thought again as one, "I love you with all my heart," and then they began their mediation journey.

Grandfather took Patrick, Frank, Conner and Mark under his wing and had them help him clean up the sweat lodge and replace the sage, spruce and cedar on the floor inside. The four of them were good students as the old man explained the significance of everything in the lodge and the reasons for it.

They were absolutely astounded at the traditions as Grandfather explained them. Frank was having trouble believing some of what he was being told, but he accepted it because of the tremendous amount of respect he was building for Mathew. He even called him Grandfather from time to time naturally, it rolled off his tongue easily again because of his respect for the man. Frank asked Matt about what he thought he saw Jared's eyes do when he had been shot. Grandfather didn't answer the questions completely, but promised him to answer it during the sweat tonight.

The others had continued to feed the large fire and the rocks were heating in it. Jared, Liam and Zane were filling everyone in on the traditions and the steps the sweat would follow that night. Jesse listened to everything being said, but found much of it hard to believe. Frank, Patrick, Conner and Mark were very interested in what they were being told.

Everyone had been very active in the morning and the group had a light lunch, to maintain their blood sugar levels for the afternoon and into the evening. During the afternoon, most of the group had laid in the sun and worked on their tans. Some of the others had enjoyed fishing the river and they were doing that for the afternoon. Every fish they caught was carefully released back into the river. Another day they may have enjoyed the taste of fresh fish on the campfire, but not today.

The days are still very warm, but the darkness is coming earlier now than it had a month ago. The evenings were still very pleasant and most of the time a person only needed a light sweater if they were cool. The nights themselves could be chilly, and was the main reason of course why there were so many blankets and furs in the teepee for the men to sleep on and under.

The men were finally ready for the sweat. They were all dressed in soft deer skin loin cloths, all of which had been made that afternoon while they finished discussing the ceremony. Frank felt awkward at first, but became accustomed to it around everyone else.

***************************************** West:

Tyler, Patrick, Troy, Liam, Conner, Mark, Frank, Adam, Darren, Josh, Zane, Jesse, and Jared all lined up for their position in the lodge. Grandfather Mathew smudged each one of them as they entered and sat in the thick cushion of cedar and grasses. Mathew finally smudged himself and entered the lodge.

The Most Sacred Medicine Man sat cross legged. He looked around at each one of the men in the circle, and smiled at them. He reached for tobacco and pipe, packing the object without even looking. Just by the feel of his fingers he could tell when it had been filled properly. He struck a wooden match and lit the pipe, puffing it a few times to make it sure it was burning well. Holding it up in front of him with both hands, he prayed aloud:

"Oh Great Spirit, I seek wisdom, the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock so that I may learn and carry this message of life and hope to all my people, May my hands respect the many beautiful things you have made, My ears be sharp to hear your Voice, May my heart and the hearts of my grandchildren and friends always be filled with the love you gave us as your children, May I always walk in your beauty and let my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunsets, So when life fades like the setting sun my spirit will come to you without shame."

He took the pipe and puffed it again. He passed the pipe and matches around the circle starting to his left. Tyler, Patrick, and Troy had taken the pipe. They had whispered into Patrick's ear what he might say and he was then to take a puff. Patrick did as they suggested. Liam took the pipe, made a prayer and each explained why they were in the sweat lodge. Liam gave the pipe to Conner, who was vibrating with nervousness as he took it into his hands. The young man had the expression of absolute terror on his face as he looked around the lodge at everyone. Mark placed a hand on Conner's knee to give him some physical contact and reassurance.

Liam leaned over towards Conner, "It's alright to be scared, Conner, but you are in a circle of your brothers and friends to protect you. None of us would let anything happen to you."

Conner thought for a moment, and then said, "You're right, Liam, and I do know that in my heart. I don't want to make a mistake or do something stupid to make you mad at me, or have the Creator mad at me."

Before anyone could say anything, Grandfather spoke. His voice was very clear and reverberated through everyone and everything in the lodge. "Little one, you have such a beautiful heart and spirit the Creator has never and would never turn his back on you. In a family, we all make mistakes; but we also forgive them as that is the way of the wise ones."

Conner looked over at Grandfather and smiled a weak smile. "My father used to get upset if we didn't do the readings right or if we did something wrong during the service. If we did, it usually resulted in a beating when we got home."

"Conner, we all love you," said Liam. "We all make mistakes, it's part of being a human and growing up."

Mark leaned over and kissed Conner's cheek. "I love you too, Conn."

Conner now displayed more confidence and held the pipe up in front of him. "Thank you for allowing me to meet all these people, especially Mark and Frank. Creator, they saved my life and continue to save my life. Mark is my first friend in years, and Frank took me into his home to live. I pray to become a better person for the future, good enough to earn the privilege of being called brother by all these good men." The young man took a couple of puffs from the pipe as Liam held a match to the tobacco. He coughed a couple of times, but then passed the pipe to Mark. Frank gripped Conner's shoulder with his big hand and squeezed it to give him some loving reassurance. When Conner looked at him, he saw Frank had a big smile on his face on a tear on his cheek.

Mark did the same as everyone else with the sacred motions of the pipe. "Creator, thank you for saving my father's life and for letting Conner be a part of my life as my special friend. I think if I had lost my father or hadn't met Conner, I would not have continued my life. I also thank you for these men who each in their own way have done something to save me." Mark took a couple of puffs of the sacred tobacco and handed the pipe to his father.

Frank had a tear escape from his eye as he listened to the words of Conner and his son. He took the pipe from his son's hands. Frank looked towards Grandfather, and then averted his eyes upwards. "You gave me a couple of gifts more valuable than anything a man could possess. You gave me a son, and then the ability to understand, appreciate and reconnect with him. You gave me the opportunity to take in a young man as a second son. I have also been given a third young man as a part-time son, and I love him too. You gave me my life back after I had been shot, and now I may share it with my son and his friends. I thank you, Creator, for everything you have given me." He took a couple of deep puffs and passed the pipe to Adam. After handing off the pipe, he kissed Mark on the top of his head, and then pulled Conner over to do the same to him. He held out one hand which both Conner and Mark grasped. The three were holding hands as the pipe continued its rounds.

Josh gave Zane the pipe who grasped it with both hands and raised it up to wards the ceiling. "Creator, I am blessed to be here to do your deeds." He brought the pipe down and held it out. "Creator, thank you for letting me be able to love again; and to find a good man to share my love with. I can ask nothing more as I have everything I need, but I offer you whatever I have. Thank you." He took a couple of puffs and passed it to Jesse.

Jesse was shaking as he took the pipe. Zane reached out and placed his hand on Jesse's shoulder, and gave him a light kiss on the cheek. "I love you, Jesse."

Jesse settled down, and turned to look at Zane. "I love you more infinity." They both chuckled.

"Creator, I lost many people who I loved dearly including my husband. I began the journey of a man who was lost and floundering in his life. You guided me along a path to where I met Zane, and I found what I needed in him and his work. Your medicine men Jared and Liam taught me the people I loved never leave or forget me, and they still loved me from the other side. Finding Zane and learning what I did on my trip, I once again have purpose and love in my life. I thank you with all my heart for these gifts you gave me and I pledge my allegiance to your work." Jesse had tears rolling down his cheeks as he took a couple more puffs from the sacred pipe before handing it to Jared. Zane used a finger to wipe the tears from his boyfriend's cheeks, and the he kissed him gently.

"I love you so much, Jesse," said Zane.

After Jared had finished, he handed the pipe to Grandfather. As he extended his hands with the pipe, he bowed his head to the senior Medicine Man.

Grandfather took the pipe, and then smoked it deeply. "My children and my friend Frank, we are here as brothers in spiritualism, fellowship and love. As the Most Sacred Medicine Man of the People, I wish to welcome Jesse, Zane, Conner, Mark, Patrick and Adam formally to the tribe and our family. Frank is welcomed as a friend of the family. Every one of you here tonight have made me very proud to be your Grandfather." Mathew placed the pipe back onto the antler holding rack in front of him. He looked at Jared who left the lodge to retrieve five large stones. After placing them in the fire ring, he sat down and pulled the furs and tarps to seal the door. The inside of the lodge was very bright from the glow of the stones, and the temperature was rising quickly inside the structure.

The inside of the lodge was lit by the red hot stones, casting dark shadows of each of the men against the sides of the lodge. Mathew reached and pulled the big hand-carved and sacred ladle out of the bucket of water, pouring it on the red hot rock representing the west, repeating the procedure for the rocks representing the north, east and south. He poured 2 more ladles full on the rock in the centre representing the Grandfather. The lodge filled with steam rapidly and completely.

Mathew smiled, "It's a good steam, my family. This could be an interesting night."

Jesse was watching everything going on with a mixture of interest and fear. He reached his hand towards Zane, and grasped his hand firmly. Feeling his boyfriend return the grasp immediately reassured Jesse, when Zane lifted his hand to his lips and kissed it gently, Jesse was overcome with feelings of being loved.

Adam was concentrating on the heated rocks, and watching the sparks fly off them as the dust fell and burnt. He closed his eyes to concentrate on the sweat lodge and all the people who he truly loved. The young man opened his eyes and looked around the interior at the men. Although he wished he had a boyfriend for those lonely times, Adam was free of being used as a sex object and a whipping post. He loved the men in the lodge, and he could feel their love in return.

Conner and Mark were both sitting wide eyed, watching everything with an intensity Frank had never seen the two young men do before. Frank had listened to Mathew while he explained everything, but begin a cop... he didn't believe most of it. Frank accepted that Mathew truly believed what he was saying, and he truly respected what he had been told... but his analytical and procedural mind told him not to believe. At the same time, he was sure what he had seen Jared do just before he had passed out after being shot. Frank was going to keep an open mind on the whole thing. He chuckled to himself remembering how Conner and Mark had helped him figure out the loin cloth. Frank was conscientious about his nudity, but no one else was, let alone his son, or sons. He felt it was awkward at first, but did feel better one he got the cloth wrapped around him. This was the skimpiest thing he had ever worn in his life, but it was comfortable and even erotic at times the way the very soft leather rubbed his cock. Frank chuckled again and thought about the way he looked; he was definitely the thorn between all these good looking men. Thank God they were gay because it did give him some chance with the women.

The men were sweating profusely from the heat of the rocks with the burst of new steam being trapped inside the lodge. It always surprised Liam at how quick the temperature could rise in the hut.

Grandfather's voice came clearly through the steam, "The first round of the four we will complete is for the powers and spirits of the west. We will be sweating once for each of the four directions, and acknowledging the spiritual qualities brought by each. The west or season of fall is represented by the colour black in the sacred medicine wheel. Young ones, we need to look into ourselves deeply for the things we need to change as the sun is setting. There are two totems for the west; the beaver which shows us how to work as a team so that we may accomplish anything we set out to do. The other totem is the snake which sheds its skin to remind us we must do the same as we change to new ways."

Liam and Jared began using drums in a quick pattern of six beats, the first two beats the loudest with the subsequent four lesser and equal. Grandfather leaned forward and used his fingers to crush some sage and sweet grass onto the hot rocks. The smoke from the herbs rose to the ceiling quickly, mixing with the steam in the lodge. The smoke from the sacred plants provided a safe and reassuring smell to the people of the lodge. Grandfather pulled out two small leather pouches from his medicine bag. He carefully opened one at a time and took a pinch from each and threw it onto the rocks as well. The two herbs he had added were known as rat root and jimsonweed or datura. The old man had noticed how tense the new members of the family were and the very small amount of the herbs burnt would allow them to relax a little.

Jared was watching the group as he drummed. He had seen the extra herbs grandfather had used on the rocks and approved. There was a noticeable difference in everyone immediately as they relaxed. The men were all beginning to slightly bob their heads to the drum beat. Jared also noticed they all felt safe enough to close their eyes as well. Grandfather, Liam and Jared began a simple chant and after repeating it a few times, the rest of the group were repeating it as well. Liam began to sing the words to the beat which surprised Jared. It was words and sounds to the tune he had never heard before and from the reaction on Grandfather's face he may not have heard it for a long time... if at all.

Liam's voice was beautiful as he continued singing the chant. Within a couple of minutes, the rest of the group had been drawn into the song as well. Jared and Grandfather could feel the power of the chant building within the sweat lodge like they had never experienced before. The old man reached forward with the ladle and poured water over each stone. The steam brought the temperature of the lodge up rapidly making it very hot. Grandfather looked around the lodge and saw all of the men were singing and moving their bodies unconsciously in rhythm with the beat and the words of the song.

The vision came very clearly to the group, all at once. There was a river lined with shores of trees and rocks. Movement in the water caught everyone's attention as three beaver swam across the river, and crawled onto the shore. The three looked around for a moment, and then at each other. It appeared the beaver nodded to each other, and then began to chirp loudly. The chirping caused ten more beaver to come up the river and join them. The group chirped loudly, and then began to knock down trees by chewing the bases. The vision showed them moving up the bank to an old beaver lodge, and rebuilding it with three entrances of equal sizes. The vision slowly dissolved so that each man was now back in the sweat lodge.

As their focus returned to the rocks, grandfather poured more water onto them. The men were all sitting cross legged in the sweat lodge and as they became more aware of their reality again, the young men were startled. On Mark's lap a coyote was laying and looking up at him. Conner squawked when he saw a fox curled up on his lap and Adam just smiled when he saw the otter. He had always suspected the otter was his spirit guide.

Grandfather spoke, "Mark, the coyote is your primary spirit guide. His qualities include being the trickster, intelligence, stealth, wisdom and folly, guile and innocence but all in balance when you learn to use them." The coyote sat up in Mark's lap and licked the young man's face. He sat there and his body quivered in anticipation until Mark looked at him and stroked his fur. Mark leaned his head down and nuzzled with his spirit guide.

"Conner," continued Grandfather, "You are the fox which has cunning, agility, quick-wit, diplomatic, some gentle qualities, the magic of camouflage, shape-shifting and invisibility when needed. He has been a part of you for many, many years, my grandson."

Conner was already rubbing the head of his appreciative spirit guide. The fox rolled over onto his side and allowed Conner to rub his tummy. "This is so cool."

The fox's tail was laying over Conner's leg pointed towards Mark. A little dark head popped up between Mark and Conner briefly before disappearing. Similar to a periscope, the little animal had looked around to see where his two friends were and quickly figured out how to get them playing again. The otter playfully nipped at the foxes tail, then quickly crawled on his belly quickly back to Adam's lap. The fox thought the coyote had done it and the two of them were staring at each other.

Grandfather laughed loudly before he made the sounds of a fox bark and coyote yelp. They both looked at him, and then at the otter. The otter had a "who me?" look on its face.

Jared leaned over to Grandfather, "I think we have found another one of Liam's minor spirit guides as well."

"Adam, you have already met one of your guides as "Olly" the salamander. He's a transitional guide to help you as you grow and face the changes in your life. You have another guide being the otter. As you can see, he is playful, friendly, dynamic, joy, helpfulness, and sharing. He is well suited for you, my grandson." The otter climbed up and stood on two legs to look directly into Adam's eyes. The young man rubbed its head, and then embraced it. The otter chirped its appreciation as it licked Adam's neck with its small tongue."

"These spirit guides reflect your personalities and strengths, my grandchildren," said the old man. "I'm sure as we continue the ceremony tonight, more are going to make themselves known to us.

The three spirit guides broke free of their humans, each grunted and then jumped through the wall of the lodge. Frank was startled and moved as the fox appeared to jump right by him.

Grandfather opened the door to the outside and said, "Run for the water and jump in. There is soap root down there." The men filed out and ran for the water. Once the cool water had hit them, the chattering had started.

"Mathew, you are definitely making a believer out of me," said Frank as he was washing himself.

"That's not my intention, Frank, but if you choose to believe that's good too. It is your choice, and not my forcing you."

"I once told Jared if he ever opened a church I would attend because of the way he believed and spoke. I am really beginning to understand who taught him."

"Frank, we don't need to open or build a church." Mathew gestured with both his hands to look around, and threw his head upwards to look at the stars in the sky. "Who could truly build a place to give thanks, share love and appreciate life better than what we have around us right now?"

Frank thought for a moment and then replied, "Gets a bit cold in the winter, doesn't it?"

Mathew smiled at the man he was developing a strong friendship with. "Keeps the sermons short."

They were both laughing when Conner, Mark and Adam attacked Frank from under the water. The fight was on amongst all of them, and Grandfather got out of the water to sit on a stump at the fire. He drank from a water bottle and watched his grandsons having fun.

Soon enough, everyone came out of the water and stood by the fire to dry off while drinking water.

Jesse spoke first, "Jared, I thought the day you spoke with my husband on the other side was amazing but this blows that out of the water." Many of the others agreed.

Darren spoke up, "It was in a ceremony like this I spoke with my brother, and I learned to live my life."

"I got my spirit guide here too," said Josh. "He's a wolf, just like Darren's as well as Tyler's and Troy's."

"Mathew, what was the vision about the beaver? I mean, did everyone see it?" asked Frank.

The group all replied yes. Grandfather nodded to Liam to answer. "The beaver is totem of the west and showed us to be successful we must work together. A project will only be concluded by us coming together as a team." He turned to Jesse and Zane, "Did you guys figure out the building with three entrances?"

Zane smiled and nodded, but looked at Jesse before answering. Jesse thought for a moment more before the 'light bulb' clicked on. "The project we are building for the new law office, ambulance base, and drop-in centre with food bank and shelter accommodations downtown."

Liam smiled and nodded as he said, "We have been given a blessing on our project and a reminder to keep everyone involved in it."

All Jesse could say was, "Wow."

***************************************** North and East:

The men drank more water as Jared and Liam prepared the lodge for the second sweat. Soon enough, Grandfather gave them the word and they all went inside to the same places as before. The second round was held for the qualities of the north. The great white buffalo lives in the north and emphasizes courage, endurance and honesty. Grandfather had once again created a significant amount of steam in the shelter and placed his herbs on the hot rocks as well.

During this round, Grandfather chanted briefly before he would speak. Grandfather started with Liam and proceeded to tell each man in the lodge how they had made him proud by following each of the three qualities. He had commented on each of the young men, leaving Frank for last.

"My new friend, Frank, you thought that I would say nothing about you when I skipped over you earlier."

Frank looked at the ground for a moment and then into Grandfather's eyes. "I must be honest, Mathew, and say I was both relieved but disappointed in being skipped over."

Mathew laughed, "Which is why the honesty part need not be discussed. Frank, you have shown courage many times in your job of protecting others. This courage is admirable, but does not set you apart from many others in the same role."

Frank looked confused.

"The courage which is admired in you is this: the love for your son, the courage to love your son the way he is, to adopt another son, and to love him the way he is. Your courage includes your loving both of them and not to hide it behind closed doors. You have the courage to come to a weekend like this and to call all of these men your friends and professional colleagues in spite of what the vocal opinionated minority thinks of their sexual orientation. You have the courage to accept these men not as faggots or gay, but as the people who earned your respect just being themselves. You have courage to deal with people like Officer Newberry and you have courage to do the right thing, without thought of yourself."

Frank thought for a moment before replying. "Thank you. I truly appreciate what all of you have done for me and for my sons as well."

"It's time to rinse off and drink water," said Grandfather.

The group left the lodge and once again jumped into the river. The third round was completed and celebrated the qualities of the new day, new life and wisdom from the east.

***************************************** South:

Grandfather spoke, "This is the final round and it is for the south. The power of the south is in spiritualism and healing." The men all moved back into the lodge and took their places. Grandfather brought the heated rocks to the lodge this time and placed them in the sacred ring. He placed eight red hot rocks before leaning the shovel against a nearby tree. After grandfather was finished, he crawled into the lodge and pulled the tarp and furs closed. "I am now turning this over to Jared and Liam."

Jared added the sacred herbs along with a full twist of sweetgrass and a twig of cedar. The lodge was filling with a sweet smoke when Jared poured water onto the rocks, instantly blending with the smoke and creating a warm, sweet atmosphere. The temperature was climbing rapidly as Jared completed a second pour of water.

Darren leaned over to Josh and kissed the top his head. "This could be a good one the way they are building the steam."

Josh kissed the back of Darren's hand, and placed it onto his heart. "Being here with you, I'll face anything."

Tyler and Troy were watching with interest as well. The two of them were already partially transitioned into the next world and could sense the approach of other spirits to the lodge.

Frank was sweating profusely and thinking deeply when he heard growling like wolves. He looked up and immediately noted that Tyler, Troy, Darren and Josh were snarling like wolves including having their teeth gritted and lips pulled back. The thing which caught his attention was all their eyes were bright white... just like Jared's had been when he was shot at the bank.

Jared barked a command in some language Frank didn't understand, and the four men settled down.

Liam spoke, "We need use all the qualities we have gained so far in this sweat from the west, the north and the east for us to grow as people and to mature in the way we see and deal with things. This leads into the healing of the heart and spirit."

"Frank, it's time to answer the questions you have tried to ask us, but we have been side stepping," said Liam. "Everything you have been told about us being shamans is true as is all the powers and gifts we spoke of in this lodge. My eyes, Jared's, Grandfather, and everyone's eyes glow white when we are using the gifts the Creator gave us. Jared was using his gifts to heal you when you saw his eyes glowing. Your path of life had been blocked or altered by the shadow one when it was meant to go on for a long time. You were healed to ensure your journey continued and to help people live their lives."

Frank sat there with his mouth hanging open at what he was seeing and hearing.

Jared continued, "You're an important man, Frank, because of two people. You need to be a father and mentor to Mark and Conner for many years to come. I cannot tell you what will happen, but they need your integrity, honesty, courage and all the skills you have as a good person to be taught to them so they may move forward in their lives. They will be successful in their lives, and they will make you proud; they will even have an influence on someone who will have an impact upon the world."

Frank was looking at his sons, and they were focused on Jared. "How do you know?" Frank looked at Jared.

Frank was startled when he actually saw Jared's eyes, a piercing and glowing white. They pierced the steam and the smoke within the lodge and he was also sure Jared's body had a glow to it as well. When he looked around the lodge, there were white eyes glowing in the men he called friends.

"Have no fear, Frank," said Grandfather. "The colour of white is absolute purity in heart, mind, spirit, and love. The gifts we have been given is much like what you do as a policeman. In the beginning, the Creator gave gifts to a member of each of the original tribes. Throughout the ages, the gifts have been passed on through grandchildren. Jared and I are shaman of the forests, Adam will be the shaman of the plains when his training is finished, and Liam is the shaman of the lost tribe. He is the keeper of the original knowledge, and the Creator guided him to us for protection until his training was complete."

Frank was looking around, and not sure what to believe. This was a lot to digest. "Are you gods?"

Liam answered quickly. "No, Frank. We are not gods and we are not angels either. Like we said, we are sort of like you as a policeman who is trying to help people. We are trying to heal people or help them walk the path they were intended to walk. We are messengers."

Conner spoke up and startled Frank. "Jared, may I make a request of you?"

Jared looked at the young man, "Of course you can, Conner."

Conner suddenly looked afraid. "I'm sorry, Jared. Damn, I did it again. Am I supposed to call you a special name in the ceremony? I mean, I'm sorry if I offended you."

Jared leaned forward and took one of Conner's hands into his. "I'm Jared to you, and I will always be Jared to you. You will always be my little brother Conner. Many of the new faiths like the one you came from get hung up on titles and positions and believe they are important. There are very few times we will ever use our full titles, and if we do use them... we will tell you beforehand. Little brother, what is your request?"

Conner just blurted it out, "Jared, can you fix Frank's neck? He covers it up well, but he is so sore by the end of the night before he goes to bed he can hardly move."

"Of all the things you could have asked for, you're making this request for Frank?" asked Liam.

"He has given me so much, and I have nothing to give him in return. I thought if I asked you it might happen because he would never ask for himself."

Frank reached over and pulled the young man and Mark into a hug. "It's ok Liam, I have all I need here."

Liam looked upwards, and when he lowered his head his eyes were glowing. He reached out and touched Franks knee. Frank felt a warmth travel up his leg, through his hip and up his back to his neck. Franks neck felt warm, warm from the inside not the outside like when a heating pad was used. The heat died away, and there was no more pain. Liam sat back, his eyes having returned to normal.

"Frank, a young man pure of heart made a request on behalf of a friend in need who would never ask anything for himself." Liam paused for a second and then added, "Do you think I'm stupid not to ask for it to be granted?" He started laughing.

The four men began to snarl again, and Jared again said something.

Liam spoke again, "I want everyone to be ready for this, but spirit guides for Jesse and Zane have been outside a couple of times, and the scent they are giving off is bothering the wolves of our tribe. When I ask, they will come in and introduce themselves while allowing their scents to bond with everyone's spirit guides."

Jared called out something, and two large cougars bounded in through the lodge walls from each side. Frank and the boys all jumped. They both sat on their haunches, and then lay down with their heads on Jesse and Zane's laps. Slowly, Jesse reached up and touched it's fur between the ears. The cat pushed its head up to encourage him to rub his head harder. The cougar also began to purr.

The four wolves were sniffing the air, picking up the scent, and then the men settled down again.

Grandfather spoke up, "Jesse, Zane... the cougar is representative of leadership, loyalty, courage, taking responsibility, and foresight. All skills you display on a regular basis. I also sense a second spiritual guide for the two of you but its not the right time yet."

Everyone was saying, "Way cool", or "Man, those are great guides", or "Lucky." Even Frank had reached over and was petting one of the cougars.

Liam continued, "The spirit guide's qualities you two share in this world are formidable alone, let alone together. When you take two sets of these qualities working together with the bonds of love, I would never want to be on the receiving end of your negative attention even as a powerful shaman."

"Liam, we are all brothers here," started Zane.

"...and although brothers will scrap and have differences of opinion..." continued Jesse.

"...they would never turn on each other..." Zane added. Both Zane and Jesse were looking at each other in amazement, and awe.

Jesse finished the thought, "...when we are stronger together than separate."

Grandfather spoke, "Molly and Jack had noticed you two finishing each other's sentences when they were last here; now they are going to be shocked at you two finishing each other's thoughts now as well. But," the old man raised his hands up and spread them with the palms upward, "when you two were placed on each other's path to meet, it was known this would happen."

Jesse and Zane turned to look at Grandfather.

"Yes, you two were guided to meet by the Creator. He wanted you two to meet and grow together while healing each other. You two developing a relationship just makes your ability to serve stronger."

"We were set up?" asked Jesse.

"You were guided to each other, and you chose what the paths would be. The Creator put you two together with a purpose and a potential outcome. You chose the path, and made the outcome a reality. You each had personal control at all times to change your paths, but you followed your heart, soul and the spirit guides' qualities to the mutual choice of a good path."

Jesse and Zane sat and looked at each other. "If you finish my thoughts all the time..." started Jesse.

"...I will bitch slap you so bad," finished Zane. The two of them reached to each other for a kiss and hug.

"It is something you will both learn to control, to turn on and off," said Grandfather. The old man smiled before continuing, "Or you will end up annoying the hell out of me and still getting bitch slapped."

The group laughed.

"Mathew," stated Frank. "I am now 100 percent a believer. I am sitting here petting a cougar, and not a two-legged type." The cougar rolled over and allowed Mark and Conner to rub its belly while Zane rubbed its head.

Liam looked at Patrick who had been very, very quiet throughout the ceremony. That in itself was very uncharacteristic of him. He had managed to stick to Tyler and Troy, and below the vision of everyone.

"Patrick," started Liam. "You have briefly met both Kâkwa and Misiminôs or the porcupine and lynx. It's time to be yourself, and trust that it's safe to be who you are. The focus of the porcupine is on faith and trust and you understanding and knowing that you can move mountains with these powers."

Jared continued the explanation, "You will know things are not exactly what they appear to be. You will be able to peel back the layers of deception and see things for what they really are. Look through, rather than right at, the object of your attention. Trust this cat to let you see the truth of the matter. We will teach you, little brother."

The lynx had come in through the lodge wall and was sitting next to Patrick. The young man had not seen the spirit guide enter the lodge nor did he hear him. Patrick turned his head and jumped when he saw the animal. Slowly, with a shaking hand extended, he touched the fur. Carefully, he stroked the neck, head and then ear of the animal. This animal was long and lean, perfect for his role. The animal was approximately 38" long and 40lbs in weight... but was 100% muscle and lethal fighting machine. Liam thought of the animal's ferocity as similar to wrestling a chainsaw at full throttle.

Tyler and Troy began to stroke the animal as well.

"Max," said Patrick out loud. "I can't remember the other name, but Max is part of it combined with lynx."

Liam spoke, "I know you're speaking with your guide, Patrick, but just think the words. Imagine you walk into a room and its just you and Max. Think the words you wish to say to him, and he will answer."

Patrick smiled, and then stared off into space for a moment, before saying, "That works. Sorry, he likes the name Max because I can't remember Misi-whatever but I can lynx. I combined them and he likes his name."

Grandfather spoke, "Patrick, this animal will never be far from you but you need to understand something."

The young man looked up, "What's that?"

"You are another one of the messengers who has been given the ancient knowledge of the original tribes. We need to teach, train and protect you until you understand what that means."

Patrick was staring at his spirit animal, "I will do what is required of me, Most Sacred Medicine Man and Shaman of the People, most respected elder in the tribal counsel for the entire western region and favoured one of the Great White Buffalo."

Grandfather smiled and said, "And the old knowledge has begun to make itself known."

The lodge was quiet for a moment. The cougars gave each of their humans a lick up the side of the head, they coughed at the four men with the wolves as spirit guides, and then jumped out through the walls to the outside. After head butting Patrick as a sign of affection, as well as marking the young man with his scent glands along his neck - the Lynx gave a cross between a yowl and a meow before it jumped through the wall of the shelter as well.

"Adam, the Creator sent a message for you," said Grandfather. "Your main spirit guide is waiting for you to complete the vigil or vision quest. It will be revealed to you that night, and it is becoming very excited to bond with you, Adam."

"Thank you, Grandfather," replied Adam.

"You should realize by now that you are a special person, Adam. Your spirit guides have been imprinting themselves on your mind and body with their qualities since your birth. You have fought them at times, Adam, but they usually managed to win and keep you alive... even through all the times you tried to kill yourself."

Adam sat rigidly upright and still, the only thing moving was the tears which were escaping his eyes to crawl down his cheeks. Conner and Mark moved themselves to be in physical contact with Adam.

"Adam, your time for healing the spirit has begun, and will finish during the vigil or the vision quest you will undergo. You have been wrestling with demons from the shadow world for many years grandson, and your spirit guides have helped you. They have been waiting for you to reach a stage in your development to begin the training. You are there now, Adam."

"The physical and spiritual pain was a test?" asked Adam with anger.

"No, Adam. You were consciously choosing the wrong paths, the easy paths, and the safe path of subservience."

Adam was yelling now, "All those beatings and the pain my body was subjected to was easier? What the fuck was it easier than?"

Olly suddenly appeared across Adam's shoulders, tightly holding onto his human's neck.

Grandfather smiled at the young man's anger, "Easier than doing anything on your own. You chose the paths you took, and after some time, you chose the path to leave by. You were always in control."

Adam's temper was coming to the surface even more. Jared, Liam and the rest were getting quite nervous and concerned about what the young man would do next.

Grandfather saw his opportunity and he brought his hands up quickly and thrust them forward. A white ball of light flew out his hands and hit Adam in the chest above the heart. The young man raised his eyes upward and screamed loudly. The scream sent shivers down the spine of every person in the lodge. Jared was dropping more sacred herbs onto the heated rocks while Liam poured more water. The steam and smoke mixed, and headed straight to Adam. Grandfather hit the young man with another orb in the middle of his chest, causing him to scream again.

Grandfather raised the sacred pipe and chanted a phrase loudly, he lit the pipe and took a deep puff. The old man leaned over the heated rocks and blew the smoke into the young man's face as he breathed in. He began to cough aggressively, until a very dark shadow came out of his mouth in a flowing, cloudlike mass. Grandfather immediately acted, and captured it inside a pure white orb.

The old man raised his hand up with an orb with the shadow trapped inside of it. He locked his eyes on it directly and said, "Did you really think yourself so smart as to hide deeply inside of my grandson where I wouldn't see your influences on him?"

When the shadow left him, Adam had crumpled. He was caught by Conner and Mark before he hit the ground. Adam was shaking his head and regaining control of himself.

Grandfather looked at the shadow, and then spoke. "Adam, this one was hiding deep inside you. It was well fed by insecurity, and in turn it created envy, jealousy, animosity and anger. Adam, I knew you would never speak to me the way it did in this sacred place, but it forgot where it was and enabled me to remove the shadow from you once it exposed its location."

"Thank you, Grandfather. I feel... so... different now."

Grandfather took the orb and smashed into the heated rocks. It exploded in white light, and as the scream of the dying shadow finished, it was gone.

"Adam, these are your brothers and you are all linked now as family. You are not alone, and you are safe and loved with this family. Your grandfather Tom and I also love you, grandson."

Adam tried to look strong as he replied, "Thank you, grandfather Mathew."

Grandfather's eye turned very bright white as he raised his hands, palms up to the sky, "Nimanitôm, I beg your blessing of my grandson's tribe and grant them all the protection of the great bear spirt to watch over them."

Almost immediately the lodge shook as a very loud growl from a bear was heard. The only one who didn't jump at the sound was Grandfather, who simply lowered his hands and bowed his head.

Jared spoke up now, "It's time for everyone to depart the lodge and rinse off the final sweat or skin of the snake and allow us to grow in what we have learned. Before we leave, I offer this prayer:

Mother Earth, Thank you for your beauty, And for all you have given me. Remind me never to take from you more then I need, And remind me to always give back more than I take. Peace be with you all, brothers."

***************************************** Aftermath:

The men all filed out of the lodge and headed into the river to swim and wash off. This time, as they headed towards the water, Tyler and Troy stripped their loin cloths off and threw them onto the bank. The rest of the men took theirs off without hesitation except for Frank and Mathew. Even Patrick without thinking had shed his as well. The two older men walked into the river and washed themselves while they laughed at hijinks of the others.

"Mathew, I have never seen my son so full of life as since he has joined this family."

"Frank, they are all like that after they join the family. Their personal chemistry gathers together like a mixing pot and they begin to act as one. That goes for the mischievousness, too."

"That I have seen that many times, Mathew. Look at them now."

The two men looked over at the group and they were all chicken fighting in the water. No one could tell who the teams were nor could either of them tell who Adam was supporting as he was attacking everyone equally. There was laughter and screams of joy as they pushed each other into the water. As they were watching, Darren stood up with Jesse on his shoulders, and Zane on Jesse's shoulders. Zane was laughing so hard he almost fell off. Tyler, Troy and Josh tried it, but no one else could bear the weight of two men on their shoulders. Darren was yelling something about fire fighters rule. The whole mass of people ended up in the water, laughing and squawking like young children.

Frank shook his head, but he had a big smile on his face. "Mathew, the love and respect they have for each other just radiates off of them and I swear I can feel it at times, like now."

"You can always feel it, Frank, if you are open to its reception, and it is a real thing."

The guys had all moved from the water to the shore and started to dry off.

"Helicopter time," yelled Troy.

Frank looked at Mathew and mouthed the word, "Helicopter?"

"Just watch, Frank, and you will soon know."

When Frank looked over at the group, they were all rolling their hips in a circular motion. This action caused their flaccid cocks to spin in a circle, like a propeller or helicopter rotor. Frank started to laugh out loud.

"Mathew, I didn't make the connection. We used to do that in the showers after hockey games or during basic training all the time."

"Why didn't you make the connection? Did you call it something else?"

"No, we called it the same thing. I just didn't think gay guys would do it too."

"Are they not the same mentally, spiritually and physically the same as anyone else? They have red blood and love others the same as anyone."

Frank's shoulders dropped as he hung his head. "I'm sorry, Mathew, that came out wrong."

Mathew put his hand on the large man's shoulder. "Frank, you have come a long way in a short time. It does take time, and I know you don't mean it in your heart. It takes time to learn."

"You're right, Mathew."

"You are trying so hard and accomplishing so much, Frank, and those actions have earned my friendship and respect." Mathew stood straight, and gave a deep bow to Frank. Frank had no clue what to say or do. He looked over and saw all the younger men had stopped their actions and they too were giving a deep bow.

Frank heard a "psst" from Mathew. The old man said very quietly, "You accept by giving a slight bow back or we stay like this until the Creator calls us into the next world. My back is 98 years old so hurry up."

Frank laughed as he bowed back to Mathew, who finally stood straight. The rest of the men also stood.

Frank called over, "What were you guys doing?"

Jared replied quickly, "When the Most Sacred Medicine Man and Shaman of the People, the Most Elder of the People, the most respected Elder in the tribal counsel of the entire western region, and the primary messenger of the Sacred White Buffalo the Creator bows to someone out of respect, everyone does."

Frank stood in shock when Jared revealed the ties and titles of Mathew.

Frank was surprised. "I'm sorry, Mathew, I didn't mean to offend you."

"You didn't, but now you know you have the respect of an old man, and all his grandchildren. Respect is not easily earned or given Frank, but you have it."

"Thank you, Mathew."

"You guys finish your helicopter activity and see if you can get the little toy planes over there to stretch out longer a bit. They don't seem to be moving much air," said Mathew as he pointed at Darren and Tyler. The group started laughing and twirling. Darren and Tyler stuck their tongues out at Grandfather and then told everyone else to look out for the turbo props coming in for a landing.

Frank and Mathew said their good nights, and headed up to the cabin for bed.

As they were walking up to the cabin, Frank asked a question he had on his mind.

"Mathew, I never thought I would see my son running around naked, having fun like this. I mean, they just appear to grasp nudity as easily as a duck in water."

"Frank, they are happy and accept the skin they have, something many people have a problem accepting. The other thing to consider is when you are naked, you have nothing to hide behind and they have nothing to hide from each other. What you see is what you get from them, Frank."

"Can I do this again sometime, Mathew? Right now, I feel so good and I don't mean just happy. Deep inside me, I feel better tonight than I have for a long time. I feel good."

"Frank, my friend, you may participate in a sweat anytime and you may also come to visit anytime you need me or if you just want to have a coffee with a friend."

"I enjoy our talks, Mathew. Are you sure I wouldn't be an inconvenience to you?"

"Frank, I live here alone except when I have my grandsons visiting or I'm visiting them. I do some traveling locally, but I'm never far. I would enjoy having visits with you."

"Are you really 98 years old, Mathew?"

"Yes I am Frank, and you can use a chainsaw to cut me and count the growth rings." Frank looked concerned, and Grandfather had a puzzled look on his face. "Just a minute, Frank, I get humans mixed up with trees all the time. You count rings on a tree, right?"

Frank looked at him and said, "Yes."

"Ok, then it must be humans you ask how old they are and they will tell you." Mathew leaned over, elbowed Frank slightly and whispered, "98. Is that good enough?"

Frank was laughing hard by now. "I hope I have half of your faculties when I am 60."

"That would make me 110 and missing half my faculties because you took them. Some friend you are taking half my faculties."

Frank's eyes were watering from laughing. "Matt, I really understand how and why Jared is the way he is. Please never change."

"I'll try not to, but it's not in my hands, Frank. Have a good night, my friend," said grandfather as he headed down to his bedroom.

"Good night, Mathew."

Patrick had been enjoying himself when he suddenly realized he was naked, and so was everyone else. He's never seen any of his friends naked before, but he had imagined it a few times. The young man's hands moved slowly to cover his half-hardening cock. Quietly he tried to moved backwards into the water to hide until his dick went down.

Conner came out of nowhere and tackled him, and Mark was on top of him as well. Adam wasn't far behind. This time Patrick wouldn't wrestle, and was acting strange towards his friends by avoiding them, and bent forward.

Conner stood in front of Patrick and grabbed both of his shoulders. "Patrick, what do you think of this nudity? I mean the first time Mark and I..." As he repeated the story of them going naked the first time and the problem they had with being hard all the time, and trying not to look at Jared or Liam.

Patrick listened and was thinking when Adam moved next to Conner with a towel for him to wrap around himself.

"I'm sorry, Patrick, we really do a lot natural activities and we forget about the new guys with us. We didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable," said Adam.

Patrick looked down at the water for a moment. Then he spoke, "Guess its too late to stop now," as he moved his hands and attacked Conner. Patrick had made an impression as a shower, not a grower. Obviously, he was uncut and about 6" long on a very large set of low hanging balls. The thickness was what really caught the men's attention and it appeared to be thicker than a tube of toothpaste. He had a light covering of blond and very fine hair above the piece of man meat. Man or woman, this young guy would be making someone very happy as he used that dick of his.

Tyler, Troy, Liam and Jared were watching the young men, and figured it out fairly quickly. When Patrick started wrestling with everyone... they knew it was going to be ok.

Tyler elbowed Troy, "You see the equipment on that kid? I'm impressed."

Troy was nodding, "I suspected he was packing but wow."

Liam shook his head, "It has to be enhanced. What the hell have you been feeding that kid, Tyler? Steroids?"

Jared looked at his boyfriend and then to Troy, "Whatever it is, can I get some it to feed to Liam?"

The fight was on as Liam did a screaming tackle of the group.

After breakfast the next day, the group helped grandfather gather and split some wood for the cabin. They fixed lunch as group and after cleaning up, headed out for home. Grandfather had read some signs in the sky and decided the spirit quest should be in two weeks instead of the following weekend.

Next: Chapter 43: Jared the Paramedic II 28

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