Jared the Paramedic

By Snowblind94

Published on May 8, 2015


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Disclaimer: The following contains explicit scenes of male sex and a variety of consensual activities. This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit permission from the author.

All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed. The characters are entirely fictitious and are not based on anyone who has or is still living.

I would like to thank the dozens of people who have sent me an email about the story. I was going to quit writing but you guys got me going again.

The author is not a professional fiction writer and is just enjoying a new hobby. I find it amazing how many words are spelled differently between Canada and the United States. If there are some grammatical errors, I apologise. The thing I find most frustrating as a severe dyslexic is the reversal of words when I write, and when I speak.

Comments may be addressed to snowblind94@yahoo.ca

Recap from Chapter 3

Liam had bent over to put the last item into the cupboard. As he was placing the frying pan into the cupboard, Jared stepped up behind him admiring the very tempting target of fine firm flesh in front of him. With a smirk on his face, Jared drew back and let loose with his hand, slapping Liam's ass squarely in the middle. Liam jumped up and arched his back while grabbing his ass. He mouth was wide open screaming like little girl as he bounced on his toes. Jared couldn't hold it back anymore and started to laugh.

Liam stopped bouncing and twisted his body. With one hand, he pulled his briefs down showing the perfect imprint of Jared's hand in pink contrasting the white skin of Liam's ass. He looked at it and Jared while pulling up his underwear. Liam said "It's on Jared" as he started towards him.

Jared ran to the living room only to be caught by an airborne Liam, both of them crashing onto the couch. The wrestled and tickled each other for a while when suddenly they were nose to nose. They kissed, their tongues dancing in each other's mouth. They could feel each other's hard-on trapped between them.

Jared. I am ready. I want you to make love to me, all the way. "

End of Chapter 3

Jared the Paramedic Chapter 4 Jared and Liam get closer, and with friends.

"Are you sure Liam? I am not pushing you and we have all the time in the world for us to do this when you're ready."

"Jared, I wanted to save that part of sex for someone I really loved and could trust. I have given you my heart, and now I am giving you my body as well." Liam looked at Jared for a moment and he could see the water forming in Jared's eyes.

Jared leaned over Liam and said "I love you absolutely." Then he kissed him. They embraced while kissing, holding each other tightly. Jared could feel the warmth of Liam's muscular body tight against his and started to kiss Liam's ears, pulling them gently with his teeth. Licking and kissing down his neck, Jared could feel the warmth in Liam's body starting increase. Liam moaned loudly and gently grabbed Jared's head with both hands.

Liam loved the feel of Jared's warm muscular body pressed against his. His skin was so soft on the surface, yet the muscles underneath were very solid. "I think we should take this to the bedroom Jared."

"I think so too."

They got up, and headed into the bedroom, their arms wrapped around each other. When they got there, Liam pulled Jared into him and kissed him. Their tongues dancing with each other while their hands roamed freely over each other's body.

They fell onto the bed with Liam on top. Liam started to kiss his way down to Jared's nipples, nipping at them with his teeth. He continued down Jared's chest until he got to the cute little belly button. As Liam was licking and kissing the button, he started to gently fondle Jared's package still contained with the underwear. Liam gently squeezed Jared's hard cock and saw a wet spot starting to form on the front. Jared's cock filled those briefs very well. It was hard to believe they actually were able to contain it soft, let alone hard.

"Those do look a lot better than your old boxers Jared. They're absolutely hot on you" said Liam.

"Thank you Liam. I have to admit, you may have been right, this time." Jared stood up, and then pushed Liam onto the bed, flat on his back. "You are overdressed Liam."

His hands roamed down to Liam's mound, still covered by the briefs he wore and started to massage it gently. He slid his hands under Liam's ass, grabbing his cheeks as he leaned down to suck on the cock through the underwear. Liam moaned in appreciation. The wet spot on Liam's underwear tasted like honey to Jared as he was sucking on the wet material. Jared could see Liam's blonde bush popping over the top of the low riding elastic.

Jared leaned over Liam's face and kissed him. "I love you Liam."

"Even when you are not doing this, I love you more Jared."

Jared slowly worked his way down Liam's body. Licking and kissing every part of his body while slowly massaging the insides of Liam's thighs. Liam was squirming under Jared's touch.

Jared slowly pulled down Liam's underwear with his teeth, exposing his target in all its glory. Liam's cock stood straight up and was spewing pre-cum all over the purple helmet. Jared grabbed the underwear and finished pulling it off, throwing on the floor. He moved between Liam's inner thighs and started to lick along them slowly moving towards the low hanging balls. Jared used his hands to spread Liam's legs more so he could use his tongue right under the sack and on the perineum.

Liam was in sheer bliss, he had never experienced anything like this in his life and he loose with a squeal. Liam felt as Jared slowly pushed his legs up to expose his hidden virgin rose bud.

When Jared looked at the virgin target, it seemed to wink at him in anticipation. Jared moved in slowly and stuck his tongue out, and then rolled it around Liam's asshole. Liam moaned loudly and hissed "Oh god Jared."

Jared continued to lick Liam's rose bud with vigor. Liam was responding well and squirming in delight. Jared reached over to the bedside table and got the lube out. He lubed one finger, slowly inserting it into Liam. He arched his back as Jared's digit penetrated him. Soon Jared was slowly finger fucking him, making sure to get deeper so he could massage the prostrate as well. Liam was moaning and grunting unintelligible sounds.

"Jared, it's like electricity flowing throw my body when you touch my prostrate."

Jared inserted a second finger slowly, and then started to move them both in and out of Liam's tight virgin ass. His sphincter was loosening up nicely Jared thought to himself. He inserted the third finger, and Liam cried out in ecstasy as he probed deeper.

"Liam, I want you to turn over and get on your hands and knees." Liam did so. While Liam was repositioning, Jared slid his own underwear off and threw it at Liam. He grabbed it and took a deep sniff and tossed them aside.

Jared spread Liam's legs so his rose bud was on main stage. Jared once again started to use his 3 fingers loosen him up some more. He was gently pushing them in and twisting them as he pulled them out, While Jared's one hand was finger fucking Liam, the other hand was toying with his very hard dick. Jared pulled his fingers out and applied some lube to the target of the night. He then squirted some into his hand and coated his cock. Moving behind Liam, he placed the head of the dick at Liam's virgin ass.

"Lay flat now Liam, with your leg's spread" said Jared. Liam did so. Jared played with Liam's ass cheeks and then put his thumbs between the tight mounds of flesh. He started to massage around Liam's asshole. Jared stopped and leaned over Liam, allowing his dick to slide up and down Liam's ass crack and across his hole.

"Jared, it feels so good. Stop teasing me please. I want and need you in me Jared" Liam pleaded.

Jared lined up his cock at Liam's virgin rosebud. "I am going to push in slowly. It may hurt a bit, but let me know Liam. I don't want to hurt you. When I am going into you, I want you to push down like you are taking a dump. It will make it easier. Are you ready my love?"

"Yes Jared. Do it. I want you inside me."

Jared began to push the head of his cock into Liam. He heard a gasp as he broke through the out muscle ring and his cock head popped inside Liam.

"Are you ok Liam? I will wait a minute for you to get used to it."

A moment later, Liam said "I'm good now Jared, keep going. It feels so fucking incredible! Your dick feels so warm inside my ass."

"Ok. Moving forward" he said as he began slowly pushing into Liam deeper. Jared was surprised how relaxed Liam was and how easily his cock was going into him. He did stop a couple more times when he felt Liam tensing up. Each time he went deeper, Jared heard Liam groaning deeply. Soon enough, he was buried all the way inside his soulmate.

"Liam, you have it all now. How does it feel?"

"Jared, it's incredible. I feel so full with you in there; the warmth of your cock in me is something I never thought I could experience. I never thought it was going to be this good."

Jared started to pull back, and then push forward slowly. Liam was making sounds like purring as he slowly moved in and out.

"Jared, It feels so good in me."

Jared began to slowly pick up the pace and began sliding in and out of Liam. Liam was now making grunting sounds every time Jared thrust into him and bottomed out.

Jared stopped for a moment and grabbed Liam by the hips and pulled up. Liam raised his ass and settled on his forearms and knees. Jared began to move in and out of him again. Liam was beginning to figure out if he pushed his ass backwards when Jared was thrusting, his dick would go deeper into him. Liam was increasing the volume of his grunting sounds as Jared thrust into him.

After a couple of minutes Jared said "Liam, roll over onto your back slowly." Liam turned slowly and Jared managed to stay lodged in inside him while he moved.

"Liam, I want to look into your face while we do this and when we cum."

Jared pushed in deep enough to lean forward and kiss Liam's lips. Liam kissed back and then brought his hands up to grab Jared's back. They moved down until they could cup Jared's hard muscular ass.

Jared started to move in and out of Liam again and started to move faster. Liam was letting out long groans. Jared changed his angle slightly so he could hit Liam's prostrate with each thrust. When he did this, Liam's eyes rolled back into his head. Jared was moving in and out of Liam faster now. The tightness of Liam's hole was making it hard to keep from cumming thought Jared. Liam was also thinking about how hard it was not to cum with the sensations he was feeling for the first time.

Liam called out "Oh god, Jared, I'm coming. It's too good to hold off any more!" With that, several long shots of sperm came out of Liam. The first shot hit Liam's face, the rest of the shots covered his chest.

"AHHHHHHHHH" Liam cried out.

Jared began moving faster and slamming in as deep as he could. The added contractions of Liam's asshole on his dick were enough to drive him over the edge as well. "I'm cumming Liam."

Liam felt the warm fluid injecting into his bowels. He couldn't describe the feelings he was experiencing having that big dick up his ass, buried deep within him, filling him entirely, and now the essence of Jared filling his gut.

Jared collapsed onto Liam. They lay together for a couple of minutes; they gently kissed while the slowly softening cock was still imbedded within Liam. Jared got off of Liam. He could see some of his cum seeping out of Liam's asshole as it was quivering from his dick been removed.

"I feel so empty with that big dick of yours not in me anymore" Liam complained.

Jared reached down and grabbed a shirt. He wiped himself off, and then Liam. He then crawled onto the bed, spooning behind Liam and wrapping his arms around him.

"I love you Liam" said Jared.

"I love you more Jared" replied Liam. They both fell off to sleep, cuddled together.

A couple of hours later, Liam woke up and ran for the toilet. A few moments later, he returned and crawled back into bed. Liam positioned himself on his side, his arm over Jared and his head on his chest. They both fell asleep again.

The days off went too fast. The two of them talked, ate, smudged and made love often. Liam and Jared returned to work on Wednesday for their two day shifts followed by two night shifts. After that, they would have 4 days off again.

The two of them walked into the base and went to the locker room to change. After, they grabbed a cup of coffee and went to the shift room for briefing of what had been going on and if anything was coming up. As they entered the briefing room, the shift Supervisor was at the front of the long table and looking flustered. There was one of the more outspoken medics sitting at the table and looking upset about something.

Rob, the supervisor said "Ok, let's get started" as he started to shuffle papers. Tim, the outspoken medic chirped up "When are we going to get an answer on the wage increase?"

Rob just looked at him and said "When I know, you'll know. Next topic" Rob said with authority in his voice. Everyone was assigned to their units for the night as well as two units being assigned to standby at a couple of hockey games.

Tim mumbled on the way out of the room "I get the shit unit again and the fairies get the new one."

Jared turned quickly and said "Repeat that again Tim, so I can hear it."

Tim snapped back "You heard me asshole."

Liam smiled "You said you're an asshole?"

"Fuck you and the horse you rode in on Liam" replied Tim.

"You like to fuck horses Tim? Is that what you're saying?" asked Liam

Rob looked like he was going to say something when Jared quickly held his hand out in a stop gesture. Jared then said with an even tone "Have a good shift Timmy."

All Liam, Jared and Rob heard from the garage was "Fucking assholes" in a loud voice.

Tim was not what you would describe as a nice man and just barely able to do the job. He had dark curly hair, brown eyes, about 5'7", and 220 lbs. In Jared's mind, Tim reminded him of the character Strax on Dr. Who. Tim had trouble keeping his pants up because of his body shape combined with the equipment on his belt. He had a pudgy face with big red cheeks. Tim was also the first to blame anyone around him or the equipment when something went wrong. If there was disharmony, he was usually not far away.

Jared looked at Rob and asked quietly "What the hell was that all about?"

Rob looked pensive for a minute and then looked at Jared and Liam and said "Let's go to my office and talk." The three of them walked out of the meeting room and down the hallway into Rob's office. After all three were in the office Rob reached out and closed the door then sat behind his desk. Jared and Liam sat down on the chairs in front of the desk and looked at Rob.

"I am surprised you haven't heard anything about this. Tim has been on this kick to form an association for the staff. He figures if he pushes a bunch of demands out there and they aren't met, he can get support for an association. If he gets what he wants, then he looks the hero" said Rob calmly.

Liam spoke up "we have always been treated well by management. Good wages, good equipment, great shift schedule, lots of training, Christmas bonuses and anything we ask for has always been considered. We don't always get everything but we are given a pretty good reason why not."

Rob looked at Liam and then said "While you guys were on time off, someone called the Health Department and complained about faulty equipment, shortage of supplies and unsafe working conditions." Rob continued "they came down and went specifically to a couple of units. There was equipment in there which had been damaged and supplies missing, including some drugs like the Narcan."

Liam asked "Why Narcan? It reverses overdoses."

"People can get high more than once on the same dose of morphine. When they inject the Narcan it brings them down. When it is metabolized, they get high again. Not a safe thing to do but it's not safe to use Morphine either" replied Rob.

"I guess I am a bit naive. I hadn't thought of using it that way" said Liam.

Jared locked eyes with Rob and asked "How long has this been going on?" "For about the past month we have been repairing equipment with suspicious damage and replacing missing supplies" replied Rob.

"What did the Health Department say?" asked Liam.

"They looked at our records and documents and will be monitoring the situation. The Department Representative said it looked to him someone may be causing the damage but he had to look at the potential service failure these problems could cause."

At that time, the radio warbled startling all three of the men. Jared and Liam got up, opened the door and ran down the hallway to their unit. The garage door was open already and Liam drove the unit out. Dispatch advised of 45 year old man with chest pains and Liam hit the lights and sirens.

The first half of the shift was call after call non-stop and they didn't even have time for coffee. After clearing the hospital yet again after dropping another patient Liam asked "Is it a full moon or what today?"

Jared replied "No, new moon right now. I see some of the other crews were busy too and even Timmy's unit was at the hospital. They must be getting desperate to call him off the transfer schedule."

A call came in for them to respond to yet another chest pain call in an office complex. Minutes later, they pulled up to the front door jumped out, grabbing their kits they ran through the front door being held open by a security guard. The guard escorted them into a large plushy decorated board room. A 35 year old man was sitting in a chair, his jacket off, tie loosened and the top buttons on his shirt open. While Jared was looking him over, Liam started to get the history of what happened. Jared had hooked up the heart monitor while Liam got the vitals. When he tried to turn it on, nothing happened. He tried switching it on and off again with the same results. Jared changed batteries and nothing happened again. Liam looked at him with a confused look on his face.

"Call for a back-up unit Liam, Code 4" Jared said. Liam spoke into the radio briefly and then turned his attention back to Jared.

Jared said "get an IV into him, while I give nitro and get the morphine ready." At this time, the man's eyes rolled up in his head and he slumped into the chair. "He's coded" Liam said as he was lifting him to the floor. Jared then turned to the security guard and said "Clear the room now!"

As the room was being cleared Jared ripped the man's shirt open and Liam started CPR. Jared very calmly said "Stop CPR and move back" as he put his hands on the man's chest. Jared closed his eyes for a couple of seconds and then opened them. Liam saw Jared's eyes had turned white and seemed to glow. Jared said quietly to no one in particular "Creator, this man is dying because of someone's evil actions on my equipment. We cannot allow this to happen. Guide my hands to do your work." Jared's hands glowed and the man on the floor drew a deep breath. He started to breathe regularly as if he was in a deep sleep. The glow disappeared.

By the time the back-up unit arrived, Jared and Liam had the patient on the stretcher, IV running and he was returning to consciousness slowly. Jared was assessing him further when the second team came in the room.

Liam looked at the back-up team and said "get him hooked up to your monitor."

A couple of minutes later, with the monitor hooked up, they left the building and headed to the hospital. After dropping him off, Jared called Rob on the phone to advise him of the problem with the heart monitor. They drove to the base and exchanged units. When they looked at the batteries, the contact prongs were bent back far enough they would not make contact when pushed into the unit.

"What happened" Rob asked. Jared told him about the man going unconscious and trying to use the defibrillator. Jared skipped over some of the events and continued with the man coming conscious again and hooking the second team's monitor.

"We had used the unit a few times already today and everything was fine" explained Jared.

Rob said he would look into it.

As they went back out to their unit Liam said "the man was lucky it was you responded or it would have been a different result."

As they were getting into the unit, Tim's unit was pulling up. "I heard you guys had some problems with your equipment. Lucky it wasn't a more serious call" Tim said through the window with a smirk on his face.

Liam replied "It was our skill that did it. He was lucky it wasn't you that showed up Tim." Tim gave him a dirty look and closed the window.

Jared said "That was quick, as if he knew a problem was supposed to happen. Rob was the only one besides us and 2 guys who backed us up."

The rest of the shift was routine with a couple of minor calls and at the end of the day, Liam and Jared parked the unit in the garage. Liam saw Rob in the garage and called him over. He told Rob about the conversation between them and Tim earlier. Rob didn't say anything as he walked away.

After they changed and went to the parking lot, Jared looked at Liam and asked "Coming to my place for dinner tonight?"

Liam smirked and replied "Who's cooking?"

"I am" replied Jared.

"Lucky I'm a paramedic so we may not have to go to the hospital to get our stomachs pumped" said Liam.

Jared reached to smack Liam in the back of the head, but he ducked. Liam then said "Of course I am coming for dinner with you. It doesn't matter what we eat for supper, it is just being there together with which makes the time the best."

Jared got back to his apartment and took a quick shower before starting supper. He would BBQ a couple of steaks, grill potatoes and BBQ the corn with a fresh salad. Jared looked through the freezer and saw he was out of the wild game he usually ate. There were a couple of rib steaks though and he pulled them out and put them in the microwave to defrost. Jared then went out to the BBQ on the porch and lit it.

As he was coming back in, there was a knock at the door to his apartment. Jared went to the door and opened it to see Liam standing there trying to hide a backpack behind his body. Liam looked so cute standing there and Jared reached out, grabbed his hand and pulled him into his arms. "You don't have to knock on this door, you're always welcome in here Liam" said Jared. Jared leaned in and kissed Liam. Slowly working his hands down Liam's back to the tight muscular cheeks of his ass.

Liam groaned as Jared pulled his body towards him, grinding their crotches together. Liam broke the kiss and looked into Jared's brown eyes and said "are you hungry for more than the obvious?" The fronts of Liam's 501 Jeans were filled out quite well in the front, almost as much as Jared's.

Jared said "let's get supper ready and there will be lots of time for love making with my boyfriend."

Liam kissed Jared's neck a couple of times as he slowly reached between them to massage Jared's hard dick through the jeans. "Are you sure you want to eat first?" asked Liam.

"Hmmmm, YES. I am starving for two things, and they are both here right now. Supper, and you Liam" said Jared. "You will need the strength for tonight" Jared continued saying.

"Yes, I agree" replied Liam, giving one last squeeze to Jared's hard dick. "I brought some things in case I didn't make it back to my home tonight. That wasn't too presumptuous of me was it?" Liam said smiling.

"Not at all Liam. Something we should discuss in the future is living arrangements for us now we are boyfriends" said Jared.

They split apart and Liam went to the bedroom to drop his bag off. He also changed into a pair of silky running shorts with a T shirt. Liam entered the kitchen and Jared was slicing potatoes. When Jared looked up, he almost took off a finger when he saw Liam. Liam was so sexy standing there with his blond hair, blue eyes, solid body, and tight T shirt showing firm nipples, nice package outline through the shorts and obviously commando, solid legs with blonde hair on them. Jared thought about how lucky he was to be with this man.

"Jared, keep you mind on what you are doing or you will lose a finger" exclaimed Liam.

"How the hell can I do that when an incredibly good looking man enters my kitchen dressed like that!" replied Jared.

"Thanks lover. I can continue doing the potatoes while you go and change into something more comfortable" Liam said. Jared agreed, and handed the knife to him as he left to change into the same type of clothing.

Liam was bundling the potatoes when Jared returned and they finished them together for the BBQ. Liam had already soaked the corn in the husk for the BBQ. Jared ran them out and put them on the grill to cook. When he returned, Liam was bent over looking in the refrigerator for salad fixings. His running shorts were tight and clearly showed the beauty of his ass. Jared came up behind him quietly and grabbed those solid looking cheeks. Liam stood up, startled.

"Damn it, you move as silent as a cat Jared. How do you do that?' he asked.

"Ancient Chinese secret" he replied. "Actually, in reality it is an ancient Japanese secret."

"The salad can wait for a few minutes Liam" said Jared. Jared went to his knees and pulled Liam's running shorts down. His semi-hard dick flopped out and Jared took it into his mouth to suck. Liam placed his hands on Jared's head gently and groaned.

Liam looked down at Jared and said "I want something in my mouth too."

Jared pulled his mouth off Liam's dick and said "good idea. Let's go to the living room."

Liam with his hard dick pointing the way, kicked his shorts off and followed Jared. When they got there, Liam reached forward and pulled Jared's shorts to the ground exposing his 8" hard dick. Jared kicked his shorts off and grabbed Liam to pull him in for a kiss. While they kissed, they pulled each other shirts off.

The two of them went to their knees while kissing. The broke apart and lay on their sides in a 69 position. They reached out and grabbed the hard cocks in front of their faces and sucked them into their mouths. Jared was sucking and jacking Liam's hard love stick when he felt his balls being licked and sucked on. Jared groaned through the mouthful of dick he had filling him. Liam continued to suck on Jared's big hairless balls while enjoying the sensation of Jared's tongue twirling around his dick head. Jared rolled onto his back, and pulled Liam on top of him. Liam's ass cheeks separated in this position. Jared licked his finger so it was nice and wet and started to play with Liam's asshole, finally inserting it slowly. Liam felt the finger enter him and he groaned loudly. In the position he was in, he could now deep throat Jared with ease. He lowered his mouth down on the rigid throbbing pole until his nose was in Jared's sparse black pubic hairs. It was Jared's turn to let out a deep groan.

The continued doing this for another minute until Jared said "Hold on." He got out from under Liam and the laid on his back with just his head under Liam's dick, and the rest of his body between Liam's legs. Jared took Liam's dick in his mouth and sucked it deep. Reaching up, he began to finger Liam's ass again. Liam was beginning to fuck Jared's mouth with his cock. It didn't take long before Liam made his final arch and shot his load into Jared's mouth. They remained that way for a moment and then Jared crawled out from under Liam and got in behind him. He spit on his dick and pushed it in. He could feel his cock break through the muscle ring of Liam's ass and heard Liam calling out "yes. Do it Jared. Fuck me hard."

Jared complied and pushed all the way into Liam. Liam had his head arched upwards, mouth wide open and moaning loudly.

"Liam, you are so tight and warm it is unbelievable" said Jared.

"You fill me with your cock Jared. God, it feels so good to have it in me. Harder Jared, harder" Liam replied.

Jared started to pound in and out of Liam's ass when he felt his climax building. The tightness of Liam's hole created wonderful sensations on Jared's hard cock. Jared took a final thrust and went as deep as he could. Liam could feel the contractions from Jared's dick buried inside of him and he pushed his ass back to force him deeper yet. The feeling of the warm liquid being squirted into him from Jared's cock was ecstasy for Liam. He loved the feeling of Jared filling him completely and then cumming in him. It was enough to push him over the top again and Liam came all over the carpet in fresh ropes of cum.

The two collapsed. A minute later, Jared kissed Liam and said "I love you more than life itself Liam."

Liam replied "my life would not be worth living without you Jared. I love you more."

After cuddling on the carpet for bit, they got up and went to the bathroom to clean up from their activity. Returning to the kitchen, Liam went to the refrigerator and started to look for some salad fixings.

Jared came behind him and grabbed him by the hips and pulled him into his crotch. "Liam, life would be great if we were caught like in Ground Hog Day and had to keep repeating this day over and over" mused Jared.

"I agree with you. But, I am never going to get the salad made if you keep doing that" Liam observed.

"And the problem is?" asked Jared. The both laughed and Jared released him. He grabbed the steaks to throw on the BBQ. Jared was about to go out onto the porch when Liam suggested he put his shorts back on. Jared put the steaks down and looked around until he found a pair of shorts - they were Liam's. He put them on and went out to throw the steaks on the grill.

He came back in after closing the lid on the BBQ and found Liam chopping vegetables for the salad. "The other stuff will be done the same time as the steaks" said Jared. He started to set the table for the two of them. "Would you like a glass of wine tonight Liam?"

"Yes, a chardonnay would be nice if you have it" Liam replied.

"I think I do. Does it have a cork or screw cap?' Jared asked with a smile.

Liam looked at him with a smile and said "Dork. Of course it has a screw cap." Liam then laughed.

Jared went over to his cupboard on the other side of the fridge and pulled out a bottle of wine. He went to a drawer and pulled out a corkscrew and inserted it. The cork came out with a pop.

"It should breathe a few minutes" said Jared. He went to another cupboard and pulled out a fancy glass object. He poured the wine into it and then set it on the table.

"What is that?" asked Liam.

"It is a wine carafe. It is used for allowing the red wine to breathe. I take it you are used to drinking directly from the bottle as opposed to glasses?" asked Jared.

Liam just held up his hand and gave him the finger with a smile.

The meal was fantastic. The two of them sat and ate until there was absolutely nothing left to eat on the table. Jared got up slowly, rubbing his tummy and went to the cupboard and got out another bottle of wine. He pulled the cork and poured into both glasses.

"This is a semi sweet wine. A Zinfandel wine made in British Columbia." After pouring the wine, Jared went to the freezer and pulled out the chocolate cheese cake and set it on the table. He pulled one slice out and onto a plate. Using a fork, he cut into it and then fed it to Liam. Liam took his fork and returned the favour to Jared. They continued until the piece was gone.

They were cleaning up the kitchen when Liam came up behind Jared and pulled the shorts down to his feet. "You sir are overdressed" stated Liam.

Jared stepped out of them and used his foot to fling them into the living room. The two of them finished the cleaning and took their glasses of wine to the couch.

Both sat in silence, their bodies next to each other and legs interwoven, sipping their wine. Liam looked at Jared and said "That was an incredible meal. The thing which made it the best meal I have ever had was I got to eat it with you Jared."

Jared reached out and took Liam's free hand, brought it gently to his mouth and kissed it gently. "I feel the same way Liam. I wish time would stand still when I was with you so we never had to be separated. Liam, I have never fallen so quickly or deeply into love with any man before. My heart hurts when we are apart."

"Jared, I have never fallen in love like this before either. I feel like we are one person on a level I have never felt before. There are so many times we seem to anticipate each other's next actions or sometimes thoughts as well. I really notice this when we work together on something" replied Liam.

"Liam, I believe the Creator has chosen for our paths to become one, as a couple. I need to take you out to my little cabin in the bush where we can complete a sweat lodge ceremony. This is a traditional ceremony where our paths may be revealed by the Creator. If he doesn't reveal his plans, we are cleansed of evil influences and a chance to make peace with ourselves. We may even be visited by ancestors who have a message for us" said Jared.

Liam thought for a moment and said "I would love to do this but I'm scared. What happens if the Creator shows our paths separating or we shouldn't be together?"

Jared leaned into kiss Liam and then replied "I don't believe it to be a possibility. We both have already seen visions that this is our path. The bear and the eagle in the vision we had. I know I am the bear and I believe the creator was revealing your totem, the eagle. Remember when the bear hugged the eagle in your vision you said it felt like one of my hugs?"

"Yes, it did feel like one of them. You may be right Jared" acknowledged Liam.

"I have been planning a weekend up at the cabin on this set of days off. There are also four of my friends coming up for a weekend of sun and fun. It's something we all do as often as possible on our days off."

Liam spoke "This weekend? Your friends? This isn't an orgy weekend is it?"

"No. They are as monogamous in their relationships as we are. We do spend the whole weekend naked though" said Jared.

"Naked? I don't know if I could do that in front of strangers" said Liam.

"You know them all Liam. We work with Troy. Tyler and Josh are on the Police Department. The fourth is Josh's boyfriend Darren. He is a fire fighter."

"I know them all Jared, and never knew about them" said Liam.

"Liam, there is a special relationship between myself, Darren, Josh, Troy and Tyler. We are tighter than brothers and love each other very deeply as family. They will accept you as a new member of the family because of our relationship, and they will grow to love you as a brother" said Jared

"It sounds like an interesting but a fun weekend Jared. I do have a dentist appoint the morning we get off shift but I could drive up afterwards" Liam said after a moment. He then added "Jared I can't believe how fast and deep this relationship has developed. I'm still in shock actually. Now I'm meeting your friends. I'll be honest; I have no friends out of work here in the city to introduce you to."

"No friends?" asked Jared.

"No friends other than the type you just say hi or have short conversations with. I stay very much to myself and have learned to not to get close to people. Honestly Jared, I think I was staying away from relationships or friends so I would never hurt them like I thought I hurt my parents. You're different Jared. When working with you, I could sense how good you were and I felt safe just being with you. I do have to admit to jacking off more than once dreaming about being with you though" Liam said while blushing.

"I did the same thing thinking about you. I think the Creator blocked our gay-dars so we could get to know each other well before the path was revealed. I think the Creator wanted us to truly know each other as friends before he allowed us to connect emotionally and then enter into a relationship." said Jared. "I have an idea. Let's go for a long walk and then come back and make love until the sun rises."

Liam replied "I could go for that." The both got dressed and left the apartment. It was a beautiful evening for a walk along the sidewalks of the city. It was warm and there was a light breeze enough to keep the mosquitos from swarming on people outside.

"Liam, let's go over to the park and walk through the flower gardens" said Jared.

They made their way over the large fountain and garden area. The flowers were as beautiful to smell as they were to look at. The two of them wandered around the various flowers and then to watch the fountain with its cascading flows of water. They both threw coins into the pond and made a wish. It was obvious what both of their wishes were when after throwing the coins in as they just stared at each other's eyes.

Liam moved over to Jared and kissed him gently on the lips and Jared returned it. Turning towards the fountain, they watched the water cascade through various routes, arms around the other's waist.

They walked away from the fountain. Liam saw some Forget-me-not flowers along the edge of the sidewalk and bent over to pluck one. Standing up, he put the flower in through a button hole on Jared's polo shirt.

"I would like to think the flower name says it all Jared" said Liam. "I don't need one because I will never forget who you are." He leaned over and kissed Jared.

It was dark now, and the area was lite by the lights on the fountain and the various lights along the walking trails. The two of them, arms still around each other's waist started to walk back towards the apartment. Before they knew it, the two of them had arrived at the apartment.

The next couple of shifts flew by for Jared and Liam. The night shifts were long and busy, and the time in between was filled with love and love making. They were both looking forward to going to Jared's cabin and meeting up with their friends. Liam was not looking forward to the dentist appointment and having to drive up alone. He would rather be with Jared for the drive.

His cabin was overlooking a large lake about 3 hours north of the city. There were only a couple of other cabins on the lake and those weren't close. It was a long lake, but most of it was Crown Land or forest preserve. Jared's land was 1280 acres of spruce, poplar and birch trees many of them hundreds of years old. The land, except for the long driveway, some trails cut through the bush and the cabin area near the lake was untouched and natural.

The cabin was built in spruce logs from the local land by his grandfather. Jared carried on the tradition and added onto the cabin a couple of times as well as modernizing it. The building now was now 2 levels with 5 bedrooms, 3 full bathrooms as well as an office upstairs. The upstairs was open and you could look over the railing into the large living room and part of the kitchen. A large stone fireplace was in the middle between the kitchen and the living room, and open on both sides to provide heat. Jared had added a large wrap around deck with a hot tub to the cabin. He could stand on the deck or sit in the hot tub while looking through the break in the trees at the lake. He loved to sit on the deck and listen to the loons call echo across the lake in the evening. It brought an inner peace to him, something he always needed after being on the job and in the city.

Jared parked his Explorer next to the cabin and started hauling groceries in. He had made a call to the maintenance person who he paid to look after the place in his absence. He had been there already to open up the cabin for fresh air, dust everything off and make sure the hot tub was ready for use. The cabin and yard looked perfect as usual. Jared had made a trip into the resort town nearby to pick up some groceries and supplies before his guests arrived.

When he updated and modernized the cabin, he had built the kitchen large with a professional set up. The cabin didn't have electricity before but he had it brought in so it was now connected to the power grid. He had a substantial backup generator installed as well for the many days during the year storms knocked out the main power line. During the summer, forest fires were always a possibility in the wilderness. He had fixed up a special outdoor sprinkler system in case of a fire. It was installed on and around the cabin as well in the tree line around his yard. If he turned it on, it would create walls of sprinkling water to prevent the fire from running through his yard. Jared also had a panic type room built underneath one end of the cabin. It was a safe place to retreat if a fire was not stopped by the sprinkler system. He and his guests could wait out the event in safety and relative comfort for about 72 hrs.

He had hauled in the bags from the vehicle and had started putting the groceries away when he heard another vehicle drive up to the cabin. He looked out the window and saw Liam getting out of his pickup truck. A feeling of warmth and longing was suddenly felt by Jared and he rushed out to meet him. The two men met just outside the kitchen door and embraced each other tightly, kissing each other.

"I thought you said it was a little cabin the woods" Liam said looking at Jared.

"It is little. Little of this and a little of that. This cabin was started by my Grandfather, and I added to it. I love it here, it is so tranquil and the perfect place to appreciate Mother Earth and the Creator" Jared commented. "Let me take you for a tour around the place Liam. When are the others coming up?"

"Sometime this afternoon. Not sure other than that" replied Liam.

Jared reached his hand out and Liam grasped it tightly. They walked side by side around the cabin to the other side. As they came around the corner, Liam could see a beautiful lawn with large clumps of trimmed bushes he wasn't familiar with. There was a trail leading around the bushes to a large dock which jutted into the lake. Another well used trail lead off to a boathouse. There was a large fire pit set back from the beach on the lawn surround by cut log benches.

Liam pointed at a strange structure off to the side and asked "what is that Jared?"

"That is a willow frame of a sweat lodge. I was planning on using it tomorrow night for all of us" Jared replied.

Liam turned and wrapped his arms around Jared, looking deep into his eyes "I would love to do anything with you as long as we are together. Will you teach me about it?" asked Liam.

"Of course I will. It will be enjoyable for you and it is such a special thing to do" said Jared. "Let's go out onto the dock" suggested Jared as he led Liam by the hand in that direction. They crossed the sand beach to the dock and stepped up. The dock was a long and about 1 foot above the water in height. They walked to the end and looked out over the lake which had some little waves from the wind moving their direction as if they were coming to greet them.

"I love to lie on my back on the dock at night, listen to the loons call and stare at the universe up in the sky" said Jared. "It is such a beautiful thing to do. Best part is there are not many boats out here to disrupt the tranquility. My neighbours are older people who enjoy fishing when they come up here but their trips are getting to be less and less due to their ages. Their children and grandchildren use the cabins sometimes but not very often."

"I can see why you love it Jared. I think I will love it as well" said Liam. "The little waves on the lake are so mesmerizing when you stare at them."

"That could be the water spirits too Liam. They are the pranksters or jokers. They do something like that to cause you to step off the dock when you're mesmerized" explained Jared.

They walked back up to the cabin and onto the deck. Jared moved over to the hot tub which was sunk into the deck and lifted the cover. "Looks good in there and ready to use" he said out loud as he dropped the cover back down. They went through the patio doors and into the living room and into the kitchen. "Grab your bag and we can drop it off in the bedroom while we tour the upstairs"

Liam ran out the back door and grabbed his bag, returning a moment later. Jared led him the stairs and followed him up the stairs. He was thinking to himself "Liam's ass fills those jeans so well." The upstairs was open to look over the living room and out through the huge front windows of the cabin towards the lake. It was beautiful.

They toured the upstairs and ended up in the master bedroom where Jared pointed to where Liam could unpack. Jared was standing there in thought when he was suddenly grabbed from behind, falling onto the large bed. Liam was on top of him, pinning Jared's arms stretched on the bed above his head. He leaned in and kissed Jared. "The only thing I love more than this place is the man I have under me right now."

Jared brought his leg up and his arms in as he flipped Liam over top of him to land on his back on the in shock. Jared then moved and pinned Liam to the bed in the same way he had been a moment earlier.

He looked in Liam's eyes and said "ditto."

Liam started to laugh and said "Ditto? Ditto? We are in the most beautiful and romantic place in the world together and you say ditto? "

"Actions speak louder than words" said Jared as he leaned down and started to kiss Liam. His hands were working at Liam's shirt to pull it off. "You know, I usually don't wear clothing when I am up here, if any at all. You are over-dressed!"

Liam smirked and then rolled out from under Jared standing up next to the bed. He said "I would hate to be in trouble with management for breaking rules" as he started to tear off his clothes.

Jared stood and did the same. In a moment, they were both naked and holding each other tightly while kissing passionately.

They finished undressing and the two of them went downstairs naked and out onto the deck. They both went out onto the deck and leaned onto the railing. Jared came up behind Liam and wrapped his arms around him as they both looked at the beauty in front of them. "I love you Liam. When you not with me, my heart has a longing for you and I feel as if a part of me is missing. We are truly soulmates."

Liam felt the warmth of Jared behind him and his arm around him. "I feel the same way Jared. I have never felt the peace or fulfilment I do when I am in your arms."

"I would like to try the hot tub out Jared" said Liam

"Sounds like plan Liam, let's do it" he replied. The boys climbed into the hot tub and soaked in its heat. Eventually, they ended up cuddled together in the corner, looking out at the lake and the beauty of the area. When jets turned off, they got out and put the cover back on.

The two of them stood at the railing, holding each other and just enjoying themselves. Liam looked at Jared with a mischievous look.

Jared said "let's for a swim to wash off." They both ran down to the lake and dove in. They played around in water for a time, diving under, pushing and wrestling with each other. After a while, they both climbed out of the water and lay on the dock to dry in the hot sun.

Liam, still lying on his back asked Jared "Do you always go naked around here? Don't the neighbours complain?"

Jared replied "No, it doesn't bother anyone except for the neighbour's daughter and her husband. You don't see anyone else here very often anyways. There is the odd time some canoeists come through. The other end of the lake has a small river emptying into it, and discharges into another small river on the other side. It's part of canoe route but this end of the lake is fairly sheltered and very few people ever journey up this way. But, I have had a few visitors though like last year about this time."

Liam sat up as well and looked at him saying "oh really, you had visitors did you?"

Jared smiled and said "yes, a few. Just for coffee usually except one group of college students on some sort of outdoor experience outing. They camped in their tents on the beach for a couple of nights. We had great campfires at night, roasting some hot dogs and making smores. I introduced them to bannock on a stick. They loved the beach and swimming off the dock. They were all city kids and had never been in the bush before."

"Were you naked with them around?' Liam asked.

"No, I was wearing a loin cloth and they were really interested in how to make one. The instructor didn't have any objection to them learning about some First Nations culture so I went up to the cabin and grabbed some leather, a knife and the sewing kit. After a couple of hours, all 11 of the college kids were running around in loin cloths and even the instructor made one. It was pretty cute" laughed Jared. "They did some skinny dipping and nude sunbathing but always put the loin cloth on when they were walking around."

Liam asked "were they hot?"

"It was hard not to enjoy looking at the guys. They were all pretty fit and cute as all hell. Most were average dick sized, but a couple made horses look small. I actually had to make special loin clothes for them, with more in front. I did make a point of helping them to put it on and tuck them in properly. I got the impression the two of them were more than just friends. It took a bit of getting used to them for them to wear a loin cloth though. Most of them had hard dicks poking out the side now and then, but once they got used to it they loved wearing them. When they left, they all wore them to finish their trip" said Jared

Liam was quiet for a moment and then said "I'm hungry. How about you?" Jared smiled and nodded his head yes. The got up and walked to the cabin holding hands.

Once in the kitchen they worked together to make some sandwiches and fresh vegetables. They sat at the kitchen island to eat. Jared got up and grabbed the iced tea from the refrigerator and placed it on the counter. Getting two glasses he filled them and put one in front of Liam and himself.

Liam looked at Jared for a moment and started to ask something but stopped, choosing to take a bite out of his sandwich instead.

Jared looked at him and said "you have something on your mind. Ask away."

Liam looked shyly and then said "I don't know if I have the right or even if it is proper to ask you something."

Jared continued to look at him and said "you may ask anything. I'll never lie to you and if it's something I don't want to answer, I'll tell you. There's very little about me I will not answer you about."

"How can you afford all this around us? You're just a paramedic and although we make decent money, not this much" Liam asked.

"I told you my parents abandoned me with my grandfather. My father and mother were too busy living their lives for a child. They saw me as an accident rather than a gift from the Creator. There was no place for a child in their lifestyle so they dumped me. Mom was a full blood First Nation and my father white, and from a very well off family. They enjoyed their life of parties, travel and living the highlife. I was told by grandfather my dad was a stock genius/financial advisor. When I was 12, I came home from school to find my grandfather sitting at the kitchen table with his smudging equipment out, and tears in his eyes. My grandfather told me my parents were both walking the next world. They had both died in a plane wreck. He didn't say much more and I didn't know what to say. They were my parents, but I never knew them so while I was upset about it, I accepted it. We smudged and made peace with the spirits. My grandfather told me I had received everything in their wills as well as the life insurance money. I guess while they didn't want me, there was something inside them which still loved me in some way. Grandfather told me they had also been sending him money on a monthly basis for my expenses. He told me I would have to be careful of the money as it could divert me from my path in life. I didn't know what to say" said Jared.

"I went to the funeral and there were a lot of shocked faces from their friends when a 12 year old boy was presented as their son. Dad's family had no clue I'd been born and wouldn't even acknowledge me. My grandfather participated in the service performing smudging and saying prayers. I guess dad's grandfather had left him lot of money and business assets when he died and the family wanted it. Even after the paternity tests, they wouldn't accept me. They were very upset the entire estate was in my name" Jared said very stone faced.

Liam reached out and grasped Jared's hand and said softly "you don't have to go any further."

Jared shook his head no and continued "Because I was under 18, the estate had to go into control of someone to look after it until I was 18. The court appointed person had known my father by reputation only. He was appalled at the way I'd been treated by my parents as well as his family and swore he would look after the estate for me to the best of his ability until I was 18. He and my grandfather spoke at great lengths over the next few years. I guess there were some law suits from Dad's family and they lost every one of them. I understand John, on behalf of my estate sued the air company whose plane my parent's died in. When I turned 18, I had an investment portfolio I couldn't even comprehend. John spent the next couple of years teaching about investments and the stock market. He had commented several times I had the same insight and sense he had heard my dad had for making money. John really became a second father to me. He taught me so much. Between my Grandfather and John, I was a very happy young man. They never conflicted about anything and they always had my interests at heart. He's still my financial advisor, and actually works for me now. As of this week, I think I have bank accounts, businesses, property and investments amounting to many, many millions of dollars. For the record, I have only lived on my paycheck from the ambulance service and I have less than $3,000 in my checking account."

Liam sat there with his mouth hanging open not knowing what to say.

Jared looked at Liam and then said "close your mouth before it fills with flies."

Liam then asked "why are you working?"

"It's very simple Liam. It's the path the Creator has chosen for me. Plus, I also enjoy the work and helping people, feeling like I am making a difference. I have some fun with the investments and seeing what I can invest in" Jared replied. He then added "the money is play money to me. The only thing I have used the money for personally for was adding to this cabin and paying for my education as a paramedic. I do give big contributions to the hospital and various organizations but I've never let the money own me like it did my parents. "

"As you've been honest with me Jared, I'll be honest with you as well. I received a fair amount of money from my parent's estate and from a law suit which was filed against the driver and the trucking company. I have some money stashed away. I don't have the money you have, but I don't have to work either but I love the work. My money isn't invested very well and is there any chance John could help me out in that area?"

"I think that can be arranged. We can talk to John when we get back to the city" answered Jared.

"Up until the accident, I enjoyed life growing up. I enjoyed learning and had pretty good marks in throughout high school. I was also into swimming and won a few meets. I also enjoyed cross country running. I wasn't in the upper echelon of either jocks or the academics and I managed to associate with both. I was well known in school but able to remain under everyone's radar as being different. I had a couple of short term boyfriends but nothing serious. Mom and dad were great. We went on nice vacations during the winter breaks and celebrated Christmas with the grandparents until they passed away. Mom and dad had no brothers or sisters and were born late in my grandparents lives. They once told me they had a lot of common experience with both being lone children and older parents. Both sets of grandparents got along very well too. When I came out to my parents, they stood behind me when I told my grandparents. I was so scared when I told them. I will never forget my grandpa Nick that day. He smiled and said "this is what has you concerned? More importantly, this is what we held supper for? Liam, if you are happy, we are happy. We love you. Can we eat now?"

When Grandpa Nick died one day, grandma seemed to give up the will to live and was gone within a month. The same thing happened when dad's mom died of a heart attack. Grandpa lived long enough to bury her and then get everything in order for his estate. Brand new will, prepaid his funeral and then he sat in his favorite chair to watch TV and died. It was like he willed himself to have a heart attack as well. I think they all had such a close bond in life; they wanted to be with each other in the afterlife as well. I never saw either set of grandparents fight or be anything but fun to be with. The love they had for their family as a whole was fantastic. My parents were the same way. Even when they disagreed, it wasn't a fight. It was a discussion until my dad gave in." Liam laughed at this. "My dad loved my mom so much he just disagreed with her so they could be together more while resolving it. He told me that once when he also told me to never go to bed angry. Always clear the air. My life wasn't perfect, but it was close to it."

"We grew up differently, but both of us had love around us while we did it" observed Jared.

Liam then looked at Jared and asked "Yes, I guess that is true. So what is this power you seem to have?"

"You will understand it better after this weekend after the sweat lodge ceremony. I will tell you I don't have a superhero power like you'd compare it too. I have a gift from the Creator. Do you remember the chant and prayer I used when lighting the candles when we smudged? I said - I invoke the light of the God within. I am a clear and perfect channel. Light is my guide."

"Yes, I do remember that" agreed Liam

"I'm a just a man. I can die the same as anyone else. I'm merely a channel for the Creator. He uses me to fix things which should be fixed. He has given me the gift to heal things when they should be healed. There are times a person is healed from fatal wounds entirely, but usually they are healed enough to survive. The healing process gives the opportunity for a person to grow in character and the in the strength of spirit. There are new interactions between people, new things learned and experience gained. It may even result in family bonds being tightened or renewed. There are so many benefits from the recovery process which cannot be explained simply and must not be removed from a person's life" Jared explained.

"I sort of understand Jared. It is much more complex than I would have thought" said Liam pensively.

"This is part of the knowledge I am to share with you. This gift is limited and does take some of my inner being with it each time I use it. The injury is actually absorbed into my body as a form of energy and my spirit holds it until I can release it to the Creator. My life force is also replenished by communing with Mother Earth in this place. The gift must never be used in any way other than the way the Creator intended to be used. It is my path of life" finished Jared.

"You handle it well Jared. I assume you've dropped your guard with me and allowed me to see it. In all the time we were together, I never saw it used before last few days. I've wanted to ask you questions about what I saw but I sensed the timing wasn't right" said Liam.

"I have always used it. You may have had your eyes open, but I didn't allow you to see it. You did remember earlier I prayed over each patient. Sometimes the gift was used, other times the patient was allowed to walk the final length of their pathway of life. It's a lot to understand my love" said Jared.

"Yes, it is Jared and that is an understatement. I want to learn like you told me the Creator has directed. If I have the knowledge, I would like to awaken it soon so I may help you do your work" replied Liam.

"It will come with time Liam. Have no worries. That's enough of the learning for now Liam. Let's make you a loin cloth, if you want one Liam" asked Jared.

"I would love one, although I like it when we are both wearing nothing Jared" answered Liam. Jared got up and went to find the leather and sewing materials while Liam cleaned up the lunch dishes. Jared returned shortly with his loin cloth and belt over his shoulder, carrying a leather bundle with him.

"Let's go do this at the beach Liam. When were other's going to get here?" asked Jared

"Should be anytime I would think, and I can just imagine their faces to be met by us in nothing but loin clothes. Yes, I think the beach is a great place to make it. I'll grab some suntan lotion and a couple of towels" said Liam. He gathered the things up and the two of them walked to the beach.

A little while later, Liam was sporting a new loin cloth. He was like a kid with a new toy. After trying it on for a bit, he took it off. "I would like to lay out for some all over tanning Jared, first time I've ever done it" said Liam.

"To hide a body such as yours under clothing is a crime. Make sure you put lots of sun block on your dick and ass. They aren't use to the sun and may burn easily, and I don't want that" said Jared. They made sure there was lots of lotion on delicate places and laid back to lay in the sun. It was about 30 minutes later when they heard a vehicle pull into the yard above. Jared and Liam got up, put on their loin cloths and went up to the cabin to meet their friends. As they came around the corner they saw their friends.

Troy looked over and yelled out "They have gone native already!" Troy approached quickly and hugged them both. "I've been slimed! They are covered in suntan lotion."

"I'll slime you good" said Jared jumped on him with a head lock and gave him a nooggie.

"I give. I give" called Troy. By this time, the other three with him came forward to give their greetings. Troy's boyfriend, a slim dark brown haired, brown eyed man who stood about 6' came forward and hugged Jared.

"Good to see you again Tyler" said Jared.

The next to come up and hug him was Josh, a policeman from the city they worked in and his firefighter boyfriend Darren. They were quite the pair to look at. Both very solid looking at 6' and had light brown hair. Josh had blue eyes and Darren green. They looked like cousins if not brothers next to each other.

Darren leaned over a grabbed Jared into his arms and lifted him up of his feet saying "How ya doing there little guy? It's great to be back up here with everyone. But, when did Liam join our family?" he asked.

"Put me down you big lummox" said Jared. Once back on earth and standing on his own two feet, he looked at the new arrivals. "I think you guys all know Liam from work. He was a silent member of our family but circumstances have changed and he is now my boyfriend."

"Enough of this shit. Same rooms as last year?" asked Josh.

Darren smiled and said "you were in everyone's room last year. I don't think you even knew which one was yours."

"Bite me hose puller" said Josh.

"I will. Later tonight Josh, I will" replied Darren.

They emptied the SUV of luggage, beer, wine and food. The cabin was alive with people moving luggage up the stairs into the bedrooms, putting groceries away and beer into the fridge.

They were all pushing, jabbing, ass grabbing and trying to sack each other in the kitchen when Jared spoke up "you know the rules at this cabin guys. You are overdressed."

The guys all ran up the stairs, continuing to poke at each other. Liam smiled and said "it's like having a bunch of teenagers here isn't it."

"Yes it is. Big well hung men who are psychologically still teenagers. I love them all as brothers" Jared replied.

They all came down the stairs at the same time, all naked. The first down the stairs was Josh followed closely by Darren. Josh was 25 years old had nice muscle definition and a solid chest. He had a light covering of hair around his nipples. Except for a well-defined treasure trail and trimmed bush, he was naturally hairless above. His skin was deeply tanned and accentuated the hair on his legs. His cock was about 3 inches long when soft, and about 6.5 inches hard, uncut and fairly thick too. He and Darren looked about the same naked except Darren was a little bigger when hard at 7 inches. Obviously Darren had shaved his chest and bush off. His uncut dick looked even bigger. They both had solid butts from all the running they do.

Liam looked at him and asked "you shave yourself?"

Josh laughed and answered for Darren "he was feeling old when he turned 27 the other day and wanted to turn himself into a hairless twink again."

There was a sharp smack of a hand striking an ass causing Josh jumped forward while grabbing his butt. "I turned 26 you little ditch pig. I thought I'd try the shaving once to see if I liked it. I'm going to let it grow back as the guys at fire hall razed me too much in the showers" Darren said and faked a pout.

Josh turned around to show us his cute ass and complained "I have your hand print on my ass!"

Darren hugged him and said "it's ok Joshie. I will smack it some more later tonight for you." Josh broke out his grip and walked to the kitchen mumbling "I need a beer." Everyone started to laugh. Darren followed him in.

Liam looked at Jared and asked "what's a ditch pig?"

"Josh is on Highway Traffic Enforcement right now, and they sit in low areas or the ditches along the highway with radar guns. Hence the name, ditch pig" said Jared.

"I heard that Jared!" yelled Josh from the kitchen.

Darren then spoke up and said "I would rather my son be a prostitute than marry a ditch pig. At least prostitutes don't hide." Everyone started to laugh while Josh feigned anger.

There was another smack on someone's ass. Then Darren yelped as Josh spoke "payback hose puller, payback."

Tyler was standing behind Troy with his arms wrapped his boyfriend's chest. Troy was a 27 year old paramedic who worked on a different shift at Jared's base. Tyler was a police officer who worked with Josh. Josh had actually set the two of them up to meet. Tyler had close cropped hair, twinkling eyes and a killer smile. He had a solid chest covered in brown hair which went all the way down to his cock. His cut cock was about 3 inches soft and grew to about 6.5 when hard. Tyler was the closest of all of the buddies to having a 6 pack. His legs were well defined and covered in the same coloured hair as his chest. Troy was blonde and a cutie. He was solid but not overly muscular. He had fine blonde hairs on his chest, very sparse but they were there. A slight treasure trail leads down to his blonde bush. He sported a 4 inch cock when soft, and 8 inches when hard. His cut cock was a little slimmer than everyone else's but was very impressive when hard.

Troy looked at Jared and Liam and observed aloud "you guys are over-dressed."

Liam and Jared agreed and they both took off their loin clothes. The group had all got beer or water bottles and headed to the deck. They sat around and discussed what they were going to do. Jared spoke up and said "it is about 4 in the afternoon now, so why don't we play volleyball for a while and relax. Liam and I will make supper and grill the steaks. I have elk steaks for you guys tonight."

They all got up and a couple went to the storage shed to find the net and volley balls. Outside on the deck, Liam pulled Jared over to one side. "I need a word with you for a minute Jared" said Liam.

"Sure. What do you need my love?" asked Jared looking at Liam with concern.

"I love it when you call me that. Jared, I have never been naked around so many guys like this. With you, I was fine but these guys....are causing me some problems" stated Liam. Jared noticed Liam had his hands in front of his very erect cock, trying to hide it.

Jared took Liam in his arms and held him tightly. "You've no fears Liam. It's natural to have all these hot looking guys around naked and for someone to get hard. I know it's hard to believe, but you'll see all us getting hard-ons at times. No one will ever think anything bad of you to have a hard dick flopping around now and then. You'll get used to being naked around them. If you don't feel comfortable, put the loin cloth on."

Liam looked at him and said "I'll try and not to be so conscious about it and I'll try to keep my mind clear of looking at their bodies."

Jared chuckled and replied "It really isn't anything for a stud like you to worry about. In my mind, you are hotter than all of them." He kissed Liam deeply and started to play with his ass cheeks.

Liam shuddered and said "Jared, this isn't helping."

Jared got down on his knees and took Liam's throbbing cock into his mouth and sucked. He started pumping Liam's cock with one hand while sucking on the hard cock. Liam closed his eyes and grabbed the sides of Jared's head and held onto it as he bobbed up and down on the dick.

A few moments later with help from Jared, Liam was getting close.

"Oh god Jared, I'm going to come. It's not going to take much more" squeaked Liam. Liam tensed and shot his load into Jared's mouth. Jared continued to suck as Liam leaned backwards against the cabin. Jared let Liam's cock pop out of his mouth and looked up at Liam smiling, and licking his lips.

"That should help that big nasty thing from being hard for a bit" said Jared. "You really were on hair trigger this time. You must have needed a release."

Liam looked at him and said "I love you. Thank you." He leaned in a kissed Jared gently.

They were standing there looking into each other's eyes when a voice brought them back you reality.

"If you two are finished up there, we're ready for a volleyball game" yelled Josh. Liam and Jared smiled and laughed, then went to join them in the game.

Next: Chapter 5

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