Jared the Paramedic

By Snowblind94

Published on Jan 7, 2017


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Disclaimer: All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. The following contains scenes of explicit scenes involving male sex and in a variety of consensual activities. But, if you're looking for non-stop sex then this isn't the story for you. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed any further. The characters are entirely fictitious and are not based on anyone who has or is still living.

This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit written permission from the author.

If you have any questions or comments, please send them to me at snowblind94@yahoo.ca

Jared the Paramedic - Volume II Chapter 24 - McAdam Construction

With Liam doing some teaching this week, it gave Jared the chance to follow up on some other projects without taking a team out of service. He was floating today and using the supervisor's vehicle and didn't even get dressed in his uniform. Jared had some coveralls he could put on if he needed to. While he could respond to anything, the supervisor usually just backed up the teams on higher level calls. Jared dropped by the LGBT centre and had picked up Jesse so they could tour the new building and check the work progression together.

It was a very practical building, formerly a very large warehouse; the architects had redesigned it into 3 distinct autonomous units. It was one of the old style red brick and marble buildings commonly built in the 1920's. Facing the main street was the new law office for McCoy and Associates. With an addition for a lobby, the law offices were using the reconditioned offices from the warehouse. Facing one of the side streets was the food bank, drop in center and crisis center. The other side of the old warehouse was the new satellite ambulance base. Across the back towards the ally was a common receiving dock for everyone.

The building is only a couple of blocks away from the current LGBT centre and was on the edge of two transition areas in the city. One area consisted of the commercial downtown core and the other area was the working class neighbourhood which was made up of apartments, duplexes and single family dwellings.

Working with the health region, the ambulance service had also been able to receive authorization to set up a medical clinic at the drop in centre as one more service to offer the people in need. It allowed the nurses to work with the clients on education as well as basic health services. The paramedics could also look after sutures, dressing changes and help the nurses with some of the other services they provide. Jared saw this as important not only to provide more services to meet the needs of the community but as a way to utilize the medics when not responding to calls. The paramedics could practice their skills and learn new ones as they worked alongside of the nurses. This was more efficient use of the current employed people as well as creating a few new positions as well.

Jared and Jesse had never discussed the building getting a name, but today was the day the name Jared had chosen would be attached to the wall. A beautiful sign with LED lighting was being fastened to the wall as they pulled up. As Jared pulled up and parked, they watched as the crane moved the sign into position. Jesse took a deep breath when he read the sign, "Marc McAdam Service Centre."

Jesse's eyes had tears form quickly. He turned towards Jared to say, "We never discussed naming the building, Jared. You didn't have to do this, but thank you. I'm very, very appreciative."

Jared reached and took Jesse's hand into his. "Jesse, we did this to honour you, and to honour your husband's memory. You are funding this with the money from his accident settlement so this is only fitting, Jesse. You and Marc are leaders in this community now with the work you are doing."

"Jared, the money is just money except when it's used to create something good. Naming a building after Marc is more than he would have ever done for himself. Besides that, we are funding the building together, Jared."

"He doesn't mind, Jesse. I had a long discussion with him about it."

Jesse snapped his head towards Jared, and then laughed. "I forget at times who you are, and that you really can talk to him."

"He's stubborn at times, isn't he, Jesse."

Jesse laughed as he wiped his eyes. "Yes, he can be stubborn and I loved him in spite of it."

"He picked the blue LED lights backlighting the sign and told me it was...."

"His favorite colour," said Jesse. "Jared, I can't thank you enough for everything you, Grandfather and the family have done for me."

"It's what we do for a brother, especially an older one."

The two men sat for a few minutes watching the crew as they worked on the sign, and then entered the building. After checking in at the office trailer and getting the personal protective equipment they needed, the two men started to tour the construction. It had been a large warehouse, abandoned for many years but in excellent condition for redevelopment. The brick work and architecture of the building was beautiful, and was considered to be a heritage site for its engineering.

The majority of the community had applauded the opening of the centre and the use of an empty building. Some felt the centre should be further away from the tourist areas, some thought the LGBT should be lower key, and a few wanted it either burnt to the ground or everything moved out of town. The community had no clue the three businesses were linked, but they did realize the old warehouse was being used and providing services they needed.

The two men toured the law offices and were surprised how far along they were in the construction. The interior was going to be stunning yet very functional.

Next they toured the medical clinic, drop in centre, a few offices, food bank and a large kitchen with a dining room on the ground floor for the LGBT centre. The second floor had a couple of larger dormitory rooms with bunkbeds, three complete washrooms with showers and bathtubs for each gender. Specifically, the washrooms were male, female, and gender neutral. The third floor had single person rooms, classrooms, meeting rooms, offices and washrooms.

The two of them finally toured the ambulance base and then the receiving area. After looking through the areas, they went back to the office trailer. Jared and Liam entered the office area, but could hear some workers in the back on a coffee break. No one could have heard them entering the trailer as they were actively discussing a matter loudly in the back.

One of the men was getting upset as he spoke. "If a place like this had been around years ago, my son would be alive today. Instead, he was knifed to death walking home by a couple of drunk rednecks on a gay bashing expedition."

"Places like this just further the gay agenda," another man said.

Another man's voice was heard, "You're not going to start that crap again about an agenda, are you, Ray?"

"It's true, there is an agenda and it sucks in people like you to support them."

"Ray, there is no secret agenda."

"You're a gay supporter, Austin, I knew it. You've been brain washed by them."

"No I haven't, Ray. I'm just a lot more tolerant than you of differences between people."

"I'm not intolerant; I'm just getting tired of it being pushed in my face along with every other self- identified group who wants more rights than the average person. I'm a white middle aged male and I have absolutely become stifled by everyone getting extra rights but us!"

"Ray, there is no agenda and my son would be alive today if there had been a place for him to go for help," said another man named Dirk. "He never hurt anyone and helped others all the time, but he was knifed to death on a street corner because he came out of a LGBT dance at the church. Four drunk rednecks jumped him, and knifed him, leaving him to bleed to death on the street, alone. Fuck you with your bullshit, Ray."

"Keep your mouth shut, Ray," yelled Austin. "We don't need to hear your shit again, this is getting old."

"You've been warned about your mouth and the management will fire you this time," said a man named Steve.

Another man jumped in with a comment, "He has a right to say what he believes."

"There is a difference between your rights and being an asshole bigot," said Austin.

Jesse stepped into the doorway, "Where's the project Manager or the project Superintendent?"

"They should be back any moment," said Austin. "They just stepped out to grab the mail and a few supplies we needed."

Jared stepped into the room as well. "You guys get into some pretty heavy debates here."

"Just exercising my right to free speech," said the man who they knew by voice as Ray.

"Ray, you have gone way beyond your right to freedom of speech, and I would suggest you cool off a bit," said Jesse.

The door to the trailer opened and two men came in as Ray answered, "No one can prevent me from speaking my opinion."

One of the men, Ronald, mumbled "shit" as he heard Ray make the last statement. "Ray, did you shoot your mouth off again in front of these two guests? They are the two men who own this project."

Jesse stepped over to Ronald and quietly said, "He needs to be dealt with for his behavior of making the offensive statements."

"He will be at the end of the project. We're not going to rehire him for the next project we move onto," replied Ronald.

Jesse reached into his wallet and removed a business card and gave it to Ronald. The Card identified him as Jesse McCoy, President and Owner of McCoy and Associates legal services. Ronald read it and really didn't seem concerned. Ronald passed it onto the other man who was the project superintendent named Peter. He read it quickly and then looked like he was trying to remember something. Suddenly recognition set in.

"I didn't realize or make the connection out here so far from the city," said Peter.

"Realize what?" asked Ronald.

Jesse dug a second card out of his wallet and handed it to Ronald. This card was different from the first but listed Jesse McCoy-McAdam as President and Owner of McAdam Construction Services. Ronald looked at the first card, and then the second before recognition set in.

"Oh shit," said Ronald. "Now I know why the head office was on top of this project so much."

Jesse handed out more of the McAdam Contracting cards to the men in the room and seated around the lunch table. It took a moment for all 15 of the men to realize who was standing in front of them.

Ray was the first to realize it. "You're the owner? I thought the gay guy who owned it was dead."

Jesse bit his lower lip.

Jared stepped in, "You're partially right, Ray... the known owner by the name of Marc McAdam-McCoy died in an industrial accident at one of the projects. This man, Jesse McCoy-McAdam was his husband and is now the total owner of the company."

Ray didn't have much to say except, "Oh."

Jesse was back in control, "Peter, take these two men and taken them into your office where all three of you will wait for me. I have a couple of phone calls to make."

The first call was to Jack, who was in the best position to get things rolling on the McAdam side of the business. Jesse explained what had happened as Jack quietly listened. When Jesse explained what he thought should happen, Jack was in total agreement and would make the necessary arrangements. Jesse had gone to Peter's office and sent the three of them off site for brunch, stalling until the personnel from the Head Office could arrive to deal with them. Jesse and Jared took statements from the rest of the men, and then sent them back to work. Jesse kept Dirk and Austin behind after the others had left to go back to work. The men were sitting and making small talk when Zane entered the trailer.

Jesse stood and introduced Zane to Dirk and Austin. "Dirk, this is Zane and he is the director of the LGBT Drop in Centre, shelter and food bank."

When Dirk stood, he towered over Zane. "Pleased to meet you, Zane," he said as he extended his hand.

Before Zane realized he had said, "Holy shit."

Dirk looked at him and then a huge smiled spread on his face. "That's the first time anyone ever said it to my face."

"I'm sorry, it just slipped out," replied Zane horrified. It didn't help with Jesse and Jared snickering in the background.

"Zane, no worries," replied Dirk. "I think it's hilarious. It actually took me years to learn how to sit and look average sized." When he was seated, Dirk looked like a weightlifter with a thick, short neck sitting on a chest which was most likely around 60". Even his arms were huge at 18.5" around. When he stood, he was about 6'6" and the size of a Yeti.

"You blot out the sun, Dirk," replied Zane with a smirk.

Dirk began to laugh a deep belly laugh at the comment before saying, "That is an original one."

A couple of moments later, they were all sitting around the table when Zane asked Dirk if he would repeat his story about his son. Dirk was more than happy to tell him about his son Caanan Breck and his short life.

He had lost his mother when he was seven in a tragic traffic accident but he went through the normal stages of grief as well as anyone. He talked about his son in school and having no problem telling the world he was gay at a very early age. Dirk explained how very few people had problems with it and even a couple of others came out as well. He also had no problem with it himself after something deep inside him wasn't surprised and the two of them attended some LGBT Family support sessions together. They had to travel quite a distance to go to the meetings as there was nothing local, but the two of them enjoyed the traveling and the time together. His son did well in school, excelled in sports was popular in school due to his personality and success at sports. His son was not as big as he was but he was 6'3" and lifted weights as well. "He was just an average person who fit in with the others. No one really challenged him about being gay, but at the same time he didn't flaunt it in people's faces either. Caanan once said people who are diabetic or raised by a single parent don't walk around with a sign on their head or announce it at every opportunity, and he didn't do it for being gay."

"He was to start university in the Faculty of Education to be a teacher when he was killed. He had gone to the church in the next community where we had attended the meetings for a LGBT youth dance that night. It was midnight and Caanan was going to come home after having fun. He didn't make it to his car when the four drunk rednecks jumped him on the street in front of the church where he had parked. They didn't know him, they had never met him, he didn't do anything to any of them; it was random. They knifed him after kicking the shit out of him," explained Dirk as a tear escaped his eye. "I hope to this very day the head injury made him unconscious so he didn't feel his bones breaking as they put the boots to my son. They knifed him to make sure he was dead. The police said he lived for a short time as it appeared he tried to crawl back to the church for help. This was two years ago and the trial is just coming up for the accused," said Dirk as he finished the story.

The men in the room sat in silence for a moment as the story sank in. Zane spoke first, "Dirk, first of all, you should know Jesse is my boyfriend."

Dirk smiled, "That I didn't know or would have never guessed."

"When he called me and told me the short version of story, I thought of one thing which he and I had discussed previously. Although we are a LGBT drop in center, we also give shelter to anyone who needs it. The food bank is open for any person who needs it, and nothing we do is restricted by sexual identity. Our dream for this centre is to support any part of the community which needs it, and a special or safe place for the LGBT community as well. A true community is made up of many different factors, and we hope to be the focal point. The First Nations always say 'It takes a community to raise a child' and we want this centre to be part of it. This entire building complex is named after Jesse's deceased husband, and we had discussed names for the LGBT Centre. After hearing this story, I would like to call it the Caanan Breck Outreach Centre, with your permission of course."

Dirk sat there in stunned silence. Austin leaned over and jabbed him lightly in the ribs. "Dirk, he always said he was going to make a difference someday."

Dirk had tears running down his cheeks as he nodded his head up and down in agreement with what Austin had said. "Austin, he always said that and I believed him."

Austin looked over at the other men in the room and said, "Dirk and I have been friends as long as either of us can remember. I was best man at his wedding, and held him up at the funeral of his wife. I was a brother and uncle to Caanan..." Austin lost his voice. After a minute, he continued, "I have no family because I'm gay, and Caanan filled in for the little brother I wasn't allowed to see and haven't seen for 20 years. Dirk is straight, but we live together as roommates and we are each other's only family."

"Austin and I survived the loss of Caanan together," said Dirk. "Are you serious about this, Zane?"

"Absolutely Dirk. I don't expect an answer today but if you would think about it..." Dirk cut him off.

"Zane, it would be an honour to the memory of my son to have his name on your building," replied Dirk as he pulled Zane in for a bone crushing hug.

"...Can't breathe..." gasped Zane. Dirk let him go.

"Remind me to never get you mad at me," laughed Zane.

"Dirk, are you planning on going to watch the trial for the accused killers?" asked Jesse.

"Damn right; and I know Austin will be at my side the entire time as well."

"Well, seeing as you work for my company, I guess you get a free lawyer to represent your interests in the matter as well," said Jesse.

Dirk sat there stunned again. "You would do that for me, Sir?"

"First of all, it's Jesse. Secondly, as long as you don't crush me..." but he never finished his statement as Dirk hugged him tightly.

Zane almost fell out of the chair laughing hard as did Jared. All Jesse could say was "ack."

Zane finally said, "Down Dirk, down Dirk. Let the lawyer who is representing you down before you kill him."

Dirk, Jared and Austin started laughing as he released Jesse.

"We got to get Darren and Dirk in mud wrestling sometime," said Jared. "That would be fun to watch the fireman get his due."

Zane laughed, "You see the size of his hands? One smack and it's lights out."

The outer door opened and three men no one recognized entered the trailer, all wearing tailor made suits.

The older one approached the group and asked Jared, "Is the project superintendent here?"

"No, the project superintendent, manager and the employee who caused the problems were sent out to have brunch while we waited for you guys to come down," replied Jared.

"So you guys are witnesses?" he asked.

Jesse stepped forward with the pile of statements and notes in his hands. "Yes, we are and I've already taken statements from everyone."

The second man of the group rolled his eyes as he said, "We'll have to interview everyone to do it properly."

Zane and Jared started to chuckle. The first man was not amused. "You find this funny? This is a very serious matter and if you expect us to take you seriously you better change your tune."

Jesse was not smiling as he calmly asked, "Or you will do what?"

"We will conclude the matter as unreliable witnesses," he shot back.

Jared and Zane stepped back against the wall, and both Austin and Dirk said, "Oh shit."

Jesse moved forward, and stood in front of the three men with his hands on his hips. "Before you three continue to shoot your mouths off, maybe you would introduce yourselves?"

The older man looked into his face and for the first time ever in his life, he became afraid of the cold, calculating, and lack of any emotion look in Jesse's eyes. It sent a shiver up and down his spine.

"I am Dale Hirstead, AVP of Human Resources. This is Jed Newton, AVP of Operations, and that's Cliff Springer, the OHS Manager. May I ask the same courtesy from you gentlemen?"

Jesse answered, "The tall guy is Jared Bear, a client and partner with McAdam Construction on this project. The next person standing there is Zane Pasquate and he is a client of McAdam Construction on this project. These two gentlemen are Dirk and Austin, and are valued employees of McAdam Construction. My name is Jesse, and I am a client of McAdam Construction on this project. Jared is the owner of the ambulance service, Zane is manager of the LGBT community centre, and I am representing the law group in this three partner project."

"So you are a legal student?" asked Jed. Jesse noted the shaking of the head and the staring at the floor of the safety manager.

"No, I'm a lawyer," replied Jesse.

Cliff looked up and at Jesse, "May I ask you a question, Jesse?"

Dale shot him a dirty look. "Maybe you can take a look around at the site until we need you."

Jesse was looking at the man and scanning his memory for where he knew him. Then it clicked. Jesse walked over and took the man into a hug. "Cliff, I am so sorry I didn't recognize you. Please forgive me."

"Jesse, I am so happy to see you again."

They ended their embrace and Jesse dragged Cliff over to Zane and Jared. "Cliff, this is Zane, my boyfriend and my brother Jared. I have so much to tell you."

"Jesse, the last I heard from Jack was you were on the road searching for the meaning of life."

"I was, and these are two who showed it to me. Because of them, I'm back among the living and trying to make a difference in people's lives again. Zane, Jared, this man was a good friend of Marc, and he was working safety on another project when the incident happened which killed him."

Cliff hugged Jesse again. "Jesse, it is so good to see you full of life again. I would love to sit and talk with you over some wine..."

"Stay the night. I would love you to get to know Zane, Jared and his boyfriend, Liam. I'm part of a family here now with nine brothers."

"Good grief, Jesse, it may take more than a single night to catch up."

"Excuse me," said Dale.

Jesse turned, and raised a finger, "No, excuse me for a minute." Jesse walked over to the two men and took his wallet out, removed two business cards and handed one to each. "You two work for me, is there any part of that which you are unable to grasp?"

Both of them went pale.

"You are going to do the following. When the superintendent, manager and employee get back, you will fire the employee. You will fire the project manager for his lack of dealing with the problem in the first place. You will demote the superintendent to a project manager on another project until he learns to do his job. I am a very capable lawyer and have completed the investigation. You will do as you are told, or join the unemployment line. Is there any part of that which you are unable to grasp?"

"No sir," they both said.

"Now, go and get ready to deal with the three when they return and earn the money I am obviously overpaying you. Close the door to this room on your way out and don't let it hit you in the ass."

After they had left and the door was closed, Dirk spoke up. "Mr. McCoy-McAdam, I may be twice your size and potentially scary to most people, but I never want to be on your bad side. You just scared the shit out of me."

Jesse walked over and looked into Dirk's eyes. "It's Jesse to you and if you ever fail to call me Jesse again I will show you how a little guy like me who is trained in martial arts can make a mess of big guy like you."

Dirk looked deeply into Jesse's eyes, and then said "I believe you, squirt."

Jesse roared with laughter as did everyone else in the room.

Jared walked up to Jesse and placed his hand over Jesse's heart. Jesse stood still and looked into Jared's eyes. "Jesse, everyday your heart heals more and more as does your spirit. Our mutual friend is proud."

Jesse's eyes clouded for a moment, and then cleared. "Thank you, Masqua."

Zane came over and gave him a big hug. He whispered into Jesse's ear, "That turned me on so bad I want to rip your clothing off and have sex on the floor right now."

Jesse blushed deeply, and then laughed as he hugged him back.

"Will you two get a room, or do you want us to leave," said Jared.

Zane was about to answer when Jesse cut him off, "Don't encourage him, Jared."

The AVP's did as they had been told and dealt with the three employees. A new project manager was being searched for and would meet with Jesse, Zane and Jared as soon as he arrived. Until then, Jesse and Zane would look after the project. Cliff departed the site with Jared, Jesse and Zane and headed over to the ambulance base.

They gave him a tour and introduced him to Troy and Liam. It didn't take Cliff long to feel quite comfortable with Jesse's new friends. In fact, he really began to enjoy being with them. Troy invited the whole gang over to the apartment for dinner so they could just relax and Cliff get to know them better. They were standing at the back door just about ready to leave when they heard a hand held air horn go off in the office somewhere, followed promptly by a scream everyone knew too well as Melanie on the warpath.

A set of running feet were heard coming down the hallway, and Liam came around the corner in a full run. He went past the past the men and out the back door after kicking the door open.

A set of stomping footsteps were heard and around the corner came Melanie. "Where is the little bastard?"

Troy smiled and asked very cutely, "Who would you be looking for?"

Melanie moved in close and got nose to nose with him, "Don't even try to be cute or it will be guilt by association."

Troy pointed to the backdoor and said, "That way."

Jared was laughing, "That took a lot of interrogation and bamboo slivers under the nails."

"Hey, survival instinct kicked in," said Troy.

Melanie looked at Cliff. "Who's the fresh meat?"

Cliff locked eyes with her and never broke contact, "Cliff Springer, the OHS Manager for McAdam Construction. I'm a friend of Jesse and his late husband Marc."

Melanie kept looking at him, trying to get a read on him.

"I'm going to guess either a Captain or Major, and probably Marines. My father was Full Bird Colonel, and my mother was a Sgt Major before she retired. You're an amateur compared to them," said Cliff with a big smile.

Melanie stared at him for a moment, and then smiled. "You're the first one with balls around here, Cliff." She moved real close in towards him and said slowly, "You better not rub off on them or teach them anything or your ass is grass."

"I was army, screw you, ya wanna be," he replied with a smile.

"Shit," said Melanie as she turned away. "I'll get the little bastard tomorrow."

"What did he do?" asked Zane.

"He bought a bunch of those gas air horns and taped them under some of the office chairs. When you sit on one, it compresses and pushes the button on the top of the horn. Little bastard got me, and then I bounced over to the chair next to it behind Dawn's desk and he got me again. Gonna pay him back good this time, the little peckerhead," said Melanie with a smile.

"He's really quite devious, isn't he, cuz," said Jared laughing.

She looked over her shoulder as she was moving down the hall towards the offices, "He's more of a challenge than I thought he ever would be. He's doing alright, Jared."

The group couldn't contain their laughter any more after that, and went out the back door. They found Liam hiding in the back seat of the SUV on the floor. On the way home, Liam admitted he had got into her car and rigged her driver's seat too. Cliff shook his head while laughing. Jesse was laughing and involved with the group as an equal contributor, and had really come a long way since he had seen him months ago.

They got to the apartment and were met by Tyler, Darren and Josh. Cliff was getting a bit overwhelmed with meeting all these new people, but he was amazed at the chemistry between them all. Jesse wasn't kidding when he had described them as brothers and family the way they were interacting with each other.

Cliff and Jesse sat on the little balcony and watched the BBQ while everyone else was inside and talked.

"Jesse, you said boyfriend, is it too quick?" asked Cliff cautiously.

"I had this chat with Jack and Molly a while ago, and they not only agreed but supported me."

Cliff looked at Jesse, and then asked, "Is it real or a money grabber?"

"It's real, Cliff, and like I said, Molly and Jack have spent time with him and our group and are very supportive of us. He's a wonderful man, Cliff, and we live in an apartment over the current LGBT Centre. He lives on what he makes, and nothing more."

"So he knows you're worth money?"

The screen door opened and Zane stepped out, and stood behind Jesse with both hands on his boyfriend's shoulders.

"Jesse, let me answer that one."

"Zane, you don't have to," said Jesse.

"Jesse, I am proud to answer it." Zane looked directly at Cliff and said, "Our relationship was blessed by Marc himself from the other world. There are many, many things in this world people do not understand and the native spirituality is one of them. Something you might understand is I signed a release for Jack."

Jesse turned, and was beginning to get agitated. "He had you sign..."

"No Jesse, I held him hostage about it. He and Molly both said they trusted me with you and your assets but I refused to be a part of it. I told them if I didn't sign away potential or actual claims, I would prevent us from moving forward in our relationship. I made it clear to them I would end it immediately if I couldn't sign and swear something." Zane took both of Jesse's hands into his, and then said, "I'm sorry I didn't talk to you about this, but I wanted us to be together because of us and I never wanted anyone to think of me as a money grabber."

"Zane, I never thought that of you, ever. I know differently."

"I hope you're not mad at me about it, but I had to do it. Jesse, I don't need anything but you."

Jesse had tears in his eyes, "Zane, doing that behind my back is the most romantic thing anyone could ever do. I love living with you in that apartment, and I don't need anything but you."

Zane turned to Cliff, "He draws a small salary from the LGBT Centre and together, we survive and live ok, but not wanting for anything. I don't want what he could buy me."

Cliff was smiling, "I'm sorry I doubted you both. That was the most beautiful and believable thing I've ever seen."

Jesse pulled Zane onto his lap and gave him a kiss. "We need to have a discussion about you sneaking around, and I need to have a discussion with Jack and Molly too."

"Jesse, please don't and don't be mad at me or them. I love the physical and spiritual person I'm sitting on; I don't give a shit about the monetary side. They didn't want to do it, especially without your knowledge but I threatened them as I said."

Jesse laughed and said "Ok, ok. I won't say anything to Jack and Molly. You really gave up all those millions?"

Zane smiled. "Nice try councillor, I researched you and your companies enough for me to state it was informed consent or with full knowledge when I signed away the approximately 2.2 Billion in assets."

Jesse's face went blank, and then he looked at Cliff. "It's worth that much?"

Cliff laughed and nodded yes.

"Zane I had no clue and now I'm thinking we should just disappear to somewhere warm for the rest of our lives."

"Nope, isn't going to happen. We have lives to save here and make a difference." He leaned down and kissed Jesse gently.

Cliff raised his hands and said, "I give up. It's real love and you are not a money grubber, Zane."

"I love my little social worker," said Jesse.

"I love my little lawyer," said Zane looking into Jesse's eyes.

Suddenly, they heard six men gagging themselves behind them. Looking through the glass doors they could see their friends making gestures and gagging themselves. The two men stuck their tongues out the others. Cliff couldn't help but laugh.

Just then, the apartment door opened and Patrick was standing there in a T shirt and board shorts. He didn't stand a chance when all six of them grabbed him and started to wrestle.

"Are they always like this?" asked Cliff.

"Absolutely Cliff and I love it. Just so you know, I will always love Marc but in a different way now. Marc is in the spiritual world and waiting for us to join him some day long in the future, and Zane is here in the physical world. Zane and I love each other, and it's not a competition for the love I have for Marc's memory. It took me quite a while to learn that."

After a moment, Cliff spoke "Jesse, I worked with Marc for many years, and we developed a friendship where we could discuss anything and at times we bounced ideas or thoughts off each other. I had a very deep professional respect for Marc, and an even stronger loyalty to him as a friend."

"Cliff, Marc spoke of you often and his loyalty as a friend to you was just as strong. He and I both have a lot of respect for you as a professional and a person."

"Thank you, Jesse, and I guess talking with you today has helped me."

"How do you mean, Cliff?"

"I have been grieving the loss of a close friend, and that ended today. You put it into perspective for me."

Jesse gave the man a hug, and then said, "Anytime Cliff, and quit hanging around with those two stuffed shirts. They were so full of themselves I almost barfed."

Cliff laughed, "They weren't just full of themselves, they were so rigid they must have had a 4x4 shoved up their ass, but I won't be dealing with it much longer. I'm entertaining a promotion with another company."

"Can we talk about this a little later, I would love to know what's going on in the company that would cause you to do this."

"Ok, if you have time," replied Cliff.

"Oh, there will definitely be time."

There was snap of an elastic band from someone's underwear band being let go and Liam screamed. Patrick laughed, and then started laughing as someone tickled him.

Cliff enjoyed the meal, and all the stories the guys were telling about their canoeing, time at the cabin, and work of course. The chemistry between the men amazed Cliff as he watched them interacting. Even the neighbour kid was treated as if he was member of the family. After dinner, Zane and Jesse reminded him that he was going to stay at their apartment.

The men all headed out to the LGBT Centre for their self-defence class. Cliff backed out and took off to check out of his hotel room. Chad and Eric made it to class as they were forming up for stretches. They were surprised to see quite a few people in class ranging from Darren as the biggest all the way down to a couple of younger and very wiry young men. One of the young men named Trevor gave them a couple gi's to put on for the class. When they had finished changing they found everyone in a large circle waiting for them. Liam pointed to where they should stand. Jared requested everyone introduce themselves to Chad and Eric. Including the new arrivals, there were 22 for class tonight. Chad was surprised that except for the running shoes, everyone was dressed exactly the same and wearing the white belt around the jacket. Jesse moved into the centre of the circle.

"To the east" and the group bowed to the east. "To the south" and the group did it again. The west and the north were acknowledged the same way.

Jesse said to the group, "Everyone together, wisdom comes when you start living the life the Creator intended for you."

Jesse moved back into the circle. "We stand in a circle why, Conner?"

Conner immediately answered, "We stand in a circle because everyone is equal, side by side as brothers."

Jesse then asked Mark, "What else is special about the circle?"

Mark answered immediately, "There is no one in front of you or behind you, we are equal in worth and value."

Jesse asked Nikita next, "What else about the circle?"

Nikita smiled a beautiful smile, "Everything in life is circular, the seasons, the medicine wheel, the food chain, the earth. The circle is the sign of power, a good power."

Neither Chad nor Eric missed the Russian accent in the young man's speech and wondered where they found this person. It was also clear to them the Russian young man and the one who gave them the clothing to wear were friends.

The group went through an extensive set of stretches and yelled a count up to 10 for every movement. When they were done, they broke into two lines and began a line up, one after the other, alternating lines of a flying front roll. Jesse and Jared worked with Chad and Eric to refine their technique. They practiced various break falls as well as basic throws. The two newcomers were actually having trouble keeping up to the high level of physical activity. Finally, they all sat down on the mats.

Jesse stood up, "So Chad, why do you think of our warm ups?"

"Warm ups? Jesse, we've done more in the first 30 minutes than we did at the academy in an entire class."

Jesse laughed at the comment. "Tyler says that too."

Patrick spoke up, "You mean whines..." A smack on the back of the head was head because Tyler was sitting next to the young man.

The group did some good natured one-on-one matches where they both sat back to back and when told to start, they had to pin the other to the mat for a win. Finally, with a smirk, Jesse invited Chad and Eric to team up against Tyler.

"That's not fair," said Chad.

"We know, but if you bring more friends maybe it will even the odds," said Tyler to the shock of Chad and Eric.

"Fine," smirked Chad. The three assumed the start positions.

As soon as Jesse yelled start, the two men turned to attack Tyler... but he wasn't there. Suddenly, they were both pushed face first into the matts. Tyler then gave them both wedgies before moving off to the side.

"You're quick," said Chad as he rolled onto his back and jumped to his feet. Eric did the same. Both were scanning the mats looking for Tyler but he had already attacked them from behind through their blind spot. Again they went face first into the mat.

When they rolled to look up this time, they were pissed right off and their anger showed. Tyler was just standing on the mat looking at them. Chad got up and dove to tackle Tyler, but only found air. Tyler had moved.

"Son of a bitch," fumed Chad. Eric was just as mad.

"Fuck this, let's nail him," said Eric angrily.

They didn't get one step before they both found themselves pinned on their back. Tyler had Chad and Troy had Eric, neither could move under the hold and weight of the men on top of them.

Tyler looked into the wide eyes of Chad, "This is a place of good will, and over time you will learn that when you lose your temper... you lose the fight. One rule we have is absolutely no swearing in the classroom."

Troy was looking down at Eric, their eyes locked. Eric's eyes were locked on Troy's, and he was seeing something in this paramedic's eye's he had never seen before. He was sensing a controlled power, confidence, and a level of inner strength which dwarfed his own. This Troy had the looks of a very competent paramedic, but he had the heart of fire or a powerful animal.

"Eric," said Troy looking down at him. "Do you give up? If you do, pound the mat twice."

Eric did so, and Troy released him. He watched the fluidity of the movement as Troy moved to his feet and was impressed.

Tyler's eyes were locked on Chad's, who was trying to outstare him.

Tyler sat back, keeping one hand on Chad's chest. "When you lost your temper... you lost the match. Never lose control of your emotions when you need them the most." He leaned down and sniffed like he smelling a flower, "You have the odour or scent of someone who is on the run. Chad, we have your back. Turn and fight that which chases you."

Chad relaxed, "You guys really don't pull punches, do you?"

"In time my old friend and co-worker, you will come to realize how much we can help you if you want it. Until then, try and keep up with me." Tyler moved quickly into a roll and jumped to his feet.

The rest of the class was spent on learning how to break various holds, and combine that with previously learnt moves as part of a flow.

At the end, the group formed a circle and again bowed to each direction.

Liam stepped forward, and held both hands out in front at waist level with his palms up. His head was down as he spoke.

"Creator, Continue to lead us to the path of peace and understanding, let all of us live together as brothers and sisters. Our lives are so short here, walking upon Mother Earth's surface, let our eyes be opened to all the blessings you have given us. Creator, please hear our thanks and our prayers."

The group stood for a moment and then everyone started talking as they headed to the locker room to get changed.

Chad walked towards Tyler, "I had no clue you had that type of strength or ability to move. Troy is even more shocking for a paramedic who can move like that."

"Its discipline, Chad, and we're willing to teach you and Eric as well," replied Tyler. "You need to understand clearly we live what we believe to the best of our abilities and you are just scratching the surface of how complex our tribe and the members truly are."

"I'm beginning to realize I've severely underestimated all of you," said Eric.

Chad looked at his feet and up at Eric. "I have to admit, I've really underestimated all of you as well."

"You guys are so open with your relationships and friendship with everyone you encounter. Without any questions, you opened your lives to Chad and I as well," explained Eric. "One minute your all slapping each other like the Three Stooges and the next minute you are saving someone's life or deep into cultural ceremonies or the extreme discipline of martial arts. You guys are the only ones I have ever misread this bad."

Liam moved and put his arm over Chad's shoulder. "We are professionals, friends, brothers and a family. We were all lost until we came together as a family under the guardianship of our big brother Jared. As a family, we play hard and work hard."

Jared added, "We've all seen a lot of travesty, suffering and death in our lives and our work. As a family, we overcome the problems together through hijinks, love, discipline and spiritualism. If you don't deal with it, it will burn you up inside. We have a lot of fun, and in return that fun keeps us sane. For example..." he said as he glanced at Liam, then loudly said, "Squirrel!"

Liam looked around briefly before catching on. "Hey!"

Laughing, Jesse stepped into the circle and put his arms over Jared and Liam. "Chad, Eric, we could all tell you our stories and how we came together, and that may happen at some point, but what you need to know is that our hijinks do not interfere with our work. The hijinks are our way of communicating and sharing love. It's what we do." Jesse smirked as he added, "and remind Liam about eating too much cheesecake."

"Hey, I am right here!"

Tyler jumped in now to take over the conversation, "I know I like being underestimated, Chad. I can function very well by blending into the background until I need to move forward in a role. The key is to focus on whatever you need to do at that moment. And sometimes, the thing to focus on is watching Liam run in terror from Melanie."


"Laughter, love and enjoying life is what it is all about," added Josh. "Until you need to be serious. We give 110% to our jobs, fun, and to our family. It's a balance. Our brothers and having fun keep us balanced for the serious parts of jobs where we have to be focused, or deal with things they don't pay us enough to clean up let alone see. By the way, the most awful thing I've seem is Liam eating an entire cheesecake."

"Like whatever."

Eric spoke up finally, "You mean you use the humor and the family to help you through the rough points instead of like so many others in our line work which turn to alcohol."

"That's the bottom line Eric, but there is a lot more to it than just that. It takes time to learn what our family members mean to each other, and the love we will share with anyone who wants it," added Liam. "Except for my cheesecake. See if I ever share it with any of you again." Liam promptly stuck his tongue out at everyone.

The air was suddenly split with a scream for help from Patrick. Liam, Conner and Mark had him pinned to the mats and were tickling him.

"TYLER! HELP MEEEEEEEEE!" screamed Patrick.

Troy and Tyler moved from two directions and nailed all three of the people tickling their little brother. Then the wrestle match was on. Darren, Jesse, Zane and Josh piled in next followed quickly by Adam and Jared. Trevor and Nikita jumped on too. The rest of the class had already run out or they would have also been on top of the pile.

Chad and Eric watched the pile of them wrestling.

"You realize it would be prudent to leave now before they change their focus..." Eric never finished his sentence as both of them were attacked and drawn into the mess of wrestling people.

The apartment was exactly as Jesse had described it. It was a basic unit with well maintained but older furniture. The space had very little clutter or trinkets around it. While it wasn't barren, it was functional but without superfluous items. A very comfortable apartment is what struck Cliff. The atmosphere, Jesse with Zane's chemistry, and the warmth of the furniture they did have made it a very comfortable place to be in. The three men were sitting in the living room sharing a bottle of Galo Family Zinfandel, Zane's favorite. Cliff was sitting in the arm chair while Zane and Jesse were snuggled together on the couch.

"Cliff, please tell me why you're taking a position and moving away from McAdam Construction."

"Well, Jesse, since Marc's accident I've been sent to all the small projects. There's been realignment in the management structure and I've been put into a holding pattern by the new dream team. Basically, I'm in the office at the end of the hall. The person no one needs or notices, but can't get rid of."

"What do you mean?" asked Jesse.

"Well, after the funeral the Board needed to fill the position left behind by Marc so they created a new CEO Position. He seemed to bring a team with him and soon enough two factions developed. It seemed like the old guard was being forced out, and as part of the old guard who is in a very specialized field I was given a small office at the end of the hall."

"What is your gut feeling on this, Cliff? What's going on in there?"

"I don't know, Jesse, but perhaps a forensic audit would reveal something."

"Cliff, out of all the things in the world you could have chosen, you said audit. Why?"

"Jesse, just things I overheard and a few things I saw such as contractors and executives too close and friendly."

"How are you with the CEO?"

"I don't exist to him or his staff. You saw how they spoke to me today. That's not unusual, Jesse."

Jesse grabbed the phone and dialed Jack's number and put it on speakerphone.

"Hello Jesse," said Jack without any other acknowledgement.

"Hi Jack. How are you and Molly doing tonight?"

"We are wonderful son, what's wrong, Jesse? It's your voice, are you ok?" asked Molly quickly.

"Mom, with the friends I have here, do you really think anything serious could happen they couldn't deal with?"

Jack laughed, "He's got you on that one, Molly. I can't think of anywhere he could be safer than under the protection of Jared's tribe and their connections as Shaman. In spite of that, what's wrong?"

"I have Cliff Springer here..." said Jesse as he explained the information Cliff had passed on. Jack asked Cliff many questions, and every one of them were answered without hesitation. Molly also asked questions around the new bidding and awarding processes for contracts Cliff had spoken of. What really concerned Jack was Cliff indicated he would be a definite target now after being invited to the Owner's place for dinner and overnight. Cliff's logic was he had been keeping a low profile and blending in as much as he could to keep his job, and he has now openly aligned himself with the faction of the old guard now. Jesse asked him if Marc's office was still being held for him to use if he ever came to the building. Cliff explained he had heard the CEO ranting about the Board of Directors ordering him to keep that office open for the owner's use only. Jack confirmed he had used it a few times when attending meetings over there and other than the project files, everything was still there as Marc had left it. Zane gently reached around Jesse and hugged him while placing his chin on his shoulder and leaning his head into his boyfriend's. Jesse leaned back into Zane and leaned his head against Zane's, but never stopped talking with Jack and Molly.

"Jesse, give me a minute to think about this," said Jack.

"No problem Jack," replied Jesse.

"Hey, momma Molly and daddy Jack," said Zane.

"I was wondering if you were there, Zane, but I knew better without asking," said Molly. "How are my boys?"

"We're wonderful, Molly, every day is living the dream as long as I'm with Jesse," replied Zane, and then he kissed the back of Jesse's head.

"That's good to hear. How is the rest of the tribe?" asked Molly.

"We had dinner with them tonight and introduced Cliff to them all. By the way, Liam is really keeping Melanie on her toes. He got her with the old air horn under the chair trick today."

They could hear both Molly and Jack laughing on the other end of the phone.

"Cliff, what do you think of Jesse's new family?" asked Molly.

"Molly, I have never met a group of people who are so honest, caring and loving as these guys in my entire life. This man Zane who Jesse found has such a high level of integrity and unconditional love I am in awe. I wish these guys could find me someone like anyone of the tribe members."

Zane got up from the couch, and went to hug Cliff. "Thank you for what you said, Cliff, it means a lot to me."

"Cliff, can you run the project out there for us?" asked Jack.

"Yes sir, this is a fairly simple operation and it is past the point of re-engineering the structure. It's just a matter of following the prints, working with the client, creating 'as built' documentation and finishing it."

"How hard is it for you to be on-site for a while? I mean from the social side of your life?"

"Not a problem, Jack. I live in a small apartment and do nothing but workout or play computer games after work. I have no other social life."

"I am going to make a phone call and you will be assigned as the project manager, with a compensation package fitting of the new role. I think I'll call Grandfather Mathew too. Cliff, Grandfather Mathew is Jesse and the tribe's patriarch, and is just finishing a multiple housing project. It's a long story but he has an absolutely incredible team of men to work with. His entire team of tradespeople are finishing up a project and they were hoping they could work on something else with him. They are more loyal to him than anyone I have ever heard of before and it will also give me time to sort out what is going on in the office at McAdam Construction. As of this moment, you report to Jesse, the President and Owner of the company. Are we clear?"

Both Jesse and Cliff said, "Yes sir."

"You can book a hotel room for the short term until we figure out a timeline for you. Cliff, these expenses in the project are not to be costed + 10% to the client as they are organizational based failures and not client based."

"Understood, Jack. I'm not even thinking that far ahead yet."

"Take some time to get a feel for the project, Cliff, and do not hesitate to get ahold of Jesse or me if you need something or someone causes you problems. Zane is an incredible man and he is available to help you with whatever he can as well."

"Yes sir."

"Jesse, I have a plan formulating in my head and I think I see a place for a forensic audit team to be sent into the head office. Just a thought, but I am going to ask for a couple of very special people to be a part of the team. This could take some time but I'm thinking an audit starting at financial but spreading out to everything including the disposal of construction material overages or recyclables and even compliance with safety requirements after Cliff was removed from the field. It's easy to cut corners and hide if the bloodhound or watchdog is caged."

"Understood and I agree with you, Jack," said Jesse.

"I'll make that call right away, and get the other things rolling in the morning," said Jack.

Molly yelled from the background, "Bye boys. Love you both."

Both Jesse and Zane replied, "You too, mom and dad."

After the phone disconnected, Cliff had a strange look on his face. "Am I going to be targeted by the executive now?"

"And you would be afraid of the executive why? You directly report to the owner and President who outranks them."

Cliff smiled and slapped his forehead. "Doh! I really should have thought that one out before I asked."

Zane laughed, "Why, Jesse never does?"

"You bastard," said Jesse as he pinched Zane's ass.

The men were enjoying a second glass of wine when Cliff's phone rang. He answered it on speaker. It was the AVP of Human Resources calling to explain a temporary change in duties. He professionally explained the job, the reporting and the procedure for claiming expenses for the duration of the project.

After the call, the three men discussed the project a bit. It wasn't long before the wine bottle was empty and the three settled down to sleep. Cliff had commented that even the couch was better than his bed at home.

Next: Chapter 40: Jared the Paramedic II 25

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