Jared the Paramedic

By Snowblind94

Published on Dec 23, 2016


Disclaimer: All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. The following contains scenes of explicit scenes involving male sex and in a variety of consensual activities. But, if you're looking for non-stop sex then this isn't the story for you. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed any further. The characters are entirely fictitious and are not based on anyone who has or is still living.

This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit written permission from the author.

If you have any questions or comments, please send them to me at snowblind94@yahoo.ca Don't forget, donate to Nifty to keep the free service functioning.

Jared the Paramedic - Volume II Chapter 22 - Retreat's End

Jared was awoken from his meditation by a gentle kiss. "Hmmmm. What a way to wake up," said Jared as he opened his eyes to see Liam.

"If I had known you had got up through the night, I would have come with you," said Liam.

"We will talk of it tonight at home, too many ears here."

"Well, when I woke up this morning I had Patrick latched onto me." Liam leaned in close and whispered, "And he was as hard as a rock, and unless I miss my guess he is quite gifted."

Jared laughed and whispered back, "He would die if he knew, Liam."

"I don't know who he was doing in his dream, but my leg is going to be bruised."

Jared was laughing, but put his hands over his crotch. "I will deal with you at home tonight, lover. Watch it, Patrick is coming."

Patrick walked right up, a man with a mission. "I'm sorry I was snuggling with you, Liam. I didn't know..."

"No worries, little man," replied Liam quickly. "All of us here have fallen asleep snuggled up to each other."

The young man looked at Liam for a moment, and Jared noticed a spark in his eyes this time. Liam had noticed it, too. Patrick was looking confused.

Liam leaned forward and whispered to Patrick, "Are you worried about your hard on poking me this morning?"

Patrick immediately went red but shook his head, "Yes."

Jared placed a hand on the young man's shoulder. "Patrick, they happen all the time. To be honest, we have kept our clothes on this weekend so as not to influence or scare you. They happen so we don't worry about them. Besides that Patrick... he was jealous as all hell." Jared pointed at Liam and then used his fingers to indicate small.

"You bitch," squealed Liam with a smile. "That's not what you said the other night when you thought it was too big."

Jared smirked, "Was that you the other night?"

Patrick started to laugh as Liam squealed again. "You are such a bitch," Liam said before he stomped off imitating a little girl's movements. He looked over his shoulder once and stuck his tongue out at Jared as well.

"You guys are nuts," said Patrick.

"We are serious, though; don't think about it any further, not-so-little man."

"Thanks, I feel better now," replied Patrick with a big smile and a blush. "You said you were keeping your clothes on this weekend for me so I wasn't uncomfortable?"

Jared smiled, "Yes, we wear the loin cloths a lot in public or when modesty is required. Patrick, we also do a lot of things just naked, wearing what the creator gave us. Until this weekend, you were not an adult and we didn't want to scare you or be seen as trying to corrupt you. In the future, it will always be your choice to join us or not knowing we accept and support your decision either way."

"Conner, Mark and Adam do this, too?"

"Yes Patrick, they have joined us for volleyball, swimming and just hanging around the cabin naked."

Patrick thought for a moment, and his hands moved to cover his groin area. "You mean all you guys run around naked, and have no problem with it? Tyler and Troy, too?"

"Yes, little brother, everyone. We even have hard-ons at times, but you don't even notice once you get used to being naked. Patrick, you may do what makes you comfortable with no fear or ridicule or pressure to do something you do not feel comfortable with."

"I know, Jared. You guys have all looked out for me and never once been disrespectful of me, my thoughts or my wants. I really do feel safe with you guys."

Tyler come up behind him and gave Patrick a friendly pinch to his ass. The young man squealed and his hands moved quickly to protect his ass. The front of his loin cloth was definitely filled with a semi-hard cock. Jared chuckled thinking Liam may indeed have some bruises on his leg from the dry humping he'd been given.

They fixed a quick breakfast, cleaned up the site and hit the water in the canoes.

The weather was warm and the sun hot already. Jared and Liam were making sure everyone was drinking enough water. There was also a fair amount of splashing going on as well. Three and half hours later, they were pulling up to the new dock at the estate.

Grandfather met them at the water's edge. "There is a good chance of serious thunderstorms this afternoon. I was hoping my children would make it here before they hit."

"I thought the humidity was high this morning," said Adam.

Troy and Tyler stepped forward with a young man between them. "Grandfather, we would like to introduce our friend, Patrick. He is just finishing school, and lives next door to us in the apartments," said Troy.

"He spends a lot of time with us when his mother is working," added Tyler.

"Patrick, this is Jared's Grandfather. He is the oldest man on the planet," started Tyler. He didn't even see the smack to his head from grandfather, but he felt it. "I stand corrected, he is the Most Sacred Medicine Man of the people and the man everyone here loves dearly as their own grandfather."

"Nice recovery," said Grandfather with smile. He reached out and took both of Patrick's hands into his and held them. "It is my pleasure to meet you, Patrick. I have been told many stories of you by the boys and I have been looking forward to meeting you."

Patrick was a little overwhelmed and not sure what to say. Adam came up behind him and whispered, "You can call him grandfather, we all do, Patrick."

Patrick whispered back, "Thanks Adam. Grandfather, I have heard lots about you, too, and I have looked forward to meeting you. These guys hold a special love for you, sir."

Grandfather smiled, and pulled the young man into for a hug. "I think I like this one Troy, he's a keeper," laughed the old man.

Patrick was surprised by the strength of the old man, and hugged him back. When they separated, grandfather placed the palm of his hand over Patrick's heart on his chest. Mathew locked eyes with Patrick, and looked up.

"You are a special young man, Patrick. We need to talk in the near future," said Mathew.

"I would like that," replied Patrick.

Conner and Mark ran up and grabbed grandfather in a hug. "Grandfather," said Conner enthusiastically.

"I'm always happy to see you two," replied the old man as he hugged them back. "Did you enjoy the trip?"

"It was pretty cool," said Mark.

"Yeah, I got to paddle and cook on a fire, too," blurted Conner.

"You guys get the equipment into the new boathouse and put away. I also have a big lunch of pizza for everyone in there, too," said Mathew.

"Pizza!" said Conner as he ran to grab some equipment. Mark and Adam were right behind him.

The men were moving the equipment into the boathouse and Mathew showed them the lay out and where to store the equipment and hang the canoes, paddles and life preservers. One side of the main floor of the boat house was set up as locker room, washroom, gang shower and had a table set up covered in food. It didn't take long before everyone was eating.

Mathew was seated drinking tea. "Jesse, contact Molly when you can please."

"Let me guess, she was checking on me every two hours because I've never done canoeing before."

"Not quite that bad," laughed Mathew. "But, I'm not sure who she drove nuts more - Jack or myself. I'm sure Jack would appreciate you calling her."

Jesse gave a belly laugh to that information.

Zane leaned over and kissed him, "I love it when you laugh from your soul like that." Jesse kissed him back.

"How did you like the trip, Jesse?" asked grandfather.

"I would like to go on a longer one sometime, maybe a smaller group and more miles," said Jesse.

"Darren, how did you and Josh like this trip?" asked Mathew.

"Pretty cool, grandfather, it was nice to spend time as a family together without outside interference," replied Darren.

Grandfather looked at Adam. "So tell me son, you have a new friend."

The salamander was on his shoulders. "Yes grandfather, I would like you to meet Ollie,"

"Osikiyâs," started grandfather. "You are the guide of a special young man and I know you are more than able to protect him."

"Thank you most Sacred Medicine Man of the People, he is indeed a good man and special person," replied the salamander. Just them his big eyes narrowed and his head moved while he tracked a person walking behind grandfather.

Grandfather laughed without even looking, "How is my other grandson Liam after his trip?"

Liam gave him a big hug and kiss on the cheek. "I'm just fine grandfather. I see you have met my future belt."

The salamander didn't give any warning as it spit a gooey ball of green mucous. It got Liam squarely in the middle of the forehead. Mathew began to laugh as Liam voiced his disgust. The other guys were split evenly between saying "gross" or laughing their heads off. Liam ran to the end of the building with the washroom. The last they heard was Liam mumbling "little bastard" as he went around the corner.

Adam was not trying to laugh as he said "Olly, that's not a nice thing to do to Liam - even if it was an incredible shot and he deserved it."

Osikiyâs just smiled back at Adam as his tongue darted in and out of his mouth.

"Jared, will your soulmate learn at some time?" asked Grandfather.

"Even odds right now, Grandfather, and I'm personally leaning to the side that says 'I don't think so'," replied Jared before he took another bite of the pizza.

Grandfather stood there with the strangest look on his face, and the most terrifying reflection of mischievousness in his eyes.

"Grandfather, a penny for your thoughts," stated Jared.

"Just for a moment," he started as he raised his hand up with his index finger extended and he waved his hand around, "and it was just for a moment, Jared. I thought of your soulmate coming out of the washroom to find every one of us with our own Osikiyâs laying across our shoulders, and ready to meet him."

The entire group started to laugh at the thought of Liam covered from head to toe in green snot balls.

"Jared, I severely underestimated your grandfather's wit and now truly understand where yours comes from as well," said Jesse.

"He may be ancient, but never drop your guard around him, Jesse," said Zane quietly. Then with a smile he added, "And make sure you hide and are nowhere around him on April Fool's Day."

"Grandfather, how is the construction of the houses going?" asked Darren.

"They are progressing very well and still on schedule to be available at the end of the month. Once the final inspection is done, you can take possession after that if you want. You could be living here in less than a month if you so choose, Darren. There are units basically able to be used now if we need you here for protection."

Liam came out of the washroom and headed for the food. Jared went up behind and wrapped his arms around the man, and gently kissed his neck.

"I love you soulmate," whispered Jared into his ear.

Liam put the food down and twisted in Jared's arms so they were face to face. "I love you too, soulmate" before they gently kissed.

Tyler was sitting on a chair with Troy on his lap, leaning against his boyfriend. Even Conner and Mark were holding hands and sitting next to each other.

Grandfather raised his hands and the room went silent, "Creator, we thank you for their safety on this trip and bringing all my grandchildren back to me. We thank you for the friendship, the love and the food we share. May we all continue to walk the path we were intended."

With that, they attacked the food with enthusiasm. After they cleaned up the refuse and took the garbage out to the construction bin outside. They piled into the large van Grandfather had driven and he started driving towards the cabin where all the vehicles were still parked. The trip was quiet except for Adam and Grandfather chatting in the front of the van. Everyone else was sleeping or as Darren would say 'resting their eyes.'

Grandfather was chatting with Adam, but in reality it was more of him asking questions and Adam explaining his answers. The old man was skillfully probing the depths of Adams conscious knowledge of medicines and even at times causing the unconscious ones to boil up. The three hours of travel went quickly as the two men chatted.

At the cabin, Grandfather parked the van and started to say good bye to everyone before he went home. He stood in front of Patrick, Conner and Mark and for each of the young men he placed his hand on his heart, said something they didn't understand and then put the palm of his hand on each of their foreheads. He had marked Patrick's forehead last, and the old man moved his hands to the young man's shoulders and grasped them.

"Patrick, you will get to know me better in the future. Until then, believe me when I say that if you need me, Jared or Liam... call our names in your mind and we will come," the old man said. "Troy and Tyler will come as well, Patrick. You are well protected."

"I don't understand?" replied Patrick.

"I have marked you three as protected by the Bear, and if you run into problems and need us you just have to think our names like you were yelling at the top of your lungs, and we will be there to protect you. Conner and Mark already have an idea of the truth of this statement, now you do as well."

"We can explain the honour he has given you more on the way home, Patrick," said Tyler.

Grandfather waved and said, "Peace be with you, grandchildren," he got into his old Jeep Bertha. As Jared approached to complain about him still using the old vehicle, Mathew rolled the window up, turned the radio up to full volume and then kept yelling that he couldn't hear anything as he drove away.

No one could keep a straight face when Jared turned around with a frustrated look on his face. Liam was laughing the hardest and when Jared locked eyes on him, all Liam could say was, "Oh shit!" and start running for the lake. Jared just missed catching Liam as he went running off the end of the dock, splashing in the water. The rest joined them. They found the containers of soap root and began to wash off the grime from the past few days. The group dried off, changed back into their clothes and began to head home.

Conner, Mark and Adam got home and were met at the door by Frank. The three young men all had stories to tell him and he was getting confused. Finally Frank took all three of the young men into his arms and hugged them tightly and kissed the top of each one of their heads.

"Now that I have your attention, I want to hear all your stories - but not at once. Adam, would you and Mark go and get everyone a single bottle of beer and you guys can sit here and take turns telling me your stories. Is that ok?" asked Frank.

Adam and Mark both gave him a hug before running to get a beer. When they returned and passed out the beer, Conner had already started to tell stories. Frank was amazed at the stories and laughed along with the guys. When the beer was finished, they still continued to talk but they took turns in the shower. When they came back in just their boxer shorts, Frank was amazed at how dark their tans were. Conner pulled the back of his boxers down to show him how white his skin was, and Frank gave him a good slap on the exposed flesh. After dancing around for a moment, Conner dove on top of Frank and began to wrestle with him. He was soon be helped by his two brothers, and all three lost the battle to Frank's experience and skills. Soon enough, the three of them had headed off to bed leaving Frank alone in the living room watching TV. They hadn't closed their bedroom door so Frank stood there and looked in on the three young men together in the bed. Mark was spooned behind Conner tightly, and Adam was lying on his back next to them. He thought how Conner and Mark were developing more than a friendship, and they both had a different but special relationship with Adam.

Frank was thinking how he has never been happier in his life, and being a father to these three boys was the big reason. He leaned over and kissed each on their head, and even pulled the covers up a bit to tuck them in. Frank came to the realization these were young men now, and maybe he shouldn't be doing this at their age.

He was about to leave the bedroom when he heard three young men say 'goodnight dad' or 'love you dad' in very sleepy voices. He stopped and said, "I love you guys, too," before crawling into his own bed for the night.

Frank was asleep shortly after his head hit the pillow, and he never saw the stealthy movement through the darkness of the apartment and into the boy's bedroom. The shadow climbed up the side of the dresser and sat on the top, looking over at the three young men all spooning each other. The salamander's tongue was tasting the air for any threats as he settled down for a night near his human. His eyes locked on Adam, and the spirit guide thought to himself, "This is a very special young man so full of life and love to give." He sat for a moment more before thinking, "Ollie? I think I like that name. Ollie. I do like it." He slowly lowered his head to rest while his human slept. "Ollie, yes I like that almost as much as I like the name Adam."

*********** Jesse and Zane got back to their apartment, dropped their backpacks and then frantically tore each other's clothing off on the way to the shower. They both had very white groins and butt cheeks where their breech cloth had covered them over the weekend. The colour distinction made both of them even more beautiful. They were naked and grinding into each other when Jesse stopped and held Zane's head so they were nose to nose, and looking frantically into each others eyes.

Jesse smiled, "I have never been as happy as I am now, with you. I love you."

"Jesse, I have never been as happy as I am now, either. I love you more, infinity."

"I will never forget us spending this time together, and making love on the edge of the hill under the spruce trees."

"Jess, I'll never forget that as well. Something else I am thankful for is reconnecting with my friends, and now becoming part of the family and actively into the tribe. Reconnecting with my heritage, my destiny, and now my soulmate."

"You're right Zane. I thought my world was gone. My family, my husband, my world was destroyed and I ran away. I ran right into your arms when I had learned enough of how things worked in the real world. I now see it as part of a journey to prepare me for you and for our journey together."

"This is what Grandfather Mathew wanted us to do, to build our relationship as brothers, a family and in some cases for soulmates to learn more about each other."

Jesse had a tear leak from his eye. "The more time we're together and I learn about you, Zane, the more I love you. I'm alive and happy today because of you."

Zane smiled and kissed him gently. "I was an emotional island and I had voted everyone else off to protect myself. I finally let someone onto the island and I haven't looked back since. I am alive and happy because of you Jesse. By the way, INFINITY."

Jesse lightly slapped Zane's ass. "Bastard, you said it first."

The two men kissed, and when they finally separated Jesse said, "Make love to me, Zane."

"Lets just go to the bedroom. I love your smell and the taste of your body just like this," said Zane as he licked the side of Jesse's face.

Jesse picked him up in his arms easily, and carried him to the bed before falling onto it. They would both be tired in the morning.

Josh and Darren were sound asleep. The two of them had gone for a run, cleaned up and had a light supper before crawling into bed.

Little Josh was spooned by Darren, secure and safe in his boyfriends arms. Both were linked in a dream they were sharing of having assumed wolf form, and just playing. The two wolves were playing in the long grass, snapping at butterflies and each other's tail. They chased each other, wrestled and jumped rock to rock in the dream. After some time, the wolves grew tired and they fell asleep together on a rock in the sun. In the distance, a human form came out from bushes. Cameron looked at his brother and Josh sleeping as wolves with a smile.

"I told you, little brother, I am never far from you."

Tyler and Troy were sitting together in the bathtub filled with warm water and bubbles. Troy was leaning back against his boyfriend, both in post climax bliss.

"Patrick really enjoyed the weekend and the gifts," said Tyler.

"It was great, wasn't it," replied Troy. He was quiet for a moment. "When he talked about us as his fathers......."

"I know, it hit me the same way. I mean in a good way. I love the brat like a little brother, but it wasn't bad to think of him calling me dad, either."

"Does that mean you would think about adopting kids in the future?"

"Tyler, it would be worth discussion and further consideration as long as they weren't like Liam."

Tyler laughed, "I think we would make good dads." Tyler leaned forward and kissed his boyfriend's head. "I know you would, Troy, and I would try to be, too."

"Girls or boys?"

"Oh god, that's easy, Tyler... boys. With a daughter, you have to worry about every cock. With a son, you only have to worry about one."

"Dad, I like the sound of that Troy. The more I hear it, the more I like it."

"Can you imagine if we all had kids and took them on canoe trips or to the lake as a group?"

"We'd need a highway bus to move everyone."

"Let's dry off and go to bed. Shifts start early in the morning."

Jared and Liam were sitting on each side of the smudging table. They were naked, kneeling and their hands palm to palm over the table. Both had their eyes closed. There was no need for words as they were connected telepathically.

"The brothers all did well this weekend," said Jared in Liam's mind.

"They are pulling together and working as one easily, aren't they?"

"Adam concerns me, but I believe Osikiyasis has him under his control and protection quite well. He will contact us if he needs help."

"Jared, what was following us?"

"I don't know Liam. When I meditated, I flew around and I could only see darkness without form. When it realized I was airborne and had spotted it - it disappeared."

"Is Grandfather aware?"

"He is Liam. I have never seen or known him to be at a loss for words or explanation before. He will need time to meditate."

"We're sure it's Patrick the shadow is after?"

"I'm fairly certain, but we can't drop our guard just in case it's a diversion. Kâkwa will be with him to protect him and summon us if necessary."

"Jared, I'm sensing, or it's the old knowledge coming up, that they need to complete the spirit quest."

"I'm certain of it as well, Liam. Patrick may not be ready for it but the rest need it. Especially the three young ones."

"I would just the two of us to spend some time together as well, Jared. I love my brothers, but I love to be with my boyfriend and not sharing him all the time."

"I understand what you're saying, Liam, and each couple needs quality time on their own."

"I sounded harsh, Jared, and I didn't mean that. The time spent with the family strengthens us individually and as a group, but I would like us to be together. I'm not saying this right....."

"Liam, I agree. I understand and agree, I would like to spend time with you. We don't do enough like we are now, meditating and just communicating our thoughts freely with each other. We have so much to learn about ourselves in our roles, and each other as soulmates."

"I know we've become so busy, Jared. The office project, work, I'm filling in next week at the college, getting ready to move into the compound Grandfather built... I don't want to drift away or apart from each other..."

Jared's eyes flashed and both were back in the physical world. He looked at his boyfriend and saw something he had never seen before in his watery eyes, fear. Jared stood, moved around the low table and effortlessly picked Liam up in his arms, holding him tightly. Liam held him tightly in return.

"Liam, I have you in my arms to hold you, to protect you, and so we may have nothing between our skin contact. I physically am connected to you. I am spiritually and emotionally connected with you. We are one, and always will be one. When we are separate, I am still part of you as you are me. We have shared our life essences inside of each other, we are bonded together. I will always love you my soulmate."

Liam had tears flowing, but he had his head under Jared's chin. "I sounded greedy, Jared, wanting more of your time."

"No, Liam, you didn't sound greedy. We need to always speak of things like this before it damages the bond and love we have."

"I also have to learn that since I am the boyfriend of a very important medicine man, I need to share him with others."

"Liam, we are equal in our roles and our relationship. You are becoming more and more powerful and we both need to learn to share each other with those who need but never forget about ourselves."

Liam looked up and kissed Jared. "I love you."

"I love you too, soulmate."

"You never cease to amaze me how much strength you have to pick me up so easily."

"Its getting harder though, Liam."

"Because you're getting older?" he asked with a smirk.

"Too much cheesecake...."

"You bitch," as he squirmed and the two of them fell onto the couch laughing.

Patrick was home alone, his mother at work. He was naked in front of the mirror looking at his body.

"What am I?" he thought to himself. He was imagining Tyler and Troy naked, and getting hard. Patrick got mad at himself for his thoughts, "Those two are like your big brothers or your fathers and you want to jerk off thinking about them naked?"

Patrick crumpled to the floor, crying. "What am I? What am I? What am I?"

He brought his hands up to his face to cover it while he cried. "I'm a fucking wimp and I ball like a baby every time I get upset."

A couple of minutes later, Patrick had regained some control. He was sitting on the floor, his legs bent out and his manhood hanging down. "Adam... I wish I could look at you without falling apart and getting hard all the time. I act so stupid in front of you constantly, like a fucking child. You could never like a guy like me." A moment later he thought, 'Does that make me gay? I can't be gay.'

His cell phone rang and he saw it was his mother. He put a towel on quickly before he talked to her, his crisis now forgotten as he told her about the weekend and how much fun it was. He even told her about the cake and gift he had around his neck. He was so busy talking to his mother that he didn't even see the porcupine in the apartment under the dining room table. The porcupine with the glowing eyes was watching his human, protecting him from all threats including himself. It only took a phone call from his mother to break the cycle of Patrick getting emotional and out of control. That was easy for Kâkwa to accomplish; all he had to do was reach out to his mother and put the thought to call home into her head.

His human had so much potential, and would be so important in the future. He just needed some help now to keep him moving down the right path. He needed protection. Kâkwa watched the young man and scanned his thoughts. "So mature in many ways, and immature in others. I will protect him until the One tells me otherwise," said the porcupine with the glowing eyes under the dining room table. The eyes dimmed, and he sniffed the air. "It was near, but has left." When Patrick walked to the window to look out, the porcupine quietly went down the hall to the young man's room. He moved under the bed, turned around and settled down where he could watch and listen.

Grandfather was sitting by a fire inside his cabin, with a cup of actual earl grey tea. There was a bear, eagle, wolves, salamander, cougars, coyote, fox, bobcat and Ollie the Salamander sitting around the living room. Grandfather, and the spirit guides, were all in deep thought and staring at the fire as it burnt. There was no need for speech as they were all linked in thoughts.

Finally Grandfather spoke. "There is a couple of significant dangers my grandchildren will be facing in the future. One they will work together to solve it at least locally."

Ollie spoke up, "Grandfather, we need to monitor and watch over Adam. He is at the peak of his journey and we need to get him over the top, then he will be safe."

"I understand," the old man replied. "That is the second challenge. The third is to protect Patrick until his memories come near the surface."

The sacred bobcat spoke, "There is a very dark shadow following him. I believe he is aware of the potential power this young man has and wants it. Kâkwa is with him now and he has sensed it near since Patrick's return. He is on guard in the apartment, Grandfather."

Grandfather looked at the beautiful animal. "You are probably right and thank you for being with him before you have formally met."

"We serve the Creator," replied the bobcat.

"There something else, darker than I have ever seen in my life blocking one part of the future. It is so dark, it seems to draw all life into it for consumption."

The animals all acknowledged they had felt it as well but were at a loss to explain it.

"I am afraid for my grandchildren in this pending fight." The old man had a tear escape one eye as he continued, "Although there are many possibilities and paths to follow in their futures there is one path where the supreme sacrifice is made. I can train and prepare them as all of you will strengthen them, but they have the freedom of choice to walk whichever paths they choose."

Ollie stared at the old man, "We've been through this before. It may not happen at all, Grandfather."

The ancient man smiled at his friends. "You are right, of course. We will do what we can and to the best of our abilities as my grandchildren will as well. There is only one who knows, and we just put our lives into his hands and we know what ever happens will happen. The way it was, the way it is, and the way it always be."

Editor's Note from Rivendell: I wanted to wish a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, and just Happy Holidays to anyone and everyone. Thank you very much for reading the story this year. This is the final chapter this year. Of course, being that it's almost 2017, this will not be a long break. But I also thought this was the perfect place to leave the guys for the holidays. So, we will return shortly after New Years. May you all have a safe and happy holiday season!

Writer's note:

This is a difficult time for many people who have little or no family, those who lost their job and/or those who are temporarily lost on their journey in life. Uncertainty in the US since the election and the pending economic cutbacks or downturns has many people on edge or stressed. This downturn may be the time for people to learn there is a big difference between "want" and "need" to survive and the opportunity to get reality back into their lives. Everybody has something to share with someone who has less even if it is a few kind words or a hug. I'm not a politically correct as my Editor Scott because I am praying for everyone that you find or keep love, get or have good health, find or continue with peace and happiness in your lives. I pray and beg all of this for you and your loved ones into the future.

If you need help at this or any time of the year, there are both many and a variety of agencies waiting to support you. If you need to reach out to someone for motivation, send me an email. I've honestly been there, done that and own the shirt.

Thank you for all the support everyone has sent me regarding this story, especially my friend Scott. The Radio Rancher and The Story Lover have been giving us advice as well and it is truly appreciated. I love the emails from everyone as well.

God Bless, and the Creator willing, I will see you in the new year.


Next: Chapter 38: Jared the Paramedic II 23

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