Jared the Paramedic

By Snowblind94

Published on Dec 19, 2016


Disclaimer: All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. The following contains scenes of explicit scenes involving male sex and in a variety of consensual activities. But, if you're looking for non-stop sex then this isn't the story for you. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed any further. The characters are entirely fictitious and are not based on anyone who has or is still living.

This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit written permission from the author.

If you have any questions or comments, please send them to me at snowblind94@yahoo.ca

Jared the Paramedic - Volume II Chapter 21 - Spirit Guides

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing's going to get better. It's not." Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

It didn't take long before the group was on the water and paddling towards the next campsite. The sun was high in the cloudless sky and provided warmth to the men. The sun on their skin gave energy to each of the beings and spirits the way a solar panel collects the energy for electricity. Most people don't even realize being outdoors in the sun is good for their bodies, and their disposition in life. Everything is linked, and the sun is one element of it within the entire life cycle.

The camping spot for the night was near the underwater sand banks. The water went shallow for a couple of miles and it became hard to navigate for the inexperienced. The sand banks under the water were constantly changing each time the volume of water increased flowing over them, rearranging them around again. Jared warned the crew they were not to get out of the canoe on these sand banks because they were fully saturated with water. Spots of them were like quicksand; with the only warning you would get was as you disappeared into the sand.

Jared taught them a trick which worked if you were boating or canoeing on this river. They had to avoid where the sea gulls were walking or barely floating. Sea gulls were lazy, and would rather walk than float so they identified the shallow spots for them to stay away from in the water craft. Much to the amazement of the others, it actually worked. Their camping spot for the night was on the other side of the underwater sand. After an hour to cover two miles, they were through the minefield of shallow sand and standing on the banks of the river.

They beached their canoes and secured them to the jack pine trees. The area was two plateaus of sand, moss and jack pine trees. The group set up their camp on the second plateau with a ridge behind them to break the wind. If anyone else, especially a group came along, they always set up on the lower plateau because it was less work.

Jared had used this spot a fair amount in his youth and showed them a spring coming out of the rock wall at the end of the plateau. The water was fresh, pure and very cold.

Jared guided Liam, Jesse and Zane up along a narrow trail on the cliff face. Jesse and Liam were a bit worried about the height.

"You are safe enough guys, it's not as far down as you think," explained Jared.

"Its not the fall I'm worried about, it's the landing," said Jesse looking over the edge.

They reached the top, and a long plateau which gave a tremendous view of the valley and the river. Looking down, they could see the rest of the guys playing in the water or lying on the beach in the sun.

"I thought we could come up here for a break, and catch some sun tanning," explained Jared.

Jesse looked puzzled, "All I'm wearing is my loin cloth and getting a pretty good tan."

"We don't normally wear THAT much, Jesse, but we have been holding off for your and Patrick's benefit," said Liam.

From a small backpack, Jared pulled out a tube of sunscreen and tossed it to Zane. "SPF30 protects you from 94% and SPF45 protects you from 97% of the UV rays. The numbers are deceiving on how they work. A SPF60 is only 1% more and triple the cost. They sell their products to a very confused general public who think the highest number is the best, for whatever it costs."

"I didn't know that, Jared," replied Jesse.

Jared pulled Liam in for a long simmering kiss. He gently wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's body and pulled him tight. From the reaction in the loin cloths, both were interested in the physical contact.

Jared stepped back, enough to release Liam's loin cloth, allowing it to fall to the ground. He took the tube of sun screen and squirted some on his hand, and applied it to Liam's hardening cock. He pulled him in closer, and began to run some of the lotion onto Liam's firm, rounded ass cheeks. Jared was applying it carefully, and over every square inch of Liam's ass, and crack. He was very gentle as he slid his fingers up and down the crack, especially around the little rosebud hidden between the cheeks.

Jared slipped his little finger into the ring of muscle, causing Liam to jump a bit.

"Ooops," said Jared.

"Turn around and I'll return the favour, but with something else," said Liam.

Zane had removed Jesse's loin cloth and was helping him by rubbing the lotion over every square inch of his ass and crack, as they kissed and ground their cocks into each other. Jesse was not much of an exhibitionist, but he was getting comfortable being naked around the gang. He didn't even try to control himself as Zane turned him around and began to apply the sunscreen on the front. Zane pulled Jesse backwards against his body as he used his hands to grab the inflating tube of meat and balls under it, softly caressing them as he smeared the lotion. He could feel Jesse becoming very solid under his touch as he slowly used his fist to slide up and down on Jesse's hard cock. Jesse began to pump into Zane's hand as he reached back to pull him in tight.

Jared and Liam were watching Zane as he was applying the lotion to Jesse's body. This is the closest they had ever seen Jesse and Zane touching each other intimately. Zane was standing behind Jesse and using the lotion to lubricate his hand as it slid up and down his boyfriend's hard cock. He had put enough lubrication between Jesse's cheeks, and he could slide the head of his dick up and down it. The sensations of Jesse's muscular cheeks clamping on his cock as it slid up and down was almost as good as Jesse feeling Zane's big head sliding up and down his ass. It was electric when his boyfriend's cockhead touched his rosebud. Zane paused for a moment as his big cockhead stopped at Jesse's sphincter.

To the surprise of Zane, Jesse pushed back sharply and the hard piece of meat entered him. The two men both gasped at the sensation.

Zane put his chin on Jesse's neck, "Just when I was wondering how you were handling this, you surprise me."

Jesse turned his head and smiled. "Zane, less talk and more making love to me."

"I love my lawyer," said Zane as he thrust in.

What Jesse replied was lost in mumbling and groaning. Jesse leaned over and used his arms to stabilize himself on a large granite rock. His boyfriend's ass was even more exposed with him leaning over and Zane wasted no time in beginning a steady pace of in deep, and almost out cycles.

Jared was on all fours, chest on the ground and ass up in the air with his knees spread. Liam was mounted in him and making love to him slowly, but deeply. Jared's head was on it's side with his eyes closed, tongue slowly moving in a circular pattern on his lips. He was whimpering his approval each time Liam moved in deeply and bottomed out.

Zane had buried himself deeply, but stopped his movement as he reached around and began to jack the very hard cock of his boyfriend. Jesse's eyes rolled backwards in his head feeling the warmth and filling feeling from his boyfriend's cock and now the tight fists working his cock.

Jesse couldn't even form, let alone speak intelligent words from all the nerves and electric sensations traveling in waves through his body. Zane suddenly thought of something, and began to nibble at Jesse's ear. He moved one hand up to play with a very erect nipple while continuing to jerk him. Jesse's mind exploded with colours as he felt the nibbles and breath on his ear, his nipple being squeezed, his cock being jerked and his ass full of love muscle. Jesse lost touch with reality as he shot cum up and onto the rock he was supporting himself against as he threw his head backwards and growled his enjoyment loudly.

Zane came as Jesse's body had reached its climax. His seed injected deeply into his boyfriend once again, their spiritual and physical being blending.

Liam was laying on his back with Jared having rode Liam like a cowboy on a horse, was bent forward and holding Liam tightly. Both had cum, and enjoying the physical contact shared by two lovers after satisfying sex.

The four men had laid in the sun and snoozed, each holding their boyfriend tightly. They stirred at the sound of voices down below and after pulling on their loin clothes, made the descent back to the lower plateau.

There were six people Jared didn't know on the beach with the rest of the guys. It looked like an animated discussion taking place between everyone. It also appeared the three young women were the one's causing most of the fuss.

The four men approached the group.

"We always camp here," the one woman said.

The others hadn't heard Jared and the group approaching, but they heard Troy reply, "Like we have said numerous times, there is lots of space here to share the site. We have no problem doing that with you guys."

"Whatever, get into your canoes and fuck off because we want to camp alone. We know the owner of the land and he won't be happy you are here," she said.

Jared spoke as he approached the group, "Then you should call him on your cell phone and see what he has to say."

"There is no coverage out here so just leave," said the woman.

"Zane, would you grab the sat phone from our canoe and allow them to use it?" asked Jared.

The girl was startled, "You have a sat phone?"

"Well, when we are out in the wilderness the cell phones don't work. So we need an effective way to call if an emergency occurs or someone really needs to get a hold of us," explained Jared.

The girl thought for a moment and finally said, "He won't be available so I won't need the phone."

"Alright, if that's your answer; is there no way you will share the camping area with us?" asked Jared.

One of the men stepped forward, "Hey dummy, she said to pack up and fuck off."

Darren moved forward, closing the distance between him and the aggressive man. He placed himself between the aggressor and his brothers and growled at the young man.

There was something in Darren's eyes and the growl he made which caused the young man to step backwards.

Jared stepped forward and motioned for the men to move into a protective stance. "You don't want to do that," replied Jared. Immediately, his brothers were two on each side. They moved Liam behind them with Zane. Jesse stood forward with Jared.

"Liam," started Jesse, "please protect the little brothers with Zane and move them away from here."

Jesse stood with his arms crossed, and a stony face. The university students were getting scared now as they were facing six large muscular men, all of them standing there and facing them with their arms crossed.

"You were given the option to share the camp site with us, which you declined so that leaves you only other option, which is to leave. I hope your decisions for the rest of your life are better than ones you have been making here today," stated Jared.

The three men stopped moving, and grouped together in front of their girlfriends.

One of the men began to puff his chest out, and stepped towards Jared and Jesse. "You don't scare me, I've studied martial arts for years."

Jesse moved into a non-aggressive fighting stance and said, "You don't want to mess with us, little guy. The first rule of martial arts is to pick your fights. The second rule is not to pick a fight with more people who are also better trained than you."

One of the women who had been quiet finally spoke, "Rick, shut up and get in the canoes. Let's get out of here."

The man called Rick started to speak "But..."

She continued, "Shut up, and get your buddies in the canoes. And tell your drunk sister to move her ass, too. You guys are about to have your blood smeared all over the sand and you are too fucking stupid to know it."

Jesse moved to stand next to Jared, "Before you consider any action except what this young lady suggested there is something else you should know. We are all trained in martial arts by myself and my friend here."

The young lady stepped towards Jesse with her hand out. "I'm Pamela and the rest until they sober up don't matter. I apologise for the bad behavior and aggressive moves made by my boyfriend and his sister. We aren't all like that, and normally they aren't either when they are sober. I should have spoken up earlier."

"Nice to meet you, Pamela, and we were sincere about sharing the spot with you guys. The other option is a real nice site about two hours down river if you guys don't want to share," explained Jared.

"I think the more prudent decision would be to get these guys to the next site," said Pam.

"You have permission to use this site or the next site anytime you are canoeing with a couple of conditions. The first is to treat the land with respect and clean up everything behind you. The second condition is to always make sure the fire is out before you leave to prevent a forest fire. The final condition is always be pleasant to any other travellers and offer to share the spot if any come along," said Jared.

Pamela looked at Jared suspiciously. "How can you give me permission to use the land?"

"This is sacred tribal land which I happen to hold the title of to preserve it. To be perfectly honest, without a map to show you I believe it stretches from the other side of the camp site I told you about down river to a point up river past the peninsula. It's a few thousand acres. Jesse, do you have a better idea of the exact area?" asked Jared.

"No, that's about what we were shown on the map. Sorry I couldn't help you more, Pam," said Jesse. He smirked and then added, "Your friend was humorous about contacting the owner by phone."

Pamela stood and looked at both of the men while they were speaking. "Well, I think her mouth was running a lot. I also actually believe what you're saying."

Liam stepped forward and introduced himself. "If I may speak bluntly, Pam, you are a sensitive and I felt you probing Jesse and Jared for their emotions and honesty."

"Wow. Obviously you are as well if you would say something like that out of the blue. I would love to stay here and talk with you guys but we better get going. Once again, I apologise."

Liam smiled at the young lady, "No harm, Pamela, and may your journey be safe."

The young lady quickly went down to the others and got into her canoe.

Just after the group disappeared from sight, a loud grunt sound came from Jared's left from the bushes. A huge 500 pound black bear waddled in and sat down within sight of the group.

Jared walked over and greeted the bear and spoke to him in another language, and the bear answered him back with growls and grunts.

Jared looked over at the group, "Adam, would you please get Masqua an apple from our food. He said he hasn't had one for so long and he would be so happy if he could have one. He's been watching over us on our trip and was waiting for the other group to leave."

"Absolutely, Jared," replied Adam as he went to the food box. A moment later he yelled over "Jared, we have two left and it would be shame to split them up."

The bear seemed to laugh at Adam's answer as did Jared. "He says he is really beginning to like you, Adam."

Adam walked over and tossed the first apple to the bear who caught it in his mouth easily.

"This amazes me, Jared," said Jesse. How do you control them?"

"We aren't controlling the animals, the bear who is visiting is our spirit guide and friend. He's here by his own free will."

"Greetings, Masqua," Liam called over with his hand held up in greetings.

The bear held his paw up and growled back at Liam, and then ate the second apple.

After finishing the apples, he growled and rolled to get onto his feet. The bear looked over his shoulder and growled one more time as he disappeared into the undergrowth.

Jared and Liam turned to see a panicked Patrick being held tightly by Tyler and Troy. Conner and Mark were with them as well.

Liam looked at Jared and said, "Oops."

Jared looked at Liam and said, "Oops? Oops?"

Adam was beginning to laugh as he says "I have to remember that one Jared. Oops."

"Don't you encourage him, Adam," said Jared while trying not to laugh. He turned to Liam, "Oops?"

Liam shrugged his shoulders, smiled and said, "Oops about covers it."

Jesse was laughing, "Jared, don't forget that the first day I met you guys, just as you were leaving the drop in centre, Liam was at his finest intellect then as well."

"Hey! Quit picking on cute little me," said Liam.

"I seem to recall he said you guys had to leave 'to do ambulance things' so that is fairly consistent with his insightful comment today of oops."

"I'm cute, I don't have to be smart," said Liam fluttering his eyebrows. That comment caused the rest of the guys to grab Liam, and drag him into the river.

Jared motioned for Tyler, Troy and Patrick to sit with him near the fire as he said, "I guess we need to have a chat with the young one a little quicker than we expected."

Tyler smiled at Jared, a very crooked smile as he mumbled, "I think what Patrick just experienced is beyond oops."

Tyler and Troy had Patrick sitting between them with wide eyes. Adam motioned to Conner and Mark to join him as he ran to the river to join in on the water fights. Jared sat down and said, "I guess we need to have a talk."

An hour had gone by when everyone began to feel hungry for supper. When they came back to the fire pit area, the guys found Jared, Troy, Tyler and Patrick already making supper. Whatever they had discussed, it was obvious to the rest Patrick was happy with it. They made supper over an open fire, BBQ hamburgers with fresh veggie sticks and fruit chunks for desert.

As the sun set, Zane brought his guitar out and sang several songs. Patrick and Conner both were outstanding with their singing of the songs they knew. Zane sang 30,000 Pounds of Bananas by Harry Chapin and even had Darren and Josh singing the chorus together, badly.

After the singing, the roasting of marshmallows and making of s'mores took place. Conner and Mark were sitting together, Mark holding him tightly and sitting behind him.

"Mark, I always suspected my family life was screwed up. I just didn't know how much until joining this family," said Conner.

"Con, you mean even with Liam around?" asked Mark.

Liam stuck his tongue out at Mark from the other side of the fire. Jared reached under Liam and pinched his ass.

"Play nice with your little brothers," said Jared.

"Yes, Dad."

Jesse and Zane were sitting together, their arms around the other. "Is it like this all the time?" asked Jesse.

"Usually, Jesse, but Big Chief Snot Face has been good this weekend, even for him," replied Zane.

"Thanks, guys," said Liam sarcastically. "By the way, where is my future belt?"

From out the darkness the group heard a coughing and growling as if someone was about to spit, until Jared yelled, "No!"

Liam sat up. "Adam was that you or the lizard who just laughed?" He asked in a panic.

The group began to laugh, and it got worse as Liam mumbled and pouted. Jared grabbed him and pulled him tight.

"No worries, Liam, I'll protect you from the little salamander," said Jared sarcastically.

"Is that what sarcasm sounds like?" asked Liam.

"Yes, it does."

"Well then, leave it to us professionals. You suck at it."

Jared gave him a slap on his ass.

"He never learns, does he?" Jesse asked Zane.

"Nope, guaranteed for laughs into the future for years to come," he replied.

"You're all bastards," mumbled Liam.

Mark was sitting behind Conner and Adam was on their left leaned into them. Tyler and Troy were together, and Patrick was leaning against them. He was having a real problem trying to stay awake. Tyler put his arm around the young man and pulled him in tight. Patrick snuggled into him.

"I think this one is pretty well out for the night. I've never seen him relaxed like this," said Tyler.

"Adam, could I ask you to play the flute again tonight. It was incredible to fall asleep last night listening to it while watching the stars," asked Darren.

"Your serious about liking my flute music?" replied Adam.

"It really was incredible, Adam," answered Josh.

"I agree with them, buddy," added Conner.

"Adam, my little brother, the music you made last night was outstanding," added Jesse.

Adam's face radiated hearing all the compliments being given to him. Finally, he simply replied, "Thank you."

The guys moved around, threw some more wood on the fire and settled into the bedding. Troy and Tyler lay down, and Patrick snuggled right into them.

Adam had his flute, lifted it up to the sky and said, "Thank you for this gift I may share with others." He started to play the enchanted music which bubbled up from deep inside of him. It was the music of the ancients which shared the common roots of the apache and pueblo tunes. Adam closed his eyes and imagined he was flying as a red tailed hawk, flying over the trees and following the river. The wind was perfect and he only needed to move the tips of his wings to maintain his course. The view from the tree tops was breath taking, and he easily spotted fish in the river swimming with no clue a predator was above them. He could easily dive and grab one and fly away with his dinner to be eaten in a tree top. The smell of the flowers intoxicated Adam, and then his vision ended with him landing in a nest. He had no clue how long he had been playing, but no one but him was awake. His head hit the pillow and Adam was falling asleep as well.

The salamander had been sitting next to him the entire time he played. He watched his human getting ready for bed and just before Adam went to sleep, he telepathically sent Adam a message.

"That was beautiful Adam. The men around this fire are your family, and they love you unconditionally."

It was the same message he had sent Adam last night, and the beginning of the messages he would send Adam every night until he gave up the need to do harm or kill himself. The salamander is a very patient animal, a very devoted animal, but he was also very powerful and would never let his human hurt himself again. He and the wolves in the trees just beyond detection range would stand guard again tonight and protect these special children of the Creator while they slept. While the salamander was watching over the sleeping young men, another shadow materialized out of the darkness next to him.

"Kâkwa, you have chosen to join us tonight," said the salamander.

"If it is not a bother, Osikiyâs, may I join you on this rock and watch over the humans tonight?" asked the porcupine spirit guide.

"A brother is never a bother and always welcome. You haven't met your human yet have you," asked the salamander.

"No, his primary guide and I have been following him but we haven't had the opportunity to meet him yet. The time isn't right yet, but we are closer now to protect him. There is another in the area who wants his abilities to follow on another path."

"That explains what I've been sensing. The wolves moved in closer tonight, and spread themselves around the camp for protection."

Neither of the spirit guides had heard Jared rise and approach them. When he spoke, it startled them.

"My apologies to you both, but I have sensed the other presence following us on this trip. Have you caught sight of it or do you know what it is?" asked Jared.

"Masqua, you move like a salamander with gentle and stealthy movements. No, none of us have seen it yet," replied the salamander.

"Kâkwa, you have moved in closer to your human which can only mean potential harm to him," observed Jared.

"We were not taking any chances, Masqua. Misiminôs, the sacred lynx is out scenting and tracking to identify the other presence if he can," answered the porcupine.

"This is disturbing that none of us have sensed more than we have, but we are appreciative of your efforts, my brothers," said Jared as he bowed towards the spirit guides.

They returned the bow respectfully, "Masqua, please watch over Patrick carefully. We know he is the primary target of the presence due to his untapped special gift," said the porcupine.

"I suspected he was the target. I will join you here and meditate to keep you company," replied Jared. The two animals moved to each side of the rock and Jared climbed up and sat down cross-legged. The animals sat down and got comfortable next to him. Jared closed his eyes, and placed his hands flat on the rock. He began meditating, and flying high over the forest as an eagle. He was looking for anything which didn't belong.

Next: Chapter 37: Jared the Paramedic II 22

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