Jared the Paramedic

By Snowblind94

Published on Nov 16, 2016


Disclaimer: All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. The following contains scenes of explicit scenes involving male sex and in a variety of consensual activities. But, if you're looking for non-stop sex then this isn't the story for you. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed any further. The characters are entirely fictitious and are not based on anyone who has or is still living.

This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit written permission from the author. Nifty is a great website to post this story. Its a free service which survives on donations from the readers. Please donate to keep the site alive.

When I'm not working, I'm at home reading the news or playing with my pets and watching the history channel, the space channel or cartoons.

I pray for the readers of this story and their loved ones; may you all have long, healthy and lives filled with true love, acceptance and peace every day.

I am not a professional writer but I have been enjoying myself to like this hobby for the moment or until a squirrel leads me into another direction. If you have any questions or comments, please send them to me at snowblind94@yahoo.ca

Jared the Paramedic - Volume II Chapter 16 - Career Day

"Being gay is natural.... bigotry is a lifestyle choice." - John Fugelsang

Jared and Liam had volunteered to speak at the local high school career day and had taken Marci with them to gain some experience. There had been others from the ambulance company that had spoken in the previous years. This year, they were going to do two presentations, the grade 11 and 12 students had been split into two groups to keep the groups to around 50-60 students each. Marci had gone to this high school and while she wanted to see some of her old teachers again, she was nervous about being in school where some of her classmates had treated her so badly. Josh and Tyler were going to be there as well to talk about their jobs as police members in a different session.

Jared sat at the back of the lecture hall during the presentation and noticed Marci was a natural at public speaking. Liam was good at it as well, but Marci was much better. Some of the boys in the class saw Marci as a beautiful woman in her tight fitting uniform, and they paid attention to her every word.

Liam on the other hand had all the girls' attention, and he loved it. Working together, they did an excellent presentation for the first group. Patrick was in the first group, and he kept his distance from everyone but smiled when they made eye contact with him. The second group which came into the auditorium had immediately a very different feeling projected from it.

The members of this group appeared to be mixed group ranging from the athletic to a large group of academics. There was an immediate feeling of tension in the room as the groups gathered into protective pockets of members on opposite sides. Jared was watching the students closely from the back of the room with interest.

Marci commenced the presentation while Jared continued watching the group closely. Two of the jocks were whispering back and forth and were now involving a third person. Jared moved closer and motioned for them to quiet down. They rolled their eyes in reply. Jared looked towards Liam and Marci and smiled briefly.

The team had brought some equipment to display and explain as props for their power point presentation. The entire group was interested, especially the girls when Marci undid Liam's shirt to attached the heart monitor leads. A couple of the girls giggled and turned red as they looked at his solid chest, blonde hairs and treasure trail all exposed for them to see.

Liam gave them a demonstration on how much control a person could have over their emotions and the response to those situations. He concentrated and lowered his heart rate to 40 beats per minute. The crowd gasped. Liam laid flat on the table, and shortly thereafter lowered his heart rate to 6 beats per minute. The machine had alarms ringing for the heart rate, rhythm and blood pressure. Jared noticed the breathing rate had dropped significantly as well; but he also noticed the SPO2 and end tidal CO2 rates were well within safe ranges.

The crowd was getting anxious, but were contained as they watched Marci stand there unconcerned. Marci leaned over Liam and said, "Lunchtime." Liam's eyes immediately opened and he sat up. All the equipment silenced as all the readings went back to normal.

Two of the jocks exclaimed they could control their heart rates easily. Liam brought up one and then other to try but neither succeeded at getting their heart rate anywhere below 80 beats per minute. A couple of the girls in the front of the hall giggled they would rather have the man with his shirt off then the two boys. The jocks heard this and huffed off the stage.

Two of the girls came forward and tried it as well and did better than the boys. One was able to lower their heart rate to 60 beats per minute briefly. When the other one was hooked up to the monitor, Jared's attention was fixated on the rhythm. He moved forward quickly and turned the machine away from the crowd as he hit print. Jared gently assisted the girl to lie down on the table. Liam and Marci had also noticed the rhythm and moved next to Jared to assist.

The girl looked up at Jared and finally spoke, "I guess this was a bad idea for me to try it."

"So you know?" asked Jared.

"Yes, I do. I have to admit, you guys were a hell of a lot quicker to see it than the doctors were the first time I had a problem. I'm impressed," she said looking at Liam's still exposed muscular chest.

The other kids were getting concerned and Jared turned to speak with them. "Sorry guys, there is no problem here. We are trained to check into things if we see something which may or may not be unusual, and she is telling us no problems."

"I'm waiting for a referral to a new doctor, but everything is fine right now," she said.

Jared took a business card out his shirt pocket and wrote a name with a phone number on the back. Handing it to her, he said, "Call this number and ask for an appointment with this doctor. Be sure to tell them Jared Bear referred you. If you have a problem getting in with them, call me immediately."

She looked at the name and said, "That's who I have been waiting to get into see."

Jared frowned, pulled his cell phone and stepped out into the hallway to use it. Liam took the leads off the girl and she went back to her seat. Looking through the door, Liam saw Jared hang up and then dial another number. He did not appear to be happy.

Liam began the video on the career of a paramedic and sat down to watch it with the group. Jared came in a couple of minutes later and asked the girl something quietly. She nodded her head, Jared gave an affirmative into the phone and then hung up. The girl stood up and gave him a quick hug.

Jared sat next to Liam and Marci. "She is seeing Stu at 5:00 pm today. He said his office is a mess after his receptionist quit unexpectedly a couple of weeks ago and he's been using temps."

"Why two phone calls?" asked Liam.

"The new receptionist has no clue who I am and basically told me only doctors can do referrals and stick to driving an ambulance."

"Ouch," said Marci.

"I don't drive, Liam does," said Jared as he smiled. "Stu has a new person hired to start tomorrow and this one is a temp who wanted the job full time. He said he's giving the old boot the boot after work today. She wouldn't even put me through to him to talk so I called him on his private cell phone."

They sat and watched the remainder if the video. Marci and Liam went back to the front of the room to finish up their presentation; the jocks were starting to whisper again. Liam looked over as one covered his mouth as he coughed to cover the word dyke.

Liam moved down the aisle and confronted the young man. "Do you have something you wish to say?"

"No. I was just clearing my throat."

"Actually, you used a poor verbal technique to over your bigotry. To quote the Actor John Fugelsang, "Being gay is natural.... bigotry is a lifestyle choice."

"What do you mean?" he demanded.

"You used the word dyke."

"I just coughed and it sounded like that; nothing more."

Liam backed up to the front of the room. "How many people in the room heard this young man cough? Please, put up your hands." The majority of the people put their hands up.

"How many of you heard the word dyke as he coughed?" Most left their hands up.

"You people who put your hands down, stand up please. The rest, put your hands down."

There were 6 students standing, nearly all of them would be considered athletic or jocks.

Liam walked towards the first one. "Why did you put you put your hand down?"

The young man laughed. "I didn't hear nothing."

"A skill you obviously used in your English class as well," replied Liam. He motioned for the young man to sit down as he moved to the next one.

"I wasn't sure what I heard," said the young lady honestly. "I wasn't paying attention to him."

"Perfectly honest and acceptable answer, thank you. Please take your seat."

Liam moved to the next person. "I didn't hear anything other than a cough," said the next young man as he tried to stare Liam down.

Liam smiled at the young man's attempt to intimidate him. "Would everyone please note what you say is actually only a very small part of communications. Depending upon which theory you are reading about, verbal communication is only 15-30% of your message. Everyone, look at this young man's facial expression, posture, crossed arms, hands closed in fists, knees locked and eyes staring at me. Is the messages his body is sending out consistent with what he said?" After a couple of moments, a few answers of "no, no way" were heard being murmured.

Liam motioned for him to sit down before moving to the last person who was seated near the mouthy student. "Why did you put your hand down?"

The young man smiled. "He didn't say what you thought he said."

Liam moved closer, and the young man postured himself to look more intimidating.

"And that is what you honestly believe?" asked Liam.

The young man started at Liam. "Yeah, it is."

Liam held up his hand, and then pointed his index finger straight up into the air. "If it is the truth, then if this finger was to touch your upper arm it would not cause you to say something different because you have already told the truth."

The young man laughed, as did many others from the athletic group members.

Liam chuckled as well. "Tell you what. Let's make this fun. Put your hand out with your finger extended like E.T."

"You're joking," replied the young man. Liam shook his head no.

"That way everyone in the room will see the tips of our fingers touch as you tell the truth."

The young man laughed again. "Whatever," he said as the young man raised his hand. Liam raised his hand and extended his finger, pausing before they made contact.

"Are you ready?" Liam asked with a smile. Jared was in the back of the room smiling at his soulmate, proud of what he was doing.

"Like, whatever," the young man said as he rolled his eyes.

The two fingers touched for just a second. There was a slight arc of electricity pass from Liam to the young man as they made contact. The young man pulled his finger back and looked at Liam.

Liam smirked at the young man. "Tell me the truth this time."

Without hesitation, the young man answered, "He called her a dyke because his older brother had gone to high school with her. He had tried numerous times to get into her pants and found after she was a lesbian." The young man put his hand over his mouth in shock.

"What the hell, Jay" said the young man seated. "Shut the fuck up."

Jared step forward. "That language is not permitted in school, or in the professional world."

"I don't care. She's a dyke," replied the young man who was seated.

The entire room could be heard taking a breath. Marci's face was turning red from embarrassment as Liam approached and stood beside her.

"This person is one of the finest paramedics I have ever worked with. She has also saved many lives some of which may be your relatives. In the real world - no one has ever asked her about her sexual orientation as she treated them for their medical distress. Has anyone ever asked you about your sexual orientation? Does it have anything to do with anything in your life?"

"Is she a lesbian?" asked one of the young women on the other side of the room.

Jared stepped forward from the back of the room. "Let me answer that one. May I have your name?"

"Rebecca," she replied.

"Thank you," replied Jared. "When people ask me questions, I like to answer them by name. Let me ask you this, under all the laws and societal values - what gives you the right to ask that, Rebecca? I mean I don't even know you and if I was to ask what your sexual orientation was so I could base my opinions, attitudes and behavior on that, would you be offended."

"No, because I'm normal," she replied.

"What's normal?" Jared asked.

"Relations between a man and a woman," she replied.

"Ok, who defines that as normal?" asked Jared.

"The Bible," she replied quickly.

"The earth has a population of 7.3 billion people of which 3 billion are estimated to be Christian. Approximately 80% of the Christians are members of various congregations or religious orders who don't care, are indifferent or tolerant about sexual orientation. The remaining 4.3 billion of the earth's population are Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Chinese traditionalists, Sikhs, Primal-indigenous, Jews, agnostics, atheists, and those who believe we are a Petri dish experiment in a space alien's lab." This comment caused a few people to chuckle but as Jared looked around the room he quickly saw he had everyone's undivided attention.

"My point is only 1 out of every 2 or 3 people are even Christian, and the vast majority of those don't care about orientation. Yet you feel you have the right to judge everyone in the world as being normal or not normal for society. "

Rebecca thought for a moment before replying very smugly, "The bible is the only way and the rest are heathens."

Jared smiled at her, "Funny, the rest of the world think the same thing but you are a heathen to them."

"The bible is the only way," she replied getting flustered.

"Ok Rebecca, I understand your position. The bible is very clear about pre-marital and extra-marital sex, and a woman is to be a virgin when married. If I were to ask you if that was something you believe in as devoted member of the church, what would you answer be?" asked Jared emotionless.

Rebecca got upset quickly and replied, "That would be none of your business and offensive. I could report you to the school for that question and to your employer. That question is offensive and against my rights." Rebecca sat there with self-assured smirk on her face as she crossed her arms.

Liam moved next to Jared and asked, "Rebecca, why is that hypothetical question offensive to you? Jared could have asked you what you thought about oral sex."

Rebecca was getting even more agitated as she replied, "That is even more offensive."

"Why are those hypothetical questions offensive, Rebecca?" asked Jared.

"The answer is none of your business," she replied.

One of the guys mumbled just loud enough for everyone to hear, "She likes the missionary position best."

Rebecca turned dark red from embarrassment, "Robert! I'm your sister for god's sake."

Jared smiled at the two of them. "Rebecca, using the Lord's name in vain doesn't help. Are you familiar with Hebrews 13:4 - sex out of wedlock is considered adultery and requires the female to be stoned to death."

Rebecca was not looking impressed.

Jared continued, "Robert, Deuteronomy 21:18 'If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey, glutton, drunkard shall stone him to death.'"

Robert didn't look all that interested.

"What that means is you would both be stoned to death for your actions and words today," said Liam.

"Would never happen," replied Rebecca. "Those sections are not applicable in this day and age."

Liam smirked at Jared. Jared asked, "So you get to pick and choose which sections of the bible you like and then take the sections which don't fit your opinionated views and discard those."

Rebecca was getting frustrated now. "Whatever," she replied. "Marci's a dyke and gays are an abomination before the eyes of God. She is gay, isn't she?"

Jared's face becomes very unemotional as he started, "Rebecca that comment alone could get you suspended from school, charged under Human Rights violations and a civil lawsuit."

"It's our right to know," replied Rebecca.

"Actually it's not, and to use your exact words, Rebecca, 'I could report you to the school for that question. That question is offensive and against my rights.' It works both ways, not just for you. As a member of the management team at work, if you were to ask that in any workplace as one of my employees - you would be subject to disciplinary action up to an including termination."

Jared looked at the woman with a serious look on his face. "It is illegal and against people's rights to ask the question you have, and it has no bearing on anyone's ability to do their job. You are all going to be out in the real world workforce soon, and you need to understand there are rules out there to follow and no one cares if you were on the football team, the debate team, the prom queen or an avid church goer. You do not have the right to know or judge her sexuality, or anyone else's."

Marci spoke up. "I have worked hard to put myself through school and get to be the person I am today. When I am at work, they get 100% of my effort and dedication. My patient gets the same and I have even placed myself in harm's way so I could treat an injured person on more than one occasion. We are here to talk about a paramedic as a career."

Liam spoke up, "By the way, Rebecca, 1 Timothy 2:12 'do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.' Your religion as many of the others is new to the planet. I'm a recognized leader of both worship and medicine in my faith which is thousands of years older than yours. In fact, many of your scriptures are based upon the original oral teachings of my faith, but we can leave that for another day when I can discuss it with a male. After all, as a female you aren't allowed an opinion or a voice under the authority of the Bible."

Rebecca was fuming, but said nothing.

Jared spoke up, "Rebecca, something which has been gripping the Christian world of preaching is what's called literalism. It's a relatively new and never seen before the 1900-1920's phenomena. It's where people read a passage and believe it says exactly what they are reading. They don't consider that the original languages of Greek, Hebrew, Semitic, Aramaic and others have been translated a few times and even modernized. Some of the old words have no equivalent and don't add up to new languages, and in many cases the words were put in which reflected many different years of knowledge, culture and social change. The most powerful literalists are the ones who are making the most money on TV or in their own churches. But this is a discussion which could take days to finish."

Liam cut him off. "So just to summarize the discussion we have had for the past few minutes, the jocks don't like the lesbians because they can't get into their pants," said Liam with a straight face. The jocks chuckled at the comment.

Liam continued, "The person of scripture cites the words from parts of the Bible they deem appropriate to condemn gays in general, but ignore the fact that there was no word for homosexual in the original texts. They think they have the right to select any of the passages that apply to gays, but hypocritically, they don't have to follow the ones which inhibit them from doing what they want to do." Rebecca crossed her arms and was obviously upset, but remained silent.

Jared took over, "We also briefly reviewed the potential ramifications of the Human Rights Codes, Civil Rights and legislation which prohibits people or groups saying or enacting their opinions on any other person in many situations. It was also pointed out that all of you had better realize in a short time you would not be students much longer, and as an employer - you say any of those things in the workplace or in public or it causes me as the employer negative publicity, I fire you. It has also been recently determined the employer can fire a person for being inappropriate in public while on their own time as well. No appeals. Liam does that about summarize it?"

Liam stood up straight and moved next to Jared, "I think that summarizes it quite well. We have not said anyone was wrong in their discussion, we have just summarized the information and attitudes brought forward."

Jared smiled at Liam, "You have been studying under Jesse, haven't you?"

"Is Jesse a new medic?" asked Marci.

"No Marci, he's our brother who also happens to be one of the top young lawyers in the country. He is not only our lawyer, but the company lawyer as well."

"Good to know," said Marci realizing he was a family member in more than one way. "If there are no questions about our careers, this session can end early and you guys can head out," said Marci.

The group sat for a moment, then collected their things and moved to the door. Many of the people shook all three of the paramedic's hands, and verbally gave them support. There were a couple who were obviously slow in getting their books together. One of the two included the young man Liam had touched fingers with. He was dragging his ass, and made it look like he had something on his mind. He moved towards the three medics.

"I would like to apologise, Marci. I don't know why I said that, but I did and I'm sorry," he said extending his hand.

Marci smiled at the young man, and took him into her arms for a hug. Both Jared and Liam put a hand on each shoulder.

Liam said, "That's pretty adult of you, Jett."

"How did you know my name?" he asked after stepping free of Marci's hug.

Liam explained, "Would you believe you look like a Jett? Actually, I looked at the yearbook before your group came in."

Liam handed the young man a business card. "If you ever would like more information, give us a call. Jett, I sense you have a lot of questions in your life."

Jett stood looking at the card in his hands for a moment. "Thanks. I might do that sometime." His friend asked for a card as well and they quickly left the room.

Marci spoke up, "I was afraid someone might say something, but you guys handled it a lot better than I did."

"Marci," started Jared, "we answered them with a life lesson and honesty. You know our feelings on the subject and we stand 100% behind you and the employees. Sexual orientation does not determine the ability to do a job, and it was none of their fucking business."

"You got that right, Jared. Marci, it's an old argument; we don't ask them if they are straight, but they seem to think it's their right to ask if someone is gay."

Marci thought for a moment. "Maybe one day it will change, guys. But I would like to thank the both of you for including me in this career day at the school. There were teachers here who saw me in this uniform and were shocked I had done so well for myself as they had a rather low opinion of my abilities and potential once the rumors had started."

Liam placed a hand on her shoulder and said, "More than happy to prove them wrong anytime, Marci. You really do provide a role model both as a woman and a dyke."

Liam's head suddenly moved as Jared slapped the back of it. "Sorry, lesbian not dyke."

Marci laughed and hugged them both before they left the room. They had all their equipment piled on the stretcher and were pushing it with them along the hallway.

There were a couple of teachers out in the hallway and they stopped to speak with the three paramedics, or more specifically Marci. She was very happy to see these teachers and her respect for them showed. Both Jared and Liam spoke about how invaluable Marci is to their teams and the ambulance service. Marci blushed when Jared said very clearly if he had a dozen more like Marci, they would never need to hire another person because they would already have the best. The two teachers each gave her a hug and moved down the hallway.

The three of them were walking and talking in the busy hallway as they headed to the office to sign out. Out of the corner of his eye, Jared caught a movement and he turned to reach and snatch a football out of the air. The object would have hit Marci in the back of the head if he hadn't caught it. Part of the group from their last session was standing down the hallway laughing. The other students in the hallway had separated leaving a clear space down the middle.

One of them made a gesture to toss the ball back. Jared walked forward to the group.

"That was not nice guys."

"What are you talking about?" replied one of them.

"Let me be clear about something. If I ever hear of any of you bothering Marci again, directly or indirectly, I will deal with you personally."

"What are you going to do?" asked another team member rather cockily. He was a large, broad shoulder young man who was 2-3 inches taller than Jared.

Jared closed his eyes for a moment, and grabbed the football in both of his hands. When he opened his eyes, he flattened the football between his open palm hands, causing it to pop loudly. The team was shocked and stood back. Jared threw it at their feet. The young man who had tried to intimidate Jared stepped back into the group.

"Personally, I am opposed to violence without cause or reason. But in this case, I would welcome making an example of any person who wishes to challenge me or do I make my point." asked Jared. "I should also warn you that I am a master of martial arts, but you may have a remote chance as I am a little rusty."

"Fuck me, that's gotta be a trick," one of them said.

"Do I make my point?" asked Jared again.

There was another adult voice from behind Jared. "Answer him or you will be suspended from the team as of now." Jared turned and it was the principal with the coach standing there.

"Yes sir" the young men replied.

"Coach, deal with the students before I do."

"Yes, Principal Halgen." The coach moved the young men off towards the gym quickly.

The Principal reached out his hand "Jared Bear, I had heard you were here today and was hoping to see you."

Jared took his hand warmly. "Principal Halgen, it's nice to see you again. I didn't realize you were coming to replace Johansson after he retired."

"It happened so quickly, Jared, and its Brett, or have you forgotten." He bent over and picked up the football. "That is a really unique trick and a good lesson, Jared. It's a little rough on the equipment, but it sure got their attention."

Jared laughed, "I thought they were all going to piss themselves as the football split open, and I'll buy you a new one. Brett, I would like you to meet a couple of important people who are with me."

They turned and Jared introduced them to his team members. "Brett, this is my partner, soulmate and boyfriend Liam." The two men shook hands.

"Brett, this person is one of the top paramedics we have at the base, Marci. If Liam and I were injured, we would be fortunate if this medic worked on us. She also is one of your alumni as she graduated from this school a couple of years ago."

Brett didn't even hesitate as he took her hands in friendship. "Marci, it is such a pleasure to meet you, especially since you graduated from this school. I hope you made sure the students knew you were a grad from here and you were now a respected professional. It's a good role model for them, something they can relate to."

Marci looked at the man and believed what he was saying. "The first group was good, but the second group was not so good. It's the same with some of the teachers who remember me. Some gave me hugs and some others went the opposite direction or the other side of the hall to avoid me."

"Hmm, I assume we have a lot of work to do here on equality and acceptance?" he asked point blank.

"Yes," she replied. Marci explained what had happened in the second group to Brett, who was getting angry but controlling it well. Jared explained what had happened in the hallway, and how it was most likely the result of the second group of students.

"I apologise on behalf of the school Marci, and gentlemen," said Brett with sincerity. "I hope this doesn't prevent you from returning to participate in future career days here at the school."

"I'll have a discussion with Rob, who is the operations manager, and he will make the final decision, of course. When you have a post-event debriefing with your staff, you can bring this up with them. Please remind, or point out to your staff that our ambulance service provides standby units for free at many activities organized by the school. Just off the top of my head Brett, the standby events are worth a minimum of $500 each time out of the Owner's profits as commitment, support and donation to this school."

"Jared, I will deal with this and I pray we can continue the relationship we had at the other school here as well," said Brett.

"Of course we can Brett, I was just making the point I will not allow the staff to be mistreated," replied Jared.

"If I may, Brett, would you like a copy of the discussion from the second group. When I saw the problem brewing, I started filming," said Marci.

"I would love it," he replied as he dug out a business card to hand her.

"Jared, I understand very clearly your staff will not be mistreated. I'm also very happy you finally found someone to share your life with." The Principal stood back and continued speaking. "You helped me when my son came out. It's been going very well."

"Happy to hear that," said Jared.

Brett hesitated for a moment before asking his next questions and that wasn't missed by Jared or Liam. "Jared, have you ever helped someone who may have a ghost or something evil in a home or building?"

"No, I've never gone after a ghost before but spirits I have. I'm sure Liam and I could figure it out. Do you know of someone who needs a house cleansed?"

"To be quite honest Jared, I don't know if it is even a problem. We had some of the students form a ghost hunters club and we allowed them to use the old office in the bell tower," explained Brett.

"You mean the old part of the school which was a monastery or something at one time?" asked Marci.

Brett laughed. "That was the rumor, but in all honesty, it was the original Headmaster Apartment. So the group went to a few places around town and didn't find anything substantial. One of them brought an Ouija board in and they tried it. A couple of the kids have been acting strange since they used the board, and the old apartment is different now as well."

"What do you mean different?" asked Liam.

"You may think I'm nuts but it seems to be cold, and when you go into it, it is like someone is watching and following around you."

"The Ouija board is a dangerous thing to use, even by skilled or protected people," said Liam in deep thought. "They are not a game."

Brett chuckled at their reaction to the news. "They're available in stores and they're not even age restricted or adult rated."

"You're right Brett, but that just means people don't understand them."

"You're telling me the spirit world really exists, Jared?" asked Brett. "I go to church, but you're telling me this evil spirit and demon stuff is real?"

"As are possessions, Brett," added Liam. "I've seen evil spirits possessing people, and then getting those people to do bad things."

"Well, would you take a look at the room? I would have the group there to meet you there, too," asked Brett. "Would you guys be available after school sometime to see them?"

"I'm sure it can be arranged, how about Thursday? It will give me time to get ready," replied Jared. "Liam and I will be ready and we'll see what we can do for you."

"Thanks, guys," said Brett. They all shook hands and headed out.

*************************************************************************** Writer's note:

While I do not wish to become entangled within American politics, I have had many, many discussions with my friend and editor Scott about this situation. I would like to point out to everyone cooler heads are prevailing, and the President-elect has even commented he will not change what the court has already decided. The United States of America is a democracy, and it will take more than one man to undo what has been built up over hundreds of years. The sarcastic or Liam side of me says "since when has any politician every kept his word on election promises? You really think President- elect Trump will be any different?".

"The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over" Joseph Goebbels.

Unfortunately, one of the targets was the LGBT community - but you are also citizens and voters. Make democracy work for you and voice your opinions loudly and lawfully.

Scott has reserved accommodation at my residence in Canada, and I still have a few spaces left...... You need to think: Trump or Saskatchewan in the winter?

Next: Chapter 32: Jared the Paramedic II 17

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