Jared the Paramedic

By Snowblind94

Published on Nov 8, 2016


Disclaimer: All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. The following contains scenes of explicit scenes involving male sex and in a variety of consensual activities. But, if you're looking for non-stop sex then this isn't the story for you. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed any further. The characters are entirely fictitious and are not based on anyone who has or is still living.

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I truly pray for the readers of this story and their loved ones; may you all have long, healthy and lives filled with true love, acceptance and peace every day. If you have any questions or comments, please send them to me at snowblind94@yahoo.ca

"People may hate you for being different and not living by society's standards, but deep down, they wish they had the courage to do the same."

Jared the Paramedic - Volume II Chapter 15 - The Old Witch

The next day Jared, Liam and Lyle were still working together to familiarize Lyle as much as they could before putting him out on his own. The three were enjoying the time together and were getting to know each other fairly well.

Lyle's phone rang and after listening for a moment, he wasn't looking too happy. He looked at Jared and asked, "Could we swing by the school please. They don't want to register the kids without their birth certificates and we aren't sure which box they are in."

Jared changed lanes and headed over to the school. Lyle continued to speak on the phone with his wife who must be crying on the other end.

They pulled up in front of the school and went in. Lyle found his wife and two kids sitting on chairs in the office, all three of them had been crying.

"Brook, what's wrong?" asked Lyle.

There was a stern looking older lady that came forward and introduced herself as the principal. "The police are on the way," she said.

Lyle asked very quickly, "Why are the police coming?"

"If this is your wife, and if these are your kids, you can't prove it. The police have to confirm they are not missing or kidnapped children," she said.

Jared rolled his eyes and said, "This is a new employee of mine and his family. They just arrived and as they unpack, they will bring the paperwork in for your records."

She sneered at Jared, "That's not the way it works. The police are coming and they may have to apprehend the children until they can be identified and confirmed as not being kidnapped. This is standard procedure."

"It is standard procedure when you have reasonable grounds to believe something out of the ordinary is occurring. This family is well known to us as he served with my cousin and my HR person who hired him. The two of them were serving with him when the kids were born," explained Jared. He turned to Liam and said, "Get Jesse on the phone at the Centre and bring him up to speed what's happening please, Liam."

"Who are you calling?" the principal asked.

"Our corporate lawyer," replied Liam as he stepped out of the office.

"Lawyer?" asked the principal.

"Lawyer," replied Jared. He looked at Lyle's wife and kids huddled together and talking quietly. "They are going to need a lawyer to represent them in court."

The woman sneered at Jared, "Well if they weren't guilty, they wouldn't need a lawyer."

"Oh, the lawyer is not for their defence; it's to represent them at the civil trial after we commence a lawsuit against the school, the Board of Education, the Teacher's Federation, and you for what you have done here today. With the amount of money I will be instructing the lawyers to seek, it will take the insurance from all of them to pay up."

Before the principal could speak, another voice was heard from the door. "Mrs. Frederickson, there is an ambulance parked out front and Jared here is telling you he will be suing the school on behalf of someone. What the hell is going on here?"

"Mr. Barnes, I was just going to call you," she said.

"Jared, it's been a while since I've seen you. How are you doing?" Mr. Barnes asked as he extended his hand.

"Cory, you couldn't have timed this visit any better," he replied as they shook hands. The use of each other's first names did not go unnoticed by Mrs. Frederickson.

Liam stepped through the door and leaned over to Jared, "Zane is driving Jesse over from the Centre and should be here in a couple of minutes."

"Thanks, Liam. Liam, this man here is Mr. Cory Barnes, one of my former teachers and now the Superintendent of schools for the area. Cory, this is my partner Liam as well as my soulmate. The man over there is a brand new employee and his family and his wife was trying to register his kids at the school before the Commandant blew a fuse."

Cory smiled for a brief second before regaining composure. "Pleasure to meet you, Liam, and Jared please maintain respect."

"She never maintained respect when I was in her class and was the only poor kid. Now I can defend someone and maybe end her reign of terror," said Jared.

Again Cory smiled for second and regained composure.

Frank and Tyler walked through the door and into the office.

Mrs. Frederickson stepped over and pointed at the family in the corner, "They tried to register kids with no birth certificates at the school. They can't prove they are the parents."

Frank looked at Jared, "What are you guys doing here?"

"Lyle is working with us now, and it was his first day. He's a former army medic who served with Melanie and Dawn in the medical corps," explained Jared.

"Mel and Dawn know them?" asked Tyler.

"Absolutely," replied Jared.

"They can't provide the birth certificates to prove those kids aren't kidnapped," said Mrs. Frederickson.

Frank looked at her and shook his head. "I thought you would have retired by now, Mrs. Frederickson."

"Or died of extreme senile old age," mumbled Tyler.

"She gave a lot of problems to Mark when he was in her class," said Frank.

"I was in her class, too," said Tyler.

"They were both behavior problems and I can't believe you are a policeman," she said. "They must have been scraping the bottom of the barrel when they hired you."

Before Tyler could say anything, Jesse stepped in through the door. "Jared, what's going on?"

"Hey Jess," acknowledged Liam and Tyler.

Jessie turned to Frank and acknowledged him. "Is there a maximum occupancy law for this office," asked Jesse. Jared introduced him to Cory and pointed at Mrs. Frederickson.

"This is an official meeting, you can leave," said Mrs. Frederickson.

"I don't think so," said Jesse as he handed his card to her and Cory.

"Jared, this is spinning out of control quickly," said Cory.

"Cory, this is our corporate lawyer and he really enjoys roasting people alive who are stepping on the average person. Or in this case, he is representing my new employee along with his family," said Jared.

"Mrs. Frederickson, is there an open classroom where we can all sit calmly and speak?" asked Cory.

"If these police would do their job, there would not be a need to have a discussion," she replied. "As they hired Tyler, it's no wonder they are no good."

"Find us a room, now!" directed Cory. Jared and Liam turned their heads away from the lady as they smiled and stuck their tongues out at Tyler.

"What the hell is the problem here?" barked a voice from behind Frank. Frank, Tyler, Jared, Liam, and Lyle snapped to attention as Melanie walked in.

She looked at Cory, and the men standing at attention. "Stand easy," she said. Melanie looked over at Mrs. Frederickson and said, "I saw the broom leaning against the wall outside and was afraid you were still working here."

"You can't speak to me like that, Ms. Bear," said Mrs. Frederickson.

Melanie strutted right over to her and they stood close. "That's sir to you. We in the military officer corps who wear medals of our valour and heroism and have multiple degrees of education expect some level of respect from lesser, and old, teachers." Melanie moved closer and yelled, "Is there any part of that you do not understand, or do I need to smack you around like you did me and Jared every time you said something to us because we were poor?"

"I don't know what you are talking about," she replied while she tried to stare Melanie down.

"I delivered one of those kids, and the other retired army officer with me there delivered the other kid. Do you have any doubt who the fuck they belong to now?" screamed Melanie.

"You can't speak to me like that," Mrs. Frederickson said.

"Why not; you have treated us like shit ever since I can remember." Melanie stepped back and turned to the group. "Liam, get Lyle and his family out of here and back to the ambulance base."

Liam said "sir" without even thinking.

"Jared, you and Liam need to get back on duty. Get your asses back in service after you get the family back to the base."

"Sir," said Jared as he left quickly.

"Who do you think you are giving orders in my school?" demanded Mrs. Frederickson.

Melanie ignored her. "Frank, Jared and I will provide statements about her assault on ourselves while we were in her class. Tyler, you can probably substantiate it."

She turned to Jesse. "Start earning all that money we pay you, Jesse. Bury that hag, the school board, and anyone else who should be named in the lawsuits as soon as possible."

"Yes sir," he said before he even realized it.

"Dawn, have we got the media involved yet?" asked Melanie as she turned her head.

"Just have to make one phone call and tell them where," she replied.

Cory stepped forward, "How can we deal with this before this gets even more out of control?"

"That's up to Jesse, now. That old witch should have been force retired years ago, and now everyone will pay for it."

Mrs. Frederickson was now seated in a chair behind the school counter. "You can't do this."

Melanie walked up to her again and said, "I have issued orders to people and some of them died while following those orders. I knowingly sent people on a mission knowing they might not return alive. I have also terminated people with extreme prejudice by using a gun or explosives. I even did a few up close and silenced them forever with a knife across their throats. I felt every muscle in their body relax after I'd done it so I knew it was safe to drop their dead body to go and look for more bad guys." She leaned forward, "Suing you and the school board is easy." She gave a very wicked, almost psychopathic or sociopathic blank expression on her face with a smile. Mrs. Frederickson brought her hand up to her mouth in shock at the look she was being given. Melanie turned to walk out when Cory asked her to stop.

"May we speak outside, with your lawyer?" asked Cory.

"Of course we can, Cory," she replied with a sweet voice and smile.

The three of them stepped into the front entranceway between the sets of doors for some privacy. It only took a few minutes, but there was an agreement reached. Frank and Tyler were satisfied as well. They went back in and Cory had a few words with Mrs. Frederickson in her office. He came out a few minutes later, and went to the supply room and returned with a bundle of banker's boxes to be folded.

"She accepted, and is retiring today. I will stay with Frank to supervise her packing and leaving the property," said Cory.

Jesse then confirmed, "No charges or lawsuits will be filed, unless there is a problem with our employee's children being registered here?"

"Absolutely no problem at all," replied Cory. "With the word of officers like Melanie and Dawn, their ID is confirmed. Could we ask for copies of their documents when they find them?"

"Absolutely, Cory and everything else is good?" asked Jesse.

Cory nodded, as well as Melanie. Cory then stepped forward to Melanie and gave her a big hug.

"Melanie, I am so proud of the way you turned out in your life. Your grandfather must have been so proud of you."

"Thanks Cory, he is still is proud of me."

Cory leaned forward and whispered "My God, Mel, he must be even older than the old witch in the office."

"He is," she chuckled.

"Please pass on to Tyler and Jared I am so proud of them, too, and I hope to see them again under better circumstances."

"I will, Cory." With that, they released each other. Melanie looked around the office and said to Frank, "Officer of the watch, I turn this over to you." She saluted him.

Frank stood straight and replied, "Officer of the watch, I accept the transfer." He saluted as well.

Melanie turned to Jesse and said, "asstum monias," and winked at Frank. When Jesse hesitated, Frank said "Jesse, she said to follow her, or more specifically 'come here, white boy."

Both Cory and Frank smiled as Jesse ran from the office to catch up to her. When she walked out the front doors of the school, everyone was waiting for her and applauded.

She stood, looked at them and smiled that beautiful smile she had. Then she bowed to the crowd. "Let's get back to the base and sort this out." The group headed to their vehicles and back to the base.

Frank dropped in about an hour later with Tyler. He explained the word of the retirement spread like wildfire and all the kids with their teachers came out of their classrooms to cheer as she left the school for the last time.

Melanie turned to Lyles kids and said, "You guys are going to be famous at the school and everyone will want to be your friend because of this."

The two children looked at each other and smiled.

Melanie then said, "But we need to have a talk about being nice as well." Brook and Lyle both looked relieved when she said that to the kids.

It was evening as Jared, Liam, Lyle, Brook, Frank, Tyler and Melanie were all sitting down for dinner at the Hotel together that evening. Mark and Conner were actually babysitting Lyle's kids in the pool and slides, and having a ball doing it. The restaurant where they were eating had placed them near the window overlooking the pool by their request to keep an eye on them.

"Melanie, I am so happy you are my side," said Frank.

Melanie smiled at him, "Frank, you are the only one who doesn't flinch when I get in their face. I'm so happy you are on my side." The both laughed.

"I noticed all the guys jump when you bark," said Frank.

"Frank, you saw her. I may be a little slow at times on the uptake, but I ain't stupid," said Tyler.

"Tyler, you just have to know how to deal with her," suggested Liam. "My beautiful and smart cousin is really a marshmallow."

Melanie faked Liam out with standing up while staring at him. Liam immediately grabbed Jared and said, "Help."

The entire table started to laugh. Brook was thankful to meet everyone finally instead of just hearing names from her husband.

"So Frank, when are you going to retire from the police?" asked Jared. "In full pension, I mean."

"You trying to get rid of me?" asked Frank.

"Not at all Frank, I'm looking for potential people to fill positions which may be available sometime in the future?"

"That was the vaguest statement I have ever heard," laughed Frank. "You ride my ass about statements like that but you made me look like an amateur."

"Melanie taught me everything I know," said Jared as he took another bite full of shrimp.

"Don't you blame me, you little shit," she replied. "We'll, maybe I did you teach you, come to think of it, little cuz."

"You guys have such incredible dynamics between you and as a group. I stand here just amazed as I watch you guys interact," said Brook.

"I've never seen anything like it either," said Lyle.

"I haven't been around long either and their chemistry is amazing to me as well," said Jesse. "Wait until you really get to know them. They finish each other's sentences at times."

Liam spoke up, "Brook, are you going to be looking for work once you get settled?"

She looked at Lyle and he nodded at her. "I want to work, but I don't have a lot of skills. I have a secretarial course and some accounting, but I never got to finish it. We had talked about me maybe going to work once we get settled, if I could find a job and it didn't interfere with the kids after school."

Zane now spoke up,q "What are you thinking Brook, 6 hours a day after they go to school and before they get home?"

"Yes, that would be perfect but I don't think I would ever find a job like that."

"I will keep my eyes open for you, Brook," added Melanie.

"Hold on Mel," said Zane. "When we move to the new building, I'm going to need someone in a 2/3 hours position for the office. We will only be ten blocks from the school, and I can give her those hours. I can also accept her missing the odd days to look after a sick child or she can bring them down with her if they are out of school."

Jesse smiled at Zane and took his hand into his. "You are so amazing, Zane, to be thinking that far ahead."

"Can I ask you guys all a question here in public?" asked Brook.

Frank held his hand up as he watched Lyle's reaction to his wife's question. "Let me answer what I know will be your questions, Brook." Frank explained all the people in the group and who was with whom as boyfriends. He also told Brook about his almost dying, and how the family saved his son's life as well. Then he blushed and told her he wished Melanie was 10 years older, but someone would snap her up some day.

Melanie winked at him and smiled. Liam and Jared were sticking their fingers down their throats and gaging. Brook and Lyle lost it in laughter watching them.

Next: Chapter 31: Jared the Paramedic II 16

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