Jared the Paramedic

By Snowblind94

Published on Nov 3, 2016


Disclaimer: All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. The following contains scenes of explicit scenes involving male sex and in a variety of consensual activities. But, if you're looking for non-stop sex then this isn't the story for you. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed any further. The characters are entirely fictitious and are not based on anyone who has or is still living.

This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit written permission from the author. Nifty needs donations to keep the site alive so donate to keep the webiste alive.

I truly pray for the readers of this story and their loved ones; may you all have long, healthy and lives filled with true love, acceptance and peace every day. If you have any questions or comments, please send them to me at snowblind94@yahoo.ca

Jared the Paramedic - Volume II Chapter 14 - Plans

When Liam and Troy parked at the ambulance base, they were immediately asked to attend a meeting with the Chief Superintendent and the management team of the ambulance service. Jared had also brought Jesse in for the meeting as the lawyer for the company. The meeting discussed the drug lab they were seizing and the people arrested. They had already moved Gavin from the city and into an undisclosed area to protect him during recovery. They were worried about Troy and Liam being targets as well. John was not happy with their respectful declining of protection although for some reason he believed them when they assured him they were able to look after themselves. They also promised to keep him up to date on any problems and if he could assist them. John wasn't exactly sure if Liam and Troy would be targeted, but thought as it become closer to the court date there may be some problems.

John was surprised when Jesse told him his law firm had been contacted by the motorcycle club to represent them and he had declined. The club then contacted Jack at the head office and had been told the same thing. Jack had contacted Jesse and suggested the guys consider moving into the acreage even with it not being completed as the security system was already on-line. Jesse had assured him it would be brought up with the group and discussed.

The family including Melanie met in the same private room at the Chinese restaurant Jesse and Zane had been at previously with Jack and Molly.

Melanie was looking around, "Why are we meeting here, Jared?"

"Mel, the motorcycle club may have connections throughout the city but in a Chinese restaurant like this it is most likely under the protection of a competing Asian gang if at all," explained Jared.

"I also suggested it because I know the layout of the building, I have eaten here before and knew I could get a room here with no problems," said Jesse.

Tyler and Josh sat for a moment considering what Jared had said. "It makes sense," said Tyler.

"With good food," added Zane with a smile.

Jesse smiled and repeated, "Yes, with good food."

The owner came in shook Jesse's hand enthusiastically while speaking Cantonese. The people in the room were shocked when Jesse started speaking back to him in Cantonese as well. Zane explained to the group why Jesse had learned the language. Jesse spoke with the manager and gave him the discretion to bring food the group would enjoy. He also asked that is anyone came looking for them, he was to be notified immediately. The owner was more than happy to comply with the request.

Two waiters were assigned to look after the group tonight. The young blonde one appeared to be 18 or 19 and jumpy around the older one. The older one had a very cold and disinterested look even when someone spoke to him. He would speak very rudely to the young man in Ukrainian. The group could feel the tension in the air between the two waiters, but didn't acknowledge it.

The appetizers had been finished and the older man was barking at the young to clear the table. He dropped one plate, but it didn't break due to the carpet on the floor. The older man said very clearly to the young man in Ukrainian, "You useless faggot, you can't even clear tables. You are fucking useless and I would have already tossed you out if you were not my sister's child. Move your faggot ass."

"Stop," said Jesse in English. Both of the waiter's froze in position. He pointed at the older man, "Would you go and get Mr. Chow for me to speak with." The older man looked at Jesse, and around the table. For once, he felt uncomfortable and out of control in this situation.

He quietly started to move to the door as he spoke softly in Ukrainian again to young man, "You keep your fucking mouth shut or I will deal with you."

After the man left, Jesse looked at the young man and asked in English, "What is your name, please?"

"My name is Nikita," he replied shyly.

Jesse looked at the other's around the table, and then asked Nikita, "Who's the asshole?"

Nikita smiled, and then regained control as he answered, "He's my uncle. I live at his house and he got me this job."

Mr. Chow came into the room with the other waiter.

"Yes, Mr. McCoy, how may I be of assistance?" said Mr. Chow.

Jesse explained what had been said to Nikita by his uncle in Ukrainian and how the words and threats he made offended him. He wanted Nikita only to serve them for the rest of the meal. Mr. Chow looked horrified at what had been said.

"You have offended these people by what you said to Nikita, and they don't want you to serve them anymore. In fact, this was your last chance, so you are fired, Pieter," said Mr. Chow.

"How do these people know what I said?" he demanded.

"Because I speak Ukrainian and understood every insult," replied Jesse yelling the answer in Ukrainian.

The man stepped backwards at the volume Jesse had used and tried to regain some control. Pieter looked at Nikita and said in Russian, "You wait until you get home you piece of shit, or maybe I kill you and leave you in the alley out back."

Jesse flew out of his chair, pinning Pieter to the wall and choking him. In Russian, he said, "You just threatened to kill this young man, something I don't think you even have the balls to do. I have you by your throat and I could crush your airway easily and rid the world of some fucking trash." Jesse applied a little more pressure and the man was having trouble breathing now. "You will go home and bring everything Nikita owns to the restaurant within 30 minutes after I let you go, or I will come for you with my brothers. We will ensure you live a long time as we tear you apart, and then your body will be deposited in multiple places where the dogs and pigs can chew on it you fucking useless piece of shit." Jesse stepped back and threw the man to the floor. "You have 29 fucking minutes before I kill you if you are not back here," said Jesse as he kicked the man. The man was terrified, and scrambled out of the room.

Jesse turned and explained what he had said to the man for everyone in the room. Mr. Chow looked concerned, but Jesse assured him he was play acting and speaking the way the Russians in a gang would speak to someone who had disappointed them. Nikita was in shock as Jesse got up and introduced him to everyone in the room. Mr. Chow and Nikita left to get the food for the group.

"Remind me to never piss you off, Jesse," said Liam seriously.

"I thought I was tough," said Josh. "Man, you could scare anyone."

"So, when Molly said a few other languages....." started Zane.

Jesse laughed. "I can't tell you everything at once, Zane. That would take all the fun out of learning about each other. By the way, it's English, Russian, Ukrainian, Cantonese, Cree, French and a couple more I haven't full mastered."

"Jesse, are you sure your gay?" asked Melanie. "I just definitely fell in love with you after all that yelling, those wonderful threats and the physical stuff you did. That has got me so hot......"

The entire group had their fingers in their ears and were yelling 'gross' and 'TMI.'

The group laughed heartily. Jesse got up and walked over to Melanie and took her hand gently, kissing it. In French he said, "If anyone could do it, it would be you Melanie. You are such a beautiful lady inside and outside that any man would be fortunate to have you as their wife. That is until you breathe fire and stomp on villages." He kissed her hand again.

Melanie had the most beautiful smile as she said in English, "Those words sound so beautiful in that language." Then she smiled and spoke in French, "Didn't Jared warn you both he and I spoke French?" She stood and gave him a big wet kiss, turned him around and weggied him.

"Son of a bitch," whined Jesse as he straightened himself out.

Jared quickly filled everyone in on what Jesse had said in French, which caused everyone to nearly fall out their chairs laughing. Melanie looked at Tyler and Liam who both immediately stood and were about to run for the door when the food started to come in.

The meal was incredible and while they were eating the group decided to remain as they were unless something happened which caused them to reassess their personal security. They also discussed leaving Liam with Troy for a while and having someone else with Jared to give Troy more protection at work. Jared would discuss it with Rob in the morning.

Nikita came into the room and stood by the wall.

Jesse saw him and motioned for him to pull a chair up with them.

"Uncle Pieter brought all my stuff down, but I have nowhere to go now," he said trying not to cry.

"Nikita, tonight you come with Zane and me and we will figure something out in the morning," replied Jesse.

"I will be a problem?" asked Nikita.

"No Nikita. I'm the director for the LGBT Shelter and Drop in Center. We'll get you into a room tomorrow and see what we can do from there to help you," said Zane.

"Thank you," said Nikita.

"Jared, I guess you are not the only who picks up strays," said Jesse with a smile.

"You're doing fine, Jesse, and good job," replied Jared.

They loaded Nikita's possessions into Jesse's SUV. He had finally bought a used SUV to get around town and out to Jared's cabin. Zane was very happy when the two of them had gone around town for a week before they found a used SUV with low mileage and in good shape. Jesse had learned something about Zane during this exercise. His boyfriend is very good natured, tolerant, highly respectful person - except when negotiating for a better deal. Jesse enjoyed watching Zane effectively haggle and push for the best price with the intensity of a viper.

The shelter was full for the night, so they decided Nikita could stay on the couch. Zane had smiled at Jesse when he suggested Trevor was still single and might need a roommate in the future.

Nikita is 19 years old and working in the country as a landed immigrant awaiting citizenship. He had been here since he was 14 years old, which accounted for his excellent English. He was definitely cute with his blonde hair cut short on the sides and spiked on the top. His crystal blue eyes sparkled when he looked at you. He has a light beard and maybe shaved once every couple of weeks. He was 5'9" and slim but muscular and overall had the blue eyed blond Russian look. He also had a quick wit and infectious laugh, but terribly insecure.

It was obvious very quickly he had been at least physically and mentally abused by his uncle. He was scared to do anything without asking and shook when he was asking. It was getting late so it was time to shower and head off to bed. Zane went in the shower first while Jesse sat and spoke to Nikita in Russian. Nikita also spoke Ukrainian as well as French. He needed some practice on his French, but it was more because he didn't get to use it very much working with Chinese people.

The two of them were talking away in French when Zane came back into the room wearing just his tight underwear. Nikita's blue eyes opened wide when he saw Zane standing there.

"I'm sorry to stare, Zane, but you are so beautiful to look at," said Nikita as he blushed.

Zane blushed as well. "Thanks buddy. It's nice to have a fan club. What language were you guys speaking when I came in?"

Jesse laughed. "We were destroying French and Ukrainian because they were both mixed together."

"I have to think so hard when switching from one language to another but Jesse does it so quickly I get mixed up," said Nikita with his beautiful smile.

"I'll jump in the shower next," said Jesse as he got up from the couch.

Nikita looked at Zane and asked, "Are you two boyfriends?"

"Yes Nikita, we are boyfriends."

"You are both so attractive and cute together."

"You're a cute little guy, too, and you will find someone someday. Give it time, Nikita."

"You two are very different from the other gay people I have met here in this country. They were all older Russians or people who wanted to have sex with me even when I didn't want to," said Nikita softly. "They didn't ever want to talk or be friends. They wanted one thing only."

Zane put a hand on his shoulder and said, "No one should ever have sex when they don't want to. It is your body Nikita, and you control it. If you've been forced into sex, I think you need to see one of our counselor's tomorrow. We will also and get some blood tests done on you as well to make sure they didn't give you anything. We'll look after you here Nikita and you are safe."

"Thank you, Zane. I feel safe here," said Nikita.

Just then Jesse walked into the room wearing his tight boxer briefs while he was drying his hair. Nikita gasped when he saw him. "You are beautiful too, Jessie," said Nikita.

"Thanks, buddy. Zane, it looks like your fan switched sides," laughed Jesse.

Nikita got frustrated and said quickly, "No, you're both beautiful and you make a wonderful couple. I mean a beautiful couple not only because of your looks, but the warmth of your big hearts."

Jesse was surprised by the words from Nikita as much as Zane had been.

"Thank you," said Jesse.

Zane smiled and said, "Thank you, Nikita, but we have our challenges," as he was holding up two fingers barely apart in the universal language indicating size.

They all chuckled.

"You're not accurate from what I can see through the underwear, Zane," said Nikita shyly.

"You better get in the shower, Nikita. You've had a long day," said Zane.

Nikita got up from the couch trying to keep his hand over his crotch to conceal the hard on in his pants.

He rummaged through his stuff until he found a toothbrush, toothpaste and a clean pair of underwear. He quickly ran to the bathroom. Before he got the door closed, Jesse called out to him. As he stuck his head out, Jesse whispered something to him in Russian which caused Nikita to blush, but nod his head yes.

After the shower started, Zane looked at Jesse with a smile and asked him, "What did you whisper to him that made him blush?"

Jesse sat on the couch near Zane and replied very calmly, "I told him it was OK for him to jack off in the shower and he could use the liquid soap to slide better."

"You are so bad, Jesse, but I like it," said Zane. They sat and looked at each other, their eyes locking as if looking into the other's soul.

Zane reached out and lightly touched Jesse's knee. Jesse looked at Zane's hand, and then brought his own hand up to the side of Zane's face. He stroked the side of the face.

"I am in love with you, Zane," said Jesse.

"Not as much as I am with you, infinity," said Zane. They gently kissed a long, simmering kiss.

"Zane, if you had told me I would be here 6 months ago and so happy with life, I would have had a lot of choice words for you."

"If you had told me I would be falling in love and starting a relationship 6 months ago I would have slugged you."

The two of them gently kissed again.

Zane slid into the corner of the couch and patted it for Jesse to come over. He slowly moved towards Zane who held his arm out so Jesse could snuggle in beside him. Jesse laid the side of his head on Zane's shoulder, and closed his eyes while Zane rubbed circles on his back. He could feel Jesse relax as he snuggled up to him and he was surprised when Jesse reached around him to hold him tightly. They stayed like that for a few moments, until the bathroom door opened and Nikita walked out in a pair of large children's underwear which were too small.

He was trying to hide himself behind his hands. "I'm sorry. I only got hand me downs from my cousin who was younger than me and I not have nice clothing."

"Nikita, I was not looking at your underwear; I was thinking how cute you really are," said Zane. "You don't need to be shy or bashful around here, buddy. You've seen us walking around, so be proud and stand up straight. You are not only a good person, but a very cute young man."

Nikita was slim, but solid from work. He had some blonde hair under his arms, on his legs and from his belly button to the top of his pubic bush which was sticking above the elastic band of the small pair of underwear. Nikita slowly stood up straight and moved his hands. It was a shock to Zane that the young man could keep a cock that big inside that pair of underwear.

"Nikita, they must be very uncomfortable," said Zane.

He had a look of embarrassment as he said, "They are, but they are all I have."

Zane told him to go over to the dryer and grab a pair of underwear of the top of the pile and put those on. He ran down the hall, returning a moment later wearing a pair of Zane's boxer briefs. The kid definitely had a big piece of meat in those shorts.

"Thank you, Zane" he said returning to the living room. "They feel great!"

"Get a blanket from the other chair over there and come snuggle with us for a few minutes," said Zane.

Soon enough, Nikita was snuggled in the middle between Jesse and Zane. He had a tear leaking out of his closed eyes.

"What's wrong?" asked Zane. Jesse had repositioned himself so the three of them were leaning together and his arms were around Zane and Nikita.

"It's been a long time since anyone held me like this. It's nice," said Nikita.

Jesse smiled. "I know the feeling, Nikita. It was a long time for me too, and I'm enjoying holding you both of you."

"Thank you both for helping me," the young man said quietly. "I'm used to being yelled at, beaten and used. I'm not used to people helping, giving me things or holding me like they care."

"Nikita, we care about you. That's why you are here with us and we'll get you into the shelter tomorrow so you have your own space. When do you work next at the restaurant?" asked Jesse.

"I only work there a couple days a week and I was trying to find something else to make money," replied the young man with a yawn.

"Well, you're in luck, we need someone to work at the food bank part of the operation. There is also a very nice person there to show you the job," explained Zane.

Nikita said nothing in reply to Zane's words. Both of the men felt him relaxing in their grip, and then they realized he was in deep and rhythmical breathing.

"I think he's falling asleep," said Jesse. "Correction, he went out like a light."

"What do we do about him tonight?" asked Jesse.

"If you hold onto him, I'll get some blankets and pillows for him. Then we can lay him down and cover him up for the night. He can stay right here."

"Sounds like a good idea," replied Jesse.

Zane got up, returning with the blankets and pillows. They gently laid him out on the couch and covered him up.

"He really is a bright and cute kid, isn't he?" asked Jesse.

"He really is, and in so many ways he is so very naive, too. I'm going to have to watch out for him so he doesn't get used any more," stated Zane.

It was then Jesse and Zane realized they were standing side by side with an arm around each other while looking at Nikita sleeping.

Zane could feel Jesse tighten up and said, "Jesse, are you ok?"

Jesse slowly smiled, "Yeah, I feel guilty because it feels good to hold someone again and he has no one."

"Me too, Jesse, but there are some things we can do to make it better for him," replied Zane.

Jesse stood still for a moment staring at Nikita sleeping. "Have you ever wanted to be a father?"

"Wow, Counsellor, you don't pull back on your questions, do you? I mean, right out of the blue you ask me if I have ever wanted to be a father....." Jesse cut him off.

"I'm sorry, I was thinking aloud..." Zane cut him off this time.

"It was exactly what I was thinking too, Jesse, and wondering how to ask you?"

Jesse turned his head to look at Zane. "We agreed to always ask questions without fear, right my cute little boyfriend?"

Zane giggled. "Yes, we did. So, now that the questions are out there, have you thought of being a parent and raising a child? I mean you would make an awesome dad and look at all the uncles the kid would have."

That statement hung in the air for a moment before they both said together, "Liam." That caused some quiet laughter.

"We would have to teach him how to ignore Liam and Tyler with their bad behaviors," said Zane with a smile.

"Or we could teach the kids to be even better than those two," replied Jesse.

"I really like the way you think Jesse, but let's head off to bed," suggested Zane.

They walked down the hall, holding each other and crawled into bed. This time Zane crawled over and put his head on Jesse's chest. Jesse wrapped his arm around Zane.

They both sighed and disappeared into their own thoughts, falling asleep together, facing each other and holding hands. About half way through the night, Jesse realized there was someone else in the bed with them. Nikita was sound asleep behind him and tucked right up against his back like a hot water bottle. He fell back asleep.

When Jesse awoke in the morning, he was spooned behind Nikita and holding him tightly. Zane was right behind Jesse, and holding him. Jesse wiggled his way over Zane, who was waking up as well. He saw Nikita still sleeping and smiled. They went out to kitchen to start coffee.

"When did he crawl into bed?" asked Zane.

"No clue. I woke up at some point and he was snuggled up to me," replied Jesse. "I didn't mind it. He must have gotten scared."

"I want to set him up with a counselor today, and get some blood work done, too. He said a couple of things last night while you were in the shower I didn't like. He mentioned he had sex even when he didn't want too."

Jesse looked upset briefly, and then his face went blank. "Fucking people! Hopefully he will open up to a counsellor."

Zane hugged Jesse. He had never seen him speak like that before. They moved apart slightly, but still held each other.

"Let's have coffee and get breakfast going," suggested Zane. "I know I'm hungry and I bet the kid can pack the food away pretty good."

"I can go grocery shopping today, and take him for new clothes, too," said Jesse.

"Actually, I was thinking about asking Trevor to take a voucher and help Nikita clothes shop and buy what he needs. Trevor knows where to get good deals and which stores support us."

Jesse smirked at Zane.

"What?" asked Zane innocently.

"They would make a cute couple, wouldn't they," replied Jesse.

After feeding Nikita, they took him down to meet Trevor. They hit it off immediately considering their common backgrounds. Trevor took Nikita to the nurse for blood work and a physical exam, and afterwards the two of them disappeared to go shopping. Jesse slipped some cash to Trevor to get a big lunch for the two of them as well.

The two young men came back late in the afternoon. They had been away long enough both Jesse and Zane had become concerned. The two of them were having so much fun together they had simply lost track of time and both looked at the ground like whipped puppies as they apologised. Jesse and Zane hugged them both and assured them they were not mad.

Trevor had asked Nikita to come stay with him for a trial basis at his apartment. Zane and Jesse had a serious talk with both of them about friendship, responsibility, protected sex and both of them being vulnerable as the result of their past.

The two young men both listened closely, and gave Jesse and Zane big hugs for caring about them. They retrieved the belongings from Zane's apartment and headed over to Trevor's apartment building. The two young men were chatting and bouncing along on the sidewalk together like someone had given them a million dollars each. Jesse and Zane had their arms around the other's waist, smiling as they watched to the two young men disappear around the corner.

Next: Chapter 30: Jared the Paramedic II 15

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