Jared the Paramedic

By Snowblind94

Published on Oct 12, 2016


Disclaimer: All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. The following contains scenes of explicit scenes involving male sex and in a variety of consensual activities. But, if you're looking for non-stop sex then this isn't the story for you. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed any further. The characters are entirely fictitious and are not based on anyone who has or is still living.

This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit written permission from the author.

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I truly pray for the readers of this story and their loved ones; may you all have long, healthy and lives filled with true love, acceptance and peace every day.

If you have any questions or comments, please send them to me at snowblind94@yahoo.ca

Jared the Paramedic - Volume II Chapter 11 - Patrick

Jared and Liam had been invited over to Tyler and Troy's apartment for dinner. After work, the two of them headed over after picking up some fresh strawberries and chocolate cheese cake for desert. On the way, the two men discussed the names Lisa had used as their tribal names. Both of the men had noted the lengthening, formalization and increase in status added to their names. They would have to ask grandfather if he knew anything. Liam summed it by saying someone forgot to send them a copy of the memo, and after he suggested that was typical management - Jared slapped the back of his head. Liam knocked at the apartment door and entered without waiting for an acknowledgment. Tyler and Troy were both in the kitchen working on vegetables for the stir fry. They all quickly embraced.

"Liam, that picture of you done up like a calf at the rodeo is the best one yet," said Tyler as he was cutting up some fresh green beans.

Liam had gone to the sink and beginning to wash the strawberries, "Yeah, yeah, yeah - like whatever."

"You have to quit getting Mel all worked up Liam," said Troy.

Jared laughed as he sat the kitchen table with a cup of coffee from the pot on the counter. "It's his masochistic side, Troy. He loves it."

Suddenly, there was a panicked knocking at the apartment door. Tyler went and opened it and found his neighbour's son standing there.

"What's wrong, Patrick?" asked Tyler. The apartment across the hallway was rented by a divorced lady and her 17 year old son. Mrs. Alicia Gassick and Patrick had been wonderful neighbours since Tyler had moved in a few years ago. Neither of them even had changed their opinion when Troy moved in and they learned the two were gay.

Patrick was standing there looking lost. "Mom's still at work and........"

Tyler smiled at him, "Did you (a) lose your key again; (b) need to borrow the one your mom left here with us or (c) are you looking for supper?"

Patrick was sniffing the air and looking around Tyler at the rest of the guys in the apartment. "Am I that predictable Tyler? I mean - (a) (b) and (c) would be applicable, especially (c).

Troy stepped backwards and looked at the young man standing in the door way. "Patrick, is your mom on evenings tonight at the hotel?"

"She's working a double at the front desk. I was at volleyball practice and forgot the key in my locker at school."

Tyler reached out and grabbed the young man playfully on the top of his head, pulling him into the apartment. "You may as well come in for supper, Patrick."

Patrick came in and went to Troy to look at what was being prepared for supper. "What are ya cooking?"

Liam turned and called out over his shoulder "Hey brat, how ya doing?"

"Liam, you're not that much older than me," Patrick replied smiling, and reaching to steal a strawberry.

"You're both brats," said Jared.

Patrick is 17 and almost 18 as he points out, going on 21 in his own mind. He is 6', slim with broad shoulders, big feet, dark shaggy hair, large soft brown eyes, contagious smile, and a light moustache growing on his upper lip.

"So how is my little buddy?" asked Jared.

"Little my ass, lets measure," replied Patrick.

Jared stood slowly and turned around while standing up straight. Patrick moved to place his back up against Jared's.

"Shoe's off Patty," said Liam.

Patrick kicked his shoes off quickly.

"OMG Patrick, they stink so bad," said Tyler. He picked them up carefully, taking them to the door. Before placing them on the ground, he used a bottle of shoe powder on each to help neutralize the odour of the teen's feet. In the kitchen he could hear Troy and Liam judging the height of the two people.

"Nope. Jared's still taller but you are catching up fast, Patrick," said Liam.

"Your opinion please, Troy, after all Liam and Jared are boyfriends and would cover for each other," replied Patrick.

"Unfortunately Patrick, as much as I hate doing this - I have to agree with Liam," said Troy.

Liam stuck his tongue at Patrick, who replied with the exact same gesture.

"What's for supper?" asked Patrick.

"Chicken stir fry, green beans with black bean sauce, and rice," replied Tyler as he washed his hands from handling Patrick's shoes.

"Followed by fresh strawberries and chocolate cheese cake," added Jared.

"Chocolate?" asked Patrick.

"Liam, he's beginning to act and even sound like you. Stop teaching him," said Tyler. laughing.

Both Patrick and Liam stuck their tongues out at Tyler.

Troy's cell phone rang and he glanced at the screen before answering it. "Hello Alicia, and yes, he's here for supper." He listened for a moment and replied "Alicia, Jared and Liam are here as well, and you know the brat is always welcome here."

Patrick was sitting at the table and had gotten quiet when he realized it was his mom on the phone. This unusual behavior was not unnoticed by the guys.

"Alicia, are you sure? I mean, that's not like Patrick." He listened for another moment.

Liam sat next to Patrick and asked, "What were you up to, brat?"

Patrick didn't shift his gaze from staring at the table as he answered, "Nothing."

Jared leaned over the table and said "Patrick, we have had the discussion about the difference between you answering a question truthfully or not and how important that is to us. You know the rules, if you want to hang with us, you need to be honest."

Patrick looked up at Jared, and then to Liam. "Ok, I'm sorry guys. I was in a fight today."

"A physical fight, Patrick? That's not like you at all. What happened?" asked Liam.

"My girlfriend and I broke up last week. She made the comment to the guy she's going out with now she thought I was gay because I didn't want to have sex with her."

Jared's expression didn't change at the statement. "Did she want to have sex with you?"

"Yes, she did, and I really wanted to as well. I really wanted to but it didn't feel right."

"How do you mean?" asked Liam.

"You guys and I have talked about sex and I was thinking I wasn't ready yet. I mean, I want my first time to be special not just a fuck like that. I want it to be with some special. I remember Liam telling me his story as well, about how there was nothing wrong with waiting for the right person."

Tyler had sat down as well. "Patrick, I'm very proud of you to have made that decision."

"Neither of us had condoms, either. She kept saying she was on the pill and all was good. You guys have pounded into my head about always wearing a rubber to not only prevent pregnancy but not spreading or getting diseases. If even half of the stories are correct about the girls in my class, I must be the only one in the school they haven't been to bed with, and who knows where or who else."

"I'm even more proud of your decisions, Patrick," said Tyler. "There is lots of time for a good looking guy like you to grow up and make love as opposed to just sex."

"I'm proud of you, too," said Jared. "Now, what about the fight?"

"Well the guy she's going out with now is a dickhead and he made the comment I was gay like my faggot neighbours."

Tyler didn't flinch at the use of the word faggot even though his blood pressure was climbing rapidly. "The fight, Patrick."

"I walked away but he punched me once. So, I turned and hit him the face - hard. Probably harder than I should have because there was blood everywhere."

"So why did you hit him when you could've still walked away?" asked Tyler.

Patrick hesitated as he thought about his answer. "There were three reasons I hit him. He accused me of something in front of other people which was not true - or not even his business if it was. The second reason was my neighbours are my friends and really good people - not faggots. The final reason was he hit me first, so I defended myself."

They all sat in silence for a moment until they heard Troy say, "Did you hear that, Alicia?" He listened and walked over to Patrick. "She would like to speak with you a moment."

While Patrick was on the phone Troy explained Patrick's mother had got a call from the coach, who had witnessed it. He said Patrick had not thrown the first punch and he wouldn't be taking action against either boy. The Coach also said he was proud of Patrick for trying to walk away. He was going to speak to the other parents and he was sure both sets were going to react when they were told the reasons for the fight and their daughter's sexual advances being rebuffed. The men all chuckled and laughed with the prediction of some short leashes about to be put on a couple of kids.

Patrick had a neutral face as he handed the phone back to Tyler. "Mom would like to have a word with you, Troy." He took the phone and listened.

"Ok, I think the four of us can handle that, Alicia. Do you want to listen?" asked Troy.

Troy held the phone out and said, "Alicia wants him to get a spanking." Patrick's mouth dropped open, and the three guys grabbed him.

He was screaming, "No!!!!!!. I'm toooo old for that." There were a few loud smacks and yelps of pain as Tyler's hand hit Patrick's jean covered butt in rapid succession, and then the tickling started. Soon enough, Patrick couldn't even speak he was laughing so hard.

Troy was on the phone again and laughing as he said "Alicia, I know I added spanking but he did deserve it, a bit." He listened again and then said "Alicia, it's never a problem to look after the little guy, we've told you that. He really is always welcome here, and he gets along with all of us as well. We enjoy terrorizing him as much as he enjoys eating us out of house and home." He listened again, "Yes, we will make sure he gets home after supper and a game of scrabble. Good night, Alicia - we're looking out for him, no worries." He hung up just as Liam gave Patrick a purple nurple and he screamed.

The group was lying on the floor with Patrick in the middle holding his left nipple. "One of these days I will get even," said Patrick with a smile. He looked up at Troy and said, "Mom didn't say anything about a spanking, tickling or purple nurple, did she?"

Troy laughed and said, "It was even worse than that Patrick, she left it up to me to deal with you."

Patrick mumbled, "Oh shit," and laid onto his back, his head on Liam's stomach. Liam reached over and messed the young man's hair playfully.

"On a serious note, Patrick, you did well and although I do not agree with violence I can understand what you did. I'm as capable of violence as is anyone, but it is to be used as protection for yourself or another person. Never is it to be used as a convenience to end a confrontation quickly," said Jared.

Patrick laid there exhausted all tangled up with the guys. "I hear you, Jared."

"But we still love you, little guy," said Troy from the kitchen.

"Thanks guys. So, what would you have done?" asked Patrick

Tyler laid there in thought, hoping someone else would answer. Liam spoke, "How else would you have liked to have handled it, Patrick?"

He thought for a moment before replying, "Walk away?"

"Patrick, not the answer you think we want - how else could you have handled it? There is no right or wrong answer, buddy."

Patrick leaned up to look at Liam and try to read his body language but he couldn't interpret what he saw. "Liam, I think the best thing for me to do would have been not to get angry about the comment they made. I knew they were wrong, and I knew he was baiting me, if I hadn't have reacted maybe I would not have hit him so hard."

Jared smiled at the young man. "That's a good answer Patrick. We talk like this all the time amongst ourselves, thinking of alternate options for situations."

"Jared, you guys are pretty cool about things so would you get upset if I said I was going to beat the shit out of him if the coach hadn't stepped in?"

None of the men reacted, but Liam asked, "How do you think the consequences of that would have differed?"

Patrick was surprised as the guys had not reacted to his comment and had started to lecture him. That's what the teachers would have all done, and most adults. "I don't think I would have done it. I probably did the right thing, maybe a little less force to the hit or even walked away. I guess he could have called the police and had me charged if I had beaten the shit out of him."

"Patrick, sometimes this is how we learn. If we think out loud like you were doing, the answers you thought may have been right, don't sound as good out loud as opposed to inside your head."

The young man sat and thought for a moment. "Thanks guys. My biggest fear was that when you guys found out about the fight I was in, you would be mad and send me home or never speak to me again."

Troy came out of the kitchen. "Patrick, listen to me young man. We may not agree with your actions or behaviors at times, but we will never throw you out or shun you. You can speak to us about anything, and we will listen and discuss it with you. I want to be clear - we may not agree with your behavior, but we'll always love our little neighbour brat. Am I clear boy?"

Patrick had a big smile on his face as he answered, "Yes Troy, I understand you." He paused and then continued. "Thanks guys, and I mean for everything you guys do for me." Tyler reached over and ruffled the young man's hair.

Tyler looked at Jared and said, "Do you hear it?"

Everyone stopped their movement on the floor. "Hear what?" asked Jared.

"Listen carefully, and you will hear it ........it ...sounds ...like .... a... Charley horse." Tyler whacked Jared, Liam and Patrick in rapid succession causing them to scream and grab their thighs. Tyler got up quickly and ran to Troy.

"Need some help with the meal, love of my life?" he asked.

"Need some protection the love of my life?" answered Troy with a smile.

"That too," replied Tyler laughing.

The five of them managed to get the table set, supper made - served and cleaned up with a minimal amount of pinching, jabbing or slapping.

Liam and Patrick almost squared off over the final piece of chocolate cheese cake. Patrick reminded Liam at his age he had to begin watching his calories because his metabolism was slowing down and it did look to him that Liam's ass was getting wider and his jeans tighter.

Liam was horrified, ran to the bathroom to look and by the time he got back, the last piece was gone. Tyler, Troy and Jared were laughing so hard they almost fell out of their chairs. Liam was shocked when Patrick had hidden the piece of cake under the table, and pulled it out and offered to share it with him. Liam saluted and told Patrick he has learned his lessons well for a padawan.

The scrabble game went well and Troy won the round, with Liam still claiming 'narf' and 'zowie' were words in a dictionary at home. Patrick wanted hugs from everyone before he went home across the hallway. Jared and Liam departed for home at the same time.

Tyler came into the bedroom after cleaning up in the bathroom.

Troy was in bed waiting for him. "Tyler, do you buy everything Patrick was saying tonight about the not wanting to have sex with his girlfriend?"

"I've never really questioned anything Patrick has ever said to us. I mean he is a teenager, and a great kid but he's never given me any reason to question him beyond the odd tall tale."

Tyler was crawling into bed as Troy said to him, "Until now, you mean."

Tyler crawled over and onto his boyfriend, "Until now. I don't think Jared or Liam missed it either. It could be exactly as he said, or it could be just a confused teenager, someone who is investigating or it could be something else. I know he said 'even if it was' but only time will tell."

Troy reached up and interlocked his fingers behind Tyler's neck. "I think Patrick would like Adam."

"No match making, Troy. Let's not get the cart before the horse." Tyler gently rubbed his pelvis against Troy with both of their engorged cocks now in contact.

"Speaking of carts, Mr. Horse," said Troy.

"You say the sweetest things. Troy, I probably don't say it enough but I really do love you with all my heart."

"Ty, I have never doubted it. Just like you, I probably never say it enough either but I do love you with all my heart as well."

Tyler leaned down and gently kissed his soulmate. When they broke their kiss, Tyler lifted his head and looked into Troy's eyes....and snarled while he bared his teeth. Troy looked back into Tyler's eyes and snarled back at him. Tyler began to grind his pelvis into Troy with more force.

Troy caught his partner off guard when he rolled out from under him, and then rolled onto Tyler's back. He pinned Tyler to the bed, and growled into his ear. Being pinned under his boyfriend in this manner was erotic for Tyler, and he wiggled his ass so Troy's cock slipped into the crack. Troy began to kiss his boyfriend's neck, nibbling and growling as well. He slid down and began use his tongue from the top of Tyler's ass and he licked in long strokes up the spine.

Tyler was squirming under the sensations of the tongue, and the little nips Troy was giving him.

"Troy, I'm really liking this side of you and you're driving me nuts with your tongue."

"If you liked that, you'll love this, lover." Troy spread the cheeks of Tyler's ass and used his tongue on the delicate little rose bud which was exposed.

Tyler moaned and squealed with enjoyment as the tongue circled his sphincter and gently lapped at it. Troy used his hands to pull at Tyler's hips and move him up onto his knees. Tyler spread his knees as much as he could. Troy didn't hesitate to dive in and rim Tyler. His tongue was circling the little pulsating rosebud while he his boyfriend was squirming from the sensations. Using his tongue, he licked all the way down until he licked the low hanging balls. Gently, Troy took one into his mouth while he slipped a hand underneath to grasp Tyler's 6.5" cock, playing with the big purple head and milking the precum out of it. Tyler was squirming and moaning loudly.

"O god Troy, do me now. I need that piece of meat in my ass."

Troy licked and spit on the little rosebud once again and inserted a finger. Tyler moaned even louder as the finger probed deeper, withdrew and probed deeper again. Troy began to wiggle the fingertip, driving Tyler to ecstasy with every movement.

He felt his lover's finger probing inside of him, the warmth and way it filled him. It was when Troy rubbed the prostate he felt the electrical charges spread from there to his cock and throughout his body until they hit his brain. Tyler would take a grasping deep breath each time his little nugget was rubbed. He couldn't even form words at this point as he was riding the waves of sensation. The only think he could do was unconsciously to move backward so the penetration could go deeper.

Troy inserted a second finger, and all Tyler could do was to moan loudly. He reached under his boyfriend and gently grasped the hanging erect cock. Using his thumb, he made circles on the exposed purple head, and squeezing it lightly. He milked the clear slippery fluid out and spread it around the head and shaft. While working the third finger in, he began to slowly jack or milk the big cock. Tyler bit the pillow case as he began to move his body backwards to try and impale the fingers deeper.

Troy pulled his fingers out, and slapped the exposed ass on each cheek a couple of times while continuing to milk his boyfriends dripping cock. Troy reached to the nightstand and retrieved the lube.

A moment later, the big head of Troy's cock broke through the muscular ring and continued to probe as deep as it could inside of Tyler. He bottomed out, his pelvic bone wedged against Tyler's ass crack tightly.

Tyler moaned loudly, "God I love you, Troy. Fuck me hard."

Troy chuckled slightly while slowly moving backwards, and as he slowly pushed back in deep he replied, "I love you too, Tyler, like I have never loved anyone before."

Troy began to move in and out of Tyler's tight ass at an increasing speed. At the same time, Tyler began to push back to make his boyfriend's cock go as deep as it could. They were both moaning, sweating, and somewhere not on earth riding the sensations rolling through their bodies. Troy stopped, and pulled out. Without warning he flipped Tyler onto his back and before anything could be said had impaled deeply inside his boyfriend again. The movements were slower, and not as long of strokes while the two of them kissed deeply. Their tongues were fighting for dominance, or just dancing to a fast beat as they played in the other's mouth.

Tyler had grabbed both sides of Troy's head with his hands and as they finished their kiss, he held his boyfriend's head in place. The two men were nose to nose as Tyler said "I give you my spirit, soulmate. I love you."

The man on top smiled and replied "I freely give my spirit with all my love to you as well. In a moment I will also give you my essence of spirit deep within your body."

"And I will give you mine shortly after."

The two gently kissed before Troy picked up speed and began to pump hard and deep like a piston. A couple of moments later, he was hit by the flood of sensations as his cock injected the load of seed deep inside Tyler.

"I'm cumming, Ty," he cried out.

Tyler locked his legs around Troy, holding him in place as the warm liquid was squirted inside of him. The feelings of throbbing, contracting muscle as it squirted the warm sperm inside of him was something Tyler loved each time it happened. It never got old for him, and he never wanted it from anyone else either.

Troy collapsed onto Tyler. A moment later, he pulled out of his boyfriend and grabbed the lube. He smeared onto his asshole and Tyler's hard piece of meat. He then straddled him before sitting on the cock and impaling himself.

Troy began rocking himself forward and backwards causing the big cock to slid in and out. Finally, he began to lift himself up and down. It didn't take long before Tyler was screaming about cumming. Troy sat down hard on the 6.5" cock as it began to deposit its load into him. The two of them froze in that position for a moment until the wave of ecstasy had passed. Troy collapsed onto Troy's chest and his only regret was feeling the big cock pop out of his ass.

The two of them spooned together in the bed, and fell asleep.

Next: Chapter 27: Jared the Paramedic II 12

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