Jared the Paramedic

By Snowblind94

Published on Oct 6, 2016


Disclaimer: All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. The following contains scenes of explicit scenes involving male sex and in a variety of consensual activities. But, if you're looking for non-stop sex then this isn't the story for you. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed any further. The characters are entirely fictitious and are not based on anyone who has or is still living.

This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit written permission from the author. Nifty Stories needs donations to keep it going. Please help to keep this site open by donating a little or a lot - it all helps.

I am not a professional writer but I have been enjoying myself to like this hobby for the moment or until a squirrel leads me into another direction. If you have any questions or comments, please send them to me at snowblind94@yahoo.ca

Jared the Paramedic - Volume II Chapter 10 - Tragedy

It was approximately 4:00 pm in the afternoon when a call was dispatched to Liam, Jared and Lyle for them to attend as backup for the police. They had received a call of a man on the bridge which spanned over the fast moving, wide and deep river, and was intending to commit suicide. If the impact on the water didn't kill him, the fast moving, deep and cold water would. This had been already established as a solid fact too many times in the past by other people who had done the same thing.

The bridge had been blocked off by the couple of police cars, but they waved the ambulance on through. Liam drove along slowly until he was stopped by a police car with an officer he didn't recognize. The officer was young, and probably a new hire judging by the perfect kit he was wearing.

The officer got out of the car and walked towards the ambulance.

Liam rolled the window down. "Where's the jumper?"

The officer tried to look very official and replied, "Up on the east side of the bridge. He cut the manway lock off and went through the gate."

"Any clue why?" asked Jared through the window.

"Not that I've heard. Must be just another mental health act who bugged out," he replied.

Liam looked at the young man and said, "That's not a very constructive attitude for the situation."

The young officer shrugged his shoulders, "If he doesn't do it now, he'll do it later and maybe take some others with him." The young man's radio crackled, and he answered. A moment later he asked, "Are you Jared and Liam?"

"Yes, we are."

"The sergeant told me to pass you on. He seems to think you might be able to help."

Liam looked at the officer and said, "I'm Liam, the man on the other side is Jared and the one in the middle is Lyle. And you are......?"

"Officer Anton Boisvert."

"You haven't been on the job for a long time have you?" asked Liam.

"This is my first set, fourth shift. My Uncle Officer Newberry has been giving me some tips." The radio crackled again and the young man spoke into it, "Yes Sgt." He looked up and Liam and said, "He said to get up there. I don't know how some ambulance drivers will help - we need a boat with a body bag."

Liam waved at the young man as he drove forward towards the other units parked on the bridge.

Lyle spoke up, "Is he typical for the cops?"

Both Liam and Jared quickly replied, "God no!"

Liam added, "His uncle is an asshole too, and we have had our disagreements with him."

The ambulance pulled up and all three got out and approached the group of officers standing near the rail. Jared heard his name called.

"Frank, this is Lyle - a new hire," said Jared.

Frank smiled at him, "Obviously another former combat medic the way you carry yourself. We're happy to have you onboard and working with us Lyle," as they shook hands.

"Yes, Sgt," replied Lyle.

"You guys scraping the bottom of the septic tanks to hire the young guy down there?" asked Liam.

Jared chuckled. "Liam, why don't you really say what is on your mind?"

"I'll deal with that thing later, but I need your talents guys. We have a jumper who just lost his wife and the baby during delivery about three hours ago," explained Frank.

Lyle gasped, "Oh God, I can't even imagine it, Frank. I'm a father of a boy and girl."

"I'm a father of a boy and girl too, and two adopted boys as well so this one hit me hard. He doesn't want to talk to cops, at all. I'm hoping maybe you two could work your charm on him," said Frank.

"Anything we can do to help Frank, we'll do it," replied Jared. "What else do you know about him?"

"Geoff Romaniuk, he's 30 years old, and this was his first child. From what he had said a little while ago, he and his wife had met in Junior High School and then married. They were real childhood sweethearts."

Jared and Liam were both unconsciously shaking their heads slowly in disbelief. Lyle was just staring at Frank.

"He's a Geneticist, and she was an Oncologist." Frank took a deep breath, "Jared, they even went to university together and got jobs together. They bought a house, and were waiting for the baby to arrive. The hospital told us there were some complications a week ago and she was confined to a hospital bed until the delivery date of next month. The nurses said he never left her side or let her hand go except to eat or clean himself up."

Lyle had a tear rolling down his right cheek as Frank spoke.

"She started to hemorrhage, and they couldn't control it so they tried to save the baby and lost them both. They are doing an autopsy on both but they have nothing concrete for a cause until they look at the results."

Frank took a very deep breath, "Guys, I can understand what he is doing and while I know it is wrong, I understand he wants the most intense pain he has ever felt or faced in his life to end. He wants the pain to end immediately because he believes he doesn't have support to help him through this. He has never been alone before and the most important person in his life is gone, and his baby too." Frank had a tear roll down his cheek as well.

"Thanks Frank," said Liam who was trying hard not to tear as well. "Jared, he doesn't understand the big picture of his actions being a short term fix with a long term solution."

Lyle looked confused for a moment and then said "Committing suicide ends the pain quickly, or as a short term fix with a life time of dead for the solution. I never thought of it that way before."

"Jared," started Liam, "let's do what we can for the guy. To be perfectly honest, Jared, if I lost you, I might be making some real bad choices too."

"Liam, we will talk about this more with the two of us later, but we need him to know how love really is an energy which never dies, even after the body has turned to dust," said Jared.

Frank took them over to the edge and called down to the man below on the access way. The man yelled back giving permission for Jared and Liam to come down on the manway.

Geoff was sitting on the top of the guardrail system. All he had to do was lean forward, and he would fall.

Jared and Liam casually walked down the manway until Geoff told them not to come any closer. The two men stopped their approach, and leaned against each side of the guardrails along the manway.

"You guys are really paramedics?" Geoff asked.

Liam spoke first, "I am, he's the ambulance driver."

"I'm Jared and the Training Officer for the Ambulance Service, and this is Liam who is my Assistant Trainer."

Geoff looked at them for a moment. "I believe you."

"We listen, and help when we can. Geoff, we have a lot of resources at our finger tips to help," added Liam.

"Ok, why did Lisa and my baby have to die?" Geoff started to cry as he waited for the answer he knew they couldn't give him.

Jared looked at Liam and nodded to him. Liam stepped forward and leaned over the railing to look over at the water of the river passing by. "Geoff, that answer is out of our control and I think if I was to give you any answer, you would probably get real mad." Liam turned his head to look at Geoff. "Instead of me giving you an answer, can the three of us throw some ideas around?"

Geoff turned his head to look at the two men closely. "You have got to be kidding me. What do you want to do, form a fucking committee?"

Jared spoke now. "From what I understand, Geoff, the hospital has done that exact thing because they have no clue what happened either."

Geoff was staring at the two men. "You two are the first people to give me an honest answer since it happened."

Liam spoke, "That's what we do Geoff. We tell the truth, try to help others, and sometimes we make a difference. You didn't hang around the hospital very long after it happened either, Geoff."

"You're right, I left and started walking. I had no clue where I was going or what to do. I was crossing the bridge when the water seemed to call out to me with a solution to my problem. I can't explain it."

Jared raised his hand up with the index finger and thumb a very small distance apart. "Geoff, was it just a little voice in the back of your head the first time, and then it seemed to take over your brain. All of a sudden, your mind was fighting with kill yourself or not to kill yourself?"

Geoff turned and looked at Jared. "It's like you do mind reading tricks."

"Geoff, Liam also does stupid human tricks to irritate my cousin Melanie, who then gets even. The last time, she used duct tape and wrapped him up like he had been calf roped," said Jared. He reached for his cell phone and started punching the screen. "I have a picture here."

"Oh come on Jared, you're not going to show him that picture, are you?"

"Yes, I think Geoff needs to see it to prove what we said."

Geoff was looking at the two men and was confused temporarily. He was confused how these two men were discussing showing him a photo while he was sitting on the rail of the bridge and about to jump over the edge. He had been concentrating and trying to sort out what the hell they were doing when he suddenly realized each of the men were now standing at the rail on each side of him, very close, and leaning over the rail looking at the water flow by.

"Stay back," said Geoff.

"A little late for that, Geoff," said Liam.

"Geoff, if we were going to pull you back, we would have done it by now," said Jared. "We're just here to talk with you."

Geoff thought about it for a moment and then said, "I guess you are right, you could have just grabbed me and pulled me backwards." He hesitated for a moment and then asked, "Why didn't you?"

Liam spoke this time, "Geoff, we didn't do it because we want you to get down on your own at some point."

"Why the hell should I get down on my own?"

Liam spoke again, "Geoff, your path of life has the potential to go on for a long time yet and to make some big differences in the quality of people's lives by completing the research you and your wife have been working on."

Geoff looked at him with a strange expression on his face. "How would you know what we were working on?"

Liam smiled, "Working on the reliability of dichloroacetate (DCA) on a patient's cell and the triggering of mitochondria as a response is admirable considering the results on rats."

Geoff was stunned at what Liam had just said, and he stared at the paramedic with his mouth wide open.

Jared jumped into the conversation now. "Geoff, as medicine men in our tribe, we have some gifts which enable us to help people back onto the correct path that their life was intended to follow. Some paths are long, some are short but they are the pathways we choose to walk."

Geoff laughed at the words. "You're nuts, medicine men. You two should be up here on the railing with me or even instead of me."

Jared smiled at Geoff and then said, "When your fear touches someone's pain, it becomes pity, when your love touches someone's pain, it becomes compassion."

Geoff's face went blank. "Who the hell told you that?"

Jared maintained eye contact with Geoff as he said, "Let me change the topic for a moment, Geoff. Before you ran off to come here and kill yourself, did you say good bye or make any arrangements for your wife and child?"

Geoff's face turned from a blank expression to anger. "What type of question is that? You two are complete idiots. I am sitting on the railing of a bridge about to die and you are trying to get me mad."

Liam spoke to Jared. "She really is a sweetheart, isn't she? But, she is also very clear about her thoughts on his actions."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" he demanded.

"Geoff, Lisa told me to say that expression to you because in all the time she has known you, she has never seen you so full of self-pity and self-righteous crap," explained Liam. "She actually is quite upset and is telling me to say 'get your head out of your rear sphincter muscle.'"

Geoff started to cry, "Yeah right, so she said that to you guys? SHE IS FUCKING DEAD," after screaming those words, Geoff spoke quietly, "and I have decided that I am going to join her now."

Jared gently reached over to Geoff's left knee, and placed his hand on it. His eyes flashed white, and suddenly Geoff heard his wife speaking. "Get the hell off that damn railing and stop this lunacy."

Geoff turned quickly, almost falling backwards. "Lisa?"

"Geoff, these two men are helping me to speak from the next world. What the hell do you think you are doing, Geoffrey? That language you used was not acceptable when I was alive, do you think it is any different now?" she demanded.

"Lisa, Lisa, I love you and I have never been without you... I want to join you. I am going to join you."

"You want to talk to me? Then get off that damn railing, Mister Geoffrey Nathanael Romaniuk."

Liam spoke softly, "She not only used your proper name, but your full name. You are in deep shit, so you better get off that rail."

Lisa turned to Liam, "Powerful medicine man or not, watch your language!"

"Yes Ma'am," replied Liam.

Geoff was confused now and he looked at Liam and immediately noticed his eyes glowing pure white. He turned to Jared and saw the same thing. He turned to look at the spirit of his wife and saw her standing there with her hands on her hips, looking very stern. "NOW!" she yelled.

"Yes, Lisa," he replied as he got down and stood on the gangway.

"Geoff, I will love you for all eternity," started Lisa. "You have a long road ahead of you not only to finish our work, but to recover from me moving on without you along a different path. I'm sorry Geoff, there is nothing either one of us can do to change that, so we both must continue in different ways."

"Lisa, I want to be with you. We have never been apart and I can't do it without you." Geoff fell to his knees sobbing, his hands covering his face. "I don't know what to do without you, Lisa, we have been together as long as I can remember. You are my inspiration, my love, and my reason for living."

Lisa knelt in front of Geoff and pulled his hands away from his face. "We are still together, Geoff, just not physically anymore. You need to continue with your life, and finish our work Geoff. It is so very, very important this work is finished."

"Lisa, I'm so alone without you by my side."

"Geoff, When your fear touches someone's pain, it becomes pity, when your love touches someone's pain, it becomes compassion."

"Lisa, I know that's our expression."

"Well, then, Mister Geoffrey Nathanael Romaniuk, turn your pain and love for me and the work into results. Cancer is something we could have beaten together, but now you need to do it alone - with your team. I will not accept anything less than 100% commitment to the project and stop this self-pity bulltweet of jumping off this bridge."

Geoff looked at the form of his wife with tears rolling down his cheeks. "Yes, dear."

Lisa smiled at him, "Geoff, when you spoke to me at the hospital while I was in the bed, I heard you. I don't hear absolutely everything anymore now that I moved on, and I can't answer you directly either. But, my little stallion, I hear you. When you can't find a pen, your keys or something has been moved, think of me sending you a message."

"Lisa....you were always the strong one. I am so weak without you."

"Geoff, get your shit together and these two will help you. Our love will never end, Geoff, but you will meet someone important in the future and she is a wonderful person. The two of you will develop a long term and loving relationship so do not live out your life in pity. Geoff, they are really confused about what killed our child and me. It is not going to fit into the typical blood disorders, and over time they will find that while it is rare, it has been occurring more than they realize once you uncover the links to it through your research. It will be a big step in the entire program. The cancer research team will discover information which will identify this problem and is a springboard to isolating the first concrete origin of cancer. Geoff, my life and the life of our baby was given to provide you with information and clues about what we were researching. You need to find the information and that is all I am allowed to say. Get your shit together, Geoff."

Liam leaned over, "You said shit twice." Jared reached over and smacked Liam in the back of the head.

"Ow!" said Liam, and then mumbled, "...and hell twice and damn twice and she tells ME to watch my language..."

Lisa laughed. "Thank you Jared. Everything I have heard about you two on this side is true, including your wit. You two really are the favored of the Creator, and you really are absolutely beautiful together. Your aura's dance and freely blend together, and become even more stunning when they become one for both of you."

"Thank you Lisa," replied Jared.

"It is our pleasure to serve," said Liam.

"I need to go now. Geoff, these two will help you if you need them, so listen to them." She leaned forward and kissed her husband gently. She turned to Jared and Liam, bowing towards each of them. "Thank you, Jared and Liam, for allowing me to speak with my husband."

Liam spoke, "It was our pleasure Lisa. To meet someone like you with such a pure heart is a special thing for us."

Jared spoke next, "Lisa, you will find out how to send us messages if you need us. We are but humble servants of the Creator and we help when we can."

"So I was told," said Lisa. "Sacred Soaring Eagle and Most Sacred Eagle Eyed Bear if I understood your spiritual names properly, thank you. Actually, I was just corrected by someone named Marc." Lisa started laughing.

"He said 'Lame Turkey with small gizards and Bear who eats too much cheesecake would be more accurate,'" Lisa laughed and shook her head. "Is this a friend of yours, gentlemen?"

"His surviving partner has been adopted as a member of our family, and we love him dearly," replied Liam laughing. "This is Marc's way of saying hello, and so we will let his husband know he dropped in."

"Lisa, we never met him in physical form. If his sense of humor is any indication, we would have been very good friends. We enjoy the company of his husband, and enjoy matching wits with him. When we can't win the match of wits, we tickle him."

Lisa chuckled. "You really are just like the stories I have been told on this side."

"We try," replied Liam with a smile.

"I need to go. Peace be with you all, and Geoff - all my love to you for all of eternity." Lisa blew a kiss to her husband as she faded from sight.

He sat there on his knees for a moment, tears rolling down his cheeks freely, but feeling better. He looked at the two men who now had normal eyes, "I don't understand, but thank you for letting us say our final words to each other." He got up and embraced the two paramedics.

After a moment, Liam asked "Geoff, I have to ask you about the stallion comment?"

His tear spotted face showed a smile as he answered. "I had hoped you missed that, but it's referring to my .....penis. It's rather big."

Liam smiled, "Wow, wish that was my problem."

Jared laughed and added "So do I."

"Asshole," replied Liam.

Everyone heard Lisa's voice one more time "LANGUAGE!"

Geoff looked at them both, laughed, and then pulled them both in for another hug.

The three men walked up to the ambulance where they introduced Frank and Lyle to Geoff. They would take Geoff to the hospital and he would remain there for treatment he needs to help him cope. Liam also offered Geoff assistance if he needed any help with arrangements for his wife and son.

At the hospital, they opened the side door and walked Geoff in through the emergency doors. A large group of people rushed to meet and hold him. It was not only his wife's family, but Geoff's family and all their colleagues from the lab upstairs as well. Once again he was in tears, but both Jared and Liam sensed it was tears of relief as much as tears of loss. He waved to Jared and Liam one last time as he was put into an examination room, and they both saw him mouth the words, "Thank you." They waved back to him.

Thank you for the messages being sent to me. Not only have I been shocked at how many people are reading the story but how it has touched so many of you. I am truly humbled, and say that you for all your stories.

Thank you to my friend Scott who does a fantastic job editing. He manages to translate Canadian into English quite well, eh? He also provides very good words to me when I need encouragement, or a reality check. Thanks Scott.

Nifty Stories needs donations to keep it going. Please help to keep this site open by donating a little or a lot - it all helps.

I truly pray for the readers of this story and their loved ones; may you all have long, healthy and lives filled with true love, acceptance and peace every day.

Bruce aka snowblind94@yahoo.ca

Next: Chapter 26: Jared the Paramedic II 11

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