Jared the Paramedic

By Snowblind94

Published on Oct 2, 2016


Disclaimer: All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. The following contains scenes of explicit scenes involving male sex and in a variety of consensual activities. But, if you're looking for non-stop sex then this isn't the story for you. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed any further. The characters are entirely fictitious and are not based on anyone who has or is still living.

This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit written permission from the author.

I truly pray for the readers of this story and their loved ones; may you all have long, healthy and lives filled with true love, acceptance and peace every day.

I am not a professional writer but I have been enjoying myself to like this hobby for the moment or until a squirrel leads me into another direction. If you have any questions or comments, please send them to me at snowblind94@yahoo.ca

Jared the Paramedic - Volume II Chapter 9 - Shenanigans

The two of them leaned forward, and gently kissed. As they broke apart, they could hear someone gagging and dry heaving outside the ambulance.

Liam rolled his eyes without even looking to see who it was. "I know that gagging sound anywhere, Jared."

"As do I," replied Jared as he started to laugh.

"Hello cuz," said Melanie as she jumped in the back of the unit and wrapped herself around Jared with a big hug.

"Oh shit," mumbled Liam "Hello, loving cousin Melanie."

"I heard that Liam," replied a chuckling Melanie.

Melanie switched stretchers and sat next to Liam to embrace him. "How you been keeping, Liam?"

"Good, and you, Mel?"

"Perfect as always, little cousin," she replied. "I thought I would come down and check to see how Dawn is doing."

Liam mumbled 'the Dragon Lady giving pointers to the Tiger Lady.' The smack on the back of Liam's head was so fast he didn't even see her arm or hand movement.

Jared smiled, "I thought I explained it to you, Liam, that when you insult the Dragon Lady, you must step out of the range for her arm reach." Melanie tried to get Jared, but he stepped back and moved his head sideways so she missed.

Liam was rubbing the back of head," Yeah, yeah, yeah. Medic abuse."

"Medic abuse? Wait until I get my hands on you, little man," as the three stepped out the back of the ambulance.

Liam hid behind Jared and wrapped his arms his waist. "Protect me Jared."

Melanie was laughing as Jared said, "Play nice you two or I won't buy either of you supper."

Melanie stopped her movement and said "Yes, Dad."

"Yes, Dad," said Liam as he let go of his grip.

"How does Dawn like it here?" asked Jared. "I don't spend a lot of time around the administration area and don't get much of a chance to speak with her. I should be making the time to have a coffee with her now and then."

"I understand, Jared," started Melanie. "She's getting the hang of it and is sorting things out. She has a list of things to talk with me about of things she wants to start here. One of the things we seriously need to get in place is a counseling service. It could be used as critical incident debriefing and by the people we have from the military now as well."

"I think you know what my thoughts would be as the President on something like that, Mel," replied Jared.

"Of course I do and I approved it already," Melanie replied with a smug voice and beautiful smile.

"Melanie, when you smile you are so beautiful," said Liam. "I Just don't understand why you haven't got a husband." Liam mumbled the next part, "until you shoot fire out of your mouth to burn villages while stomping on them like a female Godzilla." He made a break for the hallway and disappeared down it.

"You little shit," said Melanie as she chased him down the hallway.

"They're always like that when they are together, aren't they?" asked a voice filled with laughter. Rob was just entering the ambulance bay from the other end.

"Yes they are Rob, and it gets worse at home together," replied Jared laughing.

"Jared have you met the two latest hires? They'll be coming in any minute after they park the SUV. We had just gone down for them to do the piss test as the final step as well as their road driving test.

"No Rob, I've been busy on the road all day."

"I'll tell you, Jared, Melanie and Dawn have been finding some first class medics for us. Has she asked you about a helicopter yet?"

Jared coughed and gagged.

"Sorry, guess not," Rob laughed.

A scream of agony was heard from down the hallway. "Guess she got him," laughed Jared.

They could both hear Liam complaining loudly "That's not fair! You two can't gang up on me."

Rob laughed, "I see Darth Mel and her apprentice got him."

"I heard that!" was yelled down the hallway.

"Jared, how the hell does she do that?"

"I have no clue but she has terrorized me with her hearing since I was young. But then again Rob, Dumbo has nothing on her ears."

"I heard that too, cousin." Melanie placed heavy emphasis on the word cousin.

Jared smirked and looked at Rob while whispering, "Ex-employee."

Melanie yelled back, "World's best and most wonderful and big hearted cousin."

Rob laughed as Jared shrugged his shoulders and said, "I really have no clue how she does it, Rob."

Melanie and Dawn were coming into the bay with Liam as the door at the other end opened. Two men entered and came towards Rob.

"This is Lyle and Cam. They will both be starting here tomorrow now they passed their piss test. Cam just moved to town and had been working at another ambulance service for a year before that. Lyle is a friend of ...." said Rob

"Hello Lyle," said Melanie as they embraced.

"Mel, Dawn, I can't thank you two enough for this chance you guys are giving me," said Lyle.

Melanie sent him a non-verbal message to "shut up," which he seemed to understand. Jared cocked his head sideways as he looked at Melanie, but shrugged his shoulders slightly. She relaxed upon seeing his reaction.

Rob continued with the introductions "This is Jared and Liam, who are our senior Paramedic Team. Jared is the Training Officer for the service and Liam is his assistant." The men all shook hands. Liam looked like he was going to ask Rob a question but was cut off. "No Liam, there is no extra money for the position. You get the title only."

Liam pouted and mumbled, "Cheapskate."

Cam is a nice looking young man about 22-24 years old, died black hair which was short on the sides and long on the top, combed forward over his forehead and eyes. He is slim, 5'10" and was wearing a tight t shirt with very tight skinny leg pants. He had a dream catcher tattooed on his upper arm, and some jewelry in his ears. Some people would describe Cam as a border line EMO; others would describe him as a metrosexual. Liam sensed Cam was neither of those labeled types; he was just a typical young man searching for inner strength and understanding by dressing different ways. Like so many other young people, he was just acting in a role or trying something out until he found the character he could emulate for the rest of his life. On the outside Cam gave the impression being a very outgoing and pleasant young man. On the inside, he was someone who needed a mentor to help him build up some self-confidence in his skills and his potential. Liam had got all that information while he shook hands with the young man. The other thing Liam sensed was he would like Cam as a co-worker and maybe a friend.

Cam looked into the eyes of the man who had been introduced to as Liam. When they shook hands, it felt like he had an electric shock start at his hand and travel to his brain. He knew he must have imagined it. Cam's impression of Liam was he could like him, and he liked the strong handshake.

Lyle is a man in mid-30's with a very muscular physique. He has short dark brown hair, trimmed moustache, green eyes and beautiful smile. He stands 6' and approximately 210 lbs, and stood as rigid as a board.

"Cam, let's go and get the paperwork done on you. Can I leave Lyle here with you guys?" asked Rob. "Come on Dawn, let's get this finished."

"Of course you can, Rob. We'll go to the meeting room and talk," said Melanie. The group was quickly led down the hallway and into the meeting room.

Everyone sat down, and Melanie took control. "Jared, both Dawn and I know him from our time in the military."

Jared held his hand up to stop her. "Melanie, cousin, you're in charge and I trust you." He looked over at Liam who seemed to be observing Lyle carefully.

"Jared, Lyle's a good man who is married with two children. When he was in the military, he was involved in a roadside device explosion," explained Melanie.

Jared held up his hand again and Mel stopped speaking. "Lyle, why don't you tell me your story in your own words, please?"

Lyle was nervous, but spoke clearly. "Yes Jared, I was involved in a serious explosion. As the result of the explosion, I lost my left leg below the knee."

Jared was sitting at the table with his arms resting on it and made the "carry on and out with it," gesture with his right hand.

Lyle looked at Melanie for support and she was smiling at him.

He looked directly at Jared and said, "During my recovery, I became addicted to pain killers. I've gone through a treatment program and passed it successfully. I'm getting my life together again and I bumped into Dawn downtown while I was buying some food for my daughter and son who are 7 and 9. During my addiction and recovery, my wife and children stood by me and are the big part of the reason for the success in my treatment. The unconditional love from my wife and my kids was what truly motivated me. The disability benefits aren't very much and to be perfectly honest, Jared, Dawn found me crying as I was counting the coins in my hands to pay for the food. Not the best way to reacquaint yourself with someone I respected as much as her. I was hoping to find a job in this town."

Melanie took over while grasping his hand with hers. "Jared, he's a good man and deserves this job, especially with you and Liam to watch over him and give him some guidance when he needs it."

Jared sat still and locked eyes with Lyle who was looking absolutely terrified. He moved his eyes over to Melanie who was trying to keep control of her emotions.

"I haven't heard anything which has either concerned or bothered me so what the hell were you two concerned about, the leg or the recovered addict? Melanie my dear cousin, you know what I think about those types of things."

"Yes, I'm sorry but I have been having doubts because of my personally knowing him. Jared, I did his hiring by the book, but I've been second guessing myself. He's a damn good medic and I have seen his skills, dedication and abilities, and that's why I hired him."

"Melanie, I ask you again, what's the problem? You have never been questioned by anyone for people you hired for this base. In fact cousin, it looks like we are fortunate you hired him."

Melanie looked relieved at Jared's answer. "Thanks, Jared."

Jared finally spoke. "Lyle, I'm the training officer, and I accept anyone Melanie hires. I give everyone chances and tolerate a lot if there is potential which I can develop in the employee. I have never doubted my cousin Melanie's decisions, and I trust her with my life unconditionally. I fully support her hiring ex-military personnel and helping as many as we can. We as a country owe it to you seeing the government is dropping the ball."

Jared turned to Liam, "Do you sense anything from Lyle?"

Liam spoke, "Jared, from what I've observed during this conversation and sensed is his right ear is dominant although the left is still working but possibly in a reduced capacity. That was obvious the way he held his head during the conversation but still reacted to sounds on the left. I suspect his left hand was damaged in the explosion and there is some minor long term damage but nothing restricting. He is and has been speaking the truth Jared, and he also is scared shitless about this meeting and now terrified that I have said all this."

Lyle's mouth was hanging open in shock.

"Lyle, was everything Liam said accurate?" asked Jared.

Lyle's throat was dry and he squawked. He swallowed a couple of times and finally said "Yes, it is extremely accurate sir."

"Liam and I are a good team, and we each have strengths which blend together very well. Lyle as your trainer, absolutely none of that concerns me. If you need help, we are always available to help you no matter what the problem or the time of day is. There is absolutely nothing you can tell us which will surprise either of us and there is absolutely nothing we cannot help you with. Before you say anything, believe it Lyle; if you need help, we are here."

"Jared, Melanie said you and Liam were special people but didn't elaborate much. I am beginning to think she understated both of your personalities and perceptive abilities. May I ask you a direct question, Jared?"

"Certainly Lyle, ask away."

"Melanie told me she was the Administrative Assistant to the President of the company and she has introduced me to a few people so far. She listened and gave direction to each one of them. You are the only one she has explained her actions, sought approval from and been nervous with."

Jared laughed but was very pleasantly surprised by Lyle's question and observations. "That's a very good demonstration of critical thinking, Lyle. But, it's because I'm her cousin and if she hires someone I think is a bad hire, I will never let her hear the end of it from me. The other reason is I'm more related to the President than she is which is important in our tribal world. He would never let his assistant forget she made a mistake, nor would I." Lyle seemed to accept his answer.

Melanie smiled, but rolled her eyes, "Whatever, cuz."

Lyle looked at her and then Jared carefully. "Do I officially have the job?"

"Melanie and Dawn hired you so you absolutely have a job, Lyle. Welcome to the ambulance service. You will be spending some time with Liam and myself until we get you up to speed on the treatment protocols."

Lyle's eyes filled with tears. "I can't wait to tell my wife I finally have a real job."

Liam leaned forward and snapped his fingers while saying, "Sleep." Lyle immediately went unconscious.

Liam looked at Jared and said, "I sensed one other thing just a moment ago. He's been very guarded and me passively sensing him has been a challenge. He just dropped his guard and he has managed to hide that his family are living in a small travel trailer at a camp ground. We need to do something about that, Jared."

Jared looked at Melanie, who had a horrified look on her face. "Jared, I had no clue," said Melanie quickly. "He really did keep that from me."

"Melanie, I want this man and his family in a hotel, on our account tonight. Also, they will be in a rental house, furnished and filled to capacity with food, clothing and toys for the kids as soon as you can arrange it. Do you understand this clearly?"

"Yes Jared," she said.

Liam spoke up, "They also need some cash to operate with. From what I sensed, Jared, they literally have nothing anymore and the comment about counting the coins confirms it. They really need clothing and the kids need to get to a school."

"Thank you, Liam," said Jared. "You're absolutely correct and thank you for pointing that out. I was so busy looking at the big picture, I missed those important details. He is to get an advance of his pay which we will never collect back, in cash, today. "

"No problem Jared, it will be my pleasure. Liam, your power really is growing stronger all the time, isn't it," said Melanie.

Liam leaned over towards Jared and took his hand into his. He brought it to his lips and kissed the back gently. "Yes it is, Melanie, just as the love between Jared and it grows with every breath I take."

Melanie was sticking her fingers down her throat and gagging. "Oh God, I cannot believe you said that, you are so sickeningly mushy."

"And you are such a bitch," laughed Liam.

Melanie looked at him absolutely emotionless and said "So? What's your point little man?" Then she smiled.

"You are so very good at being a bitch, Mel," laughed Liam. "I just had a thought, what are the chances of his wife getting some work if she wants it down the road?" asked Liam.

"Good thinking, Liam. I don't know much about her, but I will do anything I can if she wants work Liam. I have a lot of friends and connections around town," replied Melanie.

"Anything else guys?" asked Jared. They both shook their head 'no.'

Liam snapped his finger again and Lyle woke up.

"Lyle, you zoned out for a moment," said Jared.

Lyle shook his head. "I'm sorry. I guess I'm just overwhelmed by this. I am so happy to have a job again, in spite of my injuries."

"Lyle," said Liam, "you are working here because of who you are and your skills, not your injuries. We will not be making you a poster child for hiring vets, mobility challenged or recovered addicts. You are here because Melanie believes in you to do the job, and now we do, too."

Very quietly, Lyle said "Thank you, all of you and I won't let you down."

"All we expect you to do is your best, and if you run into problems or you need someone to talk with, we are here for you - any time you need us," said Jared.

Liam looked at everyone around the table and looked like he wanted to ask something.

It was the first time Lyle had a lighthearted smile on his face when he met Liam's gaze. "Liam, your dying to ask about the amputation and prosthetic leg I have so go ahead."

"Thank you Lyle. How does the prosthetic work? You walk so naturally I didn't even realize you were using a prosthetic. Does it affect your sense of balance and how do you compensate? Is there a difference in the use of the muscle to operate the prosthetic from the natural leg? How does it attach to your remaining part of the leg? Is there such a thing as phantom pain and how do you control the phantom pain? Is the ankle articulated or solid? How does that work on gradients or slippery conditions? When you're standing still and feeling the sensations from your foot and stump, how do you maintain balance? What about pivoting, is it difficult? What type of shoes or boots do you need for your foot? Can you still do the Swan Lake Ballet and is it true you first met Melanie while she was doing the Nutcracker and not in the military like she claims?"

Melanie swung and missed Liam with a slap. Jared shook his head while chuckling.

"Slow down, Liam," laughed Lyle. "Most people just ask if they can see it and not all these technical questions. My god I've never had anyone rapid fire so many questions at once. And, yes that was how I really met Melanie. She was performing in a tight pink tutu and form fitting shirt....."

"I'm going to need psychological treatment for that vision of my cousin with camel toe in a tight outfit," replied Jared.

"JARED!" screamed Melanie. "I am still your bigger, older and tougher cousin and I can still wash your mouth out with soap or put you over my knee like I used to."

Liam had his head on the table and had both his arms wrapped around it. "The pain, the pain, the vision is killing me. Oh God, camel toe. Melanie with camel toe - I need counseling."

Melanie looked at the three men and said, "You're all assholes. Now, just remember I can take my time to get even with all of you."

"Let's move on from this topic, please God, let's move on." Jared ducked and Melanie missed slapping him. "Lyle, I had all those technical questions in my mind that Liam asked, and others on my mind as well. Right now, I have two questions to ask before you and Liam go off on a tangent in your discussion."

"Please, ask away Jared," replied Lyle.

"Is there a better model we can get you to help you do your job here and can I see your prosthetic, too?" asked Jared with a smile.

"My leg works fine and of course I'll show it to you, Jared," said Lyle as lifted his leg onto the table.

He slid the pant leg up, and started to explain the answers to all of Liam's questions along with many more he asked. Lyle didn't do it very often because of his own insecurities, but he removed the prosthetic and explained the surgical procedures to his leg, and the steps he needed to follow to keep it healthy. Lyle was becoming relaxed with Jared and Liam now, and he was actually enjoying the discussion around the technical side of his injury. Unlike many other people, these guys were not interested in the explosion - they wanted to understand the injury, the treatment and how it has changed him. Lyle was really beginning to enjoy talking with Jared and Liam, and he was beginning to believe them when they had said there was nothing that would shock them and there was nothing they couldn't help with. Melanie, Jared and Liam were deep in a discussion with Lyle when Dawn came to the door and asked for him to come and finish the paperwork.

Dawn brought Cam in and sat him down in the room as Lyle left with her to finish his paperwork. Jared looked over to Melanie and said, "Good opportunity to start working on what we just discussed, Cuz."

"You're right, Jared," she replied and left the room quickly.

Liam was staring at the metal in the young man's ears. "So, Cam - why do you wear all that shit stuck in your ears?"

Both Cam and Jared sputtered and coughed. "That's our Liam, direct with the questions."

Cam looked at the two men and smiled. "I don't mind actually. You are the first person to ever ask me the question they had in their mind without a load of bullshit. I've been wearing them to piss my dad off but now that I'm living on my own, I can take them out."

"At work, if you would, wear the minimal or lowest profile of jewelry, please, Cam. They do become a safety issue for us if someone can grab them and pull them out of your skin," said Liam.

Cam unconsciously reached up and held his ears, "Ouch. I hadn't thought of that."

Jared, Liam and Cam sat and chatted for approximately 20 minutes when Melanie came in and sat down. She let Cam head out for home and to return the next day to start work.

Melanie brought Jared up to speed on the hotel, and cash she had obtained. It was her intention to take Lyle's wife and children out shopping in the morning after he arrived at work. She also had a broker looking for a suitable house rental for them near a school.

Dawn brought a very happy looking Lyle in with her. Melanie was back in control of the room and asked Lyle to have a seat.

"I've had a conversation with the president of the company and he has directed that I do the following things. First, we know about the trailer you guys are living in and you are now booked into a hotel with a pool for the kids starting tonight."

Lyle started to object, but Mel shut him down.

"Sgt, I have been given instructions and I am now giving them to you. Is there any part of this you do not understand?"

Lyle smiled finally, "No, sir."

Liam chuckled and mumbled "Sir. I always suspected....." Jared slapped the back of his head this time.

"Thanks cuz," said Melanie with her beautiful smile. She pulled an envelope from her day timer on the table and pushed it over to Lyle. "This is an advance of your pay so you have some cash. It will be recovered from your pay over the next year. There is one month salary there."

Lyle's eyes started tearing as he reached for the envelope. "I don't know what to say to all of you. I would like to meet the president of this company sometime to personally thank him."

"Some day you may meet him, but although he is very involved in his businesses, he isn't much for formality. In his mind, he's just another guy," she said.

Lyle was staring at the envelope full of cash with tears leaking down his cheeks.

"We'll go and pack up your trailer and it can be parked here in the back lot. Then we will go and get your family and take you to the hotel. I think you need some time with your family and the kids need to play on the slides at the pool." Melanie stood up and before Lyle could say anything she added, "Move your ass, mister."

Lyle stood, gave her a crisp salute and followed her out of the room.

Just as Melanie was walking through the door, Jared said, "And Miss Bear, if you could find time to fill me in on the helicopter and what the Training Department needs to do for you, I would appreciate it."

Dawn was trying not to laugh and covered her mouth quickly. Melanie turned her head over her shoulder and without missing a beat replied, "I'll do that as soon as I find the replacement for the Operations Manager who is about to have an accident and die."

Jared, Liam and Dawn were all laughing now with Lyle was looking puzzled at everyone's reaction.

The next morning, Liam had Cam and Lyle going through the units completing audits and inspections to learn the locations of the equipment within the ambulances.

Jared was with Rob and Melanie discussing the helicopter idea.

He had to hand it to them, Rob and Melanie with back up from John had done a fantastic proposal which made absolute sense. The price tag was reasonable as well in Jared's mind, but he had a few questions for John before he would commit to anything. He also asked Melanie to look into the cost of training pilots as well because he might know a couple of people who could be trained in the job.

Liam walked by and mumbled something about Mel's ass being too big for the pilot's seat and they would have to sling her underneath in a net. He took off running right after the comment. Melanie looked at Rob and Jared while she reached for a roll of duct tape, and took off down the hall after him.

"Jared, you know what's going to happen to him don't you?" asked Rob.

"Rob, if he wants to play with the big people, he needs to learn," replied Jared with a smile.

A scream from down the hallway was heard as well as duct tape being torn off the roll. Liam was begging for forgiveness as more duct tape was torn off. Finally, Liam's voice was muffled. Melanie returned a couple of moments later dragging something on the floor. It was Liam, all taped up exactly like a calf wrestled and roped in a rodeo. His hands and feet were all taped together as well as his mouth being taped shut. Melanie grabbed her phone and started taking pictures. Liam was obviously begging her not to do it through his gag, and it became frantic when she said she was tweeting it to Darren, Josh, Tyler, Troy, John, Jesse, Zane and finally grandfather. Jared and Rob were laughing hard at Liam who was whining through his gag.

Thirty minutes later Liam, Rob, Melanie, Jared, Dawn and Lyle had left the base and were at a restaurant to order Brunch.

"Liam, I have to ask you about Melanie," said Lyle. "Why do you push her buttons so bad?"

"Do I have to answer that?"

Rob leaned over and said, "Liam, you might just as well tell him. I think he has figured it out already."

Liam huffed loudly. "Lyle, this is going to be very, very painful to me."

"You don't know what pain is, little man," laughed Mel.

"Lyle, Melanie and I love each other like a brother and sister. I always wanted a sister, and now I have a real old one."

Lyle laughed and looked at Rob who was shaking his head in disbelief. "Rob, are they always...."

Rob cut him off, "Yes, they are and Liam is usually the one who gets the worse of it."

"Seriously Lyle, Jared and I are soulmates and I've been adopted into their family. I'm the luckiest guy in the world to have a boyfriend like Jared, and a beautiful cousin named Melanie."

Lyle's face went blank. "Boyfriend?"

Dawn mumbled, "Oh shit. Didn't anyone tell him?"

"Why should anyone tell him?" asked Jared. "He either accepts it or he finds out how close to the president I really am."

Rob was holding his hands up, "Hold on guys; let Lyle finish before everyone jumps to conclusions."

"I'm sorry everyone, I didn't mean it to sound that way. I thought you two were already married the way you act and are in tune with each other. I don't care about your being gay," explained Lyle.

Jared, Melanie and Liam began to smile at Lyle. Jared said, "Now that you are an employee, and hanging with us, you can become a target yourself."

It took a minute for Lyle to realize what was being said, and he grabbed his face to hide it.

"Got ya," said Liam.

"Melanie, I am beginning to understand why you kick his ass so much."

"It's so fun," she replied wringing her hands with anticipation.

The meals arrived and everyone dug in quickly. When a person works in the essential services, you eat when you can - and quickly. Approximately 50% of the time, emergency personnel never get to finish their meals. The men managed to get most of the meal eaten before their radios warbled a priority call.

The call was for an industrial accident. Two workers had been on scaffold when it had collapsed, killing one man immediately and injuring the other. The scaffold was only 12 meters in height, and the other workers had cleared the debris by the time they arrived.

Jared allowed Lyle to run the call with Liam backing him up. He did a fantastic job and his skills clearly demonstrated he had a lot of experience. Jared drove the unit back and allowed the two men to finish the call together. Liam only stuck his head up front twice during the trip, and Jared missed him with the slap the first time when he asked if he even knew the directions to drive to the hospital. The second time Liam went to front of the ambulance, he actually just turned around and backed up so his ass was in the front. He then farted a long and not too silent fowl gas into the cab of the ambulance.

Jared resolved to definitely deal with Liam later when he looked in the rear view mirror and he had his feet up and was telling Lyle he now understood why Jared liked working the back so much.

He pulled into the ambulance bay slowly and he kept a close watch on the two attendants. He saw his opportunity while Lyle was seated and Liam was standing in the aisle. Jared tapped the brakes twice, causing Liam to fly forward and bounce of the bulkhead wall.

"Sorry, someone stepped out in front of us," said Jared with a smile.

Lyle was trying not to laugh and Liam was mumbling something about ambulance drivers. They handed the patient over and Jared introduced Lyle around the ER staff.

Next: Chapter 25: Jared the Paramedic II 10

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