Jared the Paramedic

By Snowblind94

Published on Sep 26, 2016


Disclaimer: All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. The following contains scenes of explicit scenes involving male sex and in a variety of consensual activities. But, if you're looking for non-stop sex then this isn't the story for you. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed any further. The characters are entirely fictitious and are not based on anyone who has or is still living.

This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit written permission from the author.

I truly pray for the readers of this story and their loved ones; may you all have long, healthy and lives filled with true love, acceptance and peace every day.

I am not a professional writer but I have been enjoying myself to like this hobby for the moment or until a squirrel leads me into another direction. If you have any questions or comments, please send them to me at snowblind94@yahoo.ca

Jared the Paramedic - Volume II Chapter 8 - Love

Frank arrived home at the end of the shift with two large bags of takeout Chinese food. He walked into the house him where he found Conner, Mark and Adam watching TV and the house was spotless with the table set for dinner.

"Adam, it is always so good to see my third son. I will always feed you because of the way you manage to crack the whip and get the chores done around here with those two," said Frank as he came in.

The three young men got up to assist with the packages, but were surprised by Frank grabbing all three of them tightly in a hug, and kissing the tops of each their heads.

"What's up, Dad? I mean, I know you love us but are you ok?" asked Mark.

Frank held them tightly, and after a moment said quietly, "I was on a bad call this afternoon, and it made me appreciate you three being safe and sound with me even more."

"Can you tell us about it, Dad?" asked Conner.

"Well," Frank hesitated for a moment. "Jesse and Zane were jumped and assaulted badly and they are both in hospital recovering."

The three young guys stood back and bombarded Frank with questions including 'Are they ok,' 'Were they hurt bad?' and 'What happened?' Frank explained what happened and they were doing ok in the hospital, and safe.

Frank hugged them all again, and said, "I love you all. You're all my sons now, and brother's to Mark. Never forget I love you as you are."

The young men all told Frank they loved him too, and there were tears on each one of their cheeks.

The moment ended when Conner looked up at Frank and said, "I love you Dad, but was that food you brought?"

They all chuckled and headed into the kitchen to eat and talk some more. Frank reached over and messed the hair on top of Conner's head. Conner gave him a big hug before fighting with the other two to get the food set out.

The two of them rolled onto the bed locked in a tight embrace with Liam on top. He grabbed Jared's hands, and pinned them to the bed. The two of them stared deeply into each other's eyes.

"I love you with all my heart and soul, Jared."

"Liam, I give you my heart willingly for all time."

He leaned down and the two of them kissed gently. Liam started to kiss Jared's cheek, trailing over to his ears. Jared squirmed and squeaked as Liam nibbled along his neck and kissed the way down to his nipples. Liam looked up at the face of his soulmate as he gently used his teeth to pull on a nipple. Jared's eyes were closed; his breath was in shallow, quick little gasps.

Jared's nipples were both erect and hard, making them easier for Liam to gently massage and circle with his finger. Jared's skin quickly stood up with goose bumps as he did this. He continued down Jared's chest, nipping at the light treasure trail Jared had on his muscular abdomen. As Liam was licking and kissing around the belly button, he started to gently fondle Jared's package still contained with the underwear.

"I really like it when you wear these bikini briefs. You fill them completely, and they fit you so snuggly."

"Really like yours too, my love, and I also like when you play with mine when they are still on me."

Liam placed his mouth on the outline of Jared's hard dick, and after blowing through the material, he sucked back in. Jared moaned loudly.

Jared rolled over and in one movement pulled Liam up the bed.

The two men looked into each other's eyes.

"Liam, I look into your eyes and I can't not think how lucky I am to have you as my boyfriend and soulmate. I love you so much."

"Jared, I love you even more. I need nothing more in my life other than to be in your arms."

"Nothing more?" asked Jared with a smile.

"I spoke figuratively; there is one thing more I need from you tonight. I need you buried inside me and injecting your life essence deeply within me."

His hands roamed down to Liam's mound, barely contained by the briefs he wore and started to massage it gently. He slid his hands under Liam's ass, grabbing his cheeks as he leaned down to suck on his cock through the underwear. Jared could see Liam's blonde bush popping over the top of the low riding elastic.

Jared leaned over Liam's face and kissed him. "I love you, Liam."

"Even when you are not doing this, I love you more, Jared."

Jared pulled Liam's underwear off in one movement, exposing Liam's hard cock in its glory. He moved between Liam's inner thighs, licking along the inside of them. In response, Liam bent his knees and spread them as far as possible to give Jared full access to anything he wanted. Jared used his tongue right under Liam's hairless sack and along the perineum.

Liam was responding well and squirming in delight. Jared reached over to the bedside table and got the lube out. He lubed one finger, slowly inserting it into Liam. He arched his back as Jared's digit penetrated him. Jared was surprised at what he found.

"You're already lubed up my love?"

Liam smiled slyly. "I did it just before I came to bed. Jared, I need you in me; I need us to be connected physically and mentally, I give myself to you." They were looking into each other's eyes as Liam spoke. Both men's eyes were watering, not from pain, but from the love they had for each other.

"I love you so much, and I need you, too. When we are together, we are one, Liam."

They brought their heads together to frantically kiss, to share their tongues could dance together in love.

Jared leaned back and stood up, ripping his underwear off and throwing it on the floor. His cock stood straight out from his body, dripping precum from the slit on the big purple head. He crawled onto the bed and between Liam's legs.

Liam was laying on his back, knees spread and pulled towards his chest. "Jared, I need this."

Jared moved forward on his knees until he was parked between his lover's legs. Lining his cock up, he began to push the head into Liam. He heard a gasp as he broke through the outer muscle ring and his cock head popped inside Liam.

"Oh god, I love that feeling when you pop into me. Keep going Jared, keep going until you're buried in me."

"Are you ok Liam? We can take our time."

"I'm good Jared, keep going. It always feels so fucking incredible to feel that hard dick of yours going deeper and deeper into me. Your cock always feels so warm inside my ass. God, I love that feeling."

Jared pushed steadily into his lover, and in return he heard Liam groaning deeply.

"Liam, you have it all now," said Jared as leaned down to kiss his lover. Liam brought his arms up and wrapped them around Jared's neck. Liam returned his kisses frantically.

"Jared, if I could stay like this for the rest of my life, I would. That's big hard cock of yours buried into me fills me, and makes me feel a part of you. I don't feel alone when you are making love to me."

"Liam, you are never alone and the feeling I have when I am buried in you, I agree that I could stay like this forever."

Liam smirked, "Don't stay still, Jared, just do it. I want to feel you slide in and out."

Jared started to pull back, and then push forward slowly. Liam was making sounds like purring kitten as he slowly moved in and out.

"Jared, you feel so good in me."

"Liam, you feel so tight and warm."

Jared began to slowly pick up the pace and began sliding in and out of Liam who was now making grunting sounds every time Jared thrust into him deeply.

Jared pushed in deep enough to lean forward and kiss Liam's lips. Liam kissed back and then brought his hands up to grab Jared's back. They moved down until they could cup Jared's hard muscular ass.

Jared started to move in and out of Liam again and started to move faster. Liam was letting out long groans. Jared changed his angle slightly so he could hit Liam's prostate with each thrust. When he did this, Liam's eyes rolled back into his head. Jared was moving at a steady pace now. The tightness of Liam's hole was making it hard to keep from cumming thought Jared. Liam was also thinking about how hard it was not to cum with the sensations he was feeling as his boyfriend moved in and out of him.

The two men were physically joined, and riding the wave of shared physical sensations of flesh moving within flesh. Neither had absolutely any clue their bodies had begun to glow a luminescent white. From each of the young men, a white translucent form rose to a position above them. The two forms moved towards each other, and began to blend or wrap around each other. The forms twisted and moved with their speed of movement consistent with the pace the two men were making love.

Jared was riding the electrical sensations of his cock sliding in and out of Liam's tight ass. Jared felt the little round button of the prostate each time he pushed in and slid back. He knew Liam was feeling it as well, as each time Jared felt the button on the head of his dick, Liam called out his name and told him to go harder and faster.

The forms above the two men blended into one. Liam's arms were stretched out and he was gripping the bedsheets tightly. He had his knees pulled up to allow Jared to get as deep inside of him. It started deep within Liam as a slight muscle contraction. The sensation intensified as Jared thrust deeply into him, building quickly similar to a wave building while heading to shore.

"JARED," Liam called out. "Oh god, I'm cumming. Harder Jared, HARDER."

Just for a split second Jared thought about how far Liam had come in the short time he had been getting anal sex. In compliance, Jared began to pump in and out of Liam like a piston.

Liam's body was suddenly consumed with wave upon wave of sensations. The climax started deep within him, and everything was automatic once the switch had been flipped. Liam could feel the rising pleasure as the contractions began to increase with their intensity.

Liam was moaning "Love you," as he erupted between the two men. The jets of cum sprayed up to his chest, leaving a trail to his hard cock with each diminishing contraction.

Jared and Liam were on shift and were at the base completing their unit inventory when a call was dispatched to them. They were dispatched on the critical calls, but every once in a while they did receive some of the routine ones as well.

The call information was a man had fallen and was hurt at the local mall. The patient was alert, oriented and no other problems so it was not a call for the use of the lights and siren. Within a couple of minutes Jared and Liam arrived at the main entrance where they were met by the security guard on duty.

"You guys aren't going to believe this one," said the security guard with a smile.

Jared stopped loading the equipment onto the stretcher and asked "Ed, what do you mean?"

"Guys, you are going to love this one. The man who is injured is the nicest guy you will ever meet, and so is his wife," explained Ed.

Liam was listening and added "Ed, you never give us anyone who is nice let alone even sober."

"I know, I know. Consider this a gift to make up for all the other drunk, obnoxious, barfing or shit covered, stoned out of their mind, boneheads," he replied.

Liam and Jared both chuckled at the comment and shook their heads. They pulled the stretcher full of equipment out towards the fountain area. There was an older man lying flat on his back, and an older woman sitting on a chair near him. She had her handbag on her lap as well as bag from one of the stores nearby while reading a magazine. She appeared to be somewhere around 70-80 years old and if there was a contest for the most grandmotherly looking person you have ever met, she would have won.

On the floor was a man about the same age as she was. Someone had put a pillow under his head, and covered him in a blanket. He was casually reading a book.

Jared and Liam smiled at each other as they approached. The lady looked up at the medics approaching.

"Harold, the ambulance drivers are here. Put your book down," said the lady.

The man looked over the top of the book at the approaching medics. "Can you give me a couple of minutes, I'm almost done with this chapter," said Harold as he went back to his book.

"Harold, put the dam book down. These people are very busy and they are here to see you," she said.

"Ernestine, just one more page and I'll be done," replied Harold. "Maybe you could talk with them while I finish this chapter."

The lady closed her book after putting a book mark in it. "I always use a bookmark. Never turn the page over, it ruins the book," she explained. Ernestine looked at the two men up and then down with approval, and blurted "My, where have you two been hiding. They have never sent two hunks like you before."

Jared and Liam looked at each other and started to laugh aloud. "Thanks, ma'am," they both said.

"Cute and polite," said Ernestine. "Harold, have we got any single grandchildren left anymore?"

"No, dear. I think the last one married the doctor who looked after you the last time you were hurt," said Harold.

"Are you sure, dear?" she asked again.

Harold closed his book and handed it to his wife. "Yes, I'm sure Ernestine; would you look after this book for me, please, dear?"

"Certainly, Harold," she replied as she leaned over to take the book from his hand.

Jared and Liam were both smiling at the two people. "Harold, may we get to work now?" asked Jared with a big smile.

"Of course you can, young man," replied Harold as he extended his hand. "My name is Harold and this is my loving wife of 60 years, Ernestine."

"My name is Jared, and this is my partner, Liam," replied Jared as they all shook hands. "We are the paramedics here to serve you today."

Liam continued, "Would you like a drink to start off this evening or an appetizer?"

Without missing a beat, Harold asked "What's the specials and is there a movie being shown today?"

"Caddyshack," replied Liam. "We even have a gopher hand puppet."

Ernestine started to laugh, "Harold, I think we have met some kindred spirit in these two."

"So what happened, Harold?" asked Liam.

"I slipped on some water on the floor. When I hit the floor, I felt something in my hip break," replied Harold. "I should explain Liam. I'm a retired surgeon and my wife is a retired pathologist."

"Wow, pretty cool occupations you two had," replied Liam. "Both being Doctors I bet you really grossed out some people who were sat near you in public or restaurants while you told stories."

Ernestine laughed. "Harold, these are first two who aren't intimidated by our past occupations and I've never had the two of us described as pretty cool before. It also sounds like you are speaking from experience about making people barf in public."

Jared now laughed. "Possibly. My partner has a way with words, and I suspect both Harold and Liam are fairly evenly matched in sarcasm and wit. Does Harold stick his tongue out at you at all, Ernestine?"

"Constantly Jared, and I could smack him each time he does it," she laughed.

"Liam does too, but I get to smack him," replied Jared. Liam and Harold stuck their tongues out at each other, and then Jared. Liam managed to duck as Jared swung to slap the back of his head.

Ernestine was laughing so hard she almost fell out her chair. When she stopped, she looked at her husband and said, "These two are nowhere near as naive as they portray, Harold. Have you noticed their eyes? They are both a lot smarter and worldly than what they let on. In fact, unless I'm way out in left field - they don't need to get set up with any of our grandchildren. I suspect the two of them are a couple, Harold, and their eyes reveal how much in love they are with each other."

Harold looked at the two men and asked, "My wife is usually very good at things like this; so are you two are a couple?" He thought for a moment and then added, "I mean if it doesn't offend you to be asked by a couple of old people?"

Jared smiled, "We don't mind, Harold, and yes, we are a couple. We are also very much in love and we are soulmates on many levels, Harold."

"Good for you, true love is something to hold onto when you find it. Ernestine and I have been together for 60 years, and we have never questioned our love for each or our commitment."

"Jared," started Ernestine, "I'm sorry I put you two on the spot like that but your auras are so beautifully interwoven and feeding or dependent on each other."

"My wife has studied Chakra for year's gentlemen, so I hope she doesn't offend you," said Harold.

"I'm not offended at all Harold," replied Jared. "We already know about how each other's auras appear, and how they react when we are together."

Harold looked at the two of them, "You are the first young ones we've bumped into who know what Chakra is."

Liam smiled at him, "Chakra is but a small part of understanding the universe." Suddenly, Liam changed his body language and used his hand to smooth his hair as he looked up. "And the colours are soooo cooool to, like, look at," in a female voice.

Harold and Ernestine started laughing while Jared rolled his eyes upwards. "Whatever," he mumbled.

"You two are so full of life," said Ernestine. "Your auras are so colourful and dance so actively when you two are feeding off each other."

Jared turned to Liam and said, "Let's give her an eyeful."

Liam nodded his head as he closed his eyes. Jared closed his eyes and grasped Liam's hand. The both concentrated and Ernestine exclaimed, "Oh my god, Harold, you should see the colours and patterns. The two are blending into one and shooting in the air like fireworks going off. Harold, it is incredible. How are you two doing it?"

Jared's other hand touched Harold's hand and he suddenly saw it as well. "My God Ernestine, all these years I honestly thought you were nuts, but there is an aura, and it is beautiful. Is this what you see?"

Liam spoke, "Harold - what you two are seeing is the spirit of two people in love. Ernestine, touch Harold and both of you watch what happens."

They reached to each other and held hands.

"Your colours are more distinct, more fluid in their movements, interwoven even more than ours are. What amazes me is there are no black spots in either of your auras. You two have been in love from the day you met, and have never had a major fight or separation on something your entire life," explained Jared.

Liam watched the two elderly people as they looked into each other's eyes. "We have never gone to bed mad at each other. I love him as much today as I did the first day we met, just like you said," said Ernestine with tears leaking from her eyes.

"Ernestine, your love had been the best gift I ever got from God, and seeing it in colour today sealed it as the only gift I have ever needed," said Harold with tears in his eyes as well.

Liam ended the colour show of auras for the two of them. "Jared, I'll remember seeing what true love between two people looks like for the rest of my life."

"I will too, Liam, but I know how it feels and how it looks. We need to get back to work so Harold, let's get you bundled up and into the back of the ambulance. I'm sure you two have better things to do than lay around on the mall floor."

The two elderly people laughed. Jared and Liam worked on Harold, securing him to the stretcher, and loading him into the back of the ambulance. Ernestine was sitting on the chair in the back watching the two medics closely as they worked on her husband. Not only was she interested in their work, but she was watching their auras moving around their bodies, and at times it seemed their aura's penetrated her husband when they touched him. While they were assessing and treating, the two young men's auras became the purest white colour she had ever seen. She kept commenting "amazing" and how she had never seen such pure or intense aura's like theirs before.

Liam had completed the patient care report and handed it to Jared as he started to move to the front of the unit. Jared tugged him back and onto the bench seat beside him. Liam looked at him with a questioning look.

"Liam, I never made the connection until this moment who our passengers are," said Jared. "This is Dr. Harold and Dr. Ernestine Brooks of the Brooks Hospital."

Liam smiled, "You mean our Brooks Hospital?"

"Yes Liam, and I sincerely apologise for not realizing who our VIP patients were today," replied Jared. "I really dropped the ball on this one and I apologise."

Ernestine had a serious look on her face as she spoke, "Jared, you two have treated us wonderfully and at no time did we expect special care. We're just a couple of old people, one of which is injured."

Jared took one of Ernestine's hands and one of Harold's, holding them gently. "My grandfather would never forgive for not giving you VIP treatment."

Ernestine looked at Jared closely through squinted eyes, "Are you little Jared Bear?"

"I am," replied Jared with a large, warm smile on his face.

Harold spoke, "Ernestine, I thought there was something so familiar about this young man but is been so long since we saw him last."

"We met him many times when he was much, much younger Harold. He was a beautiful child who turned into one hunk of a man."

Jared blushed.

"I think he's a hunk too Ernestine," said Liam as he put his arm over his boyfriend. "Have you checked out his chest and ass yet?"

"Liam!" exclaimed Jared. Ernestine and Harold laughed without reservation.

Ernestine looked at Liam with a mischievous look, "Of course I checked his chest and ass out, and yours too Liam. I may be old but I'm not dead."

That revelation brought a round of laughter from everyone.

"So you know grandfather?" asked Liam changing the topic.

"We haven't seen him for years but think of him often," replied Harold. "You call him grandfather Liam, how do you fit into this family?"

"I've been adopted and it is such a long story. Maybe sometime over a pot of sweet tea, we could talk about it," replied Liam.

"You do remember the Mathew Alphonse Bear wing of the hospital is named after him don't you, Jared," asked Ernestine.

"Yes, I just never think or say anything about it," he replied.

Liam was surprised. "I never made the connection Jared, and neither you nor grandfather ever said anything about it."

Jared shrugged his shoulders, "The name is not important, but the people and the work in the building are."

"You sound just like your grandfather, Jared," said Harold.

Jared snapped his fingers and said "Sleep." Both of the elderly people immediately went unconscious. "Liam, are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Narf, I think so Brain, but if the plural of mouse is mice, wouldn't the plural of spouse be spice?" said Liam with a big smile.

Jared laughed and shook his head. "Pinky, I am going to spank you so bad tonight at home."

"Promises, promises! Yes, I think we should heal the hip so it's just a severe bruising or a hairline crack. These people have done so much for others, and have asked for absolutely nothing in return. Look at the two of them in their 80's and fully mobile, cognitive and absolutely in love with each other as much as the first day they met."

"They really are an inspiration, aren't they, Liam?"

"Jared, I truly pray we will live as long and as happily as they have lived."

"Liam, we already are my soulmate, just not as long yet."

The ambulance had pulled into the hospital emergency department garage when Jared woke his guests up. Jared had given report to the attending physician and made it clear he suspected soft tissue bruising only. Harold looked at him with interest as he gave the report, but didn't dispute it. Ernestine never left the room while Jared and Liam were there. She didn't dispute their assessment of soft tissue damage either.

She gave both of the young men a kiss on their cheek before they left, and whispered into Jared's ear, "You two really are his grandsons, aren't you?"

Jared just smiled, shrugged his shoulders and replied to her, "We both really are his grandsons, Ernestine. One is by birth and the other by divine adoption. We both love him dearly, and we both follow his teachings."

Ernestine gave Jared that, "I know what you did smile," but never said anything verbally.

The two of them parked the ambulance outside the ER ambulance bay and ran upstairs to visit with Jesse and Zane. Kat was on duty again and told them they were sleeping, and had been most of the day. Part of it was the healing, and another part of it was drugs they were being given to control the pain and inflammation. Kat smiled and explained every time they fell asleep, they would be facing each other and holding hands. They would be staying in the hospital for a couple more days.

Jared and Liam drove to the ambulance base to refill the fuel tank, restock the unit and give it a wash if the bay wasn't busy. They were working in the back of the unit, checking supplies and replacing the missing ones in silence.

"Liam, I keep thinking about Ernestine and Harold. The love and commitment the two of them shared was so beautiful and I found it to be inspiring on a spiritual level, Liam. They love each other absolutely, unconditionally and they are totally devoted to each other."

"Jared, I have the same commitment to you. What we saw is the way love was intended to be when it was given to mankind as a gift."

The two of them stopped work for a moment, and sitting on opposite stretchers held hands for a moment as they looked deeply into each other's eyes. The two of them could each feel the warmth of the other's hand and fingers being held. Jared and Liam were also aware of each other's love on a very special and spiritual level as it bubbled up to the front of their minds.

"I wish all people could feel and share their love the way we do, Jared."

"Liam, when I connect with you on this level, I feel energized as if my battery has been boosted."

"I'm the same way, Jared. I love you."

"I love you, Liam, my soulmate for eternity."

The two of them leaned forward, and gently kissed. As they broke apart, they could hear someone gagging and dry heaving outside the ambulance.

Editor's note: Wonder who that could be outside the ambulance?

I actually didn't know what to name this chapter for a bit, partly due to the last chapter's name, but then I realized what led me to cut this chapter where I did, both beginning and end... Love in its many varieties. The love of a parent, the love of siblings, the love of friends, the love of a young relationship and the experienced love of many, many years. In the end, there was only one name fitting for this chapter.

If you love the story, please email the author. I know he loves getting them. But don't let him fool you...

he's the magic behind this story. I mainly just replace missing commas. ;-)

Next: Chapter 24: Jared the Paramedic II 9

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