Jared the Paramedic

By Snowblind94

Published on Sep 15, 2016


Disclaimer: All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. The following contains scenes of explicit scenes involving male sex and in a variety of consensual activities. But, if you're looking for non-stop sex then this isn't the story for you. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed any further. The characters are entirely fictitious and are not based on anyone who has or is still living.

This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit written permission from the author.

Please donate to Nifty Stories to keep this website free to provide this service.

I truly pray for the readers of this story and their loved ones; may you all have long, healthy and lives filled with true love, acceptance and peace every day.

I am not a professional writer but I have been enjoying myself to like this hobby for the moment or until a squirrel leads me into another direction. If you have any questions or comments, please send them to me at snowblind94@yahoo.ca

Jared the Paramedic - Volume II Chapter 7 - Love and Hate

The next day went by fast, and after lunch the staff finally asked Zane if something had happened between him and Jesse finally. He tried to deflect the question but they were persistent, and he finally admitted that they were now boyfriends. The staff were all happy for the two of them, and even young Trevor told his boss, "It is about fucking time."

"What do you mean?" asked Zane.

"You two looked at each other, but the moment it was noticed the two of you looked away. You two were interested, but for whatever reason neither of you did anything. Even a young guy like me noticed," he said. "You two are old and you should have known."

Zane hugged the young man, "Thanks Trevor. You're like the bratty little brother I always wanted."

"It would be nice to have a big brother like you too, Zane."

Even when Jesse was down at the Law offices, Julie called him on it right way. She told him it was about time he quit being stupid and she approved of the two of them. That pronouncement was followed by a big hug.

That night, the two of them walked along the trail next to the river as the sun was setting. The gentle sounds of the water flowing by, the birds chirping and the sun setting in the west were combining into the most beautiful night either had ever experienced in their lives. Jesse and Zane had already accomplished something many couples never achieve in their relationship; they could have a comfortable silence between the two of them. Neither felt the need to nonsensically chatter out of nervousness, they were already in tune with each other, and the silence of mutual respect or love between them. The two of them started walking towards the apartment, to end their night by sharing the couch or the bed; it just didn't matter to either of them. They just wanted to be together.

They were oblivious to everything but each other, and didn't see Fred with a buddy step out of the bar and come behind them. A beer bottle smashed on the side of Jesse's head, and he went down. Fred grabbed Zane and punched him the eye with his massive fist, knocking him down. Fred then put his boots to Zane, kicking him in the head, the chest and the back when he curled into a fetal position. It didn't take long before the sounds of sirens were heard in the distance and were obviously approaching. Fred looked around and his friend was now nowhere in sight. He was about to run away when he heard someone speak to him. He turned and saw Jesse struggling to his feet.

Jesse's head was spinning and he was fighting the pain in his head. He couldn't even see out of his left eye due to the amount of blood from the huge laceration on his head.

Even without the blood, Jesse was seeing red after being attacked. He had never been this angry or felt this much actual pain at any other point in his life. He glanced down and saw Zane curled up on the ground where Fred had been kicking him.

"You piece of shit," snarled Jesse through gritted teeth.

Fred laughed, "What are you going to do fag boy, bitch slap me?"

Jesse was having trouble focusing his energy and control into the movements as he had been trained to do. The bottle to the side of his head was interfering with his thinking.

Fred stepped towards Jesse and swung at him. Jesse moved back and the fist missed him. Fred tried again, and connected this time as Jesse had stumbled due to the dizziness he suddenly felt. Once again Jesse went down.

The police cars being driven by Tyler and Josh were pulling up to the scene as Fred was connecting with Jesse's head. They watched the man go down. Josh called out on the radio to confirm that an ambulance was on the way, code 4 as well as for additional back up units.

The two cars came to a stop and the men got out, Tasers drawn. They both issued the order for Fred to lie down and he wouldn't do it. Fred was hit from two directions by Tasers and managed to complete a full thirty seconds of the funky chicken after he fell face forward onto the pavement.

There were two ambulances pull up with Troy and Amanda in one, and Jared with Liam in the other.

Liam looked over to the victims as they were getting their bags out and cried out, "Oh God, its Jesse and Zane."

Jared's head snapped to look at the two men on the sidewalk. "You deal with Zane with Troy, and I'll look after Jesse with Marci. Liam, I'm sensing Zane's life energy is low and he needs your special skills." The team all acknowledged Jared's instructions.

Liam looked at Zane and said, "His aura is dimming and real dull Jared. I'll get to work."

Fred was on the ground and cuffed now with Tyler and Josh next to him while two more police cars arrived to see if they could help out.

Jesse was becoming conscious again and physically struggling with Jared. Jared looked around and then snapped his fingers and said, "sleep." Jesse went out like a light.

Troy was starting IV's while Liam was doing his rapid trauma survey and assessment on Zane. "We need to get him into the unit and away from all these eyes," said Liam.

Jared called one of the other police officer over to assist and placed a collar on the unconscious man. They rolled him and then secured him onto a spinal board, onto the stretcher Jared inserted an OPA into Jesse to make it look good, but he really wasn't concerned about the patent airway; he would know if it was a problem. They loaded Jesse into the back of the ambulance.

Finally safe from the crowd who was gathering. "Marci, these are friends and we had been with them yesterday, but we had no indication of this event in their future."

"It wasn't on their path, it was on the assholes path, and he intersected randomly with them," replied Marci with a bitterness he had never heard from her before.

Jared placed his hands on Jesse's chest and said, "Creator, guide my hands to do your work. This man has a long path ahead of him."

Jared was traveling through the circulatory system, starting at the lungs and up into the brain. He quickly came across the area of concern, a small acute subdural hematoma as the result of the cerebral contusion. The skull itself had a shadow in it to indicate a fracture as well. The fractures were still in place, and not life threatening but included the orbital area on the right side as well. Jared began to heal the ruptured arteries and eliminate the blood accumulating in the man's brain. As usual, Jared would leave enough non-life threatening injuries for the hospital to deal with, and heal with the usual aches and pains.

Liam had been treating Zane at the same time Jared had been working on Jesse. He had collared Zane, inserted an ET tube, started IV's and inserted an NG tube. Zane was in trouble as well and he had been placed on a backboard like Jesse had been. Inside the unit, Troy quickly inserted a Foley catheter and started monitoring the contents of the collection bag. The fluid entering the bag was straw coloured with a couple of dark red clots. The heart monitor was showing a regular heart pattern although tachycardic, which would be normal in this situation. The blood pressure was indicating shock, and either moderate blood loss or spinal shock from the assault.

Liam bared Zane's chest and placed his hands onto the young man's skin. "Creator, guide my hands in the treatment of this good man's injuries. He has done so much for others in your name and never asked for anything in return."

Troy was getting blood pressure again, and encouraged Josh on the bag valve mask not to hyperventilate with a head injury. Josh slowed down on his delivery of oxygen.

Zane was not doing well. Liam immediately noticed the damage to the liver and spleen from the blunt force trauma when he was kicked and repaired it. The kidneys were severely bruised as well, and that would account for the clots of blood in the urine but he observed all the major arteries in the kidneys to be intact. His healing of the body caused the heart monitor to settle down and the blood pressure beginning to stabilize.

Liam then found an inflammation of the spinal cord, and it was caused by a fracture in the L3, L4 area. He healed the fractures, but left enough of the swelling to require treatment at the ER with steroids and anti-inflammatories only. The doctors would do X-rays or a cat scan, the damage would show up as shadows to indicate a crack in the bone, but not separated. Liam also realized if they had not placed the man on the spine board, his spinal cord could have been severed during the initial movement. Zane was now out of life threatening danger, but he would still be considered critical upon arrival at the hospital. He was also going to be stiff and sore for a few days.

"Troy, let's roll."

"You got it Liam; Marci is just getting ready to roll as well."

"Do you need me?" asked Josh.

"No brother, I'll take over the bag valve from you but make that asshole pay for this."

"Liam, I've never heard you speak that way before. I will only do what the law and the Creator allows; you know that Liam. We cannot lower ourselves to the evil one, even for one of our own."

Liam took a deep breath. "Thank you Josh, you're right. Once again, the wolf has protected the pack. Get going and we'll roll. Thanks for the help Josh."

Josh jumped out and slammed the door. Troy took off and headed towards the hospital, the siren blaring as he left. Josh watched the ambulance as it disappeared into the city until he could no longer hear the siren. He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to look. It was Frank, his Sgt.

"I take it by the look, you know the patients this time."

"Frank, Liam is looking after the young man who runs the LGBT drop in center who saved Conner's life and many others. That young man has done so much for so many people only to be senselessly attacked by this goon. Frank, why do the good people like him get killed and the scum like Fred live long lives."

Frank thought for a moment before saying "I think we both should put that question to Jared sometime and listen to his answer. I've wondered the same thing many, many times and I'm sure out of all the people on this planet, he would have an answer that made some sort of sense, or at least believable."

After transferring care of the two patients to the ER trauma teams and restocking the ambulance, Jared knew he had to make a phone call. Jared phoned Jack himself to tell him of the assault on Jesse and Zane. He explained to Jack neither of them were in any danger any more, but were considered serious. Jared also assured Jack he would be personally monitoring them in the hospital with Liam. Jack had asked if the hospital had a landing pad as he could charter a helicopter fairly quickly and be there within 1-2 hours with Molly.

Jared made arrangements to remain at the hospital beside with Zane and Jesse. Liam would take the unit back to base and then run by the apartment to pick up the smudging bundles. He also grabbed some herb packs for teas which may be brewed as well.

Jared contacted the hospital administrator and advised him of the helicopter which would be arriving and landing with VIP visitors on board for the two people in the ICU. Jared briefly explained the situation and who the two injured men were. Jared especially made it clear to the Administrator who Jesse was, and the relationship he has with Zane, and they were both personal friends of his. The administrator was very understanding for the information and bent over backwards to help in any way possible. He also assured Jared if they needed anything, just call him if the staff couldn't authorize it.

The two men were moved into the CCU, and Jared sat on the end of Jesse's bed meditating. The room was full of equipment, monitors, automated IV drips, and just about anything you could think of attached mostly to Zane. The nurses and attending doctor knew Jared had a personal interest in the two men and felt better knowing he would be sitting with them. The hospital was also very busy as usual with too many patients for the staff to really handle, but they did it to the best of their abilities anyways and always managed to do an excellent job. Due to the condition of Zane, they had placed both of the young men in the Critical Care Unit. Jared had assured the staff not only would the two want it that way, but no one would complain if they were both put into the same room. If they did, blame him Jared told them.

Liam returned and found Jared sitting cross legged on the end of Jesse's bed. He gently nudged his soulmate to let him know he had returned.

"Liam, it always brings me pleasure to open my eyes to your face, no matter where or what time of the day," said Jared.

Liam smiled, "That gets you a big kiss." He leaned over and tenderly kissed his lover with a long, deep and tender kiss.

"Jared, I think we should smudge the room as well as Jesse and Zane. I brought some herbs for teas as well." He pointed to a full teapot on the patients night stand.

Jared smiled and the two of them smudged each other, Jesse and Zane, the room and themselves once more. Neither man had reacted during the smudging ceremony which was a good indication of neither having shadows inside them causing damage.

Jared and Liam sat and drank the tea while the exchange information and brought each other up to date on what they had been doing since they saw each other last. The tea was drank and both knew it was time to reassess their patients.

"Liam, will you check on Zane, and I'll finish with Jesse. We should have Jesse talking before Jack and Molly get here."

"No problem." Liam went and sat on the edge of Zane's bed, and placed his hands on the man's chest. He began to hum his chant as his spirit systematically began to search through the physical body of the young man. Zane was going to heal just fine. He was going to be sore, bruised and swollen but time would fix everything physical now.

Jared had done a final assessment of Jesse and, and woke him up. He was going to be sore and swollen for a while, but he would recover. Jared had been filling him in on what had happened to the two of them, their treatment, where they were and the pending arrival of Jack with Molly anytime. Jesse felt tired, but then he suddenly thought about Zane. He became focused on Zane and how to help him. Jesse was becoming quite agitated until Jared's eyes flashed white and he heard the voice inside his head "Jesse, calm down. We need you calm, and we are looking after him."

Jesse looked up at Jared, who was smiling at him warmly. "You really know how to get inside someone's head to get their attention."

Jared chuckled at the lawyer's comment. "Jess, someday soon we will teach you what we as a family are capable of both socially and spiritually. It will blow you mind."

"I think I already believe you Jared. Can we find out what is going on with Zane?"

"Absolutely buddy." Jared turned and looked at Liam who was still working on Zane. He thought to himself the length of time was not unusual, but he was interested in what was happening. Jared moved over and sat in the chair next to the bed. He reached out and gently grasped Liam's left wrist. They didn't connect spiritually as Liam chose to speak personally with Jared.

Liam withdrew and turned to look at his partner. "Jared, as usual you have perfect timing. I was just going to call for you."

"What's up?"

"Zane's physical body is healing, but his spirit is wandering. We need to retrieve his spirit and blend it back into his physical form."

Jared looked at Liam. "This is a new dimension of power to me Liam so I'll follow whatever you need."

"I guess this is part of the old knowledge within me, Jared. I immediately knew what the problem was and how to fix it."

The two men looked at Jesse who was sitting up in his bed with a puzzled look on his face.

Liam made a 'come here' motion to Jesse and pointed to the bed where he had been sitting. Jared helped him to move over the short distance to the other bed. He just had to keep an eye on the cords and leads and tubes still attached to Jesse.

Liam continued, "I need you to take Zane's hand with both of your hands Jesse, and when we tell you to think about him. Think like you are standing on top of a mountain and calling to him with every emotion and all the strength you can spare. Don't yell it with your voice; yell it with your mind."

Jesse looked like he was going to say something, but Jared cut him off. "Jesse, it will make sense in a minute when we start, until then - just hold your questions," said Liam.

Jesse looked at the two men, and then nodded his head.

Liam went around to the other side of the bed with Jared, and moved to the top of the bed where he sat on the edge. He turned to Jesse and nodded, and then to Jared said, "You ready?" Jared reached out and placed his hand on Zane's chest. Liam placed his hand next to Jared's with the fingers in contact with the other.

The hospital room went absolutely brilliant white for a moment, and then changed again as Liam, Jared and Jesse were all standing in what appeared to be a limitless prairie of ankle height grass. The sky was a beautiful deep blue with not a cloud in sight. The air was a comfortable temperature and moved slightly without bending the grass blades.

Jesse looked at the two other men who were with him. They both were standing there in their full medicine man trappings, Liam even having a tall staff in his one hand. "Where are we?"

Liam looked around and then replied, "This is the next level after life or it could be considered a holding area. It's here the spirit rejuvenates and waits for his body to heal so it can return. In some cases, the spirit waits here until the survivors grieve or finish with the body before the spirit moves on. The spirit may also wait for their spirit guide to meet them, and take them over to their final destination. Sometimes the spirit gets caught at this level for all kinds of different reasons."

Jared looked around, "I've travelled this world while meditating."

"Yes, you have Jared. Think of this world like a long hallway with doors to many areas. This is where we come when we travel to meet our ancestors, Jared. Through here and to the appropriate door for the lack of a better term," replied Liam.

Jared and Liam suddenly looked towards Jesse, who was looking around and jumping up and down to try and increase his vision distance.

"Jesse, you don't have to act like a member of the fuckrwee tribe. The spirit should come to us when we call it," said Liam.

Jared looked at Jesse and then at Liam. "I don't recall anyone named the fuckrwee tribe?"

Liam maintained a straight face and replied "We are all members of the fuckrwee tribe from time to time." Liam then brought his right hand up and held it above his eyes as if shielding them from the bright sunlight. Suddenly he jumped straight up and yelled, "Where the fuck-are-we?"

When he landed, Jared was rolling his eyes and Jesse was trying not to smirk. Jared finally said, "That's bad, even for you, Liam."

Liam just smiled and reached over to Jesse's hand. "It's time, big and older brother. Call Zane's name from your heart, not your voice."

Jesse looked at him puzzled.

"You don't have to say anything, Jesse. Just close your eyes, focus on Zane and with all your love and emotion think his name."

Jesse adjusted his stance to spread his feet a bit and get comfortable. His right hand held his left over and both brought tight to his chest. He closed his eyes and a picture of Zane the day he met him appeared in his mind. He versioned him sitting in his truck, and offering him the ride down the highway when they first met. Jesse concentrated on one word, "Zane." In his mind, he kept repeating it. As he was repeating it, he was aware of the sound of two men chanting and beating drums. He noticed every time he thought the word "Zane" the drums seemed to be saying the same thing. Jesse had no clue how much time had passed, but he heard his name being called to him.


He was sure it was his name.

"Jesse, open your eyes," said the voice. Jesse recognized the voice as Zane and opened his eyes quickly. The bright light caused him some difficulties for a moment but he could see Zane standing between Jared and Liam. He stepped back a bit when he saw four wolves sitting at their feet and Zane was petting one of them. They were huge wolves, bigger than he had ever seen in a zoo or on a wildlife channel but no one had any fear of them. Two of the wolves stood and bounced over to him with the big black one body checking him into the other grey one.

"What the hell? These things are as bad as Tyler and Josh," observed Zane. The two wolves sat at his feet and looked up at him, nodding their heads up and down as if they were saying yes.

"Not bad Zane. You got it right, and Jesse this is the rest of the family. Those two are Tyler and Josh and these two are Darren and Troy. Their spirit guides are the pack timber wolves, and we're all family. They helped to track your missing Zane down, and bring him back. We had trouble finding him until our brothers came and followed his scent."

Jesse had been sidetracked by the wolves and suddenly ran to Zane to grab him into a tight hug. "Zane, it's you. You're here."

"I'm here because of you and this group of spirits and spirit guides. There was another spirit and he led me astray to get me lost. He promised me he was taking me to where you were healing so I could be with you. I felt so lost and alone when he suddenly disappeared and I had no clue where I was," said Zane.

Liam quietly said, "The one we know as Lug, or Pugh or Shakespeare called him Puck. He is a malicious prankster who needs to carefully watched if he is here. He has no allegiance to anyone, but is not above helping either the evil one or the Creator when it benefits him."

Jared thought for a moment, "Like a mercenary?"

"Hadn't thought of it that way, but yes that could be accurate in many circumstances," replied Liam. "Before we get talking, it's time to go back to the real world. Jesse, Jack and Molly are in the room now with Amanda who we will introduce to you. The guys are all sitting on the floor meditating so when you open your eyes, it will look a lot different in the room Jesse than when you left."

"I don't give a shit, as long as I have Zane." He pulled the man into him for a deep, long and gentle kiss. When the two of them broke apart, and they were both in the hospital again.

Jack, Molly and Amanda were sitting apart from the men, but rose quickly when they realized everyone was beginning to move around. Jesse and Zane began to look around the room to get their bearings.

Molly just about trampled the men who had been meditating to get to Jesse. "Jesse, are you ok? Is Zane with you?"

Jesse smiled at her and then at Zane. "Everything is perfect now, momma Molly. We are together again." He leaned forward and kissed Zane once more very tenderly. "I like the physical kisses better than the metaphysical."

Zane pulled Jesse in for another kiss, "I do, too."

Jack had helped everyone up to their feet. "Amanda did a wonderful job of explaining what you guys were doing. Jared, I know I'm new to all this but she also told us that you and Liam are the most powerful medicine men/shaman she has ever heard of, and we should trust you absolutely with our boy."

"Jack, I have more people and guardian angels and spirits around me than I ever knew existed. These four men were the biggest wolves I have ever seen....." said Jesse.

"Whoa Jesse, Amanda explained a lot, but not everything," said Jack.

Amanda was near the door, "It takes time Jack, but I'm here when or if you ever need me. I serve the creator, and I help his messengers Jared and Liam whenever I can. It's time for me to get back to my office but it's been a pleasure to meet you both."

Molly rushed over and hugged her. Jack did the same while thanking her for everything she had done.

"Well, at least Tyler didn't try to piss on you Jesse like he did the last guy," said Josh. They stuck their tongues out at each other. Molly and Jack stood and shook their heads at the actions while smiling.

Jared stood, "I need food as I suspect the rest of us do. I also suspect the doctors will want to check Zane and Jesse both over as they are now both awake. Let's leave Molly and Jack here with these two while we go downstairs for some food."

The group started towards the door, but were pushing and shoving while trying to be the first through it. Suddenly, it all stopped and they split. Nurse Kat walked through them.

"I should've known you guys were involved with these two," she said.

Jared stood and saluted, "Yes ma'am. We were just leaving, ma'am."

The rest of the group also saluted and said, "Just leaving, ma'am."

"GET OUT!" she said trying to stifle her laughter. The men all scurried out of the room, closing the door behind them.

The nurse turned to look at the four remaining people. "That your bed?" she asked looking at Jesse.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Get your ass back in it." He scurried quickly and rolled into the bed, pulling the covers up.

"And who would you two be?" she asked looking at Jack and Molly.

Molly looked at Jack and she immediately liked this nurse, and the way she took control. "We're Jesse's parents. Actually, we're his surrogate parents as he lost his family in an accident years ago."

She nodded to the two of them and could sense they loved the young man dearly. She looked at Jesse and then Zane. "You two are boyfriends?"

"Yes, ma'am," they both replied.

"No hanky panky and we will do fine, am I clear on that?"

"Yes, ma'am," they both replied.

"While I get their vitals and we wait for the doctor to check them, I will tell you how fortunate you all are to be friends of Jared and his band of outlaws." Looking at Molly and Jack she added, "I don't recognize you two so I assume you are from out of town and will feel better knowing about the people your son is hanging around with. He couldn't be safer if he was locked in the middle of Fort Knox."

Jack looked at her and replied, "We have been learning about just that topic Kat. Please, fill us in."

"I think we are going to get along fine, Kat," said Molly. "I like your style and don't you be afraid to smack this one's ass real good if he doesn't listen."

Jesse smiled, "Moooommmm, only Zane can do that." If Molly had been drinking tea she would have spit it across the room at that comment, but the look on her face was enough for Jack to lose it in laughter.

The group of men had finished eating their meals and were now sitting and enjoying cups of tea or a soft drink in the cafeteria when Jack and Molly sat down with them.

The men looked at them as they sat. "Before we get a meal or you guys take off, we just wanted to say thank you. I really do not understand, but for once I have no fear of what I don't understand."

"I say the same thing guys and it is a pleasure to meet all you guys together, finally," said Molly. "I have never come across a group of young men like you guys before. You all have the admiration and respect of the people we have dealt with at this hospital. I actually am gaining some faith in the younger generation."

Darren spoke up "Actually ma'am, we are a few members short of our entire extended family."

Josh took over the conversation, "Ma'am, we have three younger brothers Adam, Marc and Conner who are working or at home hopefully finishing their college applications."

Troy continued, "We have two new cousins but they were hurt and ended up in the hospital so they can't be with us right now, but they will be able soon."

Liam added, "And our Grandfather, too."

Tyler spoke next, "We just finished talking about it, Ma'am, and we will be making them the offer to join our tribe. Zane is a cousin anyways and now we know Jesse, he would also be invited."

Molly and Jack smiled. "The next one to call me ma'am or even salutes me I will flatten with Tai Kwan Do. Am I clear?"

"Oh God, are you related to Kat?" asked Josh.

Jack laughed at the comment. "She isn't, but they are cut from the same cloth guys."

Molly wasn't sure, but she heard 'oh shit' and thought it was Liam who said it. After getting a couple of trays of food, they sat with the men and chatted.

Jack and Molly were quite relaxed now after talking with everyone and knowing both Jesse and Zane were recovering. They were amazed to hear the family had three paramedics, two police officers, one fire fighter, and three going to college for police, paramedic and business. They spent the next hour lightly chatting about the news, weather and anything else which came up in discussion. The chemistry and warmth between the six men was an absolutely joy for Molly and Jack to not only observe, but experience. They told stories, joked, poked fun at each other, made silly comments and even slapped each other in the back of head at times. Both Jack and Molly were very pleasantly surprised at the high level of thinking these men showed, when they weren't sticking their tongues out at each other. This group of six men was everything they would've wanted Jesse's friends to have for personality, intelligence and integrity. What really surprised Jack and Molly was the warmth, affection and love these men had for each other and as outsiders to the group - they could feel it like the warmth from sun radiating from the young men.

Jack and Jared spoke briefly of the new building venture between Bear Investments and McCoy- McAdam Financial Services. Both Jack and Molly were impressed with the ideas Jared had and promised to get together with Jesse and Zane once they were back on their feet. Jared and Jack wanted this done quickly.

The young men headed home while Molly with Jack had gone back upstairs to visit with Jesse and Zane. When Jack and Molly opened the door to the room, what they saw surprised them both. The hospital beds had been pushed together and the two men were near and facing each other, sound asleep. They were also holding hands.

"It is cute, isn't it?" said Kat who had come up behind Jack and Molly.

"Kat, would you believe it's only been a few weeks they knew each other? The change we've seen in Jesse since he's been here with Zane is wonderful. We keep seeing them as two peas in a pod when they're together. I hope it's not too quick." asked Molly.

"Just so you know, my husband and I met and were married a few months later. It was love at first sight, and we both felt it. It does happen," replied Kat.

Jack smiled, "Sometime we will have to explain the story of how Jesse came to this town, and how he met Zane. We had dinner together a short time ago and they had mentioned how since they had met they had enjoyed and appreciated a very simple act which they shared together, being able to fall asleep with each other while holding hands."

"They told me a bit, about the loss of his husband and running away. If anyone can help him and Zane, it's Jared and his gang of outlaws."

Molly laughed. "I sense you love them as much as they love and respect you, Kat."

"They are all very special people in my life, and although they need and get the odd slap up the side of the head to get them back on earth from chasing squirrels, I love them all too."

Molly looked confused. "Squirrels?"

Jack laughed and turned his back on the two women, trying to hide his reaction. Molly slapped him and asked, "Squirrels?"

Kat was smiling as she answered, "People with attention deficit disorder or ADD are often easily side tracked, just like squirrels or by squirrels. They are jumpy, all over the place, no pattern, easily distracted....."

Molly finally laughed and said, "I get the idea, Kat, and yes, I could see that group chasing a lot of squirrels at times."

"The other part of it, Molly, is chasing the squirrels like a dog, he'll never catch it but it will create a ruckus and keep him occupied from things he should have been doing instead of chasing the squirrels."

"If you ever want to see something funny, when the whole group of them are together just yell squirrel and watch them."

"I'll keep that in mind, Kat," laughed Molly.

"You should ask Jared what a squirrel means to the First Nations. You will find it interesting and for me to explain would not give it justice."

"I'll do that Kat, thank you."

Kat got serious, "Those young men all also have very serious jobs which they are all very good at. Every day they make life or death decisions as emergency services personnel. Make no mistake about it, when they are serious - they are professional, highly competent, and very, very focused on their goals. If I was in trouble and saw members of this group arriving to help, I would thank God it was them."

Jack and Molly also became very serious as Jack answered, "That is very high praise, Kat."

"Maybe someday I will get a chance to tell you more about them over coffee," said Kat with a smile.

"I would like that," said Molly. "But, as the two kids are doing well and sleeping comfortably, maybe we should find a hotel for the night."

Kat reached out with a piece of paper in her hand with a key. "This was delivered a little while ago. It's a key to your rental car and directions to your hotel for the night. It's from Jared before you ask."

"They are amazing, aren't they, Kat?" said Molly.

"More amazing than I think either of us realize, Molly. Have a good sleep you two and I'll call if there are any changes through the night."

Molly hugged her and Jack shook Kat's hand before leaving. Kat looked in on the two men who were still facing each other, holding hands but now she noticed both appeared to have smiles or a look of contentment on their faces. Kat thought it to be amazing considering what the two of them had gone through and they could simply hold hands, sleep near each other and still be happy.

Editor's note: My apologies for the delay. Snowblind has been on a roll with writing, but alas, the past month or so has been difficult. Between dealing with fallout over an extremely broken relationship, a parent who has developed dementia, school and then dental surgery, all around the same time, and my editing my favorite story took a back seat. I do apologize to the readers for this. The surgery was almost 2 weeks ago now, and I'm feeling much better, so it's time for life to resume normalcy, as soon as we can determine what is normal anyway. Cheers to anyone who got the reference of that last sentence.

I don't know about you, but this story is healing. Jesse resonates so extremely well with me right now and the entire story seems to help. Snowblind is a wonderful friend as well as author, and I know he enjoys getting fan mail from you guys. So, please drop him a line and let him know your thoughts. Now, back to editing and coming up with chapter names and demarcation points. I do so enjoy that. =)

Thank you for everything you do for my friend Scott. I pray with you will be blessed with continued health improvement, to never lose the concept of hope, and happiness to know that you are a special person who means a tremendous amount to other people.

Bruce aka snowblind

Next: Chapter 23: Jared the Paramedic II 8

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