Jared the Paramedic

By Snowblind94

Published on Aug 21, 2016


Disclaimer: All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. The following contains scenes of explicit scenes involving male sex and in a variety of consensual activities. But, if you're looking for non-stop sex then this isn't the story for you. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed any further. The characters are entirely fictitious and are not based on anyone who has or is still living.

This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit written permission from the author. Nifty is a great site for stories but it relies on donations to keep it working. Please donate to Nifty to keep the site working. Please donate to Nifty to keep the site working. Please donate to Nifty to keep the site working.

Thank you Scott for your usual excellent work at editing. Scott really had some great ideas for me to fix a problem with the chapter which came up. I guess writing parts of the story a year ago and picking up it recently made for some gaps. Thanks Scott - you are the best.

I truly pray for the readers of this story and their loved ones; may you all have long, healthy and lives filled with true love, acceptance and peace every day.

I am not a professional writer but I have been enjoying myself to like this hobby for the moment or until a squirrel leads me into another direction. If you have any questions or comments, please send them to me at snowblind94@yahoo.ca

Monday and Tuesday passed quickly. Jesse and Zane would lay on the couch in their underwear with the television playing, but so absorbed in each other they rarely knew what was on. Each night after dinner was cleaned up they would relax in the apartment together, just content to be together. Tuesday night, Jesse was trying to instruct Zane in basic martial arts defensive moves. Jesse was feeling more than friendship towards Zane, but every time he did - it was pushed back down deep inside of him by guilt.

Wednesday afternoon was quiet at the center. Jesse was online playing Battlefield 4 and was mumbling under his breath something about "dirty hackers." Zane was also online, but he was updating the center's website and blog. He was concentrating deeply when a stream of water hit the back of his head, causing him to turn rapidly. He was about to yell at Jesse when he saw two men in paramedic uniforms standing in the doorway and smiling, one with a large syringe which no longer had any contents in it.

"Son of a bitch, Liam!" said Zane as he got up and hugged the two of them.

"How have you been doing, Zane?" asked Jared. "Thought we would drop by and see how things are going."

"Got any coffee on, Zane, old buddy?" asked Liam with a smile.

"Jared can have all he wants, but you can piss off," replied Zane. "You wrecked my hair-doo with that water."

"Who's the eye candy?" asked Liam. That earned him a slap on the back of the head from Jared.

Jared stepped forward and extended his hand. "Hi, I'm Jared and the ditzy one with me is my partner as well as my actual boyfriend, Liam."

Jesse rose to his feet and took the offered hand, shaking it. "Jesse McAdam and it's a pleasure to meet you Jared." Jesse let go of the hand and extended his towards Liam. "Nice to meet you too, ditzy."

Jared started to laugh which earned him a dirty look from Liam. They shook. Zane led them into the coffee room and made some fresh coffee.

Jesse felt a bit confused. Jared's voice was familiar, but he couldn't place it. With his eidetic memory, that had rarely, if ever, happened. And Jared's and Liam's names were familiar, too.

Jared was watching Jesse and Zane interact with interest. "Jesse, how did Zane con you into working here for almost no wages?" Jared sat in a chair at the table.

"I was hitch hiking on a highway and he gave me a ride. I like the Center and have been here for a couple of weeks now helping Zane out."

Zane sat down at the table as well. "He's a lawyer Jared, and he hasn't been afraid to help clean rooms or sort through donated clothing, either."

"Is the coffee ready yet?" asked Liam as he sat at the table.

Zane smiled at Jared. "I thought you were going to get him on Ritalin?"

"It made him worse," replied Jared. "Just give him his coffee and he settles down."

Jesse handed him a cup of fresh coffee. Liam made a point of sniffing it deeply and then taking a sip. "Hmmmm, Kenyan Pea Berry."

Zane looked at Jesse. "The kid is good and knows his coffee."

"Damn right I do. My life is in pursuit of the perfect cup of coffee," replied Liam.

Jared had been watching Jesse closely. Zane and Liam began to catch up on each other's events since they had seen each other with a quiet Jesse listening. He did ask questions and contribute to the conversation now and then. There was a pause in the conversation after a few minutes.

"Jared, having a fair amount of experience in the courtroom and not being a very naïve person in spite of my looks, have you finished sizing me up yet?" asked Jesse pointedly.

Jared smiled. "You're very good and perceptive Jesse. You're right, I have been watching you." He paused for a moment. "Jesse, you are man carrying a heavy load on your shoulders."

Jesse snapped his head back in surprise. "You know that by looking at me?"

Zane jumped in before any misunderstanding grew between the two men. "Jesse, Jared is a very well respected medicine man within the tribe. My father was a member of the tribe which makes me a member as well. Liam is also a medicine man, and they are very powerful together."

Jesse looked at the three of them. "I thought medicine men were from the old days?"

Liam spoke up. "Jesse, there are still many medicine men or women throughout the tribes. They just blend in more and quietly perform their services. It's not like on TV where we are always dressed in special clothes."

Zane jumped in, "Except loin cloths at the cabin."

"Yea, those we like to wear. We still use traditional medicines and lead ancient ceremonies which heal the spirit and the body," stated Jared. "Many times, the spirit is out of sync with the body which causes many problems."

Jesse smiled at the two of them. "So by day you two are mild mannered paramedics, but at night you prowl the streets looking for people to help as medicine men."

Liam shook his head.

"Jesse, it's nothing to be made fun of or taken lightly," said Zane.

"It is hard to believe, Zane. Please don't be offended by my disbelief. I'm a lawyer and we question anything which can't be proven by fact," said Jesse.

"I'm sorry we don't do parlour tricks, Jesse" said Liam. "You're not the first who has not believed in us or the power of the medicine man."

"Jesse, you have a big weight you're carrying and it may be something we can help with if you would let us. We have managed to help many people, even some who didn't believe," said Jared with a smile.

"Thanks Jared, but it's something I'm working on myself. Even Zane has helped me, but I will work through it," replied Jesse still a little off balance trying to place the voice and names.

Jared leaned forward and reached out, his index finger touching Jesse's hand. Jesse felt a shock from the contact and pulled his hand back.

"Jesse, you are a very special man with a lot of people who love you and are standing behind you," Jared said.

Jesse looked at him. "Ok, I give. Who are the people behind me?"

Jared looked at Zane and nodded to the door. While Zane closed the door, Jared spoke "Jesse, I wouldn't normally do this, but Marc asked me to."

Jesse sat up rigid in his chair upon hearing the name Marc. "That's not even funny, Jared."

Jared looked at Jesse. "I'm very serious." Jared's eyes began to glow a pure white.

"What the hell..." stammered Jesse.

"Jesse, calm down. As we told you, Liam and I are both medicine men. The Creator has brought us to you today to help you. Your husband Marc is standing behind you with his parents and your parents next to him. If you feel a light touch to your left shoulder, it's your father. The hand on your right shoulder is Marc's."

Jesse jumped and looked at his shoulder, and then behind him. "Jared, I feel them."

"Jesse, I can see how close your two families were in life and they are still that way on the other side. Marc says the love between the two of you has always been special, and it is eternal. He has always, and always will love you."

Jesse's face was streaked as tears left his eyes and slowly traveled down his cheeks. Zane reached out and grasped Jesse's hand, who quickly returned the grasp.

"I miss him. I miss everyone so much Jared," said Jesse as he began to sob.

"Jesse, Marc says he misses you as well more than you will ever know. You two were always together and shared your thoughts, love and physical contact freely. Marc asked me to explain to you how it is different now for both of you. The love he has now in the other side is not physical based, but emotional and intellectual. It is shared freely amongst the spirits in a different way than when someone is made of flesh, blood and bone. He says you as a physical being needs physical love to reach your potential, and to live a long, fulfilled life."

While Jared had been speaking, Zane had moved his chair next to Jesse, and pulled him over close to his body to comfort him.

"Jesse, Marc says he will always love you and needs you to understand that your love for someone in the physical world does not diminish or betray what you two have or ever will have between you. You must believe he can love anyone who truly loves you Jesse, and by you loving them back does not mean the love you have for him is diminished."

Jared skewed his face in deep thought for a moment. "Zane, Marc has a message for you."

Zane looked directly at Jared. "For me Jared, are you sure? As much as I would have liked to have known him, I never met him."

Jared looked at the table for a moment, when he lifted his head back up there was a full smile on his face similar to one the Cheshire cat would have.

Jesse was staring at Jared through tear filled eyes. "What message does Marc have for Zane?"

Jared was still smiling and shaking his head slightly. "Marc, are you sure you want that said to Zane?" asked Jared. He paused for a moment. Jared laughed aloud "Ok Marc, I'll do it."

Jared smiled. "Zane, Marc blesses the relationship you two are developing and has one piece of advice for you." Jared laughed aloud, "I have travelled into the spiritual world many, many times and I have spoken with hundreds of spirits like we are doing now. But, I have never had a request like this before."

Zane was getting impatient, "Spit it out already, Jared."

"Marc says, the next time you two are snuggling on the couch and you are holding Jesse tightly, blow across his ear gently while playing with one his nipples." Jared laughed before continuing with, "and then go use the bed for something other than sleeping."

Both Jesse and Zane exhaled a big breath in shock. "Whhaaat?" they both asked.

"Marc says you two have it bad for each other but have kept it so controlled its pathetic. Love transcends all guys, and he says to enjoy the physical act of love while you can. When you two join him after long lives, he can share his spiritual love with both of you. Jesse, he will always love you but follow your heart and give Zane a big kiss right now and not like a fucking brother!"

Jesse laughed aloud, turned and gave Zane a deep, lingering, sensual kiss. Zane returned the kiss and reached around Jesse to pull him in tighter.

The finished their kiss and looked deeply into each other's eyes, and then turned to Jared.

"Jesse, both sets of your parents are with Marc, and they are all smiling and holding their thumbs up. This is very draining for me and I must come back from the spirit world now. If you have a message or anything else to say, say it now, Jesse."

"I love and miss you all. Thank you for looking after me throughout my life, and thank you for looking after me from the beyond. Marc, we always said our love was eternal and now I understand it really is. Thank you, Markie," said Jesse.

Liam reached over and placed his hand onto Jared's shoulder, and his eyes turned white as well. The added strength of Liam's abilities brought five people standing together into view. Jesse could see his parents, Marc's parents and his husband Marc all standing there with smiles on their faces and just as Jared had said, all were giving their thumbs up.

"I see you all, oh God I see you all. Marc, the accident made you a....." started Jesse.

"Jesse, I'm as you see and not as what happened to my physical body. We need to go Jesse but I'm never far," said Marc. As the group began to fade, everyone heard Marc say, "We will always love you, Jesse."

Jared's and Liam's eyes dimmed until they returned to their normal colour. "I need another coffee." Liam got up for the pot and refilled everyone's cup before sitting down himself.

Liam spoke, "Jesse, this is part of what we do as medicine men. We heal people spiritually and physically when we can. It was me who first spoke with your family during a meditation and then introduced them to Jared. As medicine men, we have different strengths and speaking with a group of people is definitely one of Jared's strengths. We've spoken as a group a few times during our meditations and it has been a very positive experience to meet them all."

Jesse's cheeks were wet from tears as he said, "I'm sorry I ever doubted you two. You made it sound so casual the way you speak with them. You make it sound like you are just talking with regular people."

"No worries about not believing, Jesse. Yes, in many ways it is like talking with normal people," replied Liam. "Marc was right; you and Zane are a cute couple."

Jared spoke up. "I would like to invite you two out to the cabin some time for some fishing, sunbathing or whatever. Zane's been out there Jess, and knows how much fun we have a group."

"I would love to do that sometime Jared, it's been too long since I was out there to just relax. Jesse, there is so much to do at the cabin and none of it involves work," replied Zane.

"I think I might like that, if it is convenient for Jared and Liam and we wouldn't be intruding," said Jesse.

"Friends become family, Jesse" said Liam. "Jared, we better get going and go do ambulance things."

"Ambulance things? Ambulance things?" Jared turned to Jesse. "He went to school for 21/2 years to be a Critical Care Paramedic and says lets go do ambulance things?" The group was laughing.

They all stood, and it was then Jesse realized he was holding Zane's hand. He also realized he was holding Zane's hand with no regrets or feeling of betrayal to Mark.

As Liam and Jared were leaving, Jared thought of something. "Jesse, when you speak to Jack next time, make sure and tell him you met me in person. I've known Jack for a long time."

Jesse froze midstride. He managed to stammer, "I'll do that Jared." The feeling of familiarity increased intensely. He hesitated but finally asked, "So you know Jack with McCoy and Associates?"

"He's been the lawyer for me personally as well the company, Bear Investments, for years."

Jesse's eyes opened wide. "You know Bear Investments?"

"I am Bear Investments. My full name is Jared Bear."

Jesse's mind finally clicked.

"Jack has a lot of respect for you Jared, and the obstacles you overcame in your life to be a successful businessman. I didn't know you actually worked on one of the ambulances as a paramedic."

"I leave the operations of my businesses to special people and I do what I was I placed upon earth to do - and that is to heal people. Liam is not only my partner, but my soulmate and together we have both overcome a lot of obstacles. I worked with Liam for quite a time before we started dating let alone become soulmates. When I told him my history and challenges, I was afraid he would leave me. When I told him about my businesses and financial situation, he still loved me as if I had said nothing."

Liam spoke up. "I love him with my life essence and I would gladly forfeit my own life for the continuance of his. But, I have to say that because he figured out why I was buying all that insurance on him."

Jesse jumped as he heard a smack as Jared cuffed the back of Liam's head. "Bitch," said Jared laughing.

"When you first spoke, I had this strange sense of familiarity and your names were ringing a bell as well and I couldn't figure out why I couldn't place you," Jesse started. "I handled a couple of cases for you a while back."

"I thought your voice sounded familiar as well, I remember you helping us out greatly now," said Jared.

"But that's never happened to me before, guys. I have an eidetic memory," he spoke while tears were beginning to form in his eyes. Zane noticed and tightened his grip on Jesse's hand. Jesse looked at him appreciatively.

"It was over a year ago, Jesse. As I recall you filled in for Jack while he was on vacation, and very well, I might add," interjected Jared. "But why the tears? Because you couldn't place it right away?"

"No, not that. It was right after those cases that Marc died. Jack had just got back from vacation when it all happened, and I guess I just blocked a lot from that period from my memory." He paused and then smiled. "But because of you two and Marc, I feel I can handle those memories better now."

Jesse turned to Zane. "These guys are real good, Zane. I need to tell you everything now and let's start with I am a lawyer with McCoy and Associates. My name being Jesse McAdam is only a half-truth as you probably knew."

Zane smiled. "Actually Jesse, it was the phrase you used which made me suspicious. When you introduced yourself, you said 'the name I'm going by is Jesse McAdam."

Jared and Liam laughed. Jesse flushed at the stupid mistake he had made.

"Even Liam would have caught that one, Jesse," laughed Jared.

Jesse began to smile as Liam said, "Like whatever," and that cracked all of them up.

"Zane, everything I have said was truthful."

"I already knew you weren't telling me everything Jesse, and I told that to Julie. She was only telling me half the truth too, and she said I had the soul of a very old spirit inside me. Something tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum have told me many times."

Jesse laughed. "I have never lied to you, but may I introduce myself as Jesse McCoy-McAdam. My parents were the McCoys and when I was married I also took my husbands name which was McAdam."

"So your parents were McCoy and Associates?"

"Yes, and so was my grandfather."

Liam jumped in, "So financially Jesse, you're better off than some dumb ambulance driver?" The slap came out of nowhere. Jesse saw Jared's hand move so fast it was almost invisible and heard the impact on the back of Liam's head. They all started laughing.

"Jesse, believe in yourself and believe in Zane. Together, you are a force to be reckoned with as well as being a really cute couple." said Jared.

Jesse moved forward and hugged Jared and Liam. "Thanks guys."

"You're welcome," they both replied.

"Come along Liam, you need a good spanking tonight."

"Aww, come on, Dad," he replied before Jared caught him by his shirt and dragged him through the front door.

Jesse and Zane were chuckling at the hijinks.

"They are good people aren't they, Zane?" asked Jesse.

"They are good friends Jesse and avid supporters of this centre. The two of them can bring a smile to any one's face at any time. As medicine men, they have done some tremendous work to heal people and destroy the shadows of the evil one. You should see the entire group of them when they get together. There are four more of them and the six of them call each other brothers. They are pretty tight knit and have made a positive difference in so many people's lives I've lost track."

"Wow." Jesse turned to face Zane. He reached out and grasped both of Zane's hands and pulled him forward into his arms. "Zane, would you like to go out on a date?"

Zane smiled, and leaned in to give Jesse a tender, long and passionate kiss. After they broke apart, he said, "Yes, I would Jesse, and I thought it would never happen."

"Neither did I, Zane. Jared and Liam have now cleared the load I was carrying and it's time to live again. I felt a connection to you the first time we talked Zane, I don't mean sexual in a hook up way. I felt a spiritual connection, and you being hot was an added bonus."

Zane laughed. "I felt the same with you Jesse, and you being real hot was the sprinkles on the donut. I could just hope something would happen, but I knew what you were dealing with so I could only hope."

Jesse had moisture building in his eyes as Zane did. He leaned in kissed Zane once again, holding him tight. Zane returned the kiss as tenderly as he received it.

"How about we go for a walk to a nice restaurant, eat a meal, pick up a bottle of wine and go back to the apartment to snuggle on the couch," suggested Jesse.

"Are you going to try and get me drunk to have your way with me?"


"You may not need the wine, or very much of it, Jesse. I think I fell in love with you a long time ago."

"I know I won't need the wine either, Zane, and I think I fell in love with you a while ago too, but now I feel like I can accept it."

"It's nearly the end of the day anyways, why don't we go for a walk and nice dinner."

The two of them went upstairs and changed into some comfortable yet casual clothing. After walking through the park, they found a small steakhouse to sit and have dinner. Both ate well, but if you were to ask them what they had eaten for dinner neither would be able to tell you. They were both too busy looking into each other's eyes from a different perspective, from the perspective of two people being openly in love and now able to act upon it without fear or reservation.

The two of them stepped inside the apartment and immediately shared a long, tender kiss. While kissing, Zane reached out and brought Jesse in tight with a full body hug. Each of the men could feel the other's erections growing in their jeans and this time neither were trying to cover them up or hide them.

"Jesse, this is an absolute dream for me. I'm so scared to do something wrong with you."

"I was just thinking the same thing, Zane. What I am feeling for you is more than sex."

Zane laughed and hugged Jesse tight again. "I know what you mean, Jess. Why don't you take a quick shower, and I'll get a bottle of wine and a candle for us to cuddle by on the couch."

"The couch?"

"Jess, I want this night to last as long as it can. We only have each for the first time once, and I want to savor you."

Jesse looked into Zane's beautiful eyes and said, "Oh my god Zane, you are so beautiful inside and outside as well as being a romantic, too." He leaned forward and gently kissed him, their tongues dancing in the others mouth.

As they were kissing, Zane's hands slipped down and cupped Jesse's firm buttocks, massaging them gently. Jesse wiggled a bit, moaning and grinding his groin into Zane's.

They separated and stared into each other's eyes. "Jesse, I've really fallen in love with you."

Jesse smiled back at him, "Zane, I found something on my journey I never thought I would have in my life again. I found unconditional love from a person who beautiful inside and outside. I've really fallen in love with you as well."

Zane led him a chair, and pushed him down onto it. "Jesse, just give me a couple of minutes, please? There's something I want to do."

Jesse was a little puzzled, but agreed.

"Keep looking at the tv for a couple of couple of minutes so I can do something, please Jesse?"

Again Jesse agreed. Zane kissed him, and disappeared from sight. Jesse heard water running into the bath tub and Zane moving throughout the apartment. The odd cupboard door could be heard opening and closing as well. Soon enough, Zane was standing in front of Jesse with his hand outstretched. Jesse took it and was pulled to his feet. He was led to the bathroom where Zane had set out a variety of scented relaxation candles and had lit them. The bath tub was also full of warm water and bubbles, something Jesse still loved when he could actually find the time for a bath.

Jesse smiled at Zane, "You are a romantic and I love it. It's beautiful, Zane."

Zane smiled and kissed him as he undid Jesse's shirt, and removed it. Jesse replicated to Zane's shirt while their tongues continued to wrestle in the other's mouth.

While it wasn't the first time their bare chests had rubbed against each other, it was the first time they had been in contact with the other during increasing sexual play. Jesse's chest was tanned with defined muscles, erect nipples and blonde hairs across it which led down to a treasure trail. Zane's chest was not as defined as Jesse's, and consistent with a lean body he had no extra fat stored anywhere on his body. Zane's skin was a medium olive colour which gave him the look of being suntanned all year around, without the tan lines. Other than the dark hair under his arms and a treasure trail beginning at his umbilicus and traveling downwards to disappear under his clothes, his chest was smooth and hairless.

Zane started to play with Jesse's pants, finally getting the button undone and the zipper to lower. Jesse started to do the same for Zane, but he stopped him. Jesse looked at him with some confusion.

Zane smirked, and said "someone told me to do this." He leaned down and gently licked Jesse's erect left nipple and then gently blew across it. Jesse's eyes rolled backwards and he groaned loudly. His body almost went limp as Zane continued to blow across the nipple, while manipulating the other.

"Oh god Zane, if you continue I'll cum in my pants. There was only one other person who could make me weak in the knees when he did what you are doing."

"Jesse, have you forgotten who told me to do this when he blessed us being together?" Zane blew gently blew again across the nipple and Jesse moaned even louder. Zane fell to his knees, and pulled Jesse's jeans to the floor. He took them and the socks off leaving him in his very tented, boxer briefs. Jesse was standing there holding onto Zane's shoulder's for support. Zane stood up and dropped his own jeans. He pulled Jesse into him tightly and rubbed circles on his back as he nibbled at his ears and neck.

"Zane, I feel so alive with you doing this. Everything you touch is sending waves of pleasure to my brain."

Zane kissed him while he hooked his fingers into each side of Jesse's underwear, and began to slide them down. He fell to his knees as he did so. Jesse's hard cock was hung up in the material, but snapped clear and slapped against his pelvic region. The precum sprayed over Zane's face.

It was the first time he had seen this beautiful appendage of Jesse's, although he had felt it hard and ground into his leg many times. It was uncut, 8.5 inches long, and fairly thick. The big red head was sticking out from the skin and was larger in diameter than the shaft. Jesse was definitely a natural blonde, and the pubic hair was not overly thick. His balls were probably low hangers, but as Zane manipulated them he noticed they were pulling high in the sack.

Zane knew Jesse wasn't going to last long so as he manipulated his balls, Zane engulfed the total length of Jesse's cock and began to suck on it. Jesse leaned back against the wall but had enough strength to use his hands and grab each side of Zane's head.

"Zane, I'll cum if you keep that up"

Zane stopped for a moment. "I'm ready for your load Jesse. I dreamed about this, let me have it."

Jesse looked down at the man as once again felt the warm mouth engulf his rod, and slide up and down it. Zane used one hand to jack Jesse while he sucked on the big head of the cock. The pre-cum was tasting sweet as he sucked it out of Jesse.

Jesse cried out as he went rigid against the wall. "I'm cumming Zane."

Zane felt the contractions in the meat being held in his mouth, and very quickly tasted the seed as it was ejaculated onto his tongue. Zane started to swallow and savor the sweetness of the load which never seemed to end. Finally, Jesse stopped pumping his life essence into Zane's mouth. Jesse wasn't even thinking clearly as Zane stood and kissed him.

Zane dropped his own underwear and guided Jesse over to the bathtub. They both stood in it, and then sat down gently. Jesse was between Zane's legs and leaning back against him, lost in the sensations he had felt when he shot his load. Suddenly, he snapped out of it, and twisted to look at Zane.

I'm so sorry, what about..........

Zane raised his hand and used his finger across Jesse's lips to silence him. "We have lots of time Jess, relax."

Jesse started to say something else, but Zane just shushed him. Jesse settled back.

Zane gently pulled him in against his chest. Jesse was tense, but relaxed again. Zane reached over to a couple of glasses of wine he had sat near the tub. He handed one to Jesse, and kept one for himself.

"Jesse, I propose a toast to you, my new boyfriend. May we always have what we have had between us since we met; respect, honesty and unconditional love." Zane reached around and clinked Jesse's glass. They both sipped their wine, and put it on the edge of the tub.

"Zane, but you........"

"Jesse, this is not about keeping score. I have wanted to do that for so long I got what I wanted, and got a release you needed so bad." Zane nibbled at Jesse's neck a bit as his hands reach around to cup his boyfriends cock and balls.

Jesse melted backwards into Zane. "Zane, what you do to me......I'm yours Zane. Do anything you want to me."

Zane kissed his neck again and replied "Jesse, I am never yours and you are never mine to just use. We will blend into one, for each other pleasure. What we have we share freely, mutually and without reservation. I am here for you, to support you, to love you, to hold you in times of good or bad, I am here to share everything of me with you. We share, and add to each other's weaknesses to minimize them and complement each other's strengths to build them."

Jesse turned his head and there were tears rolling down his cheeks. "I don't know how I could have ever met someone like you Zane."

Zane pulled Jesse's head backwards to rest next to his. After a couple of moments, he let it go and they finished their wine. Zane sat and used a sponge to wash Jesse's body from behind. Jesse moaned and melted backwards into Zane. The water was cooling, and Zane stood Jesse up. They stepped out of the bath tub, and Jesse got his first look at Zane naked. He had felt this man's hard cock sticking him in the back while they were in the tub, but now he got to see it.

Zane was a couple inches shorter than Jesse, as well as being a little slimmer or less muscular. The cock which hung between his legs was 8 inches and thick. There was a sparse but dark coarse pubic hair above it, and two large low hanging balls hung below. He was uncut as well.

Jesse reached down and gently manipulated the large balls. "I like playing with this."

"I like you playing with them."

"I want you to make love to me.

"We don't have to hurry this Jesse. I have to admit, I don't have condoms or lube around because until I met you, I never even thought about having sex with someone."

"I didn't carry anything with me either because I basically thought the same way."

"Jesse, you remember I said there was one a first night once, and to go slow? I've been enjoying myself immensely, haven't you?"

"Zane, you had to bring me back out of orbit to even speak to you coherently."

"Lets just continue, and use the bed for something other than sleeping."

They both put out the candles, and carried the wine glasses to the sink. Zane followed Jesse and watched the two dimples above his ass move with each step. He thought to himself how perfect of a person Jesse was, and real hot too. What an ass and package! Just like Molly had said, Grade A.

Jesse was thinking how fortunate he was to have met someone as wonderful as Zane. From the moment they met, there had been a connection, and even the way he was talking about their sex tonight he realized he had found someone to keep. Molly and Jack were right when they had observed Zane and I were two peas in the pod. The strange part was Zane had never asked him about money the whole time he had been here. I mean they were paying him as an employee at minimum wage and Jesse was basically using it to help Zane pay for groceries, but Zane was content with what he had to live with. Jesse just kept thinking how lucky he was to have been picked up on the side of the highway by this man.

Jesse felt a couple of playful pinches on his ass. "Ouch and don't damage the merchandise."

"I've wanted to do that for so long Jesse."

"Oh yeah?" Jess put the glasses into the sink turning quickly to pinch Zane's tight little butt as it went by.

"Hey, don't squeeze the Charmin unless you want to use it" said Zane laughing.

Jesse laughed and when Zane's hands were free of the wine bottle, he picked him up and carried him gently to the bedroom like a fireman. Jesse laid Zane onto his back, and then crawled up him slowly, his eyes locked with Zane's.

"You are incredible Zane, and I am so fortunate."

"I am more fortunate than you, infinity".

"You bastard!"

Jesse climbed up and kissed Zane deeply. Zane responded to the kiss by holding his boyfriend tightly and grinding his hardening cock into Jesse's.

"Don't you ever go soft with that monster Zane?"

"Well, I am younger than you...."

Jesse laughed "you're a bastard, you know that? I'll show you old."

Zane called out old man as Jesse pinned him to the bed, and started to tickle his ribs. Zane lost it and begged for mercy.

"You're not that old."

Jesse tickled some more, "Not that old?"

"You're just right for me."

Jesse stopped tickling him, and began to kiss and lick around Zane's ears and neck. Zane was squirming and moaning now, but in a different way. Jesse sopped his actions and looked deep into Zane's eyes.

"We are just right for each other, aren't we?"

"Peas in a pod Jess, we are peas in a pod."

Jess continued working his way down Zane's chest and abdomen until the big, hard cock was pointing straight up at him. He lifted Zane's knees so he could get access to the low slung and hairless bag which contained the nectar producing objects. He took one of the nuts into his mouth and caressed it with his tongue. Zane was moaning loudly and using his fingers to play with Jesse's head and hair.

Jesse let the one ball slip out his mouth and took the other in to suck on. His hands were sliding up and around Zane's abdomen and his inner thighs causing the man to squirm in sensory overload. Jesse let the second ball slid out his mouth, and using one hand lifted the bag so he could tongue the perineum of his new boyfriend.

Zane curled upwards and exclaimed "oh God Jesse, so good."

That encouraged Jesse to carry on. He licked his way up until he started to lick the length of the hard cock and then around the head. Zane was putting out a copious amount of pre-cum, and it tasted sweet to Jesse. He engulfed the entire rod to the root, causing Zane to curl his spine upwards, sitting up in bed and groaning loudly. Every time Jesse moved up and down the thick shaft with his lips, Zane purred loudly. It didn't take long for Zane to reach his point of no return.

"Jesse, you are so good and I'm close."

Jesse let the big dick slide out his mouth and began to slowly jack it while he spoke, "Zane, come anytime you want. I want to swallow your load."

Zane had a huge smile on his face. Jesse went back to work on Zane's cock, and he screamed out when he came. The load filled Jesse's mouth to the point where is squirted out the corners of his lips. After letting the big cock slid out, Jesse licked his lips. Zane was flat on his back, arms straight out.

"I've died and gone to heaven after that blow job Jesse."

Jesse lay on his side and snuggled up next to Zane. He put his head on Zane's chest and said "you better not have gone to heaven; I want to be with you and do things like this for years Zane."

Zane had tears begin to roll down his cheeks.

"What's wrong?"

Zane lifted his head and said "I'm so happy Jesse. You are the first person who ever said anything like that before; I mean that anyone wanted to be with me for more than just a fuck."

Jesse leaned up and kissed Zane gently. "Zane, I will say it many more times because I mean it."

"I love you Jesse," said Zane as he hugged Jesse tightly.

Jesse hugged him tightly back and replied "I love you more, infinity."

They pulled the blankets up, and fell asleep looking in to each other's eyes, and holding hands.

Next: Chapter 22: Jared the Paramedic II 7

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