Jared the Paramedic

By Snowblind94

Published on Mar 15, 2015


jared-the-paramedic Part 2Disclaimer: The following contains explicit scenes of male sex and a variety of consensual activities. This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit permission from the author. All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed. The characters are entirely fictitious and are not based on anyone who has or is still living.

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They pulled away from the curb when another call came in for them to attend a serious motor vehicle accident. Jared acknowledged the call to dispatch while hitting the lights and siren. He looked at his partner Liam and said "Let's go!"

Paramedic Part 2 - Jared and Liam learn about each other.

Liam was driving to the next call while Jared found himself as co-pilot in the passenger seat. The co-pilot in an ambulance is one of the most difficult jobs facing anyone. They must remain quiet, not scream at near misses or yell at the driver either. Fortunately, Liam was actually a very good driver which made Jared very happy.

It did give Jared a chance to think about Liam. Although he was relatively new to the job, Liam was very good at it. The two have them seemed to mesh the first time they had met about 2 months ago. It seemed like they were meant to be partners in the job and Jared had asked for it to happen. They worked together well as a team, almost anticipating each others actions. They both also loved their jobs as paramedics.

Overall, Liam looked like he spent a lot of time swimming. Liam was 22 years old, blue eyed, curly blond, well put together man. He was 6' and tanned nicely. Jared had seem him in the locker room in his tight briefs a couple of times noting he had nice solid chest, not overly muscled, with a light covering of blonde hair, full sized nipples, and a good sized package hiding in the pouch of his underwear. Jared also liked his cute bubble butt. Liam had conditioned long legs which had fine blond hairs running down them. Jared had never seen him naked, but he could imagine the package being hidden in the underwear. Jared really liked the way Liam was smart, confident, good sense of humour as well as being a great guy to be around. Jared glanced briefly at Liam again with a fleeting look at the large package being confined by his tight uniform pants. One could dream thought Jared.

Jared's thoughts were interrupted when they arrived at the accident scene. Another unit was already at the scene as well as a multitude of fire fighters and police. Jared and Liam did the usual things, and were given the responsibility to transport one victim to the Emergency Department. The patient assigned to them by Triage Medic was in bad shape and Jared knew the man wasn't going to make it. This would be this man's second last trip in a vehicle, the last being a hearse. His gift told Jared it was the end of this man's journey in life and not to interfere.

Liam was just pulling the unit in through the receiving doors when the patient's heart stopped. Although futile, Jared started CPR just as treatment protocols required and yelled at Liam in the front of the ambulance "He's coded." Liam parked the unit and yelled at the nurses in emergency while running to open the back doors of the ambulance. They pulled the stretcher out of the unit and pushed it into the waiting treatment room, giving a verbal report as the trauma team took their patient over. Liam and Jared went outside to clean up the unit. It was near the end of their shift and they had to restock supplies.

One of the nurses came into the ambulance bay and approached them. "I am sorry guys. I know you guys did everything as did we, but he didn't make it" she said.

She looked at them both, and smiled. She was looking the two over and thinking to herself "What a pair of hotties. Wonder if they would date me at the same time." Her face flushed with the thought and walked away from them. She looked over her shoulder just before going back into the ER and called to the guys "see you again soon guys." Jared smiled at her and waved. Liam was quiet.

Jared looked at him and asked "Are you ok?"

Liam looked at him and said slowly "I don't know how you do it. You are so calm while dealing with all this tragedy and death. Nothing ever seems to faze you. This is the part I don't enjoy - when we can't make a difference and save them."

Jared thought for a moment and replied "Death is a normal part of life. Although it sounds cold, it is a fact. When a person has walked their path of life, the journey on this existence is over and they move onto the next one." Liam looked at Jared with his beautiful blue eyes and had a tear slowly leaking out of one.

"Does it get any easier for us to lose our patients in spite of everything we do?" he asked.

Jared looked at him and said quietly "Liam, it takes time for all of us to accept that we can only prolong life in those cases which were supposed to continue, and the other ones are in the hands of the Creator for his protection." Liam looked away and started to put the bags away he had filled with new supplies. He seemed deep in thought.

Jared looked at him and said "Liam, you are obviously upset about this. After we get to the base and park the unit, let's get changed and I will take you out for a dinner where we can talk some more. Is that OK? I mean if you are too busy...."

Liam stopped, and looked at Jared, and said too quickly "I would love it. I mean, like it. I mean - yes that would be nice."

Jared had never seen Liam this tongue tied before and he looked so cute while trying to recover. Liam blushed and looked away from Jared. They finished up and drove back to the base. After handing the paperwork and changing into street clothing, they headed out to a restaurant Jared knew had booths. This allowed people to talk without being overheard.

Jared frequented the place and was met at the door by the Maitre'D who welcomed him by name. "Bonjour Jared. Comment ca va mon ami?"

Jared replied "Bien, et vouz?" Jared said in English "Pierre this is my friend and paramedic partner Liam. Liam, this is Pierre, the Maitre'D at one of the finest French restaurants outside of Quebec." They both shook hands.

Pierre looked at Jared and said "Ne laissez pas cela un rendez-vous, il est mignon."

Jared looked at Pierre and with the straightest face possible said "bouchée moi" and laughed. Pierre showed the two men to a booth and left menus with them. Shortly thereafter, he returned with 2 glasses of a red wine.

When Pierre had left, Liam looked at Jared and smiled "What did Pierre mean when he said don't let this one get away, he's cute."

Jared was taking a sip from his glass of wine when Liam had asked that question. He started to cough and sputter, dripping some onto the table.

Liam smiled and handed Jared a napkin to wipe himself. "This is the first time I have seen something unexpected catch you off guard Jared." Liam's blue eyes were twinkling as well as having a slight smirk on his face.

Jared regained his composure and set his glass down and asked "Parlez-vous français?"

Liam smiled and answered in English "Yes I do, as well as couple of other languages."

"That I didn't know" he replied. Jared looked serious for a moment and started speaking. "I know losing our patient today was rough for you. It was obvious to me you needed some time to vent your feelings and I thought I would see how you felt by the end of supper. I am concerned about you Liam both as your partner and your friend. I was not expecting Pierre to make the comment he did but I will not lie to you, I am gay."

Liam's beautiful crystal clear blue eyes were locked on Jared. Liam quietly looked at Jared and said "Guess neither one of our gay-dars were working too well. We must have been to work focused to notice"

Jared looked at him and smiled but wanted to be sure by asking "You're gay too?"

Liam said, "Yes. I came out at 13 to my parents. They were supportive about it. To them, my announcement of being gay was no big deal and along the same level as telling them I was going to play basketball with my buddies down the street." Liam looked in pain for a moment then his radiance returned.

Jared had seen that brief look on Liam's face and made a mental note to pursue the root of that painful look someday.

He looked at Liam and said "It was about the same age I came out to my grandfather. My parents had abandoned me with him at a very, very young age. Grandfather told me he had always known that I was of 2 spirits mixed together but had waited for me to tell him. Grandfather also told me it was not unusual for the best of the healers to be born that way." They were interrupted by Pierre asking them in English if they were ready to order yet.

Liam asked "May I order for the two of us Jared?" Jared nodded and smirked. Liam lifted the menu up and started ordering the meal was well as a bottle of wine in perfect French. Pierre blanched and looked at Jared apologetically.

Liam, sat there with a smile on his beautiful face and told Pierre in English "I don't want to lose this one either (nodding his head towards Jared). He is cute."

Jared spoke up "Pierre, neither one of us actually knew the other was gay. I would like to thank you for opening that avenue for investigation." Jared added, "Pierre, it also has to be said. Fou toi." They all laughed together.

The meal was fantastic. They two of them chatted and laughed the entire way through dinner. At the end of the meal, Pierre had even brought a serving of Death by Chocolate for them with two spoons. Liam and Jared enjoyed it immensely. "That desert is going to take a week of workouts and running to get rid of the calories. But, it was worth it don't you think Liam?" Jared said.

Liam smiled shyly at Jared and said "I think it was definitely worth it." Pierre came with the bill which Jared grabbed and paid quickly with a large tip.

Liam asked what he owed and Jared said "My treat." They walked out of the restaurant together into the warm evening air stopping just outside the restaurant. Jared faced Liam and asked "Now we both know we are both gay, what do we do?"

Liam looked at Jared and replied "I have had a crush on you since the first time I saw you walk into the base. Would it be too awkward for partners to try and date? I mean if you wanted too......" he quickly added blushing.

"You look so cute when you blush Liam. I have never seen you do that before at work." Jared was looking at Liam, his left hand reaching over and grasping Liam's right hand gently, holding it. "I think I would like to try dating, and see where it goes Liam. I noticed you the first day you reported for duty as well. I have come to respect you as a person, a skilled professional, and having one of the best bubble butts I have ever seen covered in underwear." He leaned in and gave Liam a quick kiss on his perfect lips.

Liam smirked, blushed and looked down at their hands. "Wait a minute! You scoped my butt out?" Liam could see Jared smiling at him nodding his head. Liam continued "By the way, with your looks, you would be better in tight underwear instead of those boxers you wear. But, they did show your butt off nicely when you bent over. They are old and threadbare in the ass, which I didn't mind."

"You were scoping me out in the change room? Pervert!" said Jared laughing.

"Jared, can we go somewhere to talk some more and just be together?" Liam asked.

Jared looked at Liam and thought for a moment. "My apartment isn't far. I will make some tea for us. We still haven't chatted about the issues you were experiencing this afternoon" Jared said.

"Sounds like a plan Jared. Lead on McDuff." said Liam.

The two walked along the street, quietly making small talk about how nice the weather was. They started laughing about the people looking like the dogs they were walking. They nearly lost all composure when a woman walked by with the same colour and style of hair of her small dog. Truth be told, the dog looked like a rat with an afro having static electricity problems. The only more hideous styling was its owner, who looked like she had she had a muskrat humping the back of her head. The two boys had to really fight to control themselves until she was out of sight, then they lost it. Once they regained composure, they continued on to the apartment, hand in hand.

As they got into the elevator at Jared's apartment building, Jared looked at Liam and said "You have gotten very quiet Liam."

"I don't know what to think about anything Jared. Those feelings I am having just seem to bust through anything I am doing and overwhelm me" Liam said.

"We will take care of that shortly Liam." Jared said as he smiled. The two of them got off the elevator and went to Jared's apartment. After unlocking the door, Jared stepped into the door and made a sweeping motion with his hand exclaiming in a cheesy French accent "Apres-vous Monsieur". Liam smiled and entered with Jared closing the door behind them. He showed Liam to the kitchen through the living room.

Upon entering the kitchen, Jared turned on the lights, filled the tea kettle and put it on the stove. He opened a cabinet door and pulled out a reed woven basket full of dried herbs. Jared picked one bunch up and broke some off. He ground it between his fingers allowing it to fall into a bowl. He did this 3 more times with different herbs.

Liam looked with interest. "What are you doing?" he asked.

Jared continued working with the herbs and replied "I am making a traditional tea mixing different herbs to help you relax. The herbs are a gift of Mother Earth and when used in different combinations they can help many things. This tea will have a nice flavour as well." The kettle was boiling by now and Jared turned off the burner and poured a little of the hot water into the tea pot. He set the kettle down and grabbed the tea pot, swishing the water around in it before pouring out into the sink. He placed the tea pot onto the counter and poured the herbs into it. Jared filled the tea pot with hot water and put the lid on it also grabbing 2 mugs. He walked over to the island in the kitchen and placed the cups as well as the tea pot onto it near the stools under the counter.

He stepped over to Liam and took a hold of both his hands into his and stood into him. Jared drew Liam into his chest, wrapping his arms around Liam's back in a hug. Liam was tense at first, but began to relax as Jared hugged him and rubbed his back. Liam began to sob, soaking the front of Jared's shirt. A couple of minutes later, his sobbing slowed and he moved his head to look directly into Jared's eyes. Jared used one hand to reach up and brush the tears away from Liam's perfect face. His eyes were so clear, his strong nose and jaw line, his light blonde five o'clock shadow. Jared reached up and gently placed his hand behind Liam's neck and moved forward to kiss him. Their lips touched gently, such a soft feeling shared between them.

Jared was thinking of how soft Liam's lips were.

Liam was asking himself if this was real or was he asleep having a dream. Jared tasted so good to him. After kissing for a moment, they stopped and rested their heads on each others shoulders while holding each other tight.

They could feel each others hard manhood rubbing through their pants while they stood so close. Jared was afraid of blowing his load right there. He didn't realize Liam was even closer to blowing his load and was trying to think of anything to make his erection go down including dead bunnies and his first grade teacher naked.

Jared stepped back, and the reached for Liam's hands, pulling him to the kitchen island and stools to sit on. Jared got the tea pot and pulled the lid off, stirred the contents and sniffed it. Satisfied, he put the lid back on and poured tea into both cups. He took one cup and put it in front of Liam, who was sitting on a stool again and looking at the ground. Jared sat down and took a sip of his tea. "You are embarrassed at crying Liam. Don't be. It is the best way to shed stress and turmoil" Jared said.

Liam looked up and said quietly "Jared, we are expected to be supermen in this job. We are not to show emotion. We are supposed to keep everything to ourselves and never let anyone know if we having trouble dealing with it. We are told to suck it up or be a man or real men don't need help. I have also heard the staff tell one another it's part of the job, grow a thicker skin and other shit." Liam was getting upset now and continued "They teach us about us injuries, medical conditions, drugs and all kinds of things. They convince us we can save everyone because we are paramedics. They spend absolutely no time on how to deal emotionally with the aftermath."

Jared looked at him and replied slowly "you are absolutely right Liam. That is why you are here right now, to receive help in dealing with it." Jared took Liam into his arms again.

Liam looked up and said "I have wanted to be with you for so long. When you took me in your arms I felt so safe and I couldn't stop the tears from coming out."

"I understand. For some reason, I have the same feeling when we are together" he admitted. "Drink your tea Liam. You are safe here in this apartment and with me" said Jared.

Liam sipped the tea deeply and set it down. "That tastes so good Jared" Liam said.

"It will help relax you as we talk for a few minutes. You may actually feel sleepy shortly but you are safe here. You can spend the night?" asked Jared.

Liam looked nervous and quietly said "if you think I won't be in the way."

"Never would you be either an inconvenience or would you ever be in the way. Please, drink up. Let the gift from Mother Earth help you." Jared said. Liam took another drink.

They spoke of the man who died earlier in the day. Jared spoke very calmly "There are other forces at work here which will prevail in spite of what we do. All people walk a path throughout their lives. Some paths are long while others are short. We cannot change this. What we can change is when a person who should be walking a long path potentially has their journey shortened by something happening which was unexpected. There are influences out there which are constantly trying to alter the path the Creator has chosen for people. We can help some people get back onto the path they should be walking. But sometimes we can't even help those as they have made a conscious choice not to follow their path and ultimately their choice may lead to death. This is caused by evil spirits working another agenda against the Creator. The Creator gave freewill to mankind as a gift. The evil ones use the Creator's gift by influencing people through dark spirits to capture unsuspecting souls they divert of their pathway in life. Giving mankind the ability to choose is like a double edged sword with one side offering benefit with the other potentially a detriment. We can only do the best we can for the skills we have been taught and possess."

Liam was deep in thought as Jared spoke to him. "I am beginning to understand your point of view" he said and then continued "you make it sound like we as medics are not even needed."

"No Liam, not at all. We are very important as a part of the entire life-saving team. Sometimes a person needs to be repaired for them to continue along their path. The first aiders at the scene, the paramedics who arrive, the nurses who meet us at the E.R. and the doctors in the hospital are all part of the chain to treat the injuries. If the damage can been repaired, the person may continue on their path of life. If it cannot be repaired his path was not meant to be and has ended."

It was obvious to Jared the tea was beginning to work on Liam as his head was beginning to bob a bit. Jared took Liam gently by the hand and led him to the bedroom. "It is time for you to go to bed" said Jared.

Liam realized he was becoming very drowsy. Jared led Liam into the bedroom and sat him down on his king sized bed. Liam was very quiet, and looked up at Jared. Jared said "No fears. Just sleep tonight. You need it."

Jared pulled Liam's tight fitting polo shirt over his head. He had raised his hands up in the air to help and fell backwards onto the bed. Jared looked at the beauty of the chest before him. The muscles, erect nipples and blond hair on the chest leading down to the treasure trail. The trail disappeared under the waist line of Liam's pants. It was so hot to look at. Jared undid Liam's belt and pants and couldn't help but feel Liam's hard cock in his jeans. It felt so nice and solid as well as being a good size. The 501's on Liam were not skin tight, but they did highlight his package and ass nicely when he wore them. Jared pulled them off as gently as he could, trying not to show he was enjoying it. Jared looked at Liam laying there on his bed. Absolutely stunning! He was so perfectly put together. His underwear was a light green bikini style and it accentuated the ample mound hidden under the material. As Jared was looking at Liam's amply filled underwear, Jared thought he may have to buy some of those for himself as well as some even briefer underwear for Liam.

Jared knew what he wanted to do with Liam, but it was not to happen tonight. Liam must be a willing and fully conscious participant if anything was going to happen between them. It must be for love, not just a primal release. He helped Liam up the bed further and packed a pillow under his head. He pulled the comforter up to under Liam's chin, accidentally yet on purpose brushing his nipples as he did so. Liam's skin was so soft, so warm and beautiful. He leaned in and kissed him on the mouth gently and said "good night sweet Prince."

Liam's eyes were closed, but he smiled and said "thanks Jared" as he dozed off.

Liam's face was handsome but it looked absolutely angelic when he was asleep. A wisp of his curly blonde hair had fallen across his forehead and Jared reached it to bush it off. Jared looked at Liam and smiled to himself.

Jared got up and went to the bathroom. He had to take care of himself or he would never get to sleep. It didn't take long to stroke himself to an orgasm thinking of that beautiful blonde man in his bed. After cleaning up, Jared climbed into the bed next to Liam. Liam moved slightly, rolling onto his side and putting his arm and head on Jared's chest. Liam went promptly back to sleep. Jared wasn't far behind him in falling asleep. His last thought was the morning. What would happen when they woke up together? He knew Liam had been hard as a rock earlier when they were tightly holding each other. He could hope and dream tonight as Liam held him and hope for the best in the morning.

Later that night, Jared had a vivid dream. He saw a riverbank near where he had his cabin. Walking along the riverbank was a massive black bear sniffing around some rocks and the edge of the water. In his dream, Jared could hear the cry of a bald eagle in the distance. The eagle was high above the tree tops floating through air looking down. He turned and began to descend in a circular pattern until the eagle landed on the ground near the bear. The bald eagle and bear looked at each other for a moment. Moving towards the bear slightly, the eagle extended its wing outwards. The bear sat down and its haunches and extended its paw towards the eagle's wing. When they touched, there was a blinding flash like something had like something had shorted out electrically. When the flash cleared, the bald eagle was sitting on the shoulder of the bear. The bear stood up and walked slowly along the river's edge. The two of them acted as it was not unusual for them to be this way. They approached a structure which Jared recognized as a sweat lodge. Sitting on each side of the sweat lodge entrance were four wolves, two on each side. They were lined up as if in an honour guard. The bear sat down on his haunches and growled loudly. The wolves got up and calmly walked into the structure. The bear looked at the eagle and they both let lose their growl and cry at the same time. The bear got up and walked into the sweat lodge with the eagle on his shoulder. The dream ended there.

Jared didn't wake up fully, but enough to know he was sweating and had a solid hard on under the covers. Jared reached under to reposition himself when he felt Liam was sweating as well. Liam was still lying on his side, right up against Jared. While Jared adjusted himself, his arm brushed Liam only to feel he wasn't the only one with a massive hard on. Liam must have sensed something because he repositioned himself and moved in as tight as he could to Jared, grinding his pelvis and hard dick into Jared's thigh. As Jared fell back to sleep he come to understand what the dream meant. The Creator had sent him a message. They both slept through the night with both men dreaming of what they hoped would happen in the morning

Next: Chapter 3

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