Jared the Paramedic

By Snowblind94

Published on Aug 2, 2016


Disclaimer: All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. The following contains scenes of explicit scenes involving male sex and in a variety of consensual activities. But, if you're looking for non-stop sex then this isn't the story for you. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed any further. The characters are entirely fictitious and are not based on anyone who has or is still living.

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Thank you , thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you Scott for editing

I truly pray for the readers of this story and their loved ones; may you all have long, healthy and lives filled with true love, acceptance and peace every day.

I am not a professional writer but I have been enjoying myself to like this hobby for the moment or until a squirrel leads me into another direction. If you have any questions or comments, please send them to me at snowblind94@yahoo.ca I love to hear what people think about the story.

Jared the Paramedic - Volume II Chapter 3 - Reunions

Jesse thought for a couple of minutes and then picked up the phone. He was calling Jack at the head office of McCoy and Associates. When he got the receptionist on the phone, he asked for Jack and was put right through to his personal assistant.

When she recognized Jesse's voice, she actually forgot to put the phone on hold while she shrieked very excitedly for Jack to pick up this call because it was Jesse calling.

"Hello Jack," said Jesse with hesitation.

"Jessie? Where the hell are you? It's so good to hear from you, little man."

Jessie filled him in very briefly on his last six months on the road. Then he filled him in on why he called. Jack said he would have a lawyer ready to meet with him at their local office as soon as he could get there. He instructed Jesse to head over to the office and then to phone him back from there where they could talk more.

Jesse ran out into the Centre lobby and called a taxi. He told Zane he was heading out to a Law Firm downtown to file some paperwork because he didn't have anything with him but he would be back later. Jesse also reminded Zane he needed a room at the shelter for a few days if one was available.

The receptionist watched a young man enter the lobby. What she saw was a young man who hadn't shaved for a couple of days; his clothing was neat but well-worn with some dirt on it. She considered it totally inappropriate for coming to their office. She couldn't believe he would come here in old shorts and hiking boots. While he didn't have a body odour, it was obvious to her he hadn't showered at all today. She had been in this position a long time and realized this must be one of low income welfare clients they worked with every once in a while. What a waste to deal with those types she thought. He was definitely cute in her opinion, but way out of his element here and should be serviced by legal aid.

The young man approached her and said, "Hi, I'm Jesse and I was told I would be expected or someone is supposed to be meeting with me."

She gave him a disapproving eye at the way he was dressed and then picked up the phone to speak with and unknown person. "Someone will be with you in a few moments" she said. "Please have a seat."

Jesse had just sat down when one of the firm lawyers entered the waiting room, almost running. The receptionist was shocked at the rush the lawyer was in to get to the waiting man.

"Mr. McCoy, it's a pleasure to meet you," he said extending his hand. The man extending his hand was very easy on the eyes. "Jack has instructed me to take you to an office and for me to get him on the phone immediately," he said as he gestured the direction for Jesse to go.

The receptionist watched with interest but showed surprise on her face at the mention of the names. She thought it was really unusual for someone to taken into an office to speak with Jack at the head office and she had thought the young man had been called Mr. McCoy. It's a coincidence she thought as she knew a McCoy would never been seen the way this man appeared in public.

Jesse was led down a hallway to a large corner office where the young man quickly went to a phone and dialed a number using the speakerphone. Jessie sat down slowly behind the desk and into a large over stuffed leather office chair. He left the room when the connection had been established.

Jessie said, "Hello?"

"Jesse. I'm so glad you made it. I can't tell you how good it is to finally speak with you after all this time," said Jack with emotion in his voice.

"Jack, it's been too long and to be honest, I may have just had an epiphany in what I was looking for," said Jesse.

"I'm glad to hear that Jesse. I miss you out here, my son," said Jack.

"You have always been a surrogate father to me too, especially after mom, dad and Marc died," said Jesse with a tear in his eye. "You and Molly are my parents now, and I love you both more than I can say."

"Thank you, son. You're the best son we could have ever hoped or asked for. I've told the office staff there who you are and when you speak they had better listen to every word you say while complying with every request you make of them. If you have any problems with any one of them, you are to let me know immediately."

"Thanks, Jack."

"Well son, I want to hear everything from you as soon as I can get there."

"Jack, as much as I would love to see you and mommy Molly, I hate to ask, but could you hold off a bit yet, maybe a week. Today is the first day I even felt like stopping my journey......"

"I can hardly wait to see you Jesse. But, after all this time, what's another week - but I want a phone call to the house when I'm with Molly. I love you son and I'm so happy you may have found what you were looking for," said Jack with a choked voice.

Jesse was just as choked when he replied, "I love you too, daddy Jack and I've missed you and your beautiful wife more than you would ever know. I'll call you guys tomorrow, I promise. I'm sorry I disappeared and run away, Jack."

"You told us before you left, and we knew you were alive. You needed this Jesse, and I'm happy you may've found whatever it was you needed."

"I'm looking forward to seeing you and Molly so much, I'm sorry to ask for a bit more time." said Jesse as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Jesse, Molly and I love you today as much as we ever have. We both knew you were following your heart and even though we disagreed on you making this trip, we supported you through prayer and our love. You know we would both fly down today, but we'll give you a bit of time yet. You have to give me your word on something though son."

Jesse was crying when he said, "Anything, daddy Jack."

"If you decide to head back on the road again, you will let me know and then give Molly and I time to at least have a visit with you before you move on. It's not to convince to come home, just to visit with our son and our only child," asked Jack. He could be heard sniffling on the other end of the phone as he was speaking.

Jesse tried to compose himself before speaking, "I promise Jack, I'll let you know."

Jack could be heard blowing his nose over the speaker phone. "I look forward to hearing from you again son. Remember to call the house so we can both talk to you."

"I'll remember, Jack."

"Molly and I love you very much and we are very proud of you, Jesse."

"I love you two as well. You're the only family I have left anymore, Jack."

They both said good bye and hung up.

Jesse was suddenly aware of an older, grandmother type lady in the doorway.

"I'm sorry sir, I didn't mean to eavesdrop," she said. She saw he was crying, and closed the door behind her as she came in. She went over to him and stood him up; pulling him into a hug only a grandma could give. Jesse lost it totally and cried for a long time in her arms.

When he finished, he stood back and wiped his face. "I'm sorry; I don't even know you and I cried all over you."

"You just don't remember me. I was your father's personal assistant until this office opened and I came out here to be closer to my family" she said. "I'm a little older, a little heavier and a lot greyer since you saw me last Jessopede."

He looked at her and then his face changed to recognition. "Julie, I can't believe it!" he said as he hugged her again. "You're the only one to ever call me Jessopede."

They talked a long time about Jesse's parents and Marc. She filled him in on her husband's passing and her life closer to her children and grandchildren. There was a knock at the door and Julie bellowed for them to come in. It was the young lawyer who had met him at the front door now with a tray of coffee and donuts.

"I thought you guys could use this," he said as he turned to leave.

Before he got far, Julie barked at him, "Come here Robert and meet Jesse," she directed.

The young man turned and walked towards them again.

He put his hand out, "Robert."

"Jesse McCoy-McAdam" he said as he stood and returned the handshake. "I'm sorry I didn't get your name earlier, that was rude of me, Robert and I apologise."

"Mr. McCoy, no apologies are required. I only spoke with Jack briefly but if I understand things correctly, you may have had other things foremost in your mind."

"Thank you Robert, I was a little too focused on my task, but it's no excuse for rudeness."

"Please, let's forget it. Hard to believe I am meeting someone so young who is the owner of this firm," Robert said.

"Not by choice, Robert. I'd rather have my parents still running it," he said. "And it's Jesse to you."

"Thank you Jesse" he said.

Julie piped up "He's single, Jesse."

They looked at each other and started laughing.

"No one but Julie could get away with that," said Robert. "She is always trying to introduce me to cute guys." He blushed at what he had said to his boss. "I'm sorry Jesse that was inappropriate for me to say that to you."

"No worries Robert, I think the same of you," said Jesse. "Look, I came here for help in dealing with a problem the LGBT Centre is having, and you're probably the best person to deal with it."

"If you want me too," said Robert.

"Julie, you stay here too," asked Jesse. "By the way, who is that out at reception? She looked me over and did everything but sneer at the way I looked and disinfect the chair after I got up," asked Jesse.

Julie spoke up "That's Marcia, MAR-CEE-AH, as she says it with three vowels. She's been here for years."

"She sure didn't like what she saw in me," laughed Jesse.

"She thinks she is a higher class than everyone," added Julie.

"Whose office is this?" asked Jesse.

Robert spoke up "It's for the senior litigator at this branch and the position is empty right now since Rod retired. It gets used by people from other offices when they come here to do some work."

"Does Marcia book the rooms and this office like the receptionist at every other office we have?" asked Jesse.

Julie smiled at Jesse; he had a twinkle in his eye as he was speaking. "Yes" was all she said.

"Well this is now my office for the next while and I need some office supplies to take with me when I leave. Would you call her in?" asked Jesse. "Perhaps you could tell her it's now my office, Julie."

"With pleasure," she replied as she went to the desk and called her.

They heard a knock at the door and Julie told them to come in. When Marcia entered, she was surprised to see Julie sitting with Robert and the unkempt young man behind the mahogany desk.

"Marcia," started Julie, "This office is to be closed to any future bookings and always at the disposal of Jesse here. Please get him a key and personal identity card for the security system."

Jesse added, "I need a briefcase, pads, pens and such things as well please."

"What purpose do I sign this office out under and what department do I charge this too?" she asked coldly.

Marcia was looking at the three and was confused. Robert was looking at the floor and Julie was looking at the young man.

"You can sign it to me, Jesse McCoy-McAdam, someone from the head office who will be here for a while and working on a couple of projects. I don't accept clients through you though, I will only be working with clients which I choose directly," explained Jesse.

"Julie, is this approved?" asked Marcia.

"Yes it is, Marcia," answered Julie.

"And Julie will be working with me as my personal assistant when I need her," added Jesse. "Robert will also be working with me on some of the cases I will be dealing with."

"This is very irregular," stated Marcia.

"Marcia, did you not get a copy of the email from Jack about Mr. McCoy?" asked Julie with a hint of a smirk.

"Yes I did and I haven't seen the gentleman come in yet," she replied quickly.

Robert finally jumped in "Marcia, he's sitting here in front of you. This is the Mr. McCoy we were given the heads up about who was coming and to make sure we were to do anything he asked," said Robert.

"This man doesn't look the age or even like someone in that type of position he says he has, but I guess I will accept your word for it" she replied.

"Marcia, please wait a moment. Robert, get Jack on the speaker phone, please," asked Jesse.

Robert rolled his chair over to desk and dialed. He got through Jack's secretary quickly and he came on the line.

"What's up out there to get a call so fast?" asked Jack.

Jesse spoke "Jack, You told me to call you immediately if a problem came up. Mar-ceee-aaah is not convinced I am the man you sent the email about. She's here listening as is Julie and Robert."

There was an exasperated sigh at the other end of the phone. "Marcia, that man is who he says he is and you are to help in him in any way he asks, requests or orders. Is that clear enough for you Marcia?"

"Yes sir, but he wants Julie and Robert to work with him and that will throw my schedule and duties into disorder," she said.

"Jesse, did you ask for them to work for you?" asked Jack with another exasperated breath.

Marcia had satisfied smile on her face.

Jesse soon had one as well as he said, "Yes I did say that would happen and they both understood my direction clearly although MAR-CEEE-AAAH doesn't like it. I want it done Jack."

Marcia's face showed shock at the way Jesse had just spoken to Jack who she knew ran the company.

"Marcia, make it happen and I'm sure if their help is needed in the office it won't be a problem with Mr. McCoy. Just to be clear Marcia, that man sitting in front of you is my boss and I do as I'm told by that man who is the President, CEO and owner of McCoy and Associates," replied Jack rather tersely.

Marcia was obviously shaken.

"Now, please do as you have been requested, Marcia" said Jesse. "And just so you know, if this was a baseball game, you would be at two strikes right now. Close the door behind you as you leave," Jesse said with authority. Marcia locked eyes with him and saw that his beautiful eyes were no longer there, having been replaced by a set of dark eyes burning holes through her. She could see the power, authority and control in those eyes now and it actually sent a shiver up her spine.

"Yes sir," she said as she left, closing the door.

"Jack, sorry I spoke like that to you but I was hoping you would catch on," apologized Jesse. "You know I would never really speak to you that way, dad."

There was laughter at the other end of the phone and Jack replied, "I liked doing it to her as much as you did, sonny boy. She's been a pain in the ass for years but Rod really liked her so I left it up to him to keep her or not."

"Well, like I said, in my mind she's at two strikes since I got here."

Julie and Robert both had big smiles on their faces.

"Thanks Jack, and have a good night," said Jesse. "I love you, dad."

"Thanks Jesse. I love you too, son" replied Jack. The phone connection went dead.

They got back to why Jesse was at the office. Jessie pulled out the papers and began explaining the problem. They went through the lease, the emails and faxes between them and the letter the landlord had sent.

Robert spoke up, "I know this landlord. He's a slum owner and scum."

"Injunctions and sue him for breach of contract?" asked Jesse.

"Would love to," said Robert with a smile.

"How about a six month extension of contract with the landlord as settlement while Julie does what I'm going to ask her?" suggested Jesse. "Julie, now that I know you're here, I have a special assignment for you," he said with a twinkle in his eye.

"You have my interest," replied Julie.

He explained all the services being offered by the Centre and they needed a better building and location, which he would buy outright. He would throw his construction people into the project to renovate whatever was bought. With the lease up soon, it is a high priority to get done.

Julie wanted to meet with Zane and discuss his ideas for what he needed and Jesse agreed. He warned her Zane has no clue who he really is financially, and would like to keep it that way until he wanted to tell him. She smiled her understanding.

"I have to go back to the Centre and let Zane know things are in the works. Would you want to drive me down and talk with him?" asked Jesse.

"Sounds like a good idea," said Julie. "Where are you staying tonight, Jesse?"

"I was going to use a bed at the shelter tonight and maybe for the next few nights," he said. "I'm used to that type of accommodation and it will give me time to look around for something else to live in temporarily if I decide to stick around. Plus it will give me a chance to talk with the staff and residents about the Centre."

"I have a spare room in my house Jesse, and you're more than welcome to it."

Jesse hugged her. "Thank you Julie, but I'm sure I want to stay at the Centre. I can't explain it, but something deep inside of me feels like I have to be there."

"The offer stands if you ever want it, Jessie," she replied as she hugged him back.

She smiled and laughed as they headed out to her vehicle. When they got back to the Centre, Zane was happy to see Jesse back again and hugged him.

"No worries Zane. I went to meet with a couple of old friends and they are filing injunctions, orders and a lawsuit right now."

Zane's face went blank. "They're doing it for us? What's it going to cost?" he said panicking.

"Free of charge for an old friend, and the law firm of McCoy and Associates now represents the Centre in the future for free as well. I can act for the clients and the Centre through them.

"Zane, this is Julie, the office Manager at McCoy and Associates, and she needs to talk with you. There's a client who wishes to spend some money for a charity which deals directly with people and she thought this organization was the best fit for his requirements."

Julie stepped forward, "I'm here to talk to you about your current and future needs for the best location and space you need to function. Could you show me around and give me an idea of what you have planned?"

Zane looked astounded again. "Of course Julie, I'd love to show you around. You're serious about this money, aren't you?"

Julie liked the young man already. "Yes, very serious Zane, and I think you will be pleasantly surprised about the support which comes with it." Julie then turned to Jesse and spoke, "You're right, he is cute."

Both Zane and Jesse blushed heavily.

Jesse went to the office to make a few phone calls while Zane took Julie on a tour. It was an hour later when they returned to the office and found Jesse sound asleep sitting in a chair, head on the desk. They stepped back into the hallway.

"I can't believe a man like him has been living on the highway and sleeping in hostels and under bridges," said Zane quietly.

Julie closed the office door quietly and motioned for Zane to follow her into another office.

"I knew that young man when he was growing up because I worked for his dad at one time. The loss of his parents and his husband devastated him. The young man I saw from a distance at his parent's and Marc's parents funerals was a far cry from the man I knew as he grew up. When I went to his husband's funeral, he was a hollow shell of a man and looking very beaten down. When I looked into his eyes, they were empty and there was no life within them. He's a good man, and now he has a spark back in his eye. I can't tell you more about him, he has to do it himself."

Zane eyed her closely, "You speak like he does and although he has not lied to me, he hasn't told me everything."

She looked deeply within Zane. "You have a very old and powerful soul for man so young, Zane. You're a special man; I can feel it within you. I can see why he said it was your passion and commitment which caused his sudden awareness of what he had lost. Before he lost the people he loved, his drive was just like you are now. Are you single?" she asked.

He laughed. "Neither one of you mince words do you? Yes, I'm single, and Jesse is very cute but I guess time will tell if anything happens. I have my own baggage to deal with."

"Please don't push him. He dropped off the face of the planet, searching for himself. When I say he was devastated by the loss of his husband, I meant it. They were married, but they'd been together as friends since they could walk. I actually babysat them both many times. They were like grandchildren to me," she said with water in her eyes.

"Holy shit..." said Zane. "No wonder he was so devastated."

"Both his and his husband's families did everything together and he feels he has lost everything that mattered in his life. I wish I could tell you more Zane, but he has to do it when he is ready. Until then, you have one of the top young lawyers in the country at your disposal. Keep him busy, and happy. I don't know if this is the end of his journey or not, but we'll see what happens," said Julie. "I do have one request."

"Anything I can do for you."

"If you see him beginning to withdraw or begin to hint it's time to move on, would you call me, please. Any time... day or night. Come to think of it, also call me anytime you need me, Zane," she asked as Julie dug a card out her purse. "This is my cell number, and very few people have it. Please use it if you ever need me or he needs help."

"I will Julie, I give you my word."

"You know he plans on staying in the shelter for the next few nights" she said.

Zane smiled, "It's full to him, even if it isn't. Guess he will have to stay on my couch."

"Thank you, Zane," said Julie. They heard the door open and Jessie poked his head in.

"Sleeping beauty is awake," said Zane.

"I was resting my eyes," said Jessie.

"Bull shit," said Julie. "I know sleeping when I see it."

Jessie looked at both of them and then down at his feet. He was mimicking moving stones with them while he clasped his hands behind his back. Finally he looked up with the most beautiful twinkling blue eyes full of mischievousness Zane had ever seen. "Sorry Julie," he said shyly.

Julie started to laugh. "You did that to me every time you got caught doing something wrong when you were young, and it's still cute, Jesse" she said as she opened her arms. Jesse moved to them and she hugged him.

"I really have missed warm and loving hugs, Julie" he said with tears. "These have always been the best hugs next to moms."

"I know, baby" she said softly as she rubbed his back in circles. "It still hurts when I think of them, too."

Zane watched the two of them and sensed the love they had between the two of them was very deep and genuine. He also knew it was someone Jesse had just reconnected with after a long absence. This was the first time Jessie had dropped his tough persona in front of Zane. He now saw the real Jessie in front of him.

Zane moved forward to him and grasped Jessie's shoulder. "You have a friend now, Jessie," he said. "Look, it's time to go home and Jessie, you have my couch in the apartment. The shelter is full."

Jessie looked up at him. "Are you sure Zane? I can find elsewhere to sleep for the night so it doesn't bother you. There're lots of places to sleep not far from here and it's still warm out at night."

"The discussion is over, counselor and you're staying on the couch tonight and not under some fucking bridge," said Zane. Without Jesse seeing it, Julie gave a Zane a big warm smile and nodded her head.

Jesse stepped out of Julie's embrace. "Thanks. Your hugs have always fixed everything."

"There are lots more where that one came from," she replied. "Speaking of home, it's time for me to get going, too."

Jessie gave her one more quick hug before she left. Shortly after, he and Zane walked out of the office.

Next: Chapter 19: Jared the Paramedic II 4

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