Jared the Paramedic

By Snowblind94

Published on Jul 25, 2016


Disclaimer: All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. The following contains scenes of explicit scenes involving male sex and in a variety of consensual activities. But, if you're looking for non-stop sex then this isn't the story for you. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed any further. The characters are entirely fictitious and are not based on anyone who has or is still living.

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I truly pray for the readers of this story and their loved ones; may you all have long, healthy and lives filled with true love, acceptance and peace every day.

I am not a professional writer but I have been enjoying myself to like this hobby for the moment or until a squirrel leads me into another direction. If you have any questions or comments, please send them to me at snowblind94@yahoo.ca

Jared the Paramedic: Volume II Chapter 1 - Jesse (Wanderings)

The man was hitchhiking along a quiet stretch of highway along the prairies. It was a beautiful sight as he watched the wind blow across the fields of wheat, causing ripples which moved like waves on water. He enjoyed walking along this part of the country although he now understood why westerners always joked about the land being so flat you could watch your dog running away for three days. The area was flat, and the highway was basically straight as it disappeared into the horizon. Although he was trying to catch a ride, he almost enjoyed the tranquility of walking more than riding. He had appreciated conversations with many people along his route while learning more about the country. Jesse also enjoyed the feeling as the sun shone on his body; the sunshine bringing warmth and strength to him. The feelings of warmth reminded him that he was alive.

Since being on the road, his blonde hair was neat but much longer than he normally wore it when he was at work. The length was just long enough to give his hair some curls which gave him that mischievous, carefree and adventurous look both men and women liked. Jesse's skin was normally a light olive colour but after having spent so much time in the sun, he had darkened considerably. His hair had also lightened in colour and was now a stark contrast to his tanned skin. His clear blue eyes were similar in colour to the cloudless sky above him. If a person knew what to look for in someone's eyes, they would see two things in Jesse's eyes. The first was an intensity which indicated a high level of intelligence. But the eyes being the window of the soul, Jesse's eyes would also show emptiness, a loss of direction, and pain which he was now battling for control of his life.

Today, he was wearing a worn light green T shirt. There were a couple of damp spots under his arms and the middle where the T shirt was tight on his solid chest. The tan cargo shorts showed his muscular legs which were covered in light blonde hair. Jesse's clothes were worn, but clean. He never had liked brand name clothing, choosing to shop at discount or big box stores for his every day clothing. Jesse is 32 years old, 160 lbs, and 5'10", but looked 22 thanks to genetics from his mother who never looked a day over 35 even when she was 55. He had used his youthful appearance to his advantage in many ways at work. He could play the young naive lawyer in business meetings or court proceedings, until he dropped the façade at the opportune moment. Then, Jesse would turn into the tough and experienced barrister he really was.

Jesse had started hitchhiking six months ago. The events in and around Jesse's life had built up to a boiling point, and he walked away to search for what he had lost or a new purpose. Jesse had been happily married; and he along with his husband were both very successful businessmen in their large family businesses. They enjoyed life and they loved their work but most importantly, they cherished the time they spent together. They had both came from wealthy families, but were brought up very modestly by their sensible parents. Jesse and his husband had known each other for years as they grew up together. The families were best friends so when they came out and started a relationship, it was no surprise to either set of parents.

Jesse saw a service centre further up the highway and increased his pace. He was thinking about how nice it would be to have a large cup of coffee and a toasted bagel to hold him over until supper time. As he approached the service centre, a feeling of elation came over him as he saw a Tim Horton's Donut Shop sitting in between a gas station and a fast food place. A car with two middle aged women drove by him slowly as he walking up the service ramp. The driver almost missed a curve but managed to not run off into the ditch at the last possible second. Jesse smiled to himself. He had always turned heads of both males and females.

He was sitting at a picnic table under a tree enjoying his coffee and bagel when a pickup truck with two good looking guys pulled up and parked nearby. He watched the two handsome men grab each other's hand as they headed into the coffee shop. Jesse lost himself in memories, and started to replay the events in his life yet again, like a song being played in a loop.

It was no surprise when Marc and Jesse had gone to University together, both graduating with degrees which could be used in each of their family businesses. Marc had a Master's in Business while Jesse had become a lawyer. Marc's family was into large construction projects while Jesse's family were the owners of a large firmly established and well known legal firm.

When the lifelong friends finally got married, both families celebrated the union with a huge wedding which they had all planned. For years, the two families had been vacationing together and making plans together for their trips so they organized the wedding as easily as a trip to the cabin.

Two years ago, both set of parents were flying to Colorado for a week of skiing when their plane lost power and hit the ground, killing everyone on board. The money from the settlement and the inheritance of the business wasn't what Jesse wanted. Beside his husband, he wanted the four most important people in his life back. Over time, Marc and Jesse accepted the loss and moved on slowly by leaning on each other heavily. They had both dove into their work and returned to Tai Kwon Doing lessons at the same place they had gone to all through university. They both really enjoyed their work outs and the challenge of the competitions.

Jesse was brought back to the present when the picnic table he was sitting on shifted. He looked up and the two men he had seen earlier were now sitting on the other end of the table, each with a coffee. They were both in their mid-twenties with close cropped dark hair. From their physique, Jesse automatically assumed they were in the military or police. Although they had held hands going into the coffee shop, they both had a strong, confident walk and atmosphere about them.

The one young leaned over as he stuck his hand out in greeting. "Hey, I'm Terry and that's my friend Jon."

"I'm Jesse and nice to meet you guys," said Jesse as they all shook hands.

"You must be hitchhiking Jesse," said Jon.

"Yes, I am. Heading west until I stop."

Terry spoke up, "We're on leave for a week and heading into the mountains to do some backpacking."

"So you're both military I take it?" asked Jesse.

"Yeah, the Air Force and loving it," replied Jon. "You said you're heading west, anywhere in particular?"

Jesse sighed, then replied, "No, just west, and then I make a choice of north or south when I hit the ocean unless something catches my attention and I stay somewhere."

Jon perked up, "I dreamed about doing something like that for years, but I got into a career before I built up the nerve to try it."

"We can still do it Jon, when we get out in a couple of years. After all, neither of us will be thirty and too old to do something like that," suggested Terry.

"Excuse me," chirped in Jesse. "I'm 32 and not too old you little fuckers," Jesse replied with a smirk.

Both Terry and Jon started apologising profusely. "No problem guys, sometimes I still get ID'd when I buy beer and they stick to anyone who appears under 25 needs to produce it."

"I'm really sorry, and please don't take this the wrong way but we both thought you are an incredibly handsome man," started Jon. "Now that I know your 32, I'm totally jealous of your looks."

Jesse smiled at the two of them. "I appreciate it Jon and you two make a real cute couple together."

"You don't mind we're gay?" asked Terry.

"No, it doesn't bother me in the least Terry. It would also be hypocritical of me," replied Jesse.

"Wow," replied Jon. "You ever into threesomes?"

Terry slapped Jon up the side of the head playfully. "Don't mind him Jesse. He still learning how to use the verbal filter in that pretty little head of his. Please, take no offence."

Jesse chuckled. "None taken, but I've always believed in monogamy."

"You have a boyfriend then?" asked Jon.

Jesse lost his smile and looked down at the table. Terry gave Jon a dirty look for digging too deep with someone they just met.

Jesse drank his coffee down, turned and threw the cup into the garbage can. As he stood, he spoke quietly. "The monogamy I spoke of means not only a commitment I had to my partner, but respecting your commitment to each other in your loving partnership, Jon. Your partner is your life and you are his life and no one or nothing must divert you from that mutual love. It is something you do not share with others so easily, Jon. If sex is just a physical act with a third person, it becomes the same with your partner over time. It becomes mechanical or just the act to cum. Be thankful for what you have, as I once had a loving husband." Jesse had a tear roll out of one eye and down his cheek. "We were brought together when we were young and our love grew more each day. To me, my husband was gift from God because he was perfect in every way. But, he was taken from me so I have nothing now. You two have each other, rejoice in the gift you have together. It was nice to meet you guys but I need to move on now."

Jesse started walking away from the table and over the service road which led back to the highway. Jon and Terry ran up apologising profusely to him. Jesse was gracious and forgave them but kept walking. They even offered him a ride and while he was tempted to accept, but he really needed to be alone right now. They shook hands and went back to their truck. Jesse watched as the two of them walked away and he could see Jon's shoulders were slumped now as if he had the wind taken out of his sails. Terry was talking to him and the topic was probably about the filter to his mouth not working very well. Jesse didn't hold a grudge, Jon was young and immature and he truly hoped something he had said to the two of them was heard and would be remembered. They honked the horn and waved as the two of them drove by him.

Jesse walked along the highway and once again, was lost in his own thoughts. Just as Jesse and Marc were successfully moving on in their grief, tragedy struck Jesse again. Marc had been on a construction site discussing the budget with the project superintendents when a crane collapsed. The boom fell onto the trailer Marc was reviewing documents in and he never knew what hit him. Jesse couldn't even say good bye to his soul mate because of the shape the body was in after it had been pulled from the mangled wreckage of the trailer; the service was a closed casket. Jesse sat through the service barely blinking, his body being on automatic and his mind in a fugue state. The large settlement from the crane company didn't help to alleviate the pain he felt and he was getting tired of settlements. The man he had grown up with, the man he loved more than life, and the man he shared a mutual devotion with was gone. He was now totally alone.

Jesse now owned two very large corporations, but all he wanted were the people who he loved back in his life. There were many very talented people running both corporations, and he allowed them to continue doing it. He had a man who was like a second dad to him overseeing both operations. Jack, along with his wife Molly tried to do everything they could with Jesse to get him back into the real world. He had given up his caseload, choosing to stay by himself at the house. He spent his days never speaking to anyone except Jack or Molly when they visited. Molly had even begun going over once a day to make sure he had at least shaved and showered, and prepared him a meal while she was there. Jesse was not looking after himself nor was even trying to eat anything, unless momma Molly made him eat. She even dragged him into the bathroom the first couple of times and stripped him off before pushing him into the warm water of the shower. Jack and Molly were actually at the point of considering Jesse for an involuntary committal for outpatient mental health treatment when a drastic change occurred.

Six months after the funeral, Jesse perked up slightly when he made plans to go travel and look for answers in his life, deciding to hitchhike for his journey. He didn't know what he was looking for or where it would be, but he would set out until he found it. Jack was shocked when Jesse phoned him at work to ask Molly and him up to the house that night. The announcement shook them both and after discussing it with him most of the night, they accepted what Jesse was planning on doing. They had concerns; deep reservations in reality coupled with fear but accepted he was going to do it regardless of their opinions. To ensure Jesse always had access to cash, Jack set up a debit cards with a daily maximum for transactions and he would replenish the accounts whenever they were used. The daily limits would help protect Jessie from some potential violence or robbery. Before they left, Jack lead prayers with Molly and Jesse that night, asking for Jesse to be given protection on his quest. They finished their prayers with Psalm 91 which had always given the young man some peace. Jesse was gone in the morning.

Jesse had been staying in hostels, small roadside motels, or his little tent; he slept under the stars and even under bridges along the highways on his route at times. He enjoyed the hostels because he met all kinds of interesting people from all over the world, many of which were on their own journeys to seek the meaning of life. Many of the community hostels were in need of money to renovate or repair, and upon Jesse leaving the place, he usually left them a nice sized donation to help. The settlement from Marc's death had been invested, and now Jesse was using the money to try and help worthwhile people or organizations he came across in need. In his mind, he was spreading Marc's good will by using the money from his death for something positive.

Other than Jon and his immaturity earlier today causing a few problems for Jesse, he had been feeling better, more positive and even feeling more in control every day. He could have taken pills like Molly and Jack had been asking him to do, but Jesse wanted to sort things out on his own, without just covering up his problems with medication.

Jesse was lucky and caught a ride with an older couple. They were on their way to pick up their grandchildren for a week of camping in their trailer. The trailer being pulled behind their truck looked more like a mobile apartment block as opposed to a camping trailer. Jesse smiled and enjoyed listening to the stories of their children, and viewing what seemed like an endless stream of pictures she had in her purse. The grandmother even wanted to feed Jesse before he left because he was too skinny. She hugged Jesse tightly and promised to pray for him on his trip. When he turned his back after waving at them as they left, he felt a tear escape from his eye. He prayed a request to God, not for him, but that the elderly couple's children and grandchildren would truly love them and appreciate how fortunate they were to have them still alive and in their lives.

He was walking along the highway when he heard a vehicle coming his way. Jesse turned and stuck his thumb out. An old pickup truck pulled over onto the shoulder of the road beside him.

Editors note:

Who can that be driving up, I wonder?

I was excited when this arrived in my inbox, as Snowblind can attest to. I kind of blew up his inbox after that. It's not often that I like a story as much as Jared the Paramedic, and I feel really lucky to have served as editor for about half of volume 1 and now for volume 2. Newly introduced, I have to say that Jesse really resonates with me right now. It's a terrible thing to feel so broken. Here's hoping that the family can help put him back his right path.

Next: Chapter 17: Jared the Paramedic II 2

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