Jared the Paramedic

By Snowblind94

Published on Oct 11, 2015


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Disclaimer: The following contains explicit scenes of male sex and a variety of consensual activities. This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit permission from the author.

All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed. The characters are entirely fictitious and are not based on anyone who has or is still living.

I have a fantastic editor and Scott T is doing his best to correct the grammar of this unschooled and uneducated northern Canadian bush hick. He has made many valuable comments and suggestions, and he has been trying to do what my 6th grade teacher could not do - teach me punctuation. Thank you Scott for the fantastic job you are doing.

Comments may be addressed to snowblind94@yahoo.ca

From Chapter 12

"I would like you to conduct some of the ceremony tonight Liam."

"You sure? I am new to this," he replied.

Jared reached out to Liam and touched the side of his head, cupping Liam's ear. Jared's eyes flashed white, and the Liam's did as well. "You can't use the excuse of not knowing the ceremony anymore."

"That's cheating," said Liam. "I understand the ceremony now. The language is different, but my ancestors were similar in what they did." Liam then put a surprised look on his face.

"Do you realize what you just said," asked Jared.

"Yes, with what you gave me, it unlocked some memory from deep within me," he replied. Liam concentrated for a moment, digging deep into his memories. "Jared, the commonality between the old ways and the people around the world, the beaver tail which was cut into 12 pieces and sent around mother earth to seed the people."

Jared looked surprised at the comment. "You may be right Liam. Until Tom mentioned it earlier, it's something I hadn't thought of since I was young and grandfather would tell traditional stories while we sat in front of the fireplace during the winter.

"Let's go and get the sacred objects together" suggested Jared. They suggested a second cooler to Troy and he happily went to get one. Before Troy and Tyler left, Jared told them there may be a young man, Tom's grandson, come for a visit tonight.

Chapter 13

"The cute one with dark straight hair?" asked Tyler. Troy smacked him in the back of the head.

"Well, he is cute. But nowhere near as cute as you Troy," Tyler replied.

"Good recovery Tyler," said Troy as he tried to grab Tyler's nuts. The two of them ran back up to the cabin and when they were out of sight an exaggerated scream of agony was heard from Tyler.

"We better get up there," suggested Liam.

By the time they entered the cabin, they were filling the second cooler with ice and water bottles. Tyler slipped some ice down the back of Troy's Loin cloth which caused a scream from him. The wrestling started again.

Jared heard a truck pull into the yard. "Would you check over the sacred objects for me? I'll go meet Adam in the yard." Said Jared.

Jared walked out the back door as Adam was getting out of the truck. "Adam, you've grown since last summer. How are you doing?" asked Jared as he hugged him.

"I am doing ok Jared and it was a nice surprise to see you guys today. I enjoyed talking with Conner and Mark as well," Adam said.

"Your grandfather showed me what was going on with you. I am more than happy to talk with you and you will find everyone else will be too," said Jared.

"I know you are said to be a Shaman, but what do you mean by showed?" asked Adam.

Jared reached out and touched the side of Adams head. Adams eyes opened wide as he learned what Jared had meant.

"It's true; you are a great man of medicine. Grandfather was right," said Adam.

"I am a Medicine Man Adam. You tried to commit suicide after your boyfriend broke up with you because you were broken by his mental abuse and the control he had you under. Suicide is never the answer Adam; there are so many people and agencies out there that will help. Come with us tonight into the sweat lodge and we will begin the healing Adam," said Jared. "My soulmate Liam will be doing most of the ceremony, but I will work with you myself."

"Thank you, Maskwa. I think you will be more successful than all the people my parent's sent me to see before they dumped me on grandpa," he said with a tear slipping down one cheek.

Jared reached out and gently wiped the tear away from his cheek and then took him into his arms. Holding Adam tightly, Jared said, "Adam, I am always here little cousin and all you need for me to come to you is a prayer to the Creator from your heart. Never forget there are many good people and agencies who help with depression and suicide - seek them out yourself and find the one you feel comfortable with."

Adam returned Jared's hug with enthusiasm. "I will remember what you've said to me big cousin."

They separated. "We all wear loin cloths or less around here. Do you have a problem with that, Adam?" asked Jared.

"Can I get a loin cloth? They are so cool and you should have heard the girls talking about you guys after you left. They were comments pretty consistent with what I was thinking about all you guys too," he laughed nervously.

"We will do it right away," said Jared. "Come on in and meet the guys."

The guys were all in the kitchen when Jared and Adam came in. Conner and Mark greeted him right away and made sure he knew everyone else. Jared went over to a cupboard where he kept his leather and pulled out a loin cloth and belt which had already been made for Adam.

Adam was holding it in his hands, looking at Jared, "How did you know I would be here tonight?"

"I was meditating earlier when I received a message from the Creator. Your grandfather had asked him for help. He was worried about you for the last few days and you seemed to be heading down the wrong path again," said Jared. "Remember what I said about a prayer with you heart? Your grandfather hadn't forgotten how to do that. He has different gifts than I do, and we complement each other's abilities."

"Grandfather has gifts? I had no clue," replied a shocked Adam.

"You will learn more about them in the future, but now we are here tonight for you and the path you have chosen once again Adam."

Adam looked at him, and then the rest of the group. "I was getting close again. I had collected enough prescriptions and over the counter medications to do it right this time and finish the job." His eyes were watering now.

Tyler stepped forward and wrapped his big arms around Adam. "Jared knew I was going to commit suicide on Christmas eve and like you, stepped in to stop it. He helped heal me," said Tyler.

Adam was looking in the eyes of the big police officer. Conner said, "Let's get you into your loin cloth Adam, and then we can do the sweat."

Liam was ready with the sacred bundle and the guys were ready with the cooler of water as the three young men came back into the kitchen. Adam was very cute in his loin cloth. Jared knew he was nineteen and he had naturally black hair with olive skin which both was an indicator of his First Nation heritage. There were sparse hairs on his lip giving a shadow of a moustache was another indicator of his heritage. He had beautiful chocolate brown eyes and black eyebrows, distinct cheek bones and a solid nose. He stood 5'8" and was about 145 pounds. There was some hair under his arms, but none on his chest. There were very few indicating a slight treasure trail. His legs had fine black hairs on the calves but nothing above that point. He was definitely cute, but he projected so much pain through his eyes.

"You haven't done this for a while Adam," said Jared.

"Not since grandfather's dad did it," he replied. "I was very young."

"Are we ready?" asked Liam. Everyone nodded and they headed down to the sweat lodge.

Liam gathered the group at the sacred fire. He explained the ceremony to everyone, but really for the benefit of Conner, Mark and Adam. He explained the four directions and the sacred four Kingdoms of mineral, plant, animal and mankind. Jared would be getting the rocks tonight and then he led into the explanation of the rock spirits and the process. Everyone was impressed with Liam's explanation. Liam looked at Jared for approval and found a face full of love and pride for Liam.

At this time, Liam reminded everyone about jewellery and manmade objects to be removed before going into the lodge. A couple of watches came off and a necklace which were all placed onto the table. The men started to remove their loin cloths as well. Adam followed along. Adam was uncut and about 4 inches soft. The pubic hair was similar to Jared's as it was very straight and sparse. When he had turned around to toss his cloth over a log, he showed a nice little butt. He was definitely more tanned on his upper body.

Liam smudged each of them before they bowed and entered the lodge after assigning them seating.

Liam had the pipe with him with him as he entered and took a seat. He placed the pipe on his leg and opened one of the birch bark bundles. It contained tobacco which he packed into the pipe. Liam lit the pipe and puffed on it. He then chanted out loud for a moment as he held the pipe in front of him and upwards. He handed the pipe to Jared.

Jared took the pipe and held it up and brought it to his lips and puffed on it. He held it up again and said clearly, "Creator, we your children are before you tonight with new brothers who are in pain. One has suffered physical pain and all three have suffered the worst pain of all, the unseen pain of mental abuse. They came freely as you foresaw to me for help. We as a family are here to do whatever we can to support them and help in their healing. I am your beacon of light Creator," finished Jared as he handed the pipe to Darren.

Darren took a couple of puffs and then said, "Creator, I am here as your servant, forever grateful for the light you put into my life." He handed it to Josh.

The continued through Josh, Tyler and Troy. Troy gave it to Conner who was absolutely shaking. Troy helped him light it and take a couple of puffs. He choked on the smoke but no one said anything when he did it. "Creator, I am here because of you sending two of your servants to find and help me. I have been hated for so long I didn't know if anyone could love me ever again. This group of men have shown me how to begin loving people again, without fear." He handed it to Mark.

Mark took a couple of puffs and then said, "Creator, I was also brought here by Liam and Jared, my new friends. I am not sure what to say but I need help to get my life back on track." He handed it to Adam.

Adam took it and relit the pipe. "Creator, I am loved by people but I do not love myself. The lack of love for myself has caused my grandfather much pain. I have introduced drugs into my body to try and hide my anger and to make things better without changing. I have hidden behind anything I could to avoid the truth. I even allowed a man to dominate me mentally and physically with so much control I became numb to my feelings and for a while it felt better to be numb. I wish to find what I once had as a child which was health, happiness, love for the people and love for myself." He handed the pipe to Liam, who smoked the last of the tobacco and then placed the pipe in front of him on a special holder.

Liam looked at each man individually and nodded his head towards Jared. Jared made five trips and placed each rock within the ring inside the lodge.

The inside of the lodge glowed from the red hot stones. Liam reached and pulled the ladle out of the bucket full, pouring it on the rock representing the west, repeating the procedure for the rocks representing the north, east and south. He poured two more full ladles on the rock in the center representing the grandfather. The lodge filled with steam rapidly and completely.

Liam spoke aloud, but could barely see the others in the lodge. "I will chant prayers. The first round of the four we will complete is for the west. Each direction will be a different focus on spirituality."

Liam began to chant and pray. The men in the tent felt the heat of the steam and the heat from the rocks and were sweating profusely. It felt good to them as the sweat poured down their bodies and into the ground. Jared was thinking to himself Liam's memories were coming to the surface more and more. He is a Shaman.

Liam poured more water on the rocks and the steam returned, filling the lodge like it had the first time. He then continued to chant and pray. Suddenly, the lodge shook violently. It wasn't like last time they had a sweat, it was like something was trying to tear its way into the lodge.

Liam began to chant again except louder. He asked everyone to hold hands in the circle. Once they had done this, they all chanted with Liam. Even the three young people chanted as if they had known the words before by heart.

Jared broke the grip on his hands and grabbed the talking stick. He shook it. Jared spoke, "The evil one has tried to come into the lodge. He says he has claim on two of the young men in this lodge and wants them. Liam my soulmate, if I may help you at this time, it would be an honour to me."

Liam looked at him and replied, "Maskwa, Sacred Medicine Man of the people, please let us work together in the name of the Creator."

Jared put the talking stick back on its holder and indicated to Liam to put more water on the stones. As the steam built up, the shaking of the lodge intensified. "Everyone hold hands again and do not let go, no matter what is said by anyone but me," stated Jared. They did so.

The lodge was filled with steam, but the outline of each person was still there from the glow on the rocks.

Jared looked up and chanted loudly, almost yelling the words of prayer. When lowered his head, his eyes were a solid glowing white light. Everyone in the lodge could see them cutting through the steam. The chants of Jared were growing faster and louder. Liam's eyes had also turned a bright white and they also cut through the steam. The lodge shifted as if someone had smacked it with a large baseball bat. Jared repeated the chant louder. Conner and Adam began to try and get their hands free from the men holding them. Mark was fighting with all his strength to keep holding onto them.

They were beginning to cry out as well with something which sounded like unearthly screams of agony. Jared and the rest of the men in the lodge were yelling the chants as loud as they could. Adam and Conner's bodies were writhing but Mark wouldn't let go of either one of them. Suddenly Jared's eyes flashed even brighter and his entire body started to glow. The glow spread to each of the men on Jared's right side and Liam on his left. The glow was slowly traveling up Conner's left arm and Adam's right arm. They were screaming as loud as they humanly could as the glow penetrated their bodies. Jared lifted his chin up and chanted something they had never heard before. A glowing pulse came off his body in a circular shape and grew until it touched the walls of the lodge. He chanted again as the lodge began to glow a bright yellow, building in intensity until it was almost blinding. By now Adam and Conner were no longer screaming and had settled down. The glow spread rapidly through them and into Mark. Now the entire circle of men was glowing. They heard in their heads a message from Jared, "Share your love with one another like we did before."

Everyone's head felt like a radio channel with too many people talking at the same time. There were visions of people loving, parents, beautiful places, friends, pets which were all forms of love they were sharing with each other. "Continue chanting brothers," yelled Jared in their heads.

Suddenly, Jared's Grandfather was in the lodge wearing the clothes of the Most Sacred Medicine Man of the People. His fur headdress was similar to Jared's having the horns of a buffalo on the sides. The big difference was the amount of eagle feathers Jared's grandfather had were in the hundreds.

Grandfather's voice was heard in everyone's head. "Maskwa, I am here to help you all. Liam, call for your ancestors to come forward as well. Dig deep and call for your Seanair." (Scottish Gaelic for Grandfather).

As Liam concentrated, an old man dressed in furs, leather and a very full, thick beard was standing in front of them with a walking stick. He bowed to Grandfather who returned the gesture with a bow of his own. The two old men held hands and touched their foreheads together. After separating, the old druid raised his walking stick and thumped it into the ground. The vibration could be felt like an earthquake by the men sitting in the circle.

Liam's grandfather raised his arms above his head and then looked to the sky. He yelled a Gaelic expression louder than anyone thought was possible. When he lowered his head, his eyes were emerald green in colour. With one hand holding his staff, he raised his free hand, palm out, to the two young men.

Jared looked at his Grandfather and was surprised. He had moved next to the Celtic Shaman and had placed his hand onto the staff over Liam's grandfathers. For the first time ever, Jared witnessed his grandfather's eyes to be glowing emerald green. He also was standing with his free hand, palm out towards the two young men.

From each of their palms shot a green ball of energy which hit Conner and Adam. Both young men screamed as two very dark screaming shadows flew out of them. The shadows were immediately sucked into the ground by their feet with their long finger trying to grasp anything to stay.

Liam's grandfather raised his stick and thumped the ground again. Another dark shadow from each of the boys and this time Mark as well drawn out. A strong one was fighting to keep control of Adam.

Both Liam's and Jared's grandfather let loose a hooping war cry of battle. The scream of the battle cry sent shivers down the spine of everyone seated in the circle. Each grandfather reached gently to touch their respective grandson. The four of them yelled the war cry together as Liam's grandfather raised the stick one more time and rammed it into the ground hard. There was an intense flash of yellow, followed by red, white and the lodge went into blackness. Everything was quiet now.

Jared was drowsy as he suspected everyone else was as well. "When you are able, we need to go to the lake to cleanse ourselves," said Jared as he threw the door flaps open. They all crawled out and went to the lake and waded into it. "Put your heads under water to cleanse your entire body."

Everyone was beginning to come to full consciousness now. Liam said, "We can get out now and stand by the fire."

They had been standing around the fire for a few moments when they noticed they were not alone. Near the dock, were six wolves, a coyote, a bear, and an eagle sitting on the bears shoulder.

Jared got everyone's attention quietly and pointed at the animals. The Bear was sitting in the middle, the eagle on his shoulder and three wolves on each side of him. The coyote was sitting in front of the bear. Jared raised his hand in greeting and then everyone else did as well. The animals all howled, screeched and growled at the same time in reply.

The eagle flew up and over the group, dropping two large eagle feathers which landed at Liam's and Jared's feet. He made a second pass, dropping four more medium sized eagle feathers in front of Troy, Darren, Josh and Tyler.

The animals all turned and disappeared into the forest as the eagle flew straight up into the sky. Jared picked up one feather as Liam picked up the other feather.

There was silence as all the young men were waiting for something else to happen. Finally, Jared spoke, "Gentlemen, we as a team took on an evil one and defeated him. For the first time in centuries, he has been beaten and he lost his claim on these three young men. We have received the eagle feathers in honour of the battle."

Darren spoke up, "I thought this shit only happened in movies." The sentiment was expressed by the rest of the men.

"The creator chose us to lead an attack on the evil one. He knew us and knew what we could do as a group. Our totems also came to give us strength in this battle. You all saw my Grandfather and Liam's ancestor as well to add their power to free these young men from the evil one was worth the battle," explained Jared.

Josh had got his watch and commented, "We were in there 3 hours."

Jared collapsed to the ground. The men carried him up to the cabin and laid him on the floor in the living room. Liam ran and grabbed the medic kit he knew Jared had in the closet. He started 2 IV's flowing and squeezed in some glucose.

"I got this. You guys get drinking water and some food. Move it NOW," barked Liam.

He had put about half of both bags of the glucose into Jared when his eyes fluttered finally opening fully. "Have I ever told you to open my eyes and gaze upon your face first is the biggest gift I have ever been given," said Jared.

Liam leaned in to kiss him deeply. Troy took over while Darren picked up Jared and carried him into the kitchen for water and food. "You big lummox," cried Jared.

"Shut up and eat," said Darren.

An hour later, everyone was feeling stronger from the food and water. They were chatting and trying to process what happened earlier.

Later, they were all sitting on the deck. The couples were sitting with each other and the three boys were together, holding hands.

Liam spoke, "Guys, I think we did good tonight. We have three new brothers."

The guys all raised their water bottle in salute.

"You three have not said a thing," said Liam.

"I feel good and am happy to have gone through it. I am sure I will have more to say after a sleep," said Conner. Mark and Adam agreed.

"I think sleep is a good idea guys. How about mattresses on the floor in the living room and we all sleep together," suggested Josh.

"A sleep over," yelled Darren as he jumped up and started clapping. Josh smacked him on the ass.

"Adam, are you staying?" asked Liam.

"Absolutely. Not to mention you guys are so fucking hot I am having a problem not getting hard," Adam said with a cute smile.

They laughed and moved into the house and got the bed in the living room ready. Once everyone was lying done on the mattresses and lights were out they started to settle down. Until Darren called out, "Good night, John Boy." A smack of a hand hitting someone's ass was heard.

The sun started to rise at 5:00 am, but no one started to wake up until 7:30. As Jared got up to start coffee he noticed just about everyone had kicked off the sheets from themselves as the heat began to build in the sunlight. Including himself, there were 9 very impressive hard-ons poking up into the air. Even Adam was impressive at 7 inches long and as thick as a Red Bull can.

They woke up and headed to the various washrooms to relieve their morning needs. The men all congregated around the table and counter in the kitchen, sipping coffee or water.

Liam spoke, "Well, that was quite a night."

"That is an understatement," said Josh.

"I was brought up in what I thought was a strict religious home. I heard what you guys had said about the spiritualism but I wasn't sure. I mean, I heard it and when I participated in smudging I felt better, but I thought so much of it was like the stories the Pastor told in his sermons. He had people coming up the aisles and they fell over when he touched them yelling 'Be gone Satan' but after what I saw last night, it's not that easy."

Liam spoke, "Some of them use a variety of techniques such as planted people in the crowd to make it look good. Some people are also so devoted they react to what they saw previously and believe it will happen to them, so it does."

"There may also be some clergy who can actually do it as well," interjected Jared.

"So what we saw last night was the classic fight between good and evil," asked Josh.

"Yes," replied Liam.

"I know how different I feel this morning," Adam added. "I feel like I have a new life ahead of me."

"Me too," said Conner. "I realize now what an evil hold my father had over me. He must have made a pact with the evil one at some point and not really understood what he was doing."

"He was probably offered what he wanted in life. Money and power over people not realizing what he was going to have to give in return. He just didn't know the cost of accepting it," commented Liam.

"I do remember him as a loving man when I was younger. When I think about it, it was after the new pastor came to town when he started to change," said Conner pensively. "I was about 8 years old or so when he came. Now that I am thinking about it, we had a normal family until them."

"That is what you have to remember," said Darren. "The family before the changes is the memories you must keep alive and let the time after fade into the blackness."

"I didn't think my anger about my mom dying was so strong," said Mark. "I was pushing everyone away from me, including my dad. He may have been doing the same thing. For many years, we just existed in the same house. We weren't fighting or anything, but we weren't loving each other like family."

"Its official. After last night, we have three new brothers in our family," said Tyler.

"Group hug!" yelled Troy. The men all gathered together in a tight hug. When they broke apart, there were some comments about breakfast. The three young men were volunteered to make breakfast for the group, which they happily did. After clean up, the men went water skiing.

Adam sat on the dock with Jared and Liam, their feet in the water watching Conner, Mark, Tyler and Troy out in the boat. Darren and Josh were laying on the dock to get a better sun tan.

"Thank you for helping me," said Adam.

"You're welcome, Adam," replied Jared.

"Adam, what are your plans for your life. I mean, you had some at one time before you lost your way," asked Liam.

"I wanted to be a police officer," he said.

"Why can't that still happen?" asked Liam.

"I guess it can. I just have to prove to others I have changed so I will get a chance," he said. "I wanted to get a degree in computer science and use that in the police force."

"Sounds like a plan Adam. Can you go back to school?" asked Jared.

"Yes, I did well at University. I just took a year off," he replied. "My grandfather and my parents will be happy to hear I want to go back to school."

They continued to chat about life. Adam had been with an older man and entered into a relationship quickly. The man had controlled Adam more like a slave as opposed to a lover. He didn't allow Adam to choose anything, even his clothing and constantly abused him mentally. One day Adam came home from school and found another young man in their home which turned out to be his replacement. His boyfriend had packed all of his possessions into boxes and they were piled by the door. Adam took his boxes to his old truck and left for home. He had tried suicide after finishing the school year. His parents took him to his grandfather in the hope the simple life in a small community would help Adam get his life together and stay away from drugs.

About noon, hunger drove the group back to the shore and up to the cabin where they ate and prepared to leave for the city. The cabin was cleaned up and Adam was going to drop the garbage off for the guys at the nuisance grounds. They all hugged before Adam left with the promise of seeing him during his next set of days off.

The drive back to the city was uneventful with Liam driving the SUV and everyone else sleeping. They headed to the hospital to visit with Frank and catch up on things. He couldn't believe the difference in Mark's disposition. He thought things were good when they started communicating a while ago, but things seemed even better now.

Frank would be getting out the next day and at home for the next couple of weeks until going back for desk duty. The file on Conner's dad was concluded as the suspect was dead and even if they didn't know what was going on in his head at the time, they most likely never would.

Mark was going to stay with them one more night but they would swing by Frank's place to pick up the car so he could drive his father home in the morning. Conner stayed with Mark which was no surprise to either of the men.

With Liam driving again, Jared got on his cell phone to call around to various people. Now that it was just him and Liam in the vehicle, he could make calls without "little ears" overhearing him. Jared had spoken with the funeral home and the Pastor had quit interfering with the plans. Conner's father was already interred as Jared had requested. The United Church priest had said some words as the urn was placed in the ground as he thought no one should be interred without prayers. The funeral for his mother and brother was set for the next day at the United Church commencing at 1300 hrs.

Jared called the lawyer next and Jack reported the police were actively investigating the attempted fraud of the will and there had been at least two other similar complaints made about the Pastor. The weapons crates in the home having the church address for delivery really had them concerned. The crates were marked "Relief Supplies" and there was no way to find out if there were more weapons anywhere else.

The security observation team had been turning videos over to the police of a variety of people showing up at the church after 8:00 pm every night. Each one went into the church alone, and came out a few minutes later. It appeared they were scheduled as a vehicle arrived every 10 minutes, and left 5 minutes later. The police ran the license plates and found some of them were known to them as drug dealers.

The police were very interested in the church and especially the activities of the Pastor now. They had formed a task force with the Drugs Section, Fraud Section and the Federal Agencies as well.

Mark and Conner were following Liam in Frank's car as they headed to an Italian restaurant for a quick supper. Liam thought it was easier than making a supper at the apartment and Jared agreed with him by giving a thumbs up signal while speaking on the phone.

Jared was speaking on the phone with a real estate agent and she was describing some of the homes he might like. They made an appointment for the next night to view a couple of them. She was going to email some papers for Jared to complete as part of the pre-approved spending authorization from the bank. Jared sensed she was really just trying to see if he was worth the time.

"Louise, I will talk to my boyfriend and confirm with him if he is available to view the homes tomorrow night," Jared said to her.

"Boyfriend? I thought you were interested in a house for a family," Louise replied.

"I am. I need a house large enough for the family," Jared replied with an edge to his voice.

"Our listed homes are all traditional family oriented units in good respectable developments. I am sorry, we don't have anything available for your kind," she said.

"Are you sure?" asked Jared. Liam could see he must be very tired as Jared was getting uncharacteristically upset.

"Positive," she replied without further elaboration.

"I guess I will deal with another agency," said Jared as he hung up. Jared was visibly upset as he tried to dial the phone. Liam reached out and took his hand.

"Jared, what's wrong. You are not acting like yourself right now," asked Liam with concern.

"I just want to buy a fucking house," said Jared very shortly.

Liam squeezed his hand harder. Jared looked out the window at the scenery passing by them. Liam could feel the heat of Jared's hand as well as the sweat on it. Jared's pulse was pounding as Liam moved his baby finger up to touch the radial artery. Normally, you don't feel a pulse this way but Jared's bounding pulse was easy to detect, even with Liam's baby finger.

"Jared, what is wrong?" Liam asked again with concern.

Jared turned his head and looked at Liam. "I'm sorry for the way I'm acting."

"I love you Jared," said Liam.

"I love you too, Liam," he replied.

There was an uncomfortable silence in the vehicle for a minute.

"That lady not wanting to sell a house to our kind must have affected me more than I realized. I am growing tired of the amount of people who feel it is their right to impose what they feel is normal on the gay community. They exclude anyone that doesn't fit into their concepts of morality or God's will," said Jared.

"Jared, I agree with you. Did that lady piss you off that much?"

"She was the icing on the cake, Liam. I am so tired of people and their attitudes towards us," replied Jared.

"Well then Jared. Do what you usually do instead of just talking about it. You are the man of action who actively defends others. Defend yourself for once," Liam said.

Jared sat and thought for a moment. He squeezed Liam's hand and said, "You're right. If someone had said this to you, I would have taken action. I know what I am going to do."

Jared got his phone out and called Jesse McCoy. He told his lawyer what had happened with the sales agent. Jared listened for a couple of minutes and told Jesse he would get it done right away.

Liam was parking at the restaurant and said, "That sounds better. Let's go eat, I am starved."

They boys caught up to them as they entered the restaurant. After getting seated, Jared pulled out his phone and started to type away, oblivious to the looks he was getting from the other three. Liam explained what had happened with the real estate agent while they were driving. A moment later, Jared smiled and hit one final button. He put the phone into his pocket.

"May I ask what you are up too Jared?" said Liam.

"I just sent an email to the sales agent summarizing our conversation on the phone and asked her if I had misunderstood what she had said. I also said in the message her Realty Company came highly recommended by the GLBT Center as gay friendly and that was why I had contacted her," explained Jared. He smirked. "Ok, I added the last in the hope she would reply in anger and confirm what she had said. It was Jesse's idea to so this."

Liam reached across the table and took Jared's hand into his. "That's the Jared I know and love."

"I love you too Liam," Jared replied.

They ordered two extra-large pizzas, soda for the boys and tea for themselves. The pizzas had just arrived when his phone indicated an email had arrived. Jared pulled his phone out and read it. He did some more typing and hit send.

"Not only did she confirm what she said, but she was upset he name was being given out by the faggots at that Centre. She demanded to know who told me so she could sue them. I forwarded the message onto Jesse with directions to sue her and her company," said Jared.

He dug into the pizza with gusto. The boys seemed to be inhaling not even chewing their pizza at the rate it was disappearing and only Liam was eating like a gentleman.

They got back to the apartment and took turns in the shower while the other sorted out what they would wear for the funeral. Conner didn't have a suit with him and didn't think they were necessary for tomorrow anyways.

Liam was talking with Jared about the boys hopes for school and the plans they would like to follow. Jared listened with interest and asked a few questions of his own. Liam had mentioned Mark would need a company to sponsor him during his practicums at University and he had promised to speak to someone he knew about the possibility. Jared smiled at Liam.

They headed off to bed. Jared and Liam made fast passionate love, and feel asleep in each other's arms. Conner and Mark exchanged blow jobs, and they too feel asleep spooned together.

Jared and Liam had made arrangements to work for the morning and take the afternoon off for the funeral. Conner was with Mark and Frank at their home as Jared didn't want him alone for the morning. After they left work, they swung by and picked up the boys. Frank apologised for not being able to come but he was still weak.

The pulled up to the church and parked. They entered the church and it was half filled with people. Jared recognised many of the people in the seats as people he had come across and helped at some point. He smiled an appreciate smile at them. The minster made his way to them.

"Reverend, this is Conner," said Jared.

The man embraced Conner in his arms and hugged him. "Conner, I know you have had a rough time being associated with another congregation but you are always welcome here as a child of God," he said.

"I appreciate that, Reverend," said Conner. "I will be staying with Liam and Jared and I understand they come here for services. I would like to come with them."

"Conner, as I said, you are welcome. All people were created in the image of God and are his children in spite of what some other groups feed their congregations," the reverend said. "I have put together a simple service for your mom and brother. Jared has explained your family situation. I am sure Jared and Liam are helping you."

"Thank you, Reverend. They have been of tremendous help to me in learning it wasn't my fault. It was my father who did this to us and I could have done nothing to change it. I will miss my brother, but he will no longer suffer physical abuse and torment at my father's hand. The worse part was my father was beating us continually to rid us of Satan and teach us what he believed was the teachings of Christ and the bible."

"Conner, as you are now probably aware, neither the bible nor Christ condones what was done to your family. I hope the readings today will help you to understand that," replied the Reverend. "Please be seated up front here. We will start; the evil which affected you is gone. Let us celebrate the love you had for your mother and your brother."

The Reverend delivered a beautiful service which celebrated the survival of love under tragic circumstances. He spoke positively of the family's early years and the love of Conner, his brother and his mother had for each other even under the conditions they lived during the later years, not only the difficulties they had showing it openly in the household, but how they kept it alive inside their hearts.

The Reverend finished the service with a reading from Psalm 91.

He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. If you say "The LORD is my refuge" and you make the Most High your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent. "Because he loves me," says the LORD, "I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation."

Conner and Mark slowly turned their heads to look at each other. "Mark, this reading means more to me now than it ever has. I think the angels God sent are with us both sitting in the church here with us."

"Conner, I have never felt this safe around people before either."

Liam used his elbow to nudge Conner in the ribs to be quiet.

There were lots of people in the church who introduced themselves to Conner. It was overwhelming for him so many people could care for him and support him.

The graveside service was very simple, with Conner placing the urns into the grave. Conner had remained strong through the service but the reality of what he was doing set in. Conner finished placing the ashes and stood up. Jared, Liam and Mark all moved in at the same as Conner broke down. They held him until he stopped crying.

Jared and Liam sat on the couch in the apartment later that night. They were waiting for Conner to get back from his date with Mark. After the service, the two boys talked to Jared and Liam about how well they got along and really wanted to try dating. They wanted to ask permission from the two of them because of the respect they had for them. Jared and Liam had smiled at the boys and gave them their blessing with the warning to take it slow.

The next day, Jared and Liam were having coffee at a local shop when their radios warbled and they were advised of a shooting in the rural area at a church retreat site. Liam knew the general area and remembered it was near the large Provincial Park about 25 minutes out of town. Liam was surprised when two of the city police cars blew by them, obviously heading the same way as they were. They both knew the city police would back up the Regional Police when they needed it. They both watched as the City Police Emergency Response Team Vans went by them, also in a hurry. Both Jared and Liam wished the big ambulances travelled faster and handled better at higher speeds. The maximum they could travel in the big unit was 125-130 km per hour, if the roads were good. They were built for the patient's treatment and not high speed.

Rob called Jared on his cell phone and told him he would be heading out with two more units. They weren't getting much information from the police yet but it had turned into a stand-off. Rob and the extra units would be 15 minutes behind Jared and Liam.

They pulled up to the staging area the police had thrown together just down the road from the camp. Jared and Liam parked off to one side where they could watch the activities. Tyler ram up to them carrying a carbine across his chest.

"Jared, I still haven't heard what started all this but the pastor is up there with an unknown amount of men, unknown weapons and the kids who were in bible camp. They're all in the chapel or main part of the big building, we think," explained Tyler.

Liam jumped in, "So no one is hurt?"

Tyler shook his head no. "They've asked for more ambulances in case things go bad, especially with kids in there."

They could hear the additional ambulances arriving and turned to watch them drive up. Rob was in the first one. Tyler stopped them, motioning Rob to stay with them and the other two units to head down the road to field on the right. The paramedics looked a little disappointed they weren't going to stay there until Tyler explained that was the Headquarters area they were being sent to.

"So what the hell is going over there Tyler?" asked Rob.

"We're just not sure yet, Rob," he started. Tyler's explanation was cut short as a bullet hit the revolving emergency lights on the ambulance, shattering part of them. A second bullet took out the driver's side window.

Tyler yelled, "Sniper!" and then said the same into his radio. He had just turned to tell everyone to hit the dirt when he saw Rob was absolutely pale and staring at a bullet which wads motionless and hanging in the air about 8 inches from his face.

Rob was stammering, "What the fuck is going on here?" staring at the bullet.

Jared was standing with both hands held up in a stop gesture. There was additional bullets heard ricocheting into the trees beside them after hitting something solid. Rob was looking at the bullet in front of him when Liam gently reached up and grabbed it out of the air in his hand. Rob slowly turned his head to look at Liam and Jared and saw both men's eyes were the purest white light he had ever seen.

Liam's eyes returned to normal while Jared's remained white.

"Rob, we had hoped to introduce you to our inner strengths during a sweat lodge ceremony and not like this," explained Liam.

"What the fuck are you two?" demanded Rob.

Tyler spoke up, "You are in the presence of Liam or Soaring Eagle. He is a very powerful apprentice and soulmate to Jared. Jared is known as Masqua, Sacred Medicine Man of the People. They have many abilities between the two of them, one of which just prevented the bullet from hitting you between your eyes."

Liam handed Rob the bullet. "Keep this as a good luck charm Rob." Rob took it from him slowly. When Liam touched Rob's hand, he reached deep into Rob's mind and showed him their activities in the sweat lodge. When he let go of his hand, Rob had regained his colour and looked much happier.

"Thank you Liam," said Rob. "Thank you for showing me what you guys are and for saving my life."

Jared spoke up, "It was not your time yet Rob. You have a long path ahead of you and it was not the place of the dark one to alter your path."

"Josh is in the bush somewhere. He was one of the first ones in there to hold the perimeter until backup arrived," said Tyler.

Liam looked up onto the sky and then back down to Tyler. "He's safe Tyler, and trust your instinct. We're all connected and when someone is in trouble, everyone else knows."

Rob was quiet, but he was listening and watching everything going on. The sound of a bullet bouncing off the ambulance surprised everyone.

"I've had enough of him," stated Liam calmly. Liam looked the direction of the shooter and his eyes glowed brightly. "There are two of them, and both of their rifles just jammed. Now they can't stop head butting the tree in front of them." About a minute later, Liam spoke again, "Both of them are unconscious now, and will awaken with splitting headaches."

Jared was smiling, "Hitting their heads on the tree? That took imagination Liam."

"The tree was handy, and short of something more drastic or permanent..." replied Liam.

"You have that type of control?" asked Rob.

"Sometimes it works like that, and other times we can't interfere," replied Jared.

"Liam, why don't we go out there and bring those two bozo's in?" asked Tyler.

Liam smiled, "Sounds like a plan, brother Tyler."

"Shall we go, Brother Liam," asked Tyler as the two of them headed into the trees.

"You guys are so casual about this," sated Rob.

Jared smiled, "We've been together so long as a family, and we don't even think about it Rob. It's all so normal to us now, and to be honest Rob; we have never been so open with our gifts to someone like this."

"I have so many questions Jared," replied Rob.

"Questions are good Rob, but hold them until we can get together after this stand-off is done," answered Jared.

They both turned to look at Liam and Tyler carrying two young men over their shoulders. Both were having no problems with the load, or carrying the weapons they had been using. They continued walking down the road to the headquarters, with Jared and Rob following behind them. As they entered the Headquarters area, a few people came forward to ask what had happened and take the men off their shoulders. They explained how they had been sniped at they had seen the men running into a tree after they had finished their shots. The Regional Police Inspector looked deep into Jared's eyes as he was reciting the story, and finally nodded his head in acceptance. The Inspector invited them to the briefing which would start in a few minutes.

The briefing covered the location of the kids and the locations of the various men in the building. They did appear to be well armed and the building reinforced from most weapons the police would be using. The start of the event had been totally unexpected. A patrol member of the regional police had stopped in at the camp to speak with one of the cook's and advise her of a death in the family. As he drove into the yard, an alarm sounded and men started to run around in the compound with guns. The patrol officer got out of the compound quickly, but not before his rear window was shot out.

Their intention is to maintain containment, and talk with the church crew to solve it peacefully. Their contact has not gone well with the pastor, but they would continue speaking. What the police are afraid of is another Waco or Jim Jones event happening.

Jared, Liam and Rod found Tyler and Josh in the area where the free coffee and donuts were being served.

Rob had a big smile on his face, "This is a real stereotype guys, Cops eating donuts!"

About 6 officers in the area gave him the finger, but had donut filled smiles on their faces.

"Suicidal Rob? I mean, insulting cops when you're surrounded by them," laughed Jared.

Tyler was enjoying this. "We just consider the source of the comment being from an ambulance driver."

Liam and Jared gave Tyler the finger.

"We need to end this before it goes too far," stated Jared.

Liam was nodding his head in agreement. "It has to end before people get hurt."

"How can you do that," asked Rob.

"It's easy Rob. Would you and Liam pick up the pieces of the lights which were shot off and bring the ambulance into the big staging area? I need to have a chat with the Inspector. I believe he is a sensitive and has an awareness of us Liam. I want to try and suggest to him we could help," explained Jared.

Tyler and Josh had been assigned to look after the ambulance crews as they were now just considered to be extra. The Inspector was a sensitive, and Jared spoke with him for a few minutes. He didn't give him a lot of information, but the Inspector would contact Jared if he needed something.

It was about 10 minutes later Jared realized he hadn't seen Liam or Rob return with the ambulance. He grabbed Josh and Tyler and they went looking for them. When they got to the ambulance, the back doors were open and the jump kits were missing. They looked around and saw tracks coming out of the weeds along the road and onto the road. They also located four sets of tracks heading back into the ditch. The weeds and undergrowth indicated they had travelled across the ditch and into the forest.

"They've been taken," Tyler said excited.

Josh was upset, "Those fuckers. We got to get them back before they get hurt."

"You got that right Josh, let's head in and follow them," said Tyler.

Jared just smiled as he stared in the direction the men had been taken. "That's not necessary guys. They're both safe, and walking to the compound."

"Let's go get them before they are hurt," said Tyler quickly.

Jared stood with his hands in front and fingers spread. His hands were glowing white. "Enough!" said Jared with enough force to shake the ground. "They've taken my soulmate, and we will now deal with the evil this man has been spreading, but it will be done the right way."

Jared put his hands by his side, and the glowing dissipated. He turned his head down the road, and closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them again, he looked at Tyler and Josh.

"What are we going to do? I mean as our tribe of brothers," said Josh.

"I have a plan," stated Jared. "But, I only want to repeat it once."

"What do you mean once?" Tyler asked. As he was asking, the Regional Police Inspector came running around the corner of the ambulance.

"I have never been summoned somewhere like that before," the Inspector said a little miffed when he saw Jared with the two city police officers. "What is this all about?"

"We don't have a lot of time Sir, so I will cut to the chase," said Jared calmly. "Rob and Liam have been taken by gunpoint to the camp. I am believing it to be a couple of the crazy pastor's men who grabbed them."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner? How long ago? You are not helping the situation by not telling us and obstructing....." He was cut off in rant when Jared had enough of listening to him.

Jared moved his hands, palms out from his body towards the Inspector. His eyes started to glow white, and it rapidly spread to his entire body.

The Inspector stepped back. "You're more than a sensitive young man."

"I am a lot more than just a sensitive Inspector. You may never have the opportunity to meet another full Shaman. I am Jared, the Sacred Medicine Man of the People. Liam, one of the men taken is also a Shaman and Medicine Man." Jared used his hands to indicate towards Josh and Tyler. "These two men with me are our protectors and both have the spirit of timber wolves. The other man who was taken is the ambulance service manager, and not of the spirit," said Jared very clearly.

"We need to get going and rescue your people," said the Inspector.

"There is no need for your intervention now Inspector. He has taken my soulmate prisoner, and the Creator is sending me to deal with the evil in that camp. There is no one in any danger now, except the evil ones," explained Jared. "They will be dealt with by Liam and I, and if they survive the encounter, they will never forget meeting us. I need your men ready to move in after we're done with them. We don't take care of prisoners."

"Move in when?"

"We will send the children out through the front doors, and then shortly thereafter the adults. It will be peaceful," said Jared.

"I don't get this, but I will do it Jared," said the Inspector.

As he was speaking, two of the biggest timber wolves he had ever seen walked out of the forest and sat next to Jared, looking up at him. The Inspector stepped backwards in shock.

Jared ceased to glow, and he looked down and rubbed both of them on their heads. "Did you two get lost?"

The one wolf whined and looked at the other. Jared laughed at this. "Troy, you know better than to follow Darren's directions. He has no sense of direction as man let alone a spirit." Both of the wolves whined. "You two settle it later," said Jared laughing. He then looked up at the Inspector. "These are my other two protectors, Darren and Troy. Inspector, Josh and Tyler will be entering a meditative state in the back of the ambulance and will need protection while they are in meditation, and no one to bother them. Can you do that?"

"Yes, I can," said the Inspector. Tyler and Josh entered the back of the ambulance, closing the doors behind them. Jared walked around the entire unit and locked all the doors. Two more huge wolves came out of the ditch and trotted to the first two. They greeted each other, and then sat two on each side of Jared.

"We're ready to go in Inspector," said Jared.

"Good luck Jared and friends," said the Inspector.

"Luck has nothing to do with it Inspector. I am a messenger who is being sent by the Creator to deliver the message personally." Jared smiled a wicked smile when he said, "And they don't stand a chance against Liam, our wolf spirit protectors and I."

The Inspector looked into Jared's eyes deeply. "I truly believe what you are saying Jared. I just wish I could watch this."

Jared looked at the four wolves and nodded his head slightly towards the treeline. They each barked once and headed to the trees with their noses down towards the ground. They stopped at the treeline The wolves had found the trail left by their friends, and they looked at Jared and yipped.

"Go ahead guys," called out Jared. "Do not be seen and stay in the treeline around the camp." They yipped and all pushed and shoved each other trying to be first as they disappeared into the trees.

"They are like that even when not in their spirit guide forms. Good brotherly competition," Jared said to the Inspector.

The inspector was using his phone to call for men to guard the ambulance. He was thinking to himself that he had no clue who these guys were or what the hell was going on, but he knew the bad guys were about to meet more than their match. He watched as Jared walked towards the treeline and disappeared. He shook his head. Jared didn't walk into the treeline; the Inspector knew he had seen him disappear.

Next: Chapter 14

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