Jared the Paramedic

By Snowblind94

Published on Oct 2, 2015


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Disclaimer: The following contains explicit scenes of male sex and a variety of consensual activities. This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit permission from the author.

All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed. The characters are entirely fictitious and are not based on anyone who has or is still living.

I have a fantastic editor and Scott T is doing his best to correct the grammar of this unschooled and uneducated northern Canadian bush hick. He has made many valuable comments and suggestions, and he has been trying to do what my 6th grade teacher could not do - teach me punctuation. Thank you Scott for the fantastic job you are doing. As I said to you in the recent email, I will be forever in your debt for what you are doing for me.

Comments may be addressed to snowblind94@yahoo.ca

Chapter 12

Jared's phone rang and it was Zane calling. He stepped away from the table to speak with him. The Pastor from the Conner's family church had been in contact with the funeral home and was trying to take over the funeral for the three members of his congregation. Zane went through the arrangements he had made with the Reverend of the United Church and the service was planned to take place in 5 days. Jared appreciated his help and would deal with the funeral home and the Pastor.

He went back to the table and explained the problem to Liam, Mark and Conner. After the boys finished their food, they all left and went to the funeral home. The funeral director met with them and informed them of the Pastor making the arrangements.

"You were given instructions by Zane on behalf of me and this young man, the only surviving member of the family. What gave the Pastor the authority to supersede those instructions?" asked Jared.

"He told me they were members of his congregation and the victims had left him instructions," the director replied.

Jared sat for a moment. "I'm the one paying your bill and had clear directions given to you. Are you telling me you cannot handle my instructions?"

The four men looked at the director and waited for his answer. "Obviously there has been a misunderstanding," the director replied. "I was led to believe the Pastor was acting on behalf of the family."

Conner spoke up, "If he wants my father, he can have him. Mom and my brother are my responsibility."

"I will have to talk with him about this," the director said.

Jared had enough and he pulled out his cellphone. "Will you give us a few minutes to discuss this please, Sir?"

"Of course. I will call the Pastor while you are talking," he replied as he left.

Jared called John and explained the situation. John told him he would get the lawyers and Melanie on it to get it sorted out.

The funeral director knocked at the door and came in. "The Pastor is adamant about his directions. He also told me Conner has no say in the arrangements."

The phone rang on the Directors desk which he answered. He sat and listened, with his eyes opening wide. "Yes, I have heard of your law firm, Mr. McCoy." There was a pause for a moment. "I don't think that will be necessary," he said. The director listened for a few more minutes. "I understand, but I believe I have to follow the Pastor's request," he said. "No, he has not offered to pay for the services," he replied. He listened for another moment and then said, "Under those circumstances, I will have to await further instructions." The director was looking at Jared with what could be considered a dirty look. "I have him and the son here with me right now," he said. There was obviously more being said to him when he replied, "I understand your position. I will talk with Jared and Conner and I believe this can proceed on their directions." He hung up the phone.

"You don't fool around do you Sir? It is not everyday someone of Mr. McCoy's notoriety calls here representing a client," the director said. "I believe this can proceed under your directions, Conner."

"That's good," said Jared. "McCoy and Associates is on retainer to my company as well as my personal lawyer. If you have further problems with the Pastor, call him directly and keep him informed. You will find he is a better friend than adversary."

"I believe that if his reputation is even half of what the press says," stated the director.

They made the arrangements and the director was to work with the minister at the United Church for the service. The family members were to be cremated before the service and Conner chose two beautiful matching urns for his mother and brother. It took some coaching, but Conner chose a plain urn for his father after being assured using an old grocery bag, zip lock bag or cardboard box wasn't really the best choices for his dad, although it did feel right.

Outside, Jared called his lawyer and asked him to look for any wills and assets Conner's parents may have had. Jared put Conner on the phone for a moment.

"Yes, I am the surviving son and I authorize you to act on my behalf," Conner said to Jesse. "Thank you for your help, Mr. McCoy. I would be lost without Jared and you helping me." Jared handed the phone back to Jared. A few words were exchanged and Jared hung up.

Jared called John and brought him up to speed on the developments. He asked John if he had found anything out on the church yet and listened for a couple of minutes. Jared told him to seek Jesse's help if he needed it. Jared hung up the phone.

Liam looked at him with interest. "Let's wait a few days and see what develops. With John, Melanie and Jesse on it now there will be no more problems," said Jared.

"Is it time to head to the cabin, Jared?" asked Liam

"Absolutely," Jared replied.

They headed to the apartment and grabbed a few things, heading out a short time afterwards. On the way, Jared had to slap the back of Liam's head when he got Mark and Conner going by saying, "Are we there yet?"

They stopped at the grocery store not far from the cabin and filled up with food supplies. They arrived at the cabin a short time later. During the trip, both Conner and Mark had confessed to never having been in the wilderness before or even at a cabin. Liam assured them they would like it.

The boys were amazed when they pulled up to the cabin, and got out to look around as soon as the SUV was parked.

"Do not go into the forest or follow any trails from the lawn area without one of us with you," said Liam. "You guys have never been in the wilderness before and you could get lost easily up here." They agreed and disappeared around the corner.

Jared and Liam hauled the groceries in and put them away. Liam went onto the deck to look for the boys and saw them standing at the end of the dock looking into the water. Jared came out onto the deck and took him into his arms.

"I love being up here with you Liam," said Jared as he leaned into for a kiss.

"What are we going to do about the dress code with those two around?" asked Liam.

"How about loin cloths and then see what how it goes," replied Jared. They went into the cabin and put their loin cloths on, returning to the deck as the boys walked up to join them.

"What are those you guys are wearing," asked Conner. Liam explained what they were with Jared's help.

"We normally go naked up here or wear these but we don't want to make you guys uncomfortable."

"Do you have loin cloths we can wear?" asked Mark.

"We make them ourselves so it won't be problem boys," replied Jared. They two of them wanted to make them so Jared went in and got his supply of leather and sewing kit. Once they had measured the boys, they started working on the cloths. When it came time to try them on, the boys just stood there, not knowing what to do.

"Strip off guys, and put your clothes on the table," said Liam. They boys took everything off until they got to their underwear and then paused. It was obvious they were both hard.

"It's ok guys. No worries about being hard. We had that talk last night right?" said Jared.

The boys slowly pulled their underwear off and stood there in their naked glory, looking at each other's hard-on sticking out in plain view.

Conner was well endowed. Liam wondered how the kid didn't pass out from a lack of blood when he got hard. He was a good 7.5" and fairly thick. He had a nice nest of pubic hair at the base of his dick. The shaft was thicker than average, but it was the large purple head on his dick which was impressive. "I hope whoever bottoms him is well relaxed," thought Jared to himself. He had a nice little butt. The hair on his legs extended up to the bottom of the cheeks of his ass where the ended. Very nice to look at.

Mark's dick was about 6.5" and very nice to look at. The head had a drop of pre-cum leaking from it and it dripped onto the floor. The head of his dick would be just perfect to lick and play with. The shaft was slightly thicker than average and at the base was a nest of blonde short trimmed pubic hair. His butt was quite nice to look at and totally hairless. A little conditioning and it would definitely be a 10/10.

Jared and Liam moved forward and fitted the boys with their loin cloths and then stood back to admire them. They both had big smiles on their faces as they moved around on the deck and modelled them.

"Can we use the hot tub sometime Jared?" asked Conner.

Jared replied, "Of course. We can all sit in it this evening if you want. Have you guys ever gone fishing?"

Neither of them had. "We can do that later then," said Jared. "Liam, you want to take them out for a boat ride around the lake, you can take the ski boat. Just don't go up the river with that one. The draft and motor leg stick in too deep in the water for shallow areas."

The boys liked the idea. "What are you going to do, Jared?" asked Liam.

"I am going to go and meditate at that spot along the shore where we slept under the stars. I need to commune with the spirits to seek clarity and direction," replied Jared.

The boys looked puzzled at Jared's statement but were soon bouncing along behind Liam as he started walking towards the boathouse. Jared thought to himself, "It's like having a couple of children up here the way they are bouncing around and wanting to try everything. I guess it really is an indication of how starving they are for positive attention and just being allowed to be themselves."

Liam took the boys to the boathouse, opened the door and motioned them into the boat. He showed them where the fire extinguisher was located and got them each a life preserver to wear. He let loose the ropes tying the boat and backed it out. He turned the boat and gunned the motor. The 150 Merc dug in and they were quickly on top of the water and moving quickly. Mark and Conner were standing up next to Liam and letting the wind blow their hair backwards. They were enjoying it immensely.

Liam slowed the boat down and explained how to operate it. He let both of the boys each take turns operate the boat around the lake. When they got to the far end of the lake, they saw a couple of canoes being paddled. Liam had them slow down and explained they did this to prevent making waves for the canoes. If the waves hit them broadside, they could capsize them.

In each of the canoes was a man and women who appeared to in their mid-twenties. They waved at the boys as they went by slowly in the boat. Once clear, they gunned the motor again. Liam took over the controls again and turned off the motor.

He turned to them and asked, "So what do you think guys."

"Awesome," replied Mark.

"Love it," said Conner.

"Its quiet out here, lets drift and just talk," suggested Liam. He told them about himself and the way his parents had been killed in an accident. Liam also explained how he had been Jared's partner at work and how they become boyfriends. Liam also explained Jared had a deep spiritual relationship with the Creator and some of his other First Nation beliefs. The boys had some questions about the beliefs and Liam answered them best he could.

Conner talked about his home life and explained how he was prevented from having friends or participating in school activities except the Christian Youth Group who were all from his church. He talked about how his father had set him up with a few girls from the church and he had no interest at all. This was not missed by his father who beat him until he admitted he liked men and not women. His dad then beat him for being an abomination. His dad wanted to send him to a church reconditioning camp so he could learn to be straight but Conner had refused. His mother and brother were beaten as well by their father. His mom would sneak in to see Conner after his beatings to check him over and patch him up. She even took him and his brother to the hospital a couple of times after they had "fallen down the stairs."

Mark explained how his dad had raised him after his mother had died of cancer. He had remarried and they had a girl but they are divorced now. Judy, technically his step mom, is nice but she really never knew how to deal with him. She was good about the admission he was gay though. They are not close but are nice to each other. His dad put in long hours at work to try and pay for everything they needed, including college. Mark really was home alone a lot without anyone. Even though he blamed his dad at times, he understood why he was working so much. When he came out, his dad was livid and couldn't talk to him. Frank had never hit or abused Mark in any way, and he did know his dad loved him. They just couldn't communicate until a totally unexpected event happened. One day, he came and sat him down to talk. His dad's view had changed and he did something he hadn't done in a long time with Mark. He gave Mark a loving hug and held him tight as they both shed tears.

They had been talking for an hour when Liam started the boat and headed to shore. They stopped at the dock and tied off, Liam ran to the boathouse and got an inflated inner tube and rope. He tied it off and asked one of them to get in and he would drag them around the lake for fun.

"Can't we go at the same time?" asked Mark.

"By law need a spotter in the boat in addition to the operator. They watch the person being pulled around and if they fall off or something else happens, they tell the driver." The boys understood and decided Conner could go first.

They loved it as Liam was pulling them around the lake, and snapping the line occasionally by changing directions suddenly. If a person did it right, the driver could snap the inner tube right from under the person and cause them to bounce on the water like a skipping stone. One time Liam snapped the line, Mark skipped across the lake 4 times before stopping in the water. A couple of hours later, they went back to the dock where the found Jared waiting for them.

"I got supper ready if you guys are hungry," he said. "I just have to throw the meat on the BBQ when you're done playing."

Conner and Mark yelled, "FOOD!" Jared and Liam laughed.

"The locusts are back again," said Liam.

They all made short work of the food. Soon there were just scraps and debris left on the table. They young ones had even drank some wine with their meal, and were feeling good. They didn't get enough to be drunk but when combined with a full stomach, they felt real good. There wasn't even room for the cheesecake Jared had bought in town.

They talked about anything which came to the four men's minds while basking in the glow of a good meal.

"I am really enjoying this," said Conner. "We were not allowed to talk let alone tell jokes or funny stories at the dinner table. Dad said it was against the teachings of the Bible. In fact, I didn't want to stay any longer than the meal with him there."

"Dad is usually working so I eat alone a lot," said Mark. "I know he wants to spend more time with me, but he is so busy."

Neither Liam nor Jared said anything. They just listened to the boys with focused attention. There was a silence for a moment when Liam started telling stories of when he was young. They were all laughing.

"I think while you guys clean up supper, I will get some bannock dough made for cooking on a campfire tonight," said Jared.

"Do we have marshmallows and s'more-making materials," asked the chocoholic Liam.

"Of course. We have lots," he replied.

"We can get into the hot tub first before the camp fire," suggested Liam. That met with everyone's approval.

The kitchen cleaned and the bannock dough finished, they piled the snacks all together on the end of the counter for easy retrieval when they start the fire.

They went out to the hot tub and pulled the cover off. Liam and Jared pulled their loin cloths off and stepped into the water and finding a corner seat together. Mark and Conner were still standing on the deck.

"Well?" said Liam.

The boys pulled their skimpy loin cloths off and stepped into the water. They sat near each other, but not touching.

"So how are you two getting along," asked Jared.

"Very well," replied Mark. "I really like Conner. Even though we just met, we seem to be real friends."

"Same for me," added Conner. "I never really had friends before, well other than at church and they were more acquaintances than anything. I feel comfortable being with Mark."

"That's good to hear guys," said Liam.

"Do you guys want to sit together or are you fine where you are?" asked Jared.

The two young men looked at each other and Mark moved next to Conner. Conner blushed but leaned his head on Marks shoulder.

"Do you think you guys are developing more than a friendship," asked Liam.

"We talked about it and neither one of us knows. We are very comfortable with each other and really like each other. But we remember your words of caution about a quick relationship and we will see. I never had a brother before but if that is all we end up as, I am fine with it," said Mark.

"I feel the same way about Mark. I have never been able to show affection before by hugging or putting my head on someone's shoulder. I realize what I have missed when I do this and Mark doesn't mind the contact either," said Conner.

"I have only been in one relationship before, and it wasn't the best one. I have watched you two and the way you guys interact and I have learned a lot. I know I appreciate being able to talk with you guys and to ask questions I could never ask my father," said Mark.

"Me too," chirped in Conner. "Can I think of you as being my big brothers?"

"Both of you can. Group hug!" yelled Liam. Jared and Liam got up quickly and stood in the middle of the tub. They were both far from soft, but not hard. The younger men looked at them and stood. They were both fully hard. All four of them hugged for a moment and sat down again. This time Mark and Conner sat real close.

They soaked in the tub and watched the sun set. Jared was explaining the colour black and the power of the west direction to all of them. He went on and explained the rest of the medicine wheel; the colour white and the power of the north, the east and its powers were symbolized by yellow and finally the colour of red and the power of the south.

"How do you know so much of this Jared," asked Conner.

Liam spoke up, "Jared is considered to be a Shaman. A similar thing for you to compare the title with would be a high priest. I am his apprentice so to speak and am learning what I need to know from Jared."

"Liam is more than an apprentice and is doing well at it. I don't mind explaining things for you as part of Liam's education is to understand all of these things as well. So when I explain to you, he is learning as well," said Jared.

They had been in the tub for 20 minutes when the tub shut off automatically. "I think it is time for the campfire now, and some snacks," said Liam.

"We are going down naked, how about you guys," asked Jared.

"If I can hug you with a hard-on and not feel uncomfortable, I can walk around naked," laughed Mark.

They got the materials for making snacks and headed down to the campfire ring. When they got there, a large black bear was sniffing around. Liam, Mark and Conner stepped backwards with fear. Jared stepped forward to him, coming within 6'. He was a huge black bear, probably weighing around 500-600 lbs.

"Brother, we are going to light a fire here and enjoy fellowship. If you wish to join us, you may," said Jared.

The bear stood on his two back legs and his massive paws hanging down. He was not in a threatening position to the person who knew bears.

"Maskwa, my spirit guide, you honour me by being present. I can only hope I may honour you through my actions in life," said Jared. I would like you to meet my soulmate and partner who has the spirit guide of Mikisow." Jared signalled Liam to stand beside him. Liam moved up slowly.

The bear sniffed the air and nodded his head up and down. He spread his paws and upper legs wide, then pulled them into himself gesturing a big hug.

"Yes Maskwa, this is the man you hugged in the vision," said Jared.

Liam looked at the bear and said, "I thank you for that hug in the vision. It gave me much security and I felt the warmth of love from it. It helped me to progress through my troubles."

The bear nodded up and down again and then placed a paw over its heart. It held it there for a moment, and then dropped to the ground on all four paws. He started to walk towards the trees when he stopped and let loose a bellow which reverberated loudly across the lake. For everyone but Jared, it was the first time they had heard a bear roar, and this was loud. Jared remained still but the rest jumped backward and goose bumps rose on their skin.

"Thank you Maskwa. May the blessings of the Creator be with you on your journey in life. You are always welcome here," said Jared. The bear disappeared into the trees and soon could not be heard any more.

Marc and Conner were standing there with their mouths open, tight to each other and holding hands. "What the hell was that?" asked Mark.

"You guys are never to approach a bear. That one was at least 500 pounds and could tear you apart if that was why he was here. Do you understand guys?" asked Jared.

"Yes," the both said.

"That was my spirit guide, Maskwa or the Black Bear. Spirit guides are actual spirits in the other world, but when they come to earth - they take a physical form. Their physical form is real to the touch, but they cannot be harmed. He thanked us for the offer of sharing our fire and food, but said Mother Earth provided as much food as he needed. He came to say he approved of Liam as my soul mate and to check on us here at this place. He approved of us taking in Conner and to help Mark as well. The bellow he made at the end was to warn the spirits we are under his protection, especially you two young ones. We were always safe here, but now we are safer," explained Jared.

"Un-fucking believable," said Conner. "I thought I was going to shit myself."

"Well Mark, it is obvious you are teaching Conner the swear words he had never heard before in his sheltered life," said Liam. "I have to admit I felt the exact same way. I was going to shit myself too."

"Me three," said Mark.

"Remember, I knew that was my spirit guide and I am a shaman, but I still had fear within me even knowing. You guys may see all kinds of wild animals here. Never approach them because not everything around here is spiritual. Some of the animals have teeth," said Jared. "Now let's light the fire and get roasting some bannock."

The fire grew quickly with all the dry wood. Jared showed them how to wrap the bannock dough around the marshmallow sticks and cook it. When it was done, he had honey, sugar and cinnamon, raspberry jam and molasses to roll them in. They loved it.

Liam showed them how to roast marshmallows and also how to make s'mores with graham wafers, hot marshmallow and hunk from a chocolate bar. The boys really enjoyed themselves.

"Guys, it is late and bed time. I can see you guys are getting a little sleepy. How would you like to sleep under the stars tonight, right here beside the campfire?" asked Liam.

The boys were worried about animals but Jared assured them it was no problem. When they went to the cabin to take all the food back and get some blankets, Jared grabbed one of his rifles. The boys were interested to look at it. They didn't even seem to notice anymore they were still naked. The two of them were getting more comfortable being nude around other people.

They laid out their blankets on the ground, and covered themselves as a group. Liam was spooned behind Jared, and Mark behind Conner. They were all soon asleep.

It had been light for a couple of hours already but the sun wasn't over the tree line until 0530 am. It was going to be another beautifully warm day. Jared got up, and he had a full on piss hard-on as he headed to the bushes. After relieving himself, he saw the other three were still dead to the world. He tapped Liam on the shoulder gently which woke him up. He looked over his shoulder at the two boys still spooned together. Liam headed over to the bush to relieve himself. After they ran up to the deck and pulled the cover off the hot tub and climbed in.

Jared at down on a seat and Liam climbed onto him, kneeling and straddling him. Liam grabbed his head and kissed Jared hard and furiously. Liam was working his way around Jared's ears and neck, kissing and licking his neck. Liam could feel Jared's hard dick rubbing his own cock as he moved.

Jared guided Liam up and over to the side of the tub, sitting on the edge out of the water. Liam's cock was as hard as a diamond cutter with that purple head on top of the shaft catching Jared's attention. He leaned in and blew his breath across Liam's left nipple while playing with his ball sack. Liam groaned and grabbed both sides of Jared's head. He blew across Liam's nipple again and he groaned even louder.

"Jared, that feels so incredible when you do that. My nipples are so sensitive," said Liam.

Jared reached up and with both hands and started to brush over Liam's nipples while he took that solid piece of meat into his mouth.

"Oh God Jared," cried Liam.

Jared was twisting Liam's nipples lightly while bobbing up and down on his hard dick. Jared paused long enough to lean up and kiss Liam on his lips.

"Liam, let's get up on the picnic table. I want to be inside you," said Jared.

Jared climbed onto the picnic table then slid down and started to lick and kiss around his belly button and down Liam's blonde treasure trail. Then, he moved down and gently used one hand to grab Liam's dripping, hard cock and then put it into his mouth and Jared starting sucking it. Liam cried out in sheer ecstasy at the feelings he was experiencing. Jared spread and lifted Liam's legs to give him access to the tight little rose bud. Jared started to kiss and nibble his way down from the balls to Liam's asshole. He started to lick it gently, playing with it, thrusting his tongue in.

Jared leaned back and turned Liam over onto his front. He reached over and grabbed the lube squirting some onto Liam's asshole and on his fingers as well. Liam shift position onto his hands and knees with his ass high for Jared. Jared inserted one finger gently and kept going until it was buried. Then he started to twist his finger as he moved it in and out of Liam. Liam was panting and then said, "Jared, I need you in me."

Jared saw that Liam was quite relaxed and lubed his own hard cock. He came up behind Liam and placed his cock at the sweet asshole. He pushed in past the first ring with his cock and waited for a minute. Liam groaned in response and pushed backwards, allowing Jared to fully enter him as deep as possible. Liam let out another groan.

"Liam, are you ok my love?" asked Jared.

"I am better now than I have ever been. I needed you in me to feel complete," he replied.

Jared started to thrust in and out of Liam slowly, building up speed and strength of his thrusts. Liam was moaning non-stop and thrusting his ass back to meet Jared's inward movement. Jared stopped and pulled out. He rolled Liam on his back and moved back into position. He thrust into Liam all at once. Jared leaned down and kissed Liam hard on his lips. After breaking the kiss he started to pound in and out of Liam. Liam rolled his head back, his mouth open and eyes closed and moaned wildly. Liam grabbed his own dick and started to pump it wildly. "Jared, I'm cumming," he said.

"So am I Liam," as Jared thrust in as deep as he could. Liam could feel Jared's life essence being pumped inside of him and that was enough. Liam came and shot rope after rope of cum out and onto his chest and face. Jared laid down on Liam, smearing the cum between their bodies, and kissed him. "I love you Liam," he said gently.

Liam and Jared heard the sound at the same time. The looked over and standing at the edge of the deck, looking through the rails was Conner and Mark. They both had hard-ons and were masturbating each other furiously. They must have been there for a while because they were both coming as Jared and Liam saw them. They both shot massive loads onto the deck rails. They looked horrified when the realized they had been spotted. It looked like they were going to run away.

"Come on up boys. We will get the coffee ready and we can all have a cup," said Liam.

The boys slowly came onto the deck, their cocks slowly softening but still dripping sperm out of them. They were both acting sheepish and staring at the ground. Jared and Liam walked towards them and gave them both hugs.

"You're not mad at us?" asked Mark.

"Not at all. We were out in public showing our love for each other without thinking you guys might get up. If the rest of our brothers come up when you are here, you will find more than one couple going at it somewhere. We all express our love openly," explained Jared.

"What did you guys think about it," asked Jared.

"It was fucking hot!" said Conner.

"Well, you guys beating each other's meat was pretty hot for us too. You guys are really cute, and even cuter together," said Liam.

"I'm sure you guys have questions but I need coffee and I am sure you guys are hungry," said Jared.

"Those were pretty impressive loads you guys shot off too," said Liam. "We could see the spray from up here."

"Liam is right, you two are pretty hot young men," said Jared.

"You two really think so?" asked Conner.

Liam grabbed him into a hug and said, "Yes, you are. Conner, you are very well hung and Mark isn't bad either. Mark has the better bubble butt though."

Conner broke free of Liam, turned around and bent over, "What's wrong with this butt."

Liam reached over and gave it a small pinch. "Yup, definitely grade-A butt there."

"I'm hungry," said Mark. "Conner, put the cute little butt away and let's get breakfast going."

"I agree," said Jared. "I like your progressive thinking Mark."

They all headed in and pitched in to make pancakes, scrambled eggs, muffins and sliced ham. They all ate everything which had been prepared. While the boys were cleaning up, Jared hooked up his laptop to the phone to check his email.

There were a couple of messages from John. The first one advised him Jesse McCoy was dealing with the church Pastor and basically pounding him into the ground. The Pastor had the mother's will as well as the will from Conner's dad. He also produced a handwritten amendment dated and timed an hour before the man had been killed. The amendment wasn't legal but it tried to cancel the actual will and leave everything to the church, appointing the Pastor as executor. Mr. McCoy had copies and turned them over to the police for a fraud investigation. They are cooperating fully and pushing hard to get answers. Jesse also sent the information to a contact in the IRS as an irregularity. The contact was very interested and mentioned they had been watching the Pastor and the church for a while. He had also slapped court orders on the Pastor for no contact with Conner and a prohibition from being present on any of his family's property or where ever Conner was in public or residing. Just to keep the Pastor on the run, he had filed the wills and the amendment with the courts asking for an investigation and freezing all assets until probated. He had found Conner's home already listed with a realtor and naming the Pastor himself as the owner. He had filed a court order with the realty company and they had filed a breach of contract suit against the Pastor. John had brought in security people to monitor the Pastor and video tape his activities.

The funeral was under control and set at the United Church. The funeral director was more than cooperative when Jesse provided him with copies of the fake will and the real ones. The father's will hadn't been changed legally after he kicked out Conner and everything went to him and he had full control of the family's disposition. There was life insurance and a couple of other accounts with money they will have to investigate where it came from. It wasn't consistent with Conner's dad's income.

John had made arrangements for a service for Conner's mom and brother with a simple burial of his father's ashes. He had bought 2 plots in the cemetery and after cremation; his mother and brother would be in one plot and his father in the other.

Jared laughed and showed Liam the screen with the email. He laughed as well.

"I think the boys should see this Jared," said Liam.

Jared called the boys over to read the email. They looked at each other and then Jared. "I hope we never piss you off Jared," said Mark.

Jared hugged him and told him no worries. He only released people to Jesse to be dealt with when they intentionally try to hurt other people.

"What does that mean about the other accounts," asked Conner.

"It could mean a lot of things, but they will look at if the money was obtained illegally or through legal means. There is more in the accounts than a man who earned what your dad did at a job should have. He may have won a lottery or got an inheritance which is both explainable. But it could be from something not legal as well," explained Jared.

The boys went back to the kitchen to finish up. Jared opened the second email from John and it had details about the church he had asked for.

There was an email from Tyler. They had gone through Conner's house looking for evidence and a reason for why his dad snapped. They found a false floor in the closet of the master bedroom and it went down into a handmade storage area. He had even used concrete wire and shotcreted the walls and floor to keep moisture low. They found all kinds of weapons and ammunition stored there in boxes. There was approximately 25 AR-15 rifles and 20 handguns, semi-automatic 10mm. One of the crates had the churches address on it as the destination.

The last email was from Troy. He and Tyler wanted to come up if they weren't coming back today. He sent an email in reply inviting them and gave them shit for not coming up last night. We would be here 2 more nights. He explained about Conner and Mark up here as well.

Troy replied a couple of minutes later and thanked him and they would be leaving with an hour, if he could get Tyler's big, but well used ass out of his bed.

Jared sent another message back and told them he had forgotten to mention they wanted to do a sweat either tonight to tomorrow.

Troy said he would get a hold of Josh and Darren and see what they were up too and maybe they would come up as well.

A few minutes later, a message came from Josh saying they would be up after lunch. Darren is walking funny and needs time to recover.

Jared sent a message back to Josh and thanked him for his quick message. He knew the hose puller can't write so it was good you could do it on his behalf.

A message came back from Josh telling him when Darren read the message, he smacked his ass because he couldn't do it to you. What was this about another brother and maybe two?

Jared sent a message back saying he would explain when everyone was up here.

Jared signed off.

"There was a lot of typing and message dinging going on there Jared," said Liam looking over his shoulder.

"Everyone is coming up for a couple of nights. We better hit the grocery store in town to feed the army coming," said Jared.

Mark and Conner had heard the comment and asked what Jared meant.

"Our other brothers, our family is all coming up today and staying for the next couple of nights. You two have met most of them and you will meet the rest. You will like them," said Liam.

"I was just getting used to going naked and now I have to get dressed again," said Conner.

"Not a chance, these guys will tear off their clothing and join us as soon as they get here," replied Liam.

"Are two of them those hot cops I met at the hospital?" asked Conner.

"Yes, they will be running around here naked as well as their boyfriends. You guys will like them," said Liam

Mark thought and looked at Conner, "We just learned not to get a hard-on with you two and now there is more coming. Man, I don't know if I can do it."

Jared laughed, "Remember how they were were joking and acting at the hospital. We are all worse when together. When they see you two little cuties, they will be having trouble not getting a stiffie."

"Let's get showered and dressed to head into town," said Liam. "We need groceries and food to keep them happy or they would BBQ one of you two little guys as prime tender meat."

By the time they got through the showers, dressed and into town it had been about 11/2 hours. The shopping cart filled quickly with supplies. Liam made sure there was lots of chocolate, graham wafers and marshmallows for s'mores in the cart. Jared knew he was running low on elk steaks so he bought a dozen rib steaks for the BBQ tonight. He also got ground hamburger for tomorrow night and lots of sliced meat for sandwiches. Mark and Conner asked if they could get some soda and Liam let them get the reduced sugar cola.

"You two are going to eat pretty healthy with us. We are also going to get you guys working out with us so you can toughen up those cute little bodies of yours before you get old and fat like Jared," said Liam.

A hand come out of nowhere and smacked the back of Liam's head.

"I stand corrected," said Liam rubbing his head.

The boys laughed. They got their overfilled shopping cart to the cashier and started piling things on the counter. The bag boy was about Conner's and Mark's age and he started talking to them. Liam heard them tell the young man Jared and Liam were their brothers and they were staying with them at the cabin. They didn't want to say too much to this guy, although they both thought he was cute.

They got the groceries out to the SUV and loaded them in. Conner took the cart back into the store and came out running. He jumped in the SUV.

"That bag boy gave his telephone number," said Conner. "He thought I was cute, but I am not interested in him. I know I am not looking for anything right now except my new friend Mark. I am happy with him," said Conner.

Mark perked up. "Really? You like me?"

Conner nodded his head shyly. "I just didn't want to say anything because you might think I wasn't serious because of losing my family." Conner had a tear in his eye.

"I do like you Conner. Can we just be friends for a while until dad is out of the hospital and you feel better. Then we can see about being boyfriends if we still feel this way about each other," said Mark.

Conner smiled and said, "I can do that Mark."

"I think that is pretty responsible for both of you. Good choices and decisions guys," said Liam. He also noted out of the corner of his, they were now holding hands.

When they got back to the cabin, Troy's sports car was already there. "They must have been really moving to get here," laughed Jared.

Two naked men come running out of the cabin and helped them haul the groceries in. Conner and Mark were trying not to look directly at Tyler and Troy's bodies.

"Let's get back into dress code guys," suggested Jared.

Everyone was soon naked and it seemed like the first little while Conner and Mark were always standing behind a chair, the table or the counter when talking to Tyler and Troy.

"You guys want to learn how to waterski?" asked Tyler.

"Yeah we do," Conner replied. "Will you teach us?"

"Of course I will, let's go and get the equipment together and make sure the boat has fuel. You coming Troy?" asked Tyler.

"Damn right I am. I am not letting you out there with two little cuties to make sure you stay acting like a big brother," replied Troy.

Conner looked at Troy. "You think we are little cuties? Seriously?"

"Damn right. We get you doing some exercise like running and you two will have even better bubble butts and abs. I've had a hard-on a couple times seeing you two," said Troy.

"Me too," said Tyler. "You two are so cute I can barely control my pecker."

"You guys aren't bull shitting us, are you? You guys have problems keeping your dicks soft when you see us?" asked Mark.

"Yup. No bullshit buddy. Big thing around here is we all get hard-ons at times. It's really no problem, or in Tyler's case, no big deal - if you catch my drift." Troy ducked after saying that so Tyler would miss slapping the back of his head.

"Let's go skiing," said Tyler. Mark and Conner stepped out from behind the counter and weren't fully hard, but were well on the way.

"Nothing to be ashamed of from what I see, little brothers," said Troy. "Let's go boys." Liam also joined the water skiers in the boat. Jared went to the end of the dock and laid out to suntan. He also brought his camera and throughout the afternoon took some pictures of everyone having fun.

The two boys did real well at water skiing and enjoyed it immensely. They both had skateboards which gave them a real advantage for the single ski and they caught on real fast. Darren and Josh arrived and after dropping their bags in the cabin, they came down to the dock for sun tanning with Jared.

"Any word on Frank?" asked Jared.

Josh replied, "He's actually doing very well. He could be out in a couple of days. He is so happy you guys have Mark up here with you. He is real concerned about the kid. Frank also wanted to know about the cabin and by the time we finished telling him all about it he wants to come up too."

"He would be welcome, but I am not too sure how comfortable he would be," said Jared.

"Maybe we could have a loin cloth weekend and keep the spontaneous love making out of sight while he was here," offered Darren.

"Well, we could talk about it at supper," suggested Jared. "He might enjoy a sweat."

"When he sees we talk with animals, spirit guides and other spirits, I think poor Frank would crack," laughed Josh.

The guys all came in from the lake and ended up at the dock. "Is it supper time yet?" asked Conner.

"Not a bad idea. Maybe you and Mark could help me get things ready. When we get the main part done, I think Chef Jared will BBQ the steaks for us," said Liam.

"Chef Darren and his bitch Josh volunteered. I'm on clean up this time," said Jared.

"Darren's Bitch?" ranted josh. He moved quickly and grabbed Jared and jumped into the water pulling him in with him.

Liam went up to the cabin followed by Mark and Conner. "I see you have no problem being naked anymore."

"Nope," replied Mark.

"I am beginning to really love it," said Conner.

They started some potatoes baking in the over and got salads as well as garlic cheese toast ready. Mark wasn't too bad in the kitchen but Conner obviously didn't spend much time cooking. He had told Liam his dad never helped his mother cook as that was womanly duties required by the bible. Liam had explained everyone needed to learn how to cook to survive when living alone. It was also a good way for couples, gay or straight, not only to work together but to have time to talk together while working with the food. He told them Jared and he loved the time together preparing and cleaning up after the meal. The boys listened to his every word.

It was about 40 minutes later the rest came up from the dock. Darren turned on the BBQ and scraped the grill. He joined the rest of the guys who had either a beer or a glass of wine in the kitchen. Even Mark and Conner were allowed to have a beer, but only under their supervision with permission. They understood and appreciated it.

Supper was fantastic and enjoyed by all. Liam went to the freezer and brought the chocolate cheese cake they had bought earlier. There were only crumbs left a short time later.

It had been a good day all around. After everyone sat in the hot tub for a while, they started a fire and sang songs. Liam made s'mores and showed Mark and Conner how to get chocolate on both sides of the marshmallows.

They put the fire out about 1030, and headed off to bed. Everyone was in their own room, with the doors closed.

Jared and Liam were resting after an intensive love making session. "I think those two boys are really thriving out here with all the attention they are getting. I think they were both starving for love and interaction with people," said Liam.

"You're right Liam. I have seen the changes as well. Both are more confident and Conner seems to be coming out of his shell quite well."

"Am I stupid to feel like a big brother and almost a dad to them," asked Liam.

"No, you have the instincts within you to be a good parent. I know I could do it, but you Liam are a natural," said Jared.

"So do you want to move in with me?" asked Jared.

"Yes, I do," replied Liam. "How soon?"

"Well, what is your lease like," asked Jared.

"Monthly," said Liam

"Do you want to move into my apartment or should we find another which is ours. Maybe we could look at houses as well. They are a good investment and there are some real good deals on right now," asked Jared.

"There are some houses on the edge of the city on acreages for sale. Maybe one of them has a pool and a nice back yard where we can suntan or play volleyball in the nude," said Liam.

"That could be something, so I take you are interested?' asked Jared.

"Yes, and I could help pay for it too. It would truly be our house. It would probably have to have a few bedrooms and bathrooms too for all of our brothers if they visit, and any orphans you pick up along the way."

"Your serious aren't you Liam?" asked Jared.

"Yes Jared. It would be our home and big enough to hold friends. We could build a sweat lodge out back too!" said Liam. "Should we check with John and see if renting an apartment is better value or is buying a house."

"He is rubbing off on your already," said Jared. "I was considering buying a building and using the top floor as an apartment. I am beginning to like your idea of the acreage better."

"Let's snuggle and sleep on it," said Liam. Jared pulled him in, kissed his neck and spooned behind Liam. They feel asleep a short time later.

In their bedroom, Mark had introduced Conner to a blow job, which Conner had replicated with coaching. Conner had got better the second time they did it. They had talked about if it would violate their word to Liam and Jared but thought they would ask them in the morning. Sometimes it was better to ask forgiveness after the fact. They were snuggled together facing each other, holding hands and watching the other fall asleep.

After having breakfast in the morning, they put their heads together and figured out what to do for the day. Liam would take Mark and Conner to pick rocks for the sweat tonight. They would also return the previously used rocks to the river shore.

Jared was going to work on his computer and needed to check his emails regarding Conner and the building he was considering for investment. He was going to contact a couple of realty companies he thought might be able to him find a home to buy. Tyler and troy were going to ride the quads on the trails while Darren and Josh were going fishing. There was something for everyone's time to be kept occupied.

Liam edged the jet boat up to the shore and Mark jumped out with the rope to tie it to the washed out tree lying on the shore. They took the rocks from the boat and spread them out throughout the shore. Liam walked about the area and pointed at various rocks and the two boys took turns grabbing the rock and hauling it to the boat. They were lucky they had put their loin cloths on to wear as a dozen canoes went by them filled with girl scouts. The three near naked men on the shoreline were of interest to the girls but their leaders yelled at them to keep going down river. Liam and the boys received some dirty looks from the leaders as their canoes went by.

"You should have more clothes on when you are in public," one of the leaders in the last canoe yelled to them.

Liam yelled back, "The people of Mother Earth have dressed like this for thousands of years in this area. We're comfortable with what the Creator has given us in mind, body and spirit."

The leader had huffed and the two adults in the canoe paddled faster. Soon they were all out of sight around the bend in the river. The boys laughed at the girls. "The leaders didn't realize how safe the virtue of the girls was around us three, eh?" They all chuckled at the truth of his statement.

After collecting the rocks, Liam got them all water to drink. "Conner, you said once you wanted to be a paramedic someday. Is that still your ambition?" asked Liam.

"Yes it is, but I can' afford it. I have to get a job to even survive and pay you guys back," he replied.

"Conner, we are helping you out because we can. We don't expect anything in return from you like money. Did you have the marks at school to go to college?" asked Liam.

"Yes, I did quite well at school. I had to or I got a beating," he replied.

"It wasn't the right way to motivate you Conner, we both know that. But at least you did get good marks and you can go to college if you choose," explained Liam.

"Yeah, I guess so," said Conner.

"You have had a lot of wrong done to you. We can't change that no matter what we could try to do. What we must do now is find some positive things which developed out of your previous life, and build on those for you to move on," said Liam.

"I sort of understand Liam," replied Conner.

"One of the big things to remember is your inner strength and willpower. You survived everything your father did to you and are now moving on to a new life. He did his best to beat you into submission, but he didn't succeed because of your spirit," said Liam.

"I guess that is one way of looking at it," Conner replied.

"People can get lost in the past and become the victim they were meant to be. None of your new brothers will allow you to do that Conner. We will help you move into the future and succeed in the life you wanted," said Liam.

"I believe you Liam," said Conner. "I'm scared not having the security of the home I lived in. It was a bad situation, but I knew I had meals and shelter. You guys have given me meals, shelter and are helping me cope with my new life. I really do appreciate it, Liam," replied Conner.

"It's our pleasure to do it Conner. You are a good young man with potential. Mark, what about you and your dreams of a job," asked Liam.

"I have completed the first year of college, but it was pretty general without a major. I am not sure what I want to do for a job," answered Mark.

"What was your dream job," asked Liam.

"Believe it or not Liam, business school. I would like to learn how to administer a business including the financial side," he answered.

"So you want to complete Business Administration. How many years is that?" asked Liam

"For a college diploma, it would take two more years. For a university degree, it would take 3 more years. My first year of college is transferrable credit," Mark replied.

"Which do you want to do and what is holding you back?" asked Liam.

"The university education will get me better jobs but the college diploma will get me out and working faster. I know don't know how dad will be able to pay it even with me getting a job this summer," he answered.

"I remember talking to business students when I was at college. Isn't there some practicums involved in the second and third years you need to complete," asked Liam.

"Yes, I have to find a business willing to take me on in a learning role. I don't know where to start even looking for one," Mark answered.

"If I was to get you a practicum sponsor with a multimillion dollar business management firm, would that help? They manage properties, investments in buildings, a few companies they own and even have some stock portfolios they play with. There are over 500 employees in their company," said Liam.

"Wow. Could that be arranged?" asked Mark.

"I will follow it up with someone I know and let you know," replied Liam.

"Cool. Thanks Liam," answered Mark.

"I think we should get these rocks back to the cabin," said Liam. The guys untied the boat and took off upriver towards the lake. Liam noticed the boys were smiling at each other when Mark reached out and took Conner's hand shyly. Conner tightened his grip on the hand and looked at Mark with a big smile.

They were entering the lake when Liam noticed more canoes coming out of the river on the other side. It looked like more girls. Liam turned to drive past them at a safe distance. It was more girl scouts and they were all waving at the three good looking young men standing up in the boat wearing nothing but loin cloths. The three waved back and Liam turned the boat to head deeper along the lake.

At a safe distance, Liam gunned the boat and the rooster tail behind them was immense until they rode on the surface of the water. They looked back and the girls were still waving at them.

About 20 minutes later, they got back to the cabin and Liam gently beached the boat. They took the rocks up to the fire pit and set them on the fire which had already been started. They piled more wood on top.

Jared joined them at the fire ring. Darren and Josh came up from the boat house and joined them as well.

"How was fishing?" asked Mark

"It was really good. We kept a few and need to clean them. Maybe we can toss them on the BBQ after the sweat tonight," said Darren.

"Good idea. Fresh fish is always good," said Jared. "How's the gas doing in the boats and the boat house?"

"It looks like it is getting low in the boat house Jared. Is it time to make a trip down river to Tom's place?" asked Josh.

"It might be a good idea. It will take about 3 hours for a round trip but I need someone to stay and keep the fire fed with wood," said Jared.

"I'll stay. Maybe Mark will stay with me so I don't get bored. Take the hose puller with you, he can lift the barrels. You know, strong and dumb," volunteered Josh. Josh ducked as Darren swung for the back of his head.

"Missed me," Josh laughed as danced away.

"Ok. Let's get the empty barrels in the jet boat and get going," said Jared. As they were loading the 5 empty 205 liter barrels into the boat Tyler and Troy drove up on the quads, covered in mud from head to toe. They volunteered to stay behind and tend the fire after they had washed the bikes and the coveralls they were wearing. It would also give them a chance for sun tanning.

The guys loaded into the boat and Jared took the controls. Liam told them about the two groups of girl guides on the river. Considering the time frame, they may arrive at Tom's marina the same time they are going by. Tom was about 75 years old and ran a small confectionary, camping supplies, fast food, gas station and boat rental place at the town they bought groceries at. One side of his building had access from a parking lot and the other side had access from the river. Tom had been running it for years and enjoyed it. Although he was 75, he was in better shape than most 50 year olds. He worked it during the summer with his grandkids as his wife had passed away a few years ago.

Jared nosed the jet boat onto the river, going downstream. He throttled back to about 60% power, just enough to keep the boat planeing. He explained how to read the water ahead of them to prevent hitting floating debris, rocks or shallow areas. He said the shallow areas were the worst in this river as the sand bars shifted positions. Everyone was listening with interest.

"There are some rapids up ahead. You won't even feel them really in this boat but it can get rough if the river is high," Jared told them. As they came around the bend, they would see the rapids Jared had spoken of. He slowed the boat to a crawl to explain them.

"The next mile is basically solid rock bottom along an old fault line. The water over the years has eroded the rock into a river. What causes the rapids is the debris falling off the rock walls and landing in the river. The water is fast and shallow here, no deeper than 5 or 6 feet at this time of year. The force the water is shot through this narrow area is pretty bad at times," explained Jared.

"If you look down the centre, you can see a series of rapids which have white caps on them. That means shallow rocks, and we want to stay away from them. The right side of the river is good for canoeists if they stick close to shore. It's pretty easy over there. What we have to do in this boat is almost follow a route which is "S" shaped. There is an island about 2/3's of the way and we cross from one side to the other in front of it. Make sure you guys hold on and keep a look over the bow for rocks. This is the first time this year I have been up and I have no clue what fell since last year.

The 26' heavy aluminum boat was designed for river travel. It had a couple of bench seats in the bow in front of the dashboard area, and bench seats along each side of the back. It was 6' across which gave it lots of space for gas barrels and people.

Jared eased the boat forward up the right side of the river and scanned for safety. He put it back up to about 60% power and stared breaking through the rapids. Water was splashing over the bow soaking the guys in the front. They didn't mind and were enjoying themselves. The island was coming closer and Jared swing to the left and the boat found itself running along between two rapids. Conner's mouth was open in shock as he looked from side to side and realized the rapids they were between were higher than the boat and the people standing in it. Jared was watching the rapids and the path in front of him. He turned into the rapid on the right, cutting up it at about 45 degrees as he put more power to the motor. They dug into the rapid about 3/4 of the way up and the water came over the bow, soaking everyone completely. They came off the rapid and were airborne briefly before they hit another one. Jared was slicing the boat through the rapids, the bow going up and down giving the guys in the front a ride better than an amusement park. He turned the boat slightly towards the river shore for a moment, and turned hard down river. Everyone looked over the edge of the boat and realized Jared had avoided a huge rock, just barely under the water. Jared turned the boat again, causing a huge wave to crest over the side once again soaking everyone. Jared then turned the boat towards the middle of the river and gunned it. They went shooting across a series of lower rapids which went on for about a 1/2 mile. The boat and everyone in it were bouncing up and down in their seats. The rapids were thinning out finally and the water was becoming calmer. They were back onto smooth water. They guys were all up giving each other knuckle bumps and laughing about the fun they just had.

Jared leaned over to Josh and said, "The fuel drums are secured right?" Josh nodded. Jared smiled at him and said, "Get Liam, Mark, Conner and Darren in the stern of the boat."

"No problem," Josh said with a smirk.

The guys had moved to the stern of the boat as they came around a bend in the river. Beyond the bend was an area like a small lake. On the other side of it was Tom's Marina.

Jared yelled over his shoulder, "Hold on tight boys!" In the middle of wide open area, he swung the steering wheel sharply to the left. A jet boat is not a deep hull boat. This one is a 4 degree hull which is enough for control but it slides across the water easily. The boat abruptly slowed as the stern violently swung around in a circular motion. The boat was now basically pivoting on the bow in a circular motion as the water being expelled from the impeller threw the stern sideways. The guys in the back were flying all over and grabbing at each other as they tried to grab something. The boat did 2 complete 360 degree circles. The four men were now all squished on top of each in the right corner of the boat where the side meets the transom. Jared killed the power to the motor and started laughing with Josh.

They looked at the mess of legs and arms sticking out all over the place in the corner. They finally got themselves untangled and stood on unsteady legs. "What the fuck happened," asked Darren.

"That is what they call centrifical force my good man. You guys just pulled a pile of G-force which is why you all ended up in the corner. I told you to hang on," said Jared. "That was what we call a victory roll in a jet boat."

"Can we do it again," asked Mark.

"Only if you give me sea sick pills," said Conner.

Liam came up and kissed Jared and then said, "Asshole. I knew something was going to happen when Josh moved us all to the back."

The guys got themselves sorted out and were thinking that last manoeuver was pretty cool. "Lots like a lot of canoes at the beach around the marina," said Liam. "It must the girls again."

"Ok, make sure your dick is covered in cloth boys, we are going in," said Jared. Jared gunned the boat and finished the trip across the bay, slowing down as approached the marina. Yes, there were girls everywhere watching the six young men in the boat pulling in to the dock. As Jared edged her in, Darren and Liam jumped out and pulled the boat into the dock with ropes, tying them to the dock hooks provided.

"Darren, Tom has some great fish batter up there in the store. He makes it himself. You should get some for your fish," suggested Jared.

Josh had got the gas pump hose onto the boat and started to fill the inboard tank. He had Conner and Mark taking the bungs out of the barrels to fill them as well. He had the young guys move three empty barrels to the bow before they were filled. He explained they were balancing the load for the boat or they wouldn't be able to plane on the water if it was all in the back.

One of Tom's grandsons, Adam, came down the boat to help with the fill up. "We heard you coming Jared," he said. "Did anyone barf after the victory roll?"

"Naw, I must be losing my touch, one was close but no actual barfing," Jared replied. They both had big smiles on their faces.

Liam was walking by and gave Jared the finger. They started laughing even more.

"How's grandpa? It's our first time up this year," asked Jared.

"He's doing well. He will never stop working. He was telling stories to all the girl scouts until they noticed you guys coming in the boat. There were words like, hot, eye candy and hunks being tossed around," Adam said.

"That makes my day knowing we're teasing all those 12-15 year old girls," laughed Liam.

Jared, Liam, Conner and Mark left Josh with Adam and headed up to the store. The girls were not even trying to hide their stares at the young men. As they approached the store, one of the leaders came forward.

"You need to cover yourselves up more. You are obscene in those things," she said.

The boys stopped and looked at her. Jared stepped forward, "Hi. My name is Masqua, a first nation's native and these are brothers from my tribe. These things you are referring too are traditional wear for the men in summer and cover more of the body than a speedo bathing suit does. You need an imagination as to what is covered by our hanging flaps as opposed to being able to identify the package clearly of the man in a speedo."

"It's a sin to wear that type of clothing," she replied.

"It is our culture, what is left of it after yours tried to destroy it. I don't see how it is a sin and the bible doesn't say anything about loin cloths," answered Liam.

The lady was about to say something when Jared cut her off. "My family has been on this land in this area for generations. This store is built on an old summer camp of my family. We live here and we encourage everyone to enjoy the land Mother Earth gives us. We expect the visitors will show the earth, each other and us the respect we teach our young ones. There are passages in the Bible about that."

The woman got upset, turned and walked away into the store. Jared smiled at the guys. The girls were in little groups staring at the guys.

Jared went into the store and saw Tom at the cash register. "Hey Jared," he called out.

"Hey Tom," Jared replied. He took the guys over and introduced them to Tom. The woman was nearby and made a smart comment loud enough to be heard, "I don't think he is a real Indian."

Tom looked up and pointed to a painting of Jared in his full Shaman buckskins, including his wearing the fur cap with feathers and buffalo horns. "That's him up there," Tom said to her. "He's related to half of us in town and he is not only a native, but a Shaman spiritual leader and healer. His city job is a paramedic and he has helped more people around here than we can keep track of." The woman was surprised by the answer.

Jared was watching and sensing her. He learned she was a member of Conner's former church and that she hadn't seen him or recognized him yet. Jared reached to touch Darren's shoulder, and sent him the information he had learned and suggested he grab Conner and get him back to the boat. Darren turned his head to Jared and nodded.

"Your pagan rituals are sins and against the word of God." she said.

Jared stood up straight, flexing himself so he appeared bigger than he really was. "If you are speaking about the Creator of all, our rituals are far from pagan in both the eyes of those people who matter and the eyes of God."

The leader huffed, "Sinner."

The lady and her friend were both standing with their arms crossed with smug looks on their faces. Jared held his hand out to Liam, "Soulmate."

"Gay abominations," mumbled one of the ladies. Liam took Jared's hand and immediately understood what Jared wanted to do.

"Do you know the difference between a trick and a miracle?" Jared asked the more verbal of the two women.

She huffed, "Of course I do."

"So If I was pull a quarter from Liam's ear, what would that be?" Jared then pulled a quarter from Liam's ear and showed her.

"That is just a cheap trick, anyone could do," she sneered.

Jared smiled. "Thank you for saying that so perfectly." He turned to Liam and nodded his head.

They both stood facing the two ladies as their eyes began to glow. The glow spread throughout their bodies quickly.

"You spoke of God," started Liam. "We are messengers of the Creator." As the words came out of Liam's mouth, the glow began to dissipate and revealed both the men dressed in buckskins. Jared looked exactly as he did in the picture and Liam was similarly adorned except he was holding a tall staff with feathers and fur tails hanging off it.

The two women stepped back.

Jared spoke, "I know of both of you attending a church which preaches intolerance of anyone except your own congregation." He paused for a moment, and then continued. "O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things."

Liam reached forward and touched the back of the quiet woman's hand gently. "The Creator gives you a gift. Your first child will be the girl both you and your husband have been praying for."

The woman's face changed from being smug to shock, and then tears started to roll down her face. "Is this true?" she asked. "I was told I could not have children."

"Yes, the Creator has given the gift because of the truth, sincerity and purity within your heart. Leave the church you are attending and seek one which preaches the true message of the Creator which is unconditional love for each other."

Jared turned to the other lady. "There is nothing we can give you as your heart is filled with the poison of the Pastor from your church. I sensed you were a good person at one time until you accepted the evil this man spouted in the name of God. Once you have accepted evil, it can be cast out only when you wish it to leave."

"You are a heathen," she said in a flat toned voice.

"In your eyes, I am many things," replied Jared. Both Liam and Jared transformed to just wearing their loin cloths as he spoke. "In our eyes, you are just another agent of the evil one. You aren't even smart enough to realize the evil work you are doing on his behalf."

The woman stormed by them, "God will prevail over you two heathens and your tricks don't fool me." The second woman followed her but slowed and touched the side of both Liam's and Jared's faces with her hands gently.

"I don't know what you two did, but I felt warmth in my pelvis after you touched me. I wasn't able to have children because of a physical problem, and if what you said is true - it will be a miracle of God." She said.

Liam smiled and said, "It will happen quickly. There will be a beautiful girl with your eyes and your husband's gregarious disposition. She will be a perfect child of the Creator."

The other lady stuck her head back in through the door and screeched for her friend. They both scurried outside through the door.

"You two are a formidable force together," laughed Tom. "Jared, your control has got better every year. Liam, it is a pleasure to meet the soulmate of our Shaman. I sensed you two were together the moment you walked in. Your auras were so complementary interwoven and interdependent."

Liam smiled and shook Tom's hand. "Tom, it is a pleasure to meet a man like you. It has been a long time since I met someone so full of positive energy and life. Jared said you just had your 95th birthday...."

Liam never saw it coming. Tom's hand was almost invisible as it struck the back of Liam's head. Jared started laughing. "Liam, who do you think taught me that move?"

Liam was rubbing his head. "That was the hardest hit I ever felt and I didn't even see it coming. All I heard was a movement of the air."

Tom was laughing. "He's definitely brighter than some of your other brothers Jared; maybe not the fireman but definitely the cops."

"HEY," complained Liam. "I'm standing right here."

"He's definitely cute and a nice ass," continued Tom.

"He has that for sure Tom. He's also one of the old knowledge and it has been surfacing," replied Jared.

Tom was surprised at the last statement. "He has the knowledge of one of the twelve original tribes the Creator planted around the world? My God Jared, it has been so long since someone else has been located who was the keeper of the old ways."

"Tom, he may be of the 12th or Celtic tribe."

"Jared, Adam doesn't know about my roots yet. My end is coming and I need to do the ceremony soon and transfer the old knowledge of the plains to him. With your roots in the west, Liam's roots with the lost tribe and my roots, the power is beginning to gather."

Liam was listening to the conversation with interest. "Tom, I disagree with you about your end being soon. I see you around for a long time."

Tom laughed. "Maybe or maybe not Liam, it is in the hands of the Creator. But, I need to begin the transfer and teaching of Adam while he is young. My grandson Adam, did you see him out there?"

"Yes, we did. He's grown since last year and must be out of high school now," replied Jared.

"He graduated a year ago and has sort been staying with me. He's a lost soul and he needs to make some choices, and I would appreciate it if you could find some time to maybe have a chat with him sometime," asked Tom. "I cannot sense if he is the one or someone else for the knowledge. I hope its Adam."

Tom held his hand out to Jared who took it. Jared's mind was filled with Tom telling him about Adam and his problems. It only took a couple of seconds for the images and Tom let his hand go. "Now you know Jared. I would really appreciate it," said Tom.

"Could he come back with us? We are going to have a sweat tonight, and head back to the city tomorrow. We could drop him off on the way back," suggested Jared.

"He could drive down in an hour when I get someone to fill in for him," said Tom

"Sound's good. He will probably get there just after us getting back. Warn him of our dress code and if he doesn't want to come this time, I understand. We have 2 strays with us right now who he might enjoy talking with as well," said Jared.

"I saw that Jared," Tom replied. "And when you take off, please do not clear the docks of all the girls drooling over you guys with that rooster tail."

Jared tried the innocent look. Tom smiled and made the back handed "get out of here" motion.

Jared came out onto the deck and looked over the boat. The guys were getting it ready for the trip except for Mark and Conner. They were standing with Adam off to the side and they seemed to be in a serious conversation.

Jared went to the boat and got in. He briefly explained the conversation with Tom to Josh and Darren. They looked over at the 3 young men. "They seem to be having a good conversation," said Josh.

"Let's cast off," said Jared as he started the motor. "If you are coming, better get in," he called out. The boys got in and he moved the boat away. He saw Adam running up to the store.

Jared noticed the difference in the steering with the extra fuel weight. He gunned it and finally got the boat on top of the water. He made a leisurely pass by the dock and waved at the girls. He only got them wet with the water; he didn't knock them off the dock.

Jared took it back up through the rapids, but chose the easy way this time. Everyone still got wet and had fun.

"You could have used that route on the way down couldn't you have?" asked Liam

"Yup, but not as much fun though," Jared replied. Liam kissed his cheek.

They got back to the cabin about an hour later. He had let the guys all take turns at the wheel after the rapids but stood right next to them to watch for danger. When they had hit the lake, Darren was in control of the boat.

"Give control to Josh when we get into sight of the Boathouse. He knows how to get the barrels out using the set up in the boathouse," Jared said. Darren nodded.

"No hot dogging either Darren, we have too much weight," Jared added. Darren nodded again.

They pulled into the dock so Jared and Liam could jump out. The rest went with the boat into the boathouse. It was now about 430 pm. The day had been fun for everyone. Jared and Liam went to check the fire and found everything just about ready. Tyler and Troy had heard the boat and came out onto the deck. They had put together some food for after the sweat. They were also carrying a cooler filled with ice and water bottles.

"We may need a second one tonight Jared," suggested Liam

"Good idea," replied Jared. "I would like you to conduct some of the ceremony tonight Liam."

"You sure? I am new to this," he replied.

Jared reached out to Liam and touched the side of his head, cupping Liam's ear. Jared's eyes flashed white, and the Liam's did as well. "You can't use the excuse of not knowing the ceremony anymore."

"That's cheating," said Liam. "I understand the ceremony now. The language is different, but my ancestors were similar in what they did." Liam then put a surprised look on his face.

"Do you realize what you just said," asked Jared.

"Yes, with what you gave me, it unlocked some memory from deep within me," he replied. Liam concentrated for a moment, digging deep into his memories. "Jared, the commonality between the old ways and the people around the world, the beaver tail which was cut into 12 pieces and sent around mother earth to seed the people."

Jared looked surprised at the comment. "You may be right Liam. Until Tom mentioned it earlier, it's something I hadn't thought of since I was young and grandfather would tell traditional stories while we sat in front of the fireplace during the winter.

"Let's go and get the sacred objects together," suggested Jared. They suggested a second cooler to Troy and the happily went to get one. Before Troy and Tyler left, Jared told them there may be a young man, Tom's grandson come for a visit tonight.

Next: Chapter 13

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