Jared the Paramedic

By Snowblind94

Published on Jun 21, 2023


Jared the Paramedic III Chapter 56

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Jared the Paramedic III ~ Redemption

Copyright © 2018-2019 Snowblind. All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 56: Complete


The 16 young men were huddled together in the sweat lodge. The group had already completed the first three rounds of the sweat. After rinsing their bodies in the lake and drinking water they had re-entered the lodge for the final round.

The steam was thick within the lodge. The moisture in the air carried the strong, fresh smells of cedar, spruce, tobacco, and sweetgrass within it. The red glowing rocks provided light for all the men to see each other through the sacred steam. Each man was dripping in sweat, excreting the impurities from their bodies and onto the cedar on the floor where it was neutralized by Mother Earth. They were all cleansed from the previous three sweats, preparing them for what was about to happen.

The rocks in the fire began to emit a white light instead of their usual red. The light continued to intensify until the lodge was filled entirely with a pure, bright light causing everyone to close their eyes. When they reopened them, everyone was standing in the middle world. The area was beautiful, overlooking sand dunes which levelled out to a long beach along a lake. The lake was calm, as flat as a mirror giving a perfect reflection of the countryside on it. There was a fire burning on the shore with three young men in loincloths standing around it.

"Just don't stand there, get your asses down here," Darren called out. The second man with him slapped his ass causing Darren to yelp.

"Be nice hosepuller," Josh reprimanded.

The group of men quickly moved down to the fireside, embracing their brothers. The brothers shed tears of joy as they ran to embrace both Josh and Darren.

The third man stepped into sight and called out to Jesse, "Good grief, Jess. Are you hanging around with Cliffy again?"

Cliff stood still near the fire in shock, immediately followed by tears of joy as he raced towards his old friend, grabbing him tightly. "Marc, oh my god Marc, it's really you."

"Who did you think you would see here in the middle world?" Marc retorted. "You don't have any friends, so it could only be me."

Cliff held Marc even tighter, tears rolling down his cheeks. "Marc, I never thought seeing or hugging you again was ever possible.

Marc had tears rolling down his cheeks as well, "I never got to say goodbye to you, Cliffy." Suddenly there was another set of arms around the two men. Marc looked at his husband and said, "The three musketeers together again, even if it is just for a short time."

Once everyone had hugged Darren and Josh, Jared introduced the new members of the family to them. It was Jesse who introduced Marc to everyone which started another round of hugs.

Marc broke the ice by saying, "So Cliffy, you still can't say boyfriend without losing your breath or your bowels cramping with the Hershey squirts, eh?" Carter began laughing loudly until Cliff smacked the back of his head.

Cliff looked right at Marc and said, "B-O-Y-F-R-I-E-N-D A-S-S-H-O-L-E"

Marc was still laughing, "Say it as one word Cliffy, not spelling it out loud so just Jesse won't understand."

"Hey, just cause you're in the middle world doesn't mean I can't smack your head, Marc," Jesse complained.

Cliff pulled Carter close, gave him a big loud kiss and said loudly, "BOYFRIEND." Marc, Jesse, and Zane all started to applaud loudly.

Carter pulled Cliff close, returned the kiss and said, "Boyfriend. I like that Cliffy." The two men smiled at each other.

It was Darren who got everyone's attention by saying, "There is a reason you are all here and we're here with you."

Josh moved in front of Carter. "Hold your hand out so your spirit guide will introduce itself to you."

Carter raised his hand up in time for a beautiful grouse to appear out of the sky and land on it. It landed briefly on Carter's hand, staring into his eyes. The bird suddenly jumped down onto the ground where it began to flap its wings while it danced in small circles. Jared used his thumbs to tap the drum he still carried, giving the bird a defined beat. As the bird danced, Josh continued to explain. "Carter, Sakaw Pihew or Grouse medicine is very powerful. The power is released when you and the spirit guide dance in circles to the heartbeat of the earth." All of the men felt the beat of the drum and the heartbeat of Mother Earth as the bird's feet kept pace. The bird danced for a moment longer before it flapped up to sit on Carter's shoulder. Unconsciously, he began to gently stroke the bird's head along its long neck.

Josh smiled as he said, "Grouse people are those who work best in a group, or teams, while they are creating group harmony with tolerance among all people within their sphere of influence. Carter, where the grouse is different from many other spirit guides is its ability to protect people, especially children." The bird cooed in agreement at his human.

Carter was surprised when the bird spoke to him directly. "Carter, I am your first spirit guide, but you also have a very rare secondary spirit guide which will explain even more of your personality as well as why you are well suited for your life path role. He won't introduce himself tonight, but during your spirit quest, Mahkiteskanew cikosak or the Sacred Mountain Goat will bond with you. He and you are similar in so many ways with your battering ram personality, agility yet surefooted on your feet, unbeatable in a physical fight. He brings the strengths of beginnings, creativity, energy, endurance, and your ability to defend your territory and the children who need your help."

Cliff smirked as he whispered to Jesse, "That explains a lot."

Jesse chuckled as he whispered back, "You better be careful Cliffy. Horny spirit guide, eh?" Zane pinched Jesse's ass.

A large but low dark shape lumbered out of the lake towards the men, barging its way between them while they were standing around the fire. The 55 lb beaver waddled over, turned and sat in front of Cliff, staring at him. Its eyes turned white as it mentally reached out to his human. Cliff was surprised, shook his head and looked around at everyone else. "Do you see this?"

Darren laughed, "He's a little big not to notice. Cliff, talk with Amisk."

The beaver looked at his human and spoke, "You are to be known as He Who Builds Dreams from this day forward."

Cliff smiled as he began to link with his spirit guide.

Zane chuckled as he said, "This little guy really is you, isn't he? Cliff, he's the original builder of structures, using mud like the ancient ones did to build their homes. He was the first engineer, building structures which changed the world by control of the water just like you build things now."

The beaver stretched his arms and paws out to Cliff to touch, then said, "I bring to you the balance of your emotions so that you may effectively build your dreams, and just like the structure you built here to slide upon. You achieve building goals by using what you have, just like we the beaver who use everything or anything to build homes and dams. You are also skilled at finding what you need. We are a team, and your boyfriend is also a team player so together you will achieve things neither could achieve alone." The beaver rolled onto his back at Cliff's feet. In the voice which was understood to be an order, he said, "Rub my tummy." Immediately Cliff squatted down to comply.

Carter leaned over to Jesse, "Now I know why Cliff loves his tummy and chest rubbed." Jesse snorted while trying to control his laughter as he leaned over to pinch both of their asses.

Josh called out for Nakita to approach him. As the young Russian stood in front of the messenger, he was nervously shaking. Josh gently reached out to touch the young man's cheek with his hand. "Nikita, you have nothing to fear here. You are with friends, family, and the Messenger of the Great Spirit."

Nikita didn't even need to look as he felt his hand being grasped by Trevor. He turned his head anyways to look into his boyfriend's beautiful eyes.

"Nicky, I love you."

The young Russian smiled, gripped his boyfriend's hand even tighter as he turned to kiss him. "I love you, too."

"You two have stood together many times throughout history and said the exact same thing," Josh continued. "You are as close to being one person in two bodies ever known on Mother Earth. As you are together, let your spirit guides unite as well."

A pure black coloured bird flapped down, landing on Nikita's shoulder. It was followed by a large woodpecker landing on Trevor's shoulder.

Zane smiled at the young Russian. "Nakita, this is Kâhkâkiw, the most sacred raven as your spirit guide." The bird had the purest dark black plumage with a purple hue any of the young men had ever seen. Ravens are a large bird with this one being approximately 25" from beak to tip of his tail. When he landed, it was obvious to Nakita this spirit guide weighed around 4 lbs after folding his 50" wingspan. In the north of Alberta, the raven is called 'tarsands turkeys' due to its size. These birds dent the roof of vehicles when landing and have the ability to pick up and carry entire garbage bags as they fly into the air.

Zane reached out to rub the head of the big bird. "Nakita, Kâhkâkiw is one the most sacred and honourable spirit guides. He is the keeper of the universal sacred laws along with the actual stories of creation. His and your knowledge includes all the secrets of the creation of Mother Earth, Turtle Island, the insects, birds, people along with the sky and heavens. The raven merges both light and dark, both inner and outer, and when in the darkness of emotional pain and turmoil the crow is the Carrier of Lost Souls into Light."

The big bird himself now spoke. "Nakita, it is good to be reunited with you again. It has been too long, my brothers."

"As you speak Kâhkâkiw, the memories are pouring back into my mind."

"That is good, my brother. You will remember nothing escapes the keen sight of us as the raven. You have always had the wisdom to see things beyond the limitations of one-dimensional thinking. We have also never tolerated cultural limitations and the accepted rules of right and wrong. The wisdom we share is made even stronger with your soul mate and his spirit guide. The four of us have lived together so many times, guiding the humans carefully with wisdom to make the right choices if we can."

Darren walked over to Trevor. "Little man, you have a very, very special spirit guide who has been with you each time your spirit was walking on the earth in a physical form."

Zane continued the explanation with, "The woodpecker encourages you to be innovative and creative, and to protect those who are too weak to protect themselves. People will always want to take advantage of your kindness and generosity. The woodpecker encourages you to strike a balance between being kind and being cautious. The meaning of the woodpecker can help you be more open to changes and opportunities and invite more luck into your life."

Jared placed his hand onto Trevor's shoulder. "You and the woodpecker have a connection to the heartbeat of the Earth and the cycles that rule it. You have the ability to shake up the awareness of others just by being around them. You understand the power of their words and use them sparingly and precisely to get your point across and draw everyone's attention to what needs to get done."

Nakita took both of Trevor's hands into his as his eyes turned white. "Trevor my love, it explains your devotion to the ones you love, whether they are friends or family. You love so completely and often seek validation through the love and acceptance that you get from your loved ones. You are sensitive to other people's needs. There's no need for them to speak out because you somehow just instinctively know when someone you love is sad, hurt, or distressed. You have a kind heart and you will do everything to take care of your loved ones. You are also a natural nurturer because you believe that being nurtured is crucial when it comes to happiness and satisfaction."

Trevor's eyes turned white as he replied, "Nakita, as it was in the beginning with the two of us, so shall it be today. My love has remained strong for you and shall never diminish through time." He leaned forward to kiss his boyfriend, then held him tightly.

Jared looked over at Marc, then nodded.

Marc reached over and took both of their hands which bore their engagement rings into his hands. "I wanted to personally bless you two in your plans to be married. In the physical world. We are now bound in our common love for all of eternity." Mark opened his other hand to expose three tungsten rings. The rings were engraved with a picture of English ivy and with three equal sized blue diamonds on each ring. "These rings are to bind you to each other, and to me as a representation of true love which never dies." Marc put the rings on Jesse and Zane's right ring finger. They glowed briefly as they adjusted themselves to be the correct size for each man. "Your wedding band will go on the left hand, but our ancestors used the right hand to symbolize the joining of people in love and commitment." Marc put a ring on his hand as well. "I'm going to be waiting a long time for you two to join me, but our link will never diminish in that time. The ivy on these rings symbolize the way the roots and vine twine and intertwine around everything to make it one, just like us. Zane, if you and Jesse share the love that he and I shared, your life will be an absolute pleasure." Jesse and Zane both wrapped their arms around Marc, hugging him tightly.

Jesse had tears in his eyes. "Marc, I've been so terrified that loving Zane would betray you."

Marc looked at his husband, "I'll always be in your heart, and you in mine. I am not in competition with Zane, nor is he in competition with me. I'm the luckiest man in the next world to have been your friend, husband, and lover. You two are the luckiest men on earth to have found each other. That doesn't change anything with me."

Zane hugged Marc tightly, "Marc, you're everything Jesse has told me about you. I'll look after Jesse for the rest of our lives."

"I know you will." The men relaxed their holds on each and stood back. "Can I come to the wedding, Jesse?"

"Of course you can."

"Can I bring four guests?"

Jesse began crying again as he hugged Marc tightly. "If our parents can arrange it, I would love for them to be there, and to meet Zane too." Their discussion was cut short as Nikita squawked in shock at the latest animal to arrive.

"A skunk!" exclaimed Nikita.

Jared reached down, scratching the animal on its head. Jared looked at Jett, "Come forward to meet Wîncoyesis, the skunk spirit guide." Jett looked at Jared, then at the animal.

Moving forward slowly, Jett approached the animal. The skunk moved towards Jett, "Walks Steadfast with Honour on Ice', it is a pleasure to finally meet you."

"Can I touch you?"

Jared smiled, bent over and picked the skunk up. Holding the animal on his shoulder like a cat he said, "Jett, forget everything you've been told about skunks. They are the most misunderstood about all the wild animals placed on Mother Earth by the Creator."

Jett looked at the animal, then took him from Jared.

"Walks Steadfast with Honour on Ice, I am proud to be your spirit guide. Don't think of the stripe on my back as the sign of something which stinks, the white fur symbolizes your creative life force energy and the path straight to the achievement of your desired results."

Jett moved the animal slightly, now cradling it in his arms. "I'm beginning to understand what you said, and it makes sense."

Wîncoyesis, continued, "Jett, you are fearless in the way you approach anything in your life. They way you faced Tyler, your dad, and the way you play hockey every time. You are fearless but very peaceful. That is the way of the skunk. Although peaceful, when I am challenged or fearful I raise my tail in warning before taking action. You don't raise your tail Jett, but you too give warning before you take action. The way of the skunk."

"Wîncoyesis, I seem to know when people are trying to use me for their own purposes."

"Yes, we have that ability and more. We walk the balance between drawing people and repelling them. To explain, you're a team player and draw people in easily to achieve common goals. But, you know the ones to keep away. It's a balance on the ice as well. You play a physical game, but when threatened you only respond with enough force to end it. You balance everything you do. You and I have the respect of the people, and friends will draw close while others will keep their distance."

Patrick had moved next to Jett and began to tickle Wîncoyesis under his chin. "I now understand many things Jett has done now that I know you are his spirit guide."

The skunk smiled at Patrick, "Thank you, Fast Runner. He will also learn not only how fortunate he is to have you as a friend, but how powerful of a friend you are."

Jett shook his head, "Can I call you Winnie?" The little furry guy smiled and nodded his approval. "Winnie, I owe Patrick my life. In fact, I owe this family my life."

Jared placed his hand on Jett's shoulder, "You owe nothing to any of us; It's what we do, Jett."

"I will continue to teach him the way of the family, and that of the Creator, Masqua," Winnie replied. "He has much to learn. The other will help when it is time."

"The other?" asked Jett.

"All in good time, my human." The skunk looked at Colt and said, "My cousin is near to speak with you, Colton."

"Your cousin?" At his feet, the dirt began to move causing Colt to step back to watch what was happening. The surface of the earth broke as a black nose stuck through, actively sniffing the air. The grey snout broke through the ground, followed by a short muzzle. Suddenly, the entire animal sprung from the hole, landing on his feet, claws dug in, emitting a menacing snarl with his teeth exposed. Everyone could now see it was a large grey badger, with a light-coloured stripe on his back. The animal was approximately 38" long from his nose to the tip of his tail emphasizing his 40 lbs of pure muscle, dangerous claws, and large teeth.

Wîncoyesis gently jumped from Jett's arms, landing on the ground with grace as well as agility. The skunk moved quickly to stand in front of the badger, blocking his way to Colt. "Mistanaskw my cousin, this is your human Colton." The skunk moved closer so their noses were touching. "Or would you like to have a wrestle?"

The badger moved backward steadily, "I pass on the wrestle, cousin." The animal took a more relaxed position, then smiled at the skunk. "I do like to make an entrance, Wîncoyesis."

"What type of entrance would I make if I came in spraying my version of lilac scent?" Wîncoyesis asked while laughing at his cousin.

The badger also began to laugh as he approached the skunk. The two animals touched noses in friendship, licked each other's faces, then turned to Colt. Out of the side of his mouth, he said to his cousin, "Maybe spray him once, then he would appreciate me more."

Jared and Zane began to laugh loudly as they approached the two spirit guides. "Spray lilac, I will have to remember that description, Wîncoyesis," Jared said to the animal. He turned to the badger, "I see you're feisty as ever, Mistanaskw."

The badger bowed to Jared as a sign of respect, "Feisty Masqua, but still respectful of you and your friendship."

Jared looked at Colt, "This is your spirit guide, Colt."

Colt had a huge smile on his face, "Mistanaskw. You came here today the same way I do in many cases. They call it Guns-a-blazing."

The badger laughed at the comment. "Colt, you and I have been one for many years. You didn't accept all of our bonding, just the qualities which you felt protected you from others getting close to you."

Colt stared at the animal, "The words you say are true, and I apologise. I've seen the path which must be followed now. Will you walk the path with me, Mistanaskw, in spite of my flaws?"

"I would be honoured."

"Colt, the badger is not just aggression. With that, it brings determination, honour, integrity, and courage. Now that you have accepted the badger, he will bring you a more focused and confidence in the way you view the world. He is also a healer with many skills you will need to master. The biggest drawback with Mistanaskw is that he does have problems dealing with others at times. You must actively work with him to overcome that weakness."

Colt looked at the badger sitting on the ground at his feet. "So you're the reason I've had trouble getting along with people all these years."

The badger sneered at the man. "What a great first day with my human, being blamed for all his problems." Colt and Mistanaskw stared at each other until Wîncoyesis gently moved up the side of his cousin, then used his paw to slap the back of the badgers head. "I learned that from my humans today, cousin."

Mistanaskw began to laugh, "It's better than lilacs!" The badger looked at Colt, "We're both to blame, and we're both the solution. Stick with me and you'll do good, human."

The badger had begun to walk away when Colt said, "It's Colt. My name is Colt."

Mistanaskw jumped up into the air, spun, and landed on his running feet. He ran directly at Colt with his eyes on fire, snarling, fur all standing on end. Colt jumped backwards in fear. The badger stopped, then smiled at his human. "Lesson number one, human. There is always someone with more potential anger, weapons, and aggression than you have. If you wish to be aggressive to control the situation, you must either control it totally or change your approach so you don't have a problem relating to other people."

Colt stared at the badger for a long moment, then nodded his head in agreement. "I apologise, Mistanaskw."

"We have a lot to learn Colton, but I will be proud to walk with you on your path in life. Just wait until I teach you how to use the senses of a badger. We'll have so much fun together."

Jared raised his hand, calling out, "Brothers, it's time to go back to the physical world, to finish the sweat and then have a feast."

End of Chapter Fifty-Six

Comments Appreciated at Snowblind

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Next: Chapter 108: Jared the Paramedic III 57

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