Jared the Paramedic

By Snowblind94

Published on Jun 12, 2023


Jared the Paramedic III Chapter 54

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Jared the Paramedic III ~ Redemption

Copyright © 2018-2019 Snowblind. All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 54: Village Days


The group used four vehicles to head into the Mistatim 'Village Days' festival just in time for dinner at noon. After moving three heavy log picnic tables together under the trees, the men began going to find food two or three at a time. The remaining brothers kept the picnic tables occupied so they didn't lose them. It didn't take very long before everyone had their first plate of food. After the Ukrainian food, some of the young men who were still hungry went for the deep fried turkey while others went for the roasting pig over the fire.

In the background, an old-time fiddle band played music for the crowd. There must have been 500-600 people there already when the guys showed up, and approximately half of the crowd were retired. They had put some OSB down on the ground in front of the band and a few of the retired couples were square dancing to the music.

Cliff and Carter were eating the last of their pierogis and trying to figure out what to eat next. Carter was trying to teach Cliff the actual Ukrainian words for the foods instead of him using descriptions such as 'potato donuts', 'rice rolled in cabbage bundles', or 'tube steak'.

Carter had been absolutely disgusted at the last one. "Cliff, this is not tube steak. Some of this is ham sausage or kielbasa or even garlic sausage. Not tube steak. The Newfies call bologna tube steak. That's the stuff made of hoofs, lips, and assholes but not the real meat that goes into kielbasa."

Trevor looked disgusted, "I used to like bologna until you said that."

Carter smirked, "Google Bung Bologna to find out how it's made."

"I don't want to know any more."

Cliff smacked Carter, "Be nice and let's raise the quality of the conversation here for the children."

Nikita had a big smile on his face as he said, "Russian sausage is Trevor's favourite." Trevor blushed but nodded as he looked down.

Cliff looked skyward, "Ok, so the children are worse than us."

Patrick asked, "Did anyone see any pickled herring around here?"

Adam pointed at his boyfriend, "No! Bad Patrick! Bad Patrick, you're being very, very bad Patrick. You're not allowed pickled anything when so many of us are staying together in one building."

He gave Adam a disappointed look, "But it's so good."

"No, definitely not Patrick," Tyler blurted out backing up Adam.

"Besides that you heathen, it's marinated herring. It's the Scandinavians that pickle everything," Carter corrected him.

"Why don't we go check out the pies together," suggested Adam.

"You're trying to sidetrack me, aren't you?"

"Yes. Is it working?"

"Was that real coconut cream and lemon meringue I saw there, Ads?"

"Definitely, let's go." The two young men scurried away towards the desserts.

"Jared, how did you never get fat eating like this with all these festivals?" asked Jesse.

"The communities out here work the farms, rigs and the bush, you work it off fast."

Jett had a pierogi speared on his fork and was shaking it at Jesse as he said, "You should see the weddings, anniversaries, and fowl suppers. Now there is a pile of food."

Jesse laughed, "I'm beginning to think everything you guys do out here in the rural areas is based on eating."

Jett smirked, "So? What's your point? Is that a problem?" Jett replied as he packed the pierogi into his mouth.

"Valid point," Jesse replied as he ate some deep fried turkey.

"What's a fowl supper?" asked Nikita. "I've seen those signs all over at times."

"In the fall, various churches and organizations plan a community dinner," Jett replied as he used his fork to spear another pierogi. He quickly rolled it in sour cream and bacon bits as he replied. "You pay admission for fundraising, like $10-12 per adult, and the food is all out on tables. You go through like a buffet until you're full. It used to be everyone cooking the food at home, then bringing it in to finish at the community hall or church kitchen. Now with the health regulations, they cook it all at the church or community hall it's being served in. The fowl supper used to be just turkey, but now it's beef, ham, and or turkey. Lots of salads, homemade buns, real dripping gravy over mashed potatoes, pickled beets, dill pickles, cabbage rolls and pierogis, too."

Jesse laughed, "Those are really the staples of the meals here, aren't they?"

"Oh yea, they are the best. These ones like the fall suppers are all hand made by Baba's all sitting around a table. They yack and swap stories the whole time they hand make piles of fresh never frozen pierogis. It's the fresh cream mushroom sauce with dill over them that is the icing on the cake."

Just then, Lucy sat down at the table between Jared and Liam. "Jared, is this all the brothers you were talking about?"

Jared leaned over to Lucy, giving her a hug along with a kiss on her cheek as Liam did it from the other side. "Guys, I'd like to introduce you to Lucy. This is our Baba who makes the cheesecakes and bread we get in town." They all heaped praise on her for the quality of her bread and pies. She sat and listened to everyone introduce themselves between their mouthfuls of food.

Adam and Patrick joined them, each with an entire pie. Lucy laughed at the two young men.

"I baked those, good choice." The two young men couldn't answer as they had already started to eat them. "Jared, I'm so happy to see you here and to finally meet your brothers. Good looking bunch of young men." She looked at Jett, "You're a hockey player, aren't you? Double AA? Centre?"

"Yes, ma'am. I am."

"You are so good out there, you move so beautifully on the ice."

Jesse was surprised by the hockey comments from Lucy. "Is everyone big into hockey here, Lucy?"

"Damn right, do you know the difference between pit bulls and hockey moms?"


"Lipstick," she said with a big smile.

Jett was laughing as he said, "That's my mom to a T."

"To answer your question Jesse, hockey is the lifeblood of the rural farming communities," Lucy explained. "It's a game for our youth, but we all get together in the stands to socialize as well. There's nothing better than watching hockey at -40°C in a natural ice rink while sitting under a radiant heat pipe, eating a rink burger with a half-n-half."

Jesse looked confused, "Half-n-half?"

"Half hot chocolate and half thick rink coffee. The sugar and caffeine keep you warm in the stands."

"Hockey is that big?" asked Jesse.

"Oh yeah. The recreation leagues between communities can get brutal at times," replied Jett.

"Do you remember the rec game over at Timeston and Flat lake two years ago?" asked Lucy.

Jett replied, "Oh yeah, I do. I'd gone to watch but I wasn't involved in it."

Cliff asked, "What happened?"

Lucy laughed, "Well, a fight started on the ice, and soon enough the crowd got into it as well."

Colt chuckled, "Yeah, it took 9 policemen to arrest 5 people before it settled down."

Jett quickly added, "A dozen people got sutures at the ER, too."

Jesse was shocked, "You got to be kidding?"

Zane smiled, "Nope, not at all Jess. Hockey is serious stuff here."

"Had everyone been drinking?" asked Jesse incredulously. "Nobody does that sober."

Jett smirked, "You got a lot to learn, city boy. We don't need booze to fight in the hockey stands. Sometimes just town vs town is enough."

Lucy looked at Jesse carefully, "Where are you from, Jesse? You're not from around here, are you?"

"I don't like to admit where I'm from anymore, Lucy."

Patrick said, "He's from Toronto." Everyone at the table but Cliff and Jesse turned to spit at the ground.

Jesse was shocked, "Just because someone said Toronto?" They all spit at the ground again. "You got to be serious, just like on the TV show Corner Gas? Every time I say Toronto..." They all turned and spit on the ground again. "I get the hint. How about if I say east of Regina?"

Lucy laughed, "No problem, Jesse. So, what do you guys all do for a living?" One by one, they all explained their occupations or study at school. When Jesse said judge she sat straight up. "I thought all judges were all old bastards who couldn't stand up to question witnesses any more?"

Jesse was laughing as he said, "Jared, I love this lady."

"Jared, I'm so happy I got to meet your brothers," Lucy said again.

He looked at her, "Lucy, we've never bull shitted each other. What's up?"

She looked at all the men sitting around the table, then at Jared. "I got a call from my doctor after you two left the other day. I have cancer and they want to start chemotherapy right away."

Jared was stunned by the news. "No, can't be Lucy," as he took her hand into his.

She took a deep breath, putting her best face forward. "Jared, it doesn't look good. It's really just a matter of time. But that's ok, it's been a great ride."

"But there are so many different treatments now, Lucy... Don't give up," Jared said as his eyes began to water.

"I won't give up, but I want you to know the time I spent with you and Liam yesterday and meeting everyone today is so wonderful for me. It's a small town, I suppose word of me having cancer will spread fast and I wanted you to hear it from me first."

Jared was deep in thought but replied, "I appreciate that. Would you say a prayer with us as a family?"

"I would be more than happy to do that with you guys."

"Everyone, please hold hands," asked Jared. "I'll lead the prayer with someone else as a backup?" Patrick, Zane and Liam caught the hint, and all three nodded slightly.

"Lucy, just to explain, we stand or pray in a circle all the time. Sitting is fine too but we do it in a circle because everyone is equal in the circle. No one is in front of someone else, or behind them. Everyone is equal in the circle, the way the Creator intended us to be."

"I like that idea."

Jared lifted his head skyward as he started, "Oh Great Spirit whose voice I hear in the wind, and whose breath gives life to the world, hear our prayer."

Lucy never saw Liam's or Patrick's eyes turn white as she had closed her eyes in prayer.

"Let our friend Lucy walk in dignity through all her days. May her eyes see sunshine freshness and sunset glory for many years forward. Creator, some people are like the oil lamp of the old ones. The lamp gives light, heat, and security as strong on the last day as it did on the first. The lamp doesn't care about the nationality, faith, or gender of the people, it gives to everyone equally. Some people give light, warmth, and love every day of their existence just like the lit lamp. Our friend Lucy has been one of those people who has served your children well her entire life just like the lamp. Just like the lamp needing a new wick or more oil, people need help at times, too. We lift our voices to ask you to look after her in her time of need, blessing her with your love."

All of the brothers said together, "As it was in the beginning, as it is today. May our prayers be carried to your ears."

Lucy had tears rolling down her cheeks. As soon as she let go of Jared and Liam's hands, she embraced Jared tightly. "That was beautiful, I can't thank you enough."

"I know it will make a difference, Lucy."

When they finally let go of each other, Liam embraced her. While he was holding her, he whispered into her ear, "Lucy, don't ask questions right now but before you start chemotherapy, go back to the doctor for a reassessment."

She moved slightly so she could look Liam directly in his eyes. "What do you mean?"

"Please trust me and do it."

She stared at Liam for a couple of moments before she finally said, "Ok, I'll do it."


"Now, can you explain it to me?"

"Lucy, you're safe because you have been given a gift for all the service you gave to sick and injured as a nurse. That's all I can say at this point. Please, believe in us."

"I do. Someone with as cute of a butt as yours couldn't steer me wrong."

Liam leaned over, "See, she doesn't say my ass is getting fat."

Troy called out, "Can we take a vote on that?" Liam stuck his tongue out at him.

Jett took Jesse, Nikita, Trevor, Cliff, Zane and Carter around the farm equipment on display at the fair. The huge four-wheel drive tractor was just under $400,000 to buy outright and full of computer screens. Jared and Jesse were both shocked at the price of the various implements needed for a grain farm were around $300,000 each.

Jesse was adding things up in his head and was stunned at the figures he was coming up with. He asked Jett, "So for seeding alone, you could have 1.3 million in equipment being used for input in the spring."

Jett thought for a moment, "That's about right. Keep in mind that could be one set-up too. It depends a lot on the size of the operation you have and the equipment you're using. We have three of those setups at our farm but most operations are much smaller than ours. We own or lease 15 sections of land, around 10,000 acres of grain and pasture for the cattle. We just accept the fact that we'll never own the equipment outright, so most of it's leased now. Better tax advantage, too."

They took turns sitting in the combine. When all of them piled in Jett began to explain all the computer systems to run it effectively. Again, Jesse was stunned at the equipment being used for 30 days a year and costing between $400,000-750,000 brand new. Jett's point was you can't harvest without one.

The salesman was watching the young man but didn't take him seriously based purely upon his age. He had asked if Jett was going to upgrade his combine this year and was stunned when Jett replied, "We already did with three JD 670s. These are too small for us. But then again, mom has a vegetable garden these might work in." Jett had turned to Jesse and said quietly, "In your business language, that's about 2 million in combines with sales taxes included." Jesse shook his head in disbelief. Jett added, "I push snow out of the yard and the laneway in a smaller tractor all winter. The smaller tractor is only worth $200,000 with a blade and blower on it. We have to push snow out of the lane and all through the yard and grain bins so our B-trains semi units can load up. Farming is not cheap anymore."

The men all stared at Jett in shocked silence as he explained the costs of a prairie farming operation. Jett summarized it when he said, "It's simple guys, we have an expression. Go big or go home. It's as simple as that." Jett chuckled to himself for a couple of seconds before he finally said, "Zane went big on Jesse's ass and Jared went small on Liam's..." He never finished the statement before Jesse began giving him a wedgie as Liam was twisting Jett's nipple.

Jett took the group through the animal pens, explaining the judging of the youth entries for best livestock in their class. Nikita and Trevor both climbed into the miniature goat pen to play with them. The little goats all loved the two young men, a dozen of them headbutting for attention while circling them both. The petting zoo and feeding some of the animals were a big hit. Many of them were raised in the city and never had the opportunity to be that close with these types of animals before. A couple of the older llama's were concerned about the scent Jesse and Zane gave off as they tried to feed them but accepted the food anyways. Liam didn't go anywhere near them when Jared told him that these animals spit a more foul-smelling solution from their mouths than the lizard spirit guide had ever done.

The group had gone to watch the chuckwagon races and were really enjoying it. The last race of the afternoon didn't go well. The three teams had left the first turn with no problem. Entering the second turn of the oval track, the wagon in the lead broke the pin holding the team pole to the wagon. This allowed the horses to pull away from the wagon. The cowboy holding the reins was pulled out of his seat and hit the ground hard. The wagon he had been driving ran him over before it flipped. The second team had missed everything that had happened to the first team, escaping unscathed. The third team wasn't so lucky. It hit the first team's wagon causing the horses to go down along with the wagon. The outriders were on the scene immediately, one chasing after the runaway team from the first wagon, the other two heading to help the third team on the ground. The community ambulance immediately pulled out of its stand-by spot along the side of the track, moving along the track towards the two accident scenes.

The announcer's voice was describing what had happened while also explaining what the rescuers would be doing for both the horses and the men. His location was with the judges in an elevated tower near the stands, giving them a good view of the mess on the track. As the announcer was speaking, a portable radio in the background was heard quite clearly over the PA system. "Make an announcement that we could use a hand from any medical people in the crowd."

Before he could make the official announcement, Jared had stood up from his seat. "Zane, Liam, Troy, Conner, Tyler, Patrick... let's go." The seven men ran down the stairs between the seats, hopped over the fence and began running along the track to the second turn. They arrived a couple of moments later, Jared pointed at Zane. "The horses on the ground, link, calm, and heal." He turned to Liam and Conner, "Get into the main wreck to look after the pinned driver." Jared then turned to Troy and Tyler, "Take Patrick and check the driver over there on the ground." He turned and said, "Let's go people." The men scattered.

There were two community EMT members who volunteered for the ambulance, and one of them was very happy to see Jared running up with his friends. Her name was Beth and she was on her knees working with a couple of cowboys who were trying to clear the splintered wood of the wreck off the driver. She looked up, "I didn't know you were here today, but it's great to see you, Jared."

"What do you have?"

"Only thing I know is he has pulse, respiration, unconscious, and no obvious bleeding. One of your guys has crawled under the big chunk of the wagon to get at him."

Jared pointed at the other EMT he didn't know. "Get the board ready for this one, rapid extrication style." He looked to Beth for her agreement.

"Myles, do whatever that man says." That's all it took and he began to pull the equipment out of the sides of the unit.

From under the wreck, Conner yelled, "Jared, I need suction and number 4 OPA NOW." Jared grabbed the kit bag, opened it and rummaged for a moment until he found the hand suction unit and OPA. He quickly crawled to where Conner could get the equipment from him.

"Jared, he aspirated vomit so when we get him out we'll need deep suction. I hope they have it," said Conner as he squeezed the hand unit to create suction.

Jared pulled back, stood up and said, "Myles, what do you have for deep suction?"

"Just the unit on the wall. The portable calved about 8 months ago."

Jared mumbled 'fuck'.

He looked over at Zane, who had his hands on the two horses laying down. The cowboys were working hard to release them from their harnesses so they could get up, amazed that both horses had calmed the moment Zane touched their heads. One cowboy was sure one horse had pretty serious injuries and would need to be put down. He had figured one back leg and the ribs were broken when he had quickly checked them. A moment later, the harnesses were all free, and Zane had them calmly stand up. The crowd in the stands were watching as Zane pointed to a spot on the inside of the track, and the horses calmly walked over to it, standing there as if they were watching a tennis game.

"I thought that one horse was done for," said the shocked cowboy to Zane.

"Nope. Both have a few pulled muscles but are doing well."

"How did you get them to calm down and control them?"

"Something my grandfather taught me when I learned how to ride. It took a long time to learn how to use it right, but it does work most of the time."

Patrick came running over, startling Jared, "They want a board and equipment."

Jared handed a board already set up with straps to the young man. Just before he ran off, Jared gripped his little brother's upper arm, "Patrick, do what you have to do to preserve life."

"Understood. He'll need some help then."

"Do it, but not totally."

Patrick had just left when Liam called up from under the wreck, "It's good, Jared, the airway is now clear and patent with the OPA, manual control and my intervention."


There were more cowboys at the scene now, and a group of six of them grasped the overturned wagon, lifting it off the trapped man. What they found was Liam holding the man's head in a jaw thrust and Conner doing a head to toe examination. Myles grabbed the second board, moving quickly to put it in place near the patient. Beth moved in with the jump kit, setting up oxygen.

Jared said aloud, "Creator, guide my hands to do your work," as he moved in with the C-Collar, putting it into place around the man's neck. He made contact with the skin, quickly entering the man's body, looking for injuries. He could see where Liam had already done some repairs to the lungs, spleen and liver. Jared fixed them a bit more before moving up to the area he had the most concern with. Once he entered the skull, the problem was quite obvious. There was fresh blood collecting within the skull. It was only a matter of time before the intracranial pressure increased to the point where it would shut down breathing control. That's when Jared realized there were two fracture lines in the skull right above the developing subdural hematoma. The fracture lines bisected each other, crossing. There were stress fractures in a circular shape as well. Jared then reasoned the man had fallen onto a rock laying on the surface of the dirt track. The impact had caused the rock to partially sink into the dirt, but enough of it remained to fractured the skull. Jared bought some time for the treatment of the man by removing the blood collecting under the dura. That would give him enough time to get the patient to the ambulance.

It was at that moment everyone in the stadium and on the track heard an unusual sound similar to tearing paper approaching from the south. A red helicopter flew a circular pattern around the fairgrounds once, then a second time with the siren activated, warning people of its impending landing.

Jesse was still in the stands when he had heard the helicopter's distinctive rotors approaching. "Good God, where the hell did they come from." He stood, indicated for the remaining brothers to move with him, running towards the track. The group of men followed Jesse into the end of the track area near the accident. He had them stand as a group facing outwards. Jesse then had each of them walk outward 50', forming a perfect circle while looking at the ground to pick up anything which could get picked up by the rotors or sucked into the engine. Once he had done that, the helicopter saw what they were doing, and began the landing procedures for the centre of the men where they remained standing.

Once down, the back doors flew open and three people ran out towards the patients. Kat, Mel, and Marci came running up to them. As soon as they had seen who it was forming the landing circle, everyone on the helicopter realized who was probably on the ground giving treatment.

Marci ran towards where Patrick, Troy, and Tyler were working. Mel and Kat came up to Jared, Liam, and Conner. "Why does this not surprise me?" Melanie said as she knelt next to Jared.

He reached out, touching her to connect. In seconds, he had shown her what had happened, and what he'd seen. "While you're getting your stretcher to load him, it will give me a moment to fix him."

Mel pointed at Myles, "You, with me. Let's go."

Kat was already set up, so she started poking for IV's. Jared grabbed the airway bag, tossing it at Liam. "You and Conner, intubate." Jared made it look like he was giving support to a limb as he connected to locate the bleeder within the brain. Kat looked up briefly just before she started the second IV. At her angle, Jared's eyes were easily seen by her, but no one else.

The two patients were loaded up onto the stretchers, secured, and moved into the helicopter. The helicopter lifted up, moving off as soon as everyone was clear.

There wasn't a sound on the grounds or in the stand after the helicopter took off leaving the most unnatural silence anyone had ever heard until a single voice began speaking. The crowd looked to where the helicopter had been, immediately spotting all the men there standing in a circle holding hands. They recognized Jared as he spoke, "Oh Great Spirit, lead us to the path of peace and understanding. Creator, protect those who are with the patients who need your healing on their dangerous trip to the hospital. We thank you for the blessing of having the volunteers on standby here, skilled people in the crowd, and the helicopter travelling nearby. Your two children will continue to walk the path they were meant to walk in this life because you blessed it."

The group of men all said, "As it was in the beginning, as it is today. May our prayers be carried to your ears."

A moment later, the thundering applause, whistles, and yelling from the stands started, the crowd showing their appreciation of what had happened right in front of them. Jared and his family all closed in together as a group, holding, and hugging each other. Each of them praying that Jared was doing alright after this event.

Liam looked at his husband, studying him as Jared looked to the wreckage, the direction the helicopter left, and finally towards the crowd. When Jared looked to his husband, he not only had tears on his face, he had a huge smile. Liam took his husbands hands into his, pulling him in for a hug. Finally, he gave him a big kiss before holding him tightly again. Liam was happy. He knew his husband would be ok now. He knew that Jared would regain his strength to return to the path he was meant to walk. His thought was broken by Patrick asking if anyone was hungry yet and Conner asking if he could go to the mud races. As the group was walking back to the main area to grab a drink and food for Patrick, Jesse explained to Jared he had spoken with the pilot while he was on the ground. They had just finished an emergency transfer to the city's University Teaching Hospital and were on their way back when they heard dispatch talking to the ambulance crew. It was on their route back so they came in for the landing without even touching the reserve fuel.

The men had found the picnic tables again and moved them into a single row. Just before they took off to find food and drink, Lucy was leading three older ladies in a line, each with a pie in each hand. They put them down on the tables.

"Go get a plate of food guys, on the community as our thanks," said Lucy.

Jared looked concerned, "This is a fundraiser, so we'll pay for the food. That's not a problem but the gesture is appreciated."

"Lucy, we do what we have to do," added Liam.

Jesse moved next to his friends, "We were here, so it must've been meant to happen. You know, us helping."

Lucy looked disgusted at them, "You two argue about everything. Fine, the pies are mine so either eat them or I'll throw them at you."

Liam was moving quickly as he said, "I'll go with the first option."

They had finished their pies off, and Lucy was sitting with them. "Jared, in all my years in nursing, I have never seen anything like that before."

"We bring them into you, it's different in the field."

"I really appreciate that now. You guys were incredible, impressive to watch. Everyone around here is talking about it."

"We just did what we're trained to do."

"So that helicopter is your Lifeflight bird?"

Jared looked at the table, he quietly said, "It's Jesse's and mine, but its just equipment. It's the people working on it who are special, bringing life to it."

In the background, the revving of motors with no mufflers was heard. Most of the guys took off to the mud drags, leaving Jared and Liam with Lucy. Just before Lucy left the two of them alone, she took Jared's hand into hers and said, "I've prayed for you to find your way, because we need you to do it." Jared hugged her.

"She's a wonderful lady, Jared."

"Damn right. She's been my Baba for a long time."

"Well, shall we join the rest of the tribe at the mud races?"

"Do you want to go or do you want to sit here with your husband drinking tea?"

"I don't care which as long as I'm with you."

Jared smiled and reached across to take Liam's hand into his. He lifted it, kissing the back. "Let's stay here for some tea, together."

End of Chapter Fifty-Four

Comments Appreciated at Snowblind

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Help lines:


·Canada Suicide Prevention Service (CSPS), French or English: toll-free 1-833-456-4566 Available 24/7

·Crisis Text Line (Powered by Kids Help Phone) Canada Wide free, 24/7 texting service is accessible immediately to youth anywhere in Canada by texting TALK to 686868 to reach an English speaking Crisis Responder and TEXTO to 686868 to reach a French-speaking Crisis Responder on any text/SMS enabled cell phone.

·Kids Help Phone Ages 20 Years and Under in Canada 1-800-668-6868

·First Nations and Inuit Hope for Wellness 24/7 Help Line 1-855-242-3310

·Canadian Indian Residential Schools Crisis Line 1-866-925-4419

· Trans LifeLine – All Ages 1-877-330-6366


United States:

·LGBT National Hotline 1-888-843-4564

·National Hope Helpline at 1-800-784-2433

·National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255

·The TREVOR Project for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth 1-866-488-7386

US Veterans – First, after dialing the National Suicide Prevention Line at 1-800-273-8255 then pressing "1" will get one directly to people trained to help Veterans.  Veterans (or those helping them) can also send a text message to 838255.

Here's a link to the Veterans' Suicide Prevention page – it also has a link for chatting on line.


Next: Chapter 106: Jared the Paramedic III 55

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