Jared the Paramedic

By Snowblind94

Published on May 24, 2023


Jared the Paramedic III Chapter 49

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Jared the Paramedic III ~ Redemption

Copyright © 2018-2019 Snowblind. All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 49: The Seventh Messenger


Colt was on patrol in the rural area southeast of the city. It was an area which had a large provincial park within it and was usually a source for calls to the police regarding drunks, fights, domestics, impaired drivers and the usual alcohol-related offences. He had already responded to two drunken fights in different campsites between friends, processed an impaired driver, and recovered a stolen auto from out of province. A fairly typical night shift for Colt. He had left the park area and was heading out to the north side of the city to patrol through the industrial area. The area had been hit by some break-and-enters over the past few months, but they had stopped when the Commander had issued instructions for everyone on duty to patrol randomly at night through the area. Colt had hit the two-lane highway, turned up the music and started singing along to the songs on the radio.

Andrew was driving his old F150 4x4, on his way to a party he had heard was happening at the pit outside the park. It had been a long day and he needed to relax. He had really enjoyed the Pride festival that his best friend invited him to this past weekend, but that was four days ago, he had worked four long days since then, and he needed to unwind. "Long day... no, long week actually," he thought. He had tomorrow off and he was ready to do some partying tonight. He might even be able to hook up with a summer girl from the cabins. It was dark out, past midnight already. He had worked later than he had wanted, but it was going to be a good night. He could see the bright headlights of a newer car approaching him from the other direction. Andrew thought about how much he hated the new LED headlamps, especially on dark highways.

Colt saw the headlights of the approaching vehicle and watched with interest. The approaching vehicle dimmed from its high beams, which impressed Colt. Usually, out on the dark highway, lots of people forget to dim when approaching other vehicles. Colt dimmed his headlamps as well. He reached for the trigger of the radar and activated it briefly. The truck was travelling at 102 kph in a 100 zone. Colt returned the trigger back to its spot and decided he wouldn't stop the vehicle to do a routine check.

Andrew reached for his pack of smokes and fished one out. After putting it between his lips, he dug his lighter out his jeans pocket. Andrew lit the cigarette and tossed the lighter onto the seat of the truck. He looked up and saw the approaching vehicle wasn't far now. Some of the smoke from the cigarette hit his eye, causing immediate discomfort. He swore out loud as he reached to rub the tender eye. As he reached up, he hit the cigarette. The cherry blew apart as the cigarette broke and fell into his lap. He released the steering wheel for just a second while brushing the embers off his crotch and digging for the lit smoke. Andrew didn't realize he had also pulled the steering wheel, causing him to veer left and into the other lane.

Colt was caught off guard as the approaching headlights began to move into his lane. He immediately cranked the steering wheel to the right, hoping to get onto what shoulder was available to miss the approaching vehicle. It didn't happen.

Andrew glanced up while trying to grab his cigarette and to his horror realized he was in the oncoming lane with a car rapidly approaching. He immediately pulled hard on the steering wheel to the right. The tires began to screech as the pavement tar from the road liquefied under the extreme heat from the friction being applied to it. The rear end of the truck impacted the side of the police car. Andrew's truck was continuing to travel sideways down the highway. The tires on a vehicle were not designed to be pushed sideways under an extreme force such as this. The bead on the driver's side, front and back, blew a couple of seconds apart. The tires immediately deflated and the rims dug into the pavement. The driver's side now had significant drag from the rims digging in with sparks flying everywhere from the steel scraping the road. The force of the vehicle was constant, but with the resistance being based low to the ground, the truck began to roll.

Colt felt the impact of the truck on his car and felt it move sideways. His car was literally bumped off the highway the same way one curling rock impacted another to clear the house. He felt his car slide across the shoulder and vault over the ditch, landing on the other side of the right of way. His car landed hard, his head smacking the driver's side window. The airbags from the steering wheel deployed, hitting Colt directly in the face. Spots of light exploded in Colts mind from the window impact and changed to darkness as the airbag hit him.

The pickup truck rolled three times. By the third roll, the roof was partially peeled back. The truck finally came to a rest on its four wheels in the ditch. Andrew was slightly aware of what had happened but could only think of how bad he wanted to sleep.

Colt's car had come to rest after vaulting over the ditch and nosing into the ground. The lights were still on, although it wouldn't be driving away from this wreck. He had only been unconscious for a few seconds when Colt's mind suddenly grasped to call for help. He looked around, grabbed the radio mic and yelled, "B9, 10-33, MVA, injured, Hwy 23, maybe 8 south of park." He took a deep breath and said it again. Colt listened for any sort of acknowledgment from dispatch but heard nothing. Suddenly it hit him, and he reached to press the red emergency button on the radio rack. He had no clue if any of it was working. His thought was interrupted by massive pain at the side of his head which had impacted the window. He groaned loudly as he grabbed his head automatically.

Colt had no clue, but his call had been heard by dispatch. He didn't realize the speaker on his radio had broken, and the dispatcher had been calling back to him. The dispatcher on duty had already activated the red light on her console, causing the NCO of the centre to run over. Within seconds, two ambulances were dispatched as well as fire department rescue vehicles. A general call had been put out, and police cars from two neighbouring detachments were on the way as well as the park wardens. All they had was a general area the accident had occurred and were mobilizing everything possible to find Colt. When the emergency button was activated, the GPS provided a specific location within 30m where Colt was. The dispatchers updated all responding units.

Andrew couldn't move. The dash and steering wheel had pinned him tightly against the seat. He was breathing, but it hurt every time he inhaled. Andrew looked around but could only see the blackness of night in every direction he could look. He tried to move but realized he was pinned tight. It was then he realized he actually couldn't feel his feet.

Colt took a deep breath and summoned all the strength he could. He undid the seat belt and tried the door. The door opened about 1/3 of its normal movement. He decided to squeeze out of the vehicle and check on the other vehicle's occupants. At this point, he hadn't thought about his own injuries other than the tremendous pain and tenderness on the side of his head. He managed to get out of the car, and his head began to spin. Colt stood for a moment, leaning against the wrecked police car. Finally, the spinning stopped, and he began to slowly move along the side of the car step by step. Colt moved back to the door and reached into the car to get his flashlight.

Colt turned the flashlight on and used it to light a path through the tall grass back up to the highway. Once he got up to the highway, he used his flashlight to scan the opposite ditch for the other vehicle. The light caught the red tail lights and reflected back. Colt moved to the wrecked truck. He used his light to look at the driver.

Andrew's eyes reacted with pain as the light hit his face, he groaned out loud. When his eyes didn't hurt anymore, he opened them.

"Hi, I hurt everywhere," Andrew started.

"It's ok. I'm going to try and take a look at you."

"I'm Andrew."

"I'm Colt. Tell me where you hurt."

Andrew thought for a long moment before answering. "I hurt everywhere above my waist and it's hard to breathe. My chest especially. I can't feel anything below my waist at the moment."

Colt was quickly trying to remember everything he had been taught in his first aid classes. It was the first time he had ever had to use it because usually, the paramedics arrived at the same time or shortly after him. He kept thinking ABCD, airway – breathing – circulation – deadly bleeds. Keep him talking, keep him awake. "Andrew, I haven't got a first aid kit with me."

"I'm not sure why, but my chest is really the big thing that's hurting."

Colt flashed the light over the young man's chest area. He reached over and gently pulled the shirt open to take a look. He could see a perfect reverse imprint of the steering wheel and the manufacturer's symbol in the young man's skin. But, he couldn't see any blood.

The young man took a couple of deep breaths and moaned in pain. "Could I ask you to do something?"


"Could you hold me. I'm scared."

Colt stood for a moment due to the shock of what was being asked of him. But, he quickly worked his way in through the torn roof and sat on the seat next to the young man.

"My chest is hurting a lot, Colt."

Colt reached his arm over the shoulders of the young man and used his hand to grasp Andrew's right hand. The young man squeezed Colts hand in acknowledgment.

"Thank you."

"No problem, I wish I had a blanket for us to share. But, the rescue units should be here soon. Not much longer."

The young man took a breath in sharply and held it for a couple of seconds before exhaling. "I don't know what it means, but I just felt something tear in my chest. The good thing is, it doesn't hurt anymore."

Colt held the young man tighter, his head really pounding from his own injury.

Slowly and very faintly, Andrew said, "Thank you, Colt. I didn't want to die... alone."

Tears started rolling down Colt's cheeks. "Andrew, hang on buddy. They will be here soon to help us both."

Andrew gasped a couple of times before speaking. "Thank you, Colt. I'm sorry... what happened."

Colt was panicking, trying to figure out what he could do to help the young man. "You don't worry about that right now. Just hang on, Andrew. The ambulances will be here in a few minutes and those guys are the best. I've seen them work many times before."

The young man took one more sharp breath in, and then let it out slowly. This time it was a high pitched wheeze as it left his lungs. Andrew's body went limp in Colt's arms, and he knew the young man was gone. Suddenly, Colt felt very different. This was the first he had held someone while they passed; Colt thought, "What a stupid word, 'passed." He's fucking dead. The end of life. The heart has stopped beating, the lungs breathing and the body functioning. He's fucking dead, not passed. Why do people use that term passed? To make dead more pleasant?" His thought was interrupted by two men standing next to the wreck and staring at him.

The taller one said gently, "Colt, you can let Andrew go. His physical shell has ceased functioning, or as you are thinking, dead."

Colt was taken aback by what the tall blonde man had just said. Colt stood up slowly, and the two men helped him down and onto the ground from the wreck. As soon as he got to the ground he looked at the men and asked, "Who are you?" and then he looked around and couldn't see another vehicle. "Where did you come from?"

Off in the distance, the wail of sirens was heard. That sound was reassuring to him.

"We're just friends you haven't met yet."

The smaller man moved to the wreck, "Would you speak with Colt while I get Andrew?"

"Sure thing. Colt, we are here for two reasons tonight; first to help Andrew move on from the wreck, and the second to help you."

"What do you mean move on?" Colt demanded. "There needs to be an investigation, you can't touch anything..."

"We are not touching anything physical, Colt."

"How do you know my name?"

"To understand quickly, watch what is going to happen with Andrew."

Colt turned to watch the smaller blonde man begin to glow a luminescent white colour as he bent over to grasp the hand of the dead young man. As if he was helping someone to his feet after a minor fall, he pulled on the hand while standing up. A luminescent form emerged out of the young man's body, stepped out of the wreck and now stood next to the man who helped him.

"What the hell..." stammered Colt.

"Where am I?" asked Andrew shyly.

"You are still on earth Andrew, but now you are a form of energy or as some say, a spirit as opposed to having a physical body."

"I'm dead?"

"Your physical body has ended and unfortunately, your path in life on this world or level of existence has ended. There is so much for you to learn now as your journey continues. We are here to greet you, and to bring you to the door to begin the next journey."

"So this is heaven?"

The taller man smiled, "No. To be honest, heaven is a term but you can use it if you wish. There are many words for the concept which the physical world has speculated on for existence."

The shorter man reached over and slapped the back of the head belonging to the taller man. "Try that again hosepuller, and in English for the kid this time."

Darren laughed, "Andrew, this is just simply known as travelling to the next world. The next world or what you think of as heaven is even better than anyone could imagine it. We are here to guide you into the next world successfully. Once we are there, you will begin learning everything you need to know. In fact, there are others already waiting for you on the other side of the door."


"Grandfather Mike, Gramma Erma, and a woman named Jolene."

"My mom?" the young man demanded.

"She's there and waiting to greet you. She is no longer alcohol dependent, and living the way she was meant to be; just waiting for you to join her."

"Will it hurt?"

"No, not at all." Josh extended his hand and the young man took it hesitantly.

"Come with me," as Josh led him to a rise in the landscape. He released the young man's hand, and brought his hands together in what an observer would think was praying. As he moved his hands apart, Josh's eyes began to glow. A bright area began to materialize in front of the two men, and it continued to grow until it was big enough for Andrew to walk through.

Josh spoke, "Go into the light Andrew, and be with those who love you unconditionally."

Andrew started to walk to the light, but before he entered it he stopped and turned to Josh. "Are you two angels?"

"No, we are just messengers. Darren and I help the spirits of the people who were lost on earth to find the right door to the next world. We were sent to help you Andrew because you temporarily lost your direction in a few different ways. You are now back on the right path, and that's what we do."

The young man looked at Josh, "Thank you."

"Peace be with you cousin. Now, get your ass through the door, this takes a lot of energy," Josh said with a smile.

Andrew smiled back at him, and stepped through. He disappeared into the light. Josh's eyes returned to normal, and the door closed.

Darren put his hand on Colt's shoulder.

"You have been fighting everything around you Colt, and it's time to stop. You have been straying off your path in life many times throughout your life, and managed to survive. There is a destiny you have been avoiding, denying, and even hating at times. It is time for you to stand and look into the mirror and be proud of who you are, and your heritage."

Josh stepped forward and in front of Colt. "I was like you. But, I faced reality with the help of a special messenger and he successfully moved me back onto the path I was meant to walk in life."

Colt stared at the man with daggers in his eyes for what he had said. "Who the hell are you?"

"You have so much anger Colt, and it's destroying both your physical body and your spirit," said Darren.

Colt was vibrating with anger, "Who the hell are you?"

"We are messengers sent to help people live their lives to the fullest and the best they can," explained Josh. "People like you have been diverted by people making bad or deliberately bad decisions, and then that was compounded by your own bad choices."

"My life is fine," replied Colt tersely.

Darren became impatient for a moment as he blurted out, "If your fucking life is fine, why do you want to die most nights? You stand in front of your bathroom mirror and keep repeating, 'I don't want to live.'"

Colt froze and stared in shock at the big man. "How do you..."

Josh took over, "We know. We're here to help you heal, and achieve what you're capable of in life. If you choose it."

"Whatever, you sound like my wacko grandfather before he died."

"Colt, you are an important person; you are one of the descendants of the original tribes. Your family is the descendants of the northern boreal tribe."

"NO!" the young constable yelled. "I am not. I'm a nobody, just a person."

Josh moved towards Colt and stared into his eyes. "You already know, don't you? Some of your gifts have come to the surface, haven't they?"

Colt stared at Josh, "I am not insane."

"Are you hearing the voices of the old ones?" asked Darren.

Colt grabbed his head, "I don't understand them." He started to cry.

Darren reached over and took Colt into his arms. "Colt... the voices are real, and you will understand them with help. So let us help you."

Colt was sniffling, "How can you help?"

Darren stepped backwards and looked into Colt's eyes. He reached over and put his hand under Colt's uniform shirt and held his palm flat against the skin.

"Do you accept our help?"

"Yes, help me."

"You are going to wake up in the hospital, and there Jared will come to speak with you..."

"Jared Bear? The paramedic?"

"Yes, Jared Bear. He is a very powerful Medicine Man. He and our family will help you. I am giving you something as well." With that, Darren's eyes flashed, and it felt like hundreds of needles pierced Colts skin just above his nipple."

"Ow," he mumbled as he pulled his uniform shirt back. When he did, there was a tattoo of a bear's paw. He looked at Darren. "What..."

"You have the protection of the bear and the Bear Tribe. Jared will come to see you in the hospital."

"Why can't I drive?"

"Colt, look at the wreck." He did and realized there were two ambulances and three police cars pulling up to it. When he looked at the young man's body, he realized his body was still sitting there and holding him.

Josh led Colt by hand over to the wreck. "You're unconscious Colt, and still holding Andrew in the wreck. We brought you into the middle world to talk. They are going to treat you for hypothermia, your head injury and shock. And when you wake up, you will be in the hospital."

As soon as Josh finished speaking, his eyes flashed and Colt's spirit was reunited with his physical body. Darren and Josh couldn't be seen by the arriving rescuers so they stood for a couple of moments to watch them work.

As they stood there watching, Darren took Josh's hand into his and held it. "Do you miss it, Josh?"

"Yes... and no. I miss the work but what I really miss is being with the rest of the guys as a family."

Darren nodded his head, "That's the biggest thing I miss too. But, I'm with you and that's all I need," as he leaned over and kissed the top of Josh's head. The two of them faded back into the next world.

Colt woke up and was disoriented for a moment until he realized he was in a hospital room. He quickly looked down his body and started to move his limbs. He was checking to see he wasn't paralyzed and that he still had everything. Colt didn't have a shirt on, and there were ECG leads all over him. When he looked, there was a tattoo on the left side of his chest. It was a bear's paw.

"You've been marked for protection, Colt."

It startled Colt. He had been so busy looking at himself he hadn't even noticed Jared sitting in the corner of the room.

"Jared!" He paused as he considered everything that had happened. "Was it a dream?"

"No, I suspect you have been living a nightmare but you were not dreaming. I was sent here to help you. It did surprise me to see the clan tattoo on you, where did you get that?"

"Couple of guys named Josh and Darren gave it to me. They also told me you would be here when I woke up."

Jared wasn't surprised or startled very often, but Colt using Darren and Josh's name caught him off guard. "Well then, you come highly recommended if my brothers Josh and Darren spoke with you."

"Your brothers?"

"They are family members, brothers, who were the only casualties in the shooting at the park last fall. They are walking the next world now, and obviously doing important work if they were with you."

Colt sat and thought for a moment before speaking, "They knew I've been hearing voices in my head speaking a language I don't understand."

"There are many things we need to speak about, Colt. We can clear the path ahead of you so you may walk in the direction you were meant to."

"Darren and Josh told me you were a medicine man, is this really true?"

"Yes, I am a medicine man. I am the continuation of a long line of medicine men in my family."

"It's real? I mean my grandfather tried to talk to me about it, but I wasn't listening."

Jared moved his chair closer to the bed and reached out to take Colt's hand into his. Colt was startled when Jared's eye turned bright white. The entire room became very bright, causing Colt to close his eyes for a moment. When he opened them, he was standing on a beach in front of a fire.

Colt looked at Jared, "Where are we?"

Before Jared could answer, another voice was heard, a very familiar voice. Colt turned quickly. "Setsíe?"

The old man standing there was exactly as he remembered and in Dene, he answered, "My grandson, it is warming my heart to see you. It is also giving me much pleasure to see you are finally asking the right questions." He opened his arms and Colt ran to embrace him. The two men warmly hugged. When they separated, the old man kneeled with his head down, and his hands in front of him with the palms up. "Colton my grandson, please show respect to..."

Jared stepped forward and took the old man's hands into his, and helped him to his feet. "Please rise, Dancing Beaver. There is no ceremony between friends here."

"Colton, this man is your friend?"

Jared chuckled, "Dancing Beaver, Most Sacred Medicine Man and Shaman of the Dene Nation, Leader of the Spirit Walkers for the Northern Tribes, Father to the Lost Souls, it is I who am humbled to meet you," replied Jared as he assumed the same position Dancing Beaver had begun to move into.

Colt stood there stunned as he watched.

"Eagle-eyed bear, Most Sacred Medicine Man of the people, Sacred Messenger of the Creator, if I am not needed to show respect to your status, I ask the same of you."

Jared stood and took the old man's hands into his. "It is a pleasure to meet you Dancing Beaver, grandfather to Colton."

"You speak Dene?" Colt asked Jared. "My grandfather didn't speak anything but Dene."

"We have many things to talk about Colt, but in this world, we speak the common language between all people," replied Jared.

Colt looked at him for a moment, and then asked, "English?"

Jared smiled, "No. We are linked together here, and in this world whatever language you speak the others hear it in their language. In simple terms, it's a telepathic link."

"Colton, my grandson, you have a lot to learn."

"What may I call you, Dancing Beaver?" asked Jared.

"The Jesuits gave me a white person's name, in their attempt to educate us. I was called Abraham Joseph MacKenzie. I would be honoured if you called me Abe, Grandfather or Setsíe."

"I will call you Setsie or Abe if you call me Jared."

The old man smiled, "Deal. I have tea ready for us on the fire."

"How can we be here?" asked Colt.

"Come, Grandson, sit by the fire and we will speak while drinking tea."

"I don't understand how we can be doing this?"

Abe looked at his grandson, "That is the problem, Colt. You don't understand. You have avoided everything which dealt with your family, your history and your heritage."

Jared had finished pouring the tea into the three cups and handed one to each. They sat on large logs and took a sip of the hot beverage.

"Colt," his grandfather said. "Your life has been a challenge for both you and your family, but I see it is turning around."

Colt exhaled in an exaggerated manner, "It is getting better."

Abe smiled at his grandson. "For Jared's benefit, let us talk about when you were a young boy. Colt was always an active child, he was always playing games or sports in the village. But, he began to develop an attitude."

Jared looked at Colt and observed him staring into his cup of tea with a blank expression.

"I was an active child, but the kids all knew I was different. They started to beat me up when I turned 9, and it didn't stop for a couple of years. I suffered many broken bones, black eyes, and torn clothing. My mother and father were very supportive and tried to use the old ways to deal with the aggressors, but the sentencing circle didn't work for them. The beatings continued."

He took a long sip of his tea.

"I began to learn as I was being beaten, and as I entered puberty my muscles began to grow along with my height. I began to feel a rage deep inside of me each time I was being beaten up, until one day it blew up inside of me." Colt's hands were shaking as he took a break for a moment to get back into control.

"One day, the rage inside of me exploded as the usual people jumped me on the way to school. I saw nothing but darkness, and when I had finally calmed down, the four bullies were on the ground. They were covered in mud and blood, and unconscious. Things changed that day, they changed a lot. I was running the show that day and every day forward. I began to steal things. I stole money, liquor, and brand name clothing from anyone in town. I began to shoplift too. The power I felt within me was driving me for more."

Jared interrupted him for a moment, "Power? Could you elaborate on that please?"

"When I was fighting or stealing, I felt like I was full of energy. Something inside of me gave me extra strength to hit harder, hurt the bullies. As I watched them in pain, I felt even more strength grow inside of me. There was a strength within me, but there was something else too. I wasn't very good at stealing and kept getting caught."

Abe took over the story, "His mother and father asked for my help to bring Colt back onto his path in life. He was in trouble at school, in the community and at home. He moved out of town and into my cabin. I found my grandson was now 12 years old and mad at the world. He was especially mad at me."

Colt looked at his grandfather, his eyes leaking a continual line of tears which ran down his cheeks.

"I tried to teach him the ways of the people, how to hunt, live and survive in the wilderness. At first, he was hostile to everything. The hate which consumed his spirit was strongly embedded within my grandson. His view of the world and everyone on it was very dark."

Colt stood and moved towards his grandfather, embracing him tightly as he cried. "I am so sorry for the way I treated you..." His words were lost in his sobs. His grandfather embraced him tightly in return while rubbing his back. This continued for a few minutes until Abe guided his grandson to sit next to him on the log. He pulled Colt in snuggly next to him, his arm around him securely.

"I have missed our days sitting like this, Grandson."

"I'm so sorry I ever fought you, Setsíe. I never got to say that before you died and I have carried that regret inside of me."

"I forgive you," his grandfather said quietly. "You need to understand something Colton, we never stopped loving you all through your troubles."

"What do you mean?"

"When you were being beaten up, we as your family loved you as we tended to your wounds. When you were stealing from us, we as your family loved you and prayed for you to be healed. When you came to the realization you were different and gay, we continued to love you because you were still our grandson."

Colt began to cry again, "I didn't know, Setsíe. When you were gone, I was alone. I never got to beg for your forgiveness."

Abe looked at his grandson, "My love for you the day you were born never diminished, and it was something you never needed to beg for. It was freely given. I heard you all those days you brought flowers and gifts of food to my grave."

"I lost all the time I could have been learning from you, to be with you."

"We have all of eternity to be together and for you to learn. It is never too late to start changing your life or continue education. Great Chief Seattle said it best: 'When you know who you are; when your mission is clear and you burn with the inner fire of unbreakable will; no cold can touch your heart; no deluge can dampen your purpose. You know that you are alive.' Colton, my grandson, today you finally became alive."

Colt looked at his grandfather and began to cry once again. The old man hugged his grandson tightly, rocking back and forth slightly in a reassuring movement which had previously calmed Colt throughout his life. Once again, it help Colt regain control.

Colt turned his attention to Jared. "What do I do next?"

"We need to bring you out to the cabin for a sweat ceremony, and begin to learn the way of our family."

Colt held his grandfather's hand tightly as he turned to look at him. "I want to spend time with you."

Using his other hand, he patted the top of Colt's hand. "We will begin to talk lots and often. Jared will teach you how to travel to this world, and I will come to visit you as well."

"Thank you, Grandfather."

Jared stood up, "It is time to return to the hospital room."

Setsei and Colt both stood up and embraced. "Peace be with you, my grandson."

Colt looked at the old man through a set of different eyes and mindset, "Peace be with you, Dancing Beaver, my grandfather."

The old man smiled at his grandson, and everything around him dissolved. Both he and Jared were back in the hospital.

"I suspect they will release you in the morning after keeping you under observation for the night. They are concerned about the concussion."

"I have a hell of a headache."

Jared reached out and grasped Colt's right arm. "Use your other hand to grasp my wrist."


"Use your other hand to grab my wrist please." This time Colt did it. "Now, watch this." Jared looked into Colt's body and travelled up his arm. He travelled through the arteries, muscle tissue and bone. The journey continued through the shoulder and up the neck. Here Jared slowed down to look at all the vertebrae and connective tissue in the neck. Everything looked good, and he continued into Colt's skull. Jared was drawn to the facial bones, where he saw the left cheekbone was cracked. He concentrated on the crack, and the two sides of the fracture reached to each other. They interwound and mended the injury. Soon enough, the injury disappeared entirely.

Jared continued up and into the skull. He couldn't find any substantial damage to the impact area. The outside of the skull had some soft tissue damage, bruising as its commonly called. He left it as it was. In a head injury caused by this type of injury, it is not just the impact side of the head which is of concern. The impact side causes the head to snap, subsequently, the brain inside may shift towards the impact and then backwards. It is commonly called coup/contrecoup action. Jared then moved through the brain to check the other side as something caught his eye. In the centre of the brain, there is a circular artery, and on that artery was the beginning of a bulge. Jared concentrated on the bulge and blended it back into the artery. It only took a couple more moments to finish looking around before Jared withdrew. When he opened his eyes, Colt was staring at him in shock.

"This is some of what we do."

"Are you God?"

"No Colt, just a messenger. You were healed because you are needed on this planet."

"What was that bulge in my head?"

"That was something which in the future may have caused you some trouble. It was the beginning of an aneurysm developing. It bulges, and then pops like a balloon one day."

"You healed it, and my cracked bone. Is this what my grandfather was trying to teach me?"

"Yes Colt, it was."

"When do I start?"

"This weekend."

End of Chapter Forty-Nine

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Help lines:


·Canada Suicide Prevention Service (CSPS), French or English: toll-free 1-833-456-4566 Available 24/7

·Crisis Text Line (Powered by Kids Help Phone) Canada Wide free, 24/7 texting service is accessible immediately to youth anywhere in Canada by texting TALK to 686868 to reach an English speaking Crisis Responder and TEXTO to 686868 to reach a French-speaking Crisis Responder on any text/SMS enabled cell phone.

·Kids Help Phone Ages 20 Years and Under in Canada 1-800-668-6868

·First Nations and Inuit Hope for Wellness 24/7 Help Line 1-855-242-3310

·Canadian Indian Residential Schools Crisis Line 1-866-925-4419

· Trans LifeLine – All Ages 1-877-330-6366


United States:

·LGBT National Hotline 1-888-843-4564

·National Hope Helpline at 1-800-784-2433

·National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255

·The TREVOR Project for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth 1-866-488-7386

US Veterans – First, after dialing the National Suicide Prevention Line at 1-800-273-8255 then pressing "1" will get one directly to people trained to help Veterans.  Veterans (or those helping them) can also send a text message to 838255.

Here's a link to the Veterans' Suicide Prevention page – it also has a link for chatting on line.


Next: Chapter 101: Jared the Paramedic III 50

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