Jared the Paramedic

By Snowblind94

Published on Sep 18, 2015


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Disclaimer: The following contains explicit scenes of male sex and a variety of consensual activities. This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit permission from the author.

All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed. The characters are entirely fictitious and are not based on anyone who has or is still living.

The author is not a professional fiction writer and is just enjoying a new hobby. If there are some grammatical errors, I apologise. I have a new editor and Scott T is doing his best to correct the grammar of this unschooled and uneducated northern Canadian bush hick. He has made many valuable comments and suggestions, and he has been trying to do what my 6th grade teacher could not do - teach me punctuation. Thank you Scott for the fantastic job you are doing. I am indebted to you my new friend and am enjoying our chats back and forth.

Comments may be addressed to snowblind94@yahoo.ca

Chapter 10

They took a taxi into work as they had left their vehicle at the base knowing they would be having a few drinks with supper. For the years they had both worked in Emergency Services, they had seen the dead or injured resulting from mixing having a good night and driving under the influence. Jared had vowed never to do it like his dad had done many times.

After Jared and Liam had changed into their uniforms and grabbed their radios, they went into the shift change room. The night crew and oncoming day crew were all there with Rob and Melanie at the front of the room. Jared and Liam quietly stayed in the back of the room.

Melanie noticed them, but didn't acknowledge the two men joining the meeting. Rob was just finishing his speech and asked if anyone had questions. No one had any.

When there were no questions, Melanie spoke, "The CEO/President of the company has become very concerned about this location. Between the sudden illnesses, the thefts and damages, he is concerned things like this could jeopardize our patient's safety as yours as a staff member. To make it crystal clear, he wanted me to make sure you understand he will not tolerate it. You are treated very well here with top wages and working conditions. In return, you are expected to perform your duties to the best of your abilities. If any of you don't like this, come see me after this meeting and I will personally hold the door for you to leave so it doesn't hit you in the ass. Questions?"

"That's intimidation and bullying," said one of the paramedics. Melanie looked at the group. "Whoever said the comment, please be an adult and stand. I will give you an honest answer."

No one moved. "Someone made a valid comment, please stand so I can answer it. I do not address anonymous comments, but I answer an employee's valid question with the best answer I can give," said Melanie.

Slowly, Geoff got up and stood. "I made the comment," he said.

Melanie walked over so she was near to him. "Thank you for standing, I believe it is Geoff, isn't it?"

Geoff looked shocked and nodded his head.

"I went through everyone's personnel files yesterday to familiarize myself with you guys. Geoff, you have been here 2 years, right out of college which was right out of high school. You had a couple of part time jobs during school." She looked at the group and continued, "Geoff, it is a pleasure to meet you. You've been a good employee here and you had good marks in college as well. You've attended all training sessions here at the base and asked for more to improve yourself. You can sit down Geoff while I finish my speech," she said with a smile. He sat down with a very big smile on his face.

"Geoff asked the question some of you had on your mind. That shows leadership. He stood when I asked him and that shows maturity. Is what we are doing intimidation and bullying? I will tell you no. We are providing an essential service which puts your lives at risk as well as responding to life or death situations of our clients. We will not compromise that service and risk any person's health, safety or life. The employer has the right to manage its business, and that's what we're doing. Most of you in this room are already doing your best for us, others could do better, and there may even be a person or two is performing under the acceptable level. We will take time to help every person here to be the best they can do at this job, if you want it.

"Let me ask you this people. Do you guys like covering for people who call in sick when you know they aren't? Gives you extra work and pisses you off, am I right?" She waited for the crowd to react. There were a few murmurs as a few people nodded their heads and whispered to the person next to them.

Melanie moved to one side of the table where she had seen some heads nodding. "Do you guys like it when someone doesn't show up for work and gives a chicken shit excuse because he partied too much or wants a day at the beach instead of using his vacation time?" The group was shaking heads at this and Melanie even heard "no way" being murmured by a couple of them.

She moved to the other side of the group and looked directly at them. "How many of you guys work your ass off and know of someone coasting on the job and managing to avoid the work?" She had them eating out her hands now as the group was getting louder with their agreement.

"Do you like it when you pick your unit up at the beginning of the shift and it wasn't cleaned, restocked or filled up with gas without a good reason?"

Melanie had the crowd really eating out her hands now. They were even answering her out loud so they could be heard when she asked questions.

Melanie then stood at the front of the room and crossed her arms. "We have good people here working at this base. I am proud to have most of you as employees. This is a young person's job and most of you were like Geoff who never had a full time job or previous experience when we hired him. We took a chance and gave Geoff and many of you the same chance. We believe in you and we are giving you the training and experience you wanted in return for you to provide us with your work. It is not bullying to expect 12 hours of work for 12 hours of pay. It is not bullying to expect you to be honest with us and not to abuse sick time. When you call in sick, the rest of your shift has to make up for the shortage and we could kill someone because we weren't able to respond! This ambulance service is part of group of companies owned by multi-million dollar company run by a very smart man. He is committed to this service and will do anything to keep the good employees, but has also said to clean out the ones who do not measure up. The owner has a tremendous tolerance for mistakes, goofs, bad choices or bad decisions and even a few fuck ups. But he will never tolerate lying, cheating or doing anything which jeopardizes your or any patients' safety. You know what is expected of you and today it is a clean slate. Go forward from today and do your best job. Questions anyone?"

Geoff stood and started to applaud along with many of the others. The ones who remained seated were already on Melanie's cross hairs from what she read about them in the files.

"Get the fuck out and go to work, or go home and get to bed. Dismissed troops!" she yelled. A couple even answered, "Aye aye sir." Melanie smiled at them. Both of their dad's had been in the Marines and they had recognized the well-practiced technique Melanie had been using for leading the meeting.

Melanie and Rob mixed with the staff who remained while Jared and Liam stepped outside to listen to the comments being made by the staff after the speeches. Everything being said was positive and even a few 'About time they got Tim' comments were heard. The two of them had just finished their inventory when Rob came to the back of the ambulance and asked them to come to his office.

They walked in to find Melanie already there. Rob closed the door and said to Jared, "Can we clone her?"

Liam and Jared said together, "God, I hope not, one is fucking hard enough to handle." They both got cuffed in the back of the head by Melanie as she snuck in behind them.

Rob then looked at the two and said, "We have enough people today to keep you guys together. We pulled some full timers in with over time and back filled them with the part timers. You guys are floaters today as usual."

"Rob, we are going up to the hospital today and....." Jared explained what had happened with Conner and then Conner's family. The notification of the family's deaths would be done this morning with Jared and Liam's help. They thought the two of them could be tied up for a while.

Rob thought for a moment and then looked at Melanie. "You finished your time in the Medical Corps, didn't you?"

"Yes I did, and I'm still a registered paramedic for the volunteer service on the reserve," replied Melanie.

Jared coughed and gagged.

Melanie looked at him and smiled. "I stand corrected Rob. It is a well-paid volunteer ambulance service and although it is a community ambulance, Bear Investment Group provides funding and equipment to make it one of the best equipped services in the country." She looked at Jared and said, "Good enough?"

He smiled back at her. "You look so cute when you're humble, Cuz."

She stuck her tongue out at him.

Rob broke in before the two cousins could continue their banter. "Let's get you out in the trenches for the morning, Mel. You and I will run floater to cover these two off while they work with kid who has lost so much," said Rob.

"I like the idea," said Melanie. "What have you got for me to wear? Maybe we can even have coffee with a couple of the crews and talk with them to find out what is really going on. Plus it gets your fat ass out of the office and moving around."

Rob laughed, "At least my ass has some padding. Your hard ass clunks when you sit on a chair."

Melanie stood and looked at him and started laughing almost uncontrollably. "You're the first non-family member to stand up to me in years. Shit, it is too bad you're married, even with that small ass of yours."

They both laughed.

Jared leaned over to Liam and whispered, "A paper bag would help." Liam started giggling. Neither of them saw the hand which delivered the slaps to the back of their heads.

Rob was laughing. "You two, take the Supervisor SUV to go to the hospital before Melanie quits toying with you and actually hurts you. Keep your radios on you in case all hell breaks loose though. Finally, may God be with you this morning, and if there is anything we can do to help you, let me know," said Rob.

Melanie then spoke up, "I forgot, John said he would arrive after lunch. He can spend the afternoon with Rob and myself, and then talk to you at your apartment over supper. He needs to leave in the morning by 1000 hrs. I will get him to the crossover shift tomorrow and he can make whatever announcements he wants, such as your new job. I hope there is information from our investigators today which seals the fate of the four troublemakers."

Jared spoke, "Would you also remind John I wanted information on the "church of the poison mind" where Conner had belonged." Melanie acknowledged by nodding her head to him.

They got to the hospital with no problems and went up to the room. They had called Tyler and he was on his way. The got upstairs to Conner's new room and were talking with the policeman on duty outside his door when Tyler arrived.

"Hey guys," Tyler said as he came up.

"Anything new Tyler?" asked Liam.

"Not yet. We have 100% confirmation of the brother and mom, but dad is still missing. There is a warrant out for him and hopefully soon we will locate him. The hard job is inside this room. You ready brothers?" asked Tyler.

"Who's lead," asked Jared.

"I think you will be on this one, Jared. You developed a bit of a relationship with him yesterday," replied Tyler.

"Ok, let's go."

They entered the room and found Conner lying on the bed, half asleep. He woke up more when he saw his three new friends come through the door. He brightened up and said, "Hey guys. I'm happy to see you."

Jared smiled and reached over to give him a hug. He sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at Conner. He thought to himself how anyone could hate this young man.

"Conner, your dad is on the run from police, and he probably has a gun," said Jared.

"Is that why the police officers have been outside my door since just before I went in for the surgery?" Conner asked.

"Yes it is, Conner. Your father has been on the run since Tyler and Josh went to the house to interview him about your assault," stated Jared.

"He snapped, didn't he? He finally snapped." Conner hesitated for a minute, and then looked at Jared. "Where are my mom and brother?"

Jared looked at him and said, "Your father shot them both to death before he went on the run. We have no clue why at this time."

Conner sat and looked at Jared, Tyler and Liam individually, as if he was searching their faces for a punch line to a joke.

Jared spoke quietly to Conner, "We made a commitment to you yesterday to be your friends, and we stand by that 100% Conner. There is no mistake, although I wish there was, your brother and mother are dead by the hand of your father."

Conner's face was losing colour when he asked Liam, "This is the truth, Liam?"

Liam nodded his head and said, "Yes it is, Conner."

His eyes were beginning to water as Conner looked at Tyler and asked, "Is this the truth, Tyler?" Tyler nodded his head and added, "I found them in the house."

Conner sat still as tears slowly began to leak out of his eyes. "Jared, will anyone hate me if I cry? I was beaten when I cried at home but I feel like I want too."

Jared reached forward and hugged him. Conner let loose with his tears and was soon sobbing. He put his cheek on Jared's chest as he was held tightly. Conner began to cry out loud finally. He started to reach his arms to hug Jared, but pulled back twice.

Jared whispered to him, "You can hug me Conner, I don't mind." Conner immediately grabbed him as hard as could with one good arm and the other in a cast. His body was shaking as he cried. Liam came up one side and Tyler the other. They sat on the bed, reached out and placed one hand on his shoulder and the other one rubbing his back in circles.

In a few moments, Conner slowed down his sobbing. Jared sensed he was sobbing for more than the deaths of his mother and brother. Conner spoke but was barely understandable, "I have no one."

Jared quietly said to him, "We made a promise to you that we would stand by you. You're a friend of ours now and friends look out for each other. When you get out of the hospital, you're moving in with Liam and me. We have a spare bedroom we'll get ready for you."

Conner lifted his head and looked at the three men. "You would do that for me? I'm a loser and I was even afraid to cry or hug you, Jared. It wasn't allowed in our house. I don't remember the last time I was hugged by anyone."

Liam spoke, "Conner, you are being adopted into a family of 6 guys who like you have no families either. We love each other like brothers, even stronger though. We are not afraid to show brotherly love amongst us freely. You saw us joking around yesterday. That's the way we are, and you are going to be one of us, too."

"I have no money, no clothes, no furniture, no job. I just graduated from school. I have nothing to offer you guys," said Conner.

"Conner, you are a good person who needs help and that's something we do. That is how I met Josh, Tyler and even Liam. It is our way and money is not important to us. The heart of a good person is more important than money and you have a good heart and spirit. Conner, you have survived years of abuse as a victim and a witness. We can help that too, buddy," explained Jared.

Conner looked at him again, "This is going to sound weird, but no one has ever called me buddy before, Jared. I wasn't allowed to have friends."

Tyler spoke up, "You have 6 of them now, Conner." He started sobbing again. In a few minutes, he quietened down and Tyler handed him some Kleenex to blow his nose.

Conner let go of him and Jared let him sit up to grab the Kleenex. He blew his nose, and a fart slipped out at the same time.

"Hey, I said nose. I am not getting paper for that end," exclaimed Tyler.

Conner smiled at Tyler. He started to wave his hand in front of his face and said, "Oh god, I am sorry guys." Tyler, Jared and Liam immediately began an exaggerated gaging and choking.

Conner started to laugh at them. "Jared, Tyler, Liam, I want to say thank you for your concern and for helping me. I have never had anyone be this kind to me before."

Liam spoke up, "Is there anyone we should call about your brother and mother, like your Grandparents or any other family?"

"No. We haven't had contact with other family members since I can remember. Father wouldn't allow it as they were heathens in his mind. I have no clue where to even start or if they are alive."

Tyler spoke up, "You're going to have a difficult few days, Conner, and we'll help you. What do you want to do for a funeral for them? I take it you want nothing to do with that church do you?"

"No fucking way," Conner blurted, and then ducked like he was ready to be hit.

"Conner, we all go to a church which would be happy to help look after it," said Liam.

"I don't know what has to be done, I know nothing," said Conner. He then looked at the three of them added, "I'm such a loser, I don't even know what to do for my dead family," and promptly broke down again.

Jared tucked Conner's head against his chest and then rested his chin on the top of the young man's head.

Jared looked up at the ceiling, and then his eyes glowed. "Tyler, Liam, both of you grab my shoulders." After their hands were gripping his shoulders, Jared placed a hand on Conner's head. He walked into Conner's memories and emotions. The thoughts, emotions and memories Jared uncovered were shared with Liam and Tyler.

Jared then commanded Conner to sleep, a deep sleep. He broke the contact and laid Conner's sleeping body down on the bed. The guys all helped to position him and tuck him comfortably.

Jared then spoke, "We can talk freely. He won't hear us as I basically shut him down totally for a few hours. He needed it."

Tyler spoke first, "Those memories are horrifying... more than that even... I can't even describe what I saw. I cannot believe he and his brother were treated like that. Their mother was no angel but she was a victim, too."

Liam had tears in his eyes, "This young man has had more pain and suffering in his short life than most people do in a dozen lifetimes."

Tyler spoke up, "I saw some things in those memories I have to follow up with at the house. I saw weapons in a pit under the house. What did you guys see in the church basement. I couldn't make it out."

Liam spoke up, "I wasn't sure either. Was it something like a lab?"

Jared then added, "I saw what you guys saw. I can try again but it was something he was exposed to just briefly. I sensed it was a lab, maybe drugs. He didn't even realize he saw it as he glanced at something else. The mind filtered it out, but stored the data. I don't think there is anything else. Did you note the beating he got when they got home afterwards?"

Tyler was thinking and said, "If I chat with the sergeant, and tell him Conner had been talking in his sleep and I heard this, we might be able to go through the house with a fine tooth comb instead of just dealing with the victims."

"Worth a shot," said Jared.

Liam looked like he was in deep thought. "What's up, Liam?" asked Jared.

Liam looked at him and said, "Why don't you just heal him, Jared. I mean, take away all the pain he has gone through. Put a suggestion in his head about his life. I don't know, I am just thinking out loud."

"That's not the way it works at this point. He has to experience the closure of burying his family, and with help, he will deal with his past. I must not intervene at this stage, Liam. It is hard for me, but I did this to show you guys how much more he needs us. His spirit is very strong, but stifled by his father. If we can help him there, healing will take place. We will let the counselors and our love work with him for a while."

"I understand, sort of, Jared. I want to help him so bad," answered Liam.

"We all will, Liam," said Jared.

They left the hospital room and spoke with the doctor. They filled him in on Conner's reaction to the news and how he was sleeping very soundly right now. The doctor was relieved he was asleep, giving him a chance to organize things in his mind while in a level 5 REM sleep.

Jared and Liam went to the LGBT centre and spoke with Zane. They explained about the murders and the father on the run. Zane was very happy to help contact a funeral home and the church to arrange a service. He was going to put out the word it was one of Jared's friends and he was sure people would show up to support Conner.

"All bills come to me for this, Zane," said Jared. He handed him a business card and wrote on the back 'all invoices attention John or Marlene.'

They headed back to the base with the SUV. Marlene, John and Rob were all in the office when they got there. Jared and Liam joined them. They told them about Conner, and the LGBT Centre making the arrangements for the funeral and the invoices coming to either one of them.

Melanie and John brought them up to speed on the items Jared wanted completed. John had completed letters to each of the employees on sick leave and he would serve them when they came into work in the morning for a meeting. After the investigators had dropped off the letters to them, they talked about everything including their thefts of the drugs and damage to the equipment. Sgt. Ayres was happy to help when Rob called him. Some of the drugs were found in their lockers as well as some tools which the police took to match to the cut wires and damaged equipment Rob had kept.

Melanie and Rob had coffee with 3 different crews and good discussions about the problems. Melanie took notes and would write up minutes for John, Rob and Jared. Nothing major had come up but Mel had some ideas on how to make things better.

After about 20 minutes of discussion, Melanie finally said, "Seeing as the boss is so dumb and didn't do it, John, I would like you meet the toilet bitch/French maid Liam. Liam, this is John."

Jared blushed and reached over and took Liam's hand. "Liam, with all my heart, I apologise for my behavior. I beg you to forgive me my soulmate."

"Jared, with all my heart, there is nothing to forgive as I never thought of it either. We have dealt with so much in the last couple of days, my head is spinning. I could have spoken up as well. We both have been dealing with Conner and that entire situation as well as trying to help Rob. If you need my forgiveness, you have it unconditionally. I love you with my heart and spirit."

The two turned and looked at the other three in the room. John had a big smile of approval on his face as did Rob. Melanie was sticking her finger into her mouth causing her to gag and dry heave.

Liam looked at her and smiled, "Jared, she really works hard to be such a bitch, doesn't she?" That brought a round of laughter from everyone.

Rob put an end to the meeting. "Ok guys. Jared, Liam - get your asses out of my office and into your unit. We aren't paying you to hang around and kiss ass."

Jared smiled and said to John, "The Dragon Lady has been teaching Rob communications skills. Jesus, he is beginning to sound like her, too."

"I would leave now before they both attack you. She has been teaching him how to effectively hurt people," replied John.

"Ok, we are going. its lunch time for us," said Liam.

The rest of the afternoon went quickly for Jared and Liam. About 4:30 pm, they picked up a couple of pizza's and headed to the hospital. They entered the room where Conner was talking with a lady.

"Brought a couple of pizzas for you, but there are a few slices missing already. The cop out front was hungry," said Liam.

They introduced themselves to the woman who was the hospital Social Worker, Amanda. She was a pleasant woman, shorter, plump and she would win the grand prize for who best looked like a Grandmother. Her eyes were alive with life and Jared sensed a good spirit in her. She radiated warmth, honesty and truth as well as the love for job of helping people.

Amanda looked at the two paramedics who had entered and was obviously sizing them up. She had spoken with Conner who had her about meeting these two. She was looking at their eyes, the windows of the soul and trying to get a read on them. She was reading their body language, watching them how they conducted themselves, trying to assess their motivation. Amanda opened her senses and tried to pick up anything she could.

Jared stepped forward. "Liam, let's feed the hungry little guy. He is wasting away on hospital food," he said.

"Thanks for the pizza guys, I'm starving," said Conner as he flipped the pizza box open and grabbed a piece.

Jared and Amanda were still locking eyes and trying to assess each other when he spoke, "Amanda, I appreciate your spending time with Conner. He's going to need a lot of help to get back onto his path in life he was intended to walk."

"I agree. Are you familiar with the various paths open to him," she asked.

"Yes I am," Jared replied. "He has the correct path to follow now that he has left the one he had been pushed onto. There's a family quiet room down the hall, may we speak in private?"

"I think that would be a good idea, Jared," she replied. She got up and ambled slowly but steadily to the door which Jared held open for her. He closed the door after they both had gone into the hallway.

Conner looked at Liam and with a mouthful of pizza asked, "What was that all about, Liam?"

"I'm not sure, Conner. I am really not sure," he replied.

Amanda and Jared made it to quiet room and closed the door after them. She sat down on the couch and Jared stood by the door. "You're a sensitive," Jared stated.

"I am. I can't figure out what you are though, Jared. Your aura is the purest white I've ever seen and I cannot sense through it," she said. "Liam's is white as well, but not as strong. I could sense a few things but not a lot. Your auras are together, I can see them blending together when you stand next to each other. The last time I came across something like that was with a Shaman."

Jared smiled and said, "Do I look like a shaman? I'm just a paramedic and so is Liam."

Amanda looked at him and closed her eyes to slits. "Your aura just changed its intensity and became more active. That's a half-truth, Jared."

Jared said, "You're right. I am Maskwa, Sacred Medicine Man of the People. Grandson of Running Elk, the Most Sacred Medicine Man of the People."

Amanda stared at him for a minute and then said, "Your aura was unchanged. You spoke what you believed to be the truth."

"I told the truth. It's not my problem if you do not believe me," he replied.

"You could be a spirit who is trying to claim the soul of Conner," she said.

"I need not prove anything to you, Amanda. Why are you really here?" Jared asked.

"It's my job. I'm the hospital social worker and have people referred to me all the time. Conner was one of them. When he told me about you and your three friends taking him under your wing I wanted to know your real motivation," she said.

"I can appreciate what you're saying. I also understand how a sensitive could use their gift from the Creator in a job like yours," said Jared. "You would be very effective in dealing with people's emotions and drawing their buried feelings out."

"Yes, I'm quite good actually, Jared. You are the first to actually block me totally, and Liam is the second," she said.

"You were limping when we came into the room. You have knee problems, Amanda?" asked Jared.

"Yes, the right knee needs to have surgery and replaced because of it being worn out" she replied.

Jared looked up at the ceiling and held his hands out and upward. He lowered his head and his eyes were glowing. "Amanda, the Creator would like you to have a gift for all the work you have done as a social worker. He has seen you help many people back onto their paths to finish the life they were intended to have."

Jared stepped forward to Amanda and kneeled before her. Amanda remained still but locked her wide eyes onto Jared. He reached a hand out gently and touched Amanda's damaged knee. The knee began to glow under his hand.

Amanda was transfixed on what Jared was doing. She felt her knee warming but it wasn't from his touch. The warmth was inside her knee and expanding outwards towards the skin. Suddenly, she felt the warmth spreading to the bones throughout her body. Amanda thought to herself that it was just the bones warming and not the skin. Pain she had been dealing with for years was disappearing in her knee as well as her shoulders and fingers. The warmth stopped as suddenly as it started. She looked and Jared's eyes were back to normal.

Jared stood up and took a step backwards away from her. He held his hand out to her and asked her to take it. When she did, in her mind she saw the sweat lodge ceremony, visions he had seen, the family sharing their love through thought as well as the test with the young men he had completed. Jared released his grip and looked at her.

She stood and marvelled at her lack of pain and new found mobility. Amanda stepped into Jared and gave him a big warm hug of the type only a grandmother could give.

"I understand now, Jared. You are a Sacred Medicine Man of the People and I am humbled by your presence," she said.

"Amanda, I may be a medicine man, but it is the Creator who has given me these gifts to do his work. I am just a man, no different than any other man. He gave you a gift as well and you have used it well," said Jared.

Amanda released him and stepped back. "How can I repay you?"

"You owe me nothing. It was the work of the Creator, not mine. I saw in your mind you smudge on a regular basis. Just thank him for his present of health you received. He gave you this present in return for your outstanding work and asks you to keeping doing your best" said Jared.

Jared thought for a moment and then said "I ask a personal favour of you. You now know of my role in life as a healer. Please keep it to yourself and do not share it, especially with the group of people you associate with in the spiritual sessions. If you are dealing with someone and you suddenly have that deep feeling to call me, do so. I will help if I am able. Liam is my brother and keeper of the ancient wisdom. He needs your discretion as well."

Amanda smiled and said, "I would never piss of a Sacred Medicine Man of the People. That's bad karma."

Jared smiled at her. "The Creator healed your knee. There was also a lot of damage done to many other bones not only from arthritis but from the prednisone you had been prescribed to treat your condition and he healed that as well. He wants you around for a long time and doing what you love, helping people. If anyone asks how this healing happened, give them a good line of bullshit."

Amanda burst out laughing at Jared's last statement and hugged him again. "May I ask why you do not heal Conner?"

"He has much to learn yet and even the pain one has in life is a lesson. He must learn to deal with it and come to terms with his past life at the hands of his father. Have no worries, we will be with him to help when he needs it, Amanda. I am also in the position to let you see what I saw when I walked into his memories."

Jared reached out and touched her hand gently and Amanda's mind was immediately flooded with the memories they had seen earlier.

"Oh my God," she said. Jared removed his hand.

"Jared, this is the first time as a social worker and a sensitive that I actually know what I am dealing with instead of looking for patterns, behaviors, self-disclosed memories. I wish I could do what you do."

"No, you don't, Amanda. I see horrific, troubling and scary things in some people's minds. I've learned to turn it on and off but it takes a lot of self-control and meditation to control the emotions from what I see. I see you as a good soul for what you are doing, and not a granite inner soul I have for fighting the evil one."

"I sense nothing but good in you Jared. I don't sense your soul being like granite."

"You haven't seen me when I confront evil directly as a Shaman," Jared said coldly. It sent shivers down Amanda's spine. She watched Jared's aura change from pure white to a thick layer of black, red, yellow and white colored zones in the aura. Suddenly, the aura combined and become pure white again.

"I think I understand, Jared."

"Back to Conner, he also needs people like you to help him. Can you do that, Amanda? I mean even after he leaves the hospital?"

"I can do some follow up visits but the hospital doesn't like me working with people who have been discharged," she replied.

"Can we pay you to find time and treat Conner?" he asked.

"No, I wouldn't accept a penny from you. It'd be nice to treat him in my office here, though," she replied.

"Ok, it'll happen then, Amanda," said Jared. "Let's go back to the room and see how much pizza has been eaten."

The two left the room, and Amanda was walking quickly back to Conner's room with a big smile on her face. As Jared went by the nursing station, he asked the nurse to contact the Head of Administration and ask her to come up if she had time.

Jared and Amanda entered the room to find Liam and Conner engaged in a belching contest. Conner was just letting an ear splitting, long belch out as they stepped into the room. Jared looked at the bed and saw the two boxes were now empty. Liam and Conner were pointing and blaming each other for eating all the pizza and starting the belching contest. Jared just smiled and out of the corner of his eye, he saw Amanda smiling as well.

Susan, the Administration Head opened the door and came into the room. Jared explained he was asking her for Amanda to continue working with Conner even after he left the hospital because of the bonding they had built between them. Jared explained his idea of Conner coming to the hospital for visits in her office a couple of times a week for a while. Susan assured Jared it would be no problem, they would just keep him on as an Out-Patient so no one could ask questions. Jared hugged her and Susan took off.

Amanda smiled, "I like watching you work, Jared; you were so smooth with her."

"I've known her a long time, and I'm a member of the Hospital Benevolent Committee as well," Jared replied.

Amanda chuckled, "I wondered what you had over her. Look, I will leave you two with Conner. I have to get going and I feel like going for a walk, something I used to enjoy at one time. I look forward to our future dealings, Jared. You too, Liam."

She went over and hugged Conner who returned it to her warmly. She gave him a kiss on his cheek and said, "You're in good hands with these two, Conner. Listen to them and trust them." She then gave both Liam and Jared a big hug and quickly left the room.

"I understand you may get out here tomorrow, Conner," said Jared.

"If everything is good for the doctors in the morning and you are really going to let me live with you, yes I am supposed to get out," Conner said beaming.

"I'll talk to the doctor and see if he can make it happen about 4:00 pm tomorrow. We can probably get off shift a bit early and it's our last shift for four days. Liam, are you still good with having this child living with us?" asked Jared.

"Child? Who you calling a child, Jared?" asked Conner with feigned indignation. "I am only 4 years younger than Liam!"

"Shaving once a month doesn't count as an adult, Conner," said Liam as he laughed.

"It's twice a month, Liam!" replied Conner laughing. The two boys explained they had to take off as they had an appointment to attend, but they would be back to visit him in the morning. While Conner was sad that they were leaving, he knew in his heart they would return. They hugged and departed.

They swung by the ambulance base and picked up John.

"Do you want to eat out or have us fix something at the apartment?" asked Liam.

"I've sampled Jared's cooking before. Let's eat at Pierre's place," John replied with a smirk on his face.

After dinner, they drove to the apartment and got John settled into the spare room. John and Liam spent about an hour talking about financial possibilities and recommendations for Liam's money. Liam understood some of what was being said but was not afraid to ask John questions. By the end of their conversation, Liam had signed some papers appointing John as a financial adviser.

After a cup of tea each, John decided it was time to go to bed. Liam and Jared went into the special room and performed a smudging ceremony. At the end, Liam jumped up to head for a shower. Jared had just finished cleaning up the kitchen when Liam ran naked from the bathroom to the bedroom. Jared smiled at the scene, and felt some interest grow in his pants. Jared ran to the shower. After the shower, he wrapped a towel around himself and walked to the bedroom. The lights were off and couple of candles were lit in the room.

Liam was bent over on his hands and knees with his ass high in the air, knees spread wide on the bed.

"Close the door and is there anything you would like to do right now?" Liam asked as he looked at him mischievously.

"Now that you put it that way, I think thing of something to show my love for you," he said as closed the door, dropped his towel and stepped to the bed.

Jared was getting hard he went over to Liam and placed his hands on Liam's ass cheeks. He started to use his thumbs, toying with Liam's asshole, circling and rubbing it. Jared licked at Liam's asshole, probing into it with his tongue. He leaned over and spit onto the hole and then used his finger to enter it to the first knuckle. Gently he made a small circular motion inside Liam and then pushed in deeper.

Liam groaned loudly and pushed his ass out further towards Jared. Jared reached under Liam and took his hard cock into his hand and squeezed the precum out, gathering it and wiping it on Liam's asshole. Liam groaned even more and threw his head up.

"Oh god Jared, squeeze my dick like that again while you are fingering me."

Jared complied. He grabbed Liam's dick and began to massage it while working his finger in and out of his asshole. Jared spit on Liam's asshole again and inserted 2 fingers, working them in steadily until he could go as deep as possible. He wiggled his fingers inside Liam and found the prostrate and toyed with it. Liam groaned out loud, "I feel electricity through my whole body when you do that to me!"

Jared squeezed and milked Liam's dick again catching the huge dollop of precum as it came out. He spread it over Liam's asshole again as he put a third finger into him.

Liam groaned louder yet and then said, "Jared, I need you in me. I need your dick in me."

Jared pulled his fingers out of Liam and climbed behind him. Liam moved forward enough for Jared to get up behind him and said, "All of it, Jared. I need it all in me."

Jared held his own dick just above Liam's quivering asshole and squeezed it. Jared was a heavy pre-cummer and it dribbled onto the tight little rosebud. He then grabbed Liam at the hips and pulled him backward with his big red dickhead entering Liam's body. Liam cried out a bit causing Jared to stop his movement.

"Don't stop, Jared. All of it," called out Liam. Jared steadily pushed forward monitoring Liam for discomfort or pain. Soon, Jared's pubic hairs were up against Liam's ass, and he started to thrust in and out slowly.

"Faster," Liam called out with intensity. "Faster and harder, Jared."

Jared complied. Liam was groaning with each thrust and began to thrust backwards to meet Jared's thrust forward. The sound of Jared's pounding on Liam's ass were loud in the room.

"Jared, I feel so full inside with you there. I feel a part of you," said Liam.

"Liam, you are so tight and warm, I don't know if I can hold back," replied Jared.

Jared then pulled out and stood up on the bed. He positioned Liam so his ass was as high as it could go and stood over it. He leaned down and plunged his dick in again as deep as he could go. Jared would thrust in deep, and then pulled out all the way only to thrust in deep again.

In this position Jared hit Liam's little love button inside of him every time as he thrust into him. Finally, Jared started to pound Liam's ass hard and fast continually. Jared balls were bouncing off Liam's ass and making contact with Liam's ball sac from behind as his swung with each thrust.

Jared heard Liam cried out, "Oh god Jared, that's it. I am cumming." Jared needed no more coaxing and thrust hard into Liam and released his load as well. Liam could feel the warmth of Jared's cum being injected deep within his body.

While still deep in Liam, Jared laid down, pulling him over onto his side where they both lay. They both remained in the position for a moment to enjoy the post-loving they bliss they felt.

"Jared, please don't pull out. Let it slide out naturally. I want to feel that meat of yours as long as possible," said Liam.

They laid there for a few moments on the bed before Liam felt Jared's dick pop out. He felt so empty at that moment but then he realized he was wrapped in Jared's loving arms and the feelings rushed back into his heart.

They both rolled over onto their backs and Liam reached for Jared's hand. Grasping it, he brought it to his mouth and kissed it gently. They fell into a deep sleep, together.

In the morning, the three of them headed into work early. John and Melanie immediately headed to Rob's office to get ready for Tim and his associates to show up. Rob was getting the crews organized and out on the road to minimize the audience available for Tim if he decided to put on a show when they dealt with him.

Jared and Liam were split up today, each with a part time paramedic. Jared was assigned a young man by the name of Eddie while Liam was assigned a young lady named Marcie. The two of them didn't like being split up but accepted the operational need when Rob read the work line-up for the day with no problem. Rob also gave Liam and Jared a wireless microphone to be worn when working. It was tied into the camera system installed yesterday. They both put them on.

"We might as well test that system, Jared. The rest of the microphones should be here later this week," said Rob

Rob watched Jared as he read out the Line-up, and he noted no complaints coming from him at the assignment. Rob thought to himself, "I guess nothing really has changed now I know who Jared is. He is letting me run the business and just acting as any other paramedic. From knowing Jared all these years, I should have never expected anything different from him." Rob then thought, "It will take some time for me to adjust knowing he is actually my boss, but it is more my problem than his."

Liam and Marcie knew each other casually through work. They had worked together occasionally and got along fairly well. They got into their unit and headed out.

Eddie was a recent hire, actually from about 2 months ago and had been filling in a lot on night shifts. He was hoping to get on full time someday. He was 21 years old, about 5'6", and obviously a weight lifter from his broad shoulders and narrow waist. He had perfectly and styled brown hair and grey eyes. He was cute to look at from a distance, but he was a little narcissistic. He had never worked with Jared before and really hadn't met him other than having seen him in the distance at shift changes.

"So I am with you for the day," said Eddie. "You want to drive?"

"No, you can Eddie," replied Jared. "We just have to wait around for a few minutes so I can goodbye to a couple of people when they are done with the meeting they are in."

"Are they in with Rob, Tim and those people from the company?" he asked.

"Yes they are."

"I hear the people from the company are assholes and are going to clean house of anyone who wanted to form and association," Eddie stated.

"Really?" said Jared. "I heard they were doing a good job of slicing off some of the dead weight who weren't doing their jobs. Everyone who has sat through meetings was impressed with them and their professionalism."

"They put on a good show, but it is just a show. If they cared about us like they told everyone, they would have offered the part-timers full-time work first before putting an ad in the paper," said Eddie. "Now we have to apply and compete with everyone else who doesn't work here. That's bullshit!"

"Eddie, do you think they may be looking for the best people and making the process transparent so no one can claim favoritism if all the part-timers weren't hired?" asked Jared.

"That's what they would say but they have to hire us part-timers first. I heard it was a law," said Eddie with an air of arrogance.

Just as Eddie finished that statement, Melanie came through the door and headed to Jared.

Eddie whispered, "Oh shit, look busy. Here comes one of them."

Melanie came over and introduced herself to Eddie and then turned towards Jared and game him a big hug. "We are done here for the moment, cuz" she said. "John and I will be heading out shortly but I will be back next week to help Rob with the interviews for the new paramedics."

"That's great to hear Mel. Will the part-timers get an extra consideration when you start looking at the applicants," asked Jared.

"If it comes down to applicants who are basically even in their skills, attitude and education, they will be picked above someone not working for us already."

Jared then asked, "Why weren't the part-timers hired without posting the ad?" asked Jared. He gave her a wink out of the sight of Eddie.

Melanie picked up the wink from Jared and had already figured something was up with the questions he was asking in front of his temporary partner. "Well, according to the labour code, these are different positions. They are already in a position and to change to another one, they have to go through the process. We want the best and if someone is a marginal performer as a part-timer, that's not good enough for full time. The whole process must be above board and transparent to anyone especially if a complaint to the Labour Board is made if someone is not hired."

Melanie continued, "We are doing this the right way the first time, and that is what the CEO expects from us. Do it right, and do your best."

"Are you one of the interviewers?" asked Eddie.

"Yes I am. I'm involved in all the hiring for the entire company so I will be helping Rob out," she replied.

"Are you qualified to interview a paramedic," asked Eddie. His arrogance was beginning to show as well as a glimpse into his visions of where women were in his food chain.

"Yes I am. I was in the Medical Corps in the Marines before leaving a couple of years ago and I'm still an active Critical Care Paramedic/Nurse," Melanie answered. She was looking this young man over to get a read on him.

"Oh wow," he said changing his tune quickly. "I bet you got to do so some interesting things in the Marines. Did you see combat."

"Eddie, we don't talk about a lot of what we saw casually. It's better that way," she replied. Melanie turned to Jared. "I see they got the cameras installed in the units and you're wearing a mic, Jared. That's good and it may be recoding something we need today."

Jared caught the underlying message from Melanie. "Yes, it will hopefully control the thefts and help us to review patient care so we know how to be more effective," said Jared.

Eddie was looking at the sign with a warning of the camera system and everything said was recorded.

"When did this start?" asked Eddie.

"This morning Eddie; we can't afford anymore thefts. The nice part is we can go back and protect the paramedic or patient if accusations of mistreatment or harassment are made," said Melanie.

"Maybe not a bad idea," said Eddie.

"I better get my stuff cleaned up and get it to the car. I have to be ready when John wants to leave or he will leave me behind." She hugged him again and said, "Love you cuz and can't wait to see you again."

"Love you too, Mel. See you next week," said Jared as she was walking to the door. John was just coming into the bay as she was leaving. They exchanged a few words and John headed to Jared.

"I'm done here for now, Jared, and I'll be going back with the Dragon Lady," said John.

Suddenly from down the hallway beyond the door, they heard Melanie yell, "I heard that, mister!"

Jared and John laughed together. They shook hands and Jared said, "I'll be in touch, John. May the Creator bless and protect you on your journey and your life."

"Thank you, Masqwa, and he has already blessed me and I know he will continue to on our trip. I'll need it with her driving."

Once again from down the hallway beyond the door, they heard Melanie yell, "I heard that, mister!"

John rolled his eyes and laughed again as he turned to leave.

After John had left, Eddie looked at Jared with concern and asked, "Are you related? Does cuz mean cousin?"

"Yes, she is my older cousin. Cuz is short form we use in our culture," he replied.

"So if you're related, how come you don't have a better position with more money in the company?"

"Well, the first reason is I like my job and I believe this was my calling and don't want to be anywhere else or doing anything else. The second reason is Melanie earned her way into the position she is in and the company doesn't give promotions to family members or friends. Everyone has to work their way up. Just as a warning Eddie, I would never want to be on her bad side. She wouldn't hesitate to fire me and put me on the street if I deserved it, family or not."

"Wow, she'd do that to family. Oh. You said something about your culture?"

"Yes, part of the First Nations culture. This company is owned by a member of my tribe but they hire anyone who is hard working and dedicated to their job, regardless of race, colour, religion or sexual orientation," replied Jared.

"What was that Creator stuff?" asked Eddie who really wasn't listening to Jared's answers.

Jared replied, "The Creator of all including mother earth and father sky."

"That's blasphemous," answered Eddie. "There is only one God and to worship others is worshipping false gods and blasphemy."

"Eddie, maybe we can discuss this later but you have a pretty narrow point of view. You're young and should listen more than you speak. When you asked Melanie, who by the way is the Executive Assistant to the CEO of the Company, or the third most powerful person in the entire business empire, if she was qualified; you didn't make a good impression. I'm also the new Paramedic Training Officer for the base, and to be honest, you do not impress me either," said Jared.

"I am a soldier of Christ and I'm allowed to say what I want with the protection by freedom of speech," said Eddie.

"I'm aware of the Human Rights Code and I think we better hit the road before you dig yourself deeper into the hole you are excavating fast, Eddie," said Jared calmly and moving towards the ambulance. "You wanted to drive, let's get going."

As they were pulling out, they were dispatched to a call of an unconscious man downtown. Eddie rolled his eyes and said, "Probably another drunken Indian by that location."

Jared was actually getting upset with this young man, something he rarely did. "That comment is not allowed under the same Human Right Code you quoted a moment ago when you were protecting your freedom of speech as a Christian."

Eddie was turning red but didn't reply. They got to the scene and found an unconscious man on the sidewalk. Although he had been drinking a little, Jared sensed there was more to it.

"You do the assessment and I will get the vitals and a glucose test from him," directed Jared.

"He's drunk, let's just get him on the stretcher and take him to the hospital. That's how we do it on the night shift with Tim," Eddie said.

"No, we follow protocols for every patient, and Tim is in trouble for not doing it," stated Jared. "Get the assessment done Eddie."

Jared noted Eddie was grumbling to himself as he did a poor assessment of his patient. Jared completed his vitals and glucose test.

"Let's go, I didn't find anything," said Eddie.

"I did find something. Get the drug kit while I start an IV," directed Jared.

By the time Eddie returned with the drug kit, Jared had the IV in and running. He had done a rapid body survey as well to check Eddie's not finding anything. "Give me the D50," demanded Jared. Eddie did so with a look of interest on his face.

Jared took the tube of D50 glucose and linked it to the IV line and started to push the thick, clear fluid from the tube into the IV line. He was about half way through the tube when the man started to come to consciousness.

The patient was a middle aged man and was a First Nations member. Obviously this man was no street person from the way his clothing looked. He looked up at Jared who was smiling back at him.

"Hi. How are you feeling brother?" asked Jared.

"Feeling better," he replied. "I guess I should have eaten more instead of celebrating."

Jared continued to push the D50 into the man. "What were you celebrating?" asked Jared. This was more than a random question. Jared was testing his level of consciousness and ability to answer appropriately.

"My daughter gave birth to a child last night. I'm a grandfather!" the man replied with pride in his voice. "I only had a couple of drinks last night before falling asleep on my son-in-law's couch. I got up and took my insulin with the intention of grabbing a breakfast at McDonalds. Guess I didn't make it. Come to think of it, I didn't eat much at supper because I was so excited."

"We need you to go the hospital with us to get checked over. Your blood sugar was 1.9 mmol when I checked it before giving the glucose to you," said Jared.

"Thank you. I'll do as you ask brother," he replied.

Eddie had the stretcher ready for the man. Jared helped him up and onto the stretcher. When he was loaded, Jared got into the back and checked his glucose level again, giving him some oral glucose to swallow.

They dropped him off at the hospital and started to clean the ambulance.

"I told you, another drunken Indian," stated Eddie.

"No, it was man who was suffering from extreme hypoglycemia," replied Jared with an edge of irritation in his voice. "You do realize I told you I am a member of the First Nations, don't you?" asked Jared.

"You're an Indian? No, I didn't know that was First Nations. Is that why you called him brother?" asked Eddie.

"Yes. But all mankind are my brother and sisters," replied Jared.

"Those types drain the system with constant calls. They keep us from the interesting calls where real people could die if we don't get there," Eddie said.

Jared stopped cleaning and looked at Eddie. "If we had done it your way by throwing him on the stretcher, he could have died on the way to the hospital without the glucose."

"Well in this case, it would have been different. The frequent flyers are a problem though," Eddie stated.

"Every time we go on a call, we must follow procedures and never short cut our assessment and treatment based upon stereotypes for any person," stated Jared.

Eddie didn't reply.

"Go park the unit. I want to slip upstairs to visit one of my patients from a couple days ago and check on him," said Jared.

Jared waited for Eddie to catch up with him before getting onto the elevator. They got off and went to Conner's room. Jared nodded at the Policeman and opened the door. Conner's face lit up when Jared entered, but lost all emotion when Eddie entered. Jared caught it right away.

"What's wrong, Conner?" asked Jared.

Eddie spoke up, "Why are we here to visit this gayboy?"

"He's from the church, Jared. Why'd you bring him here?" asked Conner.

"Liam and I were split up today so I had him assigned to me." Jared turned to Eddie, "Wait outside."

"Gladly, I don't want to breathe this faggots air," he said as he left the room.

Jared spoke with Conner and settled him down, apologising for bringing Eddie up.

"I am going back to the base to speak with Rob, the Operations Manager about Eddie's conduct today here and on the call we just finished. I'll be back around lunch time. Chinese?" he asked.

"How about Vietnamese with some spice in it?" asked Conner with a smile.

Jared left and met with Eddie at the waiting room. "Let's go back to the base," said Jared.

"Are you friends with that faggot? How can you speak with that abomination in the eyes of God?" he demanded.

Jared looked at him and said, "1 John 3:10, this is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not God's child, nor is anyone who does not love their brother and sister."

Jared continued, "I think you better read your bible again as your version of Christianity seems to only involve white people who and are racially, culturally and sexually bigoted. It would in your best interest to just basically shut the fuck up because I no longer have any interest in what you say, Eddie."

They got to their ambulance and Jared jumped into the driver's seat. Eddie still had not said a word, even when Jared backed into the bay. When Jared parked, Eddie jumped out of the unit and ran for the door which led to the offices. Jared smiled to himself as he figured Eddie was running to Rob to complain about him.

Jared finished up in the garage and went to Rob's office. Sure enough, Eddie was there and when Jared entered the office doorway, Eddie stopped talking. Rob looked at Jared and greeted him.

"Eddie has made some serious accusations about you, Jared."

"Eddie can say whatever he wants, he's demonstrated to me clearly that he doesn't know what the truth is, nor does he know how to do his job," said Jared. "Eddie, there was a new system installed in all the ambulances yesterday. It was done to monitor if there were any more thefts or damages done as well for us to review cases if a patient complains about treatment. The video tape has downloaded already to the server. Rob, you may want to play it for us. By the way Eddie, I was wearing this microphone the entire time and it caught everything."

Eddie went pale.

"You read the sign stuck to the doors of the unit this morning advising of a camera recording be done of all treatments. You were aware of it when you spoke with Melanie as well" said Jared.

"No I wasn't. It's illegal," Eddie lied.

"Rob, let's look at the tape," suggested Jared.

They reviewed the tape, and Rob was getting upset. They fast forwarded through the areas Jared indicated as nothing going on.

"Eddie. I need a few minutes with Jared and then I will speak with you alone afterwards," said Rob.

Eddie left the office and closed the door. "Well, Jared. Your thoughts about what I am to do with Eddie?" asked Rob.

"Your call, remember you're the operations Manager and I'm just a paramedic," he replied.

"Ok, I appreciate that Jared. I'm going to write a termination letter for him and serve him when he comes back in," Rob said.

"I agree with you as the base trainer, and will support you 100% in my other role. I'm sure John and Melanie will as well and if they don't - too bad. Now that you have made a decision, I will tell you I wanted his ass fired and should file a complaint with the licensing body as well. So I have no partner now. Can I drive around in your SUV and try to look as important as you?" Jared asked with a smile on his face.

"Fuck off, you twerp. Try to look important. Don't fool yourself, you could never look as important as me," Rob said with feigned arrogance.

"Just don't pose and look at yourself in the mirror like Eddie does, Rob."

"He does that?" asked Rob.

"He stops at every mirror," laughed Jared.

"Get out of here and use my SUV, Jared. I will deal with Mr. Personality out there," said Rob.

Jared left the office and as he went by Eddie he said, "Rob needs a few minutes. He will call you when he is ready." Jared left the base in the SUV and contacted Liam for a meet in a parking lot.

They met and went into a small restaurant for coffee. Jared explained what happened with Eddie and Rob was going to be terminating him from the job due to his behavior. Jared had been wearing his microphone and part of it was video as well.

Marcie looked like she wanted to say something and Liam encouraged her. "It's about time someone nailed his butt and got him fired. He has always been like that, not looking after patients and taking shortcuts," she said.

Jared looked at her and asked, "Why was he never reported to Rob?"

"He is one of Tim's friends and they go to the same church. You know the one, the holier than thou church on the edge of town."

"I didn't realize it had that many crazies going to it. How many are in the congregation?" asked Liam.

"From what Tim and Eddie said, it has probably about 100 people," she answered.

"Marcie, were the other ones fired with Tim this morning part of the church, too?" Jared asked.

"Yes, they all were," she replied.

Jared thought for a moment and then said slowly, "That means we have probably pissed off anywhere from 10% to 25% of the congregation if you factor in families for them and Conner's family as well."

Liam and Marcie were thinking about it when she grabbed a napkin and started writing numbers down. She added them up and said "From what I knew of the others and their family members, I think closer to 40% because I heard them talking about parents going as well."

Liam smiled a crooked smile and said, "Oops."

"Yeah, you summarized that one real well, oh man of few words and very little education yokel," said Jared.

"Fuck you, Masqwa," laughed Liam.

"You two have been partners a while, haven't you? You have a good chemistry between you, easy going, fun and you work together well. I have learned more with Liam on our calls this morning than I did most of my night shifts in the last month. He doesn't yell at me like the others either," Marcie said.

"Marcie, I didn't realize what was going on with the other shifts. I know you don't work with us much, actually none of the part-timers do because my shift are mostly good people who are away rarely. We have fun and poke fun at each all the time but I would not tolerate yelling or harassment," replied Jared.

"The other shifts are jealous of you guys and call you the favoured shift. I don't know what they are talking about, Jared. You have a powerhouse team and the grass is always greener, I guess," Marcie said.

"Liam, how is Marcie's paramedic skills?" asked Jared.

"Good. From what I've seen, she knows her stuff and is articulate in her documentation. I can read her writing easily. Not like someone else who should be using a crayon and drawing pictures of what he did rather than writing it," replied Liam.

Jared gave him the finger. Marcie looked at the two of them and started laughing. "I am glad I actually got to work with you guys. This is the way it should be in between calls," she said.

Jared got his cell phone out and dialed Rob. Jared spoke into the phone and asked if he had Marcie's resume for the full time positions. Jared then told him she was Liam approved and should put her resume on the top of the pile. After saying good bye, he put his phone back in the belt holder.

"You did that for me? Thank you. Will it give me a chance to get on full time?" she asked.

"Well, it might. I'm the Base Trainer now and Rob considers what I say occasionally. He said he was going to run it by Melanie with a potential start date of our next day on. He was thinking of moving a couple of other people off this shift to another, and you would backfill" explained Jared.

"Wow. Thanks guys!" she said as she hugged Liam. "My girlfr... oh shit." Marcie's face went pale immediately when she realized she had started to say girlfriend.

Liam put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her over to him. "So, you're gay? How does that affect the skills you have as a paramedic?" he asked.

She was almost in tears when she said, "Tim and crew were so homophobic. They were always bashing gays and talking scripture and I was so scared they would found out. Would you guys keep it a secret for me?"

"Management here is very tolerant of gay people. The homophobic slurs and Eddie's hatred of First Nations people were part of the reasons he was fired. It is not tolerated by the company," said Jared.

"That is great to hear," she said.

"If you don't believe me," started Jared, "ask my boyfriend, Liam."

"What?" She looked at the two of them. "Serious?"

"You have been hanging with Liam too much. Try to use more than one word in a sentence please," said Jared.

Marcie and Liam both gave him the finger.

"You're safe with us Marcie. We don't advertise our being a couple or being gay because we just act as people. To be honest, we shouldn't have to make a point of telling people what is really none of their business outside of work. They don't walk around with straight on their foreheads, why should we have to put gay on ours?" said Jared. "But Rob knows and he has no problem with it, either."

"The issue is dead with us, Marcie," said Liam. "If you need us for anything, you know you can come to either one or both of us for help."

"Thanks guys," Marcie said. All 3 of the radios warbled at the same time. They were all being dispatched to the same call. Jared looked at the radio for a moment with interest. The call was shots fired and two policemen were injured. One appears to be critical. Jared and Liam knew their friends were working today and instantly became worried. Further details came through and it was the result of an armed robbery which they had walked in on.

Next: Chapter 11

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