Jared Hand

By Jacob Esteban

Published on Jun 22, 2012


Jared Hand Chapter 6 by Jacob442011@yahoo.com

Feedback welcome (my email was down, so if you wrote me earlier and it did not go through, I apologize - my email is working now).

Jared Hand 6

A couple of weeks later, Jared and I were having a beer, sitting outside and enjoying the warm fresh air.

So, how did you like our excursion? Jared asked me.

Well... I paused.

Well? he replied with a smile.

Well.... I'm not sure, I said. I mean, it was like a dream, you know? I did not know such a place, such things, could happen. I mean, I felt good, like I was doing it for you somehow, and that's been a weird desire of mine, to please you.

Weird? Jared smiled.

Yeah man, you know, I love girls... so what the fuck is wrong with me?

Wrong? he asked.

Yeah, I mean, I jerked off Trevor with a blindfold on for God sakes, and then that guy sucked me off.

Was that wrong? Jared was still smiling.

Yes. No. I don't know. I never thought I'd enjoy a guy sucking my cock. I mean, that's gay, right?

Did you enjoy it? Jared was grinning. He seemed to be enjoying my discomfiture.

No... Yes... Yeah, okay, it was a great blowjob. And, it turned me on being held, like I did not have a choice, you know? That was a turn on, by itself. You know?

You looked like you enjoyed it, he said simply.

Fuck yeah, I guess I did. I'm not sure how I feel about that, but I guess it's true. And you know, Jared, I love women, and I don't ever want to kiss a guy, and I'm not sure I would ever want to be fucked by one, but I have to say, I loved having those strong men hold me and that guy suck my cock whether I wanted it or not. I mean, Goddamn... It was like I got to be the girl for a change, you know, I got to be the one who had the man's full attention. Pretty fucken cool.

Well Jacob, Jared said, I'm glad that you did "and" did not enjoy it.

Fuck you, I said smiling.

Well, I'm glad you said that, Jacob.

Said what? I asked.

Are you still wanting to please me, like you said before? That I'm your man?

I looked around to make sure no one was close enough to hear. The idea of pleasing Jared gave me a tingly feeling in my belly. But, I did not want anyone else to know that.

Uh, yeah, I said softly.

Good. Jared replied, I have a weekend planned for you and me, and I want to know that you are in.

Sure, I said both turned on and nervous, glancing around.

Well, here's the thing, he said, sipping his beer. Before you say yes for sure, I want you to know - if you say yes, you are going to be my bitch, and that means you will have to do what I tell you. I want your okay up front. Do you trust me?

More turned on and more nervous, I gulped, and said with a crack in my voice, yes. I trust you. And, I added with another gulp, I'm in.

Good Jacob, very good, said Jared, smiling. I will pick you up Friday after work. Plan to be gone through Sunday afternoon.

Friday could not come fast enough. Jared's bitch? A part of me thought, that sounds pretty gay and silly. I'm no man's bitch. But, another part of me, the part of me that for some weird reason craved pleasing Jared, that part of me was eager to find out how. To be a bitch meant to be a woman, didn't it? Maybe Jared was going to pay attention to me like I was his woman? I could only hope.

Jared picked me up after work and took me to a house in a residential neighborhood. We walked up, and he gave a knock on the door, and then led me in. It was a decent sized house with windows all around. Hold on, he told me, and disappeared.

A moment later, he came back with a box, and with a funny look, said, ready?

Yep, I managed to choke.

Good. Jared beamed. Then, he got serious.

Get naked, put everything you have in the box, with your phone on top.

I did so.

Jared was curt, different than I was used to.

Have a seat and wait for instructions. Do what you are told. I will see you a bit later.

Okay, I said, sitting down as he left, wondering if my nakedness was visible to any of the neighbors.

After awhile, I was startled by a deep voice that did not belong to Jared saying my name.

Yes, I answered, rising.

A fit very fit looking man in his early 60s stood in the doorway. I could see his flat belly through his light blue t-shirt, and his arms were strong and muscular. His hair was mostly gray. He held out his hand, and I clasped it, realizing again that I was completely naked.

Jim, he said with a smile and a firm handshake in response, and added, thanks for coming.

Glad to be here, I think, I replied.

Ha, Jim laughed, releasing my hand.

Well, it's great you are here, Jacob, he continued. Jared and I agreed that I would start you out, set the groundrules.... Sound good?

Sure, I said.

Okay, he continued. Then, he laughed his easy laugh. Lighten up, Jacob. This is going to be fun.

Alright, I said, finding myself liking this older man.

Good, Jim grinned. For starters, this weekend you are not going to be called Jacob, but Cassie. So, Cassie is what you are to answer to. And, I want you to wear this unless insructed otherwise.

With that, he handed me dark red panties with a thick thong down the back.

Panties? I said this with a mix of shock and surprise.

Jim sat down. Part of it my friend, he said with his catchy grin, so that despite feeling weird, I could not help grinning in spite of myself.

It was the weirdest feeling, being naked, pulling on panties before a clothed man I'd only just met. Ah, I mumbled as the thong slid up my ass crack, tightening on my anus.

Beautiful. Now turn around, let's have a look at you, Cassie, Jim said, taking a step back to admire me. He called me Cassie so natureally, as if it really was my name.

I looked at him, and he made a twirling notion with his finger and thumb.

Come on Cassie, let me see you, he said.

Self-conscious, I turned slowly around, thong riding up my crack, panties hugging my cock and balls.

Alright, Cassie, not bad for a start. But, I want you to show me sexy, show me hot. Run your fingers through your hair, swish your ass for me, stuff like that. Think of a hot woman and do what she does. Cause you know, you are my hot woman tonight.

Strangely turned on, butterflies dancing across my belly, I licked my lips and leaned back, running my hands through my hair.

Good Cassie, good, Jim encouraged.

I stretched out and up for him, gently squeezing my pecs and rubbling my nipples, letting out a moan. Then, I traced one hand along my belly and licked the fingers on my other hand.

Mmmm, said Jim, eyes bright.

Emboldened, I swallowed hard, then swished past him, shaking my ass and moaning a little as the thong caressed my rosebud.

The butterflies were dancing in my tummy now, and I was intoxicated with lust and confusion.

I swished by Jim again, and I could feel his eyes burning my flesh.

Come here, Cassie honey, Jim said throatily. I licked my finger and swished by him with a mischievous grin, scampering away from him.

Crack! Jim slapped my ass.

Ah, I cried out, buttocks jiggling.

Suddenly, the strong arms reached out. I said come here, Cassie darling, Jim's deep voice rumbled. He was still smiling, but his arms were like steel, pulling me to him. I tried to break free, but to no avail. Helpless, I was pulled across Jim's lap and positioned so that my ass was thrust upward.

There are consequences to disobedience, Cassie girl, Jim told me.

Crack! My ass was aflame with the smack of Jim's hand.

Slap! Slap! Slap!

My ass cheeks jiggled and burned.

Slap! Slap! Slap!

Ah! I cried out, straining but not able to help myself. Fuck! Tears were burning my eyes. This old man was strong!

Jim paused. He still had a friendly look on his face, and he seemed unfazed by his exertions.

Alright, Cassie honey, that might be enough. But, before we stop, I want to hear from you that you are going to be obedient.

Okay, I said eagerly.

Okay, Jim replied, tell me that you are going to be a good girl.

I'll be good, I said.


Ah! I cried out.

Try again, said Jim.

I said I'd be good, I told him desperately.

Slap! My ass felt lightening and fire, and I yelped, tears brimming.

A good what? he asked me.

I'll be a good girl! I practically shouted.

There, now that wasn't so hard, was it? Jim said, his powerful arms spinning me up and then back down onto his lap, gently, as though to minimize the ache in my burning ass cheeks.

There there, Cassie, Jim said soothingly, his hands caressing me softly, running through my hair, across my belly, down my arms, along my inner thighs.

When his fingers danced lightly across the panties embracing my cock and balls, I could not hold back a gasp and arched my back, leaning back into this muscular, older man. I seemed to fit perfectly on his lap, somehow, and his strength was all around me. I lay my head back onto his shoulder, and one of his hands cupped my right breast, the fingers massaging my nipple.

Let me hear some girl sounds, Cassie honey, he whispered in my ear, and it was as if just then I remembered to moan, letting out a long, girly, ooooooooooooooooh.

Jim's other hand reached around my panties and encircled my stiffening cock and throbbing balls with gentle caresses. Who is your man, Cassie? Jim's warm lips and and warm breath were hot next to my ear.

Oooooooh, Jim, you are my man, my stud, I moaned as his hands lit a million fires across me and in me. I arched my back again, then melted into him.

Oh God, I cooed and squirmed as Jim held me in his power, driving me crazy with his sensual touches.

That's a good girl, Cassie, a very good girl, Jim said with his deep voice. I felt exquisite, and I felt confused, and I felt intoxicated, eyes rolled back into my head. This went on for I know not how long, and in the midst of it all, I opened my eyes and saw Jared sitting across from me, smiling. I offered him a brief smile, then closed my eyes again, forgetting everything and drifting back into the lust fog and Jim's powerful arms.

Without warning, Jim's hand slid into my panties and palmed my balls.

Gack, I cried out with pleasure.

Then, even better, Jim's hand moved around my cock and, sliding my panties to the side, began to slowly stroke me.

Oh Jesus, I cooed, leaning back into Jim's muscular chest and arms. While one of his hands caressed my cock, his other hand cupped my pec, kneading it like a woman's breast while caressing the nipple. I was in heaven.

My eyes opened a little later, and I saw what appeared to be Jared videoing us. Jared had not said anything about video. But, I did not care.

How you doing, Cassie? Jared asked me as Jim's hand stroked me up, then down, then caressed my cockhead, then went back to stroking me up and down.

I trembled with pleasure. My good friend that I'd known for years was calling me a girl's name, and it was both bizarre and a turn on. And, yet, it also seemed far away. What was not far away was Jim's hand on my cock, driving me wild, and Jim's hand on my chest, also driving me wild, and his muscular body pressed against mine and holding me tight.

Jesus, I groaned with pleasure.

Anything you want to say to the camera, Cassie sweetie, I heard Jared ask me from somewhere distant with what sounded like a grin.

Uuunngggghhhh, I replied, licking my lips and puckering them, blowing him a kiss.

That's good, sweetie, very good, I heard Jim's deep voice say as he caressed me.

I like your tits, Cassie, Jim said, letting go of my cock and cupping both my breasts. It felt wonderful, and I thought, this is how a woman must feel, which made me really hot, though I was sad that my cock was no longer getting any attention.

Then, suddenly, my cock was embraced with exquisite, wet, delightful warmth.

I gasped and opened my eyes to see Jared slide my cock into his warm, inviting mouth.

Oh, Jesus! I cried out as Jared began to lick the underside of my cockhead while he pumped the shaft while Jim's hands were sensually stroking my nipples, breasts, and belly.

My whole body was tingling with pleasure, and I cooed with delight like a girl.

Let me hear you say some sexy things my little hotty, Jim's hot breath said into my neck.

After licking my cockhead, Jared began sucking my cock with enthusiasm, still pumping the shaft while tonguing and sucking the cockhead. I could not believe the pleasure I was feeling. My friend, the one I looked up to and wanted to serve, had (along with Jim) turned me into a horny girl. Now, that same good friend was sucking my cock like there was no tomorrow. I could not believe how good I felt.

Then, I began to feel more confused and even better as Jim shifted so that he could lick and tongue my nipples, licking and sucking one while pinching and twisting the other, all while Jared made sweet love to my cock.

I was insane with ecstasy and could hardly stand it.

Oooooooohhhhhhh, baaabeeeeeee! I cried as Jim plucked and twisted my nipple.

Oooooh, God, I cried, as Jared's warm mouth and tongue and lips enveloped my cock.

Jim paused and said, you are a very good girl, Cassie. Then, he clasped both of my nipples with thumb and forefinger, pulled them out from my chest, then twisted them.

I'm going to cum! I shouted.

You do that, cutie pie, Jim's throaty voice told me.

Jared pumped and sucked even faster, and I frantically reached out and grabbed my good friend's head as it dove repeatedly onto my cock.

Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus! I yelled, hips bucking, trying to stand, cock impaled in Jared's hungry mouth as he sucked the streams of hot cum right out of me like a shop vac.

Jim's hands held me firmly in place while Jared's mouth sweetly licked and sucked dry the last of my cum.

Oh God, I said, and melted back into Jim's waiting arms.

End Jared Hand 6

I welcome your comments! And, if you tried to email and it was returned, please resend - my email is back up and running. Thanks! Jacob442011@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 7

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