Jared Hand

By Jacob Esteban

Published on Nov 30, 2011


Jared and I were sitting off to the side and in the back corner of the bar. We were talking about football, and the beer was refreshing on my tongue. My eyes followed the waitress. Fit and slender, her boobs were captivating; my eyes were drawn along her cleavage, wishing I could flow down into her top to the firm breasts and nipples that pressed through her garments. She paused and brushed her blond hair back with a smile as she spoke to an admiring customer. My God, I thought, she's so hot. Jared smiled at me from across the table. You like what you see, he said with a grin. I nodded and returned his gaze after some hesitation.

Without warming, he leaned forward, voice softening but eyes intent.

So Jacob, did you really mean what you said last week about how I was hot, how I was your man?

I took a swallow of beer, feeling the warm redness flood my cheeks. I was glad it was dimly lit with a lot of other people and noise. My mind wandered back to my fantasy fulfilled, laying naked while a clothed Jared stood over me and pumped my cock, possessing me, owning me, making me call his name and squirm to his touch. My cock stirred with the recollection. For a moment I avoided his gaze, then looked into his eyes.

That was pretty hot, Jared, I said quietly and with a little difficulty, thinking of how my whole body shuddered in orgasm as Jared stroked me to heaven.

Yeah, he agreed with a warm smile.

After a pause, he said, I've been thinking. I've got some ideas of some things that would be fun. But, you will have to trust me.

Trying not to sound too eager, I asked, what do you have in mind?

You have that business trip to Oregon, right?

I nodded.

You say you trust me, Jared continued, and you told me that I was your man. Right. Well, let's see. I know the place you're going. How about I text you some instructions for while you are there, and you text me back to tell me how it goes?

Uh, I hesitated, feeling horny but also unsure. What does he have in mind?

What kind of instructions? I asked.

Jared's eyes locked mine. He ignored the question.

Was last week hot?

I nodded.

Did you like me being in total control of you?

I nodded again.

Do you trust me?

Hmm, hmm, I told him.

So, then, will you do what I tell you?

I paused, then swallowed, yes.

Good. You'll be glad you did.

Two nights later, I checked in outside Portland, Oregon, at an old-fashioned hotel that was once a farm and then a nursing home before its current incarnation as a modest resort (bars, brewery, winery, soaking pool, spa). The rooms are older and more European in style, with no TVs or bathrooms. Rather, at the end of the hall was a shared bathroom for men at one end and women at the other end. Jared had told me he would text would text me instructions to be carried out each evening after I finished with work.

The first day, as I sat through meetings and participated in team building exercises, I could not help but wonder about Jared. What would he say? What would he want me to do? He had given no indication. I felt a pleasant excitement mixed with nervousness.

That evening after dinner, Jared texted me. From now on in the evenings, I was to wear the white hotel robe when walking to the bathroom or leaving my room for any reason. And, unless I was going to the soaking pool, I was to be naked under the robe. When I got back to my room, I was to unlock the door, then remove the robe, standing completely naked in the hallway before entering the room.

That first trip to the bathroom, my stomach was in butterflies. Thank goodness this was an adult resort facility. The bathroom contained separate stalls for showers and bathtubs as well as for toilets and sinks. I urinated and walked back to my room, aware of my nakedness under the robe. Coming to my door, I swallowed and unlocked it. A couple was laughing good naturedly down the way, leaving their room. I took off my robe and paused in the hall, naked, outside my door and adjacent to the window facing the parking lot that was next to my room. Through the corner of my eye, I saw the woman glance with a puzzled look, then she left with a smile. I hope no one from work is up here with me on the 3rd floor, I thought, as I retreated into my room.

I texted Jared, and he told me that once the basement bar at the front closed, I was to stand naked at my window facing out over the entrance. I was to have my room lights off, but to stand so that my naked body would be in view of the people waiting for cabs and rides back to the city. At 1am, I found myself so turned on, I could hardly stand it. Jared gave me explicit direction not to give myself an orgasm, but I figured playing a little with my throbbing cock wouldn't hurt anything. I gave myself a couple of strokes and moaned. Then, nervous and naked, I crept over to the window and stood in view of the small group of people waiting around the front of the building; they were laughing with the enthusiasm of those who have had a bit too much to drink. Would someone see me, I wondered, and pay me a visit? I stood for several minutes. No one seemed to notice, though at one point, an older man turned and looked like he saw me, but then turned away.

Walking over to my bed, still in view of the window, I got on my hands and knees and thrust my bare ass up in the air. I wished someone would come, would see me and figure out where my room was, that they would come and engulf my cock and own me. For the first time in my life, I began to desire a cock in my ass. Or, I wanted something to penetrate me, even a finger, or a toy. I'd read online about prostate massage toys... Would someone come into my room and take possession of my ass? Please, I moaned, thrusting my naked ass higher into the air before the window, inviting, moaning. God, I was burning hot.

The next evening, Jared texted that I was buy myself a glass of red wine and go to the large, warm figure eight shaped soaking pool. Once there, I was to be friendly and flirt with at least two people or couples, then see what happened. It did not matter if they were men or women or some mix fo the two; I was supposed to find and flirt with someone I found attractive while drinking my red wine.

I slid into the warm water, darkness all around, the light shining up from down in the pool. Across the way, a beautiful woman wearing a bikini was in the close embrace of her male lover. Damn, she was hot, 25 or so, but they were too close, too lovy dovy. I made my way around the first circle of the figure eight. An unattractive and drunk husband and wife half swam and half stumbled by me. I avoided them, and moved toward a dark area only slightly illuminated with the pool light. There, I saw her, a beautiful woman, probably 10 years older than me, mid-50s I guessed. She was slender, graceful, alluring, by herself. For a moment, I could only gaze at her, her slender, tight body, her red two-piece bikini, her dark black hair with only a little gray, the water running down her skin as she floated through the water.

Good evening, I said, as she stood up and pushed her hair back, smiling at me with a welcoming kindness that made my belly tingle with more than just the wine. Good evening, she replied, laying back in the water. We talked for a few minutes, and she was beautiful and present, but she was also married. I wanted so much to ask if I could give her a massage, to finish the job that the spa masseuse had started, working her tight muscles with my fingers. God, I wanted to touch her, to please her, to serve her beauty. She told me her name and that she was a traveling folk singer. I wondered if she was an angel. I felt butterflies, wondering if I would get an opening; I was just about to ask her something else, to try to get her to stay for one more minute, but she smiled her amazing smile and said it was time for her to retire. A picture of beauty and grace, she climbed out of the warm water, smiling upon me one more time, making me burn.

I turned away when she disappeared from view, and though disappointed, I was mostly happy that I had a few moments with her. It was just what I had needed for a moment, somehow.

I bought another glass of red wine and moved farther down the pool and into the second circle of the figure eight, spying a friendly looking couple in their late 20s or early 30s. She was pretty but a little heavy, wearing a one-piece swimsuit, full and heavy breasts pressing her cleavage out. I wanted to stare, but I smiled and pulled my head up to her eyes, saying hello. She told me her name, and she waved me toward her husband, sitting a few feet away, and he smiled and shared his name. I told them my name, and we talked about the facility and how they liked staying there. They'd driven down from Seattle, and they loved the beer and wine and whisky bar. The heat of the water and wine were working on my belly, and I wondered what a threesome with them would be like. Somehow, I felt the guy would be up for it. He was a little heavy but good looking, his tanned belly spilling over his shorts; he smiled warmly at me around his whisky when I moved a little closer to him. But, just as I got the vibe that the guy might be interested, I got the vibe that the girl was not. She was giving off a defensive signal, subtle, but there. After awhile, they left, him brushing back his brown hair and giving me a smile that lasted a little longer than I had expected.

Damn, I thought. Should I go try to find their room? No, that door had closed too, and soon, the pool itself would be closing. I texted Jared what happened and went to bed, balls aching, thinking, who would know if I masturabed to release the pressure? But, on some level, I wanted to honor what Jared and I had talked about, and to honor his being in control. For some odd reason, I wanted to please him, to serve him. It's weird, for me, as I love women and have one of my own. And yet, even though I'm normally a tough-looking and assertive guy, a manager at work, some part of me wants to be a girl to a man, to be the girl to Jared's man. I don't understand it, but I knew that I should resist the strong temptation to pound my cock for all its worth.

The last evening, my face burned as I read Jared's message. He texted me that I was to have fun but do the best I could to get myself jacked off by a stranger. I was to do it in the men's bathroom, to get a bottle of baby oil and draw myself a bath in one of the side rooms. But, instead of closing the door, I was supposed to leave it ajar, setting the baby oil by the edge of the tub so that a casual onlooker would spot it. I was to do this in the men's only common bath area, and I was to go up at midnight, before the bars closed but before was so late that no one would stop by.

My mind raced.

What if I saw someone I know from work?

What if some guys came in and it was awkward?

I loved the idea and was very turned on, but I also felt a pucker of anxiety.

There was the buzz of another text from Jared. I almost dropped my phone. "And Jacob," he wrote. "Remember how you got all vocal with me? I want you to do that tonight, to squirm and moan and be very vocal. I want this guy to know that you appreciate him."

Midnight. I made my way down the hall, naked under my robe, to the men's bathroom. I walked in, listening intently, but there was no one there. The stall on the right looked good. I opened the door, and there was an old-fashioned bathtub on the left side of the room and a bench on the right. My stomach was alive with butterflies. I drew a hot bath and listened again. Nobody. Slowly, I removed my robe. My cock was semi hard. I stood naked, with the door ajar about a foot, and settled into the hot water. Ahhh, I sighed. It felt good. I set the baby oil on the outside of the tub in view of the doorway, then sipped some red wine.

I was partially facing away from the door, hoping to provide some view of my nakedness to a passerby even as a part of me hoped no one would notice me. I'm not sure how long I sat there with my eyes closed, but I heard a door open followed by some shuffling. I gulped. It sounded like a couple of guys, drunk guys. My door squeaked, as though one guy looked in, but they quickly shuffled away to the urinals, then were gone. If they had seen me, they gave no notice. Time passed. The door opened a bit later. I glanced up to see an older gentleman with a kind smile walk by. I smiled at him and he smiled back, though sleepily, as if I was not doing anything in the least bit unusual.

More time went by. The water was good and hot, but I started to wonder if this was going to even get me a hello. My wine was about gone. I sure love a good, red wine.

The door opened; someone walked by. I looked but missed them. I heard the flushing of the urinal after a few moments. Then, nothing. My door creaked, and I looked up into the face of a man with dark hair and a beard streaked with only a few strands of gray. His thick hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and it fell down his back. He was wearing sweats and a white T-shirt and a wedding ring, looking to be about 55, but with his beard, it was hard to judge for sure. He may have come from bed but looked like he had not been asleep.

Hey, he said. His voice pleasant, his eyes dark and deep.

Hey, I responded, feeling like I was sinking into his dark eyes. He was well-muscled, the T-shirt tight against his firm abs and pecs.

His eyes fell on the baby oil. You looking for something?

I finished the last of my wine, mouth suddenly dry, and set the glass off to the side.

Cheeks burning, I said, yes, yes I am, unable not to stare at him lustily.

He smiled and stepped further into the room, so he was facing me and could see my nakedness the length of the tub. Strong and cool, I thought, as I sank once again into his dark eyes.

Would you like a hand? He asked, softly.

Head spinning with lust, I gripped the sides of the tub and thrust my hips upward, bringing my hard cock out of the water.

He was already squirting the slick baby oil into his hand, then closed the door.

Ahhh, I gasped, as his hand lightly touched my throbbing cock. He smiled, holding my gaze. Eyes locked, I stared at him, and he ever so gently caressed my penis. Oooh, I moaned, breaking eye contact and closing my eyes.

Suddenly, his hand gripped me and started to work, up and down, up and down, pumping my penis.

Oh God, I gasped, surprised at how intense it felt, like my whole body was my cock.

Almost soundlessly, the baby oil squeaked as he stroked me firmly, smoothly, methodically. The grip was strong and tight, but the oil was slick. The feeling was tremendous.

Oh my God, it's happening. This is amazing. A man is taking me, stroking me, owning me.

Ohhhhhh, I moaned, then suddenly remembered Jared's directions.

Oooh, you stud, oooh you man, oooh I'm yours, I gasped. Oooh, stroke me, oooh yes. Oh my cock, oh my cock!

I looked back into his deep, dark eyes. You...ah ah... are..ah...oh fuck...ing...amaz...ing. He smiled back at me, and I thrust my hips a little higher as he stroked; I wanted to show him how hot I was, how hot he was.

You... are so... fucking... hot! I told him, thrusting higher and into his hand.

He smiled and gripped tighter, hand still sliding smoothly through the oil around my cock, curving and cupping at the end, igniting intense pleasure on the underside of the tip, before pumping back down.

Then, I felt it, the hurricane inside me starting to break loose. My knuckles whitened as they gripped the side of the tub, and my entire being seized up like a spring coiling.

Don't stop oh God don't stop oh God oh God don't stop oh God! I yelled

Then, my cum burst forth in waves, burning, spraying, warm droplets landing on my face and lips and in the water and on the walls..

Oh Jesus, I yelled and shuddered and squirted, as he worked my cock. Oh Jesus!

Methodically, he milked out the last drops from my penis; I licked my lips and closed my eyes, opening them sometime later to his smile. I sank into the water, and he paused after he stopped stroking me, then gently placed his hand over my cock and my balls, causing me to moan involuntarily. I hope you enjoyed it, he grinned.

Oh God, thank you, I sighed, looking into his deep, dark eyes. I loved it.

Good, he grinned, swishing his hand to remove the cum and oil. Then, he was gone.

End Jared Hand Three

Thank you so much for reading!

I would love your feedback as well as if you want share some stories with me! Feel free to email me at jacob442011@yahoo.com - I am looking forward to hearing from you!

Next: Chapter 4

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