Japanese Top

Published on May 20, 2021



Japanese Top

Japanese Top
by AMW

Studying for a year in Japan at an intensive language school, I wanted to expand my limits beyond just learning kanji. I wanted to break my habit of always being a top who hooks up with bottoms. My inner bottom had been tempting me for years, but I hadn't let myself explore it.

Weeks of studying from dawn to dusk had left me incredibly horny. My only reprieve was on the subway from home to school and back again where I'd routinely sit across from salarymen of various ages whose bulges enticed me. After so much celibacy, I was desperate to meet someone.

Satoshi was waiting where we agreed, outside the exit of the station. He was strikingly handsome, more so than in the pics he'd sent on the app. Gelled short hair, well-fitting dress pants with a tucked-in shirt and belt, and black dress shoes. Apparently, he had just left work, even though our meeting time was 8pm.

The summer evening was warm and the cicadas chirped noisily as we walked to my apartment. His English ability seemed on par with my Japanese ability, but he knew I was learning, so we stuck mostly to Japanese. He said I looked handsome and I returned the compliment. We were around the same height and both lean: he played basketball on the weekends, whereas my constant school work, sometimes forgetting to eat, and occasional gym use in the evenings kept me from putting on weight. His aura was quite masculine, from his gait and low voice, to his amused chuckles at my simple questions.

I couldn't help but notice how firm and shapely his ass was. But I promised myself it was off-limits, at least for this hookup. On the app, no scene or intentions were prearranged, although with his profile stating vers top, I was hoping he was more of a top.

We reached my apartment and removed our shoes at the entrance. Even with the air conditioner on, the cicadas outside were still audible. I showed him the traditional style of the small space: the tatami floors, and fusuma or sliding doors. A simple futon covered the sleeping area. The toilet was even the traditional squat type, which surprised him. The shower was its own little room that I steamed up every night before sleep. It was a comfortable, minimalist space with cheap rent -- perfect for a student on a 1-year visa. Satoshi remarked that the place was unusual. He lived in a modern condo in downtown Yokohama, whereas I was staying several subway stops from the city center.

We stood in the main room and faced each other in the dim light. He looked tired and, around the eyes, a bit older than his age, but still incredibly good-looking. I awkwardly told him that I liked how otokorashi or "manly" he seemed, at which he smirked. Then he moved in to kiss me, and there was an instant chemistry and a pleasant taste to the kiss. The longer we did it, I felt like I was melting into him as our tongues touched and entwined. "Eroi! [Erotic!]" he said, stepping back with bright eyes. I then realized his scent was also nice and comforting -- not from any cologne I could detect, just his general scent or sweat from the hot day. We then moved to kiss again, soaking in the arousing connection.

Soon his bulge pressed against his dress pants, and mine in my shorts. I could tell his dick was perfect just by the contour of it. I unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants; he fiddled at my clothes to get at my dick, too. The shape and color of his brown cock pressed against his almost translucent white underwear made me salivate. I'd seen a preview of his dick on the app, but one can never be sure until meeting a cock in real life. When we revealed each other's, he said: "Dekka! [Big!]" as if shocked by my larger-than-average circumsized cock. But then we aligned our erect cocks alongside each other's, his darker than mine and uncut, and they were practically the same size. "Onaji ookisa da ne [Same size, no?]," I observed, and he replied: "Sou ne [That's true, huh]." The fact that he did not realize the size of his own beautiful dick was cute.

I wanted to shift us away from what seemed was fast becoming an egalitarian encounter, though. I knelt to give him some hint that I was aiming to be submissive, and hopefully, a bottom. He seem surprised when I looked up at him, but brushed his dick across my face. The scent was a delicious musk from its being trapped in pants and underwear all day, fogging my mind and shutting down the rational part of my brain. I'd been obsessing about dick for weeks, and here was an ideal one. Rather than the usual game of licking and exploring, I just slipped my lips around him and began sucking in earnest.

The expected piss taste from an uncircumsized cock after a day in pants was oddly lacking, while the musk flavor and scent, stronger near his black pubic hair, made me feel addicted. If the chemistry from kissing him had been strong, sucking his dick seemed like my natural state. During my sexless stint of studying, I had sometimes fantacized practicing my Japanese on one of those average salarymen on the subway: after an initial suck in a station restroom stall or wherever, an eager man might knock on my door a couple nights per week to get sucked off. But that unrealistic fantasy was now replaced with the thought of giving routine blowjobs to this much-better-than-average guy, Satoshi. On the app, he'd easily convinced me to meet him by sending a couple vids of him jerking off as he rubbed a nipple. The two vid sequences both ended with large releases of cum. Also in the vids, his masculine exhales of satisfaction as he rubbed one out added to the effect -- sounds I hoped to elicit tonight.

But as I sucked him now, he was quiet. My nose brushed his pubic hair as I pushed his cock deep down my throat. He held my head and started rocking his hips, and I realized I was making submissive noises. As a spurt of precum released onto the back of my tongue, he sucked air between his teeth.

"Chotto matte, chotto matte [Hold on, hold on]," he said, and pulled his dick carefully from my mouth. I swallowed the precum as I looked up, the chestnut flavor making me want more. His face expressed some concern, as if the encounter were moving too quickly.

"Gomenasai [Sorry]," I said. "Boku wa hontou ni muramura shiteiru [I'm really horny]."

"Diajoubu, chotto bikkurishita dake da [It's okay, I was just a little surprised]." He put his hands on my shoulders to direct me to stand, and then knelt to return the favor of a blowjob.

He was good at it, so of course it felt great; seeing his black hair bobbing on my dick was nice. But the encounter now seemed like it was becoming two oral tops helping each other out. In my mind, I was scheming how to express what I truly wanted.

I wanted him to become a selfish, dominant top. Obviously, there was some contradiction, since it was my selfishness to submissively bottom that drove the desire. Perhaps we should have set up the scene before meeting, but I didn't want to risk the chance of not meeting him due to excessive pervertedness or some predetermination on the app that we weren't "looking for the same thing."

With no dictionary or grammar book, I didn't have much linguistic space to express myself. I did recall the word for "submissive," though. I could only be revealingly direct. When he finished sucking me, he stood up again and wiped his mouth. He went to grab a water bottle from where he'd rested it next to the wall.

As he took a gulp, I asked: "Satoshi-san wa tachi da ne? [You're a top, right?]"

He replied: Usually, and confirmed that I am also a versatile top -- information already known.

I said: "Shikashi, motto neko ni naritain da. Satoshi-san nitaishite juujun ni shitai. [However, I want to become more of a bottom. I want to be submissive toward you.]"

His eyes widened. "Konban neko suru no? [You will bottom tonight?]"

I nodded a bit shyly in the affirmative. He searched my eyes as if I were joking, but when it clicked that he had the opportunity to fuck me, he bit his lip and circled to the side of me, his eyes at my waist, clearly checking out my ass. He sauntered in and grabbed my left buttcheek. "Nice katachi [shape]," he said and squeezed, and then kissed me, tongue out. I felt his fingers brush toward my hole as he kissed more dominantly than before. My inhibition melted at his touch and mouth. I didn't know what to do even as the encounter was now turning toward what I wanted; should I just drop to my knees and suck again? I wondered. But he asked: "Kondoumu aru no? [Do you have a condom?]" The only one I had was next to my study books on the nearby short table, along with a couple packets of lube. He examined it with amusement because the wrapper had a little lace with a tiny bell attached -- something I'd picked up weeks ago for free in Ni-chome, Tokyo's gay district. He stated in English: "Okay, I will be tachi [top]."

He motioned toward the futon, and started unbuttoning his shirt. I stripped out of my clothes, too, while feeling anxious and excited about what was happening. Naked, we crawled onto the futon and I realized how appealing and arousing his body was, beyond what I'd seen in the pics and vids he'd sent. Lean, but with a toned chest and arm muscles and visible abs. His ass was gorgeously firm, shapely and hairless. Well, not completely hairless, because with me on my back, he positioned himself over me to present his dick for my mouth; with his legs saddling my head as he pushed his dick down my throat, suddenly what came into view was the black hair encircling his butthole. I beheld the beautiful sight with a strong desire to sniff and lick -- but his ballsack hit my nose and I gagged a bit on his dick. As if he had conducted a throat test, he pulled out a bit, and then his mouth was on my dick.

On our sides, we mutually sucked for a while, and the whole time I felt entranced by the warmth and comfort of his thighs and groin. I just stared at his butthole as I sucked, thinking about its perfection. He pulled his dick out and suggested I turn onto my stomach. I did so, and he positioned my knees under me. He massaged my asscheeks a bit with his knuckles, and said: "Sugoi oshiri. Suki da yo. [Amazing ass. I like it.]" He then grabbed the cheeks and spread them and buried his face between. It felt strange, a bit silly because of my usual topness and his enthusiasm. I wasn't sure that I liked being rimmed -- I'd always figured a selfish top would just lube up and stick it in. I tried to relax, to help with what I knew was coming next. He seemed to enjoy it, because he paused to say "So hot!" in English and then buried his face again. Just as I was getting comfortable with the feeling of his tongue massaging my hole, he backed away.

I heard the squelch of the condom being rolled onto his dick, and then felt the chill of lube delicately applied to my hole, the tip of a finger pushing in for a moment. Sensitive and eager, but somewhat self-conscious, I turned around to look at his full erection as he leaned back on his knees, lubing up his dick. He noticed me and asked what position I wanted. I told him on my stomach; that seemed easiest, most objectified and impersonal, like maximizing my new bottomhood. I preferred my bottoms on their stomachs when I topped, to get the full-ass experience.

I extended my legs and lay there facedown in anticipation as he crawled over me. His dick tip massaged my hole for a few seconds and then he started to squeeze in, and I felt a good pain. I wanted to be impaled, but when it was too much, I uttered, "Itai [painful]" and he knew just how long to pause, and then continuing with the selfish insertion that every top enjoys. I knew the feeling of having a not-quite-ready ass under me, but then using the tight rejection for added pleasure. He seemed to know the same. I wanted him to feel like he was penetrating a resistant, but willing virgin ass, which mine practically was. When he was in, my mind emptied of everything but the feeling of how his dick filled me. I couldn't move a muscle, only accept his dick. He rested deeply inside for a moment, kissing the back of my neck, and then licking my ear. His breath in my ear made me whimper as his rod twitched in me.

Then, he commenced fucking with a slow rhythm and precision that made obvious he was experienced. With each pump, I sunk with a shudder of pleasure, releasing small sighs. How was he so good at this? was the thought that came like a whimper. I recalled how on the app he'd mentioned having had a boyfriend of 4 years; they'd broken up a few months ago. Satoshi probably consistently fucked ass throughout that whole relationship. Strangely envious, I felt annoyed by their 4 years and how I only had 6 months remaining on my school visa. It was an uncharacteristically shallow line of thinking -- I had just met Satoshi -- but apparently him fucking me was draining me of reasonable thought. It was some petty mix of jealousy toward his top abilities and toward his ex-boyfriend for being on the receiving end of his dick for so long. He paused, and slowly pulled out and said: "Kao o mitai [I want to see your face]." He wanted me to turn over. Ambivalent, because I couldn't hide my face or thoughts in missionary position, I did as he asked.

I was spell-bound by the view of his face and body, the angles of his shoulders to his lean torso and visible abs. As his well-formed ass rested on my futon, his hard cock in the condom drew my attention. He said I was "so handsome" and playfully tapped the head of my erect dick. Then, he shifted onto his knees and lifted my legs up, and positioned his dick at my hole again. I felt on vulnerable display as he pushed in slowly, his lower jaw angling as he looked down at me. He straightened his torso, his chest lifting and biceps flexing as he held my legs, his abs shifting while his hips and groin circled and pumped. His expression became pure sex as he fucked expertly; his masculine essence drew me closer and closer, and in a euphoric state, I couldn't help but reach out to touch his chest, nipples and abs, in awe of him. When I looked back up at his face and saw affection in his eyes, I became self-conscious. He thrust once with a mischievous baring of his teeth. It was sexy, but with a hint of pain, I gasped in protest; in response, he leaned down and stuck his tongue in my mouth. The kiss mixed with small pleasure-inducing pumps inside me made me open my mouth more with whimpers, as he swirled his tongue with mine. If he wanted, he could have spit in my mouth and I would have swallowed; he was turning me into a receptacle for his use. I could only suck his tongue as my ass felt made for his dick.

But then he raised back up and started pumping like a piston! My ass really couldn't take it. I told him it was too much, since I was a new bottom. It seemed like something one would do with an insatiable bottom type. I asked for a short kyukei or "a break" and he said okay and pulled out gently.

During a minute of just lying there on my side feeling giddy, he meanwhile seemed expectant. He soon directed me onto my stomach and angled my hips so that my ass was positioned as he wanted it.

He squeezed his dick in and started fucking intently. My buttcheeks started slapping against his thighs, and then his satisfied exhales came. My body relaxed into the intense pleasure and my mind emptied of everything but the power of his dick. He started spanking as he fucked, and I realized I was going to cum uncontrollably. With my dickhead brushing the futon, I made pathetic sounds as I twitched-out a spurt of cum onto the white sheet. My hole involuntarily quivered around his dick as I came, which he must've felt, because he moaned, lowering his weight onto me, pressing my torso downward so that my dick met the warm moisture of the sheet and my cum stuck to my stomach. But then his hand pushed my head down forcefully onto the futon and he lifted his weight again, fucking at an accelerated pace. Wanting his cum so badly, I pressed my butt upward into him. He made grunts of expectation, and then halted as his dick throbbed inside me, releasing a huge initial squirt. I couldn't help but press and wiggle my ass into his groin to accept the 5 or 6 more squirts that followed with his grunts of release. Being filled with his cum was like a dream, but I also worried the condom might break due to the high volume.

After he came, he almost immediately pulled out, because I guess he was imagining the same problem. I turned to look. The condom was chock-full with what seemed like more than a couple teaspoons of his white sticky stuff, though was intact. He appeared embarrassed as he rolled the condom off. "Oosugiru [too much]," he said. I wondered whether his ex-boyfriend had made him feel his loads were grossly too much, or if he had experience with condoms breaking. Whatever the reason for his sentiment, I felt the opposite. I said: "Nomitai! [I wanna drink it]." He laughed dismissively and said in English, "No, it's a lot!" His dick, condomless, was still hard, and with it suddenly not me in anymore and the empty feeling profound, I wanted nothing but to lick off the residual cum. But with the condom knotted, he stood, he and his dick towering over me. "Gomibako wa doko? [Where's the garbage bin?]" I told him in the kitchen near the door.

As he grabbed his clothes to redress, his demeanor became formal. I also reached for my clothes, although only slipped on my shorts as I was planning to take a shower. He asked if I enjoyed the sex and I assured him it had been very good, and that I was in a state of shock and happiness. I downplayed the true emotions rocking my brain -- something like obsession, like I'd been converted into a 100% bottom and Satoshi was my "man" -- of wanting to nakedly cuddle with his dick docked in me, tell him I'd worship his dick daily if he wanted. With a kind yet distant smile, he agreed that the sex had indeed been intimate and erotic.

Soon his appearance was exactly as when I first met him at the station barely an hour and a half ago. I knew it was the sex overwhelming my mind, but I couldn't let go of the feeling of wanting him to stay. I considered asking him to sleep overnight, but it sounded ridiculous in my head. Of course he had to work tomorrow, and I had school. When the door shut between us after the typical suggestion of meeting again sometime, I felt a tinge of sadness. My ass felt sore and sated, but all I could think about was the timing for meeting him again.

* * *

(Comments to ninelegyak @ gmail dot com)

Author's note: I'm not a prolific writer, so if you liked this story and want more, check out a previous, popular 4-part story of mine, "Korean Dude Gets His Wish" (©2015). A lot of fans requested I continue Yeon and Justin's story, but I never got around to it, unfortunately!

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